"Starting in 2007, a dramatic drop in demand sent the USPS over a financial cliff. Because of the rise of digital
communication, Americans were simply no longer mailing cards, letters, flyers, invitations, announcements, bills, statements,
and solicitations as they had in the past. The volume of U.S. mail peaked in 2006 at 213 billion pieces, but in 2007 the
numbers quickly began to drop. Since 2007, the total volume of all mail has dropped 25 percent and since 2001 the volume of
first-class mail has declined by nearly one-third (Pieces of Mail)."

The facts in this excerpt correlate to which of the sources from these works cited entries?

"Pieces of Mail Handled, Number of Post Offices, Income, and Expenses Since 1789." USPS. Feb. 2014. Web. 6 August

Gattuso, James L. "Can the Postal Service Have a Future?" The Heritage Foundation. 10 Oct. 2013. Web. 6 August 2014.

"Postage Rates and Historical Statistics, Rates for Domestic Letters Since 1863." USPS. Feb. 2014. Web. 6 August 2014.

"Fiscal Year 2013 Integrated Plan." USPS. Feb. 2014. Web. 6 August 2014.


Answer 1




Answer 2


I believe the answer is B. Gattuso, James L. "Can the Postal Service Have a Future?" The Heritage Foundation. 10 Oct. 2013. Web. 6 August 2014.


Related Questions

Giving brainliest to whoever answers this question correctly.

What are your thoughts on arranged marriages? Do you think they work in a modern American society?




"I think arranged marriages can be a good option for some people, but they're not right for everyone. It's important to make sure that both partners are comfortable with the arrangement and that they have the opportunity to get to know each other before they get married. In modern American society, I think it's more common for people to marry for love, but some still choose to have arranged marriages."

It's essential to respect other people's cultures and traditions, even if they're not something you would choose for yourself.

Why does the green light disappear in The Great Gatsby?


During the course of the novel, Gatsby's dream is revealed to be delusional and unrealizable, so the symbolic meaning behind the green light collapses
In The Great Gatsby, the green light that appears across the water from Gatsby's mansion symbolizes Gatsby's hope and longing for his lost love, Daisy Buchanan. The green light represents Gatsby's dream of being reunited with Daisy and rekindling their romantic relationship.

As the novel progresses, the green light takes on a more complex meaning, coming to represent not only Gatsby's hope but also the corrupting power of materialism and the illusory nature of the American Dream. The green light, like Gatsby's dream, is ultimately revealed to be unattainable and fleeting.

In the final chapter of the novel, Nick Carraway reflects on the green light and notes that it has "vanished forever" from Gatsby's sight. This disappearance symbolizes the final collapse of Gatsby's dream and his ultimate failure to win back Daisy's love. The green light's disappearance also underscores the novel's larger theme of the impossibility of recapturing the past and the dangers of living in a world of illusions and false dreams.

make correct sentence


The correct sentence is:

Describe what you see that would be captured by a video camera. But stick to what is relevant and do with objective, descriptive language.

How do you write a correct statement?

To be grammatically correct, a phrase's subject and verb must both be singular or plural, hence the tenses of the subject and the verb must match. The verb should be in the plural if the subject is, and vice versa if the subject is not. The main subject and verb in the phrase should be identified, and you should next check to determine if they are both singular or plural to confirm that the subject and verb agree.

People's inability to construct entire, grammatically accurate phrases, however,  is mostly caused by four issues. The run-on sentence, the sentence fragment, the absence of subject-verb and pronoun-reference agreement, and the absence of parallel structure are some of these issues.

To learn more about sentence fragment, visit:



You are ------ Nazrul, I see.


The correct answer is "The." The blank is filled as follows: You are the Nazrul.

Definite Article

The definite article is said to be 'the' among the three. A definite article is used to identify something specific or specific. It is also used to indicate the superlative degree of comparison before plural nouns. Additionally, it can be used before collective nouns.

As an example:

The Sun sets westward.

