Raisin in the sun Hansberry is playing with the idea of family by


Answer 1

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry is heavily on the concept of family. In order to emphasize "the value of having a home and family," Hansberry references to the Old Testament book of Ruth in her play.

What is Lorraine Hansberry known for?

In 1959, Lorraine Hansberry made history when she became the first woman of colour to have A Raisin in the Sun presented on Broadway. As a playwright, feminist, and advocate for racial justice, Hansberry never shied away from tackling tough themes in her short but incredible life.

Why was A Raisin in the Sun written by Hansberry?

Her attention was drawn to the working class. She wanted them to be engaged in a battle against racial injustice, to triumph over that conflict, and to make a hero-like decision. For her drama, Hansberry drew inspiration from the people and lifestyles she knew growing up on Chicago's South Side.

To know more about Hansberry visit:



Related Questions

a(n) _______ functions to increase understanding through comparison and contrast.


A comparison and contrast is a powerful tool that helps increase understanding by highlighting similarities and differences between two or more subjects.

By examining the features, characteristics, and qualities of each subject side-by-side, we can gain a deeper understanding of their respective strengths and weaknesses, as well as their unique attributes. This process can also reveal commonalities that may not have been immediately apparent, and can provide insights into how these subjects are connected or related.

Comparison and contrast can be used in a variety of contexts, from literature and art to science and technology, and can help us make informed decisions, solve problems, and form well-rounded opinions.

Learn more about comparison and contrast



A(n) _____ summary is free from bias or judgments based on opinion?


An objective summary is free from bias or judgments based on opinion.

A summary that is written objectively is one that is devoid of bias, opinion, or judgement. Without any contribution from the summarizer, it is based exclusively on the information and supporting details from the original source.

It ought to be written in a straightforward manner without any comments or conjecture. An objective summary ought to give a brief, clear rundown of the essential ideas and contentions of the original source.

Additionally, it must faithfully replicate the original source's style and vocabulary. Without any subjective interpretation or analysis, the objective summary should enable readers to comprehend the original material.

To learn more about objective summary link is here



What does "the context in which the source was created" mean


I assume this is for an essay. This can be used in multiple situations. Let’s start with history. Say you are writing a DBQ (document based question), and you are using a source. For simplicity let’s say it was a document on George Washington. You would provide the context to that document. For instance George Washington was a great commander who led many people in the American revolution. He was the first US president however many wanted him to be king of the US. But per his own words he stated that the US should not have a king and follow a democracy. This the constitution. However when you are providing context, the context should follow the prompt in which you are writing. So if the prompt was about generals and who was the best, you would provide the context of the American revolution. But if it said context of “should the us have a monarchy or a dictatorship” you would provide the context of what he stated.

The same can be done for english, however it does require a little bit more thought to it. If you are writing about a book you need to provide the context or situation to the quote or evidence.

can someone please help me write an explanation for this already modernized poem of the original OZYMANDIAS poem.the image attached is the explanation of how to do it along with an example.

this is the modernized poem:

I met a traveler from a land far away,

Who spoke of ruins from a different day,

He said, "A pair of legs, without a throne,

Stand in a desert, once a kingdom's home.

Beside them lies a face, shattered and old,

Whose sneer of power, once so bold,

Shows that the sculptor who made this art,

Knew well the arrogance of a ruler's heart.

Upon the base, these words still stand,

'My name is Ozymandias, King of all the land.'

But now, with nothing left to show,

The works of mighty kings have long ago.

The sands of time have claimed their space,

Leaving behind a barren place,

Where all that's left is a memory,

Of the powerful ruler, who once believed in supremacy."


The modernized poem based on Shelley's "Ozymandias" describes the ruins of a powerful ruler's once-great kingdom in the desert, emphasizing the transience of human power and time's inevitable erosion.

How to Write an Explanation for the Modernized Poem?

The modernized poem, based on Shelley's "Ozymandias," describes a traveler who discovers ruins in a desert. The ruins consist of a pair of legs without a throne, and a shattered face that once showed the arrogance of a ruler's heart.

The base has an inscription that reads "My name is Ozymandias, King of all the land," but now nothing is left of the works of mighty kings. The poem emphasizes the transience of human power and the inevitability of time's erosion.

Learn more about modernized poem on:



elana is horrified by what she sees when she visits the village with georyn.


