Solve on the interval [0,2pi):
1 - cos theta = 2-√3/2


Answer 1

Thus, the solution of the given cosine function is obtained for the angles-  θ = 30º and θ = 330º between the intervals of [0,2pi).

Explain about the cosine function:

The ratio of the triangle's side next to the angle to the hypotenuse is known as the cosine function. Thus, the cosine function does have a period of 2π, we can say.

Normally, radians rather than degrees are used when examining the cosine function in this manner. The common unit of measurement for angles in mathematics is the radian. 360° is equivalent to two radians, or one full circle.

Given data:

Function: 1 - cosθ = (2-√3)/2Interval - [0,2pi)

1-cosθ = (2-√3)/2

cosθ = 1-(2-√3)/2

isolating the cosθ function:

cosθ = 1-(1-[√3/2])

cosθ = 1-1+√3/2

cosθ = √3/2


cos is  √3/2 for ∏/6 = 30º and for 11∏/6 = 330º (Interval - [0,2pi))

Thus, the solution of the given cosine function is obtained for the angles-

θ = 30º and θ = 330º between the intervals of [0,2pi).

Know more about the cosine function


Related Questions

Julia drew s sketches of flowers. She split them evenly among her 3 pen pals. Write an expression that shows how many sketches each pen pal received.




Step-by-step explanation:

since she drew s drawings and split them among 3 penpals, it would be s/3, for example, 6 drawings/ 3 would be 2 drawings for each person.

How long did Lizzie practice on Thursday and Friday altogether?
Lizzie's Drum Practice
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
= 5 minutes
7 8
1 2



Lizzie practiced for a total of 14 minutes on Thursday and Friday combined.

On Thursday, she practiced for 5 minutes according to the table.

On Friday, she practiced for 9 minutes according to the table.

Adding these two times together, we get:

5 minutes + 9 minutes = 14 minutes

Therefore, Lizzie practiced for a total of 14 minutes on Thursday and Friday combined.

Approximately of the Earth's surface is made up of the oceans. What fraction of the surface is not made up of oceans?​


The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1/4.

Explain about the fraction:

The numbers we are familiar with are whole numbers, such as 1, 2, and so on.

Numbers expressed as fractions have a numerator and a denominator, separated by a line known as a vinculum.

In essence, a fraction explains how a portion of a group interacts with the entire group.

Given that-

fraction of Earth made up of water = 3/4

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1 - fraction of Earth made up of water

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1 - 3/4

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = (4 - 3)/4

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1/4

Thus, the fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1/4.

Know more about the fraction:


Complete question:

Approximately 3/4 of the Earth's surface is made up of the oceans. What fraction of the surface is not made up of oceans?​

Calculate Volume of Air passing through Filter HEPA Filter 100ft/min *- Airflow 4ft 2ft Volume = Filter Area x Airflow Velocity


The volume of air passing through the HEPA filter is 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Describe Volume?

In general, volume refers to the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object. In physics, volume is a measure of the amount of space an object takes up, typically measured in cubic meters (m³) or cubic centimeters (cm³).

In mathematics, volume is often used to refer to the measure of the size of a solid object or region in three-dimensional space. This measure can be calculated using various methods depending on the shape of the object or region, such as integration, formulae, or counting.

For example, the volume of a cube can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height together. The volume of a sphere can be calculated using the formula 4/3πr³, where r is the radius of the sphere.

In finance, volume can also refer to the number of shares or contracts traded in a particular market or stock exchange over a given period of time. High trading volume often indicates a more active market, while low trading volume may indicate less interest or activity in a particular security or market.

The formula for calculating the volume of air passing through a filter is:

Volume = Filter Area x Airflow Velocity

Given that the airflow velocity is 100 ft/min and the dimensions of the filter are 4 ft x 2 ft, we can calculate the filter area as:

Filter Area = Length x Width

Filter Area = 4 ft x 2 ft

Filter Area = 8 square feet

Now we can substitute the values into the formula:

Volume = Filter Area x Airflow Velocity

Volume = 8 sq ft x 100 ft/min

Volume = 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM)

Therefore, the volume of air passing through the HEPA filter is 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM).