The nouns 'Sun' and 'West' in the preceding sentence are proper nouns and are specific, so the definite article must be used.

Cricket is being played by the children.

The definite article, 'children,' is used to determine the plural noun in the preceding sentence.

This is the longest river in the world.

The definite article is used in the preceding sentence to denote the superlative degree of comparison

To know more about Article,click on the link :



Detailed note on concord in English grammar


Concord is a key element of English grammar that relates to the grammatical agreement between a sentence's subject and verb. Simply expressed, the verb in a sentence must agree in terms of number and person with the subject.

What exactly is concord?

Concord, or subject-verb agreement, is a grammar rule in English that refers to the subject and verb in a sentence agreeing on the number and person of the verb. To put it another way, it refers to a sentence's subject and verb having the same grammatical position. A sentence's verb must be in number and personal agreement with the subject.

The verb should match the subject's singularity if the subject is singular. Similarly to this, if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well. To the person, the same principle applies. If the subject is in the first person, the verb must be in the same tense. Grammar accuracy and communication clarity are ensured by adequate concord.

Learn more about concord with the help of the given link:



4. Which does the following illustrate?
Lissa was interested in becoming a gourmet chef, but she wasn't sure how many job openings
there would be in her small town.
Ojob outlook
Ojob environment




The following illustrates job outlook, which refers to the demand and growth potential of a particular profession or career in a specific geographic area. In this case, Lissa is interested in becoming a gourmet chef but is unsure about the availability of job openings in her small town. She is therefore concerned about the future prospects of this career path in her local job market.

2. The narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" chuckles at the old man's fear. What
does this response most likely suggest about the narrator?
a. He is tired.
b. He is cruel.
c. He is impatient.
d. He is irresponsible.


the answer is b. he is cruel

What does Eva help Tom do?
(Uncle toms cabin)


Eva also instructs her father to free Tom and to become an activist for abolition after her death, which he agrees to do.

Summary of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Uncle Tom is portrayed as a slave who is saintly and dignified, noble and firm in his beliefs. Tom saves the life of Little Eva, an angelic and forgiving young girl whose grateful father then buys Tom while he is being transported by boat to New Orleans for auction. Eva and Tom quickly became close. Eva's health, which has always been precarious, rapidly deteriorates, and on her deathbed, she begs her father to free all of his enslaved people. He makes plans to do so but is killed, and Tom's new owner, the cruel Simon Legree, has Tom whipped to death for refusing to reveal the location of certain escaped slaves. Stowe imbues Tom with a steadfastly Christian perspective on his own suffering.

To know more about Potray click on the link :



............. was a strong wind yesterday. Many people ............. and cannot go home.


There ,are standed. The sentences will be finished because yesterday there was a lot of wind. Many people are stranded and unable to return home.

What should I remember to include in a sentence?

A. While writing anything, we must use only whole sentences.

B. If we don't do this, the reader of the sentences won't understand the meaning of the phrases.

C. The first word in the sentence, "there," is an adverb that describes the location or circumstance of an event.

D. The second word, "are stranded," is a verb that is employed in the present tense.

E. This is so because the second statement that was given to us was in the present tense.

To know more about completing the sentences visit:



what happens when we take risks ?


When we take risk we learn what could have been

how does the author motivate herself to write in bird by bird


In her book "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life," author Anne Lamott motivates herself to write by using several different techniques.

What are the techniques used while writing bird by bird?

Anne Lamott motivates herself to write "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life," by using the following techniques.

Writing in small pieces: Lamott suggests breaking down the writing process into small, manageable chunks. She encourages writers to focus on writing just one small piece at a time, such as a single paragraph or a few sentences. By taking the process one step at a time, she makes it less daunting and easier to get started.Embracing the "shabby first draft": Lamott advocates for writing a rough, imperfect first draft without worrying about getting it perfect the first time. This approach can help writers get their ideas down on paper without feeling self-conscious or worrying about making mistakes.Finding a writing buddy: Lamott recommends finding a writing partner or group to help keep you accountable and motivated. Having someone to share your work with can provide feedback and support, which can be invaluable for staying on track.Letting go of perfectionism: Lamott acknowledges that writing can be a messy and imperfect process. She encourages writers to let go of the need to get everything just right and to embrace the flaws and imperfections in their work.

