Sentence one:

☐ Greet your neighbor. Remember:

Include a greeting.
Sentence two:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to show the first thing your neighbor must do to get to the final destination. Remember:

Use tener + que + infinitive.

Use your prepositions (e.g., a la derecha or a la izquierda).
Sentence three:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to show him where to stop. Remember:

Use one affirmative tú command.

Use parar.
Sentence four:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the correct roads to take. Remember:

Warn him or her what road he shouldn't take and which road he should take.

Use a negative tú command to guide him or her.

Use your en route vocabulary (e.g., turn, pass, cross, etc.)
Sentence five:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the exact location of the final destination. Remember:

Start with the name of the location.

Use estar + preposition to be specific.
Sentence six:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to let your neighbor know he has arrived at his final destination. Remember:

Use acabar + de + infinitive to be specific.


Answer 1


iBuenos dias! ¿Como esta?

Teines que ir derecha dos veces y despues una izquierda.

Despues te teines que parar un lado de el árbol.

No pases por el jardín y cruzas por el fuente.

Finalmente veras una estatua un lado de el logar

Y despues de todo eso acabas de llegar


Answer 2

The requested sentences with the parameters established in each case is:

1. Muy buenos días vecino. ¿Cómo te encuentras hoy?2. Primero, tienes que ir derecho por la calle 15, luego giras a la derecha en la avenida Meine y después recorres cincuenta metros.3. Debes parar frente al minimercado de la calle debes pasarte de la avenida Meine, si cruzas la avenida sin girar a la derecha, deberás recorres tres manzanas para hacer el retorno.5. El cine Premiere está en frente del minimercado, solo debes aparcar tu auto y cruzar la calle.6. Cuando acabes de recorrer cincuenta metros en la avenida Meine, verás el minimercado llamado "Simón" con un hidrante en la acera, así sabrás que llegaste.


1. Good morning neighbor. How are you today? 2. First, you have to go straight on 15th street, then you turn right on Meine avenue and then you go fifty meters. 3. You must stop in front of the mini-market on Meine Street. 4. You should not go past Meine avenue. If you cross the avenue without turning right, you will have to travel three blocks to make the return. 5. The Premiere cinema is in front of the minimarket, you just have to park your car and cross the street. 6. When you finish walking fifty meters on Meine avenue, you will see the minimarket called "Simón" with a fire hydrant on the sidewalk, so you will know that you have arrived.

Elaboration of sentences under parameters.

Each of the sentences developed for this exercise contains the requested parameters, which are specified below:

1. The greeting used is "muy buenos días."2. The form tener + que + infinitive is used in the sentence "tienes que ir" and the preposition used is "a la derecha."3. The affirmative comand "" used is "debes" and next is used the verb "parar."4. The negative comand "tú" used is "tú no debes" and the route vocabulary used is "pasarte, cruzas, girar."5. The fifth sentence begins with the name "El cine Premiere," and the preposition used is "en frente de."6. The form acabar + de + infinitive is used in the sentence "Cuando acabes de recorrer."  

Taking into account the above, all the sentences are correct and the requested parameters were met.

If you want to learn more about to write sentences in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

Related Questions


Explica por qué se usó el verbo haber en estas oraciones:
• Habría problemas si no me presentas tu trabajo a tiempo.
• En este operativo, ha habido muchas políticas


I don’t know if this is the answer that you want but

Haber es un verbo auxiliar. el verbo auxiliar es una forma verbal especializada en aportar información gramatical, fundamentalmente, tiempo, aspecto y modo, pero también persona, número y voz.

¿Por qué crees que nos ha cambiado el estilo de vida?




La vida no ha cambiado de muchas maneras en los últimos años porque solo podemos llegar hasta cierto punto en tecnología. . Cuatro causas comunes, reconocidas por los científicos sociales, son la tecnología, las instituciones sociales, la población y el medio ambiente. Las cuatro áreas pueden afectar cuándo y cómo cambia la sociedad.


6. Te gusta comer mucha fruta de _______
cerca de tu casa.



de la tienda


which comes to say " i eat fruit at the store close to my house"

The answer is te gusta comer muchas frutas de la tienda, cerca de tu casa

6. Completa las siguientes oraciones con porque, porqué, por qué y por que

Cuéntame ____ no me fuiste a visitar al hospital. ____ no sabía
que estabas ingresado.

—¿En serio te has enfadado _______no te escribo a menudo?

Pregúntale _____ no fue a la excursión, a ver si entendemos el ____ de su berrinche.

