smells, tastes, and sights that can evoke a stored memory are called


Answer 1

The smells, tastes, and sights that can evoke a stored memory are called sensory cues.

Sensory cues are events that have been registered and stored in our brains as a result of sensory input. It is a system of cues that an organism utilizes to sense and respond to its environment, including stimuli such as sounds, tastes, smells, colors, and textures. Sensory cues assist us in recognizing and reacting to environmental changes. They can also assist us in recalling memories that are linked to sensory input.

These memories are frequently quite powerful since they are associated with sensory information, which is one of the most fundamental forms of information processing. As a result, the smells, tastes, and sights that can evoke a stored memory are called sensory cues.

learn more about Memory at,


Related Questions

how did the overcharge computed? how did the concept of beyond reasonable doubt affect the computation of overcharge?


The concept of overcharge is computed by calculating the difference between the price charged by the seller and the price at which the same item would normally be sold. Beyond reasonable doubt affects the computation of overcharge by establishing a higher standard of proof.

Selling price is the final price set by the seller or the amount to be paid by the customer for a product. When you want to sell something, this final price is what you will offer potential buyers.

Determining product prices is one of the important things in doing business, because prices determine the future of products and affect how customers accept the product itself. meaning that the seller must be proven to have charged an excessive amount before an overcharge is officially applied.

Learn more about selling price:


the process of freeing the body from an addictive substance is known as rehabilitation. detoxification. counseling. mainlining.


Detoxification is the process of freeing the body from an addictive substance. It is often the first step of rehabilitation, which is a multi-step process to help a person return to a healthy, drug-free life.

Detoxification helps the body to rid itself of the substance, while counselling and therapy helps the person understand the reasons behind their addiction and learn new coping strategies. Mainlining is not a part of rehabilitation and is instead the injection of drugs directly into the bloodstream.

Detoxification typically includes physical, psychological, and behavioural therapy. Physical therapy focuses on helping the body adjust to the absence of drugs. This can include medications to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea and muscle aches.

Psychological therapy may involve group or individual counselling to understand the reasons for the addiction and identify strategies for preventing relapse. Behavioural therapy focuses on providing support and teaching skills to help manage cravings and avoid triggers that may lead to drug use.

Rehabilitation is an ongoing process, and it can take months or years for a person to overcome an addiction. The goal is for the individual to reach a place of long-term sobriety and an improved quality of life. Recovery can take time and patience, but with the right support, the individual can succeed in their goals of a drug-free life.

To learn more about  Detoxification here:


to ensure the effectiveness of a diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading, it is necessary to


In order to ensure the effectiveness of a diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading, it is necessary to use multiple assessment methods and strategies, tailor instruction to meet the needs of individual learners, and regularly monitor progress and adjust instruction accordingly.

A diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading is essential in identifying areas of difficulty that a learner may have and taking appropriate measures to address the difficulties.

These steps are crucial for an effective diagnostic approach to assessing and teaching reading:

Using multiple assessment methods and strategies: Different learners have different strengths and weaknesses. Using multiple assessment methods and strategies to evaluate learners’ abilities will help to identify individual strengths and areas for improvement.

Tailor instruction to meet the needs of individual learners: Instruction should be tailored to meet the needs of individual learners.

Regularly monitor progress and adjust instruction accordingly: Monitoring learners’ progress and adjusting instruction according to their progress is essential to ensuring they learn effectively.

Learn more about the diagnostic approach here:


what specific powers does article i of the us constitution give to just the house of representatives? (


The article I of the US Constitution gives a handful of powers to the House of representative.

Some of the specific powers to the House of Representatives are as follows:

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states, and with Indian tribes.To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States.To borrow money on the credit of the United States.To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States.To exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings.

To know more about US Constitution refer:


although she was as qualified as her male colleagues, miriam was never considered for the post of an executive. miriam is a victim of


Miriam is a victim of gender discrimination although she was as qualified as her male colleagues.

Gender discrimination is the act of treating a person or group unfairly based on their gender, typically a female in a male-dominated environment. Miriam is a victim of gender discrimination as she was never considered for the post of an executive despite being as qualified as her male colleagues. Despite making significant progress in the area of gender equality, women are still underrepresented in leadership positions, and as a result, they are still victims of gender discrimination. Therefore, the correct answer is gender discrimination.

