Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court drew on legal groundwork laid in
The Roe decision stated that
, a case about
v were protected by the Constitution


Answer 1

The Supreme Court addressed the abortion issue in the case of Roe v. Wade by referring to the US Constitution.

In Roe v. Wade, what verdict did the court make?

The Roe v. Wade ruling from 1973. In its Roe v. Wade decision from 1973, the Supreme Court noted that the choice to decide whether to continue a pregnancy is a component of the right to liberty given by the Constitution, which protects individual privacy.

What did the Dobbs ruling signify?

Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) were both overturned by the court's ruling, which granted individual states the authority to control any part of abortion that isn't covered by federal law.

To know more about Constitution visit:-


Related Questions

One factor that led Europe into World War I was:
A. an economic depression, not affected Europe, and views on who was to blame.
B. a system of complex alliances and secret agreements between powers.
C. resentments between countries stemming from the Franco- Prussian war.
D. different views on the role the United States should be allowed in European politics.


Europe's entry into World War I was prompted, in part, by: B. a system of secret agreements and intricate alliances between powers.

How The Second Great War prompted the Economic crisis of the early 20s?

Numerous European nations' economies were in trouble following the war. Things like food and gas became much more expensive. Many people were unable to find work. The same items cost more to buy now than they did before the war.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was the immediate cause of World War I, bringing into play alliances, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism. The Black Hand, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist organization, dispatched teams to assassinate the Archduke in June 1914.

To learn more about alliances visit :


Describe the Long Walk, the consequences suffered by the Navajos, and the final outcomes for them.​


The Long Walk was a forced relocation of the Navajo people by the U.S. government in 1864.

What happened to the Navajos in the long walk?

The Navajos were forced to walk over 300 miles from their homeland in Arizona and New Mexico to a reservation in eastern New Mexico known as Bosque Redondo. Many Navajos died during the journey, which was marked by harsh conditions and insufficient food and water.

Once they arrived at Bosque Redondo, the Navajos were forced to live in squalid conditions and were subject to disease, starvation, and mistreatment by government officials. The Navajos were also forced to abandon their traditional way of life, which revolved around livestock herding and agriculture, and instead were expected to farm on barren land. This resulted in a significant loss of cultural identity for the Navajo people.

Read more on Navajos here:


what possible problems do you see the Rome empire having to deal with because they are too big?



Overexpansion and military overspending


At its height, the Roman Empire stretched from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the Euphrates River in the Middle East, but its grandeur may have also been its downfall. With such a vast territory to govern, the empire faced an administrative and logistical nightmare.



By transforming the President's role, Abraham Lincoln made it possible for the chief executive to exercise full authority over Congress and its other branches.

How did Abraham Lincoln become a political leader?

In 1858, Lincoln challenged Stephen A. Douglas for the Senate seat. Even though he lost the election, his debate with Douglas helped him win the Republican nomination for president in 1860. While he was president, he made the Republican Party a powerful national organization. He was strongly committed to the preservation of the Union at any cost, even if it meant defying Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution.

He read and learned about military strategy and history; He correctly analyzed the successes and failures of both his own and the enemy's military leaders; He made errors and gained knowledge from them; He cut through the military's obfuscations and justifications with a lot of common sense.

To learn more about Republican visit :


Which country is a single-party state?
A. China
OB. India
OC. Japan
OD. South Korea




Describe the steps Hitler took to carry out his 'Final Solution'.



