Select the correct answer.
Where is the punctuation error in this sentence?

The apples,1 peaches, apricots,2 and bananas,3 looked beautiful4 at the Farmers’ Market.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Please help asap. I’m taking a test.


Answer 1



2 ( the one with the comma)

Answer 2


I know this question was asked a while ago, but that one answer is wrong and I want to put the right one.

The correct answer is C. 3

Related Questions

Read the sentence. Which word or phrase in the sentence has most negative connotations and the greatest impact on tone?

Mom said only that she was disappointed, but her eyes blazed with her true feelings.



Answer: blazed


Makes the most sense

Bodhi has a collection of 175 dimes and nickels. The collection is worth $13.30. Which equation can be used to find n, the number of nickels in the collection?

0.1n + 0.05(n – 175) = 13.30
0.1n + 0.05(175 – n) = 13.30
0.1(n – 175) + 0.05 = 13.30
0.1(175 – n) + 0.05n = 13.30


I don’t see nothing wrong.... with a little bump and grind

Answer: Correct option is the last option .


It is given in the question that Bodhi has a collection of 175 dimes and nickels. The collection is worth $13.30.

Let the number of dimes be d and number of nickels be n.

So we will get

And the second equation is

Substituting the value of d, we will get

The last option 0.1(175 – n) + 0.05n = 13.30

If you own a manufacturing business that produces pants, which of the following items is considered as a supply? *

sewing machine oil


All of them to be honest, hopefully this helps


sewing machine oil


zippers, thread and fabric are all material's used towards making the product. The oil is the only "supply" that doesn't go with the end product, just used in conjuction with.

Do you think that the end of Lord of the Flies is fitting? Explain why or why not.





Yes, because the boys are very young and acting largely on instinct. They are too young still for the civilized culture they are from to influence their actions, and after being away from societal pressure for so long they begin to revert back to an almost animal state. The survival of the fittest, the fight for dominance, and the spliting into "packs" of sorts is very animalistic. Had the boys been older, a more peaceful resolution may have been expected. However, since the boys are young, just starting to experience an influx of testosterone paired with no pressure to behave a certain way created a plausible perfect storm for the boys to rise against one another and eventually go to extremes, such as murder, which they would never act upon were they still among society.

Describe a time when you discovered or experienced something that made you see the world differently. How did this make you feel? How did it cause you to change?



what ever you pick should be fine


its asking you what happened that made you see the world differently so u write your own experience.

Answer: The first time when I saw the flood in my town


The first time when I saw the flood in my town

There is one situation in my life that made me change up my mind about many things and it made me respect everyone around me more than I did. It was one September night and because it was still warm outside we were laughing and drinking outside near the sea. Suddenly, it started to rain and I never thought that I would see the flood that night but I did. I had great luck because I saved myself and my family from the flood. I was feeling so scared because of it and I started to question myself every day. It causes a change in me because now I am grateful every day for what I still have.

What is the theme?
I was climbing up a mountain-path
With many things to do,
Important business of my own,
And other people's too,
When I ran against a Prejudice
That quite cut off the view.
My work was such as could not wait,
My path quite clearly showed,
My strength and time were limited,
I carried quite a load;
And there that hulking Prejudice
Sat all across the road.
So I spoke to him politely,
For he was huge and high,
And begged that he would move a bit
And let me travel by.
He smiled, but as for moving! —
He didn't even try.
And then I reasoned quietly
With that colossal mule:
My time was short — no other path —
The mountain winds were cool.
I argued like a Solomon;
He sat there like a fool.
Then I flew into a passion,
and I danced and howled and swore.
I pelted and belabored him
Till I was stiff and sore;
He got as mad as I did —
But he sat there as before.
And then I begged him on my knees;
I might be kneeling still
If so I hoped to move that mass
Of obdurate ill-will —
As well invite the monument
To vacate Bunker Hill!
So I sat before him helpless,
In an ecstasy of woe —
The mountain mists were rising fast,
The sun was sinking slow —
When a sudden inspiration came,
As sudden winds do blow.
I took my hat, I took my stick,
My load I settled fair,
I approached that awful incubus
With an absent-minded air —
And I walked directly through him,
As if he wasn't there!



