Read this passage from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

“Quite right,” said the King: “this young lady saw him too. So of course, Nobody walks slower than you.”

“I do my best,” the Messenger said in a sullen tone. “I'm sure nobody walks much faster than I do!”

“He can't do that,” said the King, “or else he'd have been here first. However, now you've got your breath, you may tell us what's happened in the town.”

How does the author use this passage to show that the King is unusual?

He explains that the King wants to be informed about the news in town.
He explains that the King treats his messengers kindly.
He explains that the King thinks that Nobody is an actual person.
He explains that the King sends his messengers to do small tasks.


Answer 1


The Answer is the second :)


Sorry if I'm wrong I put research

Answer 2

Answer: he explains that the king treats his messengers kindly.

Explanation:  “He can't do that,” said the King, “or else he'd have been here first. However, now you've got your breath, you may tell us what's happened in the town.”

Related Questions

What are three way to show personal respect



If you're looking to improve your relationships, whether business or personal, try these five easy ways to show your gratitude and respect for others:

Listen. I know it sounds easy, but listening--truly listening--can be one of the hardest skills to master. ...

Encourage. ...

Congratulate. ...

Be Helpful. ...

Say Thank You.



to show respect you need to respect yourself first


Being honest

Show that you are paying attention to them

Be considerate and discreet  

write six similes about things thst are found in naturw​




The water in the hot spring bubbles like a bubble bath.

The moss on the tree is slippery as a  snails slime.

The leaves are green as a gleaming emerald.

The rough river flows like a steam train.

The tree trunks are as skinny as a needle.

The snake was as long as a football feild.

Giuseppe and I held tightly to Stepfather's hands, while Liberta and Helvetia clung to Mother. Passengers all about us were crowding against the rail. Jabbered conversations, sharp cries, laughs and cheers -- a steadily rising din filled the air. Mothers and fathers lifted up babies so that they too could see, off to the left, the Statue of Liberty.

It was noisy on the ship sailing to America. Immigrant parents and children made a lot of noise, especially when they got to the Statue of Liberty.
Immigrant families sailing to America were excited when they finally made it to the New York harbor. Everyone on board made happy noise as they reached the United States.
Everyone on board the ship was fighting to see the Statue of Liberty. Babies and mothers and fathers all cried because they couldn’t see it, because it was off to the left.
Immigrant children had to hold tightly to their parents’ hands. There was so much crowding and jostling on board the ship. If they didn’t stay close to their parents, they would fall off the boat.
Mark this and return.



i need some options if there are any


Sample Response: All of the passengers on the ship were excited to see the Statue of Liberty.

2 Free Market Economy Summary: Imagine you are a business owner. You have a set of goods you sell, make, or produce in some way. Your store can be whatever you like including one that sells goods, one that sells services, or a corporation of some sort. Using what you have learned about the free market economy and reflecting upon the work from earlier this week, summarize how your business would function under each form of economic system. Give examples of what it would look like. Be creative in your narrative as this is supposed to be a fun and creative writing using what you have learned. Traditional: I Free Market: Command: Mixed:​



Note, a free-market economy is an economy that little government control over the supply and demand of most goods and services.

Since we operate under a free market economy, we would have or expect to have competitors who sell similar goods and services as we do. We would expect the prices of goods and services to change based on supply/demand factors. And lastly, as a corporation of some sort, we are going to enjoy the freedom to expand our operations without government restrictions.

give 5 example of passive voice

please help​



1. At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry.

2. The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes.

3. A movie is going to be watched by us tonight.

4. The obstacle course was run by me in record time.

5. The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew.


Please give 3 themes to the book Mystery on Church Hill. And when it was demonstrated in the story.
Also is the conflict character vs ? what is it.



Since his wife, Michelle, left seven years ago, Jeffy Coltrane has worked to maintain a normal life for himself and his eleven-year-old daughter, Amity, in Suavidad Beach. It’s a quiet life, until a local eccentric known as Spooky Ed shows up on their doorstep.

Ed entrusts Jeffy with hiding a strange and dangerous object—something he calls “the key to everything”—and tells Jeffy that he must never use the device. But after a visit from a group of ominous men, Jeffy and Amity find themselves accidentally activating the key and discovering an extraordinary truth. The device allows them to jump between parallel planes at once familiar and bizarre, wondrous and terrifying. And Jeffy and Amity can’t help but wonder, could Michelle be just a click away?

