Study the artwork by Glenn Ligon on p. 708 of your textbook. Be sure to read the introduction and reflect on the questions that precede the image. Next, study the images on pp. 705, 707, and 709. In three paragraphs, write an essay that explains how Glenn Ligon’s artwork provides a visual of Rankine’s points in "The Meaning of Serena Williams.” Your response should present a minimum of three connections to Rankine’s article with properly cited examples. You may also cite the other images that appear with the article to support your analysis.



Answer 1

The essay relating to the artwork by Glenn Ligon is given as follows.

An essay on the work of Glenn Ligon

Glenn Ligon's artwork, featured on page 708 of the textbook, provides a visual representation of Rankine's points in "The Meaning of Serena Williams." The artwork features a black background with the words "I FEEL MOST COLORED WHEN I AM THROWN AGAINST A SHARP WHITE BACKGROUND" repeated in white letters. This repetition highlights the experience of being constantly othered and the struggle to assert one's own identity in a world that constantly attempts to erase it.

One connection to Rankine's article can be seen in her discussion of Williams' hair and its cultural significance. Ligon's artwork highlights the struggle for black individuals to assert their identity and resist being assimilated into white cultural norms. This struggle is particularly evident in the politics of black hair, which has historically been policed and devalued in white society. In the accompanying image on page 705, Williams' hair is styled in a way that challenges Eurocentric beauty standards and asserts her black identity.

Another connection to Rankine's article can be seen in her discussion of Williams' body and the ways in which it is often hypersexualized and policed. Ligon's artwork can be read as a commentary on the ways in which black bodies are constantly positioned against white backgrounds and used to highlight the supposed deviance of black sexuality. This is particularly evident in the image on page 707, which shows Williams in a tennis dress that covers most of her body but is still subject to scrutiny and critique.

Finally, Ligon's artwork can be seen as a commentary on the ways in which blackness is often reduced to a monolithic identity. Rankine's article highlights the ways in which Williams is often stereotyped as an "angry black woman," a trope that erases the complexity of her identity and experiences. Ligon's artwork highlights the struggle to assert one's own identity in a world that often seeks to erase it, and emphasizes the importance of resisting the urge to reduce blackness to a single, static identity. The image on page 709, which shows Williams laughing and celebrating with her daughter, emphasizes the joy and humanity that is often erased in depictions of black individuals in white-dominated media.

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