Reflective Essay Assignment Complete all lessons prior to this assignment. Frederic Henry's perspective and attitude about war changes drastically in this story by Hemingway. How and why does Henry's change happen? Write a reflective essay in which you explain Henry's change in thinking about war and connect this to a personal experience where you underwent a significant change of perspective, how and why this change happened, and how this benefited your life. The essay's thesis statement and body contents should refer to A Farewell to Arms and clearly state the connection. The conclusion should refer back to A Farewell to Arms too. Note: Henry's change in perspective about war has nothing to do with Catherine or romance! Thesis statement: Your introduction's thesis statement must include story title and author (A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway), the controlling ideas of Henry's change and your change, and why this is important. Do not use announcements such as "In this essay...". The essay should be 1 typed page in length and include essay structure with an introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Proofread and edit carefully for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Please Help Me !!!


Answer 1

More The course of the book saw tremendous changes in Frederic Henry. His attitude toward Catherine, the dispute, and his friends had all significantly changed.

In A Farewell to Arms, what changes does Frederic Henry undergo?

In the conclusion of the book, Frederic Henry admits guilt for taking the lives both his beloved and unborn child and discloses his greatest transformation: He has developed from a rootless immigrant to a compassionate guy who sees herself as a possible husband and parent.

What type of personality is Frederic Henry?

Henry lacks any sense of politics, culture, history, morals, or religion. He makes an effort to avoid his social obligations while cherishing his solitary, private existence. He is unusually docile, receptive, and an astute observer.

To know more about Frederic Henry visit:


Related Questions

What happened during the Manchurian Incident?
O A. Chinese communist Mao Zedong retreated to the countryside with
his troops.
OB. The League of Nations forced Japan to withdraw its troops from
Chinese Manchuria.
OC. Nationalist Chiang Kai-shek established control of the Chinese
OD. Japan carried out an explosion of one of its own trains in Chinese



D. Japan carried out an explosion of one of its own trains in Chinese Manchuria.

The Manchurian Incident, also known as the Mukden Incident, occurred on September 18, 1931, when a section of the South Manchuria Railway owned by Japan was dynamited near Shenyang (Mukden), in the Chinese province of Manchuria. The explosion was blamed on Chinese dissidents and used as a pretext for the Japanese to invade and occupy Manchuria, leading to the establishment of the puppet state of Manchukuo.

Answer: its D


What weakened France's absolutist rulers, such as Louis XV?
ignoring military spending to finance palaces
draining the treasury to finance costly wars
sharing power with the nobility and clergy
allowing constitutional laws and liberties


Stealing from the Treasury to pay for expensive wars. C. shared authority with the clergy and nobility. D. providing for constitutional rights and laws. Perhaps most importantly, the king had financial constraints.

What exactly is finance?

In order to finance their operations, consumers, businesses, and governments frequently lack the cash on hand to spend, settle debt, or carry out other activities. As a result, they must borrow money or sell shares.

Describe a consumer?

Although a customer cannot sell the goods, product, or service, he or she may use it to support himself or herself and engage in self-employment. describe a consumer. The person who uses any product or service on a daily basis is the consumer.

To know more about financial visit :


Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II?


Answer: worried that citizens of Japanese ancestry would act as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government.

How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into the failure of the police to
catch Jack the Ripper?
Explain your answer, using Sources A and B and your knowledge of the historical


Source A and B provide a useful context into the the failure of the police which is that the police force at the time was relatively new and had limited resources and training, and there were few forensic techniques available to help catch the Ripper. These factors may help to explain why the police were unable to catch the Ripper at the time.

What is source A and B saying about the effort of the police to catch Jack the Ripper?

Sources A and B can be useful for an enquiry into the failure of the police to catch Jack the Ripper, but they both have limitations.

1. Source A, a cartoon published in Punch magazine, provides a contemporary view of the investigation into the Jack the Ripper murders. The cartoon depicts a group of policemen playing "Blind Man's Buff", with the blindfolded officer trying to catch the elusive Ripper.

This cartoon suggests that the police were bumbling and ineffective in their attempts to catch the Ripper. However, it is important to remember that this is just one viewpoint, and that Punch magazine was known for its satirical and humorous take on contemporary events.

2. Source B, an article from the East London Advertiser newspaper, is critical of the actions of Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Charles Warren, during the Ripper murders. The article argues that Warren's decisions to increase the number of ordinary constables in the police force, and to recruit men with military backgrounds, rather than specialist detectives with local knowledge, were mistakes that endangered the community.

This source suggests that the police were not equipped with the necessary resources or expertise to catch the Ripper. However, it is important to note that the East London Advertiser was a local newspaper, and may have had its own political agenda.

