Ranching and farming become big industries in Texas because ___________________. a. the land was well suited for these types of activities b. Anglo and Spanish settlers learned these activities from the Native Americans who already occupied the region. c. mining opportunities had not yet been discovered d. those who settled Texas had very few skills, and could not do other things


Answer 1


b. Anglo and Spanish settlers learned these activities from the Native Americans who already occupied the region.


Ranching and farming become big industries in Texas because Anglo and Spanish settlers learned these activities from the Native Americans who already occupied the region.

The Anglo Spanish settlers came into Texas and struggled to survive due to the new way of life and terrain. The Native Americans taught them how to farm and source for food for their survival.

Answer 2


it is b, edgenuity

Related Questions

What is one significant way transportation changed in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Canals were built, primarily in the North.
Roads were built, primarily in the South.
Railways were built, only in the North.
Railways were built, only in the South.





the correct answer is A

What was the goal of the KKK?



kill all black people because they think what they're doing is ok


The answer was to get rid of anyone who was black.


The KKK was founded on Christmas day in 1865 in Pulaski(Tennessee) so as to fight against the purposes of Reconstruction. They opposed voting rights for freed slaves, they attacked and spread terror along freed slaves, scalawags and carpetbaggers.

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of "separation of powers" in the US Constitution? Choose 1 answer
A) Congress has authority over the federal budget, while the president appoints Supreme Court justices
B) Congress can pass a measure, while the Supreme Court can declare it unconstitutional
C) Congress can pass ameasure while the president can veto it
D) Mississippi can set educational policy for its students, while California can set education policy for its students​


Best illustrates the concept of "separation of powers" in the US Constitution A) Congress has authority over the federal budget, while the president appoints Supreme Court justices.

Description of the constitution the introductory principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it. b a written instrument embodying the rules of a political or social organization.First, it creates a public government conforming to a legislative, a superintendent, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. Second, it divides power between the civil government and the countries. And third, it protects the colorful individual liberties of American citizens.

Learn more about Constitution here: https://brainly.com/question/16385413


How did most delegates from northern states view slavery? A. They didn't want slaves to count toward a state's population. B. They wanted each slave to count as three-fifths of a person. C. They wanted slaves to count toward a state's population. D. They wanted more slaves to be allowed into the country.​





Im sorry if this is wrong

C. They wanted slaves to count toward a state's population.

Explanation: I took the quiz

Results and importance of the Protestant Reformation?



The Reformation became the basis for the founding of Protestantism, one of the three major branches of Christianity. The Reformation led to the reformulation of certain basic tenets of Christian belief and resulted in the division of Western Christendom between Roman Catholicism and the new Protestant traditions.

What does the episode highlight about the Continental Army


Answer: the official Army Continental of the colonies, created by the second congenital

Congress lead by George Washington

An individual who received a parcel of land under the Homestead Act had to live on that land for at least. A. six months. B. two years. C. five years. D. ten years.



Two years :)


Answer: It's B, two years

Explanation: I'm on Edge and just took the pre-test and passed with a 95%

Why did problems faced by the small farmers lead to problems in the urban centers?



Due to rapid improvements in farming technology, many farmers' laboring jobs were stolen by machines. Because of this many of them moved to the cities in search of jobs. ... It allowed workers to go to and from jobs more easily.


In which culture were slaves allowed to earn a living?


Answer: Islamic culture allowed slaves to earn a living.


Explanation Islamic culture allowed slaves to earn a living there

Which of the following best demonstrates the significance of the year 1607?

Virginia Company establishes a permanent settlement

Pilgrims set sail to the Americas and arrive at Plymouth Rock

English colonists establish the city of Savannah

English Bill of Rights limits the power of the king





English colonists establish the city of Savannah, this best demonstrates the significance of the year 1607. Therefore option C is correct.

What happened in 1607?

Numerous people perished in the Bristol Channel floods of January 30, 1607, which also significantly damaged agriculture and cattle. The extent and depth of the flooding, the likely weather, the known tide heights, and coastal flooding elsewhere in the UK on the same day all point to a storm surge rather than a tsunami as the source.

The colony was the first enduring English settlement in the Americas when it was established in 1607. The English, who would later establish themselves as the main colonial power in North America, had thus finally established a permanent colonial presence, marking 1607 as a significant turning point in Colonial America's history.

To know more about What happened in 1607 follow the link.



