Summary of this for my English homework bit I can’t really summarise

Summary Of This For My English Homework Bit I Cant Really Summarise


Answer 1

The summary is that praccticing mindfulness and deep breathing exercises to help you stay calm and centered in the moment.

How to convey the information

Identify and challenge any negative thought patterns that may be fueling your anger.

Find healthy outlets for your anger, such as exercise or creative expression.

Seek professional help if your anger is causing significant problems in your life or relationships.

Practice forgiveness and letting go of grudges, as holding onto anger can be detrimental to your well-being.

Remember, anger is a normal human emotion, but it's important to learn how to express it in a healthy way that doesn't harm yourself or others.

Learn more about summary on;


Related Questions

(100 POINTS!) Estimated Time: 45 mins (Thank you in advance :) )

Write a paper Identifying and discussing methods Gaskell uses to develop a theme, such as "people are more alike than they are different" in “Christmas Storms and Sunshine.”

To find a theme in literature, we consider what emotion or experience the author is exploring and what the author is saying about that emotion or experience. Then, when we have identified a topic or motif that is addressed in the text, we develop a universal thematic statement

Be sure to use textual evidence that illustrates how Gaskell developed the theme.

Some methods include mood, point of view, characterization, setting, and juxtaposition



I. Introduction (includes a thesis statement)

II. Claim #1 (includes textual evidence)

III. Claim #2 (includes textual evidence)

IV. Claim #3 (includes textual evidence)

V. Conclusion



this took for ever lol


I. Introduction

In Elizabeth Gaskell's "Christmas Storms and Sunshine," the theme that people are more alike than they are different is developed through various literary methods. This theme suggests that despite cultural, social, or economic differences, humans share fundamental emotions and experiences. Gaskell explores this theme through mood, point of view, characterization, setting, and juxtaposition.

II. Mood

The mood of the story is used to emphasize the theme of human similarity. The story is set during the Christmas season, a time of year when people from different backgrounds come together to celebrate. Gaskell creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere, where people are open and receptive to each other. For example, when the travelers are forced to seek shelter at a farm during a snowstorm, the farmer and his family are hospitable and welcoming, showing kindness to the strangers. This reinforces the idea that despite their differences, people are willing to come together to help one another in times of need.

III. Point of View

The point of view of the story also helps to develop the theme of human similarity. The story is told from the perspective of the omniscient narrator, who is able to see into the thoughts and emotions of all the characters. This allows the reader to see the commonality in the experiences of the characters, regardless of their social or economic status. For example, the narrator shows the reader the inner turmoil of Lady Ludlow, a wealthy aristocrat, as she struggles with the loss of her son. The reader is able to see that Lady Ludlow's pain is no different than that of the poor farmer's wife, who has lost her child to illness. This underscores the idea that people share similar emotions and experiences, regardless of their social status.

IV. Characterization and Juxtaposition

The characterization of the characters in the story also reinforces the theme of human similarity. Gaskell uses a variety of characters from different backgrounds to show that people are more alike than they are different. For example, the wealthy Lady Ludlow is contrasted with the humble farmer's family, and the aristocratic travelers are contrasted with the poor country folk. However, Gaskell also shows that the characters share common traits, such as kindness, compassion, and resilience. The juxtaposition of the characters' differences and similarities underscores the idea that people are fundamentally alike.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, Elizabeth Gaskell uses various literary methods to develop the theme that people are more alike than they are different in "Christmas Storms and Sunshine." The warm and welcoming mood of the story, the omniscient point of view, the characterization of the characters, and the juxtaposition of their differences and similarities all work together to emphasize the commonality in human experience. Through these methods, Gaskell suggests that despite cultural, social, or economic differences, humans share fundamental emotions and experiences.

sort it and fix it up =) please give brainlist

Antionette struggle with time management. She often forgets appointments or is running late. What would be the MOST helpful suggestion for her to address this issue?

Schedule less since she is clearly overbooked and cannot do everything.

Keep a calendar of all her appointments and how long it takes to get there.

