similarity resulting from common ancestry is known as


Answer 1


Similarity resulting from common ancestry is called homology .

One example of this could be pattern of arrangement of bones in limbs of cheetah, humans , whales and bats.

The structure gets modified according to different needs , like hands of human are used for holding objects , limbs of cheetah are used for running, bats use them for flying, etc .

This is a result of divergent evolution where structures get evolved to perform different functions according to the environment present there .

Related Questions

an antibacterial chemical agent placed directly into a periodontal pocket is termed: group of answer choices a) topical delivery device b) antimicrobial delivery device c) timed-release delivery device d) controlled-release delivery device


An antibacterial chemical agent put directly into a periodontal pocket is known as D: 'controlled-release delivery device'.

A controlled-release delivery device is a method of delivering a chemical agent, such as an antibiotic or antiseptic, directly into a periodontal pocket. The device is designed to slowly release the agent over an extended period of time, typically several days or weeks. This allows the agent to effectively reach and treat the bacteria that are causing the infection in the periodontal pocket, without the need for frequent applications.

Thus, controlled-release delivery device is an antibacterial chemical substance that is placed directly into a periodontal pocket.

You can learn more about controlled-release delivery device at


Aluminum is produced from bauxite ore and can be used for many things. Which option describes a common production use of aluminum?(1 point)

lightweight containers and drugs
lightweight containers and drugs

fuel for nuclear power plants
fuel for nuclear power plants

electrical wiring and pipes
electrical wiring and pipes

steel objects
steel objects


The option that describes a common production use of aluminum is electrical wiring and pipes (option C).

What is aluminium used for?

Aluminum is a light, silvery metal extracted from bauxite, and a chemical element (symbol Al) with an atomic number of 13.

Aluminum is incredibly popular because it is:

LightweightStrongResistant to corrosionDurableDuctileMalleableConductiveOdorless

Aluminum’s low density makes it the best option for long distance power lines, hence, served as it's most common production use.

Learn more about aluminium at:


What is one benefit of mapping the human genome?

A. locating the chromosomal abnormalities that cause disease
B. having the genomes of every living individual on file
C. choosing the gender or intellectual ability of an unborn child
D. cloning the individuals that comprise a nearly extinct tribe


Answer: A.

Explanation: Got it right on edge

if you detect evidence for some gene flow between the diverging types sometime during the speciation process, which form (s) ot speciation can you exclude?


If gene flow is detected between diverging types during speciation, allopatric speciation can be excluded as a possibility.

Allopatric speciation is a form of speciation that occurs when a population is physically separated, such as by a geographical barrier, and evolves into a distinct species over time.

If gene flow is detected between these diverging populations, it would suggest that there is still some level of genetic exchange and therefore they have not fully evolved into separate species.

Other forms of speciation, such as sympatric speciation, where speciation occurs within a shared geographical area, or peripatric speciation, where speciation occurs in a small subpopulation that becomes geographically isolated, could still be possible.

To learn more about allopatric speciation visit:


the surgical creation of an opening between two gastrointestinal organs is . a. hepatosis b. virtual colonoscopy c. anastomosis d. ileostomy


The surgical creation of an opening between two gastrointestinal organs is called anastomosis

A connection or opening between two items that are often diverging or branching, such as between blood vessels, leaf veins, or streams, is known as an anastomosis. A relationship of this kind might be healthy or unhealthy, acquired or intrinsic, natural or man-made. Reanastomosis refers to the restoration of an anastomosis that had been obstructed. Fistulas are often used to describe aberrant anastomoses, whether they are congenital or acquired. When a surgeon or interventionalist joins two tube-like bodily structures, the procedure is known as an anastomosis. after removing any damaged or diseased tissue, reconnect the two parts of the intestine. Bowel anastomosis and vascular anastomosis are the two basic forms of anastomosis.

We can learn more about anastomosis here:

An anastomosis is the surgical creation of an opening between two gastrointestinal organs.

A connection or opening between two elements that often diverge or diverge. Between blood vessels, veins or streams is called an anastomosis. This type of relationship can be healthy or unhealthy, acquired or intrinsic, natural or artificial. A reanastomosis is the repair of a blocked anastomosis. Fistula is commonly used to describe abnormal anastomoses, whether congenital or acquired. When a surgeon or interventionist connects her two tubular body structures, the procedure is called an anastomosis. After removing damaged or diseased tissue, reconnect the two parts of the intestine. Intestinal anastomosis and vascular anastomosis are two basic forms of anastomosis.

Learn more about anastomosis here.



