Read the words spoken by an imaginary farmer in Rome, and then answer the question.

The threat of attack was always there. Life in the countryside seemed safer than in the cities, especially since we grew our own food to survive. But we never knew when one of the neighboring tribes or invaders would come through our town. Lord Otho lived nearby. He was a strong leader with money to pay several soldiers who were no longer loyal to the Roman Empire. We fled to his manor to ask for his protection in return for part of our grain. When he agreed, we all felt safer in our homes than we had in a long time.

What effect of the fall of the Roman Empire does the farmer describe?

Group of answer choices

the survival of a strong central government

the decline in literacy

the rise of the feudal system

the diminished value of Roman coins

the answers isnt the survival of a strong governmet


Answer 1

Answer: the survival of a strong central government


Related Questions

How many white stripes were on the American Flag when the Star
Spangled Banner was written?


Answer: 6

Explanation: The first Flag Act, adopted on June 14, 1777, created the original United States flag of thirteen stars and six stripes. The Star-Spangled Banner has fifteen stars and fifteen stripes as provided for in the second Flag Act approved by Congress on January 13, 1794.

What is the largest source of revenue for most states?
O A.
O B.
O C. sales taxes
O D. income taxes
inheritance taxes
property taxes





Why is longanimity a frequent team appearing throughout the speech?


Longanimity refers to the virtue of long-suffering, longanimity is the virtue of waiting for God and the unfolding of His grace. It is probably appearing throughout the text to establish repetition in order to achieve emphasis of the idea expressed.

What is longanimity?

Longanimity is a term that refers to the quality of being patient, enduring hardships or suffering without complaint, and having a steadfastness of purpose. It is often associated with the virtue of patience and the ability to persevere in the face of challenges or obstacles.

Longanimity is a trait that can be valuable in a variety of settings, including personal relationships, work environments, and other areas of life where persistence and determination are necessary.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above. It could then be concluded that it appears throughout the speech to lay emphasis on endurance and its benefits.

learn more about repetition:


n the text, supporters of segregation claimed that racial segregation was acceptable because the spaces and services blacks used were "separate, but equal" to those used by whites. Why was this not true? Is it possible to ever have "separate, but equal" spaces and services? Why or why not?


Answer: It is posible to have seperate but equal spaces and services because as long as the seperate area receive equal funding and pretty much every thing is the same aside from the race of people that go to daid places it would be equal while still separated. however if these institutions do not receive equal funding and have a large difference in the quality of equipment that would not be fair or equal separation.


What is one success and one failure of governmental organizations in recent times?


One success of governmental organizations in recent times is the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, governments around the world have worked tirelessly to secure vaccines and get them to as many people as possible. This has involved coordinating with pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders, as well as setting up vaccination sites and implementing public education campaigns to encourage people to get vaccinated.

One failure of governmental organizations in recent times is the handling of the refugee crisis in several parts of the world. Governments in countries such as Syria, Myanmar, and Venezuela have been criticized for failing to protect the rights and well-being of refugees and for not doing enough to address the root causes of displacement. There have been reports of inadequate living conditions, lack of access to basic services, and widespread human rights violations in refugee camps and other places where refugees have sought shelter. This has led to a humanitarian crisis that has affected millions of people and has put a strain on the resources of many countries.

Which statements best describe the relationship between Great Britain and India from 1760 to 1947


He is a fantastic alternative and the greatest one. Indians were classified as second-class citizens in Britain.

What did Britain accomplish in India?

The United Kingdom tore apart the Indian subcontinent right before they eventually left after 200 years of enslaving India, robbing it of its wealth, and lining their own pockets. 13 million people were relocated and about a million people died as a result of the 1947 split that accompanied India's independence.

During the British Empire's colonisation of India, the divide and conquer political tactic was employed. To assist them dominate the area, the invaders employed a tactic that pitted locals against one another. The Indian people were split along religious lines whenever the British felt threatened by Indian nationalism and saw it gaining strength.