Overall, Lamott's approach to writing is grounded in the idea that writing is a process, and that it takes time, patience, and persistence to produce good work. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, embracing imperfection, and finding support from others, she motivates herself to keep writing, even when it's difficult.

To learn more about Anne Lamott, visit:



Farquhar is being hanged by Union troops. Farquhar seemingly breaks free from the noose.


Peyton Farquhar, the major personality in Bierce's short story, is slated to be hung no longer for  some different violent crime, but for trying to ruin a railroad bridge. A civilian, Farquhar hoped to defend Confederate troopers from attack by tampering with the railroad line.

What used to be does Farquhar strive to suppose about as he wait to be hanged?

Answer and Explanation: In "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," Farquhar visualizes his break out moments earlier than he is hanged. He thinks that he should free his hands, dispose of the noose and drop into the wate

Unbeknownst to Farquhar, Union troops captured the bridge and surrounding territory, and upon shooting Farquhar, select to cling him on fees of being a Confederate secret agent and sympathizer. As he is being hanged, however, Farquhar is capable to get away his destiny through falling into the river below.

Why is Peyton Farquhar being hanged by the Union Army?

Learn more about Peyton Farquhar here:


will give brainliest


Title: The Importance of Girl Child Education: Breaking Barriers and Building a Better Future

What is the Blog  about?


Education is a fundamental human right and an essential tool for the overall development of a country. It empowers individuals, reduces poverty, and fosters economic growth. However, despite the benefits of education, millions of girls worldwide still lack access to quality education. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of girl child education and how it can break barriers and build a better future.

The Importance of Girl Child Education:

Empowerment: Education is a powerful tool that empowers girls and helps them become self-sufficient. Educated girls are more likely to be independent and make informed decisions about their lives, including their health, careers, and relationships.

Economic Growth: Education is key to economic growth. It creates a skilled workforce that can contribute to the development of a country's economy. When girls are educated, they have the potential to earn more, which can improve the economic well-being of their families and communities.

Challenges and Solutions:

Despite the importance of girl child education, many challenges still hinder access to education for girls, including poverty, cultural beliefs, and gender discrimination. To address these challenges, we need to:

Invest in education: Governments and communities must invest in education and ensure that schools are accessible and safe for girls.

Lastly, Address poverty: Poverty is a significant barrier to education. We need to provide financial support to families to enable them to send their girls to school.

Read more about Blog  here:



See text below

Type Your Blog Title Here

Choose a banner image that connects to your blog topic and write a caption for it below.

Title of Blog Entry


Write your blog entry here. Make a claim about your topic. Write about evidence. Address counterclaims and respond to them. Conclude your blog post by offering solutions to a problem your blog entry suggests.

A side image should also connect directly to the blog topic and have a caption.

Ask readers to leave comments here to promote interaction on the blog.

Type Your Source URLs Here

Write a poll question or survey that connects to the topic to find out what your readers are interested in.



Works Cited Response


The words “who’s” and “whose” may sound the same, but they have different meanings.


That's correct! "Who's" is a contraction of "who is" or "who has", while "whose" is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership or association.

What is Words?

Words are units of language that have a meaning and can be combined to form sentences. They are the basic elements of communication and are used to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Words can be spoken or written and are organized into categories called parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns.

"Who's" is a contraction of "who is" or "who has." For example, "Who's going to the store?" means "Who is going to the store?" or "Who has gone to the store?"

"Whose" is a possessive pronoun that indicates ownership or association. For example, "Whose phone is this?" means "To whom does this phone belong?" or "Who owns this phone?"

