Study the political cartoon. In a few sentences, explain the meaning of the cartoon

Study The Political Cartoon. In A Few Sentences, Explain The Meaning Of The Cartoon


Answer 1


"The Protectors of Our Industries" is a political cartoon created by the American cartoonist Bernhard Gillam in 1883. The cartoon was published in Puck magazine and aimed to criticize the protective tariffs that were in place in the United States during that time.

The cartoon depicts a group of large, imposing men standing guard in front of a factory labeled "Our Home Industries." The men are labeled with various titles, such as "Trusts," "Combinations," "Pools," and "Monopolies." The men are armed with weapons, including a sword, a club, and a pitchfork, and are positioned to prevent foreign competition from entering the factory.

In the background of the cartoon, a group of foreign workers is seen carrying goods to the factory, but they are stopped by the protectors. The workers are depicted as small and weak, with one of them carrying a sign that reads "Free Trade."

The cartoon is a criticism of the protective tariffs that were enacted in the United States during the late 19th century. These tariffs were designed to protect American industries from foreign competition by imposing taxes on imported goods. However, the cartoon suggests that these tariffs were not benefiting the average American worker, but instead were benefiting powerful monopolies and trusts who were using the tariffs to stifle competition and drive up prices.

"The Protectors of Our Industries" is a powerful commentary on the role of protective tariffs in the American economy and the ways in which they can be used to benefit powerful interests at the expense of ordinary workers.

Answer 2


Down below


What is a political cartoon?

A political cartoon is an animated way of displaying like or dislike for something in politics.

In my opinion, the meaning of the political cartoon is to show the working class of citizens holding up the job market while the rich people are above the underpaid jobs and employees and mocking others less fortunate than them.

You can see there are people in clothes waiters and construction workers would wear.  On those people's backs are signs showing jobs and the amount they get paid per hour.  Above that are bags of gold and money.  Finally, sitting on top of the bags are people wearing fancy clothes with dollar signs on their stomachs, laughing.  So, it looks as if the people working the underpaying jobs are holding up the job market and rich people.


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Documents 1 and 2 are related to President Jefferson's instructions for Meriwether Lewis, the leader of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

These documents served Jefferson's political and philosophical purposes by allowing him to expand the territory of the United States, establish an American presence in the west, and gain more knowledge about the geography, resources, and native peoples of the region.

Who was President Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States, serving from 1801 to 1809. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and he played a key role in drafting the Declaration of Independence.

Through annexing, mapping, and documenting this new territory, Jefferson hoped to accomplish several goals. First, he wanted to extend American commerce and trade to the Pacific Ocean, which would provide new economic opportunities for the country.

Second, he wanted to establish an American presence in the west, which would help protect American interests in the region and prevent other nations from establishing colonies.

Third, he wanted to expand American knowledge and scientific discovery by exploring the geography, flora, and fauna of the western region.

Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on this expedition because he believed that exploring the western territory would reveal important information about the land and its resources, and that this knowledge would help the country grow and prosper.

Learn more about President Jefferson on


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The Monroe Doctrine does not play a direct role in the War on Terror as it is a foreign policy principle related to the Western Hemisphere and European intervention. However, the principles of non-intervention and sovereignty promoted by the Monroe Doctrine have been cited by some as a basis for non-intervention in other regions of the world, including the Middle East.

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→║Corrupt ║ Indulgences ║Martin Luther ║ 95 Theses ║ Printing Press║ Heresy║←


Answer the question you have to answer the question and answer it yourself and you have a better answer for you then you have to ask me the questions you have and you don’t


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by proceeding to use the league to rebuild their economy, building a strong naval fleet and promoted the development of wider democracy in Athens at the detriment of the other member states making the Athenian Empire powerful in dictating the affairs of the league and it members.



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Answer:The answer is: Because although Sanjay and his parents, live spiritually, and mentally in different worlds, they know that Sanjay is looking on the surface, and only by looking deep can he know who he really is, and where he comes from.


Sanjay, the little son of some Indian immigrants who is torn between his love for superheroes and his father's traditions, which include meditation and daily prayer. The story of a child who lives ignoring his origins.

The whole world of my parents revolved around their gods, the Hindu gods. His world and mine were diametrically separated.

And in the mind of a child who reluctantly agrees to his father's call to prayer. An annoying trance that, against all odds, manages to make it connect with its origins, and with the beliefs of its parent.

