So you know how to do this

So You Know How To Do This


Answer 1


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. LOL


Answer 2


The white egg, wearing a suit and a hat, sat on the tall brick wall.


Related Questions

what is the meaning of foreshadowing


foreshadow is where the author gives a hint to what happens later in the story Explanation:

Answer: foreshadow is where the author gives a hint to what happens later in the story

Differentiate solid materials when bent and when pressed, pls help me!



 When pressing a solid material it can take a different shape or change in size, however when bending a solid material this does not happen.


Solid state materials at a certain temperature are characterized by:

present a high cohesion between the molecules that form it (the particles are united by very high attractive forces that make them remain almost fixed) have a constant shape and volume often forming characteristic geometric structures such as crystalline structures they are incompressible are resistant to fragmentation they do not have fluidity because the particles can only vibrate around fixed positions

A flexible material cannot be molded and only accepts shape changes when bending.

You do not get new materials when pressing a solid material.

The solid materials take the different shapes or sizes when it is pressed. The solid materials do not change the shape or size in bending.

The solid-state materials at some level of temperature:

Contain a high cohesion among the molecules that make them united at high force and thus they remain fixed. It also has a constant shape and volume such as crystalline structures. The solid materials are incompressible and lack fluidity because the particles of the materials vibrate in a fixed position.A fixed solid material cannot be molded and can only accept the changes in shapes when blended. The solid materials are so hard that they cannot be pressed and if pressed, they do not change the shape or size.

Therefore the solid material can be bent but not pressed due to its hard nature.

To know more about solid materials, refer to the link below:




Giving logical reasons and examples, acknowledging a counterargument, and equally arguing for and against an issue.


How does a formal discussion differ from an informal discussion?



While in a formal discussion, you would be using words like 'sir' and 'maam' while showing respect to the individual. In an informal discussion, you would most likely be talking to hour friends, often using slang.


Answer: A formal discussion requires advanced preparation.

Explanation: It’s correct :)

Write the verb in each sentence under the heading Verb. Write physical action or mental action
under the heading Type of Action.
Type of Action
Example: 13. I consider astronauts modern day heroes.
Consider mental
14. Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon.
15. Millions of Americans watched his historic walk.
16. We admire the courage of all astronauts.
17. We realize the unique dangers.
18. Some Americans observe shuttle liftoffs.
19. Sally Ride led the way for American women in space.
20. Their contributions inspire others today.



consider - mental

walked - physical

admire - mental

realize - mental

observe - physical

led - physical

inspire - mental


Mental verbs are verbs you cannot see. Physical verbs are actions you can observe.

For How long did the hail fall​


Answer: Hail falls for at least 30 minutes everytime.

Explanation: It  takes this long because the updrafts in hail take a while to produce and a long time before it ends.

Hail falls for about 30-45 minutes depending how bad it is

Based on the information in the passage, the narrator's mother feels ______
toward the





The narrators mother feel unsafe with the human as she has seen her brother who a scientist and was experimenting a destructive and poisonous biological weapon which was to be used in a war. The mother feels that human are only concerned with their own-selves and does not care whether the other person is harmed by his act.

Which statement best describes king Lepold's ideas for the resources in the Congo?



He saw the superiority of the African continent and a chance for Belgium to dominate world trade.


The Congo became part of Belgium's attempt to be a dominant country in Europe, and luckily, in the world. Acquired the Congo in 1884, Leopold had amassed a huge personal fortune from the exploitation of Congo's natural resources - at first thanks to the export of ivory, but it did not yield as much as expected. As global demand for rubber exploded, attention turned to the labor-intensive gathering of rubber from plant sap. This process of exploration was followed by violent practices with the natives, with extensive use of beatings, killings, and mutilations when production quotas were not

Hope this helps!

How does the dwarves' song shape Bilbo's character in Chapter 1 of The Hobbit?

It convinces Bilbo to join the dwarves on their journey.

It provides Bilbo with more information about his family.

It entertains Bilbo, who is angry.

It instills in Bilbo a desire for adventure.



It instills in Bilbo a desire for adventure.


B is very wrong tis one makes more sence anyway



#1 He welcomes them reluctantly.

#2 to provide additional details about a main character's personality

#3 It creates exposition that provides background information about the dwarves' mission.

#4 Bilbo is having second thoughts about participating in the expedition.

#5 It instills in Bilbo a desire for adventure.


