QUESTION 2 Read the following scenarios and identify whether the contract described in each is valid, void or voidable. In each instance, also indicate which factor (potentially) influences consensus: 2.1 John buys two tickets to a movie from Andile. John is under the impression that he is buying the tickets from a woman named "Ayanda". (2) 2.2 Tshidi kidnaps Rabelani's daughter and uses this as leverage to force Rabelani to sell his house to Tshidi at a ridiculously low price. (2) 2.3 Maggie tries to convince Lelo to buy her three-year-old fridge. Maggie lies to Lelo and tells her that the fridge was bought last month and that it was only used for two days. Based on this false information, Lelo buys the fridge from Maggie. (2) [6] 1​


Answer 1


Answer 2

The contracts in scenarios 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 are voidable, void, and voidable respectively.

In scenario 2.1, the contract between John and Andile is voidable. The factor that influences consensus is the false impression that John had about the seller. In scenario 2.2, the contract between Tshidi and Rabelani is void because it was entered into under duress. Kidnapping is illegal and therefore renders the contract invalid. In scenario 2.3, the contract between Maggie and Lelo is voidable. The false information provided by Maggie influenced Lelo's decision to buy the fridge.

Learn more about Contract here:


Related Questions

e Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 is applicable to all sales agreements concluded in South Africa is True or false​


True. The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 applies to all sales agreements concluded in South Africa, including agreements between businesses and consumers, as well as agreements between two businesses.

What is the  Consumer Protection Act about?

The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 is a South African law that seeks to protect the rights of consumers by regulating business practices and promoting fair, transparent, and equitable dealings between consumers and suppliers. The Act came into effect on 1 April 2011.

Some of the key provisions of the Consumer Protection Act include:

Consumer rights: The Act guarantees certain rights to consumers, such as the right to fair and honest marketing, the right to receive goods and services that are of good quality, and the right to safe products.Prohibited conduct: The Act prohibits certain business practices, such as false or misleading advertising, fraudulent or unconscionable conduct, and unfair contract terms.Product liability: The Act holds suppliers responsible for any harm caused by defective or unsafe products.Consumer protection agencies: The Act provides for the establishment of various consumer protection agencies, such as the National Consumer Commission, to enforce the provisions of the Act and protect consumers.Dispute resolution: The Act provides for various mechanisms for resolving disputes between consumers and suppliers, such as mediation and arbitration.

Learn more about Consumer Protection Act  here:


policies and practices intended to focus on health promotion and disease prevention should


Policies and practices intended to focus on health promotion and disease prevention should prioritize several important factors. Here are some general considerations:

1. Focus on evidence-based interventions: Policies and practices should be based on the best available scientific evidence. This means identifying and implementing interventions that have been shown to be effective in promoting health and preventing disease.

2. Address social determinants of health: Policies and practices should take into account the social and economic factors that influence health outcomes. This includes addressing issues such as poverty, access to healthy food, safe housing, and quality education.

3. Be inclusive and equitable: Policies and practices should be designed to meet the needs of diverse populations, including those who are traditionally underserved or marginalized. This means considering issues such as cultural competence, language access, and health literacy.

4. Foster collaboration: Health promotion and disease prevention policies and practices should be developed in collaboration with stakeholders from different sectors, including healthcare, public health, education, and community organizations.

5. Embrace a systems approach: Policies and practices should recognize that health promotion and disease prevention are complex issues that require a systems approach. This means addressing multiple factors across multiple levels, including individual behaviors, social and environmental factors, and policies and systems.

Overall, policies and practices intended to focus on health promotion and disease prevention should be comprehensive, evidence-based, and designed to address the social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health outcomes.

Heavy construction equipment and farm equipment are commonly referred to as__



heavy machinery or Earthmover


Hope this helps

The Rhode Island state legislature enacts a law that violates the U.S. Constitution. This law can be enforced by one.
b.the federal government only.
c.​the state of Pennsylvania only.
d.the United States Supreme Court only.


The Rhode Island state legislature enacts a law that violates the United States Constitution. This law can be enforced by no one. Option A is the correct answer.

The state legislature of the United States state of Rhode Island is called the State of Rhode Island General Assembly. It is a bicameral legislature made up of the upper Rhode Island Senate, which has 38 senators, and the lower Rhode Island House of Representatives, which has 75 representatives. Option A is the correct answer.