The answer is: Because although Sanjay and his parents, live spiritually, and mentally in different worlds, they know that Sanjay is looking on the surface, and only by looking deep can he know who he really is, and where he comes from.


Which was true about life as an enslaved person?

Enslaved persons often suffered from undernourishment.
Enslaved persons were paid for their work.
Enslaved persons were allowed to have adequate rest.
The families of enslaved persons were rarely separated.


The correct answer is “enslaved persons often suffered from undernourishment.”

What characteristics did the governments of Germany, Japan, and Italy have in common as World War II began? Check all that apply.



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The governments of Germany, Japan, and Italy have in common as World War II began:

They supported an expansion of the military.

They promoted extreme nationalism.

Axis Power in World War II

The Axis powers consist of nations like Germany, Italy, and Japan, and their leaders were Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo.

The Axis powers supported the expansion of the military as they displayed their military strength by conquering neighbouring nations.

The military was given an excessive amount of funding.

These nations use flags, patriotic songs and slogans to gain support from the public.    

Thus option A and D are the correct answer.

What do you notice about the Roman Empire around 200 C.E.?



Around 200 C.E., the Roman Empire was a vast and powerful state with a population of over 50 million people. Here are a few key things that were happening during this time:

The empire was at its height: By 200 C.E., the Roman Empire had expanded to cover much of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The empire was at its greatest territorial extent and its power and influence were at their peak.

The empire was becoming more diverse: As the Roman Empire expanded, it absorbed many different cultures and ethnicities. This led to greater diversity within the empire, and also to tensions between different groups.

The empire was facing economic challenges: The cost of maintaining such a large and powerful empire was high, and the Roman economy was under strain. This led to inflation and other economic difficulties.

Christianity was on the rise: Around 200 C.E., Christianity was still a relatively small and persecuted religion within the Roman Empire. However, it was growing in popularity and influence, and would eventually become the dominant religion of the empire.

The empire was facing military threats: Despite its size and power, the Roman Empire faced military challenges from various outside groups. These included Germanic tribes to the north and east, and the Parthians and Sassanids in the east.

1. In three to five sentences, explain how the Revolutionary War ended. 2. In three to five sentences, compare the viewpoints of free and enslaved African Americans during the American Revolution. HELP I NEED TO DO THIS TODAY!


Two themes.

How did the Revolutionary War end in the United States?

While the battle of Yorktown ended major land operations for the Combatants, the war at sea continued, driven by privateers on both sides who wanted to make as much money as possible before the coming Peace. Nova Scotia continued to be especially hard hit with ‘wolf packs’ of American privateers praying on British shipping and coastal towns like Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, being raided (yet again) in early 1782. A Royal Navy vessel H.M.S. ‘Observer’ also fought a successful action at the mouth of Halifax Harbor in May of that year against the American privateer ‘Jack’. Right into the Spring of 1783 privateers continued to seize vessels but word soon filtered through of a preliminary Peace between England and America. As no ‘privateer’ wanted to be considered a ‘pirate’ with the Peace, the activity at sea dropped off by mid-1783. The final Peace came in September of that year.

African Americans:

Both sides had several thousand free and enslaved blacks fighting for their cause. While the American continental army had slightly more on their side, many of those were slaves forced into labor jobs for the army.

The British promised freedom to slaves who left their slave plantations and fought for them, thousands did. Some examples of this are lord Dunmores Ethiopian regiment and the Black brigade, and the defence of savannah which saw freed slaves fight on the side of the British against an American and french attack. Thomas Jefferson referred to these freed black loyalists soldiers as ‘the fugitives’. One of the regiments known as ‘The black brigade’, were one of the most feared british militias in New Jersey.

After the war, there were over 3000 black loyalists in New York that were evacuated to Nova Scotia, the West Indies or back to Britain. Thanks to the ‘book if negroes’ they had a list of all those who served, and when they found that someone who had served with them was forced back into slavery, the British government sent an envoy to find them and pay for their freedom, relocating them to Canada. Those freed blacks who were reenslaved were brutally treated for having served in the British military. Many of those freed slaves who went to Canada and Britain struggled with the climate, so they relocated to a part of Africa owned by the British empire, and created the nation now known as Sierra Leone. The reason why they went to Britain in the first place was due to slavery being illegal in Britain, therefore there was no chance of reenslavement.