Learn more about gender discrimination:


the belief that others will or should take the responsibility for providing assistance to a person in need is called


The belief that others will or should take the responsibility for providing assistance to a person in need is called altruism. Altruism is the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. Altruism can be seen as an ethical theory that states that people should put the interests of others before their own, or should act for the benefit of others, even at a cost to themselves.

Altruism has been studied extensively in psychology and sociology, and has been found to be an important component in many societies. It is linked to various prosocial behaviors such as donating to charity, volunteering, helping a stranger, or being kind to those in need.

People who are altruistic are more likely to act for the benefit of others even when there is no reward for doing so. Altruism has been linked to various psychological and social benefits, such as increased life satisfaction, reduced stress and anxiety, improved physical health, and stronger relationships.

Altruism has been found to be an important part of social capital, which is the resources that can be gained through social connections and relationships. Altruism is important because it helps build relationships, trust, and community in a society.

Know more about Altruism here:


military engagement is the routine contact and interaction between u.s. armed forces and another nation's armed forces, foreign and domestic civilian authorities and agencies designed for what purpose?


Military engagement is the regular contact and interaction between U.S. armed services in order to foster confidence and trust, exchange intelligence and sustain influence.

What does military involvement aim to achieve?

The following strategic goals are made possible for the US by military engagement initiatives, which are frequently referred to as security cooperation:  Increase foreign partners' capacity to uphold peace and security in their own communities; • Discourage enemies; • Boost friends' confidence.

What do cooperative activities to protect national interests serve to accomplish?

The goal of joint operations is to protect national interests, not only during hostilities but also by proactive steps to fend off potential foes who might endanger the vital interests of the United States or its allies.

To know more about U.S. armed services visit :-


Irene sends a letter to you (her newly elected mayor) to complain about discrimination that occurred toward her from a local business. The laws in your city specifically state that discrimination is illegal. Now it is your job to decide whether discrimination really occurred. Based on what you know about how discrimination is defined, which of the following examples would you MOST LIKELY expect Irene to tell you about if it really was discrimination?A store employee charged her extra because he doesn't like people who go to Irene's church



Based on the definition of discrimination and the information provided in the student question, it is MOST LIKELY that Irene would tell you about an incident where a store employee charged her extra because he doesn't like people who go to Irene's church.


This example aligns with the concept of discrimination, as it involves unfair treatment based on an individual's association with a particular group or category.

In order to determine if discrimination really occurred, it is important to follow these steps:

1. Identify the facts: Gather all relevant information about the incident, including statements from Irene and the store employee, any witnesses, and any evidence such as receipts or security footage.

2. Determine if the action was based on a protected category: In this case, it appears that Irene was charged extra due to her association with a particular church, which can fall under a protected category, such as religion.

3. Evaluate the action: Determine if the store employee's action was, in fact, discriminatory. In this example, charging Irene extra because of her church affiliation is likely considered discriminatory, as it demonstrates unfair treatment based on her religious beliefs.

4. Make a decision: Based on the gathered evidence and your evaluation of the action, decide if discrimination occurred. If it did, appropriate steps must be taken to address the situation, such as issuing a warning or taking legal action against the store employee and/or the business.

In conclusion, if Irene were to tell you about an incident where a store employee charged her extra due to her church affiliation, it would most likely be considered discrimination based on the definition and relevant laws in your city.

To know more about discrimination refer here:

an advantage of techniques utilizing devices such as an electronically activated recorder to assess personality is that: group of answer choices


An advantage of techniques utilizing devices such as an electronically activated recorder to assess personality is that they are less susceptible to biases than self-report measures.

What are electronically activated recorders?Electronically activated recorders are gadgets used to record ambient sounds that provide information about the individual's everyday activities. This information is subsequently coded and analyzed by human judges or computers to determine personality characteristics.

They are less susceptible to bias because they rely on the individual's actual behavior rather than their self-reported behavior.Another significant benefit of these devices is that they provide continuous recording of the subject's behavior, allowing for a more accurate and comprehensive picture of the subject's personality.

The electronically activated recorder can be considered as an ecologically valid and non-intrusive technique for assessing personality characteristics.In conclusion, an advantage of techniques utilizing devices such as an electronically activated recorder to assess personality is that they are less susceptible to biases than self-report measures.

They are also more comprehensive and accurate in their results.

TO KNOW ABOUT electronically:


examine the dynamics of power and control in act 3 of othello. who holds the power and how do they use it?


