Regression Assignment

In this assignment, each group will develop a multiple regression model to predict changes in monthly credit card expenditures. The goal of the assignment is to produce the best model possible to predict monthly credit card expenses by identifying the key factors which influence these expenditures.

Use at least five factors from the data set to explain variation in monthly credit card expenditures. Use the four step analytical process to analyze the problem.


Provide the regression output from the data analysis and provide a report on the results.

Please find the data set in below link


Answer 1

A multiple regression model can be used to predict changes in monthly credit card expenditures by identifying the relevant independent variables that are likely to impact credit card spending

How can multiple regression model used to predict changes in monthly credit card expenditures?

In this case, independent variables might include things like income, age, education level, and employment status. Once the relevant independent variables have been identified, a multiple regression model can be built that takes these variables into account when predicting changes in credit card expenditures.

To build the multiple regression model, historical data on credit card expenditures and the independent variables should be collected and used to train the model. The model can then be used to predict future changes in credit card expenditures based on changes in the independent variables.

Read more about regression model


Related Questions

what is the correct order of academic writing process?



Pre-writing : Organizing : Writing the first draft : Revising/Editing : Finalizing

Hope it helped! :)

What’s the output of the code?


The output is : (3+2) = 5

Given main(), define the Artist class (in file with constructors to initialize an artist's information, get methods, and a printInfo() method. The default constructor should initialize the artist's name to "unknown" and the years of birth and death to -1. printInfo() displays "Artist:", then a space, then the artist's name, then another space, then the birth and death dates in one of three formats: (XXXX to YYYY) if both the birth and death years are nonnegative (XXXX to present) if the birth year is nonnegative and the death year is negative (unknown) otherwise Define the Artwork class (in file with constructors to initialize an artwork's information, get methods, and a printInfo() method. The default constructor should initialize the title to "unknown", the year created to -1. printInfo() displays an artist's information by calling the printInfo() method in, followed by the artwork's title and the year created. Declare a private field of type Artist in the Artwork class. Ex: If the input is: Pablo Picasso 1881 1973 Three Musicians 1921 the output is: Artist: Pablo Picasso (1881 to 1973) Title: Three Musicians, 1921 Ex: If the input is: Brice Marden 1938 -1 Distant Muses 2000 the output is: Artist: Brice Marden (1938 to present) Title: Distant Muses, 2000 Ex: If the input is: Banksy -1 -1 Balloon Girl 2002 the output is: Artist: Banksy (unknown) Title: Balloon Girl, 2002 in java code


Here's the implementation of the Artist and Artwork classes in Java:

The Program

   public Artwork(String title, int yearCreated, Artist artist) {

       this.title = title;

       this.yearCreated = yearCreated;

       this.artist = artist;



   public String getTitle() {

       return title;



   public int getYearCreated() {

       return yearCreated;



   public Artist getArtist() {

       return artist;



   public void printInfo() {


       System.out.println("Title: " + title + ", " + yearCreated);



The Artist class has two constructors, one that takes no arguments and initializes the name to "unknown" and the birth and death years to -1, and another that takes the name, birth year, and death year as arguments. It also has get methods for the name, birth year, and death year, and a printInfo() method that prints the artist's information in the format specified in the problem statement.

The Artwork class also has two constructors, one that takes no arguments and initializes the title to "unknown" and the year created to -1, and another that takes the title, year created, and an Artist object as arguments. It has get methods for the title, year created, and artist, and a printInfo() method that first calls the printInfo() method of the artist object and then prints the title and year created of the artwork.

Read more about programs here:


anyone smart enough for this?



The answer is 8.


I got the final value by iterating through the list and incrementing count1 and count2 based on the conditions specified in the code. Let's break it down step by step:

Initialize count1 and count2 to 0.

Iterate through the list:

For each element in the list, check if the element is less than 3.If the element is less than 3, increment count1.Otherwise, increment count2.

After iterating through the list, the final values of count1 and count2 are obtained:

count1: 2 (increments for -7 and -4, as they are less than 3)count2: 4 (increments for 10, 11, 10, and 23, as they are greater than or equal to 3)

Calculate the final value of count1 times count2:

2 (count1) * 4 (count2) = 8

So, the final value is 8.