The theme of the passage is: Somebody hiking.


He or she, is hiking the reason how I know is that in the beginning of the passage it says I was climbing a mountain-path which usually means that you are hiking up a mountain.

This is due in 10 mins!!
Which question best serves the purpose of an interview?

What is the name of your company?
How did you become interested in this subject?
Would you recommend this career to others?
What type of work do you do?



I would say B would be the best I am not really sure.

Answer: it’s b


Select the correct answer.
Identify the type of phrase in the sentence below.

The box under the large rock is where I hid the key.
adverbial phrase
absolute phrase
adjectival phrase
noun phrase



It's a Noun Phrase


Answer for plato/edmentum :)


it is D


What does it take to make big societal changes come about?​


Answer: Some ways:

Share Important Information and News.

Build an Engaged Community.

Provide Training and Education.

Receive Ground-Level Reports.

Take Immediate Action.

Raise Funds.

Attend an Online University.


Social change is way human interactions and relationships transform cultural and social institutions over time, having a profound impact of society.

Is Egeus justified for being angry with his daughter, Hermia



Egeus is angry because his daughter Hermia won't marry Demetrius. Egeus has come to see Theseus so that he could tell Hermia to listen to her father. ... Theseus offers Hermia the option to die marry Demetrius or become a nun.


So, i'd say, no

i need a well-written summary about the Greek god Apollo. and pls hurry!



APOLLON (Apollo) was the Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young. He was depicted as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair and attributes such as a wreath and branch of laurel, bow and quiver of arrows, raven, and lyre.

and one more...

Apollo is one of the most popular gods, and everybody wants to worship him (back in ancient Greece he was a total rock star). Is it because he's the god of music and rocks out on the lyre? Is it because he's the god of prophecy and everybody wants to know the future? Who knows? But the bottom line is that Apollo is the coolest kid in school


Is there a tension between personal identity and social acceptance in real life? How successful was the author of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian in convincing you that holding onto your inner identity can lead to wider social acceptance?


Answer:I think there is some truth to the author’s handling of this theme. If you abandon your identity to seek social acceptance, you eventually end up standing for nothing. And if you stand for nothing, you’re basically no one. It does, however, seem convenient that Junior is able to win almost everyone over. In real life, I think the results would be mixed. He would likely develop some close friendships, but many people would probably still fail to accept him as he is.


Don’t write it word for word

Yes, I think that there is a tension between personal identity and social acceptance in real life.

What does the author tell us?

The author of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian tries to convince through his writings that holding onto the inner reality can lead to wider social acceptance.

There is some truth in the author’s handling of the above theme. If a person abandons his/her personal identity to seek social acceptance, they eventually stand for nothing concrete. But it does seem convenient that Junior is able to win everyone over. In real life, the results of such situations would be mixed or different. He is likely to develop some close friendships, but many people would probably still fail to accept him.

Therefore, I think that there is a tension between personal identity and social acceptance in real life.

Learn more about The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian on


The author of this passage explores the idea of a four day school week.
Identify one argument that explains an advantage, and one argument that
presents a disadvantage, of a four day school week. Be specific. Your
examples should come directly from the text. Be sure that your response
is written with correct grammar and punctuation."



One argument that explains an advantage:

✔️Improvement of attendance of both student and faculty while slashing energy bills.

An excerpt from the text:

"Schools that have been using the program for several years report improvement in the attendance of both students and faculty, while slashing their energy bills".

One argument that presents a disadvantage:

✔️A gap between classes could result to a drop in retention of lessons.

An excerpt that supports that:

"Others complain that students should be spending more time in school, fearing that such a gap between classes could lead to a drop in retention of lessons."


From the text, the author revealed different arguments about the four days school week program that shows both advantages and disadvantages. Supporters of this program testified that there was increase in attendance and it led to slashing of energy bills. Also, students had higher scores in state exams. But yet, opponents of this program see it as something that will lead to a drop in the retention of lessons.

