Read the section "Textbook Version Of History Has Holes."
What does this section explain that other sections do not?
that students have knowledge about Columbus but not about the Taing people
that some people are working to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day
that Columbus and his men killed many of the Taing people who lived in the area where Columbus landed
that the Taing people did not like how Columbus treated them and fought against him and his men​


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

You did not include the text so we can read it. However, we can help to comment on the following.

What a section like that could explain that other sections do not is that history is written by the victorious, but it is one side of the stry. You always need to know the other side if you really want to know the truth.

In this case, as we could not read the text because you did not attach it, we can say that Christopher Columbus did somethings that are questionable, and others were wrong, but that doesn't appear in textbooks. Only the side says he discovered the American on October 12, 1492.

But if you do some research and dig over other versions and documents, you can find that he did not treat Native Indians well, he was not the first to really get to the Americas, that Indians tried to defend themselves against the mistreatments of Columbus crew, and yes, today there are many people and groups that demand to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day, as a way to honor Native American Indian tribes.

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What is Folklore? What is the function of folklore?



Folklore is the expressive body of culture shared by a particular group of people; it encompasses the traditions common to that culture, subculture or group. These include oral traditions such as tales, proverbs and jokes.

Folktales can be used in a variety of ways to help children:

Develop stronger reading skills.

Study other cultures.

Model character traits.

Appreciate other traditions.

Learn about decision making.

Explore new ways of seeing the world.

Discover a love of stories.


Folklore; the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth. It is a body of culture shared by a group of people. Somewhat a form of art, most popular folklore genres, oral folklore.. this is usually about song, dance and all forms of verbal art, including poetry, riddles, fairy tales, legends, and much more.

Folklore's doesn't have much of a function, it usually validates culture, situating rituals and institutions to those who perform and watch them, there are usually more information about culture and things like Folklore online.

Which group believed that the rights of the individual are not protected by the Constitution as written during the convention? (5 points)

a. Federalists
b. Anti-federalists


The answer is A

If I am wrong pls correct, but I am about 99.99% sure that it is A!





Explanation: i took the test and got it right

Which of these statements is true about the Byzantine Empire after the death of Justinian?
A) It was in constant decline
B) It created an Empire larger than the Roman Empire
C) It was engaged in a long series of conflicts known as the Punic Wars with the Spartans
D) the Byzantine Empire fell at the same time as Justinian
(An explanation to please if you don't mind,Thank you!)


B because I said so or yeah

What information led to Coronado’s expedition?
A report from Cabeza de Vaca
Reports from Cortés
Fray Marcos de Niza's report
Tales told by Estevan



The answer is Fray Marcos De Niza's report.


The reason why is becasuse De Niza said that he say wealth and Cornado decieded to claim it for himself.




hope it helps

Which two of the following sentences from the
article include central ideas of the article?
1. The most famous printed
version of the Declaration of
Independence is emblazoned
with the words "In Congress,
July 4, 1776" at the top.
2. Interestingly, this document
was not officially signed on
that celebrated date.
3. The document, central to
founding the United States of
America, was created through
a process that took time
cooperation and revision,
4. It is believed that about 200
copies were published on July
5 and only about 25 still exist


Ndhxuxurhruuu wants me to come in today to 2727277477211 to pick up the kids from school today and I will make sure that I have a good day

What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the Article of Confederation?



Strengths & Accomplishments

Government signed a treaty of alliance with France in 1778.

Government successfully waged a war for independence against the British.

Government negotiated an end to the American Revolution in the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783.

Government granted the free inhabitants of each state “all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the

several states.”

Government provided for the eventual admission of Canada into the Confederation.

Government passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which allowed the Northwest Territories to organize their

own governments. It allowed the eventual admission to the Union of no more than five states, and no fewer than

three, “on an equal footing with the original states.” The Ordinance also banned slavery from the region.

Government established the Departments of Foreign Affairs, War, Marine, and Treasury.


Congress had no power to coin money, therefore each state developed its own currency.

