researchers using the interpretivist approach primarily seek to understand and describe communication experience.


Answer 1

The given statement, "Researchers using the interpretivist approach primarily seek to understand and describe communication experience." is true because The naturalistic methods of data collecting, such as interviews and observations, are the foundation of the interpretivist approach

With the interpretivism concept, secondary data analysis is also common. Meanings typically become apparent in this sort of study toward the end of the investigation. Studies of interpretivism frequently centre on meaning and may use a variety of techniques to reflect the problem from several angles.

It is possible to study qualitative research topics in great detail, such as cross-cultural variations in companies, ethical concerns, leadership and the analysis of variables influencing leadership, etc. Because the information used in these research tends to be reliable and honest, primary data produced through interpretivism studies may have a high level of validity.

This question is incomplete. The complete question is, "Researchers using the interpretivist approach primarily seek to understand and describe communication experience. Is the statement true or false?"

Learn more about Data here:


Related Questions

For the majority of the passage, the narrator is speaking primarily as
- an editor
- a novelist
- a reader
- a reviewer
- a teacher


Option 2 is correct. For the majority of the passage, the narrator is speaking primarily as a novelist

An novelist is a writer or essayist of books, however frequently authors likewise write in different kinds of both fiction and verifiable. A few authors are proficient writers, hence earn enough to pay the rent composing books and other fiction, while others seek to help themselves along these lines or compose as a side interest. Most writers battle to have their introduction novel distributed, yet when distributed they frequently keep on being distributed, albeit not very many become scholarly big names, consequently acquiring eminence or an extensive pay from their work.

Know more about Novelist -


as you are preparing to leave the home office building, one of the marketing team members for the g71 hybrid vehicle pulls you aside and asks you to watch a newly released advertisement. you review the commercial and realize that the promotion is quite deceptive to consumers, because the number of miles per charge on the hybrid is only about 40 miles, but the advertisement is touting 50 miles. you immediately contact the design engineering manager to find out more information. she tells you that the claim of 50 miles per charge was the original estimate, but further independent testing showed that the vehicle actually got only 40 miles per charge. she claims that she told the marketing team that the 50 miles per charge claim was only an estimate, and they would be advised of the actual results after testing. you next meet with the advertising manager that released the commercial to the public. he acknowledges that they wanted to get a jump start on advertising the g71 and didn't want to wait until the testing results were received. he claims that the difference in miles per charge isn't that significant, and changing the commercial to reflect the testing results would be extremely expensive. As the chief Liaison Officer, what is the best ethical decision to make in this situation? option from the choices below and click Submit.Instruct the advertising team to insert a disclaimer at the end of the currentcommercial indicating "Number of miles per charge has not been verified byindependent testing."Issue a press release stating independent testing found the mileage wasinaccurate, advise the Advertising Team to pull the commercial, and begin workingon a new commercial.Do nothing. A 10-mile-per-charge difference is relatively insignificant,and customers will probably not remember the commercial's claim anyhow.Advise the Advertising Team to pull the commercial, and then create a newcommercial stating the new number of miles per charge.


"Publish a press release indicating that unbiased testing revealed the mileage was wrong.

What members make up a marketing team?

Many times, marketing teams are made up of a number of people with various roles and skill sets that collaborate to accomplish shared marketing objectives. By conducting research, analyzing data, and having an understanding of the sector, they may develop and implement plans for consumer engagement, brand management, public relations, and digital marketing.

What purpose serves advertising?

An advertisement is a sort of paid promotion for a service, a product, or a company. Advertisements are used by marketers to assist businesses achieve their goals and boost income. They frequently create adverts for particular target audiences of potential customers.

To know more about Advertisement visit:


What is justice in economics and government? 300-500 words (minimum)


Justice in economics and government refers to the fair distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges within a society. In the context of economics, justice is often associated with the distribution of wealth and income, and the idea that everyone should have access to the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and healthcare.

In a capitalist economy, the distribution of wealth and income is determined by the market, but there are often concerns about whether this distribution is fair, especially when it comes to issues like poverty and inequality. In order to address these concerns, governments often implement policies such as progressive taxation, social welfare programs, and minimum wage laws, which aim to redistribute wealth and income in a more equitable manner.

In the context of government, justice is often associated with the idea of fairness and equality under the law. This includes issues such as equal protection under the law, the right to a fair trial, and the protection of individual rights and freedoms. Governments are responsible for ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and that the laws and institutions of the state are just and impartial.

