Read this paragraph and answer the question.
Improving your handwriting may provide you with some opportunities you would not otherwise have. Good penmanship
allows you to demonstrate that you are neat, accurate, and polite. You are considerate of your readers and want them to
receive your message. Through your legible writing, you can "talk" to people far away in distance and in time.
State the main idea of the paragraph.


Answer 1

Answer: The main idea of the paragraph is that you should have good handwriting, and improve it if needed.


     We can gather the main idea by looking at the details given:

-> Improving your handwriting may provide you with some opportunities ...

-> Good penmanship allows you to demonstrate ...

-> ... considerate of your readers ...

     These all make having good handwriting seem like a positive thing. We can reword this into more of a complete main idea:

              The main idea of the paragraph is that you should have good handwriting, and improve it if needed.

Related Questions

What is the subject of the following sentence?
Mom took Ben and Meg to the Pumpkin Patch.



The subject of the sentence is mom.


it would be mom. since she is the one preforming the action, she would be the subject.

This is a special place, tell us what's bothering you! : )
If sumbody wants to say sumthing negative I'll report them.
You can say anything that's been on your mind.
Anything that's been hurting you, and us fellow good peoples will try our best to make you feel better.



my acne


32) Use the passage to answer the question.
The phrase "tradesmen's wagons were hurrying soundlessly" in line 6 is an example of
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. alliteration
D. hyperbole


Simile not using like or as
Metaphor is the answer
Alliteration not using the same sound
Hyperbole not exaggerating



Just took the Exam!

What is the purpose of having a role model in learning to be more self-disciplined?
1. A role model can share what strategies worked for them.
2. A role model can offer you support and encouragement.
3. A role model can tell you exactly what to do.
4. A role model can hold you accountable for working toward your goal.


Either 2 or 4. I’m leaning closer to 4 though. My answer would be 4.

What is mise'en place?​



Mise en place is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "everything in its place".

Explanation:an you mark me brainliest please?

Prompt: In The Scarlet Letter, I Tituba, Black Witch of Salem, and The Crucible, the authors represent characters who are in some way outside of their societies. In a written response, analyze the ways in which these representations reflect or challenge the notion that independence defines the American spirit. Support your response with evidence from the text.
Step one: Make a declaration/decide on your argument
Step two: List your reasons
Step three: Connect - write your thesis


Answer and Explanation:

Step one: The female representations described above challenge the notion that independence defines the American spirit.

Step two: Women who do not have the standard defended by society are deprived of independence and freedom.

Step three:

The three works described above feature characters, women who are far away from their societies and who are deprived of their freedom because they dare to be independent in someone in their lives and this identity is outside the standards defended by American society. This challenges the notion preached since the early days that independence defines the American spirit.

The independence of women in the works mentioned above is approached in different ways and reveal sexual independence, the protection of loved ones, the domination of a family and even religious freedom, however the result of these factors is the same. Regardless of what women have done, they are limited, ostracized and suffer a strong prejudice from American society, which wants women to put themselves in patterns of submission and invisibility.

However, the American society portrayed in these works does not recognize its hypocrisy in assuming that it is being challenged with the concept of freedom and independence that is preached in the country, but they place the blame of these women on the society they were generated in, in religion and even in them themselves to justify the injustices to which they are subjected.

Lines 1–15: Which lines borrow events, setting, characters, and plot directly from Romeo and Juliet?



15-1vamos calcular se


-1 da



só que você quer saber



15 ISO não tem como cacular

espero ter ajudado

para não perdero costume. fuuuuuuiiiiiiio galera

The correct response is - to predict that Romeo and Juliet do not survive at the end of the play.

What is a Setting?

Setting refers to the story's time and place (or when and where). It's a literary device employed in novels, short tales, plays, films, etc., and is typically presented along with the characters during the exposition (opening) of the story. The environment of the story, which might be composed of geographical location, climatic conditions, and social and cultural surroundings, can also be considered part of the setting.

Time and location can express the setting in a number of different ways. Time can refer to a variety of things, including the character's lifetime, the time of day, the season, a specific time period like the past, present, or future, etc. The place encompasses a wide range of concepts, including a specific building, a specific room within a building, a country, a city, or a beach.