The _______
that leaves a wetland is clean up and not nearly as dirty.




instead of fossil fuels to generate power, nuclear energy uses ________________.


Instead of fossil fuels to generate power, nuclear energy uses the energy released from nuclear reactions.

Nuclear energy is generated through the process of nuclear fission, which is the splitting of the nucleus of an atom. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation. The heat is then used to create steam, which turns turbines and generates electricity. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear reactions do not produce greenhouse gases or air pollution. However, nuclear energy does produce radioactive waste, which must be stored and disposed of safely to prevent environmental damage and health risks.

Learn more about nuclear energy here:


Instead of fossil fuels to generate power, nuclear energy uses steam that spins a turbine.

Nuclear energy produces no emissions at all. Fission, the process of splitting uranium atoms to produce energy, is how it generates power. To generate electricity without the harmful byproducts of fossil fuels, the heat from fission is used to create steam that spins a turbine. The United States avoided emitting more than 471 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2020, as stated by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI).

Know more about nuclear energy here:


relative to endotherm, ectotherms usually have: (choose all correct answers) group of answer choices lower feeding rates lower blood sodium levels fewer na /k atpases per cell more capillaries in their tissues


More capillaries in different tissues and more Na+/K+ ATPases each cell lead to decreased blood sodium levels and slower feeding rates.

Because decreased Ca2+ extrusion and/or higher Ca2+ influx from of the Na+/Ca2+-exchanger are correlated with increased cytosolic Na+ levels, restriction of a Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) action promotes cardiac contractility by raising cytosolic Ca2+ levels. Dehydration can be caused by chronic, severe vomiting, diarrhoea, or other conditions. This raises levels of ADH while also causing your organism to lose electrolytes like salt. being overly hydrated Low sodium levels can result from excessive water intake since it overwhelms the kidneys' capacity to eliminate water. There are several possible potential causes of low blood sodium levels. Your doctor could decide to order additional testing. They might advise you to eat more salt, though, if they determine that your prescription is to blame for your low sodium levels.

Learn more about blood


Option 4 is Correct. There are more Na+/K+ ATPases in every cell and more capillaries in many tissues, which lower blood sodium levels and slow feeding rates.

Restriction of a Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) action enhances cardiac contractility by increasing cytosolic Ca2+ levels because lower Ca2+ extrusion and/or higher Ca2+ influx from the Na+/Ca2+-exchanger are connected with increased cytosolic Na+ levels.

Chronic, severe vomiting, diarrhea, and other disorders can all contribute to dehydration. This causes your body to lose electrolytes like salt while also increasing ADH levels. excessive hydration Since drinking too much water overwhelms the kidneys' ability to remove water, low sodium levels might ensue.

Low blood sodium levels might have a variety of plausible causes. Your doctor might opt to request more tests. However, if they find that your medication is to blame for your low sodium levels, they can suggest that you consume extra salt.

Learn more about blood Visit:


Correct Question:

Relative to endotherm, ectotherms usually have: (choose all correct answers) group of answer choices

1. lower feeding rates

2.lower blood sodium levels

3. fewer Na /k at passes per cell

4. more capillaries in their tissues

8a. Suppose that six of the Generation 2 adults migrated to a nearby desert with white sand. Suppose that these six mice included a pair of white mice, a pair of gray mice, and a pair of black mice. What do you think the population of mice on the white sand would look like after many generations? Explain your reasoning


It is likely that the population of mice on the white sand would eventually become primarily white in color after many generations. This is because the white allele (W) is dominant over the gray (w) and black (w') alleles, meaning that any offspring that inherits a W allele from one parent will express the white coloration, regardless of what allele it inherits from the other parent.

When the white and gray mice breed, their offspring will have a 50% chance of inheriting a W allele and a 50% chance of inheriting a w allele. Since the W allele is dominant, any offspring that inherits a W allele will be white, regardless of whether it also inherits a w allele. Therefore, the proportion of white mice in the population will increase with each generation.

Similarly, when the white and black mice breed, their offspring will have a 50% chance of inheriting a W allele and a 50% chance of inheriting a w' allele. Since the W allele is dominant, any offspring that inherits a W allele will be white, regardless of whether it also inherits a w' allele. Therefore, the proportion of white mice in the population will increase with each generation.

As generations pass the proportion of white mice will increase and the proportion of black and grey mice will decrease. Eventually, most of the mice in the population will be white, with only a small percentage of gray and black mice.

It's worth to mention that this is a simplified scenario and genetic drift, mutation, migration, and selection can change the outcome of the population, but in general the dominant allele is expected to become more prevalent over time.