Justice is also related to the idea of distributive justice, which is the fair distribution of resources, benefits and burdens, within a society. This can include issues such as access to education, healthcare, and other public goods, as well as the distribution of the costs and benefits of economic growth and development.

Justice in economics and government also encompasses the idea of social justice, which is the fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of society, based on the principle that all people should have equal opportunities to live a fulfilling life. This can include issues such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality in access to resources and opportunities.

In summary, justice in economics and government is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of issues related to the fair distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges within a society. It includes the distribution of wealth and income, the protection of individual rights and freedoms, and the fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of society. It is important to note that the concept of justice can be interpreted and applied in different ways, and that the definition of justice is often debated and contested within society.

I need help, please. This is overdue. I need the answers asap
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The analysis of the various attitudes are given below

1.    Northern Republicans: They have a liberal attitude towards the war and support a larger Federal government to win the war and reunite the Union. They also support social change, such as efforts at emancipation, to make the war a war to make men free. They want unconditional surrender from the South.

2.   Copperheads: They have a conservative attitude towards the war and want a smaller government. They oppose the war as unwinnable and President Lincoln for mixing the races and butchering thousands of Northern soldiers in a wasteful war. They support the North, but not the Republican handling of the war. They want compromise with the South in order to end the war, even if it means preserving slavery.

3.    Scalawags: They have a liberal attitude towards the war, they have issues with the way the states-rights Confederacy has run the war and how plantation owners (a minority of the population but owning nearly all the slaves) have taken the Confederacy into war against ideals of representative democracy which they felt had little to no voice in.

4.    Southern Democrats: They have a conservative attitude towards the war and support the states-rights course that the Confederacy has taken. They support the status-quo, particularly the racial inequality and white superiority in the South. They support the identity and uniqueness of each Southern state and Southern Nationalism.

What is the attitudes about?

The attitudes of Northern Republicans, Copperheads, Scalawags, and Southern Democrats towards the war are different and are reflected in their political beliefs and actions.

Northern Republicans have a liberal attitude towards the war. They support a larger Federal government to win the war and reunite the Union. They also support social change, such as efforts at emancipation, to make the war a war to make men free. They want unconditional surrender from the South.

Also, Copperheads have a conservative attitude towards the war. They oppose the war as unwinnable and President Lincoln for mixing the races and butchering thousands of Northern soldiers in a wasteful war. They support the North, but not the Republican handling of the war. They want compromise with the South in order to end the war, even if it means preserving slavery.

Learn more about Attitudes from


See transcribed text below

Use the Definitions of these Attitudes to

help you analyze the questions on the following pages of the JamBoard

Definition of attitude: a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in what a person says in a historical document.

4 Attitudes

Liberal (wanting larger government and support of social change)

Northern 1.Republicans: Support large Federal Government to win the war and reunite the Union (which was their first goal of the war). As the war progressed Republicans wanted to make the war a war to make men free and support efforts at emancipation. They support 'unconditional surrender with the South.

Southern 3.Scalawags: have issues with the way the states-rights Confederacy has run the war and how plantation owners (a minority of the population but owning nearly all the slaves) have taken the Confederacy into war against ideals of representative democracy which they felt had little to no voice in.

Simpler Definitions found in Unit 5 Vocabulary

Conservative (wanting smaller government and little/no social change)

2.Copperheads: Northern Democrats who oppose the war as unwinnable and President Lincoln for mixing the races and butchering thousands of Northern soldiers in a wasteful war. They support the North, but not Republican handling of the war. They support compromise with the South in order to end the war, even if it means preserving Slavery.

4.Southern Democrats: support the states-rights course that the Confederacy has taken and support the status-quo (the way things are socially in the South), particularly the racial inequality and white superiority. The support the identity and uniqueness of each Southern state and Southern Nationalism.

TRUE/FALSE. when participating in a fitness evaluation, it's important to familiarize yourself with the events included in the evaluation


The given statement "before participating, it's important to familiarize yourself with the activities that make up the fitness exam" is TRUE.

What is fitness evaluation?

Fitness assessments are a battery of exams that gauge and track pupils' level of physical fitness.

The exams measure the five physical attributes that together make up total fitness: flexibility, body composition, muscular strength, and muscular endurance.

An accurate assessment will assist you in setting the proper objectives, identifying potential injuries, and assessing the success of your fitness regimen.

It's crucial to become familiar with the events that make up the fitness evaluation before taking part.

Body composition, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance are the five elements of physical fitness.