To know more about area visit:


Tentor, Inc., purchases disposable coffee cups on which to print logos for sporting events, proms, birthdays, and other special occasions. The owner received a large shipment of 861 cups this afternoon, and to ensure the quality of the shipment, he selected a random sample of 410 cups and identified 353 as defective.

What is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population? (Round the final answer to 3 decimal places.)


What is the standard error of the sample proportion? (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.)


What are the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level? (Round the final answers to 3 decimal places.)

Upper bound is Answer

Lower bound is Answer


It is estimated that 0.861 percent of the population is faulty. The sample proportion's standard error is 0.022. A 98% confidence level has an upper bound of 0.910 and a lower bound of 0.812.

What is a proportion?

The comparative relationship between two or more things in terms of their size, amount, or number is referred to as a "proportion." Either a ratio or a fraction can be used to express it. The term "proportion" in statistics refers to the division of the total number of events by the frequency of each event.

The formula p = x/n, where p is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population, x is the number of defectives in the sample, and n is the sample size, can be used to determine the estimated proportion of defectives in the population.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

p = 353/410 = 0.861

As a result, the population's estimated defectiveness rate is 0.861.

The formula SE = √(p(1-p)/n), where SE is the standard error and n is the sample size, can be used to get the standard error of the sample percentage.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

SE is equal to√(0.861(1.0.861)/410) = 0.022.

As a result, the sample proportion's standard error is 0.022.

Using the following formula, the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level can be determined:

Lower bound = z*SE - p

Upper bound = z*SE + p

where z is the z-score for a 98% degree of confidence.

We discover that the z-score corresponding to a 98% confidence level is roughly 2.33 using a z-table or calculator.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

Lower bound is equal to 0.861 - 2.33*0.022, or 0.812.

Upper bound is equal to 0.861 + 2.33 * 0.022 = 0.910.

Consequently, the range of a 98% confidence level is as follows:

Maximum: 0.910

Upper limit: 0.812

To know more about proportion visit:


It is estimated that 0.861 percent of the population is faulty. The sample proportion's standard error is 0.022. A 98% confidence level has an upper bound of 0.910 and a lower bound of 0.812.

What is a proportion?

The comparative relationship between two or more things in terms of their size, amount, or number is referred to as a "proportion." Either a ratio or a fraction can be used to express it. The term "proportion" in statistics refers to the division of the total number of events by the frequency of each event.

The formula p = x/n, where p is the estimated proportion of defectives in the population, x is the number of defectives in the sample, and n is the sample size, can be used to determine the estimated proportion of defectives in the population.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

p = 353/410 = 0.861

As a result, the population's estimated defectiveness rate is 0.861.

The formula SE = √(p(1-p)/n), where SE is the standard error and n is the sample size, can be used to get the standard error of the sample percentage.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

SE is equal to[tex]\sqrt{\frac{0.861(1.0.861)}{410)}[/tex]= 0.022.

As a result, the sample proportion's standard error is 0.022.

Using the following formula, the upper and lower bounds for a 98% confidence level can be determined:

Lower bound = z*SE - p

Upper bound = z*SE + p

where z is the z-score for a 98% degree of confidence.

We discover that the z-score corresponding to a 98% confidence level is roughly 2.33 using a z-table or calculator.

When we substitute values, we obtain:

Lower bound is equal to 0.861 - 2.33*0.022, or 0.812.

Upper bound is equal to 0.861 + 2.33 * 0.022 = 0.910.

Consequently, the range of a 98% confidence level is as follows:

Maximum: 0.910

Upper limit: 0.812

To know more about proportion refer the below link


Amy and Zack each have 24 feet of fencing for their rectangular gardens. Amy makes her fence 6 feet long. Zack makes his fence 8 feet long. Whose garden has the better area? How much greater?



The answer is Zack garden

Home values in a town have declined 26% per year for each of the past
four years. What was the total percentage decrease in home values
during the four-year period?