K12 answers

When I learned that school was closing



I felt unhappy, but glad


When I learned that school was closing I was unhappy because I wouldn't be able to make sophomore memories, and not being able to talk to anyone. But glad because then there are less people susceptible and possibly exposed to getting it.  

what kind of barrier is information overload?



Communication barrier.


Information Overload is simply the act of having a lot of information about a particular topic or subject. This availability of enormous information to a person can make the person make some avoidable errors. This causes a delay in responding or replying messages.

The kind of barrier that is Information Overload is communication barrier.

A poem that uses words that rhyme inside of a verse is said to use?



internal rhymes



The answer is internal rhymes


Which is the most UNLIKELY setting of a horror story?
(10 Points)
O an isolated road
O a bright beautiful park
O a dark basement
an old attic



0 a bright beutiful park


I beleve thats the answere because since when have we seen a HORRER MOVIE be bright and happy.  

Which of the following best describes the purpose of a search engine? (5 points)
It is an engine that runs on reliable information.
It is the box where you type in what you are looking for.
It is the list of websites that appears once you press "search."
It searches through the Internet and finds websites that match your subject.


i’m sorry lol i’m bored


The answer is D


Which transition word would signal that a writer is comparing how two things are alike?





Explanation: they are similar (alike)

Remembering that the Latin suffix “ful” means “full of,” and the suffix “ly” means “in what manner,” use this information and the context clues provided in the passage to determine the meaning of purposefully. Write your definition of purposefully here and explain how you determined it. Use a dictionary to verify your preliminary determination of the word’s meaning.



A standard dictionary definition would been a way that shows determination or resolve. Within the context of the book, I think the meaning is similar with a special emphasis on understanding and processing information without distraction.


Answer:By recalling that the suffix “-er” means “a person who lives in,” use the base word “room” and the suffix “-er” to determine the meaning of roomers. Then use context clues to confirm the meaning of the word as it is used in paragraph 21 of “Thank You, M’am.” Write your definition of “roomers” here, and explain how you figured out the word’s meaning.

Explanation:By recalling that the suffix “-er” means “a person who lives in,” use the base word “room” and the suffix “-er” to determine the meaning of roomers. Then use context clues to confirm the meaning of the word as it is used in paragraph 21 of “Thank You, M’am.” Write your definition of “roomers” here, and explain how you figured out the word’s meaning.

What is the bet between the lawyer and the banker?


The banker will pay the lawyer two million

dollars to spend fifteen years in solitary



The lawyer will pay the banker two million

dollars if he can't stay in solitary confinement

for five years.

C The lawyer must spend anywhere between five

and fifteen years in solitary confinement.

D The banker and the lawyer will attempt to see

who can last the longest in solitary




A. The banker will pay the lawyer two million dollars to spend fifteen years in solitary confinement.


According to the short story, The Bet by Anton Chekhov, a bet is placed between a lawyer and a banker where the banker promised to pay the lawyer two million rubles if he is able to stay in solitary confinement for fifteen years.

The terms of the bet were that he would not have direct contact with anyone but was allowed to write and receive letters.

(a) What type of poem is "Elliptical"? Explain. (b) In what ways does the choice of form affect how the reader experiences the poem? (c) Rewrite the poem, adding line breaks that make sense to you. Compare with the original. What is lost and what is gained by the poet's choice of form?



"Elliptical" is a prose poem.

Rewritten with line breaks:

They just can’t seem to…

They should try harder to…

They ought to be more…

We all wish they weren’t so…

They never…

They always…

Sometimes they…

Once in a while they…

However it is obvious that they…

Their overall tendency has been…

The consequences of which have been…

They don’t appear to understand that…

If only they would make an effort to…

But we know how difficult it is for them to…

Many of them remain unaware of…

Some who should know better simply refuse to…

Of course, their perspective has been limited by…

On the other hand, they obviously feel entitled to…

Certainly we can’t forget that they…

Nor can it be denied that they…

We know that this has had an enormous impact on their…

Nevertheless their behavior strikes us as…

Our interactions unfortunately have been…

Compare and contrast:

The poet's choice of form has pros and cons. On the one hand, because none of the sentences in the poem are completed, the paragraph-like structure of the poem could make it easy for the reader to get lost or bored. However, this may still have been a valid artistic choice. After all, the poem is about the "elliptical" of excuses for racism, so maybe it makes sense to have the reader get tired, and associate that weariness with those excuses. In contrast, making the poem have lines and stanzas, rather than a paragraph structure, makes the reader more likely to try to interpret the individual significance of each line, rather than look at what the lines all mean together.