All of the health-related aspects of fitness should be addressed in a well-rounded exercise program.

Therefore, the given statement "before participating, it's important to familiarize yourself with the activities that make up the fitness exam" is TRUE.

Know more about fitness evaluation here:


Harriet can handle dressing, shopping, and food preparation by herself. However, Harriet allows her daughter Ada to assist with these activities, leaving Harriet more stamina for gardening. Harriet is managing her aging by
A) becoming overly dependent on Ada.
B) taking advantage of Ada's willingness to help, though she is able to take care of herself.
C) optimizing her energies and selecting certain domains in which to become dependent.
D) readily accepting formal support from Ada


Option corret is B. Harriet is taking advantage of Ada's willingness to help, which allows her to conserve her energy and focus on activities that she enjoys, like gardening.

She is not becoming overly dependent on Ada, as she is still able to take care of herself, but is instead optimizing her energies and selecting certain domains in which to become dependent.

The answer is B because Harriet is not becoming overly dependent on Ada nor is she accepting formal support from her. Instead, Harriet is taking advantage of Ada's willingness to help so she can save her energy for gardening, a task she enjoys. This is an example of Harriet optimizing her energies and selecting certain domains in which to become dependent. This is a good way for Harriet to manage her aging and maintain her independence.

Learn more about gardening at:


which one of the following disciplines is not explicitly named as one of the components of cognitive science? quilzet


The emergence of a new discipline is a phenomenon of great interest in the understanding of the scientific process. New disciplines can emerge as an outgrowth of an existing one or through the combination of several disciplines .

This article focuses on a recent manifestation of the second process: the emergence of a new discipline known as cognitive science. Cognitive science definitions frequently emphasize the field's multidisciplinary roots. Anthropology, artificial intelligence, education, engineering, human-computer interaction, linguistics, medicine, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines have been named as contributors to the foundations of cognitive science. Cognitive science is thought to be an emergent discipline in its own right, rather than simply a superset of its constituent disciplines. Cognitive science forums have stated explicitly from the start that they prioritize material that is relevant to audiences from multiple disciplines, and that material that is only relevant to one discipline is inappropriate. Furthermore, it has been argued that cognitive science is more than just cognitive psychology with a few extra bells and whistles. Members of historically distinct disciplines are thought to form multidisciplinary fields when they have something to gain from one another. This "something" could be new issues, theories, or methodologies, or it could simply be a new audience for discussing common problems and ideas, Herbert A. Simon, an economist and political scientist, collaborated with Allen Newell, a systems researcher with a mathematics background, and Cliff Shaw, an expert programmer, to develop Logic Theorist, a new type of computer program.

To learn more about disciplines the components of cognitive here:


4 pages or 500 words with APA formatting

1. Do you agree with the judge’s decision? Why or why not?

2. Are the statistics described above sufficient to support the judge’s decision?

3. What limits, if any, should be placed on judicial control over policing?

4. What role did the public play in this case?

5. How prevalent is racial profiling in American policing? What can be done?



Do I Agree With the Judge’s Decision?

In this case, Judge William G. Young ruled that Boston Police Commissioner William Gross had violated the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures by allowing police officers to conduct searches of individuals based exclusively on race. I believe that Judge Young's ruling was correct and the Commissioner Gross’s practices were not only constitutionally questionable but also incredibly damaging to the community.

Are the Statistics Sufficient to Support the Judge’s Decision?

The statistics provided by the ACLU of Massachusetts demonstrate a clear pattern of racial profiling employed by the Boston Police Department. The data shows that black people in Boston are five times more likely than white people to be stopped and searched by the police. Furthermore, the statistics also demonstrate that across all races, the majority of searches conducted by the police have resulted in no arrests or criminal charges. These facts provide sufficient evidence to support Judge Young’s decision that the police department was engaging in unconstitutional practices.

What Limits Should Be Placed on Judicial Control Over Policing?

The decision in this case demonstrates the power of the judiciary to impose limits on the police’s power to search individuals. The ruling also highlights the importance of judicial review as a tool for protecting citizens’ constitutional rights. This case also serves as an example of the potential for the court to act as a check on police power and to limit certain police practices that are deemed to be unconstitutional.

What Role Did the Public Play in this Case?

The public played an important role in this case. The ACLU of Massachusetts’ lawsuit was filed in response to complaints from the public that they had been stopped and searched by the police based solely on their race. The community also came out in force to support the lawsuit and demonstrate that they were affected by the police department’s unconstitutional practices. The lawsuit and the public’s support of it eventually resulted in the judge’s decision to impose limits on the police’s power to search individuals.