But many consider that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Flight 1 When Robert was a little boy, he wanted nothing more than to see a hawk flying across the sky. Or to see an eagle, an osprey, or a falcon! Robert loved to think about large birds with great yellow talons, soaring across the sky and seeing every corner of the earth that people could not see. 2 But Robert lived in the city, where such birds were never seen. He used to fall asleep at night imagining a hawk’s wings forming arcs across a great big blue sky, which he pictured as a wide, open field where no legged animals could run but only winged animals could soar. As he drifted into dreams, the birds in his imagination morphed into dragons and pterodactyls and all manner of ancient or other- worldly flying creatures. Robert would wake in the morning smiling at the thought of this big blue field in his dreams. But he spent each day on the subway and walking along crowded sidewalks and looking up between tall buildings where he could catch only a sliver of blue. 3 As he got older, Robert tried to forget about his dreams and focus all his attention on his studies. At school, he took the hardest classes he could and was in advanced placement math and science before long. He decided that if he could not see hawks and eagles and falcons in their natural habitat, he would learn everything he could about how those animals worked. He loved to think about how lessons from birds had led to the first experiments in human flight and the development of airplanes. 4 Robert devoured books about the inventors of the airplanes and the physics that made air travel successful. His devotion to this topic confused his parents, who saw in him a smart and eager child who could study medicine or the law and have a good career. 5 “Stop daydreaming about birds!” they would say to him. 6 But Robert continued to spend as much time as he could learning about what made flying possible. 7 Sometimes, even as he was older - a college student now, living in a cramped dorm-room with three other boys his age - Robert would drift off to sleep imagining that big open sky filled with hawks and osprey and dragons. He knew it was silly, but he held on to that image. It filled him with hope for something he couldn’t quite name. He would ask himself what he was hoping for. 8 “Do I want to see a hawk or an eagle or a falcon, or do I hope to someday fly like one of them myself?” Robert would say, to no one other than himself. 9 The college Robert attended was also in the city, and he hadn’t found a way to travel outside of it yet. He still could only dream about that big blue field above. 10 One day, just before graduation, Robert got a phone call from someone he didn’t know. When he answered, the voice on the other end made an unusual announcement. 11 “I’m looking for someone to test fly a new airplane I’m developing,” the voice said. “Professor Jackson gave me your name. He said he had never had another student as devoted to the art of flying as Robert Smith. Would you be interested in coming in to learn more about my new plane?” 12 Robert jotted down the address and date of the interview, and hung up the phone smiling. He couldn’t help but close his eyes and picture the big blue field, filled with all manner of flying creatures. Maybe soon he would be among them. 1. Which sentence from the story best illustrates its central conflict? When Robert was a little boy, he wanted nothing more than to see a hawk flying across the sky. Robert would wake up in the morning smiling at the thought of this big blue field in his dreams But he spent each day on the subway and walking along crowded sidewalks and looking up between tall buildings where he could catch only a sliver of blue. He loved to think about how lessons from birds had led to the first experiments in human flight and the development of airplanes.



is the a question or a story??


The following saying is an example of a _______ device. Why is this _______ device easy for some people to remember? (Hint: try reading it out loud.) “Thirty is hot, twenty is nice, ten is cold, and zero is ice.”



Poetic in both blanks.

The rhymes stick in the readers mind


The correct answer is:

The following saying is an example of a mnemonic device. Why is this mnemonic device easy for some people to remember?

Definition of mnemonic device:

mnemonic device: an aid that is often verbal, something such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something, particularly lists


From "Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England," the phrase "stern and rock-bound coast" means _____.

easy landing
welcoming place
difficult landing place


The answer fam is..... difficult landing place


the answer is a difficult landing place


help me plzz I need help with this


Your answer is D because the table of contents is not meant to define anything.