Learn more about popopulation genetic variation here:


After many generations, it's conceivable that the mice population on the white sand would largely turn white. This is so that any offspring that receives the white allele (W) from one parent will express the white colour,

Regardless of what allele it inherits from the other parent. The white allele (W) is dominant over the gray (w) and black (w') alleles. The offspring of white and gray mice will have a 50% chance of inheriting a W allele and a 50% chance of inheriting a w allele when they mate. Any offspring that inherits a W allele will be white, regardless of whether it also inherits a w allele, because the W allele is dominant. As a result, with each generation, the population's proportion of white mice will rise.

The progeny of the white and black mice will have a 50% chance of inheriting a W allele and a 50% chance of inheriting a w' allele when they breed. Any offspring with a W allele will be white regardless of whether it also carries a w' allele since the W allele is dominant.

As a result, with each generation, the population's proportion of white mice will rise. The proportion of white mice will rise over time while the proportion of black and gray mice will fall. When the number of mice reaches its peak, the majority of them will be white, with only a small proportion of gray and black mice.

Learn more about population generations here:


do you think it would be easier for dna ligase to reconnect two fragments cut by smai or one fragment cut by smai with one cut by alui? explain.


When it comes to DNA ligase connecting two fragments, it is generally easier to reconnect two fragments that have been cut by the same restriction enzyme, such as SmaI.

This is because the same restriction enzyme will cut both fragments in the same place, creating overhanging ends with compatible sticky ends. However, it is still possible for DNA ligase to reconnect a fragment cut by SmaI with one cut by AluI.

In this case, the overhanging ends created by the two different enzymes may not be compatible with each other, but may still be able to form a bond with the help of DNA ligase.

The two ends of the fragments have the same sequence, allowing for easier bonding.

In contrast, when one fragment is cut by Smai and the other by Alui, it can be more difficult for the enzyme to reconnect the fragments due to the different sequences of the fragments.

To learn more about ligase, click here:


How does a good experimental conclusion defer from an inference


A good experimental conclusion differs from an inference in the following ways below:

A conclusion relates the evidence to the hypothesis while inference is a guess.A conclusion explains data while an inference predicts what will occur next.

What is Inference?

This is referred to as an idea that's drawn from evidence and reasoning and it usually contains more information about the subject topic when compared to conclusion.

Conclusion on the other hand is referred to as the summary of the results of an experiment which is usually in the form of various types of data thereby making it the correct choice.

Read more about Inference here


Can anyone help?
I’ve been confused for so long teacher won’t help


Low concentration: Hypotonic; High concentration: Hypertonic; Equal concentration: Isotonic.

At which solution of concentration gradient is each cell diagram?Hypotonic: In the hypotonic solution, the cell diagram shows that the concentration of water molecules outside of the cell is higher than the concentration of water molecules inside the cell.This creates a higher osmotic pressure outside of the cell and causes the water molecules to move into the cell through osmosis.Hypertonic: In the hypertonic solution, the concentration of water molecules outside of the cell is lower than the concentration of water molecules inside the cell.This creates a lower osmotic pressure outside of the cell, and causes the water molecules to move out of the cell through osmosis.Isotonic: In the isotonic solution, the concentration of water molecules outside of the cell is equal to the concentration of water molecules inside the cell.This creates an equal osmotic pressure inside and outside of the cell and causes no net movement of water molecules.

To learn more about the hypotonic solution refer to:


In fruit flies, the phenotype for eye color is determined by a certain locus. E indicates the dominantallele and e indicates the recessive allele. The cross between a male wild-type fruit fly and a femalewhite-eyed fruit fly produced the following offspring.Wild TypeMaleWild TypeFemaleWhiteeyed MaleWhite-eyedFemaleBrown-eyedFemaleF1Generation 0 45 55 0 1The wild-type and white-eyed individuals from the F1 generation were then crossed to produce thefollowing offspring.Wild TypeMaleWild TypeFemaleWhiteeyed MaleWhite-eyedFemaleBrown-eyedFemaleF2Generation 23 31 22 24 0A. Determine the genotypes of the original parents (P generation) and explain your reasoning. Youmay use Punnett squares to enhance your description, but the results from the Punnett squaresmust be discussed in your answer.B. Use a Chi-squared test on the F2 generation data to analyze your prediction of the parentalgenotypes. Show all your work and explain the importance of your final answer.C. The brown-eyed female in the F1 generation resulted from a mutational change. Explain what amutation is, and discuss two types of mutations that might have produced the brown-eyed femalein the F1 generation


A. The P generation's original parents are a male wild-type fruit fly (Ee) and a female white-eyed fruit fly (ee). This may be discovered by examining the phenotype and genotype of the F1 generation's children.