Dehumanization and propaganda: Hitler and the Nazis first dehumanized the Jewish people through propaganda, portraying them as subhuman and dangerous to the German people. This was done through a range of mediums, including newspapers, radio broadcasts, and public speechesGhettos and concentration camps: Jews were forced into ghettos, where they were subjected to overcrowding, malnutrition, and disease. The Nazis also built concentration camps where Jews were imprisoned, forced into hard labor, and subjected to torture and abuseEinsatzgruppen and mass shootings: The Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing units, were responsible for carrying out mass shootings of Jews in Eastern Europe. They killed an estimated 1.5 million Jews in this manner.Death camps and gas chambers: The Nazis built extermination camps, such as Auschwitz, where Jews were transported in large numbers to be killed in gas chambers. It is estimated that around 3 million Jews were killed in these death campsDeportation: Jews were rounded up from across Europe and transported by trains to concentration and extermination camps. Many died during the transport due to overcrowding, starvation, and dehydrationDenial and cover-up: The Nazis attempted to cover up their crimes by destroying evidence, including burning bodies and burying them in mass graves. They also denied their involvement in the genocide and attempted to shift the blame onto other groups.

Overall, Hitler and the Nazis carried out the Final Solution with extreme brutality and efficiency, resulting in the deaths of approximately 6 million Jews, along with millions of other individuals who were deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime.

In one or two sentences, describe the process of batik.



Batik is a traditional method of dyeing fabric in which wax is applied to the areas of the fabric that should not be dyed, creating a pattern or design. The fabric is then dipped in dye, and the wax is removed to reveal the pattern.


The purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission was to:
A. regulate stock trading and publicly traded companies.
B. give low-interest loans to businesses and farmers.
C. dictate the amount of risk banks could take.
D. stabilize American banks through authorized loans.



A. regulate stock trading and publicly traded companies.


What did Jesus do to get crucified



According to Christian belief, Jesus was crucified as a result of his teachings and actions that were perceived as a threat to the religious and political authorities of his time. He was a Jewish preacher and religious leader who challenged the established traditions and practices of the Jewish leaders and claimed to be the son of God. He also performed miracles and gained a following of disciples who believed in his message.

The religious authorities of the time, specifically the Jewish high priests and the Sanhedrin, saw Jesus as a threat to their authority and religious practices. They accused him of blasphemy and sought to have him executed. However, under Roman rule, the power to execute people rested with the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. The Roman authorities saw Jesus as a political threat, as he was seen as claiming to be the king of the Jews.

After a trial in which Jesus was accused of various crimes, including inciting rebellion and claiming to be the king of the Jews, Pontius Pilate sentenced him to be crucified. Jesus was subsequently crucified on a wooden cross, a common form of execution in ancient Rome, and died after several hours on the cross.




Jesus actually did not breach the law. The Pharisees did not like the fact that He called Himself the King of the Jews( you know, cuz they were Jewish). That was the main reason why He was sent to pilate to be crucified.

Why did the United States sponsor the contras in Nicaragua?

A-To prevent human rights violations in the region

B-To attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro

C-To gain an economic foothold in the region

D-Because they feared that the Sandinistas had ties to communist nations



The answer is D. The United States sponsored the contras in Nicaragua because they feared that the Sandinistas had ties to communist nations.


The US government believed that the Sandinistas were closely aligned with socialist and communist nations such as Cuba and the Soviet Union. As such, they saw the Sandinista government as a threat to American interests in the region. To counter this perceived threat, the US government supported the contras, who were fighting against the Sandinista government, to try to destabilize and ultimately overthrow the government. The US government believed that a pro-American government in Nicaragua would be more beneficial to US interests in the region.

Hope this helps! I'm sorry if it doesn't! :]

Who are people born in Spain and migrated to the Latin American colonies?
They make up 1% of the population.



The term "Peninsulares" refers to Spanish nationals who emigrated to the colonies in Latin America as children. Those who were born on the Iberian Peninsula, which encompasses Spain and Portugal, are referred to as "Peninsulares". These people represented the highest social class in the colonies and were in positions of authority.

Several Peninsulares were sent by Spain to manage the colonies throughout the colonial era, and they frequently held the top posts in the government, the church, and the military. They were seen as having more privileges and rights than "Criollos," the people who were born in the colonies.

Peninsulares' descendants now make up a tiny fraction of South America's population—roughly 1% of the total.