D I had it on a test
Hope this helps

Describe how Edwards's tone changes at the end of the sermon. (100 words)



The mood shifts markedly by the conclusion of Edward's speech because he wishes to take his followers home with plenty of encouragement in their hearts. That's why, towards the end of this address, he holds out the hope of repentance to his community if only they switch from the lifetime of suffering and return to the road of justice.

I'll give 15 points. What is a theme of Part II of "The Highwayman"?

After a loss, it's important to move forward in life.

Dying for the sake of a loved one is a foolish choice.

True love means being willing to make big sacrifices.

Difficult decisions often yield good results.


C. True love means being willing to make big sacrifices

please mark brainliest

The theme of Part II of "The Highwayman" is True love means being willing to make big sacrifices.

What is highwayman?

A highwayman was a thief who targeted tourists. Since mounted highwaymen were often regarded as socially superior to footpads, they typically traveled and committed their crimes by horse instead of on foot like a footpad.

Until the middle or end of the 19th century, these criminals were active. Highwaywomen, like Katherine Ferrers, were rumored to exist and frequently pose as men, particularly in fiction. The term "highwayman" first appears in print around 1617.

People who wanted to romanticize what was frequently an extremely brutal kind of thieving occasionally used euphemisms like "knights of the road" and "gentlemen of the road." Road agents were another name for highwaymen in the American West of the 19th century.

Therefore, The theme of Part II of "The Highwayman" is True love means being willing to make big sacrifices.

To learn more about highwayman, refer to the link:


4. Analyze: How does Louv use contrasts—such as death and rebirth, broken and

healing—to develop his essay's main ideas in the excerpt from Last Child in the Woods?

Support your response with evidence from the text.



Find the explanation below.


1. He drew the contrasts between death and rebirth when he explained that the contact which the new generation of children have with nature is dying. He explained that there is a possibility of a rebirth of wonder and joy where man can begin his meaningful interaction with nature.

Evidence from the text:

My sons may yet experience what author Bill McKibben has called "the end of nature," the final sadness of a world where there is no escaping man. But there is another possibility: not the end of nature, but the rebirth of wonder and even joy.

2. He drew a contrast between being broken and healing when he explained that the bond between the young and nature was broke. He also explained that nature did have a therapeutic effect as seen from some studies. Making it a point to heal the bond between the young people and nature would be beneficial to all.

Evidence from the text:

Yet, at the very moment that the bond is breaking between the young and the natural world, a growing body of research links our mental, physical, and spiritual health directly to our association with nature—in positive ways.

Reducing that deficit—healing the broken bond between our young and nature—is in our self-interest, not only because aesthetics or justice demands it, but also because our mental, physical, and spiritual health depends upon it.

Louv use contrasts—such as death and rebirth, broken and healing—to develop his essay's main ideas in the excerpt from Last Child in the Woods are :

Death and Rebirth:

He drew the contrasts between death and rebirth when he clarified that the contact which the modern era of children have with nature is passing on. He clarified that there's a plausibility of a resurrection of ponder and bliss where man can start his significant interaction with nature.

Evidence :

My children may however involvement what creator Charge McKibben has called "the end of nature," the ultimate pity of a world where there's no getting away man. But there's another plausibility: not the conclusion of nature, but the resurrection of ponder and indeed joy.

Broken and Healing

He drew a differentiate between being broken and mending when he clarified that the bond between the youthful and nature was broke. He too clarified that nature did have a restorative impact as seen from a few considers.

Evidence :

Yet, at the exceptionally minute that the bond is breaking between the youthful and the common world, a developing body.

Learn more about the "Last Child in the Woods":

Think about the objects in your home. Which objects have been passed down from other family members? Why do they continue to have a place in your home? If you were to move away to live on your own, which objects in your home would you want to take with you? Explain why for each object selected. How would your parent/guardian feel about you taking each item? Explain your response.
Please write in paragraph form. Do not forget to indent.