The americans sometimes made the same promises of freedom after military service however there are many examples where they went back on that promise and reenslaved those who served. Unfortunately after independence African Americans were barred from military service, now noting that only ‘free able bodied white male citizens’ could join the military. Some southern slave owners not only went after their slaves who had defected to the British side, but attempted to enslave any black they had, the government turned a blind eye to this due to the wording in the peace negotiations that stated the US could take back any ‘American property’, slaves being seen as ‘american property’.

Opposition to the Mexican - American War referred to it as

A- The Democrat's War

B- Mr Madison's War

C- Mr Polk's War

D- Mr Taylor's War


C- Mr Polk's War

Opposition to the Mexican-American War was primarily led by members of the Whig Party, who referred to it as "Mr. Polk's War." President James K. Polk had initiated the conflict in 1846 by ordering U.S. troops to cross the Rio Grande into what was then Mexican territory. The Whigs opposed the war on several grounds, including concerns over the morality of taking land from a neighboring country and the fear that the expansion of slavery into new territories acquired from Mexico would upset the balance of power between free and slave states. The war ultimately resulted in a U.S. victory, with Mexico ceding a significant portion of its territory to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Read the words spoken by an imaginary farmer in Rome, and then answer the question.

The threat of attack was always there. Life in the countryside seemed safer than in the cities, especially since we grew our own food to survive. But we never knew when one of the neighboring tribes or invaders would come through our town. Lord Otho lived nearby. He was a strong leader with money to pay several soldiers who were no longer loyal to the Roman Empire. We fled to his manor to ask for his protection in return for part of our grain. When he agreed, we all felt safer in our homes than we had in a long time.

What effect of the fall of the Roman Empire does the farmer describe?

Group of answer choices

the survival of a strong central government

the decline in literacy

the rise of the feudal system

the diminished value of Roman coins

the answers isnt the survival of a strong governmet


Answer: the survival of a strong central government


Who was John Paul II?



who team Why numbers they real used she

please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer

Born: 18 May 1920, Wadowice, Poland

Died: 2 April 2005, Apostolic Palace, Vatican City

Height: 1.78 m

Parents: Emilia Kaczorowska, Karol Wojtyła

Full name: Karol Józef Wojtyła

Buried: 8 April 2005, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Influenced by: Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Buber,

Pope John Paul II is remembered for his successful efforts to end communism, as well as for building bridges with peoples of other faiths, and issuing the Catholic Church's first apology for its actions during World War II. He was succeeded by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI.

why did the gap between the rich and the poor widen in the french revolution



They were the only member of the society who had to pay a number of taxes- taille, tithes and indirect taxes. A part of the tax was also given to the clergy. Thus, when they gained more profit the third estate was at loss.

By the end of the 1920s, the policy of the united states governmemt towards " Indian schools" in the country was to


Native American boarding schools that teach English, adhere to American principles, and encourage students to give up their cultural practises are used to assimilate and acculturate Native American.

What was one of the objectives of the US government in creating Indian boarding schools?

The goal of government Indian boarding schools was to forcibly remove American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian children from their families, Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and Native Hawaiian Community in order to culturally assimilate them.

What does 1923 have to do with the Indian school?

In the late 17th and early 20th centuries, boarding schools like the one in "1923" first appeared as re-education centres with the slogan "kill the Indian to save the kid." attempting to “civilize” the Indigenous. Their hair was cut.

To know more about Native American visit:-


How does this period of compromise show that civil war was unavoidable ?


Please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied

The American Civil War was inevitable. To avoid war the South needed to abolish slavery and find a supplemental, free workforce to support its agrarian economy or the North, under President Lincoln had to let the first secession states leave the Union unchecked.

Which issues were discussed as states created their constitutions? select each correct answer​


The correct answer is A. The US Constitution addressed the problem under the Articles of Confederation that Congress had no power to ensure its laws were followed by the states by creating an executive branch to enforce laws.Explanation:The Articles of the Confederation did not have a strong executive branch, but it was a Congress formed by different representatives that exercised a limited central power, while the laws emanating from it were to be enforced by the different states of the Union. This situation led to many states not complying with laws that were not favorable to their interests, which resulted in legal uncertainty that impaired the early development of the United States as a nation.This issue, which was evidenced in situations such as the Shay's Rebellion, led the Continental Congress to reform the Articles. Finally, the creation of the Constitution of the United States established a single-person executive branch, carried out by the President, who has the function of enforcing the laws in the national territory.