See my code output in the screenshots

program to find a factorial in c language by calling a function factorial()


#include <stdio.h>

int factorial(int n) {

   return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 1 : n * factorial(n-1);


int main() {


   //Print factorial.

   int input;

   scanf("%d", &input);

   printf("%d", factorial(input));


   return 0;


Missing _________________ affects the restore process and makes you unable to restore all the remaining backup file. Please consider a weekly full backup, a daily differential backup and hourly log backup.


"Missing any of the backup files affects the restore process and makes you unable to restore all the remaining backup files. Please consider a weekly full backup, a daily differential backup, and hourly log backup."

What is the backup?

The statement is referring to a backup and restore process in the context of data backup and recovery. In this process, backups are created periodically to protect data from loss or damage, and these backups are used to restore the data in case of any data loss event, such as hardware failure, accidental deletion, or data corruption.

The statement highlights the importance of having all the necessary backup files in the restore process. If any of the backup files are missing, it can have a significant impact on the ability to fully restore the data. For example, if a full backup is missing, it may not be possible to restore all the data since the full backup contains the baseline copy of all the data.

Read more about backup  here:


Access the EDGAR archives at, where you can review 10-K filings for all public companies. Search for the 10-K report for the most recent completed fiscal year for two online retail companies of your choice (preferably ones operating in the same industry, such as Staples Inc. and Office Depot Inc., Amazon and Walmart, etc.). Prepare a presentation that compares the financial stability and prospects of the two businesses, focusing specifically on the performance of their respective e-commerce operations. wrong answer will get reported!!!!


In order to find the 10-K reports for the most recent completed fiscal year for two online retail companies, you can follow these steps:

Go to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website at

Click on the "Company Filings" link in the top menu.

In the "Search for Company Filings" box, enter the name of the first online retail company and click "Search."

On the search results page, look for the company's most recent 10-K filing and click on the "Documents" button.

In the "Documents" page, look for the 10-K report for the most recent completed fiscal year and download it.

Repeat the same process for the second online retail company.

How to explain the information

Once you have obtained the 10-K reports for both companies, you can compare their financial stability and prospects by looking at key financial metrics such as revenue, gross margin, operating income, net income, and cash flow from operating activities. rates, and average order value.

You can also analyze their competitive position by looking at market share data and customer satisfaction ratings. Additionally, you should consider any major business initiatives or investments that the companies have made in their e-commerce operations, such as new product launches, acquisitions, or partnerships.

Overall, the goal of the presentation should be to provide a comprehensive analysis of the financial performance and prospects of both companies, with a specific focus on their e-commerce operations.

Learn more about financial on


write the definition of a class named weatherforecast that has the following methods: • an init method that initializes the following attribute variables: an attribute variable named skies should be assigned an empty string. an attribute variable named high should be assigned the value 0. an attribute variable named low should be assigned the value 0.
• a method named set skies that accepts an argument that should be assigned to the attribute variable skies.
• a method named set high that accepts an argument that should be assigned to the attribute variable high.
• a method named set low that accepts an argument that should be assigned to the attribute variable low.
• a method named get skies that accepts no arguments, and returns the value of the skies attribute.
• a method named get high that accepts no arguments, and returns the value of the high attribute.
• a method named get low that accepts no arguments, and returns the value of the low attribute. (PYTHON)


Here's the definition of the class named WeatherForecast with the mentioned methods:

How to write the code


Copy code

class WeatherForecast:

   def __init__(self):

       self.skies = ""

       self.high = 0

       self.low = 0


   def set_skies(self, skies):

       self.skies = skies


   def set_high(self, high):

       self.high = high


   def set_low(self, low):

       self.low = low


   def get_skies(self):

       return self.skies


   def get_high(self):

       return self.high


   def get_low(self):

       return self.low

This class has an initializer method __init__ that initializes the attribute variables skies, high, and low to an empty string, 0, and 0, respectively. It also has methods set_skies, set_high, and set_low that accept arguments and assign them to the corresponding attribute variables. The methods get_skies, get_high, and get_low return the values of the corresponding attribute variables.

Read more n python codes here:


**PYTHON PLEASE**LAB: Contains the character

Write a program that reads a character, then reads in a list of words. The output of the program is every word in the list that contains the character at least once. Assume at least one word in the list will contain the given character.