To read more about the Setting, refer to -


b Complete the sentences with the present simple or present
The girl in the painting is playing the guitar. (play)
1 My dog's not dangerous. He
(not bite)
2 Why
! (wear, rain)
3 You can turn off the radio.
to it. (not listen)
to find a cash machine. (need)
5 Be careful! The baby
your pen in her mouth! (put)
6 A
you usually
at weekends? (cook)
B No, we normally
out. (eat)
7 A What
here? (do)
for Emma. She's late, as usual. (wait)
8 fusually
a coffee today. (drink, want)
9 She's an administrator. She
from 9.00 to 5.00. (work)
10 Marc
in Paris, but
in Nice at the moment. (live, work)
tea, but



1. My dog's not dangerous. He doesn't bite.

2. Why are you wearing sunglasses? It is raining.

3. You can turn off the radio.I am not listening to it.

4. I need to find a cash machine.

5. Be careful! The baby is putting your pen in her mouth!

6. A. Do you usually cook at weekends? (cook)

B. No, we normally eat out. (eat)

7. A. What are you doing here? (do)

B. I'm waiting for Emma. She's late, as usual. (wait)


9. She's an administrator. She works from 9.00 to 5.00.

10. Marc lives in Paris, but he works in Nice at the moment.

Question 8 isn't complete

They are serving breakfast in the dining room. Passive form



Breakfast is being served in the dining room.


Passive voice has to show that the act (in this example, serve) is being performed upon the subject (breakfast). It has to include the correct tense of the verb to be and the past participle.

The tense of the original sentence is present continues (we learn that from the part where it says are serving), so we are changing the verb to be into the present continues and making it into is being.

The past participle of the verb serve is served, so we are changing serving from the original sentence to it.

In the end, we are adding additional information. In this case, it is the place where the action is performed: in the dining room.

1.2.9 practice I need help cause I am very bad at English



Gathering evidence to support a claim..

What is synonym in here?





Compulsive Hoarding

What Is a Hoarder?
A hoarder is a person who accumulates objects and keeps them for future use. Most people like to collect a thing or two of sentimental value. Some collect photographs, stamps, books, movies, or music. However, some people hoard excessively. According to psychologist David Tolin, two to five percent of Americans may meet the criteria for being compulsive hoarders. The problem is more common than people may think.

The Reasons for Hoarding
Compulsive hoarders have a difficult time getting rid of items that the average person considers to be trash. Hoarders find their possessions, even objects such as junk mail, too valuable. They become attached to certain objects and have trouble letting go of them. Hoarders also assume that things most people easily throw away might be useful someday. Thus, hoarders become a burden to both their families and communities. They can even pose serious health risks to themselves and others.

The Problems with Hoarding
Compulsive hoarding is problematic because hoarders are unable to function like regular people. Collecting too much stuff can leave little space for cooking, cleaning, getting around, and even sleeping. The vermin and mold that gather around the hoarded material pose health risks. However, the worst problem that hoarders have to face is dealing with family members and friends. Family members and friends often do not know how to help hoarders. As a result, many of these relationships are strained.

The Help Hoarders Need
Most hoarders do not see their unusual behavior as a serious problem. Because hoarders see nothing wrong with their behavior, they rarely seek help. Often, disgruntled family members attempt to help and seek assistance for the hoarders. Because hoarding is a serious problem, the help needed to break the habit needs to be substantial. Hoarders need help to understand that their collections are simply clutter and often a health risk. They need to understand that trash, like a used Band-Aid, should carry no sentimental value and is not worth keeping.

Which of the following could be added to support the idea that teenagers have grown up with the Internet?
Teenagers are comfortable using phones and computers to browse the Internet.
Teenagers use social networking sites to communicate their thoughts and feelings.
Teenagers need to learn how to identify people with fake profiles on the Internet.
Teenagers should be cautious whenever they post images and words onto Web sites.