The F1 generation has 55 wild-type (Ee) individuals and 1 white-eyed (ee) individual. Because the dominant wild-type phenotype is dominant and the recessive white-eyed phenotype is recessive, the wild-type parent must be heterozygous (Ee) and the white-eyed parent must be homozygous recessive (ee). B. Before we can do a Chi-squared test on the F2 generation data, we must first compute the anticipated frequencies of each genotype. According to the Punnett square, the probable genotypes of the F2 generation are EE, Ee, and ee, with anticipated frequencies To get the Chi-squared value, we utilize the formula: X2 = (Observed frequency - Expected frequency) 2 / Expected frequencyWe compute the Chi-squared value by adding the following values: EE: (23 - 9/16) ² / 9/16 = 8.6875 Ee: (31 - 6/16) ² / 6/16 = 8.6875 ee: (22 - 1/16) ² / 1/16 = 8.6875 \sΧ² = 8.6875 + 8.6875 + 8.6875 = 25.0625.

learn more about genotype  here:


A. The P generation consists of a male wild-type fruit fly with genotype E/e and a female white-eyed fruit fly with genotype e/e.

B. The expected ratios are 9:3:3:1 for wild-type males, wild-type females, white-eyed males, and white-eyed females, respectively.

C. A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence that can lead to a different phenotype. One type of mutation is a point mutation, where a single nucleotide is changed.

For A, The P generation consists of a male wild-type fruit fly with genotype E/e and a female white-eyed fruit fly with genotype e/e. This can be determined by analyzing the F1 generation, where all offspring had wild-type eyes, indicating that the male parent must have had at least one dominant E allele, and the female parent must have had two recessive e alleles.

For B, To determine whether the observed F2 generation data fits the expected ratios based on the predicted parental genotypes, we can use a Chi-squared test. The expected ratios are 9:3:3:1 for wild-type males, wild-type females, white-eyed males, and white-eyed females, respectively. Using the observed values and expected ratios, we calculate the Chi-squared value as 1.35, which is below the critical value for 3 degrees of freedom at the 5% level. Therefore, we can accept our prediction of the parental genotypes.

For C, A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence that can lead to a different phenotype. One type of mutation is a point mutation, where a single nucleotide is changed. Another type is a chromosomal mutation, where a larger segment of DNA is altered. The brown-eyed female in the F1 generation likely resulted from a spontaneous point mutation, where a single nucleotide change led to a non-functional E allele. Alternatively, it could have resulted from a chromosomal mutation such as a deletion or inversion, which affected the E locus.

Learn more about Phenotype and genotype:


Complete Question:

In fruit flies, the phenotype for eye color is determined by a certain locus. E indicates the dominant allele and e indicates the recessive allele. The cross between a male wild-type fruit fly and a female white-eyed fruit fly produced the following offspring.

Wild Type Male Wild Type Female White-eyed Male White-eyed Female Brown-eyed Female F1 Generation 0 45 55 0 1.

The wild-type and white-eyed individuals from the F1 generation were then crossed to produce the following offspring.

Wild Type Male Wild Type FemaleWhite-eyed Male White-eyed FemaleBrown-eyed Female F2 Generation 23 31 22 24 0

A. Determine the genotypes of the original parents (P generation) and explain your reasoning. You may use Punnett squares to enhance your description, but the results from the Punnett squares must be discussed in your answer.

B. Use a Chi-squared test on the F2 generation data to analyze your prediction of the parental genotypes. Show all your work and explain the importance of your final answer.

C. The brown-eyed female in the F1 generation resulted from a mutational change. Explain what a mutation is, and discuss two types of mutations that might have produced the brown-eyed female in the F1 generation. write all main answers first in 1 line, then explain all in 100 words max.

Select the activities in which crop estimates play a critical role.
plan harvest and storage requirements
estimate necessary soil inputs
develop sampling pattern
obtain delivery estimates
obtain crop insurance
obtain organic certification
budget for cash flow
organize recommended timing


calculate the soil inputs, required, create a cash flow, sampling pattern budget, get organic certification.

define crop estimates ?

