Read the excerpt from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad.

She had told them about the place where they would stay, promising warmth and good food, holding these things out to them as an incentive to keep going.

Which rhetorical appeal is Tubman primarily using in this excerpt to convince people to continue?


Answer 1

Answer: it's pathos

Explanation: i got it right on edge :)

Related Questions






So I have an English assignment talking about how poor communities have less availability to fresh food, so all I need is a 6 sentence paragraph about, "what are the effects of a person’s social status?". "social status" just means like, if you're poor, rich, of middle (like you're not super rich or poor). But anyway that's all I really hope you can help me out, k thank you so much!





Social status has a lot to do with availability to things that you need. We will start with a poor or less fortunate person, a less fortunate person could have trouble paying for things such as food or clothing and could have trouble taking care of themselves and their family so we should do whatever we can to help the poor community. Next, we will talk about the middle class, middle class is when you are not rich or poor a middle-class person could easily pay for things needed and things wanted but depending on if they are lower middle class or higher depends on what they could buy. Lastly, we will be talking about the rich or the more fortunate ones, the rich class is easily able to buy things needed and they can support themselves and their family easily and can buy expensive things. So as you can see there are 3 classes of net worth you can have. Whichever class you are on depends on what you can afford.

hope this helps lol


From the context, the reader can determine that the
word i' means
O it.



IS the answer because our English teacher taught us


Read the passage from Hamlet, Act I, Scene v.

Hamlet: Why, right; you are i’ the right;

From the context, the reader can determine that the word i’ means: IN


How could healthcare be improved for the elderly




With the Baby Boomer and Generation X groups getting older each day, the country is facing the reality that by 2025, one quarter of the workforce will be above 55,”The problem doesn’t only lie in the fact that Americans are living longer. They’re also, generally speaking, more sick. The CDC recently noted that the number of individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s would double by the year 2060, and the rise of chronic illness affects nearly half of all adults in the U.S. Seniors are also more likely to experience macular degeneration and life threatening dental problems. This inevitably puts a strain on an already overburdened and understaffed healthcare system. Here are some ways we can fix this problem

Creating comprehensive patient assessments that include a complete review of all medical, psychosocial, lifestyle, and patient values

Creation and implementation of an evidenced-based plan of care that addresses all of the patient’s health-related needs

Communication and coordination with all who provide care for the patient in question

Promotion of the patient’s (and their caregiver’s) engagement in their own healthcare

just copy and paste I hope this helped :)

An author wants to explain how her experiences changed her, she should use the _____ organizational pattern.

none of these


I would say she would use a time-order because she will give an experience and then continue to explain how that experience impacted her life in continuing order of her life events

plss help!

Can someone give me an introduction paragraph that explains the overall meaning of the poem?!

I don’t get it lol

Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still,
Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will!
Where shall we dine?—O me! What fray was here?
Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all.
165Here’s much to do with hate but more with love.
Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate,
O anything of nothing first created!
O heavy lightness, serious vanity,
Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health,
Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!
This love feel I, that feel no love in this.
Dost thou not laugh?




Romeo and Juliet Summary. An age-old vendetta between two powerful families erupts into bloodshed. A group of masked Montagues risk further conflict by gatecrashing a Capulet party. A young lovesick Romeo Montague falls instantly in love with Juliet Capulet, who is due to marry her father's choice, the County Paris.

Alas that love whose view is muffled still/ Should without eyes see pathways to his will. ' – 'Love' here is actually Cupid or Eros, who shoots arrows of love even though he is blind – his 'view is muffled still', 'still' meaning 'forever'.

Shawn felt a branch scrape across his face as he ran
toward home. He had no idea where he had left his bike, but his mother expected him to be home for dinner.
Which of the following is an observation made from the text?


are there answer choices ?



which of these is a comma splice?
agatha: I need to run please hurry im late.
Billboard: You cant sit there, I'm saving that for a friend, please move.
Blackboard: I cant believe I ate the whole thing; it was huge!​



Billboard: You cant sit there, I'm saving that for a friend, please move.


the comma splice is the small (,) so the second one is correct

Who is the main character in hector's great escape by bel mooney?​



Errol phipps


depicted as being the only prisoner of war never to escape the camp

Choose the situation that better shows the meaning of restrictive.

The gate at the airport is locked at six o’clock.

The gate at the airport has a rusty lock.



the gate at the airpot is locked at six six o clock

During the television program, Starr silently catalogues all of the lies Officer
One-Fifteen shared. What are some of them?