Elana is horrified by what she sees when she visits the village with georyn Jarel and elana intends to send Elana and Georyn to the research facility together so that they can support one another.

He tries to flee. Georyn and Elana will be taken to the Research Centre together for support the one thing Elana asks Jarel for herself She begs him not to abandon her defenceless. The Invaders would instantly depart if they learned.

That the Andrecians had a weapon they did not comprehend such as psychic abilities. She is at stage one of sleep. You're fighting to keep your eyes open at this point. Your muscles begin to relax. Around you, the tangible world starts to disappear. The "presentation into rest" refers to this initial stage of rest. Occasionally, it can be seen by observing a person's head movement while they tune in to a boring address. This stage can be distinguished by a reduction in mental activity and the beginning of physical relaxation.

To know more about Jarel and Elana visit:



which sentence from the passage most strongly supports the answer to question 5? answer choices for the above question a. i will get my education if its at home, school, or somewhere else. b. i had told everyone in our class that the taliban wouldnt go through with it. c. once muslim khan had said girls should not go to school and learn western ways. d. my father was almost bursting with pride at how i came across in the documentary.


C. Once Muslim Khan had said girls should not go to school and learn western ways. The sentence from the passage that most strongly supports.

"My father was almost bursting with pride at how I came across in the documentary."  It is similar to all the other blessings that Allah has given them and requests that they use in accordance with His will. Therefore, it is not permissible for parents to deny their daughters an education, provided they take care to raise them according to Islamic principles, as is required of them with regard to their sons as well.

                               Males and females are not treated differently in this sense.  The fundamental rule in this regard is that whatever is required of men is also required of women, and whatever is permissible of men is also permissible of women, without distinction, as the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Women are the counterparts of men."

To know more about documentary refer :



according to the author, the example of byron and chateaubriand as writers served to


According to the author, the example of Byron and Chateaubriand as writers served to illustrate the concept of "romantic genius" and the idea that literary works are a reflection of the author's unique personality and experiences. This concept was a central theme in Romantic literature and emphasized the importance of individualism and self-expression in the creative process.

To know more about this:



According to the author, the examples of Byron and Chateaubriand as writers served to illustrate the Romantic movement in literature.

The author discusses how these writers rejected the traditional forms of literature and embraced emotion, imagination, and individualism in their works. They also celebrated nature and the supernatural, often incorporating these elements into their writing. The author suggests that the influence of Romanticism can still be seen in modern literature, as many contemporary writers continue to explore these themes and techniques in their work.

Overall, the examples of Byron and Chateaubriand serve as a testament to the enduring impact of the Romantic movement on literature and culture.

Learn more about Romanticism



3. There was intermarriage between Kikuyu and Masai, especially in the areas where them lived close together.​


It is important to note that intermarriage between these two communities is not a recent phenomenon and has been happening for many generations. Historically, the Kikuyu and Masai communities had a complex relationship that was characterized by both conflict and cooperation.

What are the importance of intermarriages?

In some cases, intermarriage was used as a way to foster peace and cooperation between the two communities. Additionally, intermarriage was also a way for individuals to gain access to resources and social status that were associated with the other community.

Overall, intermarriage between the Kikuyu and Masai communities is a reflection of the complex social and historical dynamics that have shaped the relationships between these two groups over time.

Read more about intermarriage here:



Based on the context of this excerpt, which of the following is most likely the reason Jing-mei wanted her mother to shout at her?

She wanted her mother to be openly angry instead of quietly disappointed.
She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time.
She blames her mother for her failure at playing piano.
She does not want to shout at her mother.


Based on the context of this excerpt, She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time. Option 2 is correct.

What is the summary of the passage?

The passage is from the story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan. The speaker feels devastated and everyone is staring at them. On the bus ride home, the father hums a tune while the mother remains silent, which disappoints the speaker. They had been waiting for their mother to start shouting so they could shout back and blame her for their misery.

In this passage, the narrator describes a situation where they have done something wrong or disappointing, causing their mother to lose everything and react with a quiet, blank look. The narrator feels devastated, and others around them seem to be gawking or judging the situation. The family then travels home on a bus, with the father humming a tune and the mother remaining silent. The narrator is expecting the mother to shout and blame them for their mistake, but instead, she goes to the back bedroom without saying anything. The narrator is disappointed that they didn't receive the expected response from their mother.