Jeffy and Amity aren’t the only ones interested in the device. A man with a dark purpose is in pursuit, determined to use its grand potential for profound evil. Unless Amity and Jeffy can outwit him, the place they call home may never be safe again.


We were wanderers on a prehistoric earth, on an earth that wore the aspect of an unknown planet. We could have fancied ourselves the first of men taking possession of an accursed inheritance, to be subdued at the cost of profound anguish and of excessive toil.
–Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

According to the narrator, what would be the negative outcomes of "taking possession" of the land?
A: "wanderers on a prehistoric earth"
B: "the aspect of an unknown planet"
C: "an accursed inheritance"
D: "profound anguish and . . . excessive toil"



D) “profound anguish and . . . excessive toil”


It’s correct on egu2020

According to the narrator "profound anguish and . . . excessive toil" would be the negative outcomes of "taking possession" of the land.

What is land ?

The solid terrestrial portion of planet Earth that is not covered by an ocean or other body of water is referred to as land, sometimes known as dry land, ground, or earth. The continents and other islands make up the 29 percent of the Earth's surface that is covered by land.

Attorney in Charge at Desautel Law. Planning for land use is essential for the wise management or growth of the environment around us. Residential, agricultural, recreational, transit, and commercial are the five basic categories of land use.

The phrase "land usage" is used to describe how people use land. It symbolizes the economic and cultural activities that are carried out in a certain location, including those that are agricultural, residential, industrial, mining, and recreational in nature. Land usage on public and private properties typically diverge greatly.

Thus, option D is correct.

To learn more about land follow the link ;


Use the dictionary entry for crude to answer the question.


crude [‘krüd] adj

from Latin crudus

1. the quality of being unchanged from the original state

2. the quality of being primitive or uncultured

3. the quality of being obvious

4. the quality of being rough in execution

Which definition of crude is the most common?

A.) the quality of being unchanged from the original state
B.) the quality of being primitive or uncultured
C.) the quality of being obvious
D.) the quality of being rough in execution


Answer: 1, 3, 4



The quality of being primitive or uncultured is the most common definition of crude. So, the correct option is B.

What is Definition?

An explanation of the meaning of a word, phrase, or concept is referred to as a definition. It usually gives details on the key traits or qualities of the entity being defined and might also give examples, synonyms, or antonyms. Dictionary, glossary, encyclopaedia, and other reference works may all contain definitions. They ensure that individuals understand one another and use the appropriate words, making them a crucial component of language and communication.

The most typical definition of crude is the state of being uncultured or primitive. When something is rough or unrefined in look or behavior, this term is the one that is most frequently used to describe it. Even though the other definitions are less frequently employed, they can nevertheless be applied in certain circumstances.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Definition, here:


Read the excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone by James Cross Giblin.



the I think it is A


I did the quiz two days and I got it right sorry if it is wrong


Which moral was Aesop most likely teaching in "The Bundle of Sticks"?
-Parents are wise.
-Greed is dangerous.
-Children are disobedient.
-Strength is in unity.​



Strength is in Unity



the last one im pretty sure correct me if im wrong

reread the sentence from paragraph 9 of the duck and the smartphone. which type of context clue in the sentence can help you understand the meaning of despondent?


The type of context clue in the sentence that helps us understand the meaning of "despondent" is contrast. (option A)

What are context clues?

Context clues are words or phrases an author uses to give readers hints about the meaning of other words or phrases. In the sentence we are analyzing here, the new or difficult word is "despondent."

To reveal the meaning of "despondent", the author uses a contrast context clue. That means he provides another word to contrast with "despondent," that is, a word that provides an opposite meaning. Here, that word is "joyful."

With the information above in mind, we can select option A as the best answer.

Here's the complete question with the missing sentence and answer options:

Reread this sentence from paragraph 9 of "The Duck and the Smartphone." Which type of context clue in the sentence can help you understand the meaning of despondent?

The duck was delighted with his new toy and immediately began to experiment with it, but within moments his mood changes from joyful to despondent.

A) contrast

B) similarity

C) appositive

D) example

Learn more about context clues here:

Maitre Hauchecorne can be best described as a __ character. A) flat and dynamic B) round and static C) flat and static D) round and dynamic



A) Flat and static



A. flat and  dynamic


hope this helps

Guys help me with this one plz !!!

Read the excerpt below:
What can you infer about the
Highlight your answer.

"It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed."

He is intelligent

He is cautious

He is very curious

He is very threatening



I would she he is intelligent


So two characters from animal farm and write an essay of at least 150 words that compares and contrasts them. Use details from the text to support your response.