How Prevalent is Racial Profiling in American Policing? What Can Be Done?

Racial profiling is unfortunately still a pervasive problem in American policing. Numerous studies have shown that people of color are disproportionately stopped, searched, and arrested by the police. It is a practice that not only violates citizens’ constitutional rights, but also has a damaging effect on community trust in the police. To address this problem, police departments should implement policies that prohibit any form of racial profiling, and include training and oversight mechanisms to ensure these policies are strictly enforced. Additionally, police departments should also engage in meaningful outreach and dialogue with communities of color to build trust and cooperation. Ultimately, it is only through changes in policy, training, and community engagement that racial profiling in American policing will be eradicated.


the type and thickness of ____ in an area is a function of climate, steepness of slope, type of earth materials, and type of plants and animals which in turn dictate suitability for growing crops or raising livestock


the type and thickness of soil in an area is a function of climate, steepness of slope, type of earth materials, and type of plants and animals which in turn dictate suitability for growing crops or raising livestock.

Rocks, minerals, soils, and water are just a few examples of the many substances that make up the Earth's crust. These materials are created by a variety of natural processes, including weathering, erosion, and tectonic plate movement. The location and geologic history of a region affect the composition and characteristics of earth minerals. They are utilized in many ways by the building, industrial, and mining sectors. For instance, rocks are a source of minerals and are utilized as building materials. In addition to being utilized as a source of energy like oil, coal, and natural gas, minerals have a wide range of industrial and technical applications. A few examples include electronics, construction, and metallurgy. In addition to being utilized for building, soils are used for agriculture.

Learn more about soils here:


some scholars who disagree with the neo-malthusian perspective on population suggest that , which refers to the process by which some societies have moved from high birth and death rates to relatively low birth and death rates as a result of technological development, offers a more accurate picture of future population growth. group of answer choices zero population growth cultural lag population lag demographic transition


Demographic Transition refers to the process by which some societies have moved from high birth and death rates to relatively low birth and death rates as a result of technological development, offers a more accurate picture of future population growth.

The Demographic Transition is an important concept in population studies. It refers to the process by which some societies have moved from high birth and death rates to relatively low birth and death rates. This is due to advances in public health, such as improved nutrition and better access to medical care, that result in lower mortality rates.

The Demographic Transition also typically involves a change in marriage patterns and fertility rates. As such, it can have far-reaching consequences for the economic, social, and political aspects of a society.

Hence, the correct option is "FOURTH".

To know more about population, click here.


page 46 2.3. describe the principles of governance and the powers of the national government defined by the constitution how can the president check the power of congress if a law is passed with which he or she disagrees? select the action in the following chart


The principles of governance and the powers of the national government are defined by the Constitution.

The Constitution grants the President certain powers, such as the authority to veto bills passed by Congress, the power to make treaties with foreign countries, and the power to appoint federal judges and cabinet members.

If the President disagrees with a law passed by Congress, he or she can veto it. This means that if Congress passes a bill, the President can choose to reject it by issuing a veto, in which case it won’t become law. The President can also issue executive orders, which have the same force of law as a bill passed by Congress.

Additionally, the President can use their influence and power to encourage Congress to pass or reject bills, as well as work with Congress to modify bills that have been passed. The President can also use their power to appoint judges who will interpret the laws in a way that is more favorable to the President’s agenda. Finally, the President can also use the power of the bully pulpit to influence public opinion and shape the national agenda.

Learn more about the Constitution:


how does squeaky react when mr. pearson suggests that she let someone else win the race? question 3 options: she stares at him and then walks away because she is angry. she ignores him and leaves to find raymond because she is nervous. she tells him to stop talking because she is sad. she looks around for gretchen because she is embarrassed.


When Mr. Pearson suggests that she let someone else win the race She stares at him and then walks away because she is angry.  

A young girl named Hazel Elizabeth Deborah "Squeaky" Parker has the "task" of caring for her crippled brother Raymond in Toni Cade Bambara's short story "Raymond's Run." Squeaky enjoys racing, and she consistently takes first place. Before the "fifty-yard dash" begins during the annual May Day program, Mr. Pearson proposes she let someone win this time.

But Squeaky, ever assertive and unwilling to cede her dominance, fixed him with a harsh gaze that prevented him from even finishing his thought. Squeaky acknowledges as she stomps away from the scene, "I give him such a glare he couldn't continue expressing that thought into words." As a result, the third choice is the right response.