Estimating agricultural output needs precise estimation of two key inputs: crop acreage and yield. Crop acreage is a measure of the land area under cultivation, whereas yield is an estimate of that area's productivity. Both the NASS and FAS now depend on Landsat and DMC satellite images as key sources for agricultural acreage estimates. Acreage is calculated using classification algorithms that can distinguish between distinct crops using a mix of red, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared bands (only on Landsat). A fresh intermediate resolution (30-meter) picture may be obtained every eight days with two Landsat satellites presently in service (7 and 8). This interval depicts ideal conditions since, in reality, most locales have a few effective acquisition rates.

calculate the soil inputs, required, create a cash flow, sampling pattern budget, get organic certification.

To learn more about crop estimates follow the given link:


which of these statements describes some aspect of facilitated diffusion?


Osmosis is also known as facilitated diffusion. Solutes diffuse more easily through the membrane's phospholipid pores. For facilitated diffusion to move a concentration gradient, energy is needed.

Passive transport that enables solutes to cross a cell's plasma membrane is known as "facilitated diffusion." Through specific membrane proteins, solutes travel across the membrane along their concentration gradient.

During this process, chemicals like glucose, fructose, galactose, and several vitamins are transported. as was investigated in the simple diffusion, by passing through the lipid bilayer. aquaporins, transmembrane proteins that serve as water channels, allow water to pass through them.

Facilitated diffusion cannot result in the net transport of molecules from a low concentration to a high concentration because this would necessitate active transport, which is characterized by energy input.

Learn more about facilitated diffusion here:


Osmosis is also known as facilitated diffusion. Solutes diffuse more easily through the membrane's phospholipid pores. For facilitated diffusion to move a concentration gradient, energy is needed.

Passive transport that enables solutes to cross a cell's plasma membrane is known as "facilitated diffusion." Through specific membrane proteins, solutes travel across the membrane along their concentration gradient.During this process, chemicals like glucose, fructose, galactose, and several vitamins are transported. as was investigated in the simple diffusion, by passing through the lipid bilayer. aquaporins, transmembrane proteins that serve as water channels, allow water to pass through them.Facilitated diffusion cannot result in the net transport of molecules from a low concentration to a high concentration because this would necessitate  transport, which is characterized by energy input.

Learn more about facilitated diffusion here:


as the chromosomes of a parent cell are duplicated and distributed to the two daughter cells during cell division, the structure of the chromosomes changes.


True, as as the chromosomes of a parent cell are duplicated and distributed to the two daughter cells during cell division, the structure of the chromosomes changes.

During mitosis, the chromosomes' structural makeup changes. The chromosomes reside in the interphase stage of the cell cycle as chromatin, a long, uncoiled, and dispersed structure that resembles a thread. Chromatin condenses and packs down as the cell moves through the interphase, giving the chromosomes their recognizable "X" shape. The chromosomes can be precisely divided during cell division thanks to a process known as chromatin condensation.

The spindle fibers, which are made up of microtubules, pull the chromosomes apart during mitosis. The chromosomes are aligned at the cell's equator and then dragged by the spindle fibers to the opposing poles. Following this division, each daughter cell is given a full set.

To know more about chromosome, click here,


Cells in the G2 phase have twice as much DNA because the cell produces replicated DNA and has twice as much genetic material.

A diploid cell's G1 phase marks the start of the cell cycle (DNA content = 2 N; N is the number of chromosomes).The cell enters the G2 phase with twice as much DNA (4 N) as the starting cell after DNA replication is finished in the S phase. DNA replication happens in the S phase when DNA synthesis happens and the amount of DNA doubles. Once the G1 phase is over, each chromosome contains one chromatid Each chromosome will have two chromatids following the S phase, though. The two chromatids here are exact duplicates of one another.

Therefore, When a cell is in the G1 phase, it physically expands and produces more protein and organelles.

Know more about cell cycle here:


(complete question)

As the chromosomes of a parent cell are duplicated and distributed to the two daughter cells during cell division, the structure of the chromosomes changes. Answer the three questions for each phase of the cell cycle by dragging the yes and no labels to the appropriate locations in the table. Note: Assume that by the end of the M phase, the parent cell has not yet divided to form two daughter cells. Are sister chromatid present in all or part of this phase? Is the DNA condensed in all or part of this phase? Does the cell contain twice as much DNA in this phase as it did in the G1 phase?

Give one reason why growing a new variety of wheat that is resistant to stripe rust would be an advantage to a farmer 


Give one reason why growing a new variety of wheat that is resistant to stripe rust would be an advantage to a farmer.

Reducing chemical application and preventing stripe rust damage will be accomplished by growing more and more resilient cultivars. A key component of managing rust is choosing wheat cultivars that are resistant to rust.

In addition to other agronomic and disease features, choose cultivars with the highest levels of rust resistance feasible. Numerous variables, such as the following, will influence the actual disease response in the field.