1) Starr Carter told the reported that Khalil never cussed or made threats on One-Fifteen's life, 2) that Khalil never said "i'm gonna sho' your a**", and 3) he never had a gun, it was just a hairbrush.


and succchhh a good book and movie. just sayin' :)

In “Death of a salesman”
Willy Loman can best be described as
a) a terrific salesman
b) a crazy old man
c) a tragic hero
O d) a selfish father





he cared about others.

Answer would be C I believe!!! Sorry if I am wrong but o am pretty sure it C!!!!

what stood on the bank of semmerwater​



This ballad tells us about the story of a beggar and it's immensely powerful course

Many young boys are____
with superheros
a infatuated
b rapt
c negotiable
d degraded
e translucent
f reprehensible





The assumption here is that young boys love superheroes. Infatuated is to be in love with.

Is it possible that we all move on a spectrum of race based on the situation we are in?



Yes, sadly that's how the world started to work and it is very sad and disappointing ngl...


Which pieces of evidence are most likely empirical? Select two options.

(A) quotations from planters describing formerly enslaved people and Indian workers
(B) stories about rivalries between formerly enslaved people and Indian workers
(C) a historical study showing that Indian workers were paid low wages
(D) recorded conversations with families whose ancestors experienced rivalries
(E) research showing that planters encouraged rivalry between workers


E is I think the answer


a historical study showing that Indian workers were paid low wages

research showing that planters encouraged rivalry between workers



Read the excerpt from "50 Below is Quite Cold, Even for Alaska."

She's hoping for a break in the weather — perhaps a balmy minus 20. Temperatures are supposed to remain cold into Friday.

How does the author's use of the word balmy affect the tone of the passage?

It creates an angry tone.

It creates a sarcastic tone.

It creates an informative tone.

It creates a humble tone.



It creates a sarcastic tone.


The definition of the word balmy is characterized by pleasantly warm weather. This word is used to describe the minus 20 degrees, which is horribly cold, but still not as cold as Alaska usually is. This combination of words creates a paradox - how can minus 20 degrees be balmy? It is not - the author is just being sarcastic. That's how the use of the word balmy creates a sarcastic tone.

The author's use of the word balmy affects the tone of the passage in that:

It creates a sarcastic tone.

Balmy means mild or gentle. However, the usage of this word in this sentence is sarcastic because it does not really represent the idea that the author wanted to pass.

It is ironic. Sarcasm is the use of irony to show mockery of something.

In the case above, a sarcastic tone is used because the weather was harsh and not mild. So, the opposite meaning is conveyed.

Learn more about sarcasm here:

Hello you probably don’t know me but if you vote for me you will
I don’t care about the economy I care about you and your families what good is the economy if your not safe and I will not raise taxes in fact there will be only a little amount of taxes. I know what joe Biden said I know what Donald Trump said guess what I’m offering something amazing a better place a better world.look if you vote for me you will be safe your kids will be safe and my girlfriend shout out to Kristen she my bay. But the point is why vote for me so I can make sure that the presidency will not get in the wrong hands like Donald Trump the orange man the duck man whatever. I’m here telling you the world could be better and it can if you vote for me.

Alex approves this message
And I love my girlfriend as well



we are not voting Trump definitely


we'll vote for you of

NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does Romeo ask of Juliet in Scene 5?


If she wants to run away with him



what's the choices?

A Raisin in the sun
Which of the pairs of characters from Act Two Scene 1 represent the strongest foil for each other?



ruth and walter younger



Which sentence is correct?
"He gave a persuasive speech", she claims.
He gave a persuasive speech, she claims.
"He gave a persuasive speech," she claims.
Which one uses correct punctuation?


Answer: The third sentence is correct.

Based on your understanding, which fact is accurate?

Despite his devotion to communism, Leon Trotsky was forced out of his political party and later assassinated, as ordered by the leader of the party.
Despite his impiety to communism, Leon Trotsky was forced out of his political party and later assassinated, as ordered by the leader of the party.
Despite his devotion to communism, Leon Trotsky was forced out of his political party and later congratulated as ordered by the leader of the party.
Despite his devotion to communism, Leon Trotsky was remained with his political party and later assassinated, as ordered by the leader of the party.



Despite his devotion to communism, Leon Trotsky was forced out of his political party and later assassinated, as ordered by the leader of the party.