Learn more about  Words from the given ink



Scout asks Calpurnia why she speaks differently with people depending on whether they are white or black. What does Calpurnia say by way of
explanation? Support your answer with evidence from the text.



Calpurnia says that she talks differently to the people at her church because it would be out of place to speak the way she does when she's around Jem, Scout and Atticus. Calpurnia says "...folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates 'em...when they don't want to learn, there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language" (Lee, 127). Remember that Calpurnia speaks better English than those at her church, so matching their speech is important for communication.

Reference for this can be found on Line 13 of Page 127

can someone do this for me

“speech in the virgina convention” (paragraph 3)

Underline any main idea/central idea. Mark examples with an "X" in BOLD and Capitalize.

3. Where does your paragraph fall on the descriptive outlihne? 
•Summarizing a topic/argument/etc.
•Introducing an idea
•Adding explanation
•Giving examples
•Providing factual evidence
•Expanding or limiting the idea
•Considering an opposing view
•Dismissing a contrary view
•Creating a transition
•Stating a conclusion


Answer: Main Idea: The speaker is questioning the actions and intentions of the British ministry and arguing against the use of force to resolve conflicts.

X Examples: "insidious smile," "warlike preparations," "fleets and armies"

The paragraph falls under "Introducing an idea" and "Considering an opposing view." The speaker is introducing their skepticism of the British ministry's actions and is considering an opposing view that suggests the use of force to resolve conflicts.


in "Top of the Food
2. Both "Witness to the Tragedy" and "Hope Survives in Search for Katrina's Missing"
focus on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. However, each looks at a different time
period. Describe what time period each piece of journalism focuses on. Then, discuss how the authors choice of time period influences the overall message of the piece.


Witness to the Tragedy" focuses on the events immediately following Hurricane Katrina.

"Witness to the Tragedy"

"Witness to the Tragedy" focuses on the events immediately following Hurricane Katrina. It reflects on the devastation that occurred, noting that it caused more ongoing damage than any other national disaster that the author had ever reported on. According to the photos in the article, after the hurricane, people suffered from exhaustion, dehydration, and displacement. For a long time, the buildings were flooded and damaged."Hope Survives in the Search for Katrina's Missing" focuses on the aftermath of Katrina. People were still looking for their loved ones months after the hurricane. This story captures the joy of those who were able to locate loved ones who they believed had died months before. Despite the fact that many lives were lost in the hurricane, the story highlights the number of survivors.

To know more about Tragedy, click on the link :



and are a pair of eye rhymes.Divefive
O True
O False


Answer: False


what are the key terms in tagg why learn



the portion of a Cover Page that includes the key legal details and definitions for this Agreement that are not defined in the Standard


i have given it up

Why do you think Dante was still hesitant to continue his journey from error to
the light of God, even though he had spiritual guides to protect him?


Once more, Dante tries to make the point that his God is a loving God even if He made an underworld where sinners will suffer. The writing on the gates emphasises that God created hell out of a sense of justice.

What lesson can be drawn from Dante's Inferno?

The root causes of evil, the psychology of evil, or the negative effects of ill behaviour on the planet are not examined in Dante's investigation of evil. The purpose of Inferno is not to advance philosophical ideas; rather, it is to educate and reaffirm the pertinent Christian teachings. In the course of the narrative, Dante is forced to learn how to balance his compassion for suffering with the severe violence of God's punishment.

To know more about Dante's Inferno visit:



Kazuo is being interviewed for a human and social services job. The interviewer asks him to describe a past situation in which he had to handle an aggressive coworker. What BEST describes this type of question?







the answer would be situational

Briefly describe what is meant by non-judgmental practice and give six areas that may affect your values.


Non-judgmental practice is an approach in which an individual avoids prejudgments and values impartiality. Six areas that can impact one's values are family background, peers, religion, gender, culture, and socio-economic status.

