provide at least 12 examples of Bias that you detected throughout the Dont look up Film.


Answer 1

Some examples of biases in the movie Don't look up are:

Government officials do not take the threat seriously because the scientists are not well-knownThe government dismisses their claims that a comet is heading toward earth (America)There is a total wipeout of the earth as the comet hits the earthBy not taking the warning seriously, they failed to shoot down the comet on timeThe president is too "occupied" with "more important things" to take climate change seriouslyWhen the threat is finally taken seriously, the President wants to take credit for finding out about it and "acting quickly"There is more concern about getting more votes in the next election than there is a concern about climate change.

What is Bias?

Bias refers to a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way that is considered unfair. Bias can appear in many forms, including but not limited to, race, gender, age, and political views.

The biases are given above.

Read more about bias here:


Related Questions

P L E A S E HELP ME ! ! ! !
The Renaissance was a bridge from the medieval world to the modern world, and its legacy can be seen in many things around us even today.

Ready to get up from your seat? Now it’s your turn to go out into your school and community and find your own evidence of the legacy of the Renaissance. You might look at the buildings around you and find examples of Renaissance architecture. (Domes? Columns?). Is there a theater group producing a play from Shakespeare? Other examples might include a copy of the book The Prince, a DVD cover for the movie Shakespeare in Love, a famous piece of art by da Vinci hanging on a wall, an advertisement for an art show or a poetry reading night, or an ad for continuing education classes at a local college.

Find five examples of the Renaissance legacy around you and explain in two to three sentences why you think each one is a good example. Make sure to include items from each category: art, architecture, literature, and inventions. Use a digital camera, a photocopier, or your own artwork to create visuals of the items that you find and use them to create a digital poster or slideshow presentation. Use your Web 2.0 resource page to help you.

For your digital poster or slideshow, remember to include:

five images (digital or drawn) of the Renaissance legacy around you
at least one image for each of the following categories: art, architecture, literature, and inventions
for each example, a two to three sentence explanation of why it represents a legacy of the Renaissance, including how the example reflects the influence of humanism


The name "Renaissance," which derives from the Italian Rinascita and was originally used in the 14th century, refers to this period because of this.

What is meant by Renaissance?

The French word for "rebirth" is "renaissance." It alludes to a time in European history when learning and knowledge from the Classical era saw a renaissance.

In the 15th century, both society and art in Europe witnessed profound changes. The legacy of Greek and Roman Antiquity was revived by Italian artists in the 14th century. This is the reason why this time period is referred to as the "Renaissance," a term that originates from the Italian Rinascita and was first used in the 14th century.

Humanism was a school of thought that emerged during the Renaissance. Humanism supported the notion that people should value their achievements in education, the classical arts, literature, and science since they are the center of their own universe. This is only one of its many tenets.

To learn more about Renaissance refer to:


Explain what a plantation is in ONLY ONE sentence.


Answer: a plantation is an area of land used for agricultural farming, specializing in cash crops.


How did Asoka improve life and advance society in South Asia?


Ashoka supported non-violence. Instead of focusing on empire expansion, he focused on public works and building up the empire while governing it with peace and tolerance.

Between 268 and 232 BCE, Ashoka, also known as Ashoka the Great, ruled as the third emperor of the Maurya Empire in the Indian subcontinent. The Indian monarch Ashoka, who was upset by his bloody conquests that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, adopted Buddhism and showed compassion to his subjects.

The Mauyran Dynasty was transformed by Emperor Ashoka from a war machine to a society based on tolerance and non-violence. The Mauryan Empire was stringent on tax collection, but it also supported a lot of public works initiatives to raise output. Numerous roads, streams, canals, rest areas, hospitals, and other infrastructure projects were funded by Ashoka.

Learn more about Ashoka here:

Identify the term that fills in each blank.