Iago, the antagonist, is the primary power holder in Act 3. He uses his power to manipulate Othello and other characters by presenting false evidence and spreading lies.  In Act 3 of Othello, the dynamics of power and control shift between characters.

Iago's strategy of manipulation is based on making others doubt themselves and their decisions. He does this through strategic use of language and lies, which leads to the disempowerment of those he targets. He lies about Desdemona's infidelity and Othello's faithfulness to discredit the people closest to him and take control.

Othello is the other major power holder in Act 3. Despite Iago's attempts to manipulate him, Othello maintains his power and control throughout the act. He does not let Iago's lies and manipulation sway his decisions and intentions. He also remains calm and composed, making his own decisions rather than allowing Iago to make them for him.

In the end, Othello remains in control and is the one who ultimately decides the fate of those involved. Iago is unable to influence Othello to his own ends, showing that Othello holds ultimate power over the situation.

To learn more about Othello here:


after suffering a trauma, people commonly report nightmares, which: help reduce daytime fears. lead to diagnosed sleep disorders. lead to long-term fears. increase irrational fears.


After suffering a trauma, people commonly report nightmares, which can lead to long-term fears, increased irrational fears, and even diagnosed sleep disorders.

They can also help to reduce daytime fears.However, if the nightmares are persistent and significantly impact the individual's ability to sleep and function during the day, they may also lead to diagnosed sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleep apnea.It's possible that nightmares can contribute to long-term fears and increase irrational fears in some individuals, especially if they are not addressed and processed in a healthy way. However, it's important to note that everyone's experience with trauma and nightmares can be different, and treatment and support can play a crucial role in managing and healing from these experiences.

Learn more about trauma and nightmares:


In the case of the transplant case of the sleeping man who came in to the hospital for a checkup, the wrongness of killing him and taking his organs to save 5 other humans seems to be able to be handled best in which ethical theory, at least at the time in the video when Michael Sandel introduces it? O Jeremy Bentham's Immanuel Kant's Both Bentham's and Kant's equally Extreme Relativism


In the transplant case of the sleeping man who came into the hospital for a checkup, the wrongness of killing him and taking his organs to save 5 other humans seems to be best handled by Immanuel Kant's ethical theory.

In the transplant case of the sleeping man who came into the hospital for a checkup, the wrongness of killing him and taking his organs to save 5 other humans seems to be best handled by Immanuel Kant's ethical theory, at least at the time in the video when Michael Sandel introduces it.

Kant's theory emphasizes the importance of treating individuals as ends in themselves and not as mere means to an end, which would prohibit taking the sleeping man's organs without his consent.

For more such questions on Immanuel Kant's ethical theory.


the authors of your text state that the basic dilemma of the social psychologist is the trade-off between internal and external validity. what is the best way to resolve this dilemma?


The dilemma of internal and external validity in social psychology research refers to the trade-off between the degree to which findings can be generalized to other contexts (external validity) versus the degree to which the study has controlled for extraneous variables to ensure causal conclusions (internal validity).

To resolve this dilemma, researchers can employ a variety of methods. One approach is to conduct studies that strike a balance between internal and external validity by carefully selecting participants and controlling for extraneous variables while also testing the research question in a context that resembles the real world as much as possible.

This can be done through the use of field experiments or naturalistic observation, which allow researchers to examine behavior in real-world settings.

Another approach is to use a multi-method approach, in which researchers use a combination of experimental, correlational, and qualitative methods to examine a research question from multiple angles.

Ultimately, resolving the dilemma of internal and external validity requires careful consideration of the research question, the available methods, and the trade-offs between internal and external validity in each specific study.

For more details about variables click here:


what problem-solving strategy is guaranteed to produce a solution: insight algorithm dialectical thinking heuristic


No problem-solving strategy is guaranteed to produce a solution. Different strategies work better for different types of problems. Insight, algorithms, dialectical thinking, and heuristics can all be valuable problem-solving strategies and should be considered depending on the type of problem being addressed.

The most effective problem-solving strategy depends on the type of problem being addressed. Insight is the sudden realization of a solution to a problem and may be the most efficient solution. An algorithm is a set of well-defined steps used to solve a problem in a finite number of steps.

Dialectical thinking involves considering multiple viewpoints, allowing for creative problem solving and is best used when looking for a holistic solution. Lastly, a heuristic is a mental shortcut or rule of thumb strategy used to come to a solution.