An object in my home that has been passed down for generations is my great  grandmother's china tea set. They are very rare and valuable, so that's why they've been passed down for many generations and why my mom has them in our home. When I move into my own home, I plan on taking the china tea set with me because it has so many memories and a special place in my heart. It also one of the very few things of my great grandmother's that we still have.


step-by-step Explanation:So you see here they want you to write about the items you would like to take with you to your own house so think about that and then list them all and talk about the reason of why you want to take them with you :) I dont know what you want to take because you are supposed to answer that but i will give you an example ----------->example paragraph : If i were to move alone to my own house i the things i would take from my house is my favorite childhood teddybear that my father gave me . the reason why im going to take it is because my father gave it to me before he died and it is the only thing i have from him after his death :)NOW ! ofcourse you are going to list more stuff mut this is just an example :)AFTER! you are done listing what you want to take with you and why think about how your parents will react if you take the things you have listed .THEY might react happy, sad, mad, nervouse or any other actions   for example :if i took my teddy bear that my dad gave to me my mom will feel proud of how i take care of things given from our beloved people :)after your done doind that HAVE A PARTY XD JK!REMEMBER WHAT THEY SAID : Please write in paragraph form. Do not forget to indent.!!!I HOPE THIS HELPED !!! :)PLEASE MARK ME BRILLIANT IF IM RIGHT :)

Which of the following selections best explains the order in which the excerpt is structured?

Answer choices for the above question

A. The Founders were unsure of their ability to bring about change.

B. Following a brief introduction, there is a thesis, supporting evidence, and a call to action.

C. The entire text compares the situation in the States with the situation in Great Britain.

D. The text defines a problem, then offers a summary of the problem.



Explanation:It’s correct

The best selection that explains the order of structuring the excerpt is B. Following a brief introduction, there is a thesis, supporting evidence, and a call to action.

An excerpt represents a short extract from a story, film, or write-up.  It usually follows the normal structure of every write-up, which starts with a brief introduction of the topic.

The introduction is then followed by the statement of the author's claim, position, or thesis.  The thesis requires supporting evidence to strengthen and authenticate the writer's claim.  Then, the final touch is encapsulated in the conclusion and recommendations, which capture the call to action.

Thus, Option B is the best explanation of the order of the structure of the excerpt.

Read more about the structure of an excerpt at

how does odysseus use his speaking skills to persuade alcinous and arete that he is not a danger to them ??
I will give 20 points :)


Answer He declares him self a mortal and explaind everything that the king has asked him to explain


Normally there are chooses to choice form to anwer these questions but he stayed calm and explained him self without revealing his name at all

What argument does Kennedy make in his “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech?

Democracy is the only system that guarantees prosperity to all Germans.

Democracy can exist alongside communism in Germany because it is an accepting system.

Communism must be altered to allow more individual freedom for Germans.

Many Germans have suffered under communism.

Part B

Which answer choice presents the most logical reasoning in support of the argument identified in Part A?

"All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin."

"There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world."

"There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.

Let them come to Berlin."

"... one German out of four is denied the elementary right of free men, and that is to make a free choice."



Communism must be altered to allow more individual freedom for Germans.


"There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.

Let them come to Berlin."

Why are beavers removed from
private property?
Property owners think beavers need
Property owners think beavers are
Beavers enjoy annoying people.
) Beavers enjoy living in wetlands.



property owners think beavers are pest (2)


i already take this quiz

Beavers are the second largest living rodents . They have stout Bodies with large heads.

There are two type of Species :-

The North American Eurasian Beaver

As Beaver is a pest and its good too removed from the property , but you have to be careful while removing the Beaver as it can release a large amount of Water and Sediments which can may destroy the other Properties. The Beaver can cause lots of damage to the property so proper Pesticide should be done in the property after regular interval of time .

To Know more about Beaver, Please refer the below link :

essay on overcoming a challenge?



     There are many challenges that people must take but there are also many ways that are helping us to overcome them. The biggest challenge of my life was when I wanted to check in the University that I would like.

      People were always telling me that the tests, University, and studying will be difficult for me, but I told myself that I will accept that as a challenge and I will succeed because that is my biggest wish and challenge in one. Tests were very hard but I overcome every challenge with my 3 principles:

Make a plan; Work smarter, not harder; Gratitude. Those principles were working phenomenally for me and I felt amazing when I finished every test.