A. Teenagers are comfortable using phones and computers to browse the Internet.


Hope this helps! Have a great day! Please mark me brainliest since this was correct. Thank you! :)

Based on information in the Article, which of these happened first?
Young artist shows his work


Look in the first Paragraph

mice & men chapter 4 characters



Find Below


In chapter four, we finally interact with Crooks and figure out what kind of a person he is. When the chapter begins, Crooks is in his room rubbing his back and Lennie walks in. Lennie tells him that the others have gone into town but Crooks doesn’t want him in his room. So at first he tells him to leave but then he says okay. Candy comes in after a while and they start talking about the farm despite the fact that George said not to tell anyone else. At first, Crooks thinks they are fools and that it won’t happen, but then after a while he asks them if he can join them. Curley’s wife comes in asking about her husband and they tell her where he is. They try to make her leave but she doesn’t listen. Crooks tries to make her leave but she puts him down by threatening him. When the men come back from town, she leaves and George comes looking for Lennie. In the end of the chapter, Crooks tells them that he doesn’t want to go with them anymore.

Yeah I think she is right and she

why does Gretel dislike her father brother and the lawery



Gretel disliked her father, brother, and even the lawyer because they are all males trying to dominate over the female gender and putting themselves superior to the females.


Garrison Keillor's adaptation "Gretel" revolves around the character of Gretel from the "Hansel and Gretel" story. But in this adaptation, Gretel is presented as a feminist, and in contrast with the patriarchal society that diminishes and looks down on the female gender.

Gretel dislikes her father, brother, and even their lawyer because they are all males, trying to make her get less money from the profits they will get after selling their book. Her father and brother are typical males who dominate over the females while their lawyers put her on a spell and made her sign another contract. This contract agrees to pay her less money from the book sale and also even declares the book as mere fiction. And in her zeal to fight for equality, she had to oppose the patriarchal mindset of the men in her life.

Draw a picture of the sentence: " Scott is happy." What does the word "is" tell us?


The word is shows that he is currently happy. It shows that the adjective describing him is present tense.


See Answer


The word "is" shows how Scott is feeling in the present.

1. The police ....
.with the bank robbery الثروة his sudden fortune
a. paid
b. mistook
c. planned
d. associated
11 hora​



im lost


every summer,my dad teaches a science class about sea turtles in the atlantic ocean.



whats the question?


Please help! Will give brainliest. I really don’t known what subject it is.



They want you to tell them how to be empathic in social situations.


what candy would u rather?

crunch bar
Hershey bar?



Crunch bar all the way



crunch bar!


c'mon, they're so good

Which one is correct: Other books or other book?​


other books because unless you say. “i want to read this other book”, other books would make more sense on it own.

Depends on the context. If you're comparing only two books (The book I held in my hands had a dark cover, while the other book had a light cover.), then "other book" is correct.

If you're comparing more than two books (The book in my hands was much larger than the other books in the library.), then "other books" is correct.

How does Caesar exemplify the "Model Roman Citizen" in this play?



There were a lot of things he did to turn the Republic into a dictatorship, but the main one was after a war. Consuls in the Roman Republic are given a bunch of troops in times of war who pledge loyalty to them, and are expected to give them back after the war is over so they don't try taking over the government. Caesar and Pompey were consuls, and after a war, Pompey handed over his troops, but Caesar refused and killed Pompey. For the next few years, he worked to take apart the Republic and was ultimately assassinated (too late) because senators feared he had too much power. Unfortunately for them, his step-son Augustus took over and became the first emperor of Rome, officially killing the Republic once and for all.

By the time you read this prompt, we may or may not have a new President and Vice President-Elect of The United States. What are your feelings about how the election has gone? What are your hopes and dreams for our country?



I am personally feeling scared. So far states kept going from red to blue over and over again and its so nerve racking.


I don't want to tell my political view, not because i'm embarrassed but because i myself am apart of this generation so I know no matter who I say I support, somebody is gonna come for me. And I don't feel like dealing with that right now.

Anyway, I hope to God that our country will get back on its feet and get back the respect that we lost during these last 4 years. I hope that police officers will stop killing innocents just for the color of their skin. I hope Americans will start opening their eyes and realize that everything is not okay, and that America isn't becoming great. I hope that we the people can learn to respect each other without judging each other because of skin color, sexuality, sexual preference, religion, belief, culture, and many other things. I hope America would learn to grow up, not just for ourselves but for other people. I also hope that corona goes away within the next 4 months because my birthday is coming up, and its really annoying at this point.

