PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ HELP ME i begging YOUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What countries sent the First Explorers?
The Portuguese were the first successful explorers because of their guns and seamanship. With their large cannons, their fleet was able to defeat most ships and armies they came across. Beginning in 1520, Portuguese fleets probing south along the western coast of Africa. There, they discovered a new source of gold. For this reason, the southern coast of West Africa became known as the Gold Coast. The explorer Vasco da Gama sailed around the southern tip of Africa, called the Cape of Good Hope, and cut across the Indian Ocean to reach India. After people heard about de Gama’s profits, many more Portuguese sailed the same route to India, setting up posts in Africa along the way.
Educated Europeans knew the world was round, but they had no idea of how big it was. The Spanish thought that they could find new routes to India and China by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. Christopher Columbus persuaded the king and queen of Spain to pay for his voyage sailing west to reach Asia. With his three ships, Columbus reached the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola (which would later become Dominican Republic and Haiti). As he traveled to most islands in the Caribbean, Columbus thought he had reached Asia. This false belief is why the Europeans called the people they found “Indians” they thought they were in India.
Another important explorer for Spain was Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan succeeded in reaching Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic by going around the southern tip of South American and continuing west across the Pacific Ocean. Magellan reached the Philippines in Asia, where he was killed by local natives. However, one of his ships continued on to Spain, and Magellan is given credit as being the first to sail around the entire world.
The Spanish and Portuguese began competing for the territories they found in the “New World.” Eventually they would sign a treaty, agreeing which lands each country would be allowed to take over. The new lands were given the general name America, after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. After the success of Spain and Portugal in exploring the Americas, the Dutch, the English, and the French began sending expeditions to find new places to trade in the Americas.
The European explorations would change life not only for Europeans, but also for the native peoples of South America, North America, and Africans as well.

7. In the chart below, list the two European nations that sent the first explorers, which explorers they sent, and what lands they explored.


12. What countries began sending ships to the Americas after Spain and Portugal?

13. Who would be affected by these expeditions besides Europeans?

The following account comes from a sailor aboard the voyage of Magellan, who sailed around the world
“We remained the final three months and twenty days without taking in provisions or other refreshments and ate only old biscuits that had been reduced to powder, full of grub sand stinking from the dirt that the rats had made on it. We drank water that was yellow and stinking. We also ate the ox hides from the main sails which we softened by soaking it in seawater for several days. On our return to Spain, however, the royal family, as well as the people, hailed us as the bravest and most daring sailors the world had ever known. Everyone came to know the voyages of Magellan.”
14. Explain some problems that Magellan’s expedition faced:

15. Explain one positive result of Magellan’s voyage:

1. What were the reasons why Europeans explorers sailed to unknown parts of the world in the 16th century?

2. What were they hoping to find? Did they find it? Why or Why not?

3. Prediction: What do you think these voyages would mean for people in the Americas? Explain why you think this.


Answer 1


7)??  12) Italian 13)native peoples of south america, north america, and africans. 14)water was dirty didn't take povisions or refreshments. only ate old biscutits that had been reduced to powder.full of grub sand stinking from the dirt that the rats had made on it.  15)she was clamed bravest and most daring.

wrap up questions. 1) to find riches and gain profits.  2)gold yes   3) it would mean people could become rich and possible famuse


Answer 2
Spain and France. Explanation: Once Columbus returned to Spain he told people about what he discovered so Spain and France sent explorers to the Americas.

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I need help with this!!!!


I’m pretty sure it’s John Locke sorry if I’m wrong
The correct answer is B according to my calculations.

What level of government is in charge of elections?



Elections in the United States are held for government officials at the federal, state, and local levels. At the federal level, the nation's head of state, the president, is elected indirectly by the people of each state, through an Electoral College. Today, these electors almost always vote with the popular vote of their state.



While Congress has the explicit authority under the Elections Clause to regulate the times, places, and manner of congressional elections, with respect to presidential elections, Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 simply provides that the “Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day.

Explanation:  Hopefully this helps!

PLZ help!! i got lost reading it

Historian #1:
Claim: The Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because . . .


Historian #2:
Claim: The Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because . . .



The founding fathers wrote The declaration of independence

The Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because founding fathers wrote The declaration of independence.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress adopted the United States Declaration of Independence, which is officially known as The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which the 13 American colonies used to dissolve their political ties to Great Britain. The Declaration enumerated the reasons why the colonies wanted independence.

