Read the excerpt from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad.

Then she told them of her own first vain effort at running away, evoking the memory of that miserable life she had led as a child, reliving it for a moment in the telling.

In this excerpt, which rhetorical appeal is Tubman using to convince people to continue?


Answer 1


It was Ethos.


Answer 2




Ethos, because she is using her own knowledge as a tool.

Related Questions

2. The lake is beautiful.
True or false



I guess true? Most lakes are.



What lake? Normally lakes are beautiful so I will go with true. If you can elaborate that would be nice


Why is Eddie coughing at the beginning of "The Fourth Person"?



He is deteriorating with each new stage in heaven  


I hope this helps

what does let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch mean


Answer:These words mean to let others believe what they want to believe, even if you do not agree.


Dialogue Conditional sentences



I have no idea what your question is, so im just going to make an educated guess and explain my reasoning.


An example of a conditional sentence:

A conditional sentence tells what would or might happen under certain conditions. It most often contains an adverb clause beginning with 'if' and an independent clause. ... For example: "If it's cold, I'll wear a jacket” or “I'll (I will) wear a jacket if it's cold.” Either clause can go first.

The 4 types of conditional sentences:

There are 4 basic types of conditionals: zero, first, second, and third. It's also possible to mix them up and use the first part of a sentence as one type of conditional and the second part as another. These sentences would be called “mixed conditionals.”

The 3 types of conditional sentences?

Conditional Sentences / If-Clauses Type I, II und III

Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future.

Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)

Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)

Read these lines from the poem "The Black Snake" by Patricia Hubbell.

Black snake! Black snake!

Curving down the lawn,

Glides like a wave

With its silver gone.

What is the meaning of the imagery in these lines?

The snake is trying to find its way back to the ocean.

The snake moves as seamlessly and effortlessly as the ocean.

The snake is as elusive and unpredictable as catching a fish.

The snake is a creature of the water. PLEASE PLEASE ANSWER



The snake moves as seamlessly and effortlessly as the ocean


To me, it seems as the most logical since the lines of the poem are explaining the snakes movements as 'waves' and tainting it with the words 'curving' and 'glides'.

The second statement: The snake moves as seamlessly and effortlessly as the ocean.


The simile, "Glides like a wave" is comparing the snake's movements to the graceful flows of ocean waves.

"Curving down the lawn" describes that the snake is on someone's lawn and there is no statement showing that it is making an effort to escape.

These lines invalidate the others and prove the answer.

I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?


You are an echo!! That is the answer

how do you lose face fat



drink lots of water, limit alcohol, facial excersizes,  less carbs, less sodium.

Do Facial Exercises. Share on Pinterest. ...
Add Cardio to Your Routine. Oftentimes, extra fat in your face is the result of excess body fat. ...
Drink More Water. ...
Limit Alcohol Consumption. ...
Cut Back on Refined Carbs. ...
Switch up Your Sleep Schedule. ...
Watch Your Sodium Intake. Hope this helped :)

Which group of words is a dependent clause
they will go tomorrow
if you can go there
the weather is good
D. she went to the market
on the way to


A is a dependent clause
A is a dependent clause

Rewrite the following sentence correctly using colons and/or semicolons.

As Hamlet so aptly advised "To thine own self be true."


Answer: Colon


As Hamlet so aptly advised: "To thine own self be true."

A Colon is the punctuation mark that is used to direct you to the information. Colon is usually giving the silent impression of ''Which is'' ''As follows'' ''Thus'' ''Which are'' and more. In this case, we can see that colon is more appropriate than semicolon which presents the pause and it is usually used between two independent clauses.

A colon is the punctuation mark with two parallel dots and it can be easily recognized in a sentence.

Who is an example of a minor character in “The Snow-Queen”?



i think it is character is part of the book but are not to important


Answer: I actually think it might be the snow queen, either that or the grandmother. But the snow queen is super minor, so I think it’s her, thoughts?


what is the significance of the poppet in the crucible



The poppet has several different meanings that it symbolizes. It goes from being a symbol of innocence and youth to a symbol of distrust and witchcraft. The poppet also symbolizes a vessel that can be manipulated. A doll is not necessarily hollow, but it lacks human qualities. They mean nothing on their own. However, when something  happens to it, the meaning of a doll changes through out the book.


Is all fear the same ?3-4 sentences



Yes all fear is the same. It's still the same emotion from that specific part of your brain. At the end of the day, all emotions come from your amygdalae. To wrap up everything stated, all fear is the same because it all comes from the same place.


write a poem about dallas in the outsders



Defying authority in every single way

And don't forget shoplifting; this happens all the time.