To learn more about Raymond's Run, visit the link below:


Burning your toast, having trouble opening an e-mail attachment, breaking a glass, and running late for an appointment are all examples of ___________.
a. uplifts
b. hassles
c. downturns
d. distress


Burning your toast, being unable to open an email attachment, shattering glass, and being late for an appointment are all examples of hassles. The correct answer is option(b).

Daily hassles are common minor stressors that may be elucidated as minimally tense, frustrating, or vexatious. Chronic day-to-day hassles can bring about raised ancestry pressure, that puts you in danger of heart disease, explains Carolyn Aldwin, manager of the Center for Healthy Aging Research at Oregon State University.

Stress may be led to by all from important growth occurrences to often hassles that add up over a period. Facing a question, difficulty taking a task exhausting a brief time period, or changing the way you live is just a few challenges that ability cause stress.

To know more about Stress refer to:


parents controlling where their children go, with whom they interact, and how much time they spend with their peers doing various activitiesâ In adolescence, gatekeeping may be affected by parent's cultural orientation


The controlling parenting style is sometimes known as authoritarian or helicopter parenting because the parent acts authoritarian or hovers over the child, controlling their every move.

Controlling and over-involvement can have long-term harmful effects on emotional well-being and mental health. According to research, both children and adults can feel anxiety, despair, low self-esteem, and high levels of stress.

Controlling parents put their children at a higher risk for some mental health issues. 6 When parents demand conformity and children lack the opportunity to express themselves, depression and anxiety can develop.

Learn more about to controlling parenting


The chief executive of a start-up high-technology company recently made several public announcements about the company's values. She emphasized that, although the company is less than one year old, its employees already have adopted a strong set of values around sharing, freedom, and achievement. However, you personally know two employees at the company who say that employees don't really have a common set of values, and they are certainly not unanimous about the three values stated by the CEO. The CEO is likely describing the company's:


The chief executive of a start-up high-technology company.... The CEO is likely describing the company:  Aspirational values or ideals

What is a chief executive?

Generally, Aspirational values or ideals that the CEO hopes the company will strive towards, rather than describing the current reality of the company's values and culture.

It's possible that the CEO is trying to set a positive tone for the company and create a culture that employees can align with and be proud of.

However, it's also possible that the statements made by the CEO do not accurately reflect the views and experiences of all employees.

Read more about  Aspirational values


TRUE OR FALSE after implementing your plan, the final step of the wise choice process is to evaluate the success of your plan. one good way to do this is to compare your new situation (results of your plan) with how you would like your situation to be.


The given statement  after implementing your plan, the final step of the wise choice process is to evaluate the success of your plan is TRUE.

This is because One good way to do this is to compare your new situation (results of your plan) with how you would like your situation to be. A systems proposal report's implementation of the planning section must address the following: communication, system support, and training.

An essential component of action planning is the system's planning section. The Head of the Planning Section gives briefings, gives important advice on goals, and predicts what will be needed in the future.The leadership team's Planning Section is in charge of setting incident goals and strategies for the given operating period.As a result, we are able to draw the conclusion that the implementation of the planning section of a systems proposal report must address the following issues: communication, system support, and training.

Learn more about the Planning section here:


in order to revoke a registration, the administrator must do all of the following except: a find that the action is in the public interest b cite a cause for the action found in the uniform securities act c obtain a court order revoking registration d provide an opportunity for the aggrieved person to have the order reviewed


The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws approved the Uniform Securities Act in four parts on August 25, 1956.

The first three sections represent the three basic "blue sky" philosophies:  the "fraud" approach, broker-dealer, agent, and investment adviser registration, and securities registration. IV contains general provisions definitions, exemptions, judicial review, investigative, injunctive, and criminal provisions, among others that are required in varying degrees under any of the three philosophies. philosophies. The first three are intended to be used independently or in any combination. Appendix A details the changes that must be made to the Act if  is repealed. Appendix B lists the parts of  that must be completed only once. The Act allows for four different treatment options for investment advisers. Appendix C contains the details. A state that enacts only and the relevant portions of  should delete the words "requiring the registration of broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and securities" from the title. A state that enacts only as well as the relevant portions of , should replace those  "requiring the registration of broker-dealers, agents, and investment advisers. The Act allows the same person to perform both broker-dealer and advisory functions without requiring dual registration. Clause  is related to  which allows the Administrator to condition an applicant's registration as a broker-dealer on him not transacting business as an investment adviser if the Administrator determines that he is not qualified.