¿_____ estás estudiando? ¿Qué _____?, pues _____ tengo un examen mañana. No hay otro _____, ya sabes que a mí no me gusta nada perder el tiempo.

Bueno, yo me preocupo ______ sigamos en contacto, pero parece que tú no.

¿Sabes el __ de la existencia?

Yo te puedo explicar ______ actué así; simplemente lo hice ______ ese día me encontraba enfermo y nada me importaba.

La solidaridad es la razón __________ lucho desde hace años.

Han cerrado las tiendas pero no sé el _____.

No voy al cine _______ no me apetece. La única película _______ me movería del sofá sería una de Allen, y como no hay ninguna en cartelera…, aquí me quedo.


Answer: Cuéntame por qué no me fuiste a visitar al hospital. Porque no sabía que estabas ingresado.

Translation: Tell me why you didn't visit me at the hospital. Because I didn't know you were hospitalized.

Answer: —¿En serio te has enfadado porque no te escribo a menudo?

Translation: Are you really angry because I don't write to you often?

Answer: Pregúntale por qué no fue a la excursión, a ver si entendemos el porqué de su berrinche.

Translation: Ask him why he didn't go on the outing, to see if we understand why he had a tantrum.

Answer: ¿Por qué estás estudiando? ¿Qué por qué?, pues porque tengo un examen mañana.  

Translation: Why are you studying? Why? Well, because I have an exam tomorrow.

Answer: No hay otro porqué, ya sabes que a mí no me gusta nada perder el tiempo.

Translation: There is no other reason, you know that I do not like wasting time.

Answer: Bueno, yo me preocupo por que sigamos en contacto, pero parece que tú no.

Translation: Well, I worry that we keep in touch, but it seems that you don't.

Answer: ¿Sabes el porqué de la existencia?

Translation: Do you know the reason for the existence?

Answer: Yo te puedo explicar por qué actué así; simplemente lo hice porque ese día me encontraba enfermo y nada me importaba.

Translation: I can explain to you why I acted like this; I just did it because that day I was sick and nothing mattered to me.

Answer: La solidaridad es la razón por que lucho desde hace años.

Translation: Solidarity is the reason I have been fighting for years.

Answer: Han cerrado las tiendas pero no sé el porqué.

Translation: The stores have closed but I don't know why.

Answer: No voy al cine porque no me apetece.  

Translation: I don't go to the movies because I don't feel like it.

Answer: La única película por que me movería del sofá sería una de Allen, y como no hay ninguna en cartelera…, aquí me quedo.  

Translation: The only movie that would make me move from the couch would be one by Allen, and since there aren't any on the billboard…, here I stay.


Porqué: it is a Spanish noun equivalent to reason, motive or cause and it is stressed on the last syllable, that word is called "aguda" and it has a written accent on the stressed syllable because it ends in a vowel. As a noun, it is usually preceded by an article and has a plural form.

Porque: it is a Spanish conjunction that can have a causal or final value, it is stressed on the second-to-last syllable, that word is called "grave" and does not have a written accent because it ends in a vowel.

Por que: the Spanish preposition "por" and the relative pronoun "que" come together to indicate a sequence of ideas that in some cases admits the presence of a definite article, implicitly or not. This sequence still has a causal meaning and intention.

¿Por qué?: the combination of both words, in this case, forms the interrogative pronoun that needs a written accent to differentiate itself from the relative pronoun "que".  


Your parents are organizing a trip to South America. Write a short description of what they are going to do. Write two (2) complete Spanish sentences. Include the following details in your description, using only material learned from this lesson/course:

You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿.

*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact.

Write one (1) complete sentence to state which country they are going to visit and what time of the year or season they are going to travel. Remember to use the correct form of the verb ir + a + infinitive. (e.g., My parents are going to travel to Chile this spring.)
Write one (1) complete sentence about something that can be found in a city of that country. Remember to use the correct form of the verb estar to talk about location and the correct form of the verb ser to describe. Don´t forget to make your adjective agree with the noun. (e.g., The Plaza de Armas is in Santiago, Chile, and it is impressive.)



1. Mis padres van a ir a Colombia este verano.

2. Caño cristal está en Meta, Colombia y es muy hermoso el lugar.

Hope it helped

1. A partir de las imágenes de Pablo Picasso y de Salvador Dalí, ¿crees que sus pinturas están relacionadas con los sucesos históricos de la España contemporánea? ¿Por qué?