Loud, dirty talking, is what he famous for.

Ladies watch yourselves, 'cause you might fall in love.

Any person would look at him, and say he's a greaser

Some would even call him a delinquent.

What about New York, you ask?

I don't even know.

No one knows the horror

Stories of what went on up there.

To be honest, he's just like you and me.

Overlooked, always prejudged

No one sees the struggling soul that just wants a way out.

The prefix im- in the word impractical gives a clue that this word means

"very useful."
"more useful."
"not useful."
"too useful."



"not useful"


The prefix im expresses negation; not, so when you call something impractical you are saying no-practical or not useful  

The prefix im- in the word impractical gives a clue that this word means "not useful". Thus, option third is correct.

What is the word impractical?

Implementing, maintaining, or using it is not a good idea. Impractical: incapable of managing practical matters sensibly or prudently can be defined as impractical.

People that lack pragmatism are typically not excellent at making or repairing things. Impractical arrangements, concepts, or approaches cannot be carried out, implemented, or used efficiently: having so many users attempting to use this equipment at the same time is unrealistic.

Anything that is impractical is something that is neither sensible nor realistic, something that does not operate well in practice. Living in one place and working in another, for example, is impractical. The phrases "unpractical" and "inconvenient" indicate the same thing. Therefore, it can be concluded that, option C is correct.

For more information about word impractical, click here:


Stanley wasn't sure if the bus driver meant for him to be careful going down the steps, or if he was telling him to be careful at Camp Green Lake. "Thanks for the ride," he said. His mouth was dry and his throat hurt. He stepped onto the hard, dry dirt. There was a band of sweat around his wrist where the handcuff had been.

The land was barren and desolate. He could see a few rundown buildings and some tents. Farther away there was a cabin beneath two tall trees. Those two trees were the only plant life he could see. There weren't even weeds.

Louis Sachar

Why does the author describe Stanley’s environment? Choose the best answer.

to paint a picture of what camp looks like
to show that camp will be difficult
to explain that not everyone is so bad
to joke about the camp not being green


Answer: To show that camp will be difficult (B)


I answered it and it was correct.




What ways have you observed a particular group of people or community being underserved or wronged?




Well repeat the question to yourself and ask have you ever seen that happen. This question is meant for you to be answered by. It's your opinion. If you haven't seen this happen then explain that you haven't. Hope this helps.

An entrepreneur must accept being accountable for the failure of the company because the entrepreneur is

part of the management team.
responsible for organizing the business.
expected to contribute positively to society.
expected to dedicate the most hours to the business.



responsible for organizing the business


An entrepreneur must accept being accountable for the failure of the company because the entrepreneur is:

B. responsible for organizing the business.


This is a person who is in charge of a business and is responsible for the organization and management of a business.

As a result of hit s. we can see that the entrepreneur is responsible for the success or failure of the organization or business because he is responsible for organizing the business.

Read more about entrepreneur here:

These are words, phrases or sentences that link segments of writing.​



Uhmm.... what?





*Read the article * then i put the question plS



Easy, B. Rival


Correct me if i'm wrong!

In a discussion, Frank politely interrupts Nia to ask whether her information up coal mines applies to mines only in the United States or if it applies all mines across the globe. Which discussion technique is Frank most clearly using? A. Challenging established ideas? B. Synthesizing Claims C. Using evidence to support conclusions D. Asking clarifying questions



D. Asking clarifying questions


According to the question, Frank politely interrupts Nia to ask if her information about coal mines apply to only the mines in the United States or all around the globe.

The discussion technique Frank is clearly using is asking clarifying questions. He asked the question to get clarity and avoid misconceptions because without his question, someone can wrongly (or rightly) assume that the information Nia gave is about all coal mines

Best possible choice for your answer is D. Asking clarifying questions :)

Read this excerpt from The Call of the Wid by Jack
Which type of conflict is shown in the excerpt?
A chill wind was blowing that nipped him sharply and bit with especial venom into his wounded shoulder. He lay
down on the snow and attempted to sleep. but the frost
soon drove him shivering to his feet. Miserable and
disconsciate, he wandered about among the many tents,
only to find that one place was as cold as another.

character vs. self
character vs. nature
character vs. character
character vs. society


Answer: Character vs. Nature

Explanation: Because I said so and because I read the book.


character vs. nature


key words are venom, frost, tents, cold.

what is the definition of perch?​


noun- a thing on which a bird alights or roots typically a branch or a horizontal rod or bar in a birdcage

I would like to make a song about my rhyming
but my flow feels all wrong a disaster
its hard getting the right sort of timing
even though I'm a lyrical master

if you haven't recognized the flow yet
you are definitely legally blind
I'm the greatest poet yet and that's a bet
time to make some paper I'm on the grind
*(The rhyme scheme is ABAB and there are ten syllables in each line c: )





why does myers start to use you in the end of the sentence



To address readers as he gives them advice based on his own experiences.