Which type of firm pays royalties in order to own your business?
Group of answer choices

A) corporation

B) sole proprietorship

C) franchise

D) partnership



The answer is C. franchise

10. Explain whether technology has changed the library for the better. Support your
answer with evidence from the text.

I need this today :(



The purpose of this paper is to initiate discussion among a small group of university and college library directors being convened by the Digital Library Federation (DLF) and the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) to explore how and why libraries and library use are changing. This exploration is envisioned as the first step in a larger initiative that includes conducting research and presenting the research results to library directors, their provosts, presidents and faculty. The ultimate goal is to facilitate understanding of how and why libraries are changing and better position the library to meet the needs and expectations of university and college administrators and library users. This paper and the published results of the research proposed here will be of interest to all academic librarians because they address significant issues and concerns that confront libraries being held accountable for the learning and research outcomes and cost-effectiveness of their efforts.

Though librarians have always collected data to support strategic planning, the rampant changes precipitated by new technologies are making traditional performance measures less effective in demonstrating the library's contribution to higher education. The first section of this paper explains the problem in detail and describes what is at stake. The second section analyzes the intrinsic limitations of traditional measures and our understanding of the trends they reveal. The third section addresses some environmental factors that may help us understand why library use is changing. The paper concludes by proposing research designed to help fill the gaps in our understanding of changes in library use.

Explanation: Technology continues to evolve, and as it does it is becoming more and more integrated with society. Smart appliances and voice-controlled assistants are just two examples of how technology is evolving to make people’s lives easier. As technology changes the way we manage our lives, will it also affect the way libraries are managed?

Which following did the People’s party believed give them more political power in the 1800s



choosing senators through direct election


What caused people to seriously fear a communism uprising in America


Answer: The Russians.


The fear of communism spread throughout Europe and America after communism itself started to spread.

What is the name of the painting above?


La tempesta - Giorgione

what was the westward movement


The Westward Movement, also known as westward expansion, was period in American history during 19th century when settlers moved westward across North American continent in search of opportunities and resources.

What was the Westward Movement?

The Westward Movement was a period of American history during the 19th century in which settlers and pioneers moved westward across North America, in search of new opportunities and land to settle. This movement began in the early 1800s and continued until the late 1800s, when the western frontier was officially declared closed. The movement was fueled by a variety of factors, including economic opportunities such as gold rushes and fertile land for farming, as well as the idea of manifest destiny, the belief that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its territory from coast to coast. This expansion had significant impacts on Indigenous communities and the environment, leading to displacement, violence, and ecological degradation.

To learn more about Westward Movement, visit:


What is different about Pure Land Buddhism compared to other denominations of Buddhism?


Pure Land Buddhism is a distinct denomination of Buddhism that originated in China and is characterized by its emphasis on the role of Amitabha Buddha and the Pure Land, or Western Paradise, in the attainment of enlightenment. Here are some key differences between Pure Land Buddhism and other denominations of Buddhism:

Focus on Amitabha Buddha: In Pure Land Buddhism, Amitabha Buddha is the primary focus of devotion and practice. The goal of Pure Land Buddhism is to be reborn in Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land, where enlightenment is guaranteed. Other forms of Buddhism may focus on different Buddhas or Bodhisattvas.
Salvation through faith: Pure Land Buddhism emphasizes the role of faith in the attainment of enlightenment. It is believed that by reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha with sincere faith, one can be reborn in the Pure Land and attain enlightenment. Other forms of Buddhism may place greater emphasis on meditation, mindfulness, or other practices.
Emphasis on rebirth: Pure Land Buddhism places greater emphasis on the concept of rebirth than other forms of Buddhism. The goal of practice is to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land, where enlightenment can be attained. Other forms of Buddhism may have different perspectives on rebirth.
Importance of scriptures: Pure Land Buddhism places a great deal of importance on sacred texts, particularly the Larger Sutra of Immeasurable Life and the Smaller Sutra of Immeasurable Life, which describe the Pure Land and the role of Amitabha Buddha in the attainment of enlightenment. Other forms of Buddhism may place greater emphasis on other texts or oral teachings.
Accessibility for laypeople: Pure Land Buddhism is known for its accessibility to laypeople, who can practice by reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha with sincere faith. Other forms of Buddhism may have more complex or esoteric practices that are primarily accessible to monastics or advanced practitioners.
Overall, Pure Land Buddhism is distinct in its emphasis on Amitabha Buddha, faith, rebirth, scriptures, and accessibility for laypeople.