Know more about strategy here:


what refers to the degree of dissimilarity that must exist between two stimuli before the dissimilarity is detected?


The degree of dissimilarity that must exist between two stimuli before the dissimilarity is detected refers to the just noticeable difference (JND).

What is the just noticeable difference (JND)?

The just noticeable difference (JND) refers to the degree of dissimilarity that must exist between two stimuli before the dissimilarity is detected. JND is also referred to as the difference threshold because it is the minimum difference that must exist between two stimuli before a difference in them can be detected.

According to Weber's law, the difference threshold is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus with which it is compared. It suggests that the more significant the stimulus is, the more massive the change must be to be noticed.

To know more about just noticeable difference (JND), click on the link below:


Your friend tells you that sunlight breaks rocks into small pieces.Using what you learned from the video, revise this statement, explaining how the process is more complicated.


While it's true that sunlight can contribute to rock weathering, the process of breaking rocks into small pieces is actually more complicated than what your friend suggested. Sunlight does not directly break rocks into small pieces, but it can cause temperature changes that lead to physical weathering, which can eventually break rocks down into smaller pieces over time.

When rocks are exposed to sunlight, they can heat up during the day and then cool down at night. This constant expansion and contraction can cause cracks to form in the rock, and over time, these cracks can deepen and widen. Water can then seep into the cracks and freeze, expanding as it does so, which can further widen the cracks. Eventually, the rock may break apart into smaller pieces due to these physical weathering processes.

So, while sunlight is not directly responsible for breaking rocks into small pieces, it can contribute to physical weathering, which is a more complex process involving a variety of factors, including temperature changes, water, and other environmental factors.

an esl teacher has a group of ells who are at the beginning level in reading. however, they are reading at intermediate or above in their native language. the ells use the roman alphabet to decode text in their native language. which instructional activity would most benefit this group of ells?


Option (c) is correct.  Providing the students with visual aids to use when explaining what happened in the story would be the most benefits for the group of cell.

Visual aids are said to be the items of a visual manner such as graphs, photographs, video clips used in addition to spoken information. Visual aids are chosen depending on their purpose as to summarise information, reduce the amount of spoken words, clarify and show that used to create more of an impact as if your presentation is on the health risks of smoking, and you may show images of the effects of smoking on the body rather than describing this. It emphasize what you're saying. It make a point memorable. It enhance your credibility. It engage the audience and maintain their interest. It make something easier for the audience to understand.

To learn more about Visual aids


The complete question is,

An ESL teacher reads aloud a story to a student who us in emergent literacy stage of reading development. The teacher wants to assess the student's literal comprehension of the sequence of events in the story. Which of the following assessment strategies would be most appropriate for this purpose?

A. Encouraging the students to begin by describing the beginning and the end of the story

B. Asking the students to identify the most important episode in the story

C. Providing the students with visual aids to use when explaining what happened in the story.

D. asking the students to explain the consequences of the characters' actions.

to establish causality of an intervention on improving reading ability, a researcher should be sure to:


To establish causality of an intervention on improving reading ability, a researcher should be sure to use a control group, compare outcomes over time, and use rigorous data collection methods.

This intervention includes using randomized control trials, conducting pre- and post-tests, and analyzing the data to determine the effects of the intervention. The control group usually serves to be the causality by isolating the effect of an independent variable. The researchers here change the independent variable in the treatment group and keep it intact in the control group after which the readings are taken. The results of both the groups are then compared.

To know more about intervention refer:


cording to lecture, the chief vehicle by which people communicate ideas, information, attitudes and emotions, and serves as the principal means by which human beings create culture and transmit it from generation to generation. true or false


The statement that "the chief vehicle by which people communicate ideas, information, attitudes, and emotions, and serves as the principal means by which human beings create a culture and transmit it from generation to generation" is true.

Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between people through a shared system of symbols, signs, and behaviors. Communication, according to the lecture, is the chief vehicle by which people communicate ideas, information, attitudes, and emotions. It is also the principal means by which human beings create a culture and transmit it from generation to generation.

Communication is critical since it enables us to exchange thoughts, perspectives, and ideas with others. It allows us to better understand others and ourselves. Communication allows us to develop relationships with others, work together, and share our lives with others. It enables us to develop social and cultural systems that enable us to live in harmony with one another. As a result, communication is a crucial element in human life.