Non-judgmental practice refers to the process of avoiding judgment and maintaining impartiality. It is a way of treating others without judging them on their choices, beliefs, and behaviors. It is based on respect, open communication, and understanding of different values and perspectives. It is a concept used in a variety of settings to ensure that the individuals involved in the activity are treated fairly and without discrimination.

The following are six areas that can affect one's values:

1. Family background: An individual's upbringing has a significant impact on their values.

2. Peers: The people with whom we interact frequently can have a significant influence on our values.

3. Religion: Religious beliefs can affect an individual's values, beliefs, and behaviors.

4. Gender: One's gender can influence their values, perceptions, and attitudes.

5. Culture: Cultural norms and values have a significant impact on an individual's values.

6. Socio-economic status: A person's socio-economic status can affect their values and beliefs.

Avoiding judgment and maintaining impartiality is critical to establishing a non-judgmental practice. By being mindful of the various influences that impact one's values, it is possible to remain impartial and non-judgmental while interacting with others.

Learn more about Values:



I will give the brainliest


This prompt is about Building Blogs. See the sample response below.

Title of Blog Entry

The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Reduction

Mindfulness meditation has become increasingly popular as a method to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Numerous studies have shown that practicing mindfulness meditation on a regular basis can lead to a decrease in symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as lower levels of cortisol, the hormone associated with stress.

While some may argue that mindfulness meditation is too time-consuming or difficult to practice, research suggests that even short periods of meditation can be beneficial. Additionally, mindfulness meditation can be practiced anywhere and at any time, making it an accessible tool for stress reduction.

To maximize the benefits of mindfulness meditation, individuals can incorporate it into their daily routine and seek out resources such as guided meditations or mindfulness-based therapy. By taking the time to prioritize self-care and incorporating mindfulness into daily life, individuals can reap the benefits of reduced stress and improved overall well-being.

Poll question

What are your thoughts on the topic? Do you agree or disagree with the author's claim? Have you experienced a similar situation or have a different perspective? Let's start a conversation and share our ideas.

Question: Have you ever personally experienced a violation of your First Amendment rights?

Survey options:

Yes, I have experienced a violation of my freedom of speech.

Yes, I have experienced a violation of my right to public assembly.

No, I have never experienced a violation of my First Amendment rights.

I am not sure if I have ever experienced a violation of my First Amendment rights.

Learn more about Blogging at:



Which excerpt from the passage best supports the answer to Part

A:The humorous story is American, the comic story is English,
the witty story is French. The humorous story depends for its
effect upon the manner of the telling; the comic story and the
witty story upon the matter.
B:The humorous story is strictly a work of art-high and
delicate art-and only an artist can tell it; but no art is
necessary in telling the comic and the witty story; anybody
can do it.
C:The art of telling a humorous story-understand, I mean by
word of mouth, not print-was created in America, and has
remained at home.
D:And sometimes, if he [the teller of the comic story] has had
good success, he is so glad and happy that he will repeat the
"nub" of it and glance around from face to face, collecting
applause, and then repeat it again.


The humorous story is strictly a work of art-high and delicate art-and only an artist can tell it; but no art is necessary in telling the comic and the witty story; anybody can do it, is the excerpt from the passage best supports the answer to Part A. Hence option (B) is the answer.

What was the main idea of 'How to Make a Tale'?

When he penned an essay titled 'How to Make a Tale', the great American author Mark Twain shed some light on it. It generates more queries than it does answers. Twain clarifies his meaning in the following way: The way a tale is told affects how funny or clever it is; the subject also plays a role. The final two stories—the humorous and clever ones—must be succinct and conclude with a point.

To explain them, one need not use any particular art; one can do that with ease. Furthermore, you very much build up your writing so that the reader anticipates something humorous. exclamation points and some italicized words! You can tell that the storyteller wants to make you chuckle. Mark Twain also add that the writer seemed to be making a significant effort. And that occasionally acts as a spoiler.

To learn more about How to Make a Tale, visit:



is a skill that's learned with
face-to-face communication.