Thomas Jefferson of Virginia was tasked with writing a formal justification for the 13 North American colonies' separation from Great Britain during the Second Continental Congress in the summer of 1776.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. Delegates started signing it on August 2, 1776, after it had been inked on parchment.

Learn more about the Declaration of Independence here:


Choose one of the animals listed on the page, and write a brief description of its characteristics. Be sure to discuss any ways the animal has adapted to its environment.
I choose the Addax



The addax is a sandy to almost white color during the summer, darkening to a grayish brown in the winter. White markings are present on the face, ears, belly, hips, and legs, and there is a black tuft of hair on the forehead. Horns are present on both males and females, average about 72 cm in length


Addax antelopes have adaptations to help them survive in the desert, like splayed hooves to help them walk in the sand and the ability to get all the water they need from the grasses they eat.

Banpo was an ancient village along the Yellow River where people lived between 4500 and 3750 B.C.E. It is a great example of how the ancient Chinese adapted their lifestyle to live along the river. It had 45 houses that had floors that were dug into the ground to make them more safe. There were also caves under the ground to store food. There was a trench around the village to protect it from enemies. The trench also kept animals from wandering away and helped to drain water. The people of Banpo had advanced engineering techniques for living comfortably near the water.

The small villages and farming communities along the Yellow River grew into larger cities with a single government. The first of these governments was the Xia Dynasty. This dynasty lasted between 2070 and 1600 B.C.E.

According to legend, the Xia Dynasty was started by a man called Yu the Great. Yu worked for 13 years to control the flooding of the Yellow River, which ruined the crops of farmers. He wanted to do this job so badly that it is said he did not go home for 13 years while he worked on the project. According to the story, he developed irrigation systems along the Yellow River like canals and dams. Canals helped bring water to crops.

This story of the first great leader of China shows how important the Yellow River was to the early people. The leader is remembered for controlling the river and helping farmers use its waters.

Yu began the practice of a son following his father as king. This is known as “hereditary succession.”

How did the people of the Yellow River Valley adapt to the constant flooding?


They learned to build dams and canals, channeling the water to help them.

They lived on boats, so that when the river flooded, their homes would float.

They did not adapt to the flooding and were destroyed.

They would migrate inland during flooding times, then return after it was safe.


The answer is definitely A

Which is the best definition of a regulatory agency?

a government agency that helps the president develop policy
a government agency that is under the control of the judicial branch
a government agency whose main function is to protect the public
a government agency that is operated by the states rather than the federal government


Answer:  A govern agency that is under the ccontrol of the judicail branch hope this helps you


Which describes the climate of most of Germany? SS6G9.A *


Answer: the climate of germany is moderate


Moderate hopefully that helped

What four inventions helped make sailing the open seas possible in the 1400s?


astrolabe, magnetic compass, caravel, sextant and Mercator's projection.


magnetic compass, caravel, sextant and Mercator's projection.


What can you infer from the fact that so much of Inuit culture revolves around survival?
A. To a large extent, environment shapes culture
B. Most ancient cultures had difficulty surviving
C. Inuit culture was constantly on the verge of collapse
D. The colder the environment, the less varied the culture


I think it's D

                                                                                                                                      I hope this helped

One reason Christian Crusaders lost the Holy Land was that
a. they didn’t have the support of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
b. they didn’t understand the reason for the conflict.
c. they lacked support from kings and nobles.
d. they traveled long distances to the battles.



One reason Christian Crusaders lost the Holy Land was that

a. they didn’t have the support of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

b. they didn’t understand the reason for the conflict.

c. they lacked support from kings and nobles.

d. they traveled long distances to the battles.


D.)they traveled long distances to the battles.


The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started primarily to secure control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups. In all, eight major Crusade expeditions occurred between 1096 and 1291. The bloody, violent and often ruthless conflicts propelled the status of European Christians, making them major players in the fight for land in the Middle East. By the end of the 11th century, Western Europe had emerged as a significant power in its own right, though it still lagged behind other Mediterranean civilizations, such as that of the Byzantine Empire (formerly the eastern half of the Roman Empire) and the Islamic Empire of the Middle East and North Africa.

(Stop removing my answer, all i did was add a link to Quizlet clearly)


║⊕║Hello, Your answer should be║⊕║→→→ D. they traveled long distances to the battles.