The General Assembly, led by the Country Party, rejected requests to join the newly established federal government more than ten years after the war, emphasizing its requests that a Bill of Rights be incorporated into the new federal U.S. Constitution and its aversion to slavery. The General Assembly gave in after considering a Bill of Rights and receiving a threat from the growing federal government of the United States that it would start taxing exports of products from Rhode Island if it did not join the union. Option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about Legislature here:


in 1929, hoover sought to ease the plight of farmers, what legislation did hoover urge congress to pass and to establish to help farmers?


In 1929, President Herbert Hoover urged Congress to pass the Agricultural Marketing Act, also known as the "Farm Relief Bill."

This legislation established the Federal Farm Board, which was designed to help farmers by stabilizing agricultural prices and promoting the marketing of agricultural products.

The Farm Board was authorized to make loans to farmers' cooperative organizations and to buy and sell agricultural products in an effort to stabilize prices. However, the act did not provide direct subsidies to farmers, which some agricultural groups had been hoping for.

The Agricultural Marketing Act was a response to the severe economic crisis faced by farmers in the 1920s, which was characterized by falling commodity prices, overproduction, and mounting debt.

Many farmers were unable to pay their mortgages and loans, and they faced foreclosures and bankruptcies. The goal of the act was to help farmers by providing them with the means to organize and market their products more effectively, which would lead to higher prices and increased income.

Learn more about Agricultural Marketing Act here:


In 1929, Hoover sought to ease the plight of farmers by urging Congress to pass the Agricultural Marketing Act. This legislation aimed to stabilize farm prices and establish the Federal Farm Board to assist farmers with marketing their products.

In 1929, as a response to the economic hardships facing farmers, President Hoover urged Congress to pass the Agricultural Marketing Act. This legislation aimed to establish a Federal Farm Board, which would provide assistance to farmers by stabilizing prices and promoting the marketing of agricultural products. The board would also provide loans to farmers to help them with their agricultural operations. Ultimately, the act was intended to alleviate the economic struggles of farmers by supporting the agricultural industry as a whole.

Know more about Federal Farm Board here:


some believe this rule is upheld by the wealthy to oppress the poor, a view that aligns with the ______ perspective.


some believe this rule is upheld by the wealthy to oppress the poor, a view that aligns with the Marxist perspective.

The Marxist perspective is based on the works of Karl Marx, who believed that the wealthy exploit the working class in order to maintain their power and wealth. The idea of the wealthy upholding a rule to oppress the poor is an example of this exploitation.

The wealthy are able to manipulate the rules and laws in their favor, while the poor are left behind with no voice or power. This creates an unequal society, where the working class is unable to achieve economic prosperity. The wealthy use their power to maintain their privileged status, while the poor are left to suffer in poverty.

This view aligns with the Marxist perspective, as it highlights the unequal power distribution between the wealthy and the working class in society. Ultimately, this rule is seen as a means to maintain the status quo and further the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the poor.

Know more about Marxist perspective here


Why is it important to know how to write well as a Criminal Justice Professional or Law Enforcement Officer


Answer: "Poor writing affects the prosecution of cases and reflects poorly on both the individual officer and on the department".



Its important to know how to write as those because gramar is everything and these job placement are very straightforward and strategic.



Explique cuál es y en que consiste el recurso habilitado para los casos de decisiones que resuelven asuntos relativos a excepciones declinatorias


In a legal context, the word "exception" is frequently used to mean an item, idea, or person that deviates from the norm or is omitted from the general proposition/condition which is laid down.

According to the decision of State of Oregon v. Moravek 297 Or. App. 763, when a defendant invokes an exception in the context of criminal law, "it constitutes an affirmative defence, which the defendant must establish to prevail in the case".

An exception is a statement that something is not included in a contract, law, or deed, such as "Landlord rents to Tenant the first floor, with the exception of the storage room."

To express disagreement with a judge's decision, a lawyer may "take exception" to the decision.

The burden of proof for exceptions rests with the accused, who must establish the facts that qualify the case for any of the common exceptions. The court will assume that none of these circumstances exist. The defence must establish the accused's guilt.

To know more about exceptions click here


The given question in English is:

Explain what it is and what the resource enabled for cases of decisions that resolve issues related to exceptions consists of.

it is the responsibility of infosec professionals to understand state laws and standards. ____________ (True or False)


True. It is the responsibility of infosec professionals to understand state laws and standards. With the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches, the importance of information security has grown significantly. The role of an infosec professional is to ensure the security and integrity of an organization's information assets.

To achieve this, they must have a comprehensive understanding of state laws and standards that regulate the handling and protection of sensitive data.