Learn more about "Two Kinds" here:



Full question is:

But my mother's expression was what devastated me: a quiet, blank look that said she had lost everything. I felt the same way, and it seemed as if everybody were now coming up, like gawkers at the scene of an accident, to see what parts were actually missing. When we got on the bus to go home, my father was humming the busy-bee tune and my mother kept silent. I kept thinking she wanted to wait until we got home before shouting at me. But when my father unlocked the door to our apartment, my mother walked in and went to the back, into the bedroom. No accusations. No blame. And in a way, I felt disappointed. I had been waiting for her to start shouting, so I could shout back and cry and blame her for all my misery.

Based on the context of this excerpt given above, which of the following is most likely the reason Jing-mei wanted her mother to shout at her?

She wanted her mother to be openly angry instead of quietly disappointed. She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time. She blames her mother for her failure at playing piano. She does not want to shout at her mother.

can someone write an expository essay on taking care of other people


The introduction to the expository essay is given as follows:

Taking care of other people is a fundamental aspect of human society, and it is crucial for maintaining strong relationships and creating a sense of community.

What is the expository essay above?

Taking care of other people is a fundamental aspect of human society, and it is crucial for maintaining strong relationships and creating a sense of community. Whether it is caring for a sick family member, volunteering at a local charity, or simply being there for a friend in need, taking care of others is a meaningful way to make a positive impact on the world.

There are many ways to take care of other people, ranging from small acts of kindness to larger, more involved commitments. Some of the simplest ways to care for others include listening to them, offering words of encouragement, and being supportive when they are going through a difficult time. Other ways to care for others might include donating time or resources to a local charity, volunteering at a community center, or providing assistance to those in need.

Thus, taking care of other people is a vital aspect of being a responsible and compassionate member of society. By putting the needs of others before our own, we can create stronger bonds with those around us and make a positive difference in the world. Whether it is through small acts of kindness or more significant commitments, caring for others is a meaningful and rewarding way to live a fulfilling life.

Learn more about expository essay at:



In “Harrison Bergeron”, everyone is made to be equal. Using text evidence, compare this to the idea of the American Dream. Explain your answer.


Social media allows reader to consume media at high rates




The concept of equality in "Harrison Bergeron" is very different from the idea of the American Dream. In the story, everyone is forced to be equal by handicapping those who are more intelligent, beautiful, or talented. This is done in the name of fairness and to prevent anyone from feeling inferior or superior to others. However, this forced equality creates a dystopian society where individuality and creativity are suppressed.

On the other hand, the American Dream is based on the idea that everyone has the opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work and determination. It is not about forcing everyone to be the same but rather providing equal opportunities for all to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential.

The text evidence from "Harrison Bergeron" that supports this comparison includes the following quote: "Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else." This illustrates how in the story, everyone is stripped of their unique abilities and traits to ensure that no one stands out or has an advantage over others. This is in stark contrast to the American Dream, which celebrates individuality and diversity and encourages people to pursue their talents and strengths.

Moreover, the American Dream is about achieving success through hard work and determination, whereas in "Harrison Bergeron," success is impossible because no one is allowed to excel beyond the average. The quote "Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains" highlights how the society in the story deliberately keeps people from using their abilities to their fullest potential. This goes against the American Dream, which promotes the idea of using one's strengths and talents to succeed.

In conclusion, the concept of equality in "Harrison Bergeron" is not the same as the American Dream. While the story's society forces everyone to be equal by handicapping those who are more intelligent or talented, the American Dream encourages individuality, diversity, and the pursuit of success through hard work and determination.

Which central theme from the text does Danny/Jin’s argument with Chin-Kee on pages 204-212 develop?
A) People often see truth in stereotypes about others, even if those people share a
similar identity.
B) A person who does not return the kindness of others may face unexpected
C) It can feel nearly impossible for a person to escape or combat the stereotypes
others believe about them.
D) Violence can be an acceptable way to solve problems if used in an appropriate
Which piece of evidence best supports the answer to Part A? Consider the text and
images in each panel.
1) Panel 4 on page 204; Panels 1 and 3 on page 206
2) Panel 1 on page 205; Panels 5 and 6 on page 211
3) Panels 2, 4, and 6 on page 206
4) Panel 1 on page 208; panels 1 and 2 on page 212


There is a kernel of truth in most preconceptions, which is the argument in favour of stereotyping. The answer is option (B).

What are Stereotypes?