Answer: 104%

Step-by-step explanation: 26% times 4 years

k^2+6k=0 solve the quadratic equation by factoring



K = √-6k

i did the math and got this answer and it was right

4.4.3 Quiz: Stretching and Compressing Functions
f(x) = x². What is g(x)?
5- f(x)
O B. g(x) =
Click here for long description
O A. g(x) = (x)²
O c. g(x) =
OD. g(x) = 2x²



The equation of the function g(x) is g(x) = 1/2x²

Calculating the function g(x)

If we want to stretch or compress the function f(x) = x^2, we can multiply or divide the input variable x by a constant value a.

Specifically, if we use g(x) = f(ax), then g(x) is a stretched or compressed version of f(x).

To find the value of a that will make g(x) pass through the point (2,2), we can substitute these values into the equation g(x) = f(ax):

[tex]g(2)=f(a*2)=f(2a)=(2a)^2 =4a^2 =2[/tex]

So, we have

a = 1/2

Recall that

g(x) = f(ax)

So, we have

g(x) = f(1/2x)

This means that

g(x) = 1/2x²

Hence. the function is g(x) = 1/2x²

Read more about trasnformation at


if the pink lines are parallel, solve for n


The option that is true about the equations for these two lines iis that they represent the same lines.

How to explain the information

The trick to questions like this is to get both equations into the slope-intercept form.  That is done for our first equation (y = 3x + 5).  However, for the second, some rearranging must be done:

5y – 25 = 15x; 5y = 15x + 25; y = 3x + 5

Note: Not only do these equations have the same slope (3), they are totally the same; therefore, they represent the same equation.

Learn more about equations on;


Two lines are described by the equations:

y = 3x + 5 and 5y – 25 = 15x

Which of the following is true about the equations for these two lines?They represent perpendicular lines.

None of the other answers

They represent non-perpendicular, intersecting lines.

They represent the same lines.

They represent parallel lines.

Consider 8 = − 2/3x. 1 Which is the BEST first step to take when solving the given equation?


multiply each side by -3/2

Find each value or measure.

x = _____

mJK=_____ degrees

mMJ=_____ degrees

mLMK=______ degrees

(30 points) will give brainiest for effort


The value or measure of following are :-

x = 17.18°

∠JK = 143.78°

∠MJ = 116.48°

∠LMK = 47.17°

What is an arc?

A segment of a circle called an arc is made up of two endpoints on the circle and the curve that connects them.

Since the two lines JL and MK intersect at the center of the circle at point N, the angles formed by them are inscribed angles of the circle. Moreover, the angles formed by an inscribed angle and its corresponding arc are equal. Therefore, we can write:

∠JNK = ½ arc JNK = ½(5x+23)° = 2.5x + 11.5°

∠KNL = ½ arc KNL = ½(17x-41)° = 8.5x - 20.5°

We are also given that arc MNJ and LNK are similar, so their corresponding angles are equal. Similarly, arc MNL and JNK are similar, so their corresponding angles are equal. Let's use these facts to find x:


The arc MNJ is equal to the sum of arcs MNL and LNK. Therefore, we have:

½(5x+23)° + ½(17x-41)° = ∠MNJ + ∠LNK

2.5x + 11.5° + 8.5x - 20.5° = 2∠MNJ

11x - 9° = 2∠MNJ


The arc MNL is equal to the sum of arcs MNJ and JNK. Therefore, we have:

½(5x+23)° + ½(8.5x-20.5°) = ∠MNL + ∠JNK

2.75x + 1.5° = 2∠JNK

1.375x + 0.75° = ∠JNK

Since ∠MNJ = ∠LNK and ∠MNL = ∠JNK, we can write:

2∠MNJ + 2∠JNK = 360°

Substituting the expressions we found for ∠MNJ and ∠JNK, we get:

22x - 18° = 360°

22x = 378°

x = 17.18° (rounded to two decimal places)

Now that we know x, we can find the values of the other angles of arc-

∠JNK = 1.375x + 0.75° = 24.43°

∠KNL = 8.5x - 20.5° = 119.35°

∠MNJ = (11x - 9°)/2 = 92.05°

∠LNK = ∠MNJ = 92.05°

∠MNL = 360° - ∠MNJ - ∠JNK = 243.52°

∠JK = ∠JNK + ∠KNL = 143.78°

∠MJ = ∠MNJ + ∠JNK = 116.48°

∠LMK = 360° - ∠MNJ - ∠JNK - ∠KNL = 47.17°

To know more about angles of arc visit:


What is a formula for the nth term of the given sequence? 18 , 21 , 24




Step-by-step explanation:

18, 21, 24

+3. +3




7. Fill in the bubbles to indicate whether
each expression is linear or not linear.
5x Linear or Nonlinear
6x+1 Linear or Nonlinear
10xy Linear or Nonlinear
17 Linear or Nonlinear
4x^2 Linear or Nonlinear


The type of the relation are

Linear: 5x, 6x + 1 and 16Nonlinear: 10xy and 4x^2

Indicating whether each expression is linear or not linear

A linear expression is an algebraic expression in which each term has a degree of 1 (or 0), and the variables are raised only to the first power.

In the given expressions:

"5x" and "6x + 1" have only the variable "x" raised to the power of 1, making them linear."10xy" has the variables "x" and "y" both raised to the power of 1, making it nonlinear."17" is a constant term and has a degree of 0, making it linear."4x^2" has the variable "x" raised to the power of 2, making it nonlinear.

Therefore, the linear expressions are "5x", "6x + 1", and "17". The nonlinear expressions are "10xy" and "4x^2".

Read more about linear relations at


Evaluate the expression without using a calculator. sin−1(cos(2)) sin^−1 (cos( − /2))


The value of the expression sin⁻¹(cos(2)) sin⁻¹(cos(-π/2)) is 0.

Describe Algebraic Expression?

An algebraic expression is a combination of variables, constants, and mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These expressions can be used to represent mathematical relationships and patterns in a variety of contexts.

Algebraic expressions can include one or more variables, which are letters or symbols that represent unknown values or values that can vary. For example, in the expression 3x + 5, "x" is the variable.

To evaluate the expression sin⁻¹(cos(2)) sin⁻¹(cos(-π/2)), we first need to determine the value of cos(2) and cos(-π/2).

cos(2) cannot be evaluated directly since the range of cosine function is -1 to 1, and 2 is outside this range. Therefore, we can conclude that sin⁻¹(cos(2)) does not exist.

Next, we can evaluate cos(-π/2) using the unit circle, which is a circle of radius 1 centered at the origin of the coordinate plane. The angle -π/2 is located on the negative y-axis, where the cosine function is 0. Therefore, cos(-π/2) = 0.

Substituting this value into the expression, we get:

sin⁻¹(0) = 0

Therefore, the value of the expression sin⁻¹(cos(2)) sin⁻¹(cos(-π/2)) is 0.

To know more about function visit:


8. You and 4 friends are going to an event, and you want to keep the cost below $100 per person. Write and solve an inequality to find the total cost, x.


The answer is on the image shown :

Workout 461÷4 give your answer as a whole number and a reminder


Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is 115 remainder 1

Identify the correct equation of the graph.
O f(b) = (6+4)² +8
O f(b) = (b+8)² +4
O f(b) = (b-8)² +4
Of(b) = (6-4)²-8
Of(b) (6-4)² +8


Thus, the correct equation for the given parabolic graph is found as: f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4.

Explain about the quadratic function in vertex form:

A parabola has a lowest point if it opens upward. A parabola has a highest point if it opens downward.

The vertex of the parabola is located at this lowest or highest point.

Vertex form of a quadratic function:

f(x) = a(x – h)² + k, where a, h, and k are constants.

The vertex of the parabola is at because it is translated h horizontal units and k vertical units from the origin (h, k).

(h,k) are the vertex of parabola.

From the given graph:

f(b) is the given function:

Vertex (h,k) = (8, 4)

Thus, h= 8 and k = a = 1, x = b.

Put the values in quadratic function:

f(b) = 1(b – 8)² + 4

f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4

Thus, the correct equation for the given parabolic graph is found as: f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4.

Know more about the quadratic function in vertex form:


4. The elevation at ground level is 0 feet. An elevator starts 80 feet below ground level. After
traveling for 20 seconds, the elevator is 30 feet below ground level. Which statement describes
the elevator's rate of change in elevation during this 20-second interval?
A. The elevator traveled upward at a rate
1 rate of 2½ feet per second.
B. The elevator traveled downward at a rate of 2 feet per second.
C. The elevator traveled upward at a rate of 4 feet per second.
D. The elevator traveled downward at a rate of 4 feet per second.



