plz help
select all that apply

Chile's economy includes industries such as:

sugar mills

mining for precious metals

fish exports

textile mills




Answer 1


1 2 3 5 6 is your answer ok

Answer 2


fish exports forestry mining textile mills


Related Questions

Study the image above. Which of the following would you place in the section labeled "F?"


The judicial branch because the president can nominate judges to serve for life

Please help! Due tomorrow
How did the filibusters take advantage of the rebellion in Texas in early 1800's for their own purposes?



Main Idea – In Texas, American delays exploited Spanish shortcoming to build their own capacity. Laying the right foundation: Entrepreneurs like Philip Nolan and Peter Bean (delays) came to Texas in 1800 to bring in cash catching and selling wild ponies. ... Spanish soldiers caught a few of them.


The American Colonists claimed the Revolution was started so they could have freedom and because the British not allowing them a say in government. How might a slave's view of the American Revolution be different than that of a wealthy white colonist?



it was a war for a black mine like mines to wtiness





From a slaves point of view, it would probably be very hard to watch. The American population as a whole was fighting for their independence from Great Britain, since they were power-hungry and super controlling. To see them turn around and do the same thing to slaves, who worked the work that no one else wanted to do, and then be told they weren't allowed to have a say in how their country was run is super hypocritical. To be told they couldn't have their Independence when a whole war was waging about Independence was probably a very difficult thing.

compare and contrast mexico and the caribbean islands.



Middle America refers to the region which comprises the mid-latitudes of the Americas. The most part of southern North America, includes Mexico, the countries of Central America, and the Caribbean. Colombia and Venezuela are typically included in northern South America. The Caribbean is once in a while avoided from the area, and the Guianas are occasionally included.



The most part of southern North America has Mexico in it. The countries of Central America are for the Caribbean.


Hope it helped!


Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write a report on the exploration and colonization of America

Select from one of the following four major European exploration and colonization groups of America: Spanish, French, Dutch, and English. Research one of the countries of your choice by using at least three research sources, including the internet.

Using your research information, write a report that identifies the reasons for that country to explore and colonize America. It is important to think about classifying the reasons for exploration and colonization as either economic, political, or religious. Indicate also what impact the search for the Northwest Passage had upon exploration and colonization.

The report should be typed using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your report should be 300 words in length. List your sources at the end of the report.



The Colonization of North America

European countries began to send more explorers to search for riches and claim territory for their respective countries. The quest for more territory quickly became a competition in North America. The map below illustrates the location of European settlements in North America around 1750. Using the map key, click on each country to locate where they colonized in North America.The English began to consider North America as a valuable source of raw materials as well as a marketplace for English goods.During the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, colonization by the English rapidly increased, and soon the first permanent English colony was established at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Click on the link below to watch the video about life in JamestownPeople moved into the colonies in great numbers because of the opportunities that the American colonies held. Many people left England to seek religious freedom and avoid persecution by the Church of England.The people who moved into the American colonies were ethnically diverse, came from a variety of religions, and represented all social groups. By 1775, the English settlements expanded from one settlement in Jamestown, Virginia, to thirteen American colonies.Spanish Settlements Unlike Mexico and South America, Spain’s settlements to the north yielded little gold and silver. This fact, along with conflict with American Indians in the region, made it difficult to attract colonists. As a result, early Spanish settlements in Texas, New Mexico, and California were largely confined to religious missions focused on converting American Indians to Catholicism, a few small civilian towns, and military posts. It was not until 1749 that Spain established the first civilian town in Texas, a town that eventually became Laredo.Like England, Spain followed an economic philosophy known as mercantilism. Spain sought colonies as sources of raw materials and markets for its manufactured goods. To protect its own manufacturers, Spain restricted colonial trade with other countries and limited colonial manufacturing. Colonies were governed by crown-appointed viceroys or governors. Unlike English colonists, Spanish colonists could not make any laws of their own. It is important to understand that attitudes toward class and race in Spanish territories differed from the attitudes in the English colonies. In the English colonies, there was less intermarriage between the English and the American Indians. The Spanish colonies were characterized by colonists of mixed racial backgrounds. Mestizos (people of mixed Indian and Spanish ancestry), American Indians, and Africans were concentrated at the lower levels of the social structure.