45) A. Eastern B. Western C. Gallipoli D. Italian

46) A. France B. Italy C. Germany D. Russia

47) A. Versailles B. Paris C. Brest-Litovsk D. Ghent


A. 45) D. Italian, 46) B. Italy, 47) A. Versailles

Identify the terms?D. Italian - The Italian Front was one of the major fronts of World War I. It extended from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea, and included most of present-day Italy and part of present-day Slovenia. It saw some of the most costly battles during the war and was home to two of the four major Central Powers, Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Italy. The Italian Front was marked by large-scale battles, including the Battle of Caporetto, the Battle of Monte Grappa, and the Battle of Vittorio Veneto.B. Italy - Italy was one of the major participants in World War I. Italy initially declared neutrality when the war broke out in 1914, but in 1915 it joined the Allied Powers, which included France, Great Britain, and Russia, against the Central Powers, which included Austria-Hungary and Germany. Italy was part of the Triple Alliance along with Austria-Hungary and Germany, but it chose to honor its Treaty of London and fight against the Central Powers.A. Versailles - The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that ended World War I. It was signed between the Allied Powers and the defeated Central Powers in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles in France in 1919. The treaty imposed strict reparations on Germany and required it to accept full responsibility for the war. The treaty also established the League of Nations, a precursor to the United Nations.

To learn more about The Battle of Gallipoli refer to:


according to hiram bingham, what percentage of the dead in machu picchu were women?


The notion that Machu Picchu was a sort of sanctuary for the Virgins of the Sun was discarded after research revealed that not all of the remains found there were women.

Near the Machu Picchu citadel, Hiram Bingham's expedition reaches its destination. Due to the unfavorable weather, they sought shelter in the homes of nearby farmers. In this location, farmer Melchor Arteaga informs the American explorer of the existence of stone-built city ruins and agrees to pay the explorer a silver dollar to transport them there. Bingham, a peasant and government representative from Peru, took a risk on July 24 to explore Machu Picchu by crossing the formidable Vilcanota River. Despite the dreary conditions, gray clouds, and torrential tropical rains, Bingham, a peasant and government official, was The other team members preferred to shelter in the location. The teacher and the two companions had to walk 700 meters up a steep mountain covered in thick vegetation to reach Machu Picchu after crossing the wild Vilcanota river on a shaky trunk bridge. They met nearby peasant children about halfway and they agreed to lead the three men because they were well-versed in the area. They climbed for hours before finally being rewarded for their perseverance. He could see the strength of the hidden mountain, which served as a haven against the Spanish in the 16th century.

To know more about Machu Picchu visit


Twentieth Century Monsters "



Explanation:it was a big sea monster

Will give brainliest

The arrival of the conquistadors affected every Indigenous people group they encountered. In this activity, you will write letters from the point of view of an Incan and a conquistador. Research the topic on the internet or at the library before writing. Each letter should contain at least two paragraphs and be at least eight sentences long.

1) You are an Inca and the conquistadors have arrived in your village! Write a letter to be sent to other Incan villages. Describe your thoughts about the conquistadors and how their arrival might change your life.

2) Write a letter from the point of view of a conquistador meeting the Incas for the first time. Address the letter to your family back in Spain.


The letters will be:

1. Dear fellow Incas,

I write to you with a heavy heart, as our village has been visited by a group of outsiders who call themselves conquistadors. They arrived on horses, with weapons and armor that we have never seen before. They speak a language we do not understand, and they demand our allegiance to their king.

I do not know what their true intentions are, but I fear for the safety of our people. They are ruthless and cruel, and they will not hesitate to use their weapons against us if we do not comply with their demands. They have already taken some of our people as prisoners, and I fear for their lives.

I urge you to be cautious and to prepare for the worst. We must be vigilant and protect our villages and our people from these outsiders. We must also remember the teachings of our ancestors and the strength of our culture. We must stand together and resist their attempts to conquer us.