In terms of historical context, it is important to remember that the Jack the Ripper murders occurred during a time of great social upheaval in Victorian London. The Whitechapel district, where the murders took place, was notorious for its poverty, crime, and social unrest. The police force at the time was relatively new and had limited resources and training, and there were few forensic techniques available to help catch the Ripper. These factors may help to explain why the police were unable to catch the Ripper at the time.

Find more useful information on Jack the Ripper;


Under the Justinian Code of Law, what would happen to Rob Burr?


Due to the fact that it was merely a first-degree robbery, Rob Burr would spend three years in state prison. The fine for Rob Burrs would be three times the cost of the item he took.

The Justinian Code of Law is what?

A set of laws was known as the Code of Justinian, or Codex Justinianus. Under the guidance of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, it was made up of the numerous collections of laws and legal interpretations.

What took place under Justinian's rule?

Justinian I was a brilliant legislator. He restructured the imperial bureaucracy and prohibited suffragia, or the sale of regional governorships. He oversaw the construction of several new cathedrals, including the Hagia Sophia, and financed the Codex Justinianus (Code of Justinian).

To know more about Rob Burr visit:-


No plagiarism!!! In a five paragraph essay, evaluate how events led to the creation of labor organizations, and the success and failures of the labor movement. Please include:

a. What kinds of working conditions were present during Industrialization?

b. What benefits could labor union provide?

c. Who were the major leaders of the labor movement?

d. Evaluate both the successes and failures of the movement.


Throughout the Industrial Revolution, working conditions were often harsh and unsafe. Workers were subject to long hours, low wages, and dangerous working conditions. With the rise of factories and mass production, workers were often treated as expendable and were not provided with basic safety measures. This led to the creation of labor organizations, which aimed to improve the conditions and opportunities for workers.

One of the benefits of labor unions was the ability to negotiate better wages and working conditions for workers. Unions could also provide legal representation for workers who were wrongfully terminated or mistreated by their employers. Additionally, unions could provide training and education for workers to help them develop new skills and advance in their careers.

Some of the major leaders of the labor movement included Samuel Gompers, Eugene V. Debs, and Cesar Chavez. Gompers was the founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), which was one of the most influential labor organizations in American history. Debs was a socialist and labor organizer who founded the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Chavez was a prominent labor leader who organized migrant farm workers and advocated for better working conditions and wages.

The labor movement had many successes, including the establishment of minimum wage laws, overtime pay, and workplace safety regulations. Unions also played a key role in achieving better working conditions for women and minorities. However, the movement also faced many challenges and failures. In some cases, unions became too powerful and were accused of corruption and illegal activities. Additionally, many employers were resistant to the demands of unions and would often use violence and intimidation to suppress union activity.

In conclusion, the creation of labor organizations was a response to the harsh working conditions and treatment of workers during the Industrial Revolution. Labor unions provided a way for workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. The movement was led by influential figures such as Gompers, Debs, and Chavez. While the labor movement had many successes, it also faced many challenges and failures due to resistance from employers and accusations of corruption within unions. Despite these challenges, the labor movement remains an important part of American history and has played a critical role in shaping the modern workplace.

Why would the federal courts be BEST suited to hearing cases about these things, as opposed to the courts of the states?



It depends on the specific case or issue at hand, but generally, federal courts are best suited to hearing cases that involve federal law, the Constitution, or interstate disputes. This is because federal courts have jurisdiction over cases that involve federal law or the interpretation of the Constitution, and they are also responsible for resolving disputes between parties from different states or countries.

In contrast, state courts generally have jurisdiction over cases that involve state law, and they are responsible for interpreting and enforcing state statutes and regulations. While some cases may involve both state and federal law, federal courts are often better equipped to handle such cases, as they have more experience with federal law and constitutional issues.

Additionally, federal courts are seen as less susceptible to local biases or influences, which can be a concern in cases that involve sensitive or controversial issues. Federal judges are appointed for life and are not subject to election or political pressure, which can help ensure that cases are decided based on the law and not on political or social considerations

DIRECTIONS: Choose a country or region that has been affected by imperialism at some point in
its history. Do some research to learn the area's history as the colony of an imperialist empire.
Also find out how the region is doing today, and identify any remaining effects of colonization on
the area. Then create a slide show or video that explains to AFC why they should send their
money and resources to this former colony. Your presentation should describe the former
colony, identify the immediate and long‐term effects of colonization, and suggest some
strategies for improving the lives of people in that area.
Suggested Project Steps
1 Select a region or continent to research, such as India, Africa, East Asia, or the Americas.
2 Find either a country or a community (a town, village, neighborhood, etc.) that
represents some of the effects of colonization on that region.
3 Identify both the immediate and long‐term impact of colonization on the country or
community. (These effects can be positive or negative or both.)
4 Identify some steps or strategies that would help improve life for the people of the
region. Learn what is already being done, if anything.
5 Create a presentation introduces and describes the area, explains the effects of
colonization, and suggests some strategies for making life better there



One region that has been affected by imperialism is Africa. Many countries in Africa were colonized by European powers during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The effects of colonization were far-reaching and had long-lasting impacts on the continent.