I need help :)(:


I got this answer from another website, its not my work but I thought it could help you guys out.


Napoleon and Snowball are both young boars in Animal Farm. Napoleon is a fierce boar, with lots of strength, and one that everyone easily follows. Most of the other animals in the farm seem scared of Napoleon the young boar, and that's why they listen to whatever it is he has to tell them so closely. He is the type of boar that seeks opportunity, and always ends up getting his way regardless of the situation. Snowball however might be considered the thinker of the group, he teaches the animals of his ways and has a more intellectual or moral point of view that he is able to express with much ease. He is an idealistic boar and although he and Napoleon are vivacious, Snowball is way more vivacious than Napoleon. Although Snowball is a character with great animation, Napoleon is a character with much more depth in the story.

What was the theme in the story “The Sand Castle?”



if people today are not careful, we would end up living in a toxic, polluted world. take care of the earth, its the only one we've got!


i hope this helps:)

Selections must be from Unit 1: William Bradford (U1L2), Anne Bradstreet (U1L4), Phillis Wheatley (U1L4), Jonathan Edwards (U1L5), Olaudah Equiano (U1L6), Thomas Paine (U1L7), and Thomas Jefferson (U1L8).

12a. Identify two early American/colonial authors from the list above along with a text/excerpt they wrote. Possible Selections:

Author choice 1 and selection:

Author choice 2 and selection:

12b. What is similar and/or different about each author’s purpose in your two selections above? (Is it to inform, explain, persuade, create, express, reflect, etc.?)

12c. What is similar and/or different about each author’s audience in the two selections above? (Think about who the author is writing to.)

12d. What is similar and/or different about each author’s style in the two selections above? (Think about themes, word choice, tone, form, etc.)



William Bradford.

Anne Bradstreet.


Excerpt written by Willian Bradford, in the poem "A word to New England":

"Oh New England, you can not boast;

Thy former glory thou hast lost.

When H00ker, Winthrop, Cotton died,

And many precious ones beside,

Thy beauty then it did decay,

And still doth languish more away. "

William Bradford was one of the first American writers, being one of the most important in the literary production and in the general history of the country. He was a Puritan, served as governor of the Plymouth colony and is the author of the most important account of English colonists and the difficulties they faced on the new continent.

Excerpt written by Anne Bradstreet, in the poem "Upon a Fit of Sickness":

"Bubble blast, how long can'st last?

That always art a breaking,

No sooner blown, but dead and gone,

Ev'n as a word that's speaking.

The whil'st I live, this grace me give,

I doing good may be,

Then death's arrest I shall count best,

because it's thy decree. "

Anne Bradstreet is recognized as the first poet within the territory where the USA is today. She never went to school, but she learned to read and write with her father who was instrumental in her education and one of the main responsible for her ability. She was also a Puritan, but she was not well regarded by other Puritans for displaying behavior considered wrong for that society, such as a woman writing and showing love for her husband.

How did Cabeza de Vaca transform throughout the selection? How does the author depict Cabeza de Vaca?



Cabeza de Vaca was transformed into a devouted religious person.

The author depicts him as a saint.


In his travelogue, Cabeza de Vaca recounts the time when he along with his men was captured by the Natives in Isle of Misfortune. After spending a year as being a slave on the island, Vaca and his men escaped and came to another tribe on mainland.

In his account, he tells that how when Spaniards were persuaded by the Natives to become medicine men, he was transformed into a devouted religious person.

Vaca and Dorantes kept practising their faith healing among the Natives to heal the sick Natives. This practice brought a good reputation to them among the tribes, according to Vaca's account. He depicts himself as a saint.

who was ha before she was forced to flee home (inside out and back again) (doesn't have to b exact, just an idea, thanks)


What? I’m confused on what your asking

2. (a) Recall: What is Cooper's profession? (b) Connect: How is
this information important to the action of the story?
the story “the secret”



I read a poem "the secret" but i didn't read any story sorry


How had conditions in new mexico changed by the time the spanish returned in 1692?



Like this


The history of New Mexico is based on archeological evidence, attesting to varying cultures of humans occupying the area of New Mexico since approximately 9200 BCE, and written records. The earliest peoples had migrated from northern areas of North America after ... Since that time, the Spanish Empire, Mexico, and the United States

Mesopotamia, Nile River Valley, Indus River Valley, Huang He River Valley civilizations all had?


They were all river valley civilizations, they were centered around the rivers. It provided better farming conditions and most likely shelter by mountains..

