Please let me know what you think! I have been working A LOT on this poem and still am, I hope you like it! Let me know if the message of the poem is conveyed well and if it sounds to rigid or if it flows very well.

~Nuvole bianche~

By; Jacob Odom

The sun paints the sky with such colours as the golden riches of twilight and the pure white silks, such beauty...

Fleeting beauty found in the moments before dark, such beauty…

Those clouds, seen by children as the living imagination;

Watch as they lie down in the field and dream of the lives and joys to come in the future, that are found in their imaginations, such beauty...

Such purity, that is what is lost in life, the courage to imagine, to see the white clouds and dream of the simple joys of this life, such sweet sorrow....

Lost sight of the hopes, lost sight of the dream, the dream that brought such joy, where have the clouds gone…

Like twilight, such is the way of childhood, here for the fleeting moments of the rich gold and silver linings that crown the clouds, such hopeful beauty...

But as soon as the clouds are here, just as fast they hang with the thundering rain, such sorrow of a wasted dream…

Through the night, until the morning, when the sun shines again to bring back the hopes of a new dream, such beauty…

Fleeting is the twilight, but such beauty that the sun comes again, such hope…

And all to dream on Nuvole bianche, until the morning;

Nuvole bianche… Such hopeful beauty….

((Nuvole Bianche meaning White Clouds


Answer 1


This poem is so beautiful, you really put some passion into this poem,I would read this all day if I could (people might say i'm being dramatic but its beautiful) Reading this poem makes me feel like i'm in the show Ann with an E, I don't know if you know the show but its such a good show, you should watch it.  What is this poem for, english class? cause this poem doesn't belong in a class it belongs in a museum!!  


This poem is amazing, you are such a great writer. Keep writing please, you will be famous one day!!

Answer 2
this is so good YESSSSSSSSSSS

Related Questions


Take a minute to really study Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix’s Horses Coming Out of the Sea. When writing your visual analysis remember to discuss the subjects and themes, as well as discussing what you see in the foreground, middleground and background.

Within the first part of your image analysis make sure to introduce the artist and title of the artwork, then describe what’s taking place within the image. Use the concepts we recently learned about to help break down the image itself. (It’s easier to say what objects you see and where you see them when you can refer to the different sections of an image.)

In the second part of your image analysis I want you to think of the narrative that’s taking place. (What’s happening in the image? What are the feelings that you feel are occuring in the image?) Then tell me your own feelings on this particular painting.

Think of the following questions while you write:

What all do you see within the painting, and where?
What is happening in the painting? (What’s the narrative?)
What are your thoughts on this particular piece?



I analyze two horses in the ocean, it looks like their is a strugle, maybe they  are in a war or maybe.


do you stream nicki for clear skin?



A Duh


I need help right now...
I'm trying to write a song(I have to perform it in front of my class)and I don't even know how to write the lyrics,I can't even figure out what's going on in my head so I can brainstorm,and this assignment is driving me nuts.Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you SO,SO much!



you got this dont give up!!!!!!

How does music affect your mood?



Music Reduces Stress.

Music Controls our Thinking.

Music Gives Joy.

Music is a Great Tool for Motivation.

Music Can Transform One’s Character.

Music gives Fulfillment.

Which of the following is one problem with autofocus?
It doesn't know which part of the photograph is your subject.
It makes everything blurry.
It has to be turned on and off for each paragraph.
It changes the exposure.



It doesn't know which part of the photograph is your subject.


What is the first step when making artwork with paper shapes? (1 point) a student cuts a piece of paper for artwork created with paper shapes © Poliuszko / iStock 2017 Arrange your shapes on paper. Cut out your shapes. Paste your shapes to paper.


Some artists like to position all the torn and cut paper shapes on the backing sheet of paper or card before gluing any in place. This allows them to consider the relationship between the different shapes, and make alterations if necessary, before committing to a particular arrangement. owever, I prefer a more intuitive, direct approach. I start with one shape and fix that in position, and then I add other shapes in relation to the first one.

Although I make some reference to the location sketch, as a starting point, I am only thinking of very basic shapes and divisions at this stage. I might overlap some of the paper shapes, and I try to avoid placing them exactly parallel to the edges of the painting paper. Rather than having lots of right angles and parallel lines, I prefer more subtle angles and diagonals. These create a more dynamic quality in the design.

Consequently, once I have decided on a shape and glued it in place, I cannot alter it. But ironically, by adopting this approach, I am able to keep the initial stages of the painting fairly undefined – so allowing me different options in terms of the way to proceed. Generally, I start with just four or five shapes: these, as I have explained, will indicate the key divisions within the composition – for example, where a telegraph pole intersects a field, or the top of a harbour wall abuts a building. I often emphasize such divisions and extend them right across the image.