The quantity of carried over inoculum

The timing of the crop rust outbreak

the pathotypes of stripe rust (races/strains) that are present in a certain area.

Avoid cultivating varieties that are labeled as Susceptible (S) or Just very Susceptible (VS) to stripe rust. Stripe rust is much more challenging to control in such kinds, particularly if the season is conducive to stripe rust. Stripe rust has the ability to cause S and VS types to quickly lose all leaf area.

Learn more about Chemical here:


Growth of a new variety of wheat that is resistant to stripe rust will enhance the overall yield and hence provide economic benefit to farmers.

Stripe rust is wheat specific fungal foliar disease which leads to 60% reduction in the crop yield and also promotes poor quality grains.

This could produce a large amount of spores and will lead to resistance breakdown which eventually produce bad results to farmers.

Hence to promote better quality and quantity in terms of wheat production and to ensure economic benefit to farmers and producers growing a stripe rust resistant variety, a new variety of wheat would be an advantage to the farmers.

To know more about wheat production visit at:


emergent properties of living systems are defined as properties that_____


Emergent properties of living systems are defined as properties that are due to the arrangement and interactions of parts as complexity increases

Emergent properties are the traits that an entity, at any level—from the molecular to the global—gains when it participates in an organized system. There are several degrees of organization in living things. Systems get more complicated when smaller components come together. An attribute that an entity acquires as a result of joining a larger system is known as an emergent feature. Living things can better adapt to their surroundings and boost their chances of survival thanks to emergent features. Cell membranes, which separate live cells from their surroundings, can be formed by lipids. The ability to construct membranes is an emergent trait that is not present in the chemicals that produce them or in cells. Every macromolecule in a cell is essential to how that cell works, adapts, and lives. Together, nucleic acids form a molecule. These nucleic acids join together to form chromosomes which allows them to determine their characteristics.

We can learn more about emergent properties here:


Emergent properties of living systems are defined as properties that are the result of how parts are arranged and how they interact as complexity grows.

Emergent properties are those that become apparent as a result of a system's various interconnected components but do not belong to the components themselves. Because comprehending the components on their own is insufficient to comprehend or predict the behavior of a system, these collective properties, also known as "emergent properties," are essential characteristics of biological systems. As a result, the interactions among the various components of the larger system are the only source of emergent properties.

Know more about Emergent properties here:


the rigid layer of earth that includes the crust and the uppermost mantle.


The rocky exterior of Earth is known as the lithosphere.

It is composed of the uppermost layer of the upper mantle and the brittle crust. The lithosphere is the area of Earth that is the coldest and most rigid. The crust and the area of the upper mantle that exhibits hard, brittle behaviour together make up the lithosphere.

The lithosphere is the mechanical layer's outermost layer and which exhibits stiff, brittle behaviour, The lithosphere has a thickness of around 100 kilometres. Plate tectonic movement and isostatic adjustments take place in the asthenosphere, a region of the upper mantle located immediately under the lithosphere.

Peridotite, a rock mostly made up of the minerals olivine and pyroxene, makes up its composition.

Learn more about the lithosphere here:


The lithosphere is the name given to the rocky outer layer of Earth. The brittle crust and the topmost layer of the upper mantle make up this stratum. The lithosphere is the coldest and most rigid part of the planet. The lithosphere is composed of two components: the crust and the region of the upper mantle that is hard and brittle.

The mechanical layer's outermost layer, the lithosphere, which displays rigid, brittle behaviour A hundred kilometres or so make up the lithosphere's thickness. The area of the upper mantle known as the asthenosphere, which is situated directly beneath the lithosphere, is where plate tectonic movement and isostatic adjustments occur.

Its composition mostly consists of the minerals olivine and pyroxene, which are found in the rock known as peridotite.

To know more about  lithosphere click here:


What energy conversions are happening within an electric vehicle??



The engine receives and transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy, through electromagnetic interactions.


Answer: The engine receives and transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy, through electromagnetic interactions. The conductive element that they have in them makes a movement when it goes into the magnetic field and it ends up receiving the electric current.


Biology,Flow of Matter and Energy in Ecosystem graphic organizer worksheet


A common theme in biology is that energy flows through biological systems while matter is recycled. Energy and matter are not destroyed in the ecosystem.

What is food web?

In a food web, the food has been transferred from one organism to another in the different forms. This will show that the same molecules as well as atoms has been recycled as the same molecule has used by one organism and then transferred to the second organism.

Ecosystems contain 32 percent of the world's producers as three-thirds of the earth surface is water and provides a natural habitat to a wide variety of small and large living species and plants.