The tsunami waves kept coming but they grow smaller until the danger is over. The tsunami has caused a lot of damage, but no one has been killed. Everyone left the danger zones by the sea. Everyone rushed to safety and higher ground.”
When reading this paragraph aloud, where should the reader pause?
after the word “damage”
after the word “rushed”
after the word “waves”
all of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided





carl wheezer told me


its b i got a 90!


What promise does Maverick make Lisa?



He promises that they will move out of Garden Heights and whatever it takes keep her and the family safe.


he promised her to make sure her and her family are safe

The contrast between Hal and the other sled drivers most reflects the theme of _____.

rules and laws
the effect of the environment
the quality of men
civilization vs. the wild



The quality of men


I'm confident this is right.. right?


the quality of men


I need help bro don't send me no stupid shiii cause I don't play I ain't got time for these 2 year old playing with me so be for real okayy!!!!thank you​



I would disagree with all four but that's just my opinion.




1. DISAGREE- Even though its the name your parents gave you, you have the right to change it if you dilike it or you want to be called something else.

2. DISAGREE- Names are names. It is a matter of OPINION what name is better. It isn't a FACT which names are better than others.

3. DISAGREE- Moving to a new coutnry does not mean you are abondoning your old culture. You can bring it with you to your new country and share your traditions and customs with everyone else. This has been done a lot. For example, tacos, burritos were brought over from mexico.

4. DISAGREE- Not always. For example, just because you are from america, doesn't mean you know everyone from america. Plus, there are 328.2 million people from America. You don't know them all.

By ending the story in the present, the reader can infer that
Select one:

Ms. Gonzales has made a lifelong impact on Samantha

Samantha still spends time with Ms. Gonzales

Samantha uses the quilt all the time.

Samantha did not complete the community service assignment

Read the passage and answer the following question(s)

The Patchwork Quilt

Samantha paused in her spring cleaning to press her cheek against the soothing plumpness of the patchwork quilt. Its still–rich colors transported her mind back to the day she'd been given the quilt. In her mind's eye she could see herself going into Mrs. Gonzales's house that first, cloudy October afternoon. Putting down her broom, Samantha sat down at her bedroom desk and allowed herself the luxury of a little nostalgic dreaming...

Mrs. Gonzales, I'm here! fourteen–year–old Samantha called out softly in the dusty gloom of Mrs. Gonzales's front hallway.

Who is it? a thin, quivering voice replied from the direction of the bedroom.

Samantha! Samantha Parsons to read to you, Samantha answered, making her way down the dim hallway toward the old woman's bedroom. Standing in the doorway she took in the tidy, restful scene of the elderly woman sitting up in her bed wearing a frilly, purple nightgown, and slowly sorting square patches of bright fabric. Her fingers were bent and gnarled, but her nails were beautifully manicured in pink polish.

Ah, Samantha. I remember now. You gave me a fright just now, but come on in and sit down, she said cozily, pointing at a rocking chair beside her bed.

I'm sorry I scared you. Your daughter said I could let myself in. She left the door unlocked for me, as long as I locked it behind me when I came and when I left, Samantha explained, sitting down in the cushioned, but creaking, rocking chair.

Tell me, Niña, why do you want to read aloud to me? Rosa, my daughter, you know, said something about your school's community service program.

Yes, my English teacher has asked all of her classes to do something for the community for six hours each week. We get credit for English class because at the end of the semester I have to write a paper about my community service and what I learned from it. So, I thought... if I could... , Samantha faltered in her explanation, nervously biting her lower lip.

I see, I see, Mrs. Gonzales cackled merrily, then began to cough harshly, painfully. Her faded brown eyes filled with tears, and her lined face looked pained as her body shook with coughs. When she'd recovered from her coughing spell, she added, "You thought you could read aloud to an old invalid woman like me, eh? What shall we read, Niña?"

So, Samantha had read through many afternoons after school, while October, November and December rainstorms rumbled outside and Mrs. Gonzales painstakingly stitched her quilts and coughed. Samantha read To Kill a Mockingbird, Great Expectations, and a thick volume of Ernest Hemingway's short stories. It wasn't exactly entertaining, especially when she missed going to the movies or the mall after school with her friends, but gradually Samantha began to see the value of what she was doing for Mrs. Gonzales... and for herself. She began to fall in love with the characters in the books, especially Atticus Finch and his intrepid little daughter, Scout.