One immediate effect of colonization was the exploitation of natural resources. European powers extracted valuable resources, such as gold and diamonds, from African countries and used them to fuel their own economic growth. This often involved forced labor and violence against African people.

Another immediate effect was the imposition of European political systems and borders on African countries. This often resulted in ethnic and cultural tensions, as different groups were forced to live together within newly created states.

Long-term effects of colonization include the perpetuation of poverty and underdevelopment. African countries were often left without the infrastructure and institutions needed to develop strong economies and political systems. This has contributed to ongoing conflict and instability in many parts of the continent.

To improve the lives of people in Africa, there are several strategies that can be employed. One is to invest in infrastructure and institutions that will support economic development and political stability. This includes building roads, schools, and hospitals, and establishing democratic institutions that can ensure the fair distribution of resources.

Another strategy is to support local businesses and industries. By investing in African entrepreneurs and promoting local industries, it is possible to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Overall, there are many reasons why AFC should consider investing in Africa. The continent has a rich cultural heritage and a wealth of natural resources. By supporting development and promoting local businesses, AFC can help to create a more equitable and prosperous future for the people of Africa.



0 longitude 0 latitude if it is at the intersection

The push for the Soviet Union to catch up to the other major countries in industrial output was the main focus of the Russian Revolution New Economic Policy of Lenin First Five-Year Plan of Stalin Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact




First Five Year Plan of Stalin

According to this quote, what was Jefferson's concern about purchasing the Louisiana Territory?

"I infer that the less we say about constitutional difficulties respecting Louisiana the better, and that what is necessary for surmounting them must be done. A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the highest duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self preservation, of saving the country when in danger are of higher obligation." - Thomas Jefferson
A.He worried about angering farmers who shipped their crops to New Orleans.

B.He was concerned that his constitutional veto power would not be upheld.

C.He did not trust Monroe and Livingston to make a favorable deal.

D.He didn’t believe he had constitutional power to buy land from another country.
Please explain why you chose this



Based on the quote provided, Jefferson's concern about the constitutional difficulties surrounding the purchase of Louisiana Territory was that a strict adherence to the written laws of the Constitution might prevent the country from taking necessary actions for its self-preservation and safety.

Therefore, the correct option would be D. He didn't believe he had constitutional power to buy land from another country. Jefferson recognized that the Constitution did not explicitly grant the federal government the power to purchase foreign territory, and he was concerned that the acquisition of Louisiana might be unconstitutional. However, he believed that the acquisition of Louisiana was necessary for the safety and prosperity of the United States, and so he went ahead with the purchase despite his reservations about the constitutional implications.


B. Is the correct answer

Part 1 How did the Truman Doctrine propose to stop the spread of communism into Greece and Turkey?​


Answer:The Truman Doctrine was a policy proposed by US President Harry S. Truman in 1947, which aimed to contain the spread of communism by providing economic and military aid to countries threatened by communist aggression.

In the case of Greece and Turkey, the Truman Doctrine proposed to provide economic and military aid to these countries to prevent them from falling under the influence of the Soviet Union and its communist ideology. The Soviet Union had been exerting pressure on both Greece and Turkey to align themselves with the communist bloc, which posed a threat to Western Europe and the Middle East.

The US provided $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey to help them rebuild their economies and modernize their military forces. This aid was crucial in enabling these countries to resist Soviet influence and maintain their independence. In addition, the US provided military advisers and training to help improve the capabilities of the Greek and Turkish armed forces.

Overall, the Truman Doctrine was a key component of US foreign policy during the Cold War, and it played an important role in containing the spread of communism and preserving the security of Western Europe and the Middle East.


Match the description of God’s character with its example from Scripture.