1. Based on the images of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí, do you think that their paintings are related to the historical events of contemporary Spain? Why?


do you know anything about this (fill in the blanks)
la mamá: ¿Estás ____ a tu maestra? (escuchar

el hijo: Sí mamá, la ____ _____ (estar / escuchar)


Estas “escuchando” a tu maestra.
Si mamá, la “estoy” “escuchando”


I think for the first one its escuchando and the second one is estoy escucho or escuchando

I hope this helps


_________ montañas son tan bonitas.






D. Aquellas your welcome


a quell it's my guess

what's the right one

Write the appropriate definite article for each noun.


1. La 2.El 3.El 4. El 5.La 6.El 7. La 8.El
La, el, la, la, el, la, el

Replace the Direct Object noun with a Direct Object Pronoun. The sentence has a
conjugated verb and an infinitive. Now, you need to write it in two different ways.
Yo voy a tomar un avión mañana.



I'm going to catch a plane tomorrow.


5. Ellos esperan visitar el Viejo San Juan.
6. Puedo llamar a Javier por la mañana.
7. Prefiero llevar mi cámara.
8. No queremos perder nuestras reservaciones de hotel.
Express his thoughts more succinctly direct object pronouns


5. Esperan visitarlo
6. Puedo llamarlo por la mañana
7. prefiero llevarla
8. no queremos perderlos

According to the information we can infer that the correct direct object pronouns are: hacerla, llevarlos, pidiéndolo, llamarlos, visitarlo, llamarlo, llevarla, perderla.

What are the correct direct object pronouns for each sentence?

To identify the correct direct object pronouns for each sentence we have to read the information and look for the correct pronoun to replace the object as follow:

Voy a hacer mi maleta - Voy a hacerlaNecesitamos llevar los pasaportes - Necesitamos llevarlosMarcos está pidiendo el folleto turístico - Marcos está pidiéndoloJavier debe llamar a sus padres - Javier debe llamarlosEllos desean visitar el Viejo San Juan - Ellos desean visitarloPuedo llamar a Javier por la mañana - Puedo llamarloPrefiero llevar mi cámara - Prefiero llevarlaNo queremos perder nuestras reservaciones de hotel - No queremos perderlas

Note: This question is incomplete. Here is the complete information:

Ramón is going to San Juan, Puerto Rico with his friends, Javier and Marcos. Express his thoughts more succinctly using direct object pronouns.

Learn more about direct object pronoun in:


The city of san Antonio
A. is the home to the famous Paseo de Rico
B. is one of the busiest ports in the Untied States
C. is the home to La capilla de San Elizario



A. is the home to the famous Paseo del rio.


Please make sure you write the question down verbatim. The city of San Antonio implies Texas.

A. is the home to the famous paseo del rio. * You put RICO. This changes the answer choices.

B. is one of the busiest ports in the United States. Again, people can confuse this question with Chile's San Antonio port which is among the busiest

C. is the home to la capilla San Elizario *San Elizario was the county seat of El Paso, Texas. It remains about a thirty-minute drive from El Paso.

Please make sure to proofread the questions submitted on this site.

Si quieres una chaqueta tienes frío. O True O False​


Si quieres una chaqueta si tienes frío. True




Oraciones italianismo







Spanish 3.
Q: La pelota de fútbol es _______________ la pelota de tenis y ________________ que la pelota de basquetbol.
A: más grande que ........ menos pequeña que
B: menos grande que ...... más pequeña que
C: más grande que ....... más pequeña que
D: más pequeña que ....... más grande que


Option C is correct and says: “The soccer ball is bigger than the tennis ball and smaller than the basketball.

C. Más grande que.... y mas pequeña...

Comparative adjectives

Hi! The comparative adjectives are used to compare nouns. We use más... que (more... than; (adjective)-er... than), menos... que (less... than), tan... como, tanto... como (as... as).

The soccer ball is ___________ the tennis ball and __________ the basketball ball.The soccer ball is bigger than the tennis ball and smaller than the basketball ball.La pelota de fútbol es más grande que la pelota de tenis y más pequeña que que la pelota de basquetbol.

A: más grande que ........ menos pequeña que

B: menos grande que ...... más pequeña que

C: más grande que ....... más pequeña que       (Correct answer)

D: más pequeña que ....... más grande que

Cucigrama! Porfavor Lea las instrucciones


Whattttt is thisssssssssssssss

which of the following animals was NOT mentioned in the story The farmer and the turnip



you dont even say the story


Well since u gave no options i will give a list of the animals that ARE in it
a tinny little mouse
Hope this helps:)

You have to be careful to put the accents on two of your subject pronouns or the meaning of the words change. Which two subject pronouns are they?
A. El and Tu
B. Mi and Tu
C. Ellos and El
D. Tu and Yo


The correct answer:
A. Èl y Tú
El and tú
Mi and tú
Ellós and el
Tú and yo

How do you spell Deanna in Spanish



the same way you duel it in english

Which sentence goes with which picture?