To know about British and India visit:


Which statements best describe the relationship between Great Britain and India from 1760 - 1947?

A. Great Britain and India were at war.

B. Great Britain denied Indians any role in the government of their nation.

C. Indians treated the British as second-class citizens.

D. British citizens had few rights or freedoms in India.

E. Great Britain treated Indians as second-class citizens.

Why do you think anthropologists photograph remote tribes from helicopters rather than interacting with them directly?


Anthropology is the study of what makes people human. Anthropologists investigate all the various dimensions of the human experience from a holistic perspective.

What are Anthropologists?

The study of anthropology focuses on what makes humans human.

Holism is the approach that anthropologists use to explore all the varied facets of the human experience.

They look to the past through archaeology to understand how and what mattered to human groups hundreds or thousands of years ago.

A person who studies anthropology is known as an anthropologist.

The study of human characteristics within existing and past communities is known as anthropology.

Societal norms and values are investigated by social, cultural, and philosophical anthropologists.

Economic anthropology examines how people behave economically, while linguistic anthropology examines how language influences social life.

Therefore, anthropology is the study of what makes people human. Anthropologists investigate all the various dimensions of the human experience from a holistic perspective.

Know more about Anthropology here:


What impact did the arrival of millions of immigrants in the mid-1800s have on the United States?



They might've ran out of resources, Or they might have to split the US

There is many Possibilities


Romans, back then had too many people to support and ended up spliting the Roman empire, And The west side, ran out of resources, So there is many possibilities

How does Oakes define Abraham Lincoln's behavior toward racial equality?
A. Lincoln was clear about his support for racial equality.
B. Lincoln cratered to the biases of the people and thus behaved like a spineless
C. Lincoln detested blacks and intended to have the federal government colonize
them in Africa.
D. Lincoln intended to impose racial equality only in the South to punish
Southerners for seceding from the Union.


Answer: A. Lincoln was clear about his support for racial equality.



2. Does Bruno and Gretel's tutor take advantage of the children's innocence in what he teaches them?
How? What were these ideas?
3. Grandmother disagrees with the views of the Nazis. How does she stand up for her beliefs?
4. What events and experiences lead Bruno to gradually give up some of his innocence and see things
5. Neither Bruno nor Shmuel really know going on at the concentration camp. Why is that, and what
allows them to keep their innocence?
6. How is it possible for Bruno and Shmuel to have fun together and maintain their friendship in the
of their circumstances?
7. How does Bruno justify continuing his friendship with Shmuel despite what his father, sister, and
have said about Jews?
8. The barbed wire fence is a physical separation between Bruno and Shmuel. What other types
of separation does the fence represent in this story?
9. How do Bruno and Shmuel demonstrate the essence of friendship despite their many differences? What are their differences?


Herr Liszt is the tutor hired by Bruno's father. He basically gives the lessons in Nazi rhetoric. He goes through all the great stuff the Nazi's were doing! Ethnic cleansing, anti-Semitism, German superiority and the swell guy named Hitler were just some topics on his course outline. Yes he was taking advantage of the children. Bruno and Gretel were a captive audience and impressionable Gretel took to the lessons while Bruno was skeptical.  

Grandmother tries to talk to her son (Bruno's father), but he will not listen, so she refuses to speak to him until he is willing to listen and walks out of his promotion party because she cannot stand to see him in his new commandment uniform after his promotion. This never happens before she dies, so she died with a quarrel unlamented, and her son now has to live with the thought of what he did to her.

I might consider the moment when Bruno changes his clothes and hops the fence into the death camp. Bruno has ceased to be in a state of otherness compared to Shmuel. He has disobeyed his father's instructions of, "Out Of Bounds At All No Times And No Exceptions." He has also left the safe world of the German elite and entered Shmuel's world of oppressed Jew.