Ex: If the input is:


hello zoo sleep drizzle

the output is:


For coding simplicity, follow each output word by a comma, even the last one. Do not end with newline.


Answer: the output is zoo,drizzle, hello zoo sleep drizzle


pls asap Casey's teacher needs to give him feedback on his history essay, including about his grammar and spelling. What's the MOST likely way they'll deliver this feedback?

Question 1 options:

by writing comments on his paper

by verbally telling him all the things they found wrong

by creating a memo about the changes

by sending him a text


The most likely way Casey's teacher will deliver feedback on his history essay, including about his grammar and spelling, is by writing comments on his paper.

Write a short note on grammar.

Grammar refers to the rules and principles that govern the structure and use of language. It encompasses various elements such as syntax, semantics, and morphology, and includes rules related to word order, sentence structure, and punctuation. Proper grammar is important for effective communication as it helps to convey meaning clearly and accurately.

Good grammar is important in both written and spoken communication. In written communication, grammar errors can make text difficult to understand or even change the meaning of a sentence. In spoken communication, grammar errors can make it difficult for listeners to understand what is being said or can make the speaker sound unprofessional.

Grammar is a skill that can be improved through practice and study. There are many resources available for learning and improving grammar, including books, online courses, and tutoring services. Improving grammar can help individuals communicate more effectively in various settings, including academic, professional, and personal contexts.

To learn more about grammar, visit:


Technician A says the ecm closes the intake air control valve at low speeds .
Technician B says the ACIS adjusts intake manifold length to maximize emissions


The first technician is the one that is not correct

What would happen with the air control valve

Technician A's statement is incorrect. The ECM (engine control module) does not control the intake air control valve. Instead, it controls the throttle body to regulate the amount of air entering the engine. Technician B's statement is also incorrect. The ACIS (acoustic control induction system) adjusts the length of the intake manifold to optimize power and torque, not to maximize emissions.

Read more on air control valve here:


PatJohn has made a backup copy of his most important files onto a removable drive. What should PatJohn do next?

Question 1 options:

-Copy the backup to the cloud
-Nothing, he is done
-Store the backup in a secure location
-Test the backup to make sure it works


After making a backup copy of his most important files onto a removable drive, PatJohn should B. store the backup in a secure location.

Why should the backup be stored ?

Storing the backup in a secure location is important to protect the backup from theft, damage, or loss. The secure location could be a locked drawer, safe, or off-site location such as a safety deposit box.

By storing the backup in a secure location, PatJohn can ensure that he will still have access to his important files in case of a disaster or other unforeseen events.

Find out more on backup at


Suzy is writing her profile. Which tagline would be most compelling in building her as a brand?

I like products and hope to make a career in design.
I am passionate about designing products of lasting value.
Designing products is a favorite hobby.
If you make products, I can help you design them.


Since Suzy is writing her profile. the tagline that would be most compelling in building her as a brand is B. "I am passionate about designing products of lasting value."

What is the profile?

This tagline is the most compelling in building Suzy as a brand because it communicates her passion for designing products and emphasizes the value and durability of the products she creates. It conveys a strong sense of expertise and commitment to her craft, positioning her as a skilled and dedicated designer. It also hints at her focus on creating products that have a lasting impact, which can be appealing to potential clients or employers who are looking for someone with a genuine passion for their work.

So, this tagline is concise, impactful, and highlights Suzy's unique selling proposition, making it a compelling choice for building her personal brand.

Read more about brand here:


if you cant get in go to jsfiddle and type in this
function playGane() {
let playerChoice = prompt("Choose: Rock, Paper or Scissors");
let computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice < 0.34)(
computerChoice "rock";
else if (computerChoice = 0.67) {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else {
computerChoice = "scissors";
alert("Computer chose: " + computerChoice);

function compareChoices(player, computer)(
if (player as computer) {
return "It's a tie!";
} else if (player === "rock") {
if (computer === "scissors") {
return "You win!";
} else {
return "Computer wins!"
} {
{} else if (layer "paper")
if (computer a "rock") {
return "You win!";
} else {
return "Computer wins!";
else if (player "scissors")
if as "paper") {}
return "You win!";
else {
return "Computer wins!";
alert(compareChoices(playerChoice.toLowerCase(), computerChoice));
let playAgain confirm("Do you want to play again?");
if (playAgain) {
} else {
alert("Thanks for playing!");


There are some syntax errors in the code that is provided. Below given are some suggested fixes.