Stereotypes can be founded on accurate research and observations, even if they are frequently based on generalisations. It is true that stereotypes can be used to dissuade people from harbouring prejudices towards others since they can shed light on the actions, opinions, and attitudes of a certain group.

Stereotypes are not always true, it is crucial to remember, as they could be founded on inaccurate or out-of-date information. Stereotypes can also be used to unfairly define and assess persons, which can result in discrimination and bias.

In the end, stereotypes may have some truth to them, but it's crucial to recognise that they are not always true and shouldn't be applied to generalise about people or groups.

To know more about Stereotypes, visit:



The correct question is,

which of the following refers to the kernel of truth argument in favor of stereotyping?

a. stereotypes are essential to prevent discrimination within a society.

b. there is an element of truth in most stereotypes.

c. stereotypes can prevent people from being prejudiced toward others.

d. most stereotypes are based on truthful researches and observations.

add apostrophes where needed : we can't go outside today for recess because it is raining


Answer: We can't go outside today, for recess because it is raining.

Explanation: ‘For’ is one of the FANBOYS. This means that it needs to have an apostrophe before it.

a research question is preferred over a hypothesis if the researcher cannot formulate a tentative proposition after reviewing the existing literature. true or false?


True. A research question is preferred over a hypothesis if the researcher cannot formulate a tentative proposition after reviewing the existing literature. A hypothesis requires a specific prediction to be tested, while a research question simply aims to explore a topic and may not have a specific prediction.

To know more about this answer:



If the researcher is unable to create a tentative proposition after examining the current literature, a research question is preferable over a hypothesis. True

A research question helps to guide the research process and clarify the purpose of the study, without making any specific assumptions or predictions about the outcomes. This can be useful when the existing literature is inconclusive or there is not enough information to formulate a hypothesis.

On the other hand, a hypothesis is a specific, testable proposition that is based on a theoretical framework and previous research. If the researcher can formulate a hypothesis based on the literature review, it may be more appropriate to use a hypothesis to guide the research process.

Learn more about hypothesis



Use your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots to find the word which best replaces the underlined word.

His _belligerent_ disposition made him completely unlikable.

a. Mean

C. Devious

b. Sweet



Answer: Quarrelsome


how does dr kings rhetoric in paragraph 15 advance his purpose in the letter? internet public library


In paragraph 15, Dr. King uses rhetoric to emphasize the importance of nonviolent protest and to encourage the clergymen to join him in his struggle for civil rights. He states that "nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue." By emphasizing the power of nonviolent protest, Dr. King is able to advance his purpose of convincing the clergymen to join him in his struggle for civil rights



Answer: The first answer should be am riding. The second is troubling. The third is visiting. The fourth is starting


Taksh is reading an article, and he notices that the writer puts personal views ahead of presenting honest or reasonable facts. How should Taksh categorize that article?

A. plagiarized

B. biased

C. unfair

D. logical


The article should be categorized as biased.

Write a short note on the bias.

Bias refers to the presence of personal opinions or prejudices that can influence the presentation or interpretation of information. It can occur both intentionally and unintentionally and can result in an inaccurate or incomplete representation of reality. Bias can manifest in various forms, including cultural, gender, racial, political, and more.

Bias is prevalent in many aspects of life, including media, politics, education, science, and even personal relationships. In media, bias can lead to sensationalist stories, false information, and the suppression of certain perspectives. In politics, bias can result in the promotion of certain candidates or policies over others. In science, bias can lead to the cherry-picking of data and the suppression of information that does not align with a particular agenda.

It is important to recognize and address bias to ensure accuracy, honesty, and fairness in the presentation and interpretation of information. Being aware of potential biases and taking steps to mitigate their impact can lead to a more complete and accurate understanding of the world around us.

To learn more about bias, visit:



Which statement best shows a conflicting viewpoint in the passage?
A The author claims plants process signals but also says plants cannot feel anything the way humans or animals can.The author claims plants process signals but also says plants cannot feel anything the way humans or animals can.
B The author claims plants can respond to touch but also says plants’ cycles simply begin in life and end in death. The author claims plants can respond to touch but also says plants’ cycles simply begin in life and end in death.
C The author claims plants can respond to being cut but also says the response doesn’t mean they feel pain. The author claims plants can respond to being cut but also says the response doesn’t mean they feel pain.
D The author claims plants send electrical signals from leaf to leaf but also says plants cannot sense in cellular level.