Let those that she is meeting know that she is often late but it is not a big deal.

Ask a friend to text her whenever it is time for her leave for the next appointment.





Paris: This is that banish' d haughty Montague
That murdered my love's cousin- -with which grief
It is supposed the fair creature died-
And here is come to do some villainous shame
To the dead bodies. I will apprehend him.
Stop thy unhallowed toil, vile Montague!
Can vengeance be pursued further than death?
Condemned villain, I do apprehend thee.
Obey, and go with me; for thou must die.
Romeo. I must indeed, and therefore came I hither.
Good gentle youth, tempt not a desp'rate man.
Fly hence and leave me, think upon these gone, Let them affright thee. I beseech thee, youth,
Put not another sin upon my head, By urging me to fury: O, be gone!
By heaven, I love thee better than myself, For I come hither arm'd against myself.
Stay not, be gone; live, and hereafter say A madman's mercy bid thee run away.
Paris. I do defy thy conjuration And apprehend thee for a felon here.
Romeo. Wilt thou provoke me? Then have at thee, boy!

They fight.]
Paris. I do defy thy conjuration And apprehend thee for a felon here.
**The Page sees the fight and goes to look for the watch to apprehend them.**
Paris. O, I am slain! [falls] If thou be merciful,
Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet.

What type of irony is it ?

Why is it ironic?


We can see here that the type of irony in this excerpt is situational irony.

What is irony?

Irony is a literary or rhetorical device that involves a contrast or discrepancy between what is expected or intended and what actually occurs or is said. It is a form of figurative language that is often used to create humor, emphasize a point, or make a critical commentary.

It is situational irony because Paris, who had previously been seeking to marry Juliet and had been considered by her family as a potential husband, now ends up dead in the tomb where Romeo had come to mourn Juliet's death.

This is ironic because Paris is killed by Romeo, who is the very person Juliet's family had originally hoped she would marry instead of Romeo.

Additionally, Paris had previously been considered a peaceful and reasonable character, but here he is depicted as confrontational and aggressive towards Romeo, leading to his own demise.

Learn more about irony on


poem "The Planting of the Apple-Tree'! begins with the planting of the apple tree and ends with children in the future wondering who planted it. Write one to two paragraphs that analyze how each stanza-in this poem builds on the previous one, fits into the overall structure, and contributes to the development of the theme.



In the poem "The Planting of the Apple-Tree," each stanza builds on the previous one to develop the theme of the passage of time and the legacy left behind by those who plant trees. The first stanza sets the scene for the poem, describing the planting of the apple tree and the care taken to ensure its growth. The second stanza speaks of the tree as a symbol of love and the hope that it will continue to bring joy to future generations. This stanza introduces the idea of the tree as a legacy and the importance of planting trees not just for oneself, but for future generations.

The third stanza speaks to the cyclical nature of life and how the tree will continue to bloom and bear fruit long after the original planter has passed away. The fourth stanza, which speaks of the tree's future as a source of shade and shelter for generations to come, further emphasizes the theme of the lasting impact of a single act of planting a tree. Finally, the fifth stanza ends the poem with the image of children in the future wondering who planted the tree and marveling at its beauty and bounty. This final stanza ties together the theme of the poem, emphasizing the importance of planting trees not just for ourselves, but for the legacy that we leave behind for future generations. The overall structure of the poem builds towards this final image, emphasizing the importance of planting trees as a lasting legacy.

IT ONLY HAS TO BE 200 WORDS Write an essay in which you explain how Nolan Gasser builds an argument to persuade his audience to embrace shared music experiences even as streaming has made us more isolated. In your essay, analyze how Gasser uses one or more of the features above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

Music Is Supposed to Unify Us. Is the Streaming Revolution Fragmenting Us Instead?
Nolan Gasser



In his article "Why We Need Shared Musical Experiences," Nolan Gasser argues that despite the rise of streaming services, which offer personalized listening experiences, we should still prioritize shared musical experiences. He uses several persuasive strategies to strengthen his argument and appeal to his audience.