What is syntax errors?

When you write code that does not follow the syntax rules of the programming language you are using, you make a syntax error.

When you attempt to run or execute the code, the compiler or interpreter will typically catch these errors.

1. On line 5, there is a syntax error. You need to use the assignment operator (=) instead of the comparison operator (==) to assign the value "rock" to the computerChoice variable. Replace the line with:

computerChoice = "rock";

2. On line 13, there is a syntax error. The opening curly brace ({) should be placed after the condition, not before it. Replace the line with:

} else if (player === "rock") {

3. On line 15, there is a syntax error. The closing curly brace (}) should be placed after the else statement, not before it. Replace the line with:

} else {

4. On line 17, there is a syntax error. The opening curly brace ({) is unnecessary and should be removed.

5. On line 19, there is a syntax error. The closing curly brace (}) is unnecessary and should be removed.

To know more about programming language visit:


psychological well-being of people who may be overwhelmed by instant messaging​


Instant messaging can have both positive and negative effects on psychological well-being, depending on how it is used and the individual's personal preferences and tendencies. Here are some potential ways that instant messaging could impact the psychological well-being of people who may be overwhelmed by it:

Positive effects:

- Social support: Instant messaging can provide a sense of social connectedness and support, especially for people who may feel isolated or lonely. Being able to easily reach out to friends or family members through instant messaging can help individuals feel less alone and more supported.
- Convenience: Instant messaging can be a convenient way to communicate, especially for people who may have difficulty with face-to-face interactions or phone calls. It allows for asynchronous communication, meaning that messages can be sent and received at any time, which can be helpful for people with busy schedules or who have difficulty with real-time conversations.
- Reduced anxiety: For some people, instant messaging can be less anxiety-provoking than other forms of communication, such as phone calls or face-to-face conversations. This may be especially true for people with social anxiety or other mental health conditions that make social interactions more difficult.

Negative effects:

- Information overload: Instant messaging can be overwhelming for some people, especially if they receive a large volume of messages or feel pressured to respond quickly. This can lead to stress and feelings of being overwhelmed, which can negatively impact psychological well-being.
- Interruptions: Instant messaging notifications can be distracting and interrupt people's work or other activities. This can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress.
- Social comparison: Instant messaging can also contribute to social comparison, as people may compare their lives to those of their friends or colleagues based on the messages they receive. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem.

Overall, the impact of instant messaging on psychological well-being will depend on a variety of factors, including how it is used, individual preferences, and the individual's mental health status. It's important for individuals to be aware of how they are impacted by instant messaging and to take steps to manage their use if it is negatively impacting their well-being.

The statement that; psychological well-being of people who may be overwhelmed by instant messaging​ is true.

What is instant messaging?

Without a doubt, the widespread usage of instant messaging has changed how we communicate, making it simpler to engage with others in real time. However, having continual access to instant messaging has the potential to have severe consequences on some people's psychological health, particularly for those who can get overburdened by its use.

Constant notifications and the need for quick replies can increase stress and anxiety by instilling a sense of urgency and pressure. The drive to always be available and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can be debilitating.

Learn more about instant messaging:


Missing parts;

psychological well-being of people who may be overwhelmed by instant messaging​ T/F

write a qbasic program using FOR and NEXT command to compute the multiples of 7


Here's a QBasic program using FOR and NEXT commands to compute the multiples of 7:

FOR i = 1 TO 10

PRINT 7 * i


This program will print out the multiples of 7 from 7 to 70, with each multiple on a new line. You can change the value of the TO parameter in the FOR statement to generate more or fewer multiples, depending on your needs.

This symbol Get N user


The symbol "\n" represents a newline character in programming. It is a special character that is used to represent the end of a line of text and the beginning of a new line. In many programming languages, including Python and C, the "\n" character is used to create a line break or a new line in a string of text.

What is the symbol about?

When used in a string, the "\n" character is interpreted by the programming language as a command to move to the next line when displaying or printing the text. For example, if you want to print two lines of text in separate lines, you can use the "\n" character to create a line break between them.

Here's an example in Python:


print("Hello, world!\nWelcome to brainly.")



Hello, world!

Welcome to brainly.