Bruno is sheltered by his family. He lives in the midst of a death camp, but his mother and father keep him innocent of what happens on the other side of the fence. Shmuel is a different story, He also shelter Bruno. Shmuel hints at things and reveals what happened to his home and family but goes no further. There are a multitude of boys at the camp, but they are kept isolated. This would account for Shmuel's remaining innocence.

It is possible for Bruno and Shmuel to have fun together and maintain their friendship in the midst of their circumstances by them both going to the wire fence everyday and Bruno would bring the chess board or a ball, anything that he thought they would be able to play with. Bruno also brought Shmuel food because he didn't get fed on a regular basis.

Bruno justifies his friendship with Shmuel by claiming that he has found a friendly Jew. Because of his age, he mainly notices the good parts of different situations.

In this story, the barbed wire fence not only represents the physical separation between Bruno and Shmuel, but also the racial, cultural, and political separation.

The only difference is that Shmuel was born a Jew and Bruno was born German. Their situation is born out of the tragedy of Nazi Germany in WW2. The author has used innocence to describe atrocities that are indescribable, to create a story of two boys who in their similarities and their friendship question the cruelty of humanity in a way that causes the reader to see the world through fresh eyes. Innocence is extremely important in the plot of this novel not only because of the subject matter, but also because if Bruno had better understood what his father's job was and what Out-With truly was, he would not have found himself in the situation that led to the climactic final of the book.  

How did the author and other American soldiers cope with the dead and wounded--both Japanese and American? What attitudes did soldiers hold toward the enemy?


In flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions, prisoners were frequently tortured, maltreated, malnourished, and made to work in mines and industries that produced goods for the American soldiers .

How were Japanese soldiers handled during World War Two?

Around 60,000 of these men died as a result of their captors' severe treatment, in contrast to the POWs held by China or the western Allies. Japanese Prisoners were imprisoned in inhumane conditions with poor food and medical care, and they were made to perform forced labor.

After Pearl Harbor, how were Japanese Americans treated?

Yet, a surge of anti-Japanese mistrust and dread that followed the Pearl Harbor attack compelled the Roosevelt government to take a harsh attitude toward these inhabitants, both alien and citizen.

To know more about American soldiers visit :-


How did Octavian gain power in Rome?

A. He married Cleopatra .

B. He defeated Marc Antony .

C. He defeated the troops of Augustus .

D. He overthrew Julius Caesar .


I think is ( A ) because ”Octavian disposed of Lepidus in 32 and Antony (then allied with Cleopatra)"

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, life in America changed in many ways. Food and clothing
were rationed, some travel was restricted, more men were drafted into the military, and
more volunteered for military service. Even entertainment-movies, music, comic books-
changed, reflecting wartime moods and subjects. Compare and contrast how life in the
United States changed after Pearl Harbor with how it might change after the September 11
attacks. Compare and contrast those changes specifically for students your age.



The attack on Pearl Harbor and the September 11 attacks were both significant events that had a profound impact on American society. While both events were acts of war that resulted in the loss of American lives, they also brought about significant changes to daily life in the United States. Here are some ways in which life in the United States changed after each event and how it might change for students your age:

After Pearl Harbor:

Rationing: Food and clothing were rationed to ensure that enough resources were available for the war effort. Students would have had to adjust to limited food options and potentially new clothing restrictions.

Travel restrictions: Some travel was restricted to prevent spies and saboteurs from entering the country. Students may have had to cancel or postpone travel plans, which could have impacted family vacations or school trips.

Military service: More men were drafted into the military, and many volunteered for service. This could have meant that some students' fathers or older siblings were called to serve, which would have created significant disruptions to family life.

Entertainment: Movies, music, and comic books changed to reflect wartime moods and subjects. Students may have seen a shift in the types of movies and music that were popular, as well as in the content of comic books.

After September 11:

Increased security: Security measures were increased at airports, government buildings, and other public places. Students would have experienced longer wait times at airports and may have seen increased security measures at their schools and other public places.

Changes in travel: Travel was disrupted as flights were cancelled or delayed, and some students may have had to postpone or cancel travel plans.