Yours in solidarity,

[Your name]

My dearest family,

2. I write to you from the land of the Incas, where I have just arrived with my fellow conquistadors. The journey was long and treacherous, but we have finally reached our destination.

The Incas are a proud and powerful people, with a rich culture and advanced civilization. They have built magnificent cities and temples, and they have a complex system of government and religion. I have never seen anything like it before.

But despite their achievements, I can see that they are not prepared for the arrival of the conquistadors. They are naive and vulnerable, and they do not understand the power of the Spanish army. I am confident that we will be able to defeat them and claim this land for the glory of Spain.

I will write to you again soon, with more news of our conquests. In the meantime, please pray for our success and the salvation of these heathen souls.

Your loving son,

[Your name]

What is letter writing?

Before modern technology made communication so simple, mastering the art of letter writing was regarded as a crucial requirement. Even now, letters remain a vital tool for communication in both our professional and personal lives.

A letter is a written communication that is printed or handwritten on paper. Although it is not a requirement in and of itself, it is typically mailed or delivered to the recipient in an envelope. Any such message sent by mail is a letter, a written exchange of ideas between two people.

Learn more about letter on:


as a result of the spanish-american war, the united states: a became a world power. b suffered a huge financial strain and went into a depression. c was deeply divided between war supporters and opponents. d acquired cuba as a colony.


As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States became a world power. Correct answer: letter A.

The war was a decisive victory for the U.S. and it demonstrated the country's growing international influence. The U.S. acquired territories in the Pacific and Caribbean, including Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, which it subsequently granted independence to in 1946.

The war also reinforced the importance of U.S. naval power, and established the U.S. as an emerging global superpower.

Learn more about the Spanish-American War:


which of the following resulted from mccarthyism during the 1950s? question 16 options: recruitment procedures for the u.s. military branches were reformed. membership in the u.s. communist party increased. u.s. citizens were arrested for being suspected communists. u.s. diplomats began to express dissenting political viewpoints more freely.


As a result of McCarthyism during the 1950s, U.S citizens were arrested for being suspected communist.

Making false or baseless allegations of treason and subversion, particularly in relation to anarchist, communism, and socialism, is a practice known as McCarthyism. It is also highly harmful when done in a visible and attention-grabbing way. McCarthyism started to wane after the mid-1950s, largely as a result of Joseph McCarthy's gradual decline in public favor and credibility after several of his accusations were proven to be untrue, as well as persistent opposition from the U.S. Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, on human rights grounds.

McCarthyism was aided by several factors. The more conservative politicians in the US have historically referred to progressive reforms like women's suffrage and child labor regulations as "communist" or "Red conspiracies," in an effort to incite opposition to such measures.

To know more about McCarthyism


"In the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear?"


This quote is attributed to the American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. He stated this in a speech in 1967, during a period of civil unrest and racial tension in the United States.

The quote suggests that riots and civil unrest are a result of marginalized communities and individuals feeling unheard and ignored by the government and society at large. King is arguing that the root cause of riots is the failure of the country to address the systemic issues of poverty, discrimination and inequality that affect marginalized communities.

He is making the point that if the government and society would listen to and address the needs and concerns of these communities, there would be less need for violent protests and riots.

To know more about Martin luther king, leader of America refer to:


What countries were seizing American merchant ships?​



Britain and America started trading goods so the French started seizing merchant ships from America.


Hope this helps! <3

How did Jackson's vision of the presidency differ from that of his predecessors? In the process, How did Jackson change the presidency?


Jackson fought for the rights of the average citizen, presumably the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" unhindered by the authority of the wealthy capitalists, in order to advance the rights of the common man against a "corrupt aristocracy,"

How did the Jackson administration differ from its predecessors?

From 1829 to 1837, he held office for two terms. The United States changed from a republic, where only landowners could vote, to a mass democracy, when white men from all socioeconomic strata were granted the right to vote, during Jackson's administration.