To learn more about Uniform Securities Act here:


when the visigoths gained a victory at _____. it indicated to all the germanic tribes that the ______ was weak.


when the Visigoths gained a victory at weak. it indicated to all the Germanic tribes that the the Roman Empire was weak.

Post-Republican Rome was ruled by the Roman Empire. It was an imperial-based government that had substantial geographical holdings in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia all centred on the Mediterranean Sea. It was a Principate with Italy serving as the metropole of its provinces and the city of Rome as its single capital from the ascension of Caesar Augustus as the first Roman emperor until the military anarchy of the third century. Later, the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire were controlled concurrently by a number of different emperors. Rome continued to serve as both parts' official capital up to AD 476.

Learn more about Roman Empire here


this question requires that you navigate to the psu student canvas orientation (linked from the larch 060 course orientation) to locate the appropriate information. you should also examine your notification preferences in canvas. which statements below accurately reflect the capabilities available to you and the advice given regarding your canvas profile and notification preferences? select all that apply.


The  statements below accurately reflect the capabilities available to you and the advice given regarding your canvas profile and notification preferences Choose Account ( ),  Decide on Push alerts, Incorporate new preferences.

What button do you press to end a quillet for a proctored assignment?

By selecting the "End" button in the top right corner, you can end the proctoring session.

PSU uses canvas, right?

The online learning management system used by PSU to support its hosted courses is called Canvas. Content for online courses is organized by instructors using Canvas.

What are the 4 different sorts of Canvas notifications?

For Canvas notifications, there are four different delivery options: 1) Notify Me Right Away, 2) Daily Summary, 3) Weekly Summary, and 4) Don't Send. Customers can choose the notification choice by clicking on it.

To Know more about Choose Account


all of the statements below about causation are true, except for one! please select the statement below that is not true: question 1 options: the presence of a causal factor doesn't necessarily guarantee a specific outcome an outcome may be due to a series of linked causal events outcomes can have multiple, distinct causes causal relationships are always simple and straightforward


The strength and direction of a relationship between two or more variables are described by the statistical measure of correlation, which is given as a number.

The strength and direction of a relationship between two or more variables are described by the statistical measure of correlation, which is given as a number. However, a correlation between two variables does not necessarily imply that a change in one variable is the reason for a change in the values of the other. There is a causal relationship between the two occurrences, which means that causation shows that one event is the outcome of the occurrence of the other event. This concept is also known as cause and effect. An action or occurrence can cause another, making the distinction between the two sorts of linkages straightforward to make in theory.

To know more about occurrences refer :


In ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice, Cohen and Feldberg propose five ethical standards that can be derived from social contracts between society and individuals. what is included in this standard?


Teamwork, Objectivity, and Fair access  were included in the ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice, Cohen and Feldberg propose five ethical standards that can be derived from social contracts between society and individuals

An ethical dilemma (also known as an ethical paradox or moral dilemma) is a problem in the decision-making process when there are two viable options, neither of which is completely acceptable from an ethical standpoint.

Although we face many ethical and moral dilemmas in our daily lives, the majority of them have simple solutions.On the other hand, ethical quandaries are extremely complex problems that cannot be easily solved. As a result, everyone's ability to find the best solution in such situations is critical.

Every individual may face an ethical quandary in almost any aspect of their life, including personal, social, and professional.

For more questions like Ethical dilemmas click the link below:


as you stand in line for coffee, you scan the faces of other customers to spot your friend. this visual information is being processed in your: _______.


This visual information is processed in your visual cortex.

The visual cortex is the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information. It is located in the back of the brain and is responsible for interpreting the visual information that we receive through our eyes. When you scan the faces of other customers in line for coffee, your visual cortex is actively analyzing the visual information to recognize your friend's face. The visual cortex also plays a role in other visual processes such as color perception, spatial perception, and movement perception.

To learn more about visual cortex Click


which factor of production is the painting of a house


Painting of a house is labor component of factor of production.

What are factors of production?

The inputs that are needed in the creation of goods and services are referred to as factors of production. These include all materials required for producing a good or service. Land, labour, entrepreneurship, and capital are the four factors of production.

In terms of production components, what is labor?

Labor is a production factor. In reality, the term "labor" refers to any kind of effort, mental or physical. The labor put out to produce any goods or services is referred to as labor in economics. It encompasses all forms of human labor, including those performed for financial gain and involving physical, mental, or intellectual effort.