To secure the collage shapes in place, I use a matt acrylic medium – usually Spectrum Copolymer Emulsion. Essentially, this is the same medium that is used in the manufacture of acrylic paint. An advantage of this medium is that it is waterproof, whereas PVA, which is equally suitable as an adhesive, is water-soluble.

I dilute the acrylic medium with water for use with thin papers, but apply it undiluted for gluing materials such as corrugated card, mountboard and fabric. An alternative method, which I sometimes use, is to impress a paper shape into an area of wet acrylic

This might imply that I am only thinking about the subject matter in literal terms. However, I am also considering the way that various shapes interrelate and begin to create interest and balance within the design. For instance, you will see that I have placed some tissue-paper shapes at the top to balance the ones in the foreground. Equally, I am thinking of the textures and how these could be used later.

Next, as in Stage 2, I sometimes develop the collage further, before starting to apply the two main colours that I have chosen for the subject. I decided to use a blue and a golden sand colour for this painting, working as usual with acrylic inks and applying them with a soft-haired 5cm varnishing brush. The collage must be dry before starting on this stage, for which I first wet the paper by spraying it with water. With the painting held vertically at an easel, I apply the colours randomly, allowing them to create haphazard effects.

With the entire painting surface now covered in some way, either with collage or colour, I begin to think more particularly about textures. For those areas in which a rich textural quality will be useful, I use white acrylic paint, which is applied quite freely with a linoprinting roller, as shown in Stage 3. Again, I aim to create a sense of unity by repeating the texture in different areas, although avoiding those passages of the initial blue or golden sand colour which I estimate will relate to specific parts of the subject matter. As well as adding texture, the white acrylic imparts a luminosity to the painting later on, when coloured glazes made from diluted acrylic inks are applied over it.

During the next stage, with a fresh look at the location drawing, and where appropriate exploiting the divisions, marks and surface effects that are now part of the painting, I start to resolve the essential elements. As you can see in Stage 4, I have now defined the main house, using white acrylic paint, and with black acrylic ink offset from the edge of a piece of card, I am putting in some fencing posts. The challenge is to balance areas that give meaning and definition with those that are left as textural, abstract qualities.

Finally, as shown in Stage 5, I draw with a dip pen and some black or brown acrylic ink to add any further outlines and details that I think are necessary.

Questions on the;

1. The term “domestic church" is used to describe ……..
2. Explain briefly what should be the dominant element of the year of the family.
3. The basic cell of the society is known as …….
4. According to this letter, what is the important role played by a family living in accordance with the moral norm?
5. According to this letter, the family has its origin in that same ………. with which the Creator embraces the created world.

Please help me with it urgently!
Thanks, guys.



. 1. THE JOY OF LOVE experienced by families is also the joy of the Church. ... PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio (7 December ... text, all will feel called to love and cherish family ... extent that the word is used to describe our un- ... 8 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio.


In Marriage Encounter, we define the community experienced between ... The Roman Catholic theology of the family, according to Cardinal Marc. Ouellet, even with the huge contribution of Pope John Paul II, is still in its infancy ... Christian family as domestic Church.

do u get this? i hope this helps :)

how would you describe the neoclassical style of art


Neoclassical painting is a characterized by the use of straight lines and smooth paint surface the depiction of light and minimal use of color and the clear Crisp definition of forms the works of Jacques Louis David are hailed as the epitome of Neoclassical painting

What is a good follow up question? Specific to art



what do you use too draw a picture of piper rockelle


What is a line?
A . an extension of a point
B . The way an object feels
C . The background behind a subject






A, The extension of a point, like this: -

Can you read a painting like you would read a book? write at least a paragraph (4 to 5 sentences)



I personally don't think so.


A book can show detail and explain the backstories of characters while a painting only shows what's happening right there. A story has unlimited room to explain what everything is and what's going on in detail. Well then there is that paintings have detail but it's not like books. You use your imagination with books while paintings are right there.

in my opinion, it depends how detailed the painting is. If the painting is detailed it would be easy to read it and vice versa. However, simple paintings can have a intricate story which sometimes you can read etc.

Look at the tribute money from Brancacci chapel which feature of this painting contributes to the drama of this piece
A.the contrast between light and darkness
B.the stormy background
C.the hand gesture of Jesus
D.the bright clothing



B. The stormy background



b !! i hope this helps :)

which of the following is an example of a picture plane?
a) A potters bowl
b) A sculptor's clay
c) An architectures building
d) a painters canvas
any help would be highly appreciated thank you



I think ita D i just know

D a painters canvas not sure but I think it’s correct

Which two words in the paragraph should be
O south; winter
O canada; park
O geese; home
O picnic, seasons



Canada; Park



South and winter


You should capitalize South because it leads to a designated area. You should capitalize Canada because it is the name of a specific place and thing.