Their claims were based on the fact that Jackson, unlike past presidents, did not defer to Congress in formulating policy but instead took control by using his veto authority and his party leadership.

Thus,  Jackson fought for the rights of the average citizen, presumably the right to "life, liberty.

For more information about Jackson administration differ from its predecessors, click here


who is credited with opening the first textile mill in the united states?


Answer: Samuel Slater


2) What does Henry Grady mean by ""general summary the free Negro counts more than he did as a slave""?


Grady was likely attempting to make the case that African Americans' economic and social standing had improved following the end of slavery and that they were now better prepared to contribute to the growth of the Southern economy.

Additionally, he was attempting to make the case that African Americans were of greater value to the South as free people than as slaves. This claim serves to justify the post-Civil War system of segregation and discrimination that was imposed on African Americans and fails to acknowledge the serious obstacles and challenges that they faced at the time, including racism, poverty, a lack of political representation, and other issues like lack of education.

To learn more about racism, click here: -


What was the purpose of the American Colonization Society?

A) to transport freed Blacks to Africa
B) to work to end the practice of slavery
X C) to capture enslaved workers who had escaped
D) to promote the passage of laws to protect slavery



a) to transport freed Blacks to Africa


the American colonization society was founded by Robert Finley to encourage the transportation of free born black people and freed slaves from America to Africa

Final answer:

The American Colonization Society's main goal was to transport freed Black slaves to Africa. The aim was not to end slavery or pass laws to protect it, but rather to address issues of integration in American society by resettling freed slaves in Africa.


The purpose of the American Colonization Society (ACS)was primarily A) to transport freed Blacks to Africa. The ACS was established with the goal of moving freed African American slaves back to Africa. The ACS together with the US government, created a colony in West Africa, specifically Liberia, where former slaves could live. They believed this would resolve the issues surrounding the integration of freed slaves into American society, assuming the repatriated individuals would have more freedom and equality in Africa.

Learn more about American Colonization Society here:


After watching In the Executioners Shadow. Does this documentary change your opinion on Capital Punishment?


Answer: This is a simple opinion question. So based on the information given in the documentary, did your opinion change on Capital Punishment?


What is the chief claim of "what to the slave is the fourth of july?" a. black people deserve equal treatment and status in the united states. b. slavery is unconstitutional, and it should be abolished. c. black people are deserving of more respect.d. the tradition of slavery in the united states has harmed the black population.


The chief claim of "what to the slave is the fourth of july?" is that black people are deserving of more respect. The Option C is correct.

What is the speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” about?

In "What Is the Fourth of July to the Slave?" Frederick Douglass sought not only to persuade people that slavery was wrong, but also to make abolition more acceptable to Northern whites.

The speech was given as an address to the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society on July 5, 1852 in Rochester, New York. He contends that the liberty affirmed by the holiday has been denied to African Americans such as himself.

Read more about Frederick Douglass





Black people deserve equal treatment and status in the United States.

Explain what a cash crop is in ONLY 1 sentence.



A crop thay you can sell for alot of money

What was the purpose of the letter from birmingham jail? answer with at least a paragraph pls!!


Martin Luther King wrote the letter from Birmingham because he believed that everyone should have the same rights and that slavery should be abolished.

Martin Luther King composed this letter in response to what occurred to the young girl who was barred from the park because only white people and people of color may enter it.

Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated for equality and the treatment of all people equally. There should be no unfairness and everyone be treated in same manner.

Learn more about the letter from Birmingham jail at


Over the centuries, people have formed nations that have different types of governments and beliefs. As nations expand, they often take over the land of other people. The new land gives these nations access to valuable resources and trading routes. This expansion can result in one group of people forming a vast empire.

Look back at what you know about the patterns of past colonization and empire formation, and address these questions:

Can one nation or empire take over another nation without oppressing others?

Has imperialism become more or less oppressive as the world has become more industrialized?

