Six word summary's for book 1 harry potter All 17 chapters. Not an essay. Just a six letter summary of all 17 chapters. Along with quotes and page number.
Will give 10 points and mark you brainiest if possible. Also, please make sure you read the first Harry Potter book and don't put random nonsense. ASP!


Answer 1


Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling is a fantasy. This novel creates suspense. Harry is a 11-year-old boy that has just found out he is a wizard and his parents were murdered. He is introduced to the infamous dark wizard Voldemort. This story is about Harry’s discovering his true self, finding his lifelong companions, and many other shocking discoveries about his life. Harry Potter is an engrossing novel which I recommend for many.


Answer 2

It is a story about Harry Potter, an orphan brought up by his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed when he was a baby. Harry is unloved by his uncle and aunt but everything changes when he is invited to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and he finds out he's a wizard

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In Hoot, who rescues Roy from the broom closet beating? How does this way of returning this favor affect the plot?


In the novel "Hoot" by Carl Hiaasen, it is Beatrice Leep who rescues Roy from the broom closet beating. She intervenes and scares off Dana Matherson, the bully who had trapped Roy in the closet. Beatrice is a tough, no-nonsense girl who has a reputation for being a troublemaker, and her actions demonstrate her loyalty to Roy, who had previously helped her by standing up to a group of boys who were teasing her.

Beatrice's rescue of Roy has a significant impact on the plot of the novel. It deepens the bond between Roy and Beatrice and sets up a series of events that ultimately lead to their efforts to save a group of endangered burrowing owls from being destroyed by a construction project. Beatrice's actions also illustrate the novel's themes of friendship, loyalty, and standing up for what is right, as well as the idea that sometimes the most unexpected people can become allies and friends. Without Beatrice's intervention, the story may have taken a different turn, and Roy may not have been as committed to the cause of protecting the owls.
Carl Hiaasen's book Hoot follows Roy Eberhardt, a new student at Trace Middle School who is curious about a mysterious boy he sees running. The boy called Mullet Fingers lives on his own. His stepsister, Beatrice Leep, goes to Trace Middle.

Roy also has trouble with a bully named Dana Matherson. When we leave Roy at the end of Chapter 9, the poor kid is being beat up by Dana in a closet. Just as it looks like Roy is going to get really hurt, Dana gets carried out.
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Find the Volume of this shape. can someone please read my essay Every year, about 480,000 Americans die from smoking-related diseases. In this essay, I will discuss the health issues one may get from smoking. To start with I will explain how smoking started. There are many types of smoking but the number one most smoked substance is tobacco. Smoking goes back to 5000 BC and would be used in rituals. Around the time of the Revolutionary War, tobacco goods started to become very popular in the US. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking causes more deaths yearly than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle accidents, and firearm-related incidents. Smoking tobacco causes 90% of all lung cancer deaths, more than women with breast cancer.Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways. Tobacco harms every organ in your body. Smoking tobacco introduces not only nicotine but also more than 5,000 chemicals, including numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), into your lungs, blood, and organs. It has been proven that smoking tobacco can shorten your lifespan.Some examples of diseases you can get from smoking are Lung Cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Heart Disease, Stroke, and Asthma. Those are just some of the many conditions you can get.Lung Cancer Compared to other cancers, lung cancer claims the lives of most individuals. Nearly 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoking, making it the leading lung cancer risk factor. There is a one in five possibilities that you will still be living five years after being diagnosed.COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Obstructive pulmonary illness (COPD) makes breathing difficult. Early death and severe lasting effects are the results. When COPD first begins to limit one's ability to be active, such as when playing with a grandchild, it typically grows worse, making even simple tasks like walking to the mailbox or going up a couple of steps difficult or impossible. People may become restricted to their homes, unable to have their desires or visit friends. Smoking cigarettes contributes to 85% to 90% of all cases of COPD. The sixth most common cause of mortality in the US is COPD.Heart diseases Nearly every function in your body, including your heart, is harmed by smoking. Smoking can result in challenges and artery pressure, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen reaching your heart. The rate of cardiac disease also dropped as cigarette use declined in the United States. However, the leading cause of mortality in the US continues to be heart illness.Stroke Smoking may lead to a stroke because it changes the blood vessels. When your brain's temporary blood flow is cut off, a stroke occurs. Because of the lack of air, brain cells begin to weaken. The effects of a stroke can include death, paralysis, speech difficulties, and changed brain function. Stroke is the fifth most common cause of death and plays an important role in adult damage in the United States.Asthma Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes it more difficult to "breathe," or send oxygen in and out of your airways. Cigarette smoke can cause quick and serious attacks of asthma because it affects the airways. More than 25 million people in the United States suffer from asthma, a severe medical disease. It only gets worse when you smoke.Those are just some of the effects smoking can cause. Here is more, it can increase tooth loss and gum damage, lower the immune system, increase diabetes, premature aging, stained teeth, and bad breath.As a result of all that I've stated, smoking can lead to lifelong illnesses or even death. 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