Read more about symbol here:


1 Which of the following is an example of application software?

A.operating system B. MS-word C. system software D. all E, A and C
2 is processing textual information

A. word processing B. MS-power point C. information D. document E, ALL
3. pice of code that loaded on your computer without your knowledge

A. Antivirus

B, computer virus

C. message
D. file

E, all

4 Which of the following is an example of system software?

A, complier B. interpreter C, assembler

D, A and B E, all

5, is computer software used to detect malware

A. virus

B. program

C. software

D. anti-virus

E, none

6, is computer program that control particular types of device attached to the computers. A. hardware B. software C. device drivers D. application E, all

7, One of the following is audio file formal supported

by MS-power point


C, MP3


E, all


1. B. MS-word
2. A. word processing
3. B. computer virus
4. E. all
5. D. anti-virus
6. C. device drivers
7. C. MP3

Say true or false
1. Software that used to perform single task called system software.
2. Software that used to run the hardware parts of the computer and other application software is called application software
3. Spreadsheet is examples of application software.
4. Schools have no responsibility relating to ICT.
5. Microsoft malicious removal tool is examples of virus software.​



1. False - Software that is used to perform a single task is called application software, while system software is used to run and manage the hardware and other software on the computer.

2. False - System software is used to run and manage the hardware and other software on the computer, while application software is used to perform specific tasks for the user.

3. True - Spreadsheet is an example of application software that is used to perform specific tasks for the user, such as organizing data and performing calculations.

4. False - Schools have a responsibility to provide and manage ICT (Information and Communication Technology) resources for their students, including hardware, software, and internet access, to support their learning and development.

5. False - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool is not an example of virus software, but it is an anti-malware utility designed to remove specific malicious software from infected systems.

Hope this helps!

anyone smart enough fa this ?


Based on the code provided, it appears to be incomplete and contains some syntax errors.

What is the code about?

Based on the information given, it seems that you are trying to count the number of elements in the list array that are less than 3 and store the count in count1, and count the number of elements that are greater than or equal to 3 and store the count in count2. Let's assume that the corrected code is as follows:


var list = [-7, 10, 11, -4, 10, 23];

var count1 = 0;

var count2 = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {

 if (list[i] < 3) {


 } else {




In this case, the final value of count1 would be 2, as there are two elements in the list array (-7 and -4) that are less than 3. The final value of count2 would be 4, as there are four elements in the list array (10, 11, 10, and 23) that are greater than or equal to 3. The result of count1 times count2 would be 2 * 4 = 8.

Read more about code here:


See text below

What's the final value of count1 times count2 in the code below?


var list


[-7, 10, 11, -4, 10, 23];

3 var countl = 0;

G is W3


var count2



6 for (var i=0; i< list.length; i++) {




if (list[i] <3) {











O 3


O 2

According to Wyatt and Ochoa (2017:179), “first year [university] students are faced with a rollercoaster of emotional changes that are directly correlated to the stress caused by transitioning into [university] life”. With that said, mental health plays an important role on how students perform Instruction: From the above statement (Text B), do you think mental health plays a role on how students perform in their academic studies? Include THREE (3) arguments to support your answer. Your response should include a minimum of FIVE (5) credible sources.


Yes, mental health plays a crucial role in how students perform in their academic studies.

How does it play a role?

Firstly, research has shown that mental health issues such as anxiety and depression can negatively impact academic performance (Kessler et al., 2010; Hysenbegasi et al., 2005).

Secondly, poor mental health can lead to decreased motivation, concentration, and productivity (Eisenberg et al., 2016).

Finally, seeking mental health support has been linked to improved academic outcomes (Hunt & Eisenberg, 2010; Stewart et al., 2018).

Read more about mental health here:


where do you guys that run Brainly get the answers?


Answer: They will collect the answers in the storage of answer

Explanation:They will stored many answer in the data . But they give the correct answer .

Select the correct answer.
A copy center uses a spreadsheet (shown below) to track the number of pages it prints per day. These are the entries from last week. The blank cells stand for days on which no print orders came.

What formula can you use to find the total number of days on which pages were NOT printed?



The correct formula to find the total number of days on which pages were NOT printed is D. = 7 - COUNT(B2:B8)

Why is this the correct formula ?