The second week in December, Mrs. Gonzales's lung disease took a turn for the worse, and she had to be hospitalized for immediate surgery. The evening after Mrs. Gonzales's surgery, her daughter Rosa came to the Parsons home with the good news that Mrs. Gonzales was recuperating well and would be home for New Year's Eve celebrations. She brought something else, too—a beautifully wrapped package which she presented to Samantha.

I know you read to my mother for a school assignment, but to her your time was like a special gift, so she wanted you to have this, and she asked me to tell you to please come and see her sometime. When you come, she wants you to please bring the paper you write about your community service experience.

Samantha opened the package with trembling fingers, and smiled when she saw what lay inside. It was the patchwork quilt Mrs. Gonzales had been piecing together on that first day Samantha had begun reading to her. Samantha thanked Rosa quietly as she opened the richly colored folds of the quilt, and said, "It's beautiful! Please tell your mother I'll always treasure it!"

...Samantha reluctantly brought her mind back from the memory of all of those afternoons she'd spent reading to the ailing Mrs. Gonzales. She'd never forget those novels and stories she'd read because the characters were as much a part of the experience as Mrs. Gonzales's friendship had been. Watching the woman's good–natured attitude toward her own suffering had taught Samantha an invaluable lesson about human endurance and courage. Gently folding the patchwork quilt, she put it back into the trunk at the foot of her bed, and picked up her broom again.



Samantha did not complete the community service assignment

Answer: Well from reading the passage, I can definitely say, Ms, Gonzales has made a lifelong impact on Samantha.


I got a comment saying "it must be in english/spanish" does that mean one of them or both ?



one of them


One of them because its given you a choice to pick either of the two

She was standing at the museum entrance, way at the top of the steps, gesturing impatiently at me to come on. (page 10) What does the word impatiently mean? *
25 points
To be able to wait
Arguing; to challenge
To be unable to wait; missing patience
Screaming; to yell


Answer: To be unable to wait; missing patience

Explanation: You can look it up :)

To be unable to wait; missing patience

I ll give you branliest answer please i need this in like 30 minutes

9 The author establishes there is hope for Native American children on the reservation by
describing --

A the many ways his father made reading a priority for Alexie
B his learning to read from a comic book as a three year old
C all the ways his classmates demonstrated intelligence
D the students who had read his books and wanted to learn to write

10 What does the author mean when he writes –

A Some students resisted his efforts to reach them.
B A teacher should never give up on his students.
C It is useless to try to overcome cultural values.
D Education is the doorway to Indian children’s success.

11 Which of these is the best summary of the selection?

A Sherman Alexie was determined to save his life and his Native American community through reading and
writing. Although his community did not affirm him, Alexie refused to fail. Now that he is a writer, he visits
reservation schools to teach creative writing, but some students refuse to learn. But Alexie knows that to give
up on them is to give up on his people.

B Because Sherman Alexie’s dad set such a good example as a reader and a learner, Alexie learned to read at
an early age. Alexie was able to withstand the ridicule of bullies because he was so determined to be like his
father. Although his father never had the opportunities of education that Alexie enjoyed, he was proud of his
son’s accomplishments as a writer and a teacher.

C Although Sherman Alexie had been a successful writer for many years, his primary accomplishment was
returning to his people to challenge gifted students who wanted to become writers themselves and to engage
reluctant students who did not want anything to do with school learn how to read and to write.

D Children who learn to read at an early age should be identified as prodigies and given encouragement.
Instead what often happens is that they are outcasts. Sherman Alexie’s success is an example of what child
can accomplish with little support. Sherman Alexie’s desire to give back to his community is an inspiration to us

12 Which of these best describes the author’s purpose for writing this article?

A To applaud his own efforts in overcoming the limits of his childhood
B To encourage youth to dream about becoming heroes like Superman
C To illustrate the challenges of empowering Indian children with an education
D To persuade Americans to support the education of Native American children

13 Which sentences from the article best supports the theme of empowering others with our
own success story?

My father loved books, and since I loved my father with an aching devotion, I decided to love books as
As Indian children, we were expected to fail in the non-Indian world. Those who failed were ceremonially
accepted by other Indians and appropriately pitied by non-Indians.
Despite all the books I read, I am still surprised I became a writer. I was going to be a pediatrician. These
days, I write novels, short stories, and poems.

They refuse and resist. "Books," I say to them. "Books," I say. I throw my weight against their locked

doors. The door holds. I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives.