War on terrorism: The United States entered a new phase in the war on terrorism, and military operations were launched in Afghanistan and later in Iraq. Students may have known people who were called to serve in these conflicts or may have had family members deployed overseas.

Media coverage: The media coverage of the attacks and subsequent events was extensive, and students may have been exposed to more news coverage than ever before. This could have been overwhelming and potentially traumatic for some.

In both cases, students experienced significant disruptions to their daily lives. However, the specific changes varied depending on the nature of the event and the government's response. After Pearl Harbor, the focus was on mobilizing for war, while after September 11, the focus was on preventing future terrorist attacks.


Both incidents led to increased military involvement and changes in entertainment, but there were also significant differences in the nature of the attacks and the subsequent reactions of governments and society at large. 

Pearl harbor attack -

After Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government immediately implemented rationing of food, clothing, and gasoline in order to conserve resources for the war effort. The government also restricted travel, particularly on the West Coast, and required Japanese Americans to relocate to internment camps. More men were drafted into military service, and many women entered the workforce to fill the labor shortage. American media, including movies, music, and comic books, became more patriotic and focused on the war effort.

September 11 attack -

In contrast, after the September 11 attacks, there was an increased focus on national security and surveillance. The government enacted the USA PATRIOT Act, which gave law enforcement agencies broad powers to investigate and prevent terrorism. Air travel became more strict and even more secure, with longer lines and more rigorous screenings.

Impact on students -

For students, there were similarities and differences in the way life changed after each event. Both events led to heightened security measures, with metal detectors and other security measures in place at schools and public events. After Pearl Harbor, many high school students left school early to join the military, while in the aftermath of September 11, there was an increased awareness of the military as a career option.

To know more about pearl harbor -


which belief was generally held by the founding fathers at the constitution convention in 1787?


The founding fathers who gathered at Constitutional Convention in 1787 held various beliefs, but shared commitment to creating new government that was both strong to govern and limited enough to prevent tyranny.

What was the Constitutional Convention?

The Constitutional Convention was a gathering of delegates from twelve of the thirteen American colonies that took place in Philadelphia in 1787. The purpose of the Convention was to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and create a new constitution for the United States. The delegates included some of the most prominent figures in American history, such as George Washington, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin. The resulting document, the United States Constitution, established a federal system of government, separated powers between three branches, and provided a framework for individual rights and freedoms. The Convention was a critical moment in American history, and its decisions laid the foundation for the system of government that has governed the United States for over two centuries.

To learn more about Constitutional Convention, visit:


applying Peruvian guano," Charles Bartlett, 1860
The view expressed in Source 1 shows what feature of economic
imperialism by the United States?
support of foreign leaders who show favoritism to the United States' economic interests
the United States expanding its territorial possessions to secure commodities for the
domestic market
creating tariffs to discourage foreign commodities and promote domestic producers
the structuring of trade policy in order to gain advantage for American companies



The quote "Applying Peruvian guano" by Charles Bartlett in 1860 reflects a feature of economic imperialism by the United States, namely the United States expanding its territorial possessions to secure commodities for the domestic market. Peruvian guano was a highly valued fertilizer in the 19th century, and the United States sought to secure a steady supply of it to support its rapidly expanding agricultural sector. The United States became the largest importer of Peruvian guano, and the demand for this fertilizer was so high that Peru became heavily dependent on its export.

The United States sought to secure its access to Peruvian guano by pursuing policies of economic imperialism. This involved expanding its territorial possessions in the Pacific and Latin America, and using military force and diplomacy to influence foreign leaders to support American economic interests. The U.S. government also offered financial and political support to American companies operating in foreign markets.

Overall, the pursuit of economic imperialism by the United States reflected its desire to secure access to key resources for its domestic market, and to promote the interests of American businesses operating in foreign markets. This had a profound impact on the development of the global economy, and shaped the political and economic relationships between countries around the world.

how did Hoovervilles lead to the passing of the Social Security Act


There was a lack of social safety netting and with no job, no savings thousand of Americans were losing their homes

Which two events led to the political realignment during the Great Depression?