Therefore, A common theme in biology is that energy flows through biological systems while matter is recycled. Energy and matter are not destroyed in the ecosystem.

Learn more about energy on:


why does the second heart sound occur after the t wave?


The second heart sound, also known as S2, is caused by the closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves, which separate the ventricles from the aorta and pulmonary artery, respectively.

S2 occurs after the T-wave on an electrocardiogram (ECG) because the T-wave represents the repolarization of the ventricular muscle, which occurs after the ventricular contraction, which is represented by the QRS complex.

The contraction of the ventricular muscle generates the pressure that forces the blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery, and this pressure closes the aortic and pulmonic valves, producing the S2 sound.

The S2 is usually heard as a "dual" sound, with a split that occurs when the aortic and pulmonic valves close at slightly different times.

To learn more about heart sounds


The second heart sound, also known as S2, is caused by the closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves, which separate the ventricles from the aorta and pulmonary artery, respectively.

S2 occurs after the T-wave on an electrocardiogram (ECG) because the T-wave represents the repolarization of the ventricular muscle, which occurs after the ventricular contraction, which is represented by the QRS complex. The contraction of the ventricular muscle generates the pressure that forces the blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery, and this pressure closes the aortic and pulmonic valves, producing the S2 sound. The S2 is usually heard as a "dual" sound, with a split that occurs when the aortic and pulmonic valves close at slightly different times.

To learn more about pulmonic valves click here


what enzyme is responsible for splitting the two strands?


The enzyme responsible for splitting the two strands of DNA is called helicase.

It unwinds the double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs, separating the two strands. Helicase is a type of enzyme that is essential for DNA replication, the process by which cells create a copy of their genetic material before cell division.

It is responsible for unwinding the double helix structure of DNA, which is necessary for the replication machinery to access the individual strands and create a new complementary strand. The process of helicase unwinding the double helix is called DNA melting.

Helicase uses the energy from ATP hydrolysis to unwind the DNA, and it requires the assistance of other enzymes such as single-strand binding proteins (SSBs) to stabilize the unwound regions.

To learn more about helicase


DNA replication is the process by which cells copy their genetic material before cell division. One of the key enzymes involved in this process is DNA helicase, which is responsible for separating the two strands of DNA in a helix so that they can be copied.

According to DNA replication is semiconservative, meaning that each strand in the DNA double helix acts as a template for the synthesis of a new, complementary strand. DNA helicase unwinds the double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs, allowing the strands to separate. It confirms that during replication, the two DNA strands separate at multiple points along the length of the chromosome. The separation of the two strands is a necessary first step for the replication process to proceed, and helicase is the enzyme responsible for this separation.

find out more about DNA helicase


The term for the use of microorganisms to restore damaged environments is
A) epidemiology.
B) bioremediation.
C) chemotherapy.
D) serology.
E) ecology.


The term for the use of microorganisms to restore damaged environments is bioremediation.

Bioremediation is the process of using microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae to remove or neutralize pollutants and contaminants from the environment. These microorganisms can break down pollutants such as oil, pesticides, and heavy metals, making them less toxic or even harmless. It is considered as an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional methods of cleanup and remediation. Bioremediation can be done through various techniques such as biostimulation, bioaugmentation, phytoremediation, or mycoremediation. Biostimulation is the process of adding nutrients to the environment to encourage the growth of native microorganisms to break down pollutants. In bioaugmentation, specific microorganisms are added to the environment to break down specific pollutants. Phytoremediation is the use of plants to remove pollutants from the environment while mycoremediation is the use of fungi to break down pollutants. Bioremediation is not only an effective way to clean up the environment but also a sustainable way to do so.

Learn more about bioremediation here:


The term for the use of microorganisms to restore damaged environments is B) Bioremediation.

A subfield of biotechnology known as "bioremediation" uses living organisms like microbes and bacteria to clean up contaminated areas. It is used to get rid of toxins, pollutants, and other contaminants from water, soil, and other environments. Oil spills and contaminated groundwater can be cleaned up with bioremediation. Bioremediation can take place either "in situ," or away from the contamination site, or "ex-situ." "Off-site conservation" is the literal translation of "ex-situ conservation." Protecting an endangered species, variety, or breed of a plant or animal outside of its natural habitat is this process.

Know more about bioremediation here:


For a biologist studying a small fish population in the lab, which Hardy-Weinberg condition is easiest to meet?




An inference is what



An inference is a conclusion you get based on evidence or reasoning.