Know more about factors of production-


which of the following word pairs would be the easiest to remember according to mary calkins theory: paired-associate learning?


Paired-associate learning would be the easiest to remember according to mary calkins theory.

What is the central concept of the Clarks theory?

Calkins, who came up with her own way of thinking, said that psychology should focus most on the conscious self. According to her definition, the study of aware, active selves that exist in connection with other people is the focus of personalistic introspective psychology.

She made significant contributions to psychology, self-psychology, and the paired association method, among other fields.

Among his academic accomplishments are the publication of four books and more than one hundred articles on memory, dream analysis, self-psychology, consciousness, and philosophy. In addition, he established one of the first psychology laboratories and invented the paired-associates method for studying memory and learning.

She started teaching psychology at Wellesley and also established the first psychology laboratory at a women's college in the United States.

To learn more about calkins theory :


Complete question:

Which of the following word pairs would be the easiest to remember according to mary calkins theory: paired-associate learning?

paired-associate learningcollocation learningidentical learning

an evolutionary psychologist would suggest that people are genetically predisposed to all of these except to:


An evolutionary psychologists would suggest that person are genetically predisposed to fear dangerous animals, love their own children, and seek healthy-looking mates all of these things.

A psychologists is a specialist in the field of psychology who investigates behavior as well as mental states, sensory, intellectual, emotional, or vibrant social. They frequently experiment with, observe, and analyze how humans communicate with one another and their surroundings as part of their job. A psychological bachelor's degree is typically followed by a psychiatry master's or doctoral degree for professionals. However, according to the jurisdiction, some therapists with additional training may be licensed to write a prescription medicines; qualifying requirements could differ from the a bachelor of science and a master's degree. Unlike psychiatric doctors and mental health physician assistants, psychologists typically cannot prescribe medication.

Learn more about Psychologists here:


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(You will get brainliest if it's helpful)


The attitudes of the different groups during the Civil War can be summarized as follows:

   Northern Republicans support a large Federal government and efforts at emancipation, with the goal of reuniting the Union and winning the war through unconditional surrender of the South.    Copperheads are Northern Democrats who oppose the war and President Lincoln's handling of it, and support compromise with the South in order to end the war, even if it means preserving slavery.    Scalawags are Southern conservatives who have issues with the way the states-rights Confederacy has run the war and the plantation owners' influence on it. They support representative democracy and have little to no voice in the confederacy.    Southern Democrats support the states-rights course of the Confederacy, the racial inequality, and white superiority. They support the identity and uniqueness of each Southern state and Southern Nationalism.

2nd Image

One vocabulary term that relates to the political cartoon is "faction." The cartoon is depicting the four candidates vying for the presidency as divided and causing a rift in the nation, which is an example of political faction.

From the perspective of the Northern Republicans, they would likely view this cartoon positively as it shows their candidate, Abraham Lincoln, as attempting to bring unity to the divided nation while the other candidates are tearing it apart. They would see Lincoln as the one trying to restore the Union and would see this as a positive message.

From the perspective of the Copperheads, they would likely view this cartoon negatively as it shows their candidate, Stephen Douglas, as being just as divisive as the other candidates. Copperheads would see the war as unwinnable and would want to end it and would see this cartoon as promoting division and prolonging the war.

What is the cartoon about?

The political cartoon "Dividing the National Map" is a broadside printed in Cincinnati in 1860. It depicts four candidates vying for the presidency: Abraham Lincoln (Republican), Stephen Douglas (Northern Democrat), John C. Breckenridge (Southern Democrat), and John Bell (Constitutional Union).

It shows Bell with a pot of glue, poised to begin repairs, while the other three candidates are doing their best to rip the map of the United States to pieces. Lincoln and Douglas are fighting over the northern and western states, while Breckenridge takes the South.

Therefore, the cartoon is a commentary on the divisiveness of the political climate in the United States in 1860, with four different candidates vying for the presidency and each representing different regions and political ideologies. The cartoon implies that the nation is being torn apart by these candidates and their factions, with Bell being the only one attempting to bring unity and repair the damage.

Learn more about Republicans from

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Use the Definitions of these Attitudes to

help you analyze the questions on the following pages of the JamBoard

Definition of attitude: a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in what a person says in a historical document.

4 Attitudes

Liberal (wanting larger government and support of social change)

Northern 1.Republicans: Support large Federal Government to win the war and reunite the Union (which was their first goal of the war). As the war progressed Republicans wanted to make the war a war to make men free and support efforts at emancipation. They support 'unconditional surrender with the South.