I took the I-ready test.

To speak directly to readers as he offers guidance based on his personal experiences.

What is personal experiences?

Firsthand knowledge comes from personal experience. This technique of using evidence and storytelling is frequently employed in interviews, speeches in front of groups, and academic writing like essays and research. It's typical to contrast personal experience with experience gained through employment.

In order to make as many one-to-many connections into one-to-one ones as feasible, the Personal Experience technique is applied.

When you give it some thought, learning is actually a fairly private activity. It involves discovering oneself, picking up new skills, strengthening one's confidence, and broadening one's knowledge base. Learning is about the individual, regardless of how it happens or if it is for professional or personal betterment.

Thus, To speak directly to readers as he offers guidance.

For more information about personal experiences, click here:


What is your opinion on The Stranger/The Outsider by Albert Camus?



my option is that its pretty good,its just so interesting yk yeah

How quantitative research applicable in the humanities and social sciences field in discipline?​


Here's what i know:

How the quantitative research important to different fields of discipline is By operationalizing variables, quantitative research seeks to measure change, allowing us to make important comparisons and quantify correlations. Quantitative research aims to be generalizable to large populations by using specific sampling methods and large data sets.

Cash Summary of the new directions story


Where’s the article?

could you explain a little further lol

Read the opening paragraph of "After Twenty Years” by O. Henry.

The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh de-peopled the streets.

Trying doors as he went, twirling his club with many intricate and artful movements, turning now and then to cast his watchful eye adown the pacific thoroughfare, the officer, with his stalwart form and slight swagger, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace. The vicinity was one that kept early hours. Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long since been closed.

Based on the text, which prediction for what will happen in this story is most valid?






the answer is C

Explanation: i took the test

All You Can Eat
byl Blue Spicer
The argument had been going on for nearly an hour. By now, the grond coming from Marcel's stomach was audible to his friends. Caudette had
been asioing for pizza this entire time, but Pablo would not budge. He repeatedly told them that they always settle for pizza, and this time he wanted
to try the new Italian cafe and he would not budge for anything but cafe food. Marcel, tired of being interrupted by his gut began to counter that a
cafe did not have meal-sized portions, and by nou he had gone from slightly hungry to extremely ravenous. Howeves, Pablo and Gaudente seemed
to ignore Marcel's input and continued to bickes between the only two options they cared to consider
Then Marcel had a marvelous idea. Fost, he allowed his friends to tire themselves out arguing for a bit longer. When they finally took a breath
Marcel sax his chance "You know, there is a nen restaurant down the street, which offers a buite where we can get pizza, cafe food, and anything
else we might want as expected. Pablo and Claudette used Marcel's taking point as a chance to catch their breath before going back to taking over
one another
Pablo had been ging in to Caudette and her need for pizza for months now. It was auczys pizza because pizza was seves an option at home and
he knew this. Eating with Pablo and Marcel was Caudette's one time to eat something a little less healthy, so she was adamat to eat pizza. Claudette
and Patio were both stubborn, so when Marcel offered up the chance to try a new place that would satisfy what everyone wanted, twent in one ar
and out the other. Marcel was prepared for this, but he also knen his two friends often had a delayed reaction to good news when they were arguing
amongst themselves.
After a few more minutes of going back and forth, Caudette and Pablo suddenly stopped. They both turned to Marcel as if they just had a ner
idea. "Hey, there is that new buffet place isntit just down the road?" Marcel stiled as Pablo and Claudette came to an agreement to give the buffet
places a try. As Claudette led them out the door, Marcel hid a smile
Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match the characters to the way they develop the plot
offers a choice to appease everyone's appetite
ending any friction in the group
stands firm on wanting to choose something nen to eat
causing friction with the group
stands firm on always choosing the same thing to eat
causing friction with the group



Pablo - causing friction with the group, stands firm on wanting to choose something else to eat

Claudette - causing friction with the group stands firm on always choosing the same thing to eat

Marcel - ending any friction in the group, offers a choice to appease everyone's appetite


Here, we have a group of three friends - Pablo, Claudette, and Marcel. Pablo and Claudette are causing friction within the group by arguing about what they are going to eat. Claudette wants to eat pizza - the same thing they usually eat, while Pablo wants to try something new in the new Italian cafe. Marcel is the one who ends the friction by suggesting a new restaurant, where everyone could eat what they like.


what he said


he is right

true or false? A good paragraph may deal with several topics.





plz mark me as brainlist. plz plz plz.