Based on the map above, where would a large city be most likely to develop? In the northeast corner of Nation B In the northeast corner of Nation B The eastern part of Nation D The eastern part of Nation D Where the Charles River meets the ocean Where the Charles River meets the ocean Near the source of the Red River in the mountain Near the source of the Red River in the mountain


hii! sorry there is no picture or attachment. :((

I can't make them on Musescore.​ Help me please!!!


What do you mean? I don’t understand the question




and they have a very stronger ceramic glass for the screen

Design is defined as __________________
a. the all-encompassing reproduction of a person or thing.
b. the arrangement of visual elements in piece, which help to create understanding and convey the artist’s message.
c. the relative size of an object as compared to another, or as compared to the other elements in the piece.
d. the arrangement of elements in order to create equilibrium and a piece that is aesthetically pleasing.





Design is defined as the deliberate and thoughtful arrangement of visual elements within a piece to create understanding.

Convey the artist's message, achieve balance, and produce an aesthetically pleasing composition.

It involves considering factors like the relative size of objects, their relationships to one another, and their overall harmony within the artwork. Design is not simply replication but rather a purposeful process of organizing shapes, colors, lines, and textures to evoke emotions, communicate ideas, and guide the viewer's eye through the artwork. Effective design harmonizes form and function, allowing for a cohesive and impactful visual experience that resonates with the audience.

Learn more about Design here



Why was Ars Nova considered to be controversial at the time?



It mixed religious and non-religious music.


The music was controversial at the time because some composers mixed sacred music (religious texts and chants) with non-religious music about love or other topics

How to make them in Musescore?​



that is a slur


I will mark brainliest asap please help me hurry due today
1. How can the effects of technology be described?

2.How is technology analyzed?

Essential question

3. How can we evaluate technology?



1. Technology has many effects. It has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the detriment of Earth's environment.

2. Technology analysis is the process of researching technology solutions, problems and risks. It is a component of business analysis that is used to develop requirements, specifications and validate technical designs. Technology analysis is also an IT operations capability used to identify fixes, improvements and optimizations.


The technology must have final approval from the appropriate government regulatory bodies.The scientific evidence must permit conclusions concerning the effect of the technology on health outcomes.The technology must improve the net health outcome.The technology must be as beneficial as any established alternatives.


Research and describe any recent theater production that reflects the political or social climate of the United States in the twenty-first century. Write your response in three or four paragraphs.​


Name of the play: 44 Plays for 44 Presidents

What the play is about: The play gave a peek inside the lives of 44 Presidents who held office in the United States. The play depicted their mistakes and successes when in power. Through this play, I got to know a lot about President George Bush and Barack Obama, who are considered to be the game-changing presidents in American history.

The best part about this play was its all-female cast. The play was performed by seven women who delightfully put forth the biographical surveys of the presidents of America. The playwrights of the show clearly did a great deal of research to come up with such interesting pieces of information of the presidents.

The narrative style was refreshing because it was difficult to predict what you might see next. Also, for people having limited knowledge about American politics, this play was a good medium to educate them on American politics. The play was most useful for those who were to cast their votes for the first time in 2016. I learned a lot about each president’s philosophy. For instance, I got to know about George Washington’s philosophy. He said “no man should seek the office of President; rather, the office should seek out the man devoid of personal ambition to serve.” The script and cast matched well for an exceptional play like this.


What is a short-term consequence of a sedentary lifestyle?

high blood pressure
decrease in flexibility
diagnosed with being obese
development of heart disease



i would say b


decrease in flexibility

this is because all others take a while and consistent of doing to be considered that.

Taking test right now :)


b, decrease in flexibility


edge 2021!

2. Four letters below Ab will be the key of ?


Can you put the full question

just finished this, i know that the middle is really blurry for the background, but i had to use a different laptop pen and it messed the whole thing up. but other than that, what do u think?



it is pretty good


not that bad

Answer: better than any dog i ever drawn

Explanation: good job

1. During the Renaissance period polyphony is the characteristic of music
True or false





It is true because the renaissance period was the golden age of music.

I hope this helps! :D



I’M CONFUSED, what are you trying to figure out?

red and cream is what color scheme?



Colors that go well with red:

Primary red works well with yellow, white, tawny-orange, green, blue and black.

Tomato red works well with cyan, mint green, sand, creamy-white, and grey.

Cherry red works well with azure, grey, light-orange, sandy, pale-yellow, and beige.


the color scheme red and cream is a color scheme created by vennesa she made it with barn red crimson red and electric red also composed of cream cookies and cream and fawn


if this is not correct then it is because your question was not very persise

Is anyone doing photography, fine art or graphics design. I need lots of help from those three subjects. I can’t send everything on here. It would great if we could talk in another app where I can send everything to you and explain it.



my sister does


Do they suggest optimism or bleakness



I personally suggest bleakness.


There's no reason to fill yourself or someone else with false hope that only exists to be crushed by dawning reality.

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