Congress was unable to regulate interstate and foreign commerce; some states refused to pay for goods they

purchased from abroad.

Congress was unable to impose taxes; it could only borrow money on credit.

No national court system was established to protect the rights of U.S. citizens.

No executive branch was established to enforce laws.

Amendments could be added only with the approval

of all 13 states.

Approval of 9 of 13 states was required to pass a

law in Congress.

One vote was allotted for each state, despite the

size of its population


Who wrote the albany plan and what was the purpose?



Benjamin Franklin suggested it.


The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies

Describe in detail 2 causes of the American Revolution



As the British government became more involved in the affairs of colonies, people began to worry that they would once again lose their freedoms. The French and Indian War took place between the American colonies and New France. Both sides allied with various Native American tribes. This war lasted from 1754 to 1763.


Many American colonists disagreed with the British system of mercantilism because it —? i need help


Answer: the taxes did not befit America and cause strain on their economy. not only did it cause already unwelcome strain but in later years the taxes would be jacked up to un fair amounts  

Explanation:Mercantilism was the dominant economic paradigm of its era and a critical influence in shaping American colonization. Ultimately, mercantilist theory tended to view economics as a zero-sum game. Its advocates argued for governmental regulation of the economy. They argued that by controlling its imports and exports, a country could maximize its wealth (while denying that wealth to rival powers).

From a mercantilist mindset, the colonies were seen primarily as a means to an end (existing for the benefit of the mother country). At this point, I think you should recognize that there was likely a kind of tension at play between political identity and economic self-interest. Remember, the colonists tended to view themselves as English citizens.

What was one important factor that contributed to the fall of the Delhi sultanate



left much of the governing of the empire to ministers and the government became highly corrupt as a result. economic hardships grew worse under heavy taxes and revolts. mainly wars among rivals to the throne and local rulers who controlled their lands like independent kingdoms.

There were several factors that led to the fall of the Delhi Sultanate such as:

Corrupt leadership Economic hardships Internal rivalry

The Delhi Sultanate was key to the spread of Islam to India but after some time saw a decline for various reasons with one very important one being corrupt leadership. Ministers had free rein in the empire and engaged in activities that benefitted them at the expense of the people.

There was also economic hardships and instead of the government doing something about it, they imposed more taxes on the people and this led to revolts.

There was also internal rivalry as various people fought for the throne at some point or the other which weakened the Sultanate from within.

Find out more at

French and Indian war


The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution.

please help!!!!! i'll mark brainliest



D 1776


Declartation of Independecne

How did New Orleans differ from other American cities of the early nineteenth century?




The city of New Orleans differs from the rest of the United States in a few ways, especially in the nineteenth century. When we are talking about the city itself it was the largest port in the South and was exporting and importing many goods. When we are talking about the culture it is exceptionally different from other cities across the US. It is where Jazz originated and the city itself is very influenced by black culture. It is a city where many festivals are celebrated from a few cultures and it is a true melting pot inside the melting pot of cultures that is the US.

. Trade flourished in the Assyrian Empire because
A. people craved Asian spices.
B. they invented the wheel.
C. they wanted to expand their empire.
D. there was a vast network of safe roads.


the answer this is question is C

The answer to the question is c

is 2, 344 a natural number ,integer, irrational number, or a real number




It is a Natural, real number, integer


As a rule, women who had families in Colonial Texas were expected to manage all of the following tasks except: a. working as laborers on family farms and ranches b. casting the family vote in politics c. crafting animals skins into clothing d. mixing herbs for family medicine


Answer: Its A

Explanation: Because I Took The Test And Got A 100%

Answer: it's A


took it on edge

Alexander Hamilton served as john peter Zenger's lawyer and spoke these words at his trial:

The loss of liberty in general would soon follow the suppression of the liberty of the press so perhaps it is the best preservative of the whole.

which of the following summarizes this quotation

A. There can be no liberty without justice.
B. Freedom of the press helps ensure and protect all other liberties.
C. Allowing freedom of the press can lead to a loss of other liberties.
D. The judicial branch of government best able to defend citizens liberties.