You can learn more about Communication at:


all of these statements are true regarding bulimia nervosa and cognitive-behavioral therapy except that the therapist helps the patient to:


All of these statements are true regarding bulimia nervosa and cognitive-behavioral therapy except that the therapist helps the patient to confront feelings of self-doubt.

What is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that focuses on assisting people in changing the negative or distorted patterns of thinking that underlie their problems, whether they are emotional, behavioral, or physical.

In cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the therapist works with the patient to help them overcome their problems by modifying their negative or distorted thought patterns.

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating and purging behavior. It is related to body image and self-esteem issues.

The following statements are all true regarding bulimia nervosa and cognitive-behavioral therapy except that the therapist helps the patient to confront feelings of self-doubt.

.A therapist who uses cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with a patient suffering from bulimia nervosa may assist them with the following:

Encouraging the patient to develop new and healthier ways of dealing with their emotions

Helping the patient to establish a regular eating schedule and pattern

Assisting the patient in learning how to monitor their own progress in treatment

Providing the patient with methods for coping with their anxiety and depression

Encouraging the patient to identify and confront negative and distorted patterns of thinking that contribute to their problems

The therapist helps the patient to confront negative and distorted patterns of thinking that contribute to their issues in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for bulimia nervosa.

Learn more about Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) at


after industriablization, a. the family became a unit of production b adolescents became economically independent c. women began to control the fryer of intercourse


After industrialization, the family became a unit of production. the option that correctly fills in the blank is option A.

Industrialization is a development that involves a change in the production methods of an economy. It is the process of transforming a society from an agricultural economy to an industrialized economy by increasing the use of machines to produce goods in large quantities. Industrialization leads to mass production, which increases efficiency and reduces production costs.

As mentioned earlier, after industrialization, the family became a unit of production. Before the Industrial Revolution, most goods were produced in the home or small workshops by skilled craftsmen. However, the development of factories and new manufacturing methods in the late 18th and early 19th centuries brought about a significant change.

Factories brought workers together, resulting in the formation of larger communities. These larger communities of workers were the basis for a new type of family unit: the factory family. Therefore, option A correctly fills in the blank after industrialization, a. the family became a unit of production.

To know more about Industrial Revolution click on below link:


in operant conditioning, what describes adding something to decrease the likelihood of behavior? group of answer choices


In operant conditioning, adding something to decrease the likelihood of behavior is known as a. punishment.

Negative reinforcement is when a behavior is strengthened by the removal of an aversive stimulus. For example, when a child stops hitting other children and their parents stop yelling at them, the child is less likely to engage in that behavior in the future.

Negative reinforcement is a form of reinforcement that increases the probability of a response because the response causes something negative to stop or not appear. Whereas punishment is just the opposite, punishment increases the probability of a response because that response causes something negative to happen.

From the answer choices

A. punishment

B. acquisition

C. extinction

D. recovery

The correct answer is a. punishment

Learn more about negative reinforcement:


the preference of scientists for the theory that makes the fewest unfamiliar or untested assumptions is known as the principle of


The preference of scientists for the theory that makes the fewest unfamiliar or untested assumptions is known as the Principle of Parsimony.

The principle of parsimony is also referred to as Ockham's razor, which is a principle in philosophy and science that states that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily. It has been described as a heuristic that is used to guide scientific inquiry when multiple theories are available to explain the same phenomenon.

The principle of parsimony is a method for selecting between different scientific theories that propose to explain the same phenomenon. Scientists prefer the theory that makes the fewest unfamiliar or untested assumptions because it is more likely to be true. This is because simpler theories are easier to test and verify than more complex ones that make more assumptions.

Additionally, simpler theories are more likely to be accurate because they require fewer assumptions to be true. The principle of parsimony is a valuable tool for scientists because it allows them to determine which theories are most likely to be true based on their simplicity and the number of untested assumptions they make.

By selecting the simplest theory that explains the available evidence, scientists can focus their efforts on testing and verifying that theory. This approach helps to ensure that scientific research is efficient, effective, and productive.

To know more about the Principle of Parsimony refer here:


the hallmark of normal waking consciousness is the highly selective nature of our:motivation.thoughts.attention.emotion.


The hallmark of normal waking consciousness is the highly selective nature of our attention. The correct answer is ''attention''.

Attention refers to the cognitive process of selectively focusing on certain aspects of our environment or mental processes while ignoring others. In normal waking consciousness, we are typically able to maintain a relatively focused and sustained attention on a particular task or stimulus.