Is it possible in an era of many democratic societies and advanced technology for nations to gain power without oppressing others? That is, can nations avoid denying people their rights? Explain.


Imperialism has become more oppressive as the world becomes more industrialized and as the manufacturing of weapons and other things used for war.

How has imperialism become more oppressive?

Over the past four or five centuries, imperialism has been the most powerful force in human history, slicing up entire continents, oppressing native populations, and wiping out entire civilizations. Nevertheless, it seldom receives any serious consideration from our academics, media pundits, or political figures.

When the topic of imperialism is not completely avoided, it has been sanitized, with colonies becoming "territories" or "dominions" (or, as in the case of Puerto Rico, "commonwealths" too) and empires becoming "commonwealths." Imperialist military operations are justified as acts of "national defense," "national security," or "stability" preservation in a particular area.

Learn more about imperialism, here:


A. DIRECTIONS: Read this list. Then, based on the information in the selection, put the list in chronological order by assigning each event a number from 1 to 10. A. The Civil War begins G. The Union binds up its wounds and cares for those who have "borne battle" B. Lincoln's second inaugural address C. Lincoln is assassinated H. Both political parties sought to avert the war D. 1. Lincoln's first inaugural address The Republican Party seeks to restrict the spread of slavery into the territories States secede from the Union J. The Civil War ends One-eighth of the U. S. Population is enslaved​




1.39 jdjndf

Read the excerpt from the article "Art and Entertainment in the 1930s and

1940s" from the Library of Congress.

Select three sentences from the highlighted text that mention a common

form of escapism that people enjoyed during the Great Depression.


It was the goal of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act to better safeguard American farmers from agricultural imports.

There was a strong drive to raise tariffs universally as other industries learned about these changes. The increase in this tariff during the Great Depression increased the country's economic hardship. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 increased import restrictions in an effort to protect American ranchers and other businesses from foreign competition. The Smoot-Hawley Tax Act is currently widely blamed for exacerbating the early 20th century economic crisis not only in the United States but also globally. The Smoot-Hawley Levy or the Hawley-Smoot Tax are common references to the law, which is officially known as the United States Tariff Act of 1930.

Learn more about The Smoot-Hawley Tax Act here:



(sentences that are bold are the sentences that are correct) Even during "Hard Times" and wartime, people need to be entertained. The American people in the 1930s and 1940s were no exception. They enjoyed many forms of entertainment, particularly if they could do so inexpensively.

With the addition of sound, movies became increasingly popular. Comedies, gangster movies, and musicals helped people forget their troubles. IN the early 1940s, some of the great dramas of American film reached theaters. Radio was also wildly popular, offering many kinds of programs, from sermons to soap operas.
In the 1930s, big bands and swing music were popular, with Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, and Glenn Miller [as the most\ popular bandleaders.
In the early 1940s, the bands started to break up, and band singers like Frank Sinatra and Sarah Vaughan went out on their own. War songs became popular.


I know that these are correct because I am looking at the answer key

Which of the following statements best describes the historical impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire? NEED ANSWER ASAP (WILL MARK BRAINLIEST)

Select one:

After the fire, rules changed in the United States on how far a firehouse could be located from high rise factories.

The fire led to the passage of dozens of factory and workplace safety laws in the state where it occurred and Progressives used the tragedy as an example of why governments needed to be involved in protecting workers.

The tragedy marked the beginning of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States and the more press coverage it received the more sympathetic Progressives became to the plight of women.

As a result of the tragedy, there was a moratorium placed on buildings with more than ten floors in the many large cities in the United States.

None of the above




Explanation: the tragedy was a result of a lack of safety protocols

What were the LACKPANTS definitions? For the Great Depression






Read the passage below. Then answer the question that follows using information and evidence from the text.

That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom ...