What was a cylinder seal used for?
A. to get rid of pests
B. to keep the soil fertile
C. to sign their name
D. they used this as a form of currency



C to sign their there name and was used as a personal signature


I love anything about Egyptians so this is right up my ally




They are linked to the invention of the latter's cuneiform writing on clay tablets. Other sources, however, date the earliest cylinder seals to a much earlier time, to the Late Neolithic period (7600-6000 BC), hundreds of years before the invention of writing. (They were used as an administrative tool, a form of signature, as well as jewelry and as magical amulets; later versions would employ notations with Mesopotamian cuneiform. In later periods, they were used to notarize or attest to multiple impressions of clay documents. Graves and other sites housing precious items such as gold, silver, beads, and gemstones often included one or two cylinder seals, as honorific grave goods.

Up there is a little summery (if you need it

Retell this story as if it were told from the point of view of a person who witnessed the Berlin Wall being torn down. What might this person have felt and why? Be sure to include information from the Article, as well as vocabulary terms and descriptive phrases, in your answer.




here I'll try


I stood in awe as I watch the beloved wall torn down why would they

do such a thing  why can I not understand the meaning of this

I wish I could run up and stop



this is the best I could do  hope I helped

Answer:There was a 12 ft wall 3.6 M full of concrete.Spikes in metal Greening was built in the middle of my hometown. It separated me, my family,friends and neighbors. You could grab a hammer or a chisel t hack it slowly. But then I thought to myself what if patrol dogs were guarding the wall. That would prevent you from going near it yet alone getting close to it. This happen in 1961. In 1961 the Germany wall built a wall that separated  West Berlin from East Berlin, for almost three years. Until November of 1989. It seemed like the walls had cam crashing down over night. I always wondered what made the wall go up and what caused it to go down. In 1945 the world war 2 ended. The Allied nations decided to split up Germany once they won. They also separated the capital city Berlin. The soviet union suffered the hand of Communism. The hostility there between two sides was began to be known as the "cold war". There was an invisible line  between the two sides became the iron curtain. The physical line was the Berlin wall. 260 East Germans died trying to flee to the west side crossing the Berlin wall. In 1989 the "cold war" had ended. East German officials announced that they were able to finally cross the Berlin wall. The process wast fast and easy the Germans attacked the wall with hammers, picks and vengeance.

Explanation: Pretty self explanatory .

who was know for his kindess and was respected by his friends and enemies alike
(saladin/ king richard 1





he is the most important muslim political and militar leader in the crusades era in the middle age.


A. Saladin


Which of the following results of the French and Indian War was a cause of the American Revolutionary War?


the proclamation line of 1736 and or taxes
the proclamation line of texas

Who won the battle of Trenton and why was it very important.





Washington won the battle of Trenton, it was during the American Revolution


The anser is C


Which Progressive reform allows voters to remove elected officials from office before their terms end?




its A


Answer a: recall wouls be the correct answer

Describe the sediment of the Iroquois Nation towards the British.



here i hope this helps


The Iroquois Nation wants the British to leave because they are disrupting hunting and using up recourses that belong to the Native American. They think the British don't have the right to be there.

Considering the excerpt, the sentiment of the Iroquois Nation towards the British is that:

"the British are encroachers and should no longer stay on their land."

This is evident when Canassatego the Chief of Onondaga Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy claimed that they now understood the value of their land, and as such, they no longer want the cheap things the British gave them, but rather want to keep their land.

He further claimed that the British are encroaching and spoiling their land activities, thus must leave their land since they have no rights.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the sentiment of the Iroquois Nation towards the British is that the British are encroachers, and should no longer stay on their land.

Learn more here:

He said to his friend, “If the British march

By land or sea from the town to-night,

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry-arch

Of the North-Church-tower, as a signal-light,--

One if by land, and two if by sea;

And I on the opposite shore will be,

Ready to ride and spread the alarm

Through every Middlesex village and farm,

For the country-folk to be up and to arm.”

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

To which historical era does the event being described in the excerpt above belong?


Answer: is 45e

Explanation: you need tu bee

what was the virginia company


Answer: Joint-Stock Company in London that received a charter for land in the new world. Charter guarantees new colonists same rights as people back in England.