However, our attention is highly selective, meaning that we are often unaware of other stimuli or mental processes occurring in our environment or within our own minds. This selectivity of attention allows us to filter out irrelevant or distracting information and prioritize what we perceive to be the most important or relevant information for our current goals or needs.

In conclusion, the correct answer is ''attention''.

See more about consciousness at


ill in the blank with the word(s) that best complete the statement. many of the protections for those accused of a crime are found in


The many protections for those accused of a crime are found in the U.S. Constitution, most notably the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.

Amendments in U.S ConstitutionThe Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fifth Amendment provides protections against self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and cruel and unusual punishment. The Sixth Amendment ensures the right to a fair and speedy trial, while the Eighth Amendment protects against excessive bail and fines.

These protections are put in place to ensure that those accused of a crime are afforded due process and fair treatment by the government.

Learn more about U.S Constitution at


How can you encourage a young child to accept a variety of foods from the protein group?


The best way for your child to learn to eat and enjoy new foods is to copy you. Try to eat with them as often as you can. Give small portions and praise your child for eating, even if they only eat a little. If your child rejects the food, do not force them to eat it.

what was a consequence of the first contested presidential election resulting in a president from the federalist party and a vice president from the democratic-republican party?


The first contested presidential election, which resulted in Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party becoming President and Aaron Burr of the same party becoming Vice President, was a milestone in American politics. It was the first time that the two-party system was established in the United States, with the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party contesting the election.

The result of this election led to the establishment of the Twelfth Amendment, which changed the rules of the Electoral College to prevent another tie between two candidates from different parties. This created tension between the two parties and led to the emergence of political factions. The result of this was the formation of two distinct and opposing political parties, the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party. This marked a major shift in American politics and set the stage for the partisanship we see today.

Here you can learn more about  democratic-republican party


6 marker for gcse PE please help brainliest


just how people

dont pay money to see a bunch of accountants working, but

do pay money to see athletes working...

there is something about sports that transcends commercialization

sports people often dont even record games but must see it live

even if games are available for free on tv, people still spend a lot of money to go to the stadium to see it in person

even if its really bad weather

commercialization does amplify the sports culture & athlete hero worship

commercialization makes the hometown sports hero look like a national one

Effects of Media on Sports

The commercialisation of sport can have both positive and negative effects on sports participation and performance. One of the key ways in which commercialisation can affect participation is through the use of different types of media, which can influence the way that people engage with sports.

The effects of different types of media on sports participation can vary depending on a number of factors, including the popularity of the sport, the level of coverage it receives, and the demographics of the audience. For example, traditional media such as newspapers and television can be powerful tools for promoting sports and encouraging participation, as they reach a broad audience and can provide in-depth coverage of games and events. However, the rise of digital media and social networking sites has also had a significant impact on the way that people engage with sports.

Social media platforms have allowed fans to connect with athletes and teams in new ways, sharing news, opinions and experiences in real time. This can help to build a sense of community around a particular sport or team, which can be a powerful motivator for participation. Additionally, social media can make it easier for people to access information about sports events and activities, and to connect with other fans and participants.

However, the use of social media can also have negative effects on sports participation, particularly among younger audiences. Studies have shown that excessive social media use can lead to a decline in physical activity, as people spend more time on their devices and less time engaging in sports and other physical activities. Additionally, social media can create unrealistic expectations and pressures around sports performance, which can be demotivating for some participants.

Regular sports participation can have numerous long-term physical benefits for individuals. These can include improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength and endurance, improved coordination and balance, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Regular sports participation can also help to improve mental health and wellbeing, reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and enhancing self-esteem and confidence.

In addition to the physical benefits, regular sports participation can also have social benefits, including the opportunity to build social connections, develop teamwork skills, and learn important life skills such as goal-setting, communication and problem-solving. Sports participation can also help to promote a sense of belonging and community, which can be particularly important for individuals who may feel isolated or disconnected in other areas of their lives.


According to the Declaration of Independence, which situation justifies open rebellion against a government?
O A. high unemployment and inflation
• B. a ruler denying citizens their rights
O с.
a central government with weak powers
O D.
a long distance between a government and its people


Answer: B.

Explanation: people had the right to overthrow their government when it abused their fundamental natural rights over a long period of time.

Which province contains the majority of French-speaking Canadians?



The province that contains the majority of French-speaking Canadians is Quebec.


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