The statement that led to the political realignment during the Great Depression is "Immigrants in urban areas voted Democrat due to Democratic political machines and the economic devastation on cities."

This is evident in that during this period, immigrants were migrating into the United States, living in the cities, and were being helped by the political machines.

The political realignment during the Great Depression occurred around the 1930s.

Option A is wrong because Franklin Roosevelt did not pass the anti-lynching law.

Option B is wrong because Democrats did not hold office for nine presidential terms but rather seven terms between 1932 to 1968 (Republicans used two terms between 1952 to 1960).

Option D is wrong because it was the Democratic party that gained from the political realignments of this period. Also, farmers supported the Democratic party, not the Republicans.

Option E is wrong because white supremacist voters from the South region supported Franklin Roosevelt and voted for him.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option C.

Answer:if i remember heavy taxes were smacked on the face of some people during the great depression


The citizen has no role in government. One person possesses unlimited power. This is what type government?


In a place where citizen has no role in government. One person possesses unlimited power. This is a type of government known as dictatorship.

What does dictatorship means?

Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group has absolute power with no effective constitutional constraints. The term dictatorship derives from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic denoted a temporary magistrate given extraordinary powers to deal with state crises.

Modern dictators, on the other hand, are more akin to ancient tyrants than ancient dictators. The descriptions of ancient philosophers of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go a long way toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators typically use force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they then maintain through intimidation, terror, and the suppression of fundamental civil liberties. In order to maintain public support, they may also use mass propaganda techniques.

Read more about dictatorship


What was one the goals of the new deal?



Use the graph below to answer the following question:

A line graph of the Weimar Republic depicting the value of one gold mark per paper mark in the years 1918 to 1923. Between 1918 and 1922, values fluctuate between approximately 3 gold marks in paper marks to 10,000. By 1923, it reaches its peak at 1,000,000,000,000 paper marks to one gold mark.
Public Domain

Which of the following best explains the graph above?

The high reparations against Germany
The Dawes Plan investing American dollars into Germany
Germany printing more and more money
The Germans losing a trade partner when Russia became the Soviet Union


The value of the German paper mark in terms of gold marks from 1918 to 1923 is shown in the graph above.

Which of the following best explains the graph above?

The hyperinflation brought on by Germany printing ever-increasing amounts of money to pay its war debts and reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles is what caused the sharp rise in value beginning in 1922 and peaking in 1923, reaching a ratio of 1,000,000,000,000 paper marks to one gold mark. As a result, the graph's best explanation is that Germany continued to print more money, which decreased the paper mark's value relative to gold marks. The Dawes Plan, high reparations against Germany, and the loss of a trading partner were some of the other options that may have  some impact on the German economy, but they do not directly explain the drastic increase in inflation depicted in the graph.

To Know more about Hyperinflation Visit:


Answer: Germany printing more and more money


He is the one who proposed the theory of Information Age in 1982.

Thomas Alva Edison
Isaac Newton
James R. Messenger
Alexander Graham Bell


T:James R. Messenger

Why did Walt Disney want to build Disneyland?



Disney wanted to build a place that had all of the fun of the traveling fairs where parents and children could ride together. That is how Mr. Disney got the idea for Disneyland. In 1953, Disney talked to people at Stanford University. He asked them to find a place that would be a good place to build his park.


Answer:Walt claimed the idea of Disneyland came to him while watching his two daughters ride the carousel in L.A.'s Griffith Park. There, he began to imagine a clean, safe, friendly place where parents and children could have fun together!


hope this helps

How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton influence the women's suffrage movement?
O She organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights.
O She served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
OShe created the National Women's Party.
O She started a feminist newspaper.