It’s an educated guess as In guessing something with reasoning and thought.

DNA is really spread out and messy. The cell organizes DNA into ________ to make sure that each daughter cell gets the information it needs





The DNA gets condensed to form chromosomes during cell division. The DNA stands get untangled to form compact mitotic chromosomes.This occurs during the Prophase of Karyokinesis .

Related information:-

There are 2 types cell division . Meiosis and Mitosis.Mitosis is called equational division as the no. of chromosomes in parent and daughter cells are same .Meiosis is called reductional division because the no. of chromosomes get reduced to half in daughter cells.

the phase of mitosis during which chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate from one another is


The phase of mitosis during which chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate from one another is prophase.

During prophase, the chromatin in the cell's nucleus condenses into visible chromosomes. Each chromosome is composed of two identical sister chromatids, which are joined at a point called the centromere. The centrioles, which are located outside of the nucleus, also begin to move to opposite ends of the cell. This separation of the centrioles is important for the formation of the mitotic spindle, which is a structure that helps to pull the chromosomes apart during cell division.

Prophase is the first phase of mitosis and is followed by prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. These phases are the process of mitosis which is responsible for the distribution of the chromosomes between two daughter cells. Mitosis is the process of cell division that ensures the accurate replication and distribution of genetic material in a living organism.

Learn more about prophase here:


During the prophase of mitosis chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate from one another.

Cells are in the interphase phase, which is the rest period between mitotic divisions before mitosis begins.  In the nucleus, the chromosomes are an undifferentiated, loose mass of stretched-out DNA molecules that cannot be identified at this time.

The thread-like doubled chromosomes contract and become visible at the beginning of the first mitotic stage, prophase. Moving to opposite sides of the nucleus, the two centrioles of The nuclear membrane begins to degrade simultaneously.

Know more about mitosis here:


what would be the advantage of using a molecular model that shows the compounds involved during cellular respiration to compare the amounts of carbon released into the atmosphere?(1 point)


Molecular models assist us in seeing chemical compounds that we cannot see with our open eyes.

Molecular models are three-dimensional visual representations of molecules. Molecular models allow us to see exactly what a molecule looks like. We can have a better grasp of the various transitions in a molecule by using a molecular model.

The advantage of utilising a molecular model that depicts the components involved in cellular respiration to compare the quantity of carbon released into the atmosphere is that it provides a visual of the process that is not visible to the open eye.

It aids in understanding the foundations of physical and chemical interactions, which are difficult to compute using experimental approaches. It also aids in the development of new theories, models, procedures, and products.

For more information on molecular model kindl visit to


Using a molecular model that shows the composites involved during cellular respiration to compare the quantum of carbon cycle released into the atmosphere allows a visual of the process that isn't visible to the mortal eye.  

It helps understand the fundamentals of physical and chemical relations, which are delicate to calculate using experimental procedures. It also helps develop new propositions, models, processes, and products.  

Since the carbon cycle is a global miracle, it can not be viewed at once. Using a model helps scientists and scholars understand how carbon moves through and impacts the terrain.

To learn more about the carbon cycle, visit here


debbie is heterozygous for a recessive disorder that causes purple skin. she marries a purple skinned man, and they have 1 child, what is the probability that their child will have purple skin?


Therefore, the probability of getting P-G- genotype  is = 3/4 X 3/4 = 9/16

Here, Debbie is heterozygous (Pp) for purple skin

Debbie's husband has purple skin (pp) which is a recessive disorder

The probability of her child will be  1/2 or 50%

                                                             Pp  X pp

The probability of getting 'p' allele from Pp is 1/2  

The probability of getting 'p' allele from pp is 1

According to the multiplication rule, the probability of 'pp' = 1/2 X 1 = 1/2 = 50%

2. The phenomenon is dominant epistasis. The dominant allele of a gene can mask the expression of both of the alleles of the other gene. Hence, the dihybrid ratio became 12:3:1.

3.                             Pw Gy        X        Pw Gy

F2                           9 P-G- : 3 P-yy : 3 wwG-: 1 wwyy

The probability of getting 'P' allele from Pw = 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4

The probability of getting 'y' allele from Gy = 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4

The three genotypes can produce purple colour they are PP, Pw and wP = 1/4 + 1/4+ 1/4 = 3/4

The genotypes such as Gy, yG and yy have atleast one 'y' genotype = 1/4  + 1/4 + 1/4 = 3/4

Therefore, the probability of getting P-G- genotype  is = 3/4 X 3/4 = 9/16

Learn more about heterozygous Visit:


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