This is because there are 7 days in the week, so we need to subtract the number of days on which pages were printed (which is the count of the non-blank cells in the range B2:B8) from 7 to find the number of days on which pages were not printed.

For example, in the given spreadsheet, there were 4 days on which pages were printed (cells B3, B4, B5, and B7 are not blank). Therefore, the total number of days on which pages were NOT printed is 7-4=3.

Find out more on correct formulas at


Complete the sentence about IT certifications.

When deciding which IT certification to pursue, one should consider the
of their desired job.


Answer:If you’re an entry-level professional, certifications can give you a leg up on your competition and provide you valuable recognition as an accredited member of an industry. But with so many IT certifications out there, it can be difficult to decide which certification is right for you.

The Best IT Certifications for Beginners

Whether you plan to start a career in IT or are a professional looking to switch to a career in tech, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best IT certifications for beginners. Here’s the list.

1. CompTIA A+

2. CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+)

3. CompTIA Security+

5. Cisco Certified Technician (CCT)

Explanation:Earning IT certification shows that you have gained the skills needed for a job and allows you to add value to your current or new position. Certifications can take you further in your career and give you an advantage over those who have not taken them.

use document.write to output the solution of 12*6​





it has the coding for what you need. Brainly doesn't let me write it

Write a method that turns some text into something Porky Pig would say.
To do that, you just need to add "Bdap bdap bb" to before the given text.
For example, if you called
porkyPig("that's all folks!"),
it would return
"Bdap bdap bb that's all folks!"
The method signature should be
public String porkyPig (String something)


To emulate Porky Pig's speaking pattern, define the public String porkyPig(String something) function to preface the given text with "Bdap bdap bb".

What's a good illustration of concatenation?

The number created by concatenating the numerals of two or more numbers is known as a concatenation. For instance, the result of adding 1, 234 and 5678 is 12345678. The numeric base, which is normally understood from context, determines the value of the outcome.

Why do people use string concatenation?

Concatenation of strings in Java is an operation that joins one or more strings and produces a new one. Concatenation can also be used to convert types to strings.

To know more about String visit:


Which description best fits the role of computer network architects?

They design, implement, and test databases.
They maintain and troubleshoot network systems.
They design, test, install, implement, and maintain network systems.
They design, configure, install, and maintain communication systems.


Note that the description best fits the role of computer network architects is: They design, test, install, implement, and maintain network systems. (Option C)

What is the explanation for the above response?

The explanation for the response is that computer network architects are professionals responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining communication networks.

This involves tasks such as designing and configuring network systems, installing hardware and software components, and testing network performance to ensure optimal functionality. They also provide technical support and troubleshooting for network-related issues. While database design may be a related field, it is not the primary responsibility of network architects.

Similarly, maintaining and troubleshooting network systems are important tasks, but do not encompass the full scope of responsibilities for network architects.

Learn more about computer network architects at:


In September 2015, a federal court considered the copyright claim for “Happy Birthday,” held by Warner/Chappell. “Happy Birthday” had the same melody and similar words as the “Good Morning” song, which was written in 1893 by two sisters. Publication of "Happy Birthday" occurred first in 1911 and it was mentioned at the time that the two songs shared the same tune.

Do you think that the Happy Birthday song deserves copyright protection based on these facts? What about copyright law?

Share the results regarding the outcome of the court case as well, include an opinion on what happened.

Include References


Answer:yes it is a copy right protection


Because,Happy Birthday” had the same melody and similar words as the “Good Morning” song, which was written in 1893 by two sisters.

what is considered both an input and output device?


A touch screen display is considered both an input and output device.

What is the explanation for the above response?

A touch screen can receive input from users through touch and gestures, such as tapping, swiping, and pinching, which are then translated into commands or data that can be processed by a computer or device.

At the same time, it can display visual output to the user, such as text, images, and videos. The touch screen display allows for a more intuitive and interactive user experience, as users can directly manipulate the content displayed on the screen.

Touch screen displays are commonly used in smartphones, tablets, laptops, ATMs, kiosks, and other interactive systems.

Learn more about output device at:


I NEED HELP Felix is going back through an email he wrote and editing it to make it more to the point and to get rid of extra words where they're not needed. What characteristic of effective communication is he working on?