14 Re-read paragraph 4.

These lines foreshadow that
A Superman will become Alexie’s childhood hero.
B Alexie will become a famous speaker.
C Alexie will save himself and others through education.
D His father will be very proud of Alexie’s achievements

15 Alexie’s characterization of Indian youth on the reservation conveys that they were

A superstitious yet religious
B intelligent yet distrustful
C arrogant and belligerent
D timid and submissive

16 Which line from “Superman and Me” does NOT contain figurative language?

A ...
but I realized that a paragraph was a fence that held words.
At the same time I was seeing the world in paragraphs, I also picked up that Superman comic book.
They struggled with reading but could remember how to sing a few dozen powwow songs.
Books” I say to them. “Books” I say. I throw my weight against their locked doors....



Oh. Thank for so much points.


1. B

2. C

3. A



I have none of the following answers:


I haven't a clue.

Reread paragraph 7. What does Roosevelt believe binds Americans together? What does he
cite as evidence for that assertion?


Answer: Roosevelt believes that we are all bound together by hope of a common future. He cited  “The realization that we are all bound together by hope of a common future rather than by reverence for a common past” as evidence for that assertion.

Other Questions
Please help!! I have to label the organelles in this cell plant! cody's Bikes rents bikes for $18 plus $5 per hour. Mark paid $48 to rent a bike. For how many hours did he rent the bike. Write 65% as a fraction and a decimal PLEASE HELP I CANT DO MATH what is f(1) its for my math assignment Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply.) A. Accounting systems generally consist of several subsystems, each designed to process a particular type of transaction. B. Most mobile devices do not need to be tracked and monitored as their loss represents minimal exposure. C. Supervision is especially important in organizations without responsibility reporting or an adequate segregation of duties. D. All system transactions and activities should be recorded in a log that indicates who accessed what data and when. E. Customer relationship management (CRM) software includes budgets, schedules, and standard costs; reports comparing actual and planned performance; and procedures for investigating and correcting significant variances. Circle O has a circumference of approximately 44 in.What is the approximate length of the diameter, d27 in14 in22 in44 in Read the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form . . .Which Enlightenment idea is reflected in the excerpt?A. the theory of the divine right of kingsB. the theory of hierarchical organizationC. the theory of social contract of governmentD. the theory of natural rights of humans In which place does essential computing of computer takes place at?option1]microprocessor2]ram3]motherboard4]none find the slope from the table Which line of code outputs the decimal portion of a float stored in thevariable x? the company has finished designing a software program but users aren't sure how to use it Evaluate the following expressions for M= -3 N= 4 P= 2 pls help ASAP, The Great Pyramids at Giza were built during which of the following periods? (1 point) athe Old Kingdom bthe Middle Kingdom cthe New Kingdom dthe Roman occupationPLSPLSPLS help thanks :) Seventeen less than a numberis negative two. What is thatnumber? Which of the following is NOT found in the cell membrane:Nucleic acidsCholesterolProteinsGalactosePhospholipids How does Anne Frank directly acknowledge conflicting viewpoints in her diary in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl?(A) She writes why she thinks people should believe what she does.(b) She quotes her family's conversations and explains how she disagrees.(c) She describes and interprets other people's facial expressions.(d) She guesses what her family members are thinking when they don't respond. The measure of angle MBT ? Jake owns a company called Boat Builders, LLC and one evening he took several of his employees out after work to a bar. After eating and drinking for several hours Jake invited them back to the Boat Builders premises so he and some of the employees could show off a boat theyd been working on. After arriving at Boat Builders they all continued to drink and two of the employees, Tyler and Mark, got into an argument. When Tyler went to use the bathroom Mark attacked him from behind causing him to lose consciousness and break a tooth. Mark made light of it but gave Jake a menacing look so Jake dropped it and went to check on Tyler. Tyler sat up and asked what happened and Jake told him that Mark had attacked him from behind. About an hour passed by during which time Jake went out to his car and got his phone so he could play music for everyone. After an hour, Tyler and Mark began to argue again and they walked outside into the Boat Builders parking lot where Mark attacked Tyler again. Mark left and was later arrested for aggravated battery. Tyler regained consciousness after 10 minutes and drove home even though he was badly injured.Does Tyler have a negligence claim against Boat Builders? Why or why not? A complete answer will be at least 5 sentences and mention critical facts. PLS HELP, WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!A bowling ball has a mass of 5kg and weight of 49 Newtons on Earth. Astronauts take it on a journey to the moon, Phobos (a moon of Mars) and Jupiter and measure the bowling balls weight. Put the locations in order from least weight to most weight for the bowling ball.(1 Point)EarthJupiterThe MoonPhobos