Southern 3.Scalawags: have issues with the way the states-rights Confederacy has run the war and how plantation owners (a minority of the population but owning nearly all the slaves) have taken the Confederacy into war against ideals of representative democracy which they felt had little to no voice in.

Simpler Definitions found in Unit 5 Vocabulary

Conservative (wanting smaller government and little/no social change)

2.Copperheads: Northern Democrats who oppose the war as unwinnable and President Lincoln for mixing the races and butchering thousands of Northern soldiers in a wasteful war. They support the North, but not Republican handling of the war. They support compromise with the South in order to end the war, even if it means preserving Slavery.

4.Southern Democrats: support the states-rights course that the Confederacy has taken and support the status-quo (the way things are socially in the South), particularly the racial inequality and white superiority. The support the identity and uniqueness of each Southern state and Southern Nationalism.

fill in the blank. 13. in 2001, andrea yates, a houston housewife, drowned her five children in the bathtub. some who studied her case concluded that her psychotic break was in part due to her being isolated from extended family and that her husband was unsupportive with childcare and household duties. this conclusion best illustrates a___perspective.


This conclusion best illustrates a Social-cultural perspective.

The social-cultural approach takes into account how various people interact within their social groups and the way these social groupings affect various people and how they change throughout the course of their life. Any group that the person belongs to potentially make up the social group. In actuality, the majority of people are members of numerous social groups.

According to the social-cultural perspective, a person's membership in any group will have an impact on their future. A psychologist can only fully comprehend what a person will do by comprehending the full impact of social groupings and every group in which the person participates. You will be able to comprehend a person's present and future behaviour as a result.

Know more about Social-cultural perspective here


The Ethisphere Institute selects an annual list of the world's most ethical companies. All of the following are criteria it uses EXCEPT
A) internal systems and ethics/compliance program.
B) reputation track record.
C) corporate governance.
D) innovation that contributes to the company's profitability.
E) industry leadership.


The Ethisphere Institute selects an annual list of the world's most ethical companies. All of the following are criteria it uses except innovation that contributes to the company's profitability. So option d is correct in given question.

Why does Ethisphere exist?

A for-profit organization called the Ethisphere Institute promotes best practices in corporate ethics, develops and assesses corporate ethical standards, and honors businesses that succeed in these areas. In Scottsdale, Arizona, the business is situated.

The Ethisphere Institute is the industry pioneer in establishing and developing the norms of moral business conduct that support successful corporations, consumer trust, and the marketplace.

To know more about Ethisphere Institute visit:


Municipality XYZ created a document that regulates the permitted land uses and zoning classifications within the town boundaries, and does so while staying within the parameters of the comprehensive plan. Municipality XYZ has created _______.


Municipality XYZ created a document that regulates the permitted land uses and zoning classifications within the town boundaries, and does so while staying within the parameters of the comprehensive plan. Municipality XYZ has created zoning ordinance.

A zoning ordinance is a legal document that regulates land use and development within a municipality, such as town or city. The ordinance typically divides the municipality into different zoning districts or zones, each with specific regulations for the types of land uses and development that are permitted in that area.

The purpose of a zoning ordinance is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community, and to implement the goals and policies of the municipality's comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan is a long-term vision for the future of the community, which guides the development of the zoning ordinance.

In this case, Municipality XYZ has created a zoning ordinance that regulates the permitted land uses and zoning classifications within the town boundaries, while staying within the parameters of the comprehensive plan.

To learn more about zoning visit:


After Alexander the Great’s death, the empire that he had built stayed strong.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


In 321 BCE, Alexander died suddenly, and his empire collapsed into a 40-year period of conflict and anarchy. The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, the Seleucid Empire in the east, the Kingdom of Pergamon in Asia Minor, and Macedon finally came to dominate the Hellenistic world.

What is anarchy?

Anarchy, which is a belief system that rejects governmental authority in favour of self-government or community consensus, is derived from a Greek phrase that means "having no ruler" and has come to be synonymous with disorder and the dissolution of civil order. A society without a government is anarchic. A community or group of individuals that completely rejects a predetermined hierarchy may also be referred to. Anarchy, which means "an absence of government," was first mentioned in English in 1539. Anarchism is a political theory that supports autonomous communities with voluntary institutions. Although many scholars have defined them more exactly as organisations based on non-hierarchical free associations, these are sometimes referred to as stateless societies.

To learn more about anarchy click,


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