7th grade ela help me plzzz



it’s the 3rd answer



The answer would be C, hoped that helps

An entrepreneur would most likely be interested in


Doctor or something else is the medical field


C) Personal Fulfillment


I took the test

Explain what Bud's mother meant by what she said regarding
"no matter how dark the night" on page 42.. What was the life
lesson she was trying to teach? Use evidence from the
passage in your response.



Bud's mother is trying to tell Bud that when something bad happens and things seem really dark and hopeless, don't worry because something better will come along.


(Detail): "When one door closes" means when something goes wrong and things seem hopeless. (Detail): "Don't worry because another door opens" means there are more opportunities in life and another one will come your way. (Claim): When you put those two pieces together Bud's mother is trying to tell Bud that when something bad happens and things seem really dark and hopeless, don't worry because something better will come along.


Bud shouldn't be scared because another door will open for him


what being causes confusion to ichabod? ( the legend of sleepy hollow ) PLEASE HELP FAST !



A being with a man's body, without a head, mounted on a horse is what causes confusion to ichabod


When Ichabod leaves the Van Tassels' house, disappointed by Katrina's behavior, he sees a scary creature that causes great confusion and fear for Ichabod, who is a man who is not easily startled, however, he saw a huge, black being who resembled a man, sitting on a large black horse, however, this being did not have its head above its shoulders, but carried it separately from its body. This startled Ichabod to a degree that he was completely confused and bewildered, not knowing what to do.

2. The
of a sentence is the person, place, thing, event, etc. being
described or referred to in a sentence.
a. subject
b. article
c. clause
d. predicate



A. subject


Select the correct answers.

Select the complex sentences.

A, I tried heating my dinner in the microwave, but it came out cold still.

B, My dad is called Rodger and my mum is called Sharon.

C, I plan to go to my local college and then I want to take a plumbing apprenticeship.

D, I love my new car, even though it's scratched.

E, Although I struggled at first, playing the piano got easier with practice.



D.   I love my new car, even though it's scratched.

E.   Although I struggled at first, playing the piano got easier with practice.


You need to know that the comma in sentence D. is incorrect placed. It needs to be removed. Dependent clauses that follow independent clauses NEVER need a comma.

What makes a competition unfair? ( write about sports)



One thing to unbalance a competitions odds are Performance Enhancing Drugs.


hope that this helps!