A good paragraph may rather contain several topics. However, it should be emphasized that the most important in the formulation of a paragraph is that there is cohesion and coherence.

Other Questions
At the end of the article, Kathleen Hall Jamieson says, "Elections in times of national crisis place challenges in front of whoever is president. When a president steps up in one of those moments, you get Lincoln in the Civil War, you get Roosevelt in World War II. This is one of those moments." What does she mean by that? You invest 1,000 in a project today. the project will generate a cash flow of 3186 three years from now. if the interest rate is 3%, what is the net present value of the project? The following saying is an example of a _______ device. Why is this _______ device easy for some people to remember? (Hint: try reading it out loud.) Thirty is hot, twenty is nice, ten is cold, and zero is ice. You and three friends went shopping. All of youbought the same shirt and pants except you did notbuy the pants for $12. The total was $92. Write anequation to determine how much each of yourfriends paid for their outfit.I have till 2 and I need help Plz help! :) :D I will mark you as BRAINLIEST!!!Physical and Chemical Properties of MagnesiumHere is an EXAMPLE of how it has to be like. Instead of Mercury, you HAVE to do MagnesiumPhysical Properties of Mercury: Im a highly stable element, so you can count on meChemical Properties of Mercury: I love to travel but I do corrode aluminum so we wont be flying off on adventures in airplanes planes anytime soon SAT Scores SAT Scores Group 1 Group 2 1520 1510 SAT Scores Group 3 SAT Scores Group 4 1620 1480 1630 1480 1700 1570 1480 2100 1520 1400 1580 1800 1510 1800 1400 1300 1530 1930 1300 1250 1430 2150 1700 1400 2000 1340 1610 1430 1800 1580 1580 1390 1410 1530 1520 1520 1390 1610 The SAT scores of 4 groups of 10 students are shown. Which group has the greatest range? A) Group 1 B) Group 2 Group 3 D) Group 4 At the local coffee shop, they sell a reusable mug for $6. If you use the mug for a refill, the refill costs $1.30. Last month Jason spent $29.40 for the mug and refills. Which equation can be used to determine the number of refills, r, Jason purchased last month? How did the early Minoans defend themselves?A. They were totected by ships at sea.B .They relied on the gods to defend them.C. They were protected by strong fortifications. D.They had large armies to defend against invasion. Read the excerpt from A Short Walk Around the Pyramids and through the World of Art.If you visit Athens, you will not find the Horse of Selene or its neighbors. They were taken from the Parthenon early in the nineteenth century, shipped to London, and placed in the British Museum. And they were given a new name, the Elgin Marbles, after Lord Elgin, the man who brought them to England. Those marble shapes, even though they are now battered and broken, weave a spell around everyone who comes to them.A map of Europe would be a helpful text feature, becausereaders could see the distance between Athens and London.readers could see the Horse of Selene.readers could understand the size of the sculpture.readers could see what Lord Elgin looked like. In the winter, a town has a low of -5F. Inthe summer, the same town has a high of98F. What is the difference in temperature?[? ]F What is the equation in point slope form for a linear function with a slope of m=4 that passes through the point (2,7)? Josh heated a certain amount of blue copper sulfate crystals to get 2.1 g of white copper sulfate powder and 1.4 g of water. What is most likely the mass of the blue copper sulfate that he heated and why? In a small library , there are 5 nonfiction books for every 9 fiction books There are 130 a . How many fiction books are there ? what happens all by itself because the nucleus is unstable Rectangle ABCD is the image of rectangle ABCD after which of the following rotations? simpfly by dividing [-5/8] divided by [-3/4] A 3,000kg car rests on rough horizontal ground. A rope isattached to the car and is pulled with a force of 11,000N to theleft. As a result, the car accelerates at 3 m/s2. The coefficient ofsliding friction (1) between the car and the ground is? A region based on common properties such as population is called an? True or false: 8.9 x 10-7 = 0.000 008 9. explain what an inference is and how you make it