Hope this helped!

can someone help me out?


The answer is either Portugal or France.

If you look at the map, New France is in North America, so they are claiming new land. The the answer SHOULD be A, France.

Please consider/mark brainliest.




I learned this in middle school and if u look at the map u can see the green highlighted areas even o the very small islands

Select the contributions of the Muslim Empire.

iron weapons
Arabic numerals



the answer is algebra and Arabic numerals

Which is an example of a way American ideals have influenced American democracy?

need for a homework question
“Separate but equal” school accommodations for students of all ethnicities have been established.
Any individual state has the right to ignore any federal law it does not like.
Laws have been passed protecting the rights of disabled people to have equal access to education.
The National Anthem is played before the start of most sporting events.



“Separate but equal” school accommodations for students of all ethnicities have been established.


What kind of relationship does alex and his grandfather nick have? How can you tell?

Storyworks- Silver Dollar Dream


Alex and grandpa Nick have a close relationship and spend a lot of time together

They support and encourage one another

Later, Alex encourages grandpa nick to start walking again with his cane after his fall

During the Italian Renaissance, artists and thinkers rediscovered classical knowledge and art. As part of that process, some artists, particularly Leonardo da Vinci, began to challenge the explanations for the natural world offered by the Catholic Church. How did Renaissance art influence modern society? A. Artists lost importance once they began to challenge social norms. B. Artist and other people began to explore the world through a secular view point. C. Art became the only way through which to question society. D. Monarchs became the only people who could gain access to knowledge.



C art became etc...



B. Artists and other people began to explore the world through a secular viewpoint.

What was a NEGATIVE consequence of the Columbian Exchange?

the Spanish discovered new foods in America and shared many foods with Americans
the Spanish brought over horses and cows to America
millions of Native Americans died from diseases brought by the Europeans
the Spanish built roads and aqueducts and other architectural creations



The answer is C


The answer is C


When Israel was created and decades of war began, what happened to hundreds of thousands of Arabs?

they started practicing Judaism

they became refugees when they fled to Arab nations for safety

they created their own nation in Iraq

they elected delegates to the U.N.



B.) they became refugees when they fled to Arab nations for safety



B.) they became refugees when they fled to Arab nations for safety


Match the following.

1. the conqueror from Macedon who reigned from 336 to 323 B.C.
Peloponnesian War
2. a Greek statesman who came to power in 507 B.C. and ended the rule of the tyrants
Philip of Macedon
3. a partnership among Greek city-states that was founded in order to confront the Persian military threat
4. a type of government in Greece in which all male citizens participated in shaping government affairs
Alexander the Great
5. related to the blending of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian influences that occurred after the conquests of Alexander the Great
direct democracy
6. a war fought between the city-states of Athens and Sparta that lasted from 431 B.C. to 404 B.C.
7. the king of Macedon from 359 to 336 B.C
Delian League



1. Alexander the great

2. Cleisthenes

3. Delian League

4. Direct democarcy

5. Hellenistic

6. Philip of Macedon



1. Alexander the great

2. Cleisthenes

3. Delian League

4. Direct democarcy

5. Hellenistic

6. Philip of Macedon

7.Peloponnesian War

Who were the Aryans,and where did they live before entering the Indus River Valley? Describe how far their culture spread.



The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1800 BCE, and scholars debate which factors resulted in the civilization's demise. One theory suggested that a nomadic, Indo-European tribe called the Aryans invaded and conquered the Indus Valley Civilization, though more recent evidence tends to contradict this claim.


Not sure if this is right luv...pretty sure it is correct <3


Aryans: A nomadic, Indo-European tribe called the Aryans suddenly overwhelmed and conquered the Indus Valley Civilization. The great Indus Valley Civilization, located in modern-day India and Pakistan, began to decline around 1800 BCE. The civilization eventually disappeared along with its two great cities, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.

Hopefully, this helps answer your question! :)

Look at the map below. Match the area on the map with the type of agriculture that is found there.

Tip: Use the compass found on the map to assist you.