A. Telecommuting

B. Reading many words per minute

C. The ability to ignore distractions like
advertisements and hyperlinks

D. Reading body language


Answer: D. Reading body language


D. Reading body language


This can be noticed by facial expressions or movement of hands or way of standing

help!!!!! please hel




The answer is B. Because hsjzjsjsndjfjsndnjdx

Indirect quotes might also be called:
O comments.


Paraphrases, a paraphrase and an indirect quotation are the same thing




i remember from when i was in 11th grade

1. PART A: Which of the following identifies the
central idea of the text?


Answer: The theme is the main topic or focus of the text


why it is important to Do Your Work On Time?


Answer: It's important to do work on time to maintain good grades and have time for future assignments so work doesn't pile up last minute.


3. Apple products are ............. other companies’ products.

a) much more expensive, then
b) much expensive, as
c) more expensive, than
d) so much more expensive, as


It’s more expensive than
c) more expensive, as ,, Hope this helps!
Other Questions
Why was the Ottoman Empire a desirable territory for European nations during the nineteenth century? On page 74, the narrator describes the shell-shocked veterans he sees at the Golden Day bar. Many of the men had been doctors, lawyers, teachers, Civil Service workers; there were several cooks, a preacher,a politician, and an artist. One very nutty one had been a psychiatrist. Whenever I saw them I felt uncomfortable. They were supposed to be members of the professions toward which at various times I vaguely aspired myself, and even though they never seemed to see me I could never believe that they were really patients. Sometimes it appeared as though they played some vast and complicated game with me and the rest of the school folk, a game whose goal was laughter and whose rules and subtleties I could never grasp.At this point in the book, the narrator believes that hard work and rule-following will help him earn respect in society. What lesson might he learn about this from the veterans he encounters in this chapter? sometimes it is legal to reproduce a copyrighted work without the permission of the copyright holder. these circumstances are called group of answer choices fair use. noncommercial use. piracy. public domain. reciprocity. assume there is a u.s. supreme court case: galactic bargains v. state farm ins., 251 u.s. 1442 (2018). what does the citation indicate about the plaintiff's claim? which type of company is characterized by lateral decision processes, horizontal networks, and a strong corporate-wide business philosophy Can someone help please jose and amy recently got married and just bought their first home for $500,000. they both have to work to maintain their $400,000 mortgage. jose earns $35,000 per year, and amy earns $45,000 per year. based on the income multiplier estimation, how much life insurance should they have? How can I cancel my subscription? mallory has been working overtime for months and longs to take a vacation where she can just sit on the beach. which transformational motive is she influenced by? the purpose of market segmentation is to respond more effectively to the wants of groups of potential buyers in order to what is similar about the history of african american, hispanic, native american, and asian american police officers in the united states? Please help on this fast A block of aluminum occupies a volume of 28.0 mL and weighs 85.7g. What is its density? two integers from 1 to 60 are chosen by a random number generator. what is the probability that (a) both numbers are odd, (b) both numbers are less than 12, and (c) the same number is chosen twice? if rogers, incorporated, has an equity multiplier of 1.54, total asset turnover of 1.8, and a profit margin of 6.4 percent, what is its roe? a project involving the renovation of a parking lot at a shopping mall is currently underway. in a weekly progress meeting, the contractor reports that the charges billed to the job thus far are $103,500. the earned value of the project thus far is $110,000. according to the initial project schedule, $100,500 of work was scheduled to have been completed by the time of meeting. based on these values, the project is: if the level of saving in an economy exceeds investment, what will likely happen to interest rates as the economy moves toward equilibrium? which assessment finding would the nurse recognize as a sign of hyperbilirubinemia in the late preterm infant a typical television remote control emits radiation with a wavelength of 938 nm. what is the frequency (in 1/s) of this radiation? Which part of a bone such as the femur prevents the skeleton from becomingtoo heavy?A. The compact bone tissueB. The spongy bone tissueC. The bone marrowD. The growth plate