[tex]m = \frac{ - 30 - ( - 80)}{20 - 0} = \frac{50}{20} = 2 \frac{1}{2} [/tex]

A. The elevator traveled upward at a rate of 2 1/2 feet per second. -30 > -80.

The ratio of union members to nonunion members working for a company is 4 to 5. If there are 140 nonunion members working for the company,
what is the total number of employees?


The total number of employees is 112.

Explain numbers

Numbers are symbols or representations used to quantify or count objects, quantities, or measurements. They form the basis of mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and are used in various fields such as science, finance, and engineering. Numbers can be positive, negative, whole, or fractional, and are essential for communication and calculation in our daily lives.

According to the given information

Let's use x to represent the total number of employees.

According to the problem, the ratio of union members to nonunion members is 4 to 5. This means that out of every 4 + 5 = 9 employee, 4 are union members and 5 are nonunion members.

So, we can set up the following proportion:

4/9 = x/(x - 140)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

4(x - 140) = 9x

4x - 560 = 9x

560 = 5x

x = 112

Therefore, the total number of employees is 112.

To know more about numbers visit


Use the formula z = x-μ/σ
and the given information to find the missing piece of information
1. Given x = 75, μ = 80, o = 5, find z.


The missing piece of information z-score is -1.

Explain information

Information refers to data or knowledge that has been transmitted or received. It can be expressed in different forms, including numerical data, text, images, or sound. The information serves as a basis for understanding, analysis, and decision-making. It can be processed and analyzed using mathematical methods and tools such as statistics, probability, and data analysis. The effective management and utilization of information are essential for progress and innovation in many fields, including science, technology, and business.

According to the given information

Using the formula z = (x - μ) / σ, we can plug in the given values and calculate:

z = (75 - 80) / 5

z = -1

Therefore, the z-score is -1.

To know more about z-score visit


A farmer is building a fence to enclose a rectangular area against an existing wall, shown in the figure below. Three of the sides will require fencing and the fourth wall already exists. If the farmer has 176 feet of fencing,
what is the largest area the farmer can enclose?


Answer: 46 ft by 92 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The largest area is enclosed when half the fence is used parallel to the wall and the other half is used for the two ends of the fenced area perpendicular to the wall. Half the fence is 184 ft/2 = 92 ft. Half that is used for each end of the enclosure.

please help meeeee. What is the value of k?



k = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the 2 opposite interior angles.

∠ MYZ is an exterior angle of the triangle , then

4k + 5 + 6k + 10 = 115

10k + 15 = 115 ( subtract 15 from both sides )

10k = 100 ( divide both sides by 10 )

k = 10


k = 10


Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of remote interior angles.

In the given picture, the exterior angle is 115°, and remote interior angles are (4k + 5)° and (6k + 10)°.

Set up equation and solve for k:

4k + 5 + 6k + 10 = 11510k + 15 = 11510k = 100k = 10

Therefore the value of k is 10.

Alex scored 7/20 of the points in a basketball game. How many of the team's 120 points did Alex score?​



Step-by-step explanation:

I think its 42 because 7/20ths of 120 is 42

7/20 x 120 =42

The ability to determine the age of some individuals can be difficult if there are not quality government records of birth. Bone growth takes place at the growth plates at the end of long bones. Once all growth plates​ fuse, growth​ stops, and an individual is considered a biological adult. The age at which growth plates fuse for males is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 18.8 years and a standard deviation of 15.1months. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (d).


The answers to each question are:

(a)  0.351.

(b)  0.317.

(c)  20.24 years.

(d)  16.

What is the mean and standard deviation?

The standard deviation is a summary measure of the differences of each observation from the mean. If the differences themselves were added up, the positive would exactly balance the negative and so their sum would be zero. Consequently, the squares of the differences are added.

(a) What is the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 18 and 20 years?

To answer this question, we need to standardize the values of 18 and 20 using the mean and standard deviation provided. Let X be the age at which growth plates fuse for males. Then,

Z = (X - mean) / standard deviation

Z for X = 18 is (18 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = -0.53

Z for X = 20 is (20 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = 0.53

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the probability of Z being between -0.53 and 0.53, which is approximately 0.351.