Rankin uses the images of a farmer, a woman knitting, a miner, a Treasury
worker, and a soldier to represent her views of the "average American" of
1918. Why do you think she chose these occupations?


Answer: Rankin likely chose these occupations to represent her views of the "average American" of 1918 because they were all common occupations during that time period and represented different aspects of American society. The farmer represented the agricultural sector and rural communities, the woman knitting represented the domestic sphere and traditional gender roles, the miner represented the industrial sector and the working class, the Treasury worker represented the government and bureaucracy, and the soldier represented patriotism and the ongoing war effort. By using these diverse occupations, Rankin could create a more complete and nuanced picture of the "average American" during this time period.

Brainliest please (:

fyi: all information above is NOT copy and pasted. This was typed by hand. So feel free to use it for your assignment. (:

How did the United States deal with the stress a chaos from WWl


The United States responded to the stress and chaos of World War I through a combination of domestic reforms, international initiatives, and foreign policy initiatives aimed at promoting stability, preventing future wars, and improving conditions for citizens both at home and abroad.

What exactly is World War I?

World War I is often seen as a turning point in world history, marking the end of the old order and the beginning of a new era of global politics and international relations.

The war began on July 28, 1914, with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist. This event led to a series of diplomatic crises and military mobilizations, which ultimately resulted in the outbreak of war.

The war was characterized by trench warfare and other forms of brutal combat, with millions of soldiers and civilians losing their lives. It was also marked by significant technological advances, including the use of poison gas, tanks, and aircraft.

To learn more about World War I, click


15. Explain the principle of checks and balances as it applies to the Executive branch. Provide
examples explaining how the President can limit the 'power' of the other two branches of
government. (4 points)



The principle of checks and balances is an important concept in the U.S. Constitution designed to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. The Executive branch, headed by the President, is subject to checks and balances from both the Legislative and Judicial branches.

One example of how the President can limit the power of the Legislative branch is through the veto power. If Congress passes a bill that the President disagrees with, he can veto it and send it back to Congress. Congress then has the option to override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This is an example of how the President's power to veto can act as a check on the power of Congress.

Another example of how the President can limit the power of the Judicial branch is through the appointment of federal judges. The President has the power to nominate federal judges, including Supreme Court Justices. By nominating judges who share the President's political beliefs or who have a particular judicial philosophy, the President can shape the direction of the court and influence its decisions. This is an example of how the President's power of appointment can act as a check on the power of the Judicial branch.

Overall, the principle of checks and balances ensures that no one branch of government becomes too powerful, and that each branch is accountable to the others.


What was the purpose of the Morrill Land- Grant Act?


The main purpose of the Morrill Land-Grant Act was to grant large parts of the land to various states for the education of agriculture, military, engineering, and science.

The Morrill Land-Grant Act was signed by the then-president of America Abraham Lincoln. It was signed by him during the civil war on July 2, 1862. The said bill was named after Justin Smith Morrill as he was the one who introduced the bill in congress.

This bill had a great impact on higher education in the United States of America. This bill led to the establishment of many famous and renowned universities such as the University of California, the University of Illinois, etc.

These are the universities that helped the people of America to get a good education which led to industrial and agricultural revolutions.

To know more about Morrill Land-Grant Act -

What Was the Largest Contiguous Empire in History?



The Mongol Empire, established by Genghis Khan in the early 13th century and lasting until the 14th century, was the biggest contiguous empire in history.

Which of the following is a reason colonists came to and settled in America?


to gain greater economic opportunities
to gain greater economic opportunities

to experience a new country
to experience a new country

to sail on the Mayflower
to sail on the Mayflower

to have more technological advances
to have more technological advances



A. To gain greater economic opportunities is a reason colonists came to and settled in America.


Many colonists came to America to seek better economic opportunities than they had in their home countries. They hoped to find fertile land, abundant resources, and new markets for trade, which would enable them to start businesses and improve their economic status. They also sought greater religious freedom and political autonomy, as they were often subject to persecution or oppression in their home countries.