Other Questions
Johnson corporation began the year with inventory of 14,000 units of its only product. units cost $8 each. The company uses a Perpetual inventory system and the fifo cost method. The following transactions occurred during the year: a. purchase 70,000 additional units at a cost of $10 per unit. Terms of the purchases were 2 /10 n/ 30, and 100% of the purchases were paid within the 10-day discount. The company uses the gross method to record purchase discounts. The merchandise was purchased f. O. B. Shipping point and Freight charges of $0.40 per unit were paid by Johnson. b. 1400 units purchased during the year will return to suppliers for credit. Johnson was also given credit for the freight charges of $0.40 per unit it had paid on the original purchase. The units were defective and were returned two days after they were received. c. sales for the year totaled 65,000 units at $18 per unit. d. on December 28th Johnson purchased 5400 additional units at $10 each. The goods were shipped f. O. B. Destination and arrived at Johnson's Warehouse on January 4th of the following year e. 17600 units were on hand at the end of the year. required: 1. for financial reporting purposes, the company uses lifo (amounts based on the Periodic inventory system). Record the year-end adjusting entry for the lifo reserve, assuming the balance in the lifo Reserve at the beginning of the year it's $15,800 2. determine the amount the company would report as income before taxes for the year under lifo. Operating expenses other than those indicated in the above transactions amounted to $158,000 What could the author add to better clarify the central idea? Patrick wants to use a gift certificate to buy some songs and videosfrom an online media store. Songs (s) cost $1 each. Videos (v) cost $2.50 each. Patrick has a gift certificate for $25 for the store.Which inequality represents the number of songs and videos Patrickcan buy using only his gift certificate? need help with my Spanish. Photo down below The "slave codes" were laws based on the concept that... The original price of pair of jeans is $40. The sales prices is 20% off the original price. What is the discount? Answer must be listed in $ form. The states affected most severely by Dust Bowl storms were Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, and __________.A.ArkansasB.MissouriC.NebraskaD.Colorado In Strophe 1, what extended metaphor doesthe Chorus use to portray a family punishedby the gods? Discuss how this metaphorrelates to themes of the play. Select the correct answer.Which point is a point where the graph of y= (x + 2)(x2 + 4x+3) crosses the x-axis? What is one example of chemical weathering affecting a rock Which sentence contains the compound subject?Taking cattle on the long drives was often a tough, grueling task for western cowboys.The cattle could be unpredictable and might stampede during lightning storms.Just like it has been portrayed in old western movies, cattle drives were a common occurrence in the West.Cowboys and ranchers often performed cattle drives as part of their regular duties. I'll really appreciate it if you give me the answers Answer the question in the picture. If its right Ill mark brainliest Who drafted the Declaration of Sentiments, which was presented at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848?Abigail AdamsElizabeth Cady StantonLucretia MottSusan B. Anthony The US became involved in World War II to oppose the aggression of-the Axis powers, including Japan, Germany, and Italy.-the Chinese region of Manchuria.-the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia.-the Allied powers, including Great Britain and France. Whoever can Revise my essay the best or rewrite it the best will get brainliest and 5 stars I can fix grammar mistakes just pls hurry this is due today at 12 20 so pls hurryThere has been an explosion of coaches everywhere recently. Life coaches, business coaches, We may or may not take them seriously, but we must know something. Most, if not all of them, be it famous ones or not-so-famous ones, agree at one valuable point: goals are crucial. Short-term as well as long-term goals are the key the achieving a more successful life.What professionals such as Tony Robbins claim is that having goals will provide you with a direction in life. The steps you take will gain value as to whether or not they take you any closer to those goals. If they dont, the best thing to do would be to evaluate how they can be changed or even left out and substituted for more efficient ones. Robbins, continually tells the story of how he wrote down every single thing he wanted to achieve in life along with the actions he would take to do so and how he did indeed achieve all of those things.When it comes to landing that beautiful and profitable a dream job, setting a long-term goal can undoubtedly direct your actions. If you choose to focus only on the short-term aspects of work and professional development, odds are that you will end up near-sighted. You will only work hard at things that can bring you immediate compensation. Those things are not naturally going to land the dream job. They will keep you alive, pay bills, and buy some food, but wont necessarily satisfy the requisites to get to the top, whatever that can mean to you.If you do choose to have a long-term goal that is dream-job related, the chances are that you will choose different paths. You will not see that ten-month course as a waste of time, since it will give you useful skills. You will spend your money more wisely, viewing it more as an investment than as a necessary evil. You will gain a new perspective of what time means and develop the sense that immediacy is overrated.There are those who call themselves realistic or, more honestly, pessimistic. They may claim that setting long-term goals is nothing but a recipe to feeling like a failure. Truth be told, it is indeed possible that you wont achieve every single thing you wish for, which is actually in most cases for us that we don't necessarily achieve our every goal. It might be our lack of willpower or that our goal was just not engineered very well. So that is a reality not only for you but for everyone else on this planet. However, not achieving something should not be a synonym for failure. It can mean some rethinking is important, some assessing needs to be done, a new plan should be concocted. Great minds goals, such as Elon Musk, are not only long term but also ambitious. And if they fail on their way, they find the means to try again, now with improved knowledge from the previously failed experience.Tony Robbins says that most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in a decade. That is the real recipe for failure: seeing time as a factor of stress and pressure instead of an ally. By giving yourself a grand goal and a good amount of time to do it such as landing the dream job in five to ten years, you are being more realistic than you would be by either giving up altogether or trying to do it impossibly quickly. Landing a dream job takes time and effort, but as long as you set good reasonable goals, you can accomplice almost anything. FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (SE-7) (have this done correctly for brainiest)label the image with the words below. please help ASAPPP will mark brainliest!!! Which of the following equations is y = x2 5x 14 in factored form?Oy= (2-7)(2+2)Oy= (x + 7) (x - 2)Oy= (x - 5)(x 14).Oy= (x + 5) (x + 14)Need help ASAP PLS I can identify and use inverses to solve equations with one variable.