1. Isaiah 31:4
a lamn
2. Deuteronomy 32:11
a hiding place
3. Isaiah 53:7
a morning star
4. Matthew 23:37
a hen
5. Psalm 84:11
a light
6. Revelation 22:16
a tower
7. Hebrews 12:29
the sun
8. Psalm 119:114
a lion
9. Proverbs 18:10
10. Psalm 27:1
an eagle



Isaiah 53:7


God is called a morning star because he is the greatest leader in the universe

list four english words which have origins that can be traced to the indigenous people of the Caribbean​



Which nation signed a nonaggression pact with Germany thag led to in invasion and divison of Poland



the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact

What was goin on in the world teenage hobos 1930s



Riding the Rails presents the poignant and little-known story of teen hobos during the 1930s, a time of desperation and bitter hardship. These young itinerant Americans were all searching for a better life; what they found was a mixture of freedom, camaraderie, misery, and loneliness.

Write a short answer (3-4 sentences) that describes the reactions of local people in Europe and Asia to the occupation of German and Japanese forces. How did the people respond?​


Answer: holly  i cant belevive that happened said ricky.

sally says jesus  man think it will happen again "simutaniously richard is throwing grnades and being shot with a "


Under what circumstances might a government decide to go to war?


Answer: It provides that the president can send the U.S. Armed Forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress, "statutory authorization", or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces".


Which continents experienced many successful revolutions ?

Which continents revolutions mainly failed?



The French Revolution is notorious, for being one of the most sanguinary and unsuccessful revolutions. The French Revolution is in stark contrast to the American Revolution.

what would justify america going to war with Russia today?​


In response to Russia's premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified war against Ukraine, the United States, our allies, and our international partners are united in supporting Ukraine.

What is the current relationship between us and Russia?

One of the world's most significant, crucial, and strategic relations exists between Russia and the United States. Space exploration, nonproliferation, counterterrorism, and nuclear safety and security are all areas of mutual interest for both nations.

In what ways does the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have an impact on the world?

Global trade, which was still recovering from the pandemic, was disrupted by the war. Since Russia is the world's leading producer of fertilizer and Ukraine is a major supplier of wheat and sunflower oil, food prices have skyrocketed.

Learn more about Russia war:


Characteristics of Totalitarian Regimes
Directions: Using Documents 2 and 3, and your textbooks, identify specific examples of each of the characteristics of totalitarian regimes in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union. Write your examples in the appropriate section under each country.


Answer: A form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state. Italian director Bentino Mussolini coined the term totalitarian in the early 1920s to characterize the new fascist state of Italy, which he further described as “all within the state, none outside the state, none against the state.” By the beginning of World War II, totalitarianism had become synonymous with absolute and oppressive single-party government. Other modern examples of totalitarian states include the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, NaZI Germany under Adolf Hitler, the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and North Korea under the Kim Dynasty.

What are the 4 characteristics of totalitarianism?

System of terror, using such instruments as violence and secret police. Monopoly on weapons. Monopoly on the means of communication. Central direction and control of the economy through state planning.

What are some typical characteristics of a totalitarian regime?

Totalitarianism is a form of government that prohibits opposing political parties and ideologies while controlling all aspects of the public and private lives of the people. Under a totalitarian regime, all citizens are subject to the absolute authority of the state.

What are reserved powers ?



The term "reserved powers," sometimes known as "residual powers," refers to those authority that is not expressly delegated to the federal government by the nation's constitution or legal system and is instead reserved for the state, provincial, or popular governments or for the people. This authority typically pertains to local or regional issues like public health, transportation, land use, and education.

The reserved powers are typically delegated to the state or provincial governments in nations with federal systems of government, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, while the federal government retains some enumerated authorities. The reserved powers concept aims to ensure that the federal government does not surpass the autonomy and sovereignty of state and provincial governments.:

Why are they called conflict diamonds



Conflict diamonds are diamonds that are mined in war zones and sold to finance armed conflicts against governments. These diamonds are also known as blood diamonds, as their sale has been used to fund brutal conflicts and human rights abuses in many parts of the world. The term "conflict diamond" became widely used in the late 1990s when it was discovered that diamonds were being used to fund civil wars in African countries such as Sierra Leone and Angola. The profits from the sale of these diamonds were being used to buy weapons and fund rebel groups, leading to widespread violence and suffering in these countries. In response to this issue, the international community has taken steps to regulate the diamond trade and ensure that diamonds are not used to fund conflicts.


what does the arctic represent in the blob


Answer: the cold system that terminated the blob mark me brainliest please


What gives or does not give the federal government permission to be involved in in elections

At least 2 historical examples to support your opinion and assertions


The U.S. Constitution gives the federal government some authority to regulate elections, specifically in the areas of time, place, and manner of holding elections.

The federal government is the central governing authority of a country that is organized into a system of states or provinces. In a federal system, power is divided between the central government and the individual states or provinces. The federal government is responsible for overseeing national affairs, such as national defense, foreign relations, and economic policy.