Hope this helps! Sorry if it's wrong! :]

Hey can someone please help me with this?

QUESTION: Do you believe that male and female athletes should earn equal pay? Why or why not? Is it dependent on the sport? If so, why?


whether male and female athletes should earn equal pay depends on various factors. If we consider sports where the physical demands and skills required are identical or similar, then there is a strong argument for equal pay.

Do you believe that male and female athletes should earn equal pay?

For example, in tennis, where men and women compete in separate but equal tournaments, there is no reason why they should not earn equal prize money since they are competing at the same level.

However, in team sports where men and women do not compete at the same level or in the same league, it is challenging to make a case for equal pay. For instance, in soccer, the men's World Cup generates far more revenue than the women's World Cup. Therefore, the players' pay is often proportionate to the revenue generated by the tournament.

Overall, the decision on whether male and female athletes should earn equal pay is complex and depends on various factors such as revenue generation, skill levels, and market demand.

Read mroe on equal pay here:


Nancy sakamoto had problems while she was in Japan because she?


Was named Nancy. No nancys

Which of the following organisms are always autotrophic?
A bees
B humans
C plants



C plants are always autotrophic, meaning they are capable of producing their own food using energy from the sun or other sources, through the process of photosynthesis.

Both A bees and B humans are heterotrophic, meaning they rely on external sources for their food and cannot produce their own. Bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers, while humans consume a variety of foods from different sources to meet their nutritional needs.


How did the Allies take control of Italy?
A. By invading France to divert Nazi troops away from Italy
B. By invading in the south at Sicily and advancing north to Rome
C. By bombing Rome day and night until the Italian army surrendered
OD. By trapping German forces in northern Italy in the winter with no



B, by invading in the south at Sicily and advancing north to Rome

Allies take control of Italy By invading in the south at Sicily and advancing north to Rome. So, The answer is B. By invading in the south at Sicily and advancing north to Rome.

Invading Italy in 1943, the Allies touched down in Sicily on July 10. The Italian force disintegrated immediately, and the Allies moved swiftly north. On June 4, 1944, they took Rome, and the Italian government gave up. The Allies then focused on northern Italy, where the German army was still engaged in combat. The conflict went on until May 1945 as the Allies fought a series of brutal engagements in northern Italy.

Eventually, the Germans in Italy capitulated, and the Allies seized power.

The alternate choices are false. Because the Allies did not invade France to pull Nazi soldiers away from Italy, Option A is false. Option C is false since Rome was not bombed continuously until the Italian army capitulated. Because the Allies did not encircle German forces in northern Italy throughout the winter without supplies, Option D is untrue.

To know more about Italy :


Which of the following stocks did
Andrew Carnegie begin to invest in when
he was young, later turning his
investments into a monopoly?
A. railroad
B. oil
C. steel
D. water works in


Answer: Oil



c. steel is the answer


i got it right

1. What is NOT a right of everyone living in the United States



The right to vote is not a right that is applicable to everyone living in the United States


Brainliest would be apperciated


pls help

What is the relationship between a representative democracy and voting?

Individuals in a representative democracy vote in all elections except presidential elections.
Individuals in a representative democracy only vote in presidential elections.
Individuals in a representative democracy vote to elect officials to govern on their behalf.
Individuals in a representative democracy do not vote in elections.


In contrast to direct democracy, which elects individuals to represent an entire group of people, representative democracy elects individuals to represent a group of people.

What is voting?

Voting is a mechanism through which a group, such as an electorate or gathering, can come together for the goal of reaching a consensus or expressing an opinion, typically after talks, debates, or election campaigns. Voting is how democracies choose their leaders for high office.

State and local elections are held throughout the United States. Voters choose the members of the Electoral College at the state level, which is the constitutional body that chooses the president. In the United States, the results of the state-level presidential elections determine which individuals will represent each state in the Electoral College, which in turn selects the president-elect. George Washington prevailed in the first known Electoral College presidential election held in the United States in 1788–1789.