Why was this document written? (5 points)

a-to free enslaved people
b-to issue orders to government officials
c-to declare that slavery was morally wrong
d-to punish rebellious slaves



a- to free enslaved people

The passage describes a document that was written with the purpose of freeing enslaved people. It states that on the first day of January, in the year of 1863, "all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free". The document also states that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. The document doesn't issue orders to government officials, doesn't declare that slavery is morally wrong, neither punishes rebellious slaves, but rather it aims to free enslaved people.

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Civil War?
A- strengthened federal power
B- economic restoration of the South
C- end of slavery
D- expansion of women's roles


Answer: B- Economic restoration of the South

Explanation: The Civil War destroyed slavery and devastated the southern economy.
B- economic restoration of the South is the correct answer because the Civil War destroyed the southern banking system and eliminated a major part of the Southern antebellum capital stock.

Before getting started on this post, watch the above videos regarding the common distinction between the Living Constitutional approach and the Originalist approach to constitutional interpretation. In your own words, describe how these two approaches evaluate constitutional questions and the sources/input they use to come to their interpretations (~75 words). Next, tell me whether you think the US Constitution is judged more by the Living Constitution approach, the Originalist approach, or something in between. Justify your answer by referencing a specific, relatively recent example (~150 words). Lastly, in your opinion, how do you think constitutional interpretation SHOULD take place? More Living Constitution, more Originalist, or some other way (~75 words)?


The Living Constitutional approach evaluates constitutional questions by considering the current societal context and values, whereas the Originalist approach looks to the original intent and meaning of the Constitution's authors.

How to illustrate the approaches?

In recent years, the Supreme Court has been split on whether to interpret the Constitution using a Living Constitutional or Originalist approach.

For example, in the 2015 case of Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, Justice Kennedy's majority opinion used a Living Constitutional approach, while the dissenting opinion, written by Chief Justice Roberts, used an Originalist approach.

In my opinion, constitutional interpretation should take place by considering both the original intent of the Constitution's authors and the current societal context and values.

Learn more about Constitution on;


Which of the following was most likely cause of the trend shown on the graph
A. The increase of the number of immigrants to the United States
B. The growth of industrialization
C. The expansion of plantations and the spread of slavery
D. The escalation of nativism in the Northeast


The increase of the number of immigrants to the United States led to an increase in the number of industrial workers. Option A is the right answer.

What is industrialization?

The transition of a human population from an agrarian society to an industrial society is known as industrialisation (sometimes spelled industrialization).

This entails a significant reorganization of an economy for manufacturing. Industrialization has historically been linked to a growth in fossil fuel-dependent, polluting businesses. Industrialization increasingly incorporates technological leapfrogging, with direct investment in more advanced, cleaner technology, as a result of the growing emphasis on sustainable development and green industrial policy practices.

The fundamental change in the social structure brought about by the Industrial Revolution was the shift from farm work to factory-related occupations. This led to the development of a class system that set the commoners apart from the wealthy and working class.

Learn more on industrialization here


read this scenario: a lobbyist wants a senator to change her vote on a bill supported by the lobbyists employer. he bribes the senator with a large donation to her personal bank account. which negative aspect of interest groups does the scenario illustrate?


The scenario illustrates the negative aspect of interest groups known as corruption, specifically the use of bribes to influence the actions of elected officials.

What are Interest Groups?

Interest groups, also known as special interest groups or lobbies, are organizations that seek to influence public policy and decision-making. These groups often focus on specific issues or industries, such as the environment, healthcare, or finance.

Finally, they may engage in lobbying, grassroots organizing, and public education campaigns to promote their interests and goals. Interest groups can be found at the local, state, and federal levels, and can be composed of individuals, businesses, or other organizations.

Learn more about interest groups here:


how were native american treated in the late 1800s?


Native Americans saw a drastic decrease in their populations during the late 1800s.