The author claims plants send electrical signals from leaf to leaf but also says plants cannot sense in cellular level.

Why did ji li hold mixed emotions


Ji Li, the main character in the book "Red Scarf Girl" by Ji-Li Jiang, holds mixed emotions because she is caught between her loyalty to her family and her loyalty to the Communist Party during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Where was Ji Li's mixed emotion coming from in "Red Scarf Girl"?

In "Red Scarf Girl", On the one hand, Ji Li wants to follow the Communist ideals and be a good citizen, but on the other hand, she also loves her family and is conflicted when she sees them being targeted and humiliated.

She experiences guilt, fear, and confusion as she tries to navigate the conflicting values and demands of her personal life and the political environment around her.

Find more exercises on "Red Scarf Girl";



abeka: grammar & composition ii/of places test 03 are you looking for an interesting book to read


Abeka: Are you seeking for a good book to read for the grammar and composition II/of locations test is interrogative Sentence

A question-posing sentence is referred to as an interrogative sentence.

For instance, the English question "Is Hannah sick?" differs from its declarative counterpart "Hannah is sick" by using an interrogative structure.

The phrase "Paul knows who is sick" is an example of an interrogative clause that is embedded within a phrase.

The structure of interrogatives varies between languages. Glossing int can be used to indicate interrogative mood or other interrogative forms.

Yes-no questions, which inquire as to whether something is the case (and allow a yes-or-no response), and what questions, which identify the information being requested using words like which, who, how, etc.,

To learn more about Grammar visit:



How do paragraph 2 and 3 contribute to the development of ''Excerpt from A Home for the President


i would love to help you but i need more information in order to answer your problem

What does Gregor's room tell about Gregor?​




Gregor's room can provide insights into his character and his state of mind.

The story ¨is our gain also our loss?¨

¨The question is Does Caliln seem negative or positive when she describes the technology of her youth?¨

I'll give you 25 brainly points to the first person who answers.


Cailin makes her descriptions of the technology of her youth look either favorable or bad by drawing comparisons between the present and the past.

Who is Cailin Loesch ?

In her piece "Is Our Gain Also Our Loss," Cailin Loesch discusses how technology has altered our way of life. We have abandoned certain customs and are embracing new ones as a result of the new gadgets and technological advancements.

In a few years, when new technologies will make those from her generation appear dated and odd, she will feel regretful for the loss and concerned about how technology would affect both the future generations and her generation.

To know more about Cailin Loesch visit:



The complete question is -

Does Cailin seem negative or positive when she describes the technology of her youth?¨

1. We can buy bread at the store. Find the complete predicate and the verb​



Complete Predicate: can buy bread at the store.

Verb: buy.


In the sentence, "We can buy bread at the store," the subject is "we," and the complete predicate is "can buy bread at the store."

The verb in the sentence is "buy," which is the action being performed by the subject "we." The word "can" is a modal verb that indicates the ability or possibility to perform the action, but it is not the main verb. The main verb is "buy," which is the action that the subject is able to do.

Therefore, the complete predicate is "can buy bread at the store," and the verb is "buy."

Bubbling water at the top of a peak honk pink


The color of the bubbling water at the top of a peak will depend on its source. If the water is from a natural spring or mountain stream, it could appear clear or blue-green.

The color of the bubbling water at the top of a peak can also be affected by other factors. For instance, if the water is contaminated with sediment or minerals, it may appear murky and brown. The presence of algae, bacteria, or other microorganisms can also cause the water to appear cloudy or discolored.

Additionally, the color of the water can be altered by the sunlight reflecting off its surface. Sunlight can cause the water to appear brighter, with hues of blues, greens, and yellows. Finally, if the water contains higher concentrations of certain minerals, it can have a reddish or orange hue.

To learn more about Bubbling water link is here



The complete question is:

What color is the bubbling water at the top of a peak?

3. James Jones il probably bly (probably / become) the next President. 4. Mum is unemployed but she paid. 5. I'm so excited! We 6. My parents. 7. I think my sister 8. I 9. There isn't any milk left in the fridge - I know, I 10. There isn't any milk left in the fridge (not/apply) for that job because it isn't w (move) to a bigger house next month. (be) very proud, I have passed all the exams. (pass) the exam, she has studied very hard so far. (take) the kids to the mountains this winter. (do) the shopping this afternoon.​


3. Mum paid even though she was unemployed. Revision: Although mum is unemployed, she still paid the bills. 4, I'm so happy! We Correction: I'm overjoyed! We're leaving for a trip.