What was the main reason that the American Colonies rebelled and fought for their independence?



The main reason the colonies started rebelling against 'mother England' was the taxation issue. The colonies debated England's legal power to tax them and, furthermore, did not wish to be taxed without representation. This was one of the main causes of the Revolutionary War.


The American colonies rebelled because they were getting taxed without representation. The king would tax the colonists without their permission.


Compare Hindu beliefs with Buddhists beliefs



Hinduism is about understanding Brahma, existence, from within the Atman, which roughly means "self" or "soul," whereas Buddhism is about finding the Anatman — "not soul" or "not self." In Hinduism, attaining the highest life is a process of removing the bodily distractions from life



Buddhism and Hinduism agree on karma, dharma, moksha and reincarnation. They are different in that Buddhism rejects the priests of Hinduism, the formal rituals, and the caste system. Buddha urged people to seek enlightenment through meditation.

Sksksksksksksk :)

please help me !
How did Anglo American speculators in the 19th century perceive wealth in
New Mexico? *
O Mining
O Land ownership
O Reselling the land
O Agriculture



Land Ownerships


At that time, many of the speculators was impressed with the quality of the soil and temperature in Mexico.

Because They believed that land ownerships will provide a big opportunity for high return in investment. They can bought land with significantly cheaper price and make additional investment to transform those lands into a business.

For example, they could bought the land and turn it into an agricultural farm. They also can purchase the lands with the hope that in contains some sort of precious metals underneath.

Which sentence BEST describes a title pawn lender?



Somebody who lend you a secure loan that keeps your vehicle until you repay the loan.

Whatever sentence is closest to that definition is the right one.

Could I please have Brainliest?

The  sentence best describes a title pawn lender is they are designed to be quick and convenient while continuing to use of one's vehicle.

What is sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. It typically contains a subject, which is the person or thing performing the action, and a predicate, which is the action being performed.

Sentences can be simple or complex, depending on the number of clauses or phrases they contain. They can also be declarative (making a statement), interrogative (asking a question), imperative (giving a command), or exclamatory (expressing strong emotion).

They are designed to be quick and convenient while continuing to use of one's vehicle is the sentence that best describes a title pawn lender.

Learn more about sentence here:



What do you think was Sinclair’s purpose in writing this novel about Jurgis’s life? Do you think he was trying to influence social reform? Describe your answer in at least three sentences.



The book shows that Sinclair believed reform was necessary.

The book is intended to show the world the effects of labor on workers and their families.

The book is intended to inspire and motivate people to act.



how did the rise of the delhi sultanate change life in india



The Delhi Sultanate brought Islamic law and cultural traditions to India. ... At first, the sultanate cracked down on non-Muslim populations, slaughtering Hindus and Buddhists and destroying their places of worship. Eventually, the sultans became more tolerant, allowing Hindus to worship as long as they paid a tax.

!!!!!!!!Serious answers only!!!!!!!
One of the outcomes of the Council of Trent included
A) The Bible is the one and only religious source
B) continuing the use of indulgences
C) determining the salvation comes from doing good works only
D) The creation of schools from the priest to educate them against Protestant teachings












all colonial merchants  in region agree to not import certain British goods

British merchants businesses are hurt because people in the colonies aren't buying their goods

British merchants pressure members of parliament to repeal the Townsend act to improve their business

parliament repeals act

trade re opens

BTW can you give me brainiest

Match each Enlightenment thinker with the theories he helped establish.
natural rights
absolute government
life, liberty, and property
separation of powers
checks and balances
social contract


Answer: Hobbes; Absolute government, Social Contract

Locke; Natural Rights, “Life, Liberty, and Property”

Montesquieu; Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances



Hobbes; Absolute government, Social Contract

Locke; Natural Rights, “Life, Liberty, and Property”

Montesquieu; Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances


What was the Molasses Act?
A tax on certain products from the West Indies.
A tax on certain products from the New England colonies.
A tax on certain products from England.
A tax on certain products from the southern colonies.


It was a tax on certain products from the West Indies.