Question 1 options:







it's correctness please mark me as a brainliest

Other Questions
Compute the following (a) Calculate the scalar projection and projection of (5,3) onto (7,-2)(b) Interpret this projection graphically The arc length L of a curve given parametrically by (x(t), y(t)) for a t bis given by the formula L = integral a to b(x '(t))2 + (y '(t))2dtA path of a point on the edge of a rolling circle of radius R is a cycloid, given by x(t) = R (t sin t),y(t) = R (1 cos t),where t is the angle (in radians) the circle has rotated. Find the length L of one "arch" of this cycloid, that is, find the distance traveled by a small stone stuck in the tread of a tire of radius R during one revolution of the rolling tire Sylvia owned $100,000 in mortgage-backed securities which matured on March 1st. She comes into your office upset because she thought they were guaranteed, yet she only received $92,000 at maturity. How do you respond?Explain to Sylvia that the $8,000 represents lost interest on mortgage prepaymentsApologize to SylviaExplain to Sylvia that the $8,000 represented her portion of mortgages that went into default.Explain to Sylvia that each monthly payment she received included principal & interest, so she received that $8,000 over the course of the term of the MBS. if the tension in the cord is 110 n , how long will it take a pulse to travel from one support to the other? newton's second law: a box of mass 50 kg is at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. a constant horizontal force f then acts on the box and accelerates it to the right. it is observed that it takes the box 8.0 seconds to travel 32 meters. what is the magnitude of the force? The company expects to borrow approximately $1 million in three months. The current rate of interest is 6.00% p.a. but is forecast to rise. To hedge the position, the company wishes to use 3 year Treasury bond futures contracts trading at 93.500. Calculate the profit or loss from the position in futures market if in 3 months the contracts are trading at 95.000.Select one:a.40,628.94 Lossb.40,972.1 Lossc.40,628.94 Profitd.40,972.1 Profit it is equally likely that the company would suspend paying interest on the bonds and dividends on the stock. b. both the coupon rate and the dividend rate are fixed and cannot change. c. the bonds showed a higher percentage return than that of the stocks. d. the amount of money received annually in interest (on the bonds) and in dividends (on the stocks) depends on the current market prices. make a well-organized essay of how geographical factors (such as rivers, mountains, trees, and aquifers) have influenced the development of the state. The story is our gain also our loss?The question is Does Caliln seem negative or positive when she describes the technology of her youth?I'll give you 25 brainly points to the first person who answers. Government and business leaders in South Korea revived the economy by focusing on self-reliance, while North Korea focused on its exports.TrueFalse according to maltin, early betty boop shorts demonstrate the essential difference between fleischer's cartoons and disney cartoons, which is... group of answer choices disney's deals with a child's dreams; fleischer's depicts adult dreams disney's deals with a child's dreams; fleischer's depict adult traumas and emotions disney's deals with a child's traumas and emotions; fleischer's depict adult dreams disney's deals with a child's natural fears; fleischer's depicts adult traumas and emotions the two primary functions of a sim card are to identify the subscriber to a cellular network and to ________. an ids comprises three logical components: analyzers, user interface, and _____. WILL MARK AS BRAINLEIST!!!!I have more questions on my account of anyone can help me out!! The question is in the picture! Natural selection can lead to diversity within a population. This is apparent with the Galpagos finches and their varying beak sizes. The appearance of certain beak sizes is a characteristic of the availablefood sources on the island. Which of the following graphs represents stabilizing selection occurring within a population of Galpagosfinches? spencer enterprises is attempting to choose among a series of new investment alternatives. the potential investment alternatives, the net present value of the future stream of returns, and the capital requirements are summarized in the attached file. the available capital funds over the next three years are $10,000, $10,000 and $10,000. solve the model to maximize the net present value in dollars. what is the maximum net present value in dollars? a) What is the present worth of equal payments of $25,000 made semi-annually (i.e., twice every year) at a nominal interest rate of 8%: i. for a period of 20 years? ii. in perpetuity? ability to generate action potentials in a regular pattern is called? A project requires an initial fixed asset investment of $156,000, has annual fixed costs of $40,600, a contribution margin of $14.94, a tax rate of 21 percent, a discount rate of 15 percent, and straight-line depreciation over the project's 3-year life. The assets will be worthless at the end of the project. What is the present value break-even point in units per year? 11. Why did the Egyptians afraid to call their kings pharaoh?