To know more about democracy:


hey, i need a little help on this.



Explanation: I wont be able to help you with the entire essay, but here is a good introduction paragraph you can build off of.

Technology has always defined human history, from the domestication of the humble horse to instantaneous communication that spans the globe. Even over the past century, technology has changed and improved at such an exponential rate that people from those times couldn't possibly have dreamed of. Although technology can be applied to many fields of human civilization, the advancements of aviation, communication, and warfare really stick out as something noteworthy in the technological advancements over the past century.

To help you a little more, you can maybe talk about how we went from the first planes by the Wright Brothers to the Nazis making the first fighter jets to landing on the Moon and the ISS for aviation. As for communication, you can start at the telegram and Morse code transmissions to radio, television, early computers, and then the internet and smartphones for communication. Lastly, warfare is a vague subject, but over the 1900's we saw the invention of the shotgun, war planes (see the aviation paragraph), tanks, and the nuclear bombs that defined global politics throughout the 2nd half of the 20th century.

Hope this helps!

North Carolina residents whose sons died in a car accident outside Paris, France, filed a wrongful death lawsuit claiming damages in a North Carolina state court. They claim that the car accident was caused by tire failure and named Goodyear Tires as the defendant. Goodyear tires are manufactured mainly in European and Asian markets, specifically Luxembourg, Turkey, and France. Who has jurisdiction over this case? Explain


The above case has the jurisdiction of the Supreme court as per the highlighted holding that in North Carolina, subsidiaries were not subject to nationwide jurisdiction and North Carolina courts lacked particular jurisdiction to decide cases.

Many subsidiaries of a US tire manufacturer, including those with offices in Turkey, Luxembourg, and France, were sued in North Carolina state court by the estates of two young North Carolina citizens who died in a bus accident that happened in France. Citing lack of personal jurisdiction, foreign subsidiaries filed a motion to dismiss.

Respondents, citizens of North Carolina, sued for wrongful death compensation in North Carolina state court after their boys perished in a bus accident outside of Paris, France. They identified as defendants Goodyear USA, an Ohio firm, and petitioners, three Goodyear USA subsidiaries set up and functioning in Luxembourg, Turkey, and France, respectively, alleging that the accident was brought on by tire failure.

The tires of the petitioners are not constructed or sized like tires typically marketed in the United States; instead, they are produced primarily for the European and Asian markets.

To learn more about North Carolina, click here:


During the 16th century, why did European nations like Spain and Portugal become interested in
colonizing the New World?
A. Gold and silver were discovered in Mexico and Peru.
B. Trade in the East was no longer making any profit.
C. A famine was occurring in the Iberian Peninsula.
D. Both countries had issues with overpopulation.


The 16th century, why did European nations like Spain and Portugal become interested in colonizing the New World are Gold and silver were discovered in Mexico and Peru.

What is discovered ?

A recent discovery has been made that has revolutionized the way we look at the world. It is the discovery of a new type of particle, known as an exoplanet, which has been found orbiting a star outside of our own solar system. This discovery has opened up new possibilities in understanding the universe and the way it works. It has allowed us to consider the potential for life on other planets and has sparked a whole new field of research. Exoplanets have been found to have different compositions and sizes than our own planet, making them interesting to study and explore. This discovery has the potential to bring us closer to understanding the universe and its workings, as well as providing us with new possibilities for exploration and research.

To learn more about discovered


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

Many women in the West were granted the right to vote.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided





because everyone has a right to do anything

Ellie Wiesel wrote that the witness was forced to testify, and that he does not want his ___ to become children’s __.
What are the blanks



he does not want his testimony to become children's bedtime story


Wiesel believed that the testimony of survivors and witnesses was crucial in keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive and preventing similar atrocities from happening in the future. However, he also recognized that the graphic and horrific details of the Holocaust may not be appropriate for young children. He believed that it was important to find a balance between preserving the truth of what happened and protecting children's innocence.