Explanation: I hope this helps :)

Drag each tile to the correct category.
Parliament passed several acts to help Britain meet its war debts. Determine whether the following descriptions apply to the Stamp Act or the Sugar Act.
passed by Parliament in 1765
enforced payment of taxes on
foreign molasses
passed by Parliament in 1764
taxed all types of printed


Sugar Act: passed by parliament in 1764, enforced payment of taxes on foreign molasses
Stamp Act: passed by parliament in 1765, taxes all types of printed materials

Explain the ⅗ compromise



whites wanted slaves to count as people to have more sway in elections but the poor didnt so it was balanced and everyone only had 1 vote, so they decided that slaves would count at 3/5s of a vote

In the 1800s, why did the plantation owners'
wives have the responsibility of directing the
affairs of the household, taking care of
financial records, and supervising the
A. The plantation owners were often very lazy and did not like
to work.
B. The plantation owners were often away taking care of
plantation business.
C. The plantation owners were too busy going to parties and
enjoying their social life.




Explanation:The answer is b because they were either taking care of the plantation or helping in the war

i think it’s A because plantation owners didn’t like to work and only used it to abuse their power.

Why was the second continental formed?​



Congress lacked the power to levy taxes and struggled to finance the Revolutionary War. With the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, the Congress became known as the Congress of the Confederation. In June 1775, Congress created the Continental Army and gave command of the Army to George Washington.


Which of the following was the MOST critical to the economic success of the Middle Colonies?

A. fish, such as cod
B. subsistence farming
c. Shipping industry
D. Crops, such as wheat


It’s a if not it’s c


It is C or B


Economy. The Middle Colonies enjoyed a successful and diverse economy. Largely agricultural, farms in this region grew numerous kinds of crops, most notably grains and oats. Logging, shipbuilding, textiles production, and papermaking were also important in the Middle Colonies.

descibe the diplomacy used by jefferson to make the Louisiana purchase from france


In 1803 the government paid 15 mill and increased doubled geographical land

The timeline shows key dates in the women’s suffrage movement in Washington.

In what year did women in Washington permanently win the right to vote?



Women permanently won the right to vote in 1910

alexis de tocqueville wrote about the tyranny of the majority. explain the danger of majority rule.
use 5-10 sentences please.

Explain how the principals of checks and balances, separation of power, and judicial review are all examples of limited government. explain their importance to the american way of life .

use 5-10 sentences please.



answer: the system of checks and balances in government was developed to ensure that no branch of government would become too powerful the framers of the US Constitution built a system that divides power between the three branches of the US government legislative executive and judicial and includes various limits and controls on the powers of each branch. Congress has the power of the purse as it controls the money used to fund any executive actions. the president nominates Federal officials with the Senate confirms those nominations. Within the legislative branch each house of Congress serves as a check on possible abuses of Power by the other both the House of Representatives and the Senate has to pass a bill in the same form for it to become a law

26.Which important principle was reinforced by the Supreme Court ruling in United
States v. Nixon (1974)?
A habeas corpus
B double jeopardy
C separation of powers
D the rule of law


B double jeopardy

was a principle reinforced ini the supreme court

Your answer is B double jeopardy

Which landforms are found in the western United States?
Choose all answers that are correct.
coastal plain





The West contains several major biomes, including arid and semi-arid plateaus and plains, particularly in the American Southwest; forested mountains, including two major ranges, the American Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains; the long coastal shoreline of the American Pacific Coast; and the rainforests of the Pacific

My Bad I Need Help With This


Answer: A. The colonies developed a strong tradition of self-government.




I totally remember it being this. they developed a strong tradition of self government.

will give br.
Drag each tile to the correct category.
Determine whether the following descriptions describe Patriots or Loyalists.



John Paul Jones - He was a Patriot Naval officer who conqueed the British warship Serapis.

Charles Cornwallis - British troops surrendered at Yorktown under his leadership

John Adams - He signed the treaty of Paris, which officially ended the American Revolution

What was the main reason that led to the collapse of the provisional government?
Governor Smith was impeached.
The General Council was dissolved.
Two men claimed to be gorvernor at the same time.
There was no distinct division of powers.



C  i believe


C I believe also not trying to copy the other person at all

The most important function of political parties is *

Recruiting and Nominating candidates
Educating the electorate about campaign issues
Helping candidates win elections
Monitoring actions of officeholders



recruiting and nominating candidates


Recruiting and nominating candidates

Suffrage supporters had the greatest success in states that

had the largest cities.
were in the western United States.
were in the eastern United States.
had the most factories.



b its b because it makes sense


i remember taking this


please mark brainiest


It's B



Thank you a lot for the free points! Make sure to contact me if you need any help!

dang, you smart or smth? also love ur pfp

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