Which issues were discussed as states created their constitutions? select each correct answer​


C) The Constitution established the executive and judicial branches of the federal government because Congress lacked the ability to enforce or interpret the laws it passed.

What issues have been identified?

When the delegates arrived at the assembly, they were given the directive to amend the Articles of Confederation.

The most pressing issue that the conference needed to address was the federal government's inability to collect taxes.

The states were compelled to pay back the debt they had incurred during the Revolutionary War as a result of this weakness. Simply put, when the constitution was first drafted, the American people still lacked basic experience in government administration, so we made a few mistakes that were later corrected.

To learn more about Constitution visit :


Complete question :

Which issues were discussed as states created their constitutions?

A) Some states were punishing citizens for publishing texts critical of the government, so the Constitution protected the right to freedom of speech.

B) Congress couldn’t pass laws because state representatives did not always attend congressional sessions, so the Constitution made it a crime for legislators to skip sessions of Congress.

C) Congress had no way to enforce or interpret the laws it passed, so the Constitution created the executive and judicial branches of the federal government.

D) Some states wanted to create alliances with Great Britain against other states, so the Constitution made it illegal for states to make alliances with foreign countries.

How did the U.S. seek to change its role in Latin America under the 'Good
Neighbor Policy'?


The Roosevelt administration signed agreements formalizing this new respect and sought to negotiate mutually beneficial trade agreements with Latin American countries. The benefits of the Good Neighbor Policy became evident when nearly every country in the region aligned itself with the United States in World War II.

James K Polk arose as a presidential candidate with a message of

A- westward expansion

B- isolationism

C- peace with Mexico

D- better trading networks with Canada



A- Westward expansion.


James K. Polk ran for president in 1844 with a platform that included a commitment to westward expansion. He believed in Manifest Destiny, the idea that it was America's destiny to expand its territory to the Pacific Ocean. Specifically, Polk advocated for the annexation of Texas and the acquisition of Oregon from Britain. As president, Polk pursued these goals and oversaw the Mexican-American War, which resulted in the United States gaining a large portion of Mexico's territory, including what is now California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

transcript The Freedmen's Bureau had great success in:
A. raising rates of landownership for Black Americans.
B. raising literacy rates among Black Americans.
C. gaining fair work contracts for formerly enslaved people.
D. ensuring enslavers were held accountable.


The answer is B. raising literacy rates among Black Americans.

The Freedmen's Bureau's greatest success was in forming public schools for formerly enslaved children and adults where they can learn basic reading, writing, and math.

What is the straightforward definition of literacy?

A person must be literate in order to work in society, accomplish their goals, and expand their knowledge and potential.

What does literacy serve as a means for?

Being illiterate in reading and writing is a major disadvantage. In addition to enhancing a person's life, literacy gives them the chance to learn skills that will able them to support their families and themselves.

To know more about Literacy visit:


why might a cause like italian unification successfully draw people of very different backgrounds together



Italian unification draw people together based on their identity.


Italian Unification was able to draw people together because it connected and unified people together to form a nation of their own based on their culture and identity.

30 points how is the invasion of Manchuria by japan and the reoccupation of the Rhineland by germany different and similar??



The invasion of Manchuria by Japan and the reoccupation of the Rhineland by Germany were similar in that they were both acts of aggression by powerful countries that violated existing treaties and agreements.

In September 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria, a region in northeastern China, which violated the territorial sovereignty of China and went against the international principles of non-aggression and non-intervention. Similarly, in March 1936, Germany reoccupied the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone in western Germany, which violated the Treaty of Versailles and threatened the security of France and other neighboring countries.

However, there were also significant differences between these events. Japan's invasion of Manchuria was driven by economic interests, as Manchuria was rich in natural resources that Japan sought to exploit. In contrast, Germany's reoccupation of the Rhineland was driven by Hitler's desire to expand Germany's territory and influence in Europe.

Additionally, the international response to these events was different. While both acts of aggression were condemned by the international community, the response to Japan's invasion of Manchuria was largely limited to diplomatic protests, as the Western powers were preoccupied with their own economic and political problems. On the other hand, Germany's reoccupation of the Rhineland led to increased tensions in Europe and a heightened sense of alarm about Hitler's ambitions, which contributed to the buildup to World War II.

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