1) no me gusta hablar

2) no me gusta comer

3) me gusta cocinar

4) me gusta estudiar


i understand spanish

1 sentence goes with image 2
2 sentence goes with image 3
3 sentence goes with image 4
4 sentence goes with image 1

El cataclismo de Damocles
Hoy, seis de agosto de 1986, existen en el mundo más de cincuenta mil ojivas nucleares
emplazadas. En términos caseros, esto quiere decir que cada ser humano, sin excluir a los
niños, está sentado en un barril con unas cuatro toneladas de dinamita cuya explosión total
puede eliminar doce veces todo rastro de vida en la Tierra. La potencia de aniquilación de esta
amenaza colosal, que pende sobre nuestras cabezas como un cataclismo de Damocles,
plantea la posibilidad teórica de inutilizar cuatro planetas más que los que giran alrededor del
sol, y de influir en el equilibrio del sistema solar. Ninguna ciencia, ningún arte, ninguna
industria se ha doblado a sí misma tantas veces como la industria nuclear desde su origen,
hace cuarenta y un años, ni ninguna otra creación del ingenio humano ha tenido nunca tanto
poder de determinación sobre el destino del mundo (...).



Todas fueron responsables independientemente de su edad.


4.El jugador de tenis golpea
con la raqueta

5.Los jugadores de basquetbol llevan pantalones

6.En el partido, un equipo pierde y el otro

7. El jugador de fútbol no puede
el balón con la mano.*



4.El jugador de tenis golpea

la pelota

con la raqueta

5.Los jugadores de basquetbol llevan pantalones


6.En el partido, un equipo pierde y el otro


7. El jugador de fútbol no puede


el balón con la mano.*

Write a short paragraph about color in Spanish


El color amarillo me gusta mucho. Me recuerda de el sol y los girasoles, a mi mamá le encantan los girasoles. El amarillo también me hace pensar en algo positivo.

complete The sentences with the appropriate form of ser or estar and an adjective with the opposite meaning of the adjective in italics. will give brainliest


Answer 1: La habitación de mi hermana siempre está sucia, pero mi habitación está limpia.

Translation 1: My sister's room is always dirty, but my room is clean.

Answer 2: Estoy contento porque estamos de vacaciones, pero mis padres están descontentos porque tienen que trabajar.

Translation 2: I am happy because we are on vacation, but my parents are unhappy because they have to work.

Answer 3: Tu primo es alto y moreno, pero tú eres bajo y rubio.

Translation 3: Your cousin is tall and dark, but you are short and blond.

Answer 4: Mi amigo Fernando dice que las matemáticas son difíciles, pero yo creo que son fáciles.

Translation 4: My friend Fernando says that maths are difficult, but I think they are easy.


Rodrigo es_____de Juan.
Ana es_____de Aldana.
Roberto es_____ de Carla.
Marisol es______de Pedro.
Andrea es_______ de Carla.


1.) padre
2.) abuela
3.) hermano
4.) madre
5.) prima

10. (02.06 LC)
Read and choose the option that best answers the question.
i Hola, amigos! Mi nombre es Andrea y soy colombiana. Hoy es
sábado y tengo que hacer unas diligencias en mi comunidad porque
mi madre trabaja de cajera en una tienda los sábados. Cuando
manejo por mi comunidad, primero veo las oficinas de la abogada
Ortiz y del arquitecto Rodríguez. El arquitecto escribe los planos. El
los escribe después de ver a su cliente.
Luego, manejo al mercado local. Yo compro las frutas y los
vegetales del agricultor en el mercado. Los compro todos los fines
de semana. Finalmente, yo compro la bandeja paisa en la cafetería
del mercado antes de ir a casa. La compro porque es deliciosa.
Based on the text, why does Andrea run errands on Saturdays? (1
O She can walk to the local market.
Her mom has to work.
She works for a lawyer during the week.
She has to meet with the architect.



her mom has to work

Which two characteristics are used to classify stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?

A. size and density
B. density and composition
C. composition and temperature
D. temperature and absolute brightness
Does anyone know this answer?



D. temperature and absolute brightness


Hertzsprung-Russell diagram classify stars by:

temperature and absolute brightness


density, temperature, and also absolute brightness


I looked it up. sorry hope it helps...