An agricultural map of the United States. A legend shows colors to represent types of agriculture. Fruit, vegetables, and specialized crops are colored in purple and are found along the northeast coast down to mid Georgia. Subtropical agriculture is represented in orange and includes Florida and southern coastal areas to and through Texas. Dairying is represented in Pink and is found in the northern areas in the east, midwest, and west. Corn is represented in yellow and found in the midwest. Mixed livestock, cotton, tobacco, and feed grain are represented in pale yellow and found in the southeast and southwest. Mediterranean agriculture is represented in a coral color and found in California only. Commercial grain is represented in brown and is found the central part of the United States in the northwest and southwest sections. Livestock ranching is represented in green and found in most of the west and southwest.
Agricultural map of the United States
midwest region

western region of the United States

Great Plains

eastern region of the United States

livestock ranching and commercial grain

corn agriculture

dairying and fruits, vegetables, and specialized crops

livestock ranching



C. Dairying and fruits, vegetable, and specialized crops


I took a test and got %90 but it might be right

Which of the following illustrates the relationship between the American Indians and British colonists?
British colonists and American Indians fought often over land.

British colonists and American Indians often allied together against the Spanish.

American Indians and British colonists didn't interact because British settled far from American Indian settlements.

British colonists sent missionaries to convert American Indians.





Hope it helps!

Letter A is the correct answer !

Choose one of the physical features you learned about in this lesson and explain which physical feature of North America you think is the most significant.

Write your response in two to three complete sentences.



north america is the third largest content its made up the new world it extends from islands the content included the island of green land. It can be divided into five  physical regions mountainous west, the great plains, the canadiansheild, the varied eastern regions



All of the mountains and wildlife.Many countries can t afford this luxury


The volcano Kilauea on the big island of Hawai’i is erupting and lava is ejected from the volcano vent. The lava solidifies to form what type of rock?Lector inmersivo


Lava solidified to form igneous rock.
answer :
ingneous rock


1. Identify similarities and differences among the Native American cultures you read about.

2.How would you describe the complex societies of North America prior to the arrival of Europeans?

Topics: The Algonquin Tribe, The Wampanoag Tribe
and Mohawk Tribe of the Haudenosaunee People


Answer: my dear friend google.

Explanation: 2. Their settlements and social groups were impermanent, and communal leadership (what little there was) was informal. After European contact, some Great Basin groups got horses and formed equestrian hunting and raiding bands that were similar to the ones we associate with the Great Plains natives.

I am nice so I will give you the answer to two <3

Explanation: for number one open a tad input question and lookup. find an answer. ;)

hope this helps

How did trade bring Phoenicians into contact with other civilizations?


Answer: Phoenician merchants acted as middlemen for their neighbors. They transported linen and papyrus from Egypt, copper from Cyprus, embroidered cloth from Mesopotamia, spices from Arabia, and ivory, gold, and slaves from Africa to destinations throughout the Mediterranean.



What did the Phoenicians have to trade with?

Phoenician merchants acted as middlemen for their neighbors. They transported linen and papyrus from Egypt, copper from Cyprus, embroidered cloth from Mesopotamia, spices from Arabia, and ivory, gold, and slaves from Africa to destinations throughout the Mediterranean.

Common languages: Phoenician, Punic

Capital: None; dominant cities were Byblos

1. Identify similarities and differences among the Native American cultures you read about.

2.How would you describe the complex societies of North America prior to the arrival of Europeans?

Topics: The Algonquin Tribe, The Wampanoag Tribe
and Mohawk Tribe of the Haudenosaunee People


Answer: The second answer is: All of the Native American Tribes had complex cultures and ways to govern themselves. They each had different celebrations, and even had different religions! They grew different crops, and had different climates!

All the complex tribes hade ways to govern themselves

1) Describe how speed is calculated and how velocity of an object is determined.
2) Describe the concept of instantaneous and top speed. How does this relate to acceleration. How is it calculated?


1. speed is calculated when you divide distance by time. velocity is determined when you divide displacement (delta x) by the change in time (delta t)

2. instantaneous is when something is done instantly and top speed is the fastest speed that something can move. this relates to acceleration because you can use both concepts to figure out the acceleration of something. to calculate acceleration you would use final velocity - starting velocity divided by time.

hope this helps hun!

What does Thomas Paine argue in his pamphlet, Common Sense?

That Britain has been very fair with the colonies
That the colonies should break away from British rule
That the colonies should remain loyal to Britain
That King George III should visit the colonies


That the colonies should break away from British rule

he pope claimed he was the head of Byzantine churches only.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




the answer is true...........


I would say that the answer is true


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