Gasser begins by acknowledging the benefits of streaming services, such as convenience and access to a vast library of music. However, he argues that these services also contribute to social isolation and the decline of communal experiences. To support this claim, Gasser cites studies that suggest a correlation between increased screen time and decreased social interaction.

To further persuade his audience, Gasser appeals to their emotions by describing the unique power of shared musical experiences. He uses personal anecdotes, such as attending concerts with his family, to demonstrate how music can bring people together and create lasting memories. He also notes the cultural significance of music in various communities, emphasizing how it can foster a sense of belonging and identity.

Gasser strengthens his argument by offering practical solutions for incorporating shared musical experiences into our lives. He suggests attending concerts, participating in music-making activities, and even incorporating music into our daily routines. By providing concrete examples, Gasser shows that incorporating shared musical experiences is both feasible and beneficial.

Overall, Gasser's argument is well-structured and persuasive. He uses a combination of logical appeals, emotional appeals, and practical solutions to convince his audience that shared musical experiences are essential to our social and emotional well-being. In a world where technology often isolates us, Gasser reminds us of the power of music to bring us together.


In "We are meant to be united by music. Is the "Streaming Revolution" actually fragmenting us? "Nolan Gasser contends that although music streaming has increased our sense of isolation, shared musical experiences remain essential to maintaining our social and cultural connections.

Nolan Gasser's justification in "Music is designed to bring us all together. Is the "Streaming Revolution" really tearing us apart?" is that, despite making it simpler for us to tailor our musical experiences, music streaming has also contributed to a feeling of social isolation and fragmentation. He contends that shared musical activities, such as listening to music together or going to concerts, are essential for preserving our ties to one another on a social and cultural level. In order to counteract the detrimental impacts of streaming on our sense of community, Gasser claims that we need to be proactive about looking for these shared experiences. In the end, he contends that music has the ability to bring people together and unite us, and that we must actively seek to protect and strengthen its position in.

Which characters function as foils?

Group of answer choices

Catherine and Zillah

Catherine and Cathy

Edgar and Lockwood

Heathcliff and Edgar

Heathcliff and Hindley


Heathcliff and Edgar functiοn as fοils in the nοvel "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brοnte.

In this case οptiοn C is cοrrect

Heathcliff and Edgar functiοn as fοils in Emily Brοnte's "Wuthering Heights". They are twο οppοsite characters that highlight each οther's differences. Heathcliff, whο is dark, brοοding, and vengeful, cοntrasts with Edgar, whο is gentle, kind, and refined.

Heathcliff's rοughness and lack οf educatiοn highlight Edgar's refinement and educatiοn, while Edgar's weakness and naivety highlight Heathcliff's strength and cunning. Their οppοsing persοnalities and desires create tensiοn and cοnflict thrοughοut the nοvel.

To know more about  Heathcliff here


Which of the following is considered to be a vector?
A. mass
B. temperature
C. velocity
D. time​


Answer: C, Velocity.

Explanation: Vector is a quantity that has magnitude and direction. Velocity is basically speed with direction, suggesting that it is a vector.



The statement is correct. The goblin shark is a deep-sea creature that is rarely seen in U.S. waters. It is typically found in waters deeper than 330 feet (100 meters), but has been known to venture into shallower waters in search of prey.

What is the Goblin sharks  about?

Goblin sharks are known for their unique protruding snout, which they use to detect prey in the dark, deep-sea environment. Their long, flat snouts are covered in tiny electroreceptors, which can detect the electrical signals given off by other creatures.

Therefore, While sightings of goblin sharks in U.S. waters are rare, they have occasionally been spotted off the coasts of California and Florida. These sightings are usually of individuals that have strayed from their deep-sea habitats and ventured into shallower waters.

Learn more about Goblin on:


see full text below

The goblin shark, a deep-sea creature whose strange protruding snout distinguishes it from other sharks, isn't a common sight in U.S waters. However, some goblin sharks have occasionally been spotted off the coasts of California and Florida. True or false.

why do students hate studying?​


Every day is stressful, but it's not being hated for everyone.