The US government saw the Native Americans as individuals and their wards but not as sovereigns. This means that they treated the Native Americans according to their convenience. These people were forced out of their homes because their native lands were taken over,

Their population decreased a lot as well. Between 1800 and 1900, the American Indians lost more than half of their people, and their ratio in the total U.S. population declined from 10.15% to 0.31%. Throughout the 19th century, while the U.S. population increased by 20-30% every 10 years, their population underwent a sharp decline.

Learn more about Native Americans on


Other Questions
American farms continue to produce more and more food, even though the number of people working on them has actually ____.Do you really believe that making money is the only ____ that leads people to work hard and try to excel?By landing the damaged plane in an open field, the pilot prevented a major ____ from occuring.When you want to remove the cassette from the tape deck, just push the button, and the cartridge will ____ automatically."If that ____ young hothead had followed my orders to the letter," the general remarked sourly, "we wouldn't be in this fix!"Let's ignore minor side issues and get to the ____ of the problem as quickly as possible.As the holidays approached, a feeling of excitement and anticipation seemed to ____ the entire school.My brother was ____ a priest after he had completed his studies at the seminary.Though we are still leading producers of various industrial products, other countries are catching up fast and may soon ____ us.The secret of the trick is to remove the first card and pick up the second so quickly that the two actions seem to be ____.Trying to avoid an argument with that ____ fellow is like trying to nail oatmeal to the wall.When my canoe unexpectedly hit a tree stump and ____, I suddenly found myself neck-deep in some very cold and dirty water.Even the most ____ businessperson knows that there are times when it is necessary to take chances.The only thing that ever really ____ my thirst on a stifling summer afternoon is a glass of ice-cold lemonade.After I had eaten my fill, I threw the ____ of my dinner into the dog's bowl.After our team won the last big game of the season, we all ran out onto the field, ____ our pennants and bannners jubilantly.Although we are used to severe winters, a heavy snowfall this early in the season is quite ____.At the first shock of the enemy's ____, our lines wavered a bit, but they soon recovered and held firm.When a deer suddenly ran onto the road, the car ____ quickly to avoid hitting it.The writing on the curious old document had faded badly, but it was still perfectly ____ when held up to the light. 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You discover that most shopping malls exist in areas with large human populations, such as in cities and large towns. Describe how you would use geographys three important questions to help you understand why this happens. which cellular adaptation occurs when the liver regenerates after surgical removal of a damaged portion. your client turns in a buy limit order for 100 shares of abc at $58. following the entry of the order, trades occur at 59,59, 58.80, 58.20, 58.40, 57.95, 57.85. at what price was this limit order triggered? $57.85. $58.20. the order was not triggered. $57.95. Which of these special conditions of an LP model might suggest an error in the mathematical formula(s)?alternate optimum solutions and redundant constraintsin feasibility and unbounded solutionsalternate optimal solutions and infeasibilityredundant constraints and unbounded solutionsWhen considering product mix problems, a common objective is...maximizing costmaximizing production timemaximizing profitmaximizing production volume How did the Greeks attempt to stop Rome's invasion of Greece? Were the Greeks successful? Your parents are taking you and some of your friends to the movies tonight. Your parents might bring your grandparents and other adults to the movies as well. Adult tickets cost $11 each, and children's tickets cost $8 each. Write an equation that represents the total cost for the movie tickets. What is one combination of tickets that would total $57? Translate the following into equivalent predicate statement :i. There is an integer whose square is twice itself. ii. No school buses are purple. iii. If a real number is even, then its square is even. Suppose we fit a least-squares regression line to a set of data. What is true if a plot of the residuals shows a curved pattern?answer choicesThe correlation must be 0.The correlation must be positive.A straight line is not a good model for the data.The regression line might or might not be a good model for the data, depending on the extent of the curve. The passage that begins with, "A FEW DAYS passed. " and ends with, "We were at the gate," rhetorically illustrates Eliezer's frantic emotions as he is leaving camp while his father stays behind. How does Wiesel accomplish this? can i go to a psychiatrist without parental consent?