State laws and standards vary from one jurisdiction to another. For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union differs from the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.

Infosec professionals must be aware of the legal requirements that apply to their organization's operations, including data collection, storage, and processing. They must also stay up-to-date with changes to these laws and standards to ensure compliance.

Failure to comply with state laws and standards can result in legal and financial consequences for the organization. Infosec professionals play a critical role in mitigating these risks by implementing appropriate security measures and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.

Therefore, it is essential for infosec professionals to understand state laws and standards and their implications for their organization's information security practices.

To know more about financial consequences refer here


True or False : some ecofeminists believe that the source of our environmental problems lies in the fact that we relate to nature by trying to assert dominance over it


Some ecofeminists believe that the source of our environmental problems lies in the fact that we relate to nature by trying to assert dominance over it is false.

The Chipko Andolan organization in India is one example of a campaign to protect forests founded by indigenous women that were disproportionately affected by the fast deforestation n the 1970s. Another example is Kenya's Green Belt Movement.

Ecofeminism, like the societal movements from which it arose, combines political activism and academic critique. Ecofeminism, which combines feminism and ecology, contends that patriarchy and capitalism are to blame for women's dominance and environmental destruction.

Eco-feminist, also known as eco-feminism, was founded in 1974 to promote appreciation for both women of the natural environment. The primary purpose of ecofeminism was to address and eliminate all forms of dominance while recognizing and embracing human interdependence and connection.

Learn more about ecofeminists here:


a law changed after the contract was arranged but before the full performance of the contract. the law prohibits the transaction from taking place. this would be an example of





A §351 deferral is only available when a single shareholder transfers property for a controlling stock interest in a corporation. true or false?


False. A Section 351 deferral under the Internal Revenue Code is available when a shareholder transfers property to a corporation in exchange for stock, and it can apply to both single and multiple shareholders.

Under Section 351, the transfer of property to a corporation is not taxable if the transfer is made in exchange for stock in the corporation, and if immediately after the transfer, the transferor and other persons who transfer property to the corporation (if any) own at least 80% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote and at least 80% of the total number of shares of all other classes of stock of the corporation.

Therefore, it is not necessary for a single shareholder to transfer property for a controlling stock interest in a corporation to qualify for a Section 351 deferral. Multiple shareholders can transfer property to the corporation and still qualify for the deferral if the 80% ownership requirement is met.

learn more about Section 351 here:


It is true that a §351 deferral is only available when a single shareholder transfers property for a controlling stock interest in a corporation.

A §351 deferral is available when one or more shareholders transfer property to a corporation in exchange for stock, and the transferors are in control of the corporation immediately after the exchange. The control requirement is met if the transferors own at least 80% of the total combined voting power and 80% of the total number of shares of all other classes of stock. It is not limited to a single shareholder.

Know more about §351 deferral here:


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Question 7 options: A) increased penalties for copyright infringement B) created a new definition of copyright C) made file sharing illegal D) provided for internet Service Providers to be held harmless if copyright infringement occurs on their servers what does job content and job context mean according to Herzbengs theory of motivation (please show your understanding of these concept and provide enough examples of what each would include in practical terms)? If the risk premium on the stock market was 6.48 percent and therisk-free rate was 2.44 percent, what was the stock marketreturn?Multiple ChoiceA. 7.14%B. 6.48%C. 8.92%D. 4.04%E. 9.73% the interpretation of the double portrait by fra filippo lippi today in the metropolitan museum of art is shaped by: The Discussion Board provides a chance for you to present ideas and insights to your classmates and respond to your classmates' posts, as well. 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Charged a price 130% higher than the marginal cost on average. Oc Charged a price 30% higher than the marginal cost on average. O d.Charged a price 7 times higher than the marginal cost on averageQUESTION 26 1 points Save A According to Perloff (2014). Table 3.2. when the number of firms increases in a Cournot market structure: Reference: Perioft). (2014). Microeconomics. 6th Edition Chapter 13: Oligopolistic and Monopolistic Competition Pearson (An electronic copy of this book chapter is available in the unit Reading List which can be found on the right panel of the unit Blackboard site) a. The price decreases and the market output level decreases, and hence the deadweight loss should approach zero. b. The price approaches the marginal cost and hence the deadweight loss should approach zero. The price decreases and the market output increases, and it is not possible to tell whether the market deadweight loss cel Sore and submit to serve and submit Chick Save All Answers to save all answers, what technological development made the large-scale cultivation of short-staple cotton possible? multiple choice question. automatic reaper steel plow cotton gin