It protects all other freedoms.



The state that we now call __________ was ceded by Spain to the United States as a result of the Adams-Onís Treaty.


It is d Florida Spain ceded to Florida to the united states in 1819 Adams onis treaty


A.setting up collage for women
B.offering public schools and teacher training
C.requiring all children to attend school
D.taking over schools from the national governments



B. Offering public schools and teacher training




The duty of ___ is to give their votes for President.

A) Congress
B) citizens
C) Senators
D) Representatives
E) electors



D representatives


hope it helps you


In my opinion the way I understood your question id say Citizen


the duty of a citizen is to give their votes to the president

(that's how I understand your question)

How were reservations supposed to “Americanize" the Plains tribes?



Indoctrinating the children

Schools often forced the pupils to dress like eastern Americans. They were given shorter haircuts. Even the core of individual identity  one's name was changed to "AMERICANIZE" the children. These practices often led to further tribal divisions. Each tribe had those who were friendly to American "assistance" and those who were hostile. Friends were turned into enemies.


The Dawes Act was an unmitigated disaster for tribal units. In 1900, land held by Native American tribes was half that of 1880. Land holdings continued to dwindle in the early 20th century. When the Dawes Act was repealed in 1934,, poverty,  were higher for Native Americans than any other ethnic group in the United States. As America grew to the status of a world power, the first Americans were reduced to hopelessness.


Sample response: Reservations forced the Plains tribes to renounce their old ways. The tribes were restricted from hunting, required to attend school, and made to convert to Christianity.



what does 24 7 mean idk what it means


Answer: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


it basically means all the time

Answer:24 hours 7days a week it took me till the age 10 to figuer it out


did immigrants from japan settle in boston






No, they arrived first in Hawaii.

Why did Louis invade Prussia? What were the consequences?



The politics of the period inevitably drove France towards war with Austria and its allies. The King, many of the Feuillants, and the Girondins specifically wanted to wage war.

- The King was hoping war would increase his personal popularity and make him stronger.

- The Girondins wanted to export the Revolution throughout Europe and, by extension, to defend the Revolution within France.

- Other Monarchs from Prussia, Austria were threatening of invading France on the behalf of the French Monarchy. Moreover, the king was unhappy to sharing power and not wanting to accept the limitation on his power as result he agitating with the foreign monarchs

- People like Barnave and Robespierre in France opposed the war, and in Austria the emperor Leopold II, brother of Marie Antoinette, may have wished to avoid war, but unfortunately he died on 1 March 1792.

Thus France under this circumstance it preemptively declared war on Austria (20 April 1792). Prussia joined the Austrian side a few weeks later. And the wars that will catapult Napoleon into notoriety was on.

what mountainous areas are shown on the map?What country estabilished the settlements that are shown west of these mountains



blue ridge mountains, appalachian mountains. the french most often were the ones to settle west to the mountains, and had often contact with native americans. (i googled for the worksheet because no map was shown)


Why did the eastern half of the Mississippi Territory have more political power than the western half?


With an upper hand over man, and government power.

describe what the industrial revolution was about?


Answer: The Industrial Revolution marked a period of development in the latter half of the 18th century that transformed largely rural, agrarian societies in Europe and America into industrialized, urban ones.

Credit: Saf

Papaano magiging makabuluhan para sa mga pilipino na pag aralan ang mga panitikan ng mindanao bilang bahagi ng panitikang pilipino?​



can u translate it plsss

1French colonists exploited the Vietnamese land and people. What does "to exploit" mean?

Help please well its a brain pop question



Expliot means to use unfairly.


5. Which Native American group allied with each country listed in the French
and Indian war?



The British colonists were supported at various times by the Iroquois, Catawba, and Cherokee tribes, and the French colonists were supported by Wabanaki Confederacy member tribes Abenaki and Mi'kmaq, and the Algonquin, Lenape, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Wyandot tribes.

I hope this helps and have a great day! :)

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