Prompt: You are a child during the Industrial Revolution, describe what your daily life was like living

during that time period? What got better; what got worse? Tell about some situations you may have

encountered. What kind of regulations/laws were passed to improve and protect the lives of those

(workers, children) living during that time?


As a child living during the Industrial Revolution, my daily life was filled with hard work and long hours. My family lived in a small, cramped apartment in a crowded urban area, and my parents worked in a factory to support us.

Because we needed every penny we could get, I was also forced to work in the factory, even though I was still a young child.

My workday started early in the morning and often went until late in the evening. I would spend hours in the factory, performing repetitive tasks such as spinning, weaving, or cleaning machinery. The work was exhausting, and I was always hungry and tired. I had very little time to play or go to school, which made it difficult for me to learn and improve my life.

Life during the Industrial Revolution was a mixed bag. While some things got better, such as the availability of goods and the growth of cities, other things got worse, such as the working conditions and the health of the workers. Many people suffered from diseases caused by pollution, and accidents in the factories were common.

To improve and protect the lives of workers and children, various regulations and laws were passed. These included limits on the number of hours that children could work, mandatory schooling, and safety regulations for factories. The Factory Acts of the 19th century, for example, restricted the working hours of children and women and required employers to provide safer working conditions. These laws helped to improve the lives of working-class families, but there was still a long way to go to achieve true social justice and equality.

To know more about Revolution click here:


Other Questions
*** Now look at some of the other boomslang BLAST results and answer the following questions.***Even though Boomslang_01 had a pretty good blast hit, there were proportionately less of the BLASTalignment scores colored red (200); most were magenta (80-200) or lower scores. Why do you think theBLAST alignment scores for Boomslang_01 were below other sequence alignment scores despite having nearlyidentical sequences? A metal can is able to withstand 3,800 kPa before it bursts. The gas in the can has a volume of 235 mL and the pressure is 110 kPa at 25C. If the can is crushed to a volume of 8. 5 mL and the temperature does not change will it burst? What is the pressure of the gas in the can? Which of the following represent a linear inequality in open-sentence form? (Select all that apply.) 2x + 8 = 10y 2x - 7y > 10 8 + x > 5 3 < 5 Calculate the ideal mechanical advantage for each of the machines show. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The cuboid below is made of silver and has a mass of 416 g. Calculate its density, in g/cm. If your answer is a decimal, give it to 1 d.p. Picture attached! According to this quote, what was Jefferson's concern about purchasing the Louisiana Territory?"I infer that the less we say about constitutional difficulties respecting Louisiana the better, and that what is necessary for surmounting them must be done. A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the highest duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self preservation, of saving the country when in danger are of higher obligation." - Thomas JeffersonA.He worried about angering farmers who shipped their crops to New Orleans.B.He was concerned that his constitutional veto power would not be upheld.C.He did not trust Monroe and Livingston to make a favorable deal.D.He didnt believe he had constitutional power to buy land from another country.Please explain why you chose this 1. Q. The northern and southern halves of the Earth are calledaxesorbitsequatorshemispheres Write a quadratic equation with the given roots. Write the equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b, and c are integers. 4/3 and -1 Explain the specific features that are present in Old English poetry. The Mwatex Textile Company is considering two mutually exclusive electronic control systems for its texttile machines. The investment period is 9 years (equal lives), and the MARR is 4% per year. Data for the systems are given below. Which alternative should the company select? Alternative B Capital Investment $9.500 $19,000 Net Annual Revenues $4.800 $6,400 The AW of the alternative A is $(Round to the nearest dollar.) The AW of the alternative B is $(Round to the nearest dollar.) Which alternative should the company select? Choose the correct answer below. O A. Alternative A OB. Alternative B What if the MARR was 10%, instead of 4%? 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