PLEASE HELP — To what extent was southernization a process of hierarchical diffusion on the periphery versus a decline in power by the empires in the period 1200- 1450


While Song China had a large bureaucracy to rule, Japan was very feudal and regional. While the Abbasid Caliphate used religion to help solidify its power, Western European kingdoms were separate from the power of the Roman Catholic Church. While the Swahili Coast was very interconnected to trade routes, Western Europe was very slow to develop because it was outside these trade routes. While the Silk Road connected large empires of Song China and the Abbasid Caliphate, Western Europe had no land-based trade routes to help it develop. In Europe, the three-field crop rotation, and Champa rice in China promoted larger populations Both the Mali Kingdom and the Abbasid Caliphate used Islam to unite peoples who were not united before. Both Song Dynasty and northern India kingdoms saw an increase in religious diversity.  Both Song Dynasty and northern India kingdoms saw an increase in religious diversity causing political and religious conflict. Both Christianity and Buddhism saw various divisions in their faiths causing political and religious conflict.

Which of the following was a military advantage that the Americans enjoyed over the British during the Revolutionary War?
OA. A single top commander served throughout the entire conflict.
OB. Public support for the cause was strong throughout the war.
OC. Reliable pay ensured that troop morale was always high.
OD. A single manufacturer produced all of the weapons used.



B.) Public support of the war on the Americans side


The British fought a war far from home that was costly and publicly controversial for British citizens because they were tired of this war.

pleaseeee i will give u the brainliest and we can play among us after


The Byzantine would rule as monarchists so… A

Inca and Aztec societies were similar in that both A developed from Mayan civilization B acquired empires by means of military conquest C independently developed iron technology D depended entirely on oral record keeping E had no system of regional trade​


Answer: B. acquired empires by means of military conquest


Inca and Aztec societies were similar in that both acquired empires by means of military conquest.

Inca civilization existed around about 1400 and 1533 CE in Peru. It should also be known that at that particular period, it was the biggest empire in the world.

Aztec Empire existed around 1345 to 1521 CE around northern Mesoamerica. The warriors of Aztec fought other neighbouring states and instilled their religions and ideas across Mexico.

In central Mexico, a highly complex and stratified society emerged that comprised of Aztec and was called Aztec society. In Peru, a civilization dominant during the 1438 - 1533 AD was called Inca society.

The correct option is:

Option B. Acquired empires through military conquest.

This can be explained as:

Both the societies were acquired by military interferences.

Inca civilization was best known for architecture and unique art. They had famous monuments like Machu Pichu that attracted many tourists.

The Aztecs had a strict caste system and hierarchy and majorly practiced agriculture, astronomy and created artefacts.

Before they lived as clans but after the interference of armed forces they got converted into empires.

Therefore, military conquest was the common factor in both societies.

To learn more about Inca and Aztec society follow the link:


How did smallpox affect European
expansion into the Americas?


Answer: Because the Native Americans dies. 70% percent of people died.



Smallpox decimated the Arawaks of the West Indies, before making its way to Mexico with the Spaniards, and preceding them into the Inca Empire. The Spanish estimated that death rates among Native Americans from smallpox reached 25 to 50%


can you PLSSS help answer my question PLSSS

my question: what is the value and importance of EcoPeace Middle East?


Read the excerpt from "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.

"You didn't give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!"

What is the effect of this dialogue on the plot?

Tessie's protestations spark a minor rebellion that is soon squashed by Mr. Summers.

It shows that Mr. Summers has manipulated the lottery to protect himself and punish Tessie, thereby revealing the story's conflict.

Tessie's words raise the tension of the story, forcing readers to wonder why she is so upset and propelling the tale to its conclusion.

Mr. Summers considers a redrawing of the village's lottery.


The villagers are forced to consider whether they agree with Tessie.

(I think this is what it’s asking?)


C. Tessie's words raise the tension of the story, forcing readers to wonder why she is so upset and propelling the tale to its conclusion.


Which of the following Presidents assumed more power than any other President, due to the responsibilities imposed by the Civil War?

Theodore Roosevelt

Andrew Jackson

Abraham Lincoln

Woodrow Wilson



Abraham Lincoln


I need help please I need it in 10 minutes

1. What is the purpose of the article? Is it to inform, persuade, or entertain? Follow the RACE method.

link ------> search it in google please ((( (Most Americans think recognizing the country’s flaws makes the U.S. stronger, not weaker





What did Newt Gingrich's 1994 Contract with America promise?



As a promise for fiscal reform in government



why did the founders create three branches of government?



They wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much control.


“The Founding Fathers, the framers of the U.S. Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much control. With this in mind, they wrote the Constitution to provide for a separation of powers, or three separate branches of government. ... This is done through checks and balances” -hope this helped
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