5. I'm so excited! We

5, My folks.

Actually, my folks are coming to see me.

Possibly my sister

My sister might be late, I believe.

I should finish my schoolwork, not I must.

I'm aware that there isn't any milk in the refrigerator.

There isn't any milk in the refrigerator anymore; I'm aware and will pick up some on the way home.

There isn't any milk in the refrigerator because it isn't worth applying for that position.

The fridge is empty of milk, to be precise. That job is not what I'm looking for, so I won't apply for it.

Next month, I'm moving (to a bigger house).

We will be relocating to a larger home in the upcoming month.

I'm quite delighted to say that I passed every exam.

I'm quite delighted to say that I passed every exam.

She has worked extremely hard to prepare for the exam.

She will succeed on the test because she has worked so hard to prepare.

This winter, take the kids to the mountains.

Correction: This winter, we're taking the kids to the mountains.

Make the purchases this afternoon.I must go shopping this afternoon, to be exact.

To know more about Next month visit:



discuss three ways on how to get involved in human rights campaign


Three ways on how to get involved in human rights campaign will include:

Joining a Human Rights OrganizationEducating Yourself and OthersAdvocating for Human Rights Legislation

What is human rights campaign?

A human rights campaign refers to a collective effort aimed at promoting, protecting, and advocating for the rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, nationality, religion, or any other characteristic.

To get inviolved in this kind of campaign, all participants should be properly educated on the goals and objectives. They should also endeavor to advocate for proper legislation,

Learn more about human rights campaign here:



Help please ..due on Thursday .

-Write a paragraph answering the following:
Malala received about $24,000 in prize money. How should Malala spend that prize money to help others? (AND WHY!!)
Assignment Requirements
• 8-10 sentences in length
• Topic Sentence
• 2 supporting ideas
• At least 2 supporting examples for each supporting idea
• Concluding sentence
• Appropriate transitions
• Correct capitalization and punctuation.


To write this paragraph correctly, you need to first understand that Malala is a respectable character who will most likely use the money wisely.

How to write the paragraph

Malala Yousafzai is an inspiration to many for her unwavering dedication to advocating for girls' education, even in the face of extreme adversity. When she received a prize of about $24,000, she had many options for how to spend the money to help others.

One way she could use the prize money is to fund education programs for girls in underprivileged areas. This would help to empower young girls and provide them with the opportunity to receive an education and a brighter future.

Learn more about paragraphs here:



What does Hamlet believe about death?
A That it is a shocking part of life.
That he does not want to die because it is
similar to sleeping.
That there are no similarities between
sleeping and dying.
That it may be a way to end the difficulties of


Based on the given options, Hamlet's beliefs about death can be summarized as:

B) That he does not want to die because it is similar to sleeping.

C) That there are no similarities between sleeping and dying.

D) That it may be a way to end the difficulties of life.

What is Hamlet about?

Hamlet, the tragic protagonist in William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," expresses a complex and philosophical perspective on death throughout the play.

Hamlet's views on death are multifaceted and evolve throughout the play. In his famous soliloquy in Act III, Scene 1, Hamlet contemplates the nature of death and expresses his reluctance to die because it is unknown what happens after death.

In other parts of the play, Hamlet also expresses a desire for death as a release from the pain and difficulties of life. He contemplates killing himself and questions the purpose and meaning of life, reflecting on the challenges and injustices he faces.

Read more about Hamlet here:



Other Questions
1.The postage stamp on the left shows a committee of the Second ContinentalCongress drafting the Articles of Confederation.Why did this committee create a weak central government?A. to encourage more trade between states5. to preserve the powers of the individual statesC to promote national security against foreign invasionDto permit the taxation of citizens to pay the nation's debts Select Four Types of Advanced Data Analytics. 1) Behavior analysis 2) Social Media Analysis 3) Test analysis 4) Web Analysis. Question 12 (1 point)Carlos is walking through a park when he notices a bicyclist fall and hurt himself. Helooks around, and he is the only person present. According to social psychology,what is Carlos most likely to do?1) Carlos will most likely turn the other way and hope the bicyclist did not seehim.2) Carlos will most likely offer help.3) Carlos will most likely hide and wait to see if anyone else shows up to help.4) Carlos will most likely let the bicyclist take care of himself. What's the impact with rising interest rate? Please provide anexample using financial terms 1. What is a stock's realized abnormal return if the stock had a 3% return and the stock had a Beta=1.28, an Alpha=0 and the excess market return was 3.6%. assume the risk free rate is 0%.Please use 5 decimal places in your response. Please write negative returns using the "-" symbol, so a negative 1% return would be written as -.012. What is a stock's realized abnormal return if the stock had a 3% return and the stock had a Beta=1.28, an Alpha=0 and the excess market return was 3.6%. assume the risk free rate is 0%.Please use 5 decimal places in your response. Please write negative returns using the "-" symbol, so a negative 1% return would be written as -.01 third national bank has reserves of $10,000 and checkable deposits of $100,000. the reserve ratio is 10 percent. households deposit $20,000 in currency into the bank, and the bank adds that currency to its reserves. what amount of excess reserves does the bank now have? After they ask a question during class, it is recommended that teachers wait approximately how long for students to answer the question before answering the question themselves? causes of bush fires how do I convert 0.063 m to centimeters devonshire company borrowed $256,000 cash on april 1, 2022, and signed a one-year, 9% interest-bearing note payable. the interest and principal are both due on march 31, 2023. what is the amount to be paid to the bank on march 31, 2023 for interest and principal? (Compound interest) $17,525 deposit, interest at 1/2% for 3 years; find interest earned. in calling sports decisions, umpires and referees rarely change their decisions as a result of a player's objection. this may be an example of how Northern Warehouses wants to raise $11.4 million to expand itsbusiness. To accomplish this, it plans to sell 40-year, $1,000 facevalue, zero-coupon bonds. The bonds will be priced to yield 8.75percent. What is the minimum number of bonds it must sell to raisethe $11.4 million it needs? On January 1, Year 2, Kincaid Company's Accounts Receivable and the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts carried balances of $74,600 and $3,700, respectively. During Year 2, Kincaid reported $208,000 of credit sales, wrote off $2,000 of receivables as uncollectible, and collected cash from receivables amounting to $258,900. Kincaid estimates that it will be unable to collect one percent (1%) of credit sales.What effect will recognizing the uncollectible accounts expense for Year 2 have on the elements of the financial statements?Multiple ChoiceDecrease total assets and net incomeDecrease total assets and increase retained earningsIncrease total assets and decrease net incomeIncrease total assets and retained earnings Help pls answer and explain the question below (comes with pic)The following scatter plot represents the scores of thirteen students on a geography test compared to the number of hours that each student studied for the test. Use the line of best fit to predict the score of a student who studied three hours for the test. FILL IN THE BLANKS of the articles of confederation the articles of confederation represented the _______Constitutional agreement between the states and emphasized a ________ system of government.This new national government however was made too ________. For example, it did not have the power to raise ________.Eventually, _________ Rebellion led our leaders to believe that the articles of confederation were too ________ and that a ________ national government was needed. help please!A firm has costs of $1,000,000 for new investment outlays that are subject to an investment tax credit. The stated government purpose of having this investment tax credit is to stimulate the firm's business investments. Suppose the investment tax credit rate is 30%. How much does this reduce the cost of purchasing the assets? Assume an 8% rate of borrowing and a corporate tax rate of 40%. Home values in a town have declined 26% per year for each of the pastfour years. What was the total percentage decrease in home valuesduring the four-year period? What is the GPE (in J) of a 1 kg fish, 0.5 meters above ground? i have a new hobby - a saltwater fish tank that will contain mostly live corals (called a reef tank). i am currently in the planning stage and am gathering knowledge to give me the best chance of success with my tank. as part of the planning stage, i reached out to 700 experienced central florida reefers (people who currently have a reef tank) and asked them to provide the following information: size of the tank (in gallons), type of lighting used (florescent, led, hybrid, or other), and how long (in years) they have been in the hobby. part of the analysis involves trying to estimate the proportion of all central florida reefers who use led lighting. a 95% confidence interval was constructed to be: (.648, .752) which of the following practical interpretations is correct? group of answer choices in repeated sampling, 95% of the intervals created will contain the population mean. we are 95% confident that the proportion of all central florida reefers who use led lighting falls between .648 and .752. we are 95% confident that the proportion of the sampled central florida reefers who use led lighting falls between .648 and .752. all central florida reefers use led lighting 95% of the time.