One or more hyphens are used correctly in all of these sentences except which one?



C. Helen told Fred that she would love him ever-more.


The hyphen is a punctuation mark that is used to separate syllables of a single word and also join words that are to be taken as "one meaning or idea". When it is used in such a way, then the word is called or referred to as "a hyphenated" word.

Among the given options, the sentence that requires no use of the hyphen is the third sentence. Here, "ever-more" doesn't need to be joined nor are they a single word.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Young had learned to read before he was two, and by the age of twenty had mastered a dozen foreign languages including Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. An inheritance from an uncle left him free to pursue his scientific interests. At various times, Young studied the habits of spiders, the surface features of the moon, and diseases of the chest. Then, intrigued by the challenge of the Rosetta Stone, he put aside his other studies and concentrated on attempting to decipher the writing on it. Young had read of de Sacy’s and Akerblad’s work in Paris, and was determined to succeed where they had failed.

The details in this excerpt hint that Giblin has a

positive attitude toward Young’s passion for learning.
positive attitude toward learning new languages.
negative attitude toward Young’s lack of focus.
negative attitude toward living off an inheritance.



it is number 4


cu i know da way


Its D. negative attitude toward living off an inheritance.


Whoever gets this question right gets brainliest.

Read the excerpt from “Tools of the Spymaster."

The numbers that Major Tallmadge assigned to members of the Culper Ring were from a secret writing system he invented. He substituted digits for words that would be used in messages. "Long Island," for example, was 728, "arms" was 7, and "city" was 88. There was a number for each month, such as 341 for "January." He made four copies of his codes. He kept one and gave the others to Woodhull, Townsend, and General Washington. For words that did not have a number code, Tallmadge gave his agents a cipher. In a cipher, each letter in a message is replaced by another letter or a number.

Which statement is best supported by text evidence from the excerpt?

All members of the Culper Ring received a copy of Tallmadge’s code.
A cipher was a common instrument used during the American Revolution.
Words that did not have a number code could not be used in secret messages.
General Washington could read messages written in Tallmadge’s code.



Words that did not have a number code could not be used in secret messages.


its A. All members of the Culper Ring received a copy of Tallmadge’s code.


took the test and got it right. hope this helps!! :)

What are the importance of imagery and figure of speech in writing? Please help me I need your wonderful answer



Imagery and figure of speech in writing is crucial to a good writing piece. This is because imagery in writing lets the readers connect with the writing through their senses and figure of speech makes them think deeper into your writing which in turn will make them more intrigued in your writing.


Hope this helps!

EDIT!! : The answer is...B. If anyone needs it! Got it right :)) FREE ANSWER AND POINTS I GUESS? :DD

I know the passage is VERY long!! Sorry.

One of the French experts, Sylvestre de Sacy, started with the proper names in the Greek passage and tried to find their equivalents in the demotic version. He believed that, after he’d sin­gled out the names, he would be able to identify the demotic letters in each of them. With these letters in hand, he could then go on to translate other names and words in the demotic passage.

But the process proved to be much more dif­ficult than de Sacy had anticipated. He succeeded in isolating the groups of demotic letters for the names of Ptolemy and Alexander, but found it impossible to identify the individual letters in the names. Eventually he gave up, say­ing, “The problem is too complicated, scientif­ically insoluble.”

A pupil of de Sacy’s, the Swedish diplomat Johan Akerblad, made better progress. Akerblad managed to locate in the demotic passage all the proper names that occurred in the Greek. From them he constructed a “demotic alphabet” of twenty-nine letters, almost half of which later proved to be correct.

One of the French experts, Sylvestre de Sacy, started with the proper names in the Greek passage and tried to find their equivalents in the demotic version. He believed that, after he’d sin­gled out the names, he would be able to identify the demotic letters in each of them. With these letters in hand, he could then go on to translate other names and words in the demotic passage.

But the process proved to be much more dif­ficult than de Sacy had anticipated. He succeeded in isolating the groups of demotic letters for the names of Ptolemy and Alexander, but found it impossible to identify the individual letters in the names. Eventually he gave up, say­ing, “The problem is too complicated, scientif­ically insoluble.”