Explanation: this for people that need in the future:)


Despite his devotion to communism, Leon Trotsky was forced out of his political party and later assassinated, as ordered by the leader of the party


Directions: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" includes many examples of figurative language meant to persuade people to take action. Read the lines from the letter and identify ONE type of figurative language (some excerpts may contain more than one), its meaning, its effect on mood and tone, and its effect on the audience. An example has been completed for you. Then, answer the analysis question.

2. Like a boil that can never be cured as long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its pus-flowing ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must likewise be exposed, with all of the tension its exposing creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.

Type of figurative language:

Meaning of figurative language:

Effect on tone and mood:

Effect on audience:



light of human conscience

Type of figurative language:


Meaning of figurative language:

Just as the human conscience always reminds us of the truth it is compared to light because of its transparency.

Effect on tone and mood:

It has a serious tone and creates a solemn mood

Effect on audience:

It makes the audience reflect on their conscience which tells them that injustice is wrong as illuminating and right.


A Metaphor is a figurative language that links an object directly to another. The reason why a metaphor is used is to make the audience imagine what the author is talking about.

Since the object being linked to the words the author wishes to use is very relatable to the audience, it makes the thoughts easier to convey and more real to the audience. This is what Martin Luther King aims to achieve when he linked light to the human conscience.

i need help please help me someone please anyone



hommie its one


Some one make a paragraph out of these:

People visit the doctor.
Their ordeal begins.
A patient has an appointment for 2:00.
He is told he will have to wait.
The wait will be at least one hour.
Other people arrive.
Everyone takes a seat.
Soon the room becomes crowded.
Some people read old magazines.
Others count the stripes.
The stripes are in the wallpaper.
Some people look at each other.
Some people may smile.
No one talks to anyone else.
Some people are very sick.
They cough a lot.
They hold tissues to their noses.



For the people that visit the doctor, their ordeal begins. A patient who has a 2:00 appointment is told to wait at least on hour. Other arrive and sit, and the room quickly becomes crowded. While some read old magazines, others count the stripes on the wallpaper. People look at each other and smile, but they don't talk. Sick, coughing people hold tissues to their noses.


Hope that helps.

Which is right?

A. Charlie Chaplin a former stage actor began his film career in 1914.

B. Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor, began his film career in 1914.


B. Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor, began his film career in 1914.
B. Charlie Chaplin, a former stage actor...etc.

What does “ Personification ”
Mean? / 11 points :)


Answer: The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.

Explanation: Example; The puppy danced with joy when it was finally given to its new owner.


its basically when things or objects are described with human characteristics


active voice narrative



the subject performs action on the object. Examples. Passive: The hamburger and fries were eaten by Andy. Active: Andy ate the hamburger and fries.



A sentence where the subject acts upon the verb


Compare both passages below. What is the purpose of each passage? How does
each passage use supporting details to support its specific purpose?
Passage 1:
Your next tablet should be the upcoming G2 tablet, which is hitting stores this
Thursday. Tired of the slow, glitchy performance of your old, tired tablet? Sick
of having to install update after update, patch after patch, only to deal with the
same subpar performance? Frustrated with the lack of exciting, useful apps
your tablet? Treat yourself to the new G2 tablet, on sale Thursday at all A-
Mart locations near you!
Passage 2:
The new G2 tablet is seven inches tall, five inches wide, and a half-inch thick.
It uses the Roboto operating system, which will allow many popular apps and
programs to run on the machine. Most people bring their G2 tablets on the
train or bus and take advantage of the included Wi-Fi card. This convenient,
portable, and useful device will help users run their lives while running their
errands. The G2 tablet is available for purchase at A-Mart starting this



Passage 1 and passage 2 are similar because both passages are promoting the new G2 tablet, They're different because passage 1 talks about the cons of your old tablet while passage 2 only talks about the good things of the G2 tablet. The purpose of both passages are to endorse the G2 tablet. Passage 1 uses supporting details by using the statement "tired of the slow, glitchy performance of your old, tired tablet? " and supports it up by using examples of the downfalls of your old tablet as supporting details. Passage 2 uses supporting details by saying ''This convenient, portable, and useful device will help users run their lives while running their errands." and backs that statement up by telling the reader the pros of the tablet using that as supporting details. And the authors purpose is to persuade and inform you about the G2 Tablet.

I forgot my jacket, so I stayed inside at recess.

What type of sentence is it



compound sentence


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