Studying can be a scene as a stressful or An inherently time wasting activity. Studying compared to most things can seem futile or like it’s going to be a waste. And while studying can help most people, it can be the last thing on a priority list of 1 billion things a child could be doing in the day.

A justification for job training programs is that they improve worker productivity. Suppose that you
are asked to evaluate whether more job training makes workers more productive. However, rather than
having data on individual workers, you have access to data on manufacturing firms in Ohio. In particular, for each firm, you have information on hours of job training per worker (training) and number of
nondefective items produced per worker hour (output).
(i) Carefully state the ceteris paribus thought experiment underlying this policy question.
(ii) Does it seem likely that a firm’s decision to train its workers will be independent of worker
characteristics? What are some of those measurable and unmeasurable worker characteristics?
(iii) Name a factor other than worker characteristics that can affect worker productivity.
(iv) If you find a positive correlation between output and training, would you have convincingly
established that job training makes workers more productive? Explain


(i) The ceteris paribus thought experiment underlying this policy question is that all other variables that may affect worker productivity, such as worker characteristics and working conditions, remain constant while evaluating the impact of job training on worker productivity.

(ii) It is unlikely that a firm's decision to train its workers will be independent of worker characteristics. Measurable worker characteristics that may affect a firm's decision to train its workers include education, experience, and skills. Unmeasurable worker characteristics, such as motivation and work ethic, may also play a role in a firm's decision to train its workers.

(iii) The working conditions, such as the quality of machinery and equipment, can affect worker productivity. Additionally, the level of supervision and management practices can also affect worker productivity.

(iv) Finding a positive correlation between output and training is not sufficient to convincingly establish that job training makes workers more productive. Correlation does not necessarily imply causation, and other factors that are not controlled for in the analysis may be driving the observed correlation. To establish a causal relationship between job training and worker productivity, a randomized controlled trial or a natural experiment that addresses potential confounding factors is needed.

I got up early and…(have) a shower





whats the objective summary in the golden kite, the sliver wind by ray bradbury. I need a 2 to 3 paragraph


"The Golden Kite, The Silver Wind" by Ray Bradbury is a short story set in ancient China. The story revolves around two neighboring cities that are constantly at war with each other. The story’s main theme is the idea that even in the midst of chaos and destruction, beauty can still exist.

In the story, the leaders of the two cities decide to build walls around their respective cities. However, in the process, the walls take the form of two animals, a golden kite and a silver dragon. The two animals become an extension of the cities and are constantly at war with each other. The people of both cities become obsessed with the creation of their respective animals, and the beauty of the kite and the dragon become the only respite from the destruction around them.

Ultimately, the kite and the dragon meet in the sky and become locked in a deathly embrace, destroying each other in the process. The people of both cities realize that the obsession with the animals was the root cause of their destruction and decide to rebuild their cities without the animals, ushering in a new era of peace. Overall, the story explores the human condition and the relationship between beauty, destruction, and peace.

Which of the following sentences uses the serial comma correctly? Responses She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers Tom Hanks, and, God." She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers Tom Hanks, and, God." She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers Tom Hanks, and God." She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers Tom Hanks, and God." She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers, Tom Hanks, and God." She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers, Tom Hanks, and God." She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers Tom Hanks and God." She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers Tom Hanks and God."


The sentence that uses the serial comma correctly is: "She got up to give her Oscar acceptance speech and surprised everyone by starting off with, "I’d like to thank my brothers, Tom Hanks, and God.""


The serial comma, also known as the Oxford comma, is the comma used before the coordinating conjunction ("and" in this case) in a list of three or more items. In this sentence, the serial comma is used after "Tom Hanks" to separate it from "God" in the list of people she is thanking. This helps to avoid confusion and ambiguity about who she is thanking.

(a) Give a reason why the word 'again' is underlined in the sentence.​


Without the context of the sentence, it is difficult to determine why the word "again" might be underlined. However, here are a few possible reasons:

The word "again" may be underlined to indicate that it is a word that is