A pupil of de Sacy’s, the Swedish diplomat Johan Akerblad, made better progress. Akerblad managed to locate in the demotic passage all the proper names that occurred in the Greek. From them he constructed a “demotic alphabet” of twenty-nine letters, almost half of which later proved to be correct.

According to the passage, how did de Sacy and Akerblad influence each other’s work?

A. De Sacy was able to build on Akerblad’s work and make a demotic alphabet.

B. Akerblad built on de Sacy’s work and made a demotic alphabet

C. Akerblad and de Sacy worked together to make a twenty-nine-letter demotic alphabet.

D. De Sacy was able to fix many mistakes that Akerblad made







its B


Jorge and Derek said they need a ride to school in the morning. What is the pronoun in this sentence?



They is your pronoun your trying to find


A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody,

Which of the following BEST describes the student in this sentence?
The piano teacher was convinced her student was like an oyster, with a pearl inside waiting to
be revealed
A. special
B. ordinary
C. glowing
D. valuable


Answer: D


Glowing but I am not sure hope it’s right

Question 19

Explain this historical significance of the following quote by Patrick Henry:

"Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us."


He doesn’t want to fight alone. They need to be together to fight

Which choice is a run-on sentence?

The car skidded. Luckily, no one was near it.

The car skidded; luckily, no one was near it.

The car skidded, luckily no one was near it.

The car skidded, but luckily no one was near it.



it's the last one ( the car skidded, but luckily no one was near it.)

The CORRECT answer is:

C.(The car skidded, luckily no one was near it)

I took the test, hope this helps!

Marco is writing a research paper on US advancements in space exploration. He is reading texts to gather more
information. What text would best match his purpose for reading?
a website offering stories about alien sightings
an article from NASA with facts about a new space satellite
O a blog stating opinions about the expense of space exploration
O a biography of Neil Armstrong that details his experiences in space





which of the following is not a consideration when reading and interpreting literature?


i think it may be C...... Not sure though

Why does Polonius's death bother Claudius so much? the long service Polonius gave him It could have been him the fear that Gertrude will be next the fear of Laertes's anger​



it could have been him


B) It could have been him


This is because Claudius knows that Hamlet is aware that he murdered his father. This places a very obvious target on the back of Claudius and it is clear that having this looming over him is very bothersome.

Other Questions
please answer the question!! Marking brainliest Will give brainliest!!!! In the diagram, mAngleFLI is 106, mAngleFLG = (2x 1),mAngleGLH = (x + 17), and mAngleHLI = (4x 15).Four lines extend from point L. They are lines L F, L G, L H, and L I.What is the measure of the smallest angle in the diagram?15293245 Will give brainliest if correct what is the discriminant of the quadratic equation: (multiple choice) which of the Following angle pairs are considered Vertical angles Fill in the blank with the correct word.beau-frrecadetdemi-frrefilledivorcstanteschienpouseveuve wich of the following countries which was not colonized by Great Britain?AIndiaBAustraliaCanadaDUnited StatesEMexico A toy store is having a sale. A video game system has an original price of $99. It is on sale for 40% off the original price. Find the sale price of the game system. Round to the nearest cent. Riskier investments can yield higher returns:A) but, are generally less expensive B)but, generally experience steeper downturnsC) so, you should invest all your money in high risk stocksD) none of the above what type of art would have been shocking years before the renaissanceb If 25.98 mL of 0.1180 M KOH reacts with 52.50 mL of CH3COOH solution, what is the molarity of the acid solution? CivilizatiorWhich of the following was a reason many in Southeast Asia converted to Islam?A) converts were offered social advantagesB) governments threatened military action against those who did not. C) citizens were banned from all political activity if they did not convert.D) converts were offered forgiveness of all debts. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which choice has prokaryotic cells?Lactobacillusbeet rootrose thornhuman kidneyPLEASE HELP! Find the slope of the line that would passthrough the ordered pairs below.(-4,-52) and (-1, -22) somebody help please, and give the steps so I can learn how to solve it myself Will mark brainliest :D According to lesson and lesson 8 Do sequencing matter true or false Which phrases from the excerpt provide visual details? Select 3 options.modern Nigeriain the sixteenth centuryactually made of brassthe size of an A3 piece of papershow figures in high relief What are the four basics for knowledge called "innate knowledge"? Please help to solve this!