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 18 and 20 years is 0.351.

(b) What is the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 16 and 18 years?

We need to standardize the values of 16 and 18 using the mean and standard deviation provided.

Z for X = 16 is (16 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = -2.03

Z for X = 18 is (18 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = -0.53

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the probability of Z being between -2.03 and -0.53, which is approximately 0.317.

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 16 and 18 years is 0.317.

(c) What is the age at which growth plates fuse for the top 5% of males?

We need to find the age X such that the probability of a male having growth plates fuse at an age less than X is 0.95 (since 5% is the complement of 95%).

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the Z-score corresponding to the 95th percentile, which is approximately 1.645.

Then, we can solve for X using the formula:

Z = (X - mean) / standard deviation

1.645 = (X - 18.8) / (15.1/12)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

X = 18.8 + (1.645)(15.1/12) = 20.24

Therefore, the age at which growth plates fuse for the top 5% of males is approximately 20.24 years.

(d) What percentage of males have growth plates that fuse before the age of 16?

We need to find the probability of a male having growth plates fuse before the age of 16, which is equivalent to finding the probability of Z being less than -2.03 (calculated in part (b)).

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the probability of Z being less than -2.03, which is approximately 0.0228.

Therefore, approximately 2.28% of males have growth plates that fuse before the age of 16.

hence, the answers to each question are:

(a)  0.351.

(b)  0.317.

(c)  20.24 years.

(d)  16.

To learn more about the mean and standard deviation visit:


Which statements are always true regarding the diagram? Select three options. m∠5 + m∠3 = m∠4 m∠3 + m∠4 + m∠5 = 180° m∠5 + m∠6 =180° m∠2 + m∠3 = m∠6 m∠2 + m∠3 + m∠5 = 180°


The answer are in angle m∠5+m∠6=180°,m∠2+m∠3=m∠6,m∠2+m∠3+m∠5=180°.

What is angle?

Angle is a geometric concept that is used to describe the relationship between two lines or planes. It is measured in degrees, with a full circle being 360 degrees. Angles are used in mathematics to measure the size of a shape and the amount of turn between two lines. In physics, angles are used to describe the force of friction, the direction of a force, and the direction of light. Angles can also be used to describe the orientation of objects in space.

case A) we have

m∠5+m∠3=m∠4 ----> equation A

we know that

m∠3+m∠4=180° -----> by supplementary by angles

m∠4=180°-m∠3 ----> equation B

substitute the equation- B in equation A



This equation is true when m∠2=m∠3


Is not always true

case B) we have

m∠3+m∠4+m∠5=180° ----> equation A

we know that

m∠3+m∠4=180° -----> by supplementary to angles

m∠4=180°-m∠3 ----> equation B

substitute equation B in equation A



This option is not true

case C) we have


we know that

m∠5 and +m∠6 are supplementary angles


Their sum is always 180 degrees


This option is always true

case D) we have

m∠2+m∠3=m∠6 -----> equation A

we know that

m∠5+m∠6=180° ----> by supplementary angles

m∠6=180°-m∠5 ----> equation B

substitute equation B in equation A



Remember that the sum of any of tAnswer:

Step-by-step explanation:

he interior angles that of a triangle must be equal to 180 degrees


This option is true for sure

case E) we have


To know more about angle click-

A coordinate plane with 2 lines drawn. The first line is labeled f(x) and passes through the points (0, negative 2) and (1, 1). The second line is labeled g(x) and passes through the points (negative 4, 0) and (0, 2). The lines intersect at about (2.5, 3.2)
How does the slope of g(x) compare to the slope of f(x)?

The slope of g(x) is the opposite of the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is greater than the slope of f(x).
The slope of g(x) is equal to the slope of f(x)


Therefore, the correct answer is: The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).

Where do the X and Y axes intersect on the coordinate plane, at position 0 0?

The origin is the location where the two axes meet. On both the x- and y-axes, the origin is at 0. The coordinate plane is divided into four portions by the intersection of the x- and y-axes. The term "quadrant" refers to these four divisions.