It also has the power to make laws and regulations that apply to the entire country, enforce those laws, and interpret the constitution. The head of the federal government is usually a president or a prime minister who is elected by the people or appointed by a governing body. In the United States, the federal government is made up of three branches: the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, and they are designed to provide checks and balances to ensure that no one branch becomes too powerful.

To learn more about Federal government visit here:


Explain when/how exploration becomes exploitation


Exploration turns into exploitation when the pursuit of wealth or power takes precedence over moral considerations and the welfare of people and the environment.

What moral issues surround Internet addiction?

Due to differences in opinion, cultures, and faiths, it is discovered that Internet addiction cannot be classified as either moral or wrong according to ideas of ethical relativism. However, it is determined that Internet addiction is immoral from the standpoint of ethical objectivism.

Why is it vital to recognise ethical issues while applying biotechnology?

Unexpected outcomes from the use of biotechnology may damage or dehumanise humans. The suggested developments' ethical ramifications need to be properly considered. Biotechnology and other new technologies must be evaluated ethically, which necessitates a fresh method of approaching ethics.

To know more about Exploration visit:-


Which statement best describes why migration increased in the United States
during the Great Depression?
A. People were forced to leave their homes as punishment for going
into debt.
B. People were able to find cheaper housing prices in cities on the
West Coast.
C. People lost their homes and jobs and moved to new places to
avoid paying their debts.
D. People lost their homes and jobs and moved to new places in
hopes of finding employment.





people during the depression could no longer afford to live in their homes, such as in the dust bowl where the economic boom from the rain of the 1920's. farmers in the dust bowl suddenly found themselves with no way of creating income for themselves and the frequent dust storms destroyed any hopes of staying employed. as a result, people lost both their homes and jobs and mostly moved west in search of jobs in the urban cities.

Which type of government is most likely in place in Olivia’s country? a communist government a dictatorship a direct democracy a constitutional monarchy


The type of government that is most likely in place in Olivia’s country is a communist government. the correct option is A.

What are the types of monarchy?

A monarchy is a form of government where a monarch, such as a king, queen, or emperor, is the head of state. There are several types of monarchy, including an absolute monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, an elective monarchy, a hereditary monarchy, and a federal monarchy. An absolute monarchy has complete and unlimited power over its kingdom or territory, while a constitutional monarchy is a ceremonial head of state and its powers are limited by a constitution or a set of laws. An elective monarchy is elected by a group of people, while a hereditary monarchy is passed down through the family.

Thus, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Olivia's country, here:


A Communist government is a type of government most likely in place in Olivia’s country.

Option A is correct.

Who is referred to as a communist?

A communist is a member of a political party that adheres to the doctrine of communism, which is an extreme form of socialism. China, Cuba, and North Korea are just a few countries that claim to be communists, though many communists would disagree.

What makes communism superior to capitalism?

Workers ought to be treated fairly, and communism teaches that everyone, rich or poor, is entitled to the same pay. Additionally, that employees control the businesses.

Question incomplete:

Which type of government is most likely in place in Olivia’s country?

A. a communist government

B. a dictatorship

C. a direct democracy

D.  a constitutional monarchy

Learn more about communist government:


Based on the discussion in this unit, name at least one reason why the prison at Guantanomo Bay remains open despite stories of torture and unethical treatment of prisoners. Do you agree that the reason you have mentioned is a valid one, why or why not?


One reason the Guantanamo Bay jail is still operating is because some military and political figures feel it is essential for national security.

They contend that the prison is a crucial resource for acquiring information from alleged terrorists and stopping other assaults. Concerns regarding the transfer of detainees to foreign nations and any associated security threats may also exist.

It's debatable whether or not this justification is true. Some contend that the use of torture and unethical treatment of prisoners breaches human rights laws and international law, undermining American moral leadership. Others contend that harsh measures may be required in some circumstances to defend the lives of innocent civilians and that national security concerns and ethical issues must be weighed equally. The choice to keep the prison operational is ultimately a complicated one that incorporates a number of legal, moral, and tactical factors.

To know more about Guantanamo Bay, visit:


Why have executive orders been used as a tool to expand presidential power?


The president instructs the government how to work within the parameters already set by Congress and the Constitution.

How has the president's power evolved over time as a result of executive orders?

Presidents have started to exercise their unilateral powers more frequently over time, such as issuing executive orders—laws that circumvent Congress but nevertheless have legal effect if the courts do not strike them down.

What effect does the executive order have?

While there are instances in which an executive order can function in the same way as a federal law, Congress can create a new law to override an executive order, subject to a presidential veto. Since George Washington, every president has used the executive order authority in a variety of ways.

Learn more about the Constitution


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