Need some help before 8:00 EST✅✅✅


hope you can read it clearly lol but if you can’t understand my handwriting ask me!!

need help on spanish 2
Change to the "gerund" in Spanish:
leer-----> __________
a leiendo
b leando
c leyendo
d leyenda
-iendo = _____
a -ly
b -ed
c -ing
d none of these



Change to the "gerund" in Spanish:

leer-----> c leyendo

-iendo = c -ing


haciendo = doing

1. C, leyendo
2. C, ing

Write the form of verb ser that completes each statement correctly
1. Mi padre, mi hermano y yo
2. Nosotros
fans del fútbol mexicano.
3. Tú
la hermana de Luisito.
4. Yo
estudiante. ¿Y tú?
5. Usted
el padre de Andy





3. eres

4. soy

5. es


Other Questions
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Find its marked price. when we observe an organism or environment what are we observing A. changes B. similarities C. colors Carlos or Jane usually (know , knows) The answers to most of the questions on the radio music quiz show Match the term in column 1 to the description in column 2 gender empowerment measures- the number of people who do not enjoy the average quality of life. life expectancy-the value of the entire economy. gross domestic product- defines women's share of political and economic power. human poverty index- determines how long people live on average Townsend Industries Inc. manufactures recreational vehicles. Townsend uses a job order cost system. The time tickets from November jobs are summarized as follows: Job 201 $4,280 Job 202 2,140 Job 203 1,690 Job 204 3,140 Factory supervision 1,460 Factory overhead is applied to jobs on the basis of a predetermined overhead rate of $22 per direct labor hour. The direct labor rate is $15 per hour. If required, round final answers to the nearest dollar. Required:a. Journalize the entry to record the factory labor costs. b. Journalize the entry to apply factory overhead to production for November. Name the starred note on the pianoPLEASE help I dont understand this and this is on a timed test!! Thank u! SomeOne help me with this Write four to five sentences describing how the two adaptations of Hamlet are similar and how they are different. Include an explanation of how the adaptations affected your understanding of Hamlets character. Consider the following scenario:Cold Goose Metal Works Inc.s income statement reports data for its first year of operation. The firms CEO would like sales to increase by 25% next year.1. Cold Goose is able to achieve this level of increased sales, but its interest costs increase from 10% to 15% of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).2. The companys operating costs (excluding depreciation and amortization) remain at 70.00% of net sales, and its depreciation and amortization expenses remain constant from year to year.3. The companys tax rate remains constant at 40% of its pre-tax income or earnings before taxes (EBT).4. In Year 2, Cold Goose expects to pay $300,000 and $2,306,475 of preferred and common stock dividends, respectively.Complete the Year 2 income statement data for Cold Goose, then answer the questions that follow. Round each dollar value to the nearest whole dollar.Cold Goose Metal Works Inc. Income Statement for Year Ending December 31 Year 1 $30,000,000 21,000,000 1,200,000 $7,800,000$ Year 2 (Forecasted) Net sales Less: Operating costs, except depreciation and amortization Less: Depreciation and amortization expenses Operating income (or EBIT) Less: Interest expense Pre-tax income (or EBT) Less: Taxes (40%) Earnings after taxes Less: Preferred stock dividends Earnings available to common shareholders Less: Common stock dividends Contribution to retained earnings 1,200,000 780,000 $7,020,000 2,808,000 $4,212,000s 300,000 $3,912,000 1,895,400 $1,605,525 $2,519,025 Given the results of the previous income statement calculations, complete the following statements: In Year 2, if Cold Goose has 25,000 shares of preferred stock issued and outstanding, then each preferred share should expect to receive____________ in annual dividends If Cold Goose has 200,000 shares of common stock issued and outstanding, then the firm's earnings per share (EPS) is expected to change from __________ in Year 1 to in ________ Year 2 Cold Goose's before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) value changed from _______ in Year 1 to in ______ Year 2 It is __________ to say that Cold Goose's net inflows and outflows of cash at the end of Years 1 and 2 are equal to the company's annual contribution to retained earnings, $1,605,525 and $2,519,025, respectively. This is because of the items reported in the income statement involve payments and receipts of cash 85 miles on 8 gallons of gas A water-salt mixture calls for 3/4 cup if salt to be placed in 5 1/2 cups of water if i use 1 cup if salt how much water should i use to preserve the proper water to salt ratio Use a triple integral to find the volume of the given solid. The solid bounded by the parabolic cylinder y = x2 and the planes z = 0, z = 4, y = 16.