We can use the slope formula to get the slopes of the lines f(x) and g(x):

slope of f(x) = (change in y)/(change in x) = (1 - (-2))/(1 - 0) = 3/1 = 3

slope of g(x) = (change in y)/(change in x) = (2 - 0)/(0 - (-4)) = 2/4 = 1/2

The slope of g(x) is 1/2, which is less than the slope of f(x), which is 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The slope of g(x) is less than the slope of f(x).

To know more about slope visit:-




Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify 6^2/6 x 6^12/6^8


Step-by-step explanation:

6^2 / 6^1   x    6^12 / 6^8   =

6^(2-1)      x    6^(12-8)   =

6^1          x    6^4   =

6^(1+4)  =   6^5     or  = 7776

2 only can you solve associative, identity and inverse of this ​


The set 2Z is associative under the operation *, has an identity element of 2, and every element (except for 0) has an inverse element.

Solving the associative, identity and inverse of this the set

The set 2Z is defined as follows:

2Z = {2n | n ∈ Z, a * b = a + b}

Associative element:

There exists an associative element in 2Z if, for all a, b, and c in 2Z, the equation a*(bc) = (ab)*c holds.

Let a, b, and c be arbitrary elements of 2Z:

a = 2n₁

b = 2n₂

c = 2n₃

Then we have:

a*(bc) = a(2n₂2n₃) = a(4n₂n₃) = 2n₁ + 4n₂n₃ = 2(n₁ + 2n₂n₃)

(a*b)c = (2n₁2n₂)*2n₃ = (4n₁n₂)*2n₃ = 8n₁n₂n₃ = 2(2n₁n₂n₃)

Therefore, a*(bc) = (ab)*c, and 2Z is associative under the operation *.

Identity element:

There exists an identity element in 2Z if there exists an element e in 2Z such that, for all a in 2Z, the equation ae = ea = a holds.

Let e be an arbitrary element of 2Z:

e = 2n

Then we have:

ae = a2n = a + 2n = 2m, where m = n + (a/2) ∈ Z

ea = 2na = a + 2n = 2m', where m' = n + (a/2) ∈ Z

Therefore, e = 2n is an identity element in 2Z.

Inverse element:

There exists an inverse element in 2Z if, for all a in 2Z, there exists an element b in 2Z such that ab = ba = e, where e is the identity element.

Let a be an arbitrary element of 2Z:

a = 2n

Then we need to find an element b in 2Z such that ab = ba = e = 2.

We have:

ab = ba = 2n*b = 2

Therefore, b = 1/(2n) is the inverse of a in 2Z if n ≠ 0.

Read more about set at


Help fast please, it should be asap please


The function has a vertical asymptote at x = 1, x-intercepts are x = 1 and x = 5, hole at x = 5 and horizontal asymptote is y = 0.

Define rational function

A rational function is a function that can be expressed as the ratio of two polynomial functions. In other words, it is a function of the form f(x) = p(x)/q(x), where p(x) and q(x) are polynomial functions and q(x) is not equal to zero for any value of x.

To plot the rational function f(x) = (x² - 6x + 5)/(-x + 1)

Vertical asymptote: The denominator of the function (-x + 1) is equal to zero when x = 1.

Therefore, there is a vertical asymptote at x = 1.

x-intercept: To find the x-intercept, we set the numerator equal to zero and solve for x:

x² - 6x + 5 = 0

This quadratic equation can be factored as:

(x - 5)(x - 1) = 0

Therefore, the x-intercepts are x = 1 and x = 5.

y-intercept: To find the y-intercept, we set x equal to zero:

f(0) = (0² - 6(0) + 5)/(-0 + 1) = 5

Therefore, the y-intercept is (0, 5).

Hole: The function has a hole at x = 5 because both the numerator and the denominator become zero at x = 5.

Horizontal asymptote: To find the horizontal asymptote, we need to compare the degrees of the numerator and the denominator. The degree of the numerator is 2 and the degree of the denominator is 1, so the horizontal asymptote is y = 0.

Now, we can plot the function by choosing some values of x and calculating the corresponding values of y:

x y = f(x)

-1 4

0 5

0.5 3.25

1 undefined

2 -1

Image is attached below.

To know more about asymptote, visit:


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