      I finished my studies and I felt special and smart. Those principles were helping me later on to overcome any challenge in my life and I am very thankful because of that.

Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone?

a They’re still not finished with the project that was due yesterday.
b Their are a number of great books about the Civil War in the library.
c They said they would put away all of there clean clothes before school.
d I think I saw an entire flock of wild parrots sitting in the trees over their.





The rest areńt used correctly

Answer: A

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

greek gods and goddess


What do you need? The definition or what they are similar or there not similar??


Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.


Create a Google doc and do the "Quick Write" assignment on page 438: "Think of people in actual life and fiction who are obsessed with power and will go to extreme measures to get what they want. What are some of the consequences of shameless ambition. What are your thoughts about this? Write 75 to 100 words.


The ambition has been a driving force of humanity since the beginning of time. emotions always had a strong influence on humanity,specifically emotions

Esperanza Rising Instagram
Comment on the issue of the strike, using the strike passages from Esperanza Rising for background. Respond to the original post
from each different point of view; acknowledge the previous replies as you respond. Conclude with a response from the original
poster. #Hashtags encouraged!



I have completed writing my English essay, I have not submitted it. *

. Fragment

. Run on

. Correct

. Comma splice

. Faulty parallelism

Please help me i have exam

Other Questions
The verb estar is used to talk about...O A. conditions that are not permanentO B. what belongs to whom (possession)O C. timeO D. time and date The average customer for a certain utility company pays $120 per month for utilities. The company plans to decrease utility bills by 3% each year for the next five years. Which of the following can be used to determine the total amount an average customer will pay for utilities during the next five years? an arithmetic series a geometric series a series that is neither arithmetic nor geometric a series that is both arithmetic and geometric an arithmetic seriesa geometric seriesa series that is neither arithmetic nor geometrica series that is both arithmetic and geometric ________ is the term used to describe drugs that often lead to other serious and dangerous drug use.A. Synthetic drugsB. Illegal drugsC. Gateway drugsD. OTC drugs Which sentence can represent the inequality I need helpppp IDKK What area was Rome able to take over in decades after the first punic war DNA sequences can act as "tape measures of evolution". Scientists analyzing the human genome sequence were surprised to find that some of the regions of the human genome that are most highly conserved (similar to comparable regions in other species) don't code for proteins. What is a possible explanation for this observation? EVOLUTION CONNECTION sequences can act as "tape measures of evolution". Scientists analyzing the human genome sequence were surprised to find that some of the regions of the human genome that are most highly conserved (similar to comparable regions in other species) don't code for proteins. What is a possible explanation for this observation? The writing process helps students to understand it on a deeper level, to developexpertise, and to _______ Simplify 2x+3y^2-2(x-Y)y^2, 2y^2, 4y^2, or 5y^2 how does water boiling on a stove represent all 3 types of heat transfer PLEASE HELP ASAP! (picture is attached) You real one if you do (b+13)/2 = 5b/1.5solve for b using scale factor. Guys I'm completely lost... Can you please show your work so I know how to get the answer for future problems like this!! Which of the following is not a reason why active reading is so important?A. It keeps the reader awake.B. It increases the book's value.C. It promotes thinking.D. It helps the reader remember what's been read.E. It allows the reader to make connections between the book andthe reader's life. A student measured the masses of four different-sized blocks. The student determined that each block had a mass of 50 grams.(There is a small block, a little bit bigger block, a big block and the biggles block)Which block has the least density? If the perimeter of the regular pentagon is 75 cm what is the length of each sidePlz help nowwwIf you wanna be crowed a brainliest:-) What did life in a workhouse look like?A. There was absolutely no discipleB. Work was very hard and boringC. Whole families could come and spend time together How long will it take a car to go from a complete stop to 44 km/hr if they are accelerating at 5 km/hr^2 6. Nosotros somos de Paraguay someone help me olzz At a depth of 100 meters, what color would a yellow object appearto a person at that depth? what is property Around a restaurant called