See below.


a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights in 1848, which is considered to be the birthplace of the women's suffrage movement.

b. Stanton served as the president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) from 1890 to 1892 and played a vital role in the organization's efforts to secure voting rights for women.

c. While Stanton did not create the National Women's Party, she was an early supporter of the organization and played an instrumental role in advancing its agenda of equal rights for women.

d. Stanton started a feminist newspaper called The Revolution in 1868, which advocated for women's rights and social reform. The newspaper played a crucial role in shaping public opinion and rallying support for the women's suffrage movement.


She organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights

Explanation: I took the test.

What other laws have been made in history that compare to Nuremberg Laws

(think human rights in other time periods)



The Nuremberg Laws which was in Nazi Germany could be compared to Jim Crows Laws which was in the United States.

Hope it helped! :)

Some plants can grow from both a

A. seed and spore
B. cutting and seed
C. spore and cutting


Some plants have ability to reproduce through spores, which are tiny reproductive cells that can develop into new plants under the favorable conditions.

What is development?

Development refers to the process of social, economic, and cultural progress and improvement. It encompasses the changes and advancements in various aspects of life, such as technology, infrastructure, education, health, and standard of living. Development can occur at different levels, ranging from individual to community, society, or country. It aims to enhance the well-being of people, reduce poverty, and achieve sustainable growth. Development requires effective policies, strategies, and investments in areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social services. It also involves promoting equity, gender equality, and human rights. Development is a continuous process that requires collaboration and participation from individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations to achieve shared goals and aspirations.

To learn more about development, visit:


 what benefits do AUXILIARY soldier get after serving the Roman war for 25 years



An Auxiliary usually served for 25 years before being granted Roman citizenship. To prove citizenship, the soldier would be given a “diploma” – an inscribed bronze.


Local used car dealerships and bakeries are often examples of which types of firm?
Group of answer choices

A) corporation

B) franchise

C) partnership

D) sole proprietorship



D) sole proprietorship

northwest ordinance explanation that rhymes


Below is short rhyme to help you remember the Northwest Ordinance:

What is the northwest ordinance about?

In 1787, it was decreed,

Northwest lands should be freed,

From British rule and Native strife,

To form new states and a new life.

The ordinance set out the way,

To make states from territories, come what may,

And in these states, it did decree,

Freedom of religion and slavery-free.

So if you want to remember this fact,

Just sing this rhyme and don't look back,

The Northwest Ordinance was key,

To the growth of our democracy.

Read more about northwest ordinance here:


1. Explaining Why is Marbury v. Madison a landmark


Marbury v. Madison is a landmark case in the history of American law because it established the principle of judicial review, which is the power of the courts to review and strike down laws that are unconstitutional.

The case arose in 1801 when President John Adams appointed William Marbury as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia. However, his appointment was not delivered before the end of Adams's term, and when Thomas Jefferson became president, his Secretary of State, James Madison, refused to deliver the appointment.

Marbury sued Madison, asking the Supreme Court to issue a writ of mandamus ordering Madison to deliver the appointment. In its decision, the Court held that the Judiciary Act of 1789, which Marbury relied on for his claim, was unconstitutional, as it gave the Supreme Court the power to issue writs of mandamus, which was not granted by the Constitution. In doing so, the Court established the principle of judicial review, stating that it was the duty of the courts to interpret the Constitution and to strike down laws that were inconsistent with it.

The principle of judicial review established in Marbury v. Madison has had a profound impact on American law and politics, as it has served as a check on the power of the other branches of government and has helped to protect individual rights and liberties. Judicial review has allowed the courts to strike down laws that violate the Constitution, even when those laws are passed by elected representatives or popularly supported, thereby ensuring that the Constitution remains the supreme law of the land. As such, Marbury v. Madison is considered one of the most significant cases in the history of the Supreme Court and has become a cornerstone of American constitutional law.

To know more about Marbury v. Madison:

why trate and agriculture was weaken during zemen mesafint​


Answer: All this chaos came to an end with the rise of Kassa Hailu or better known by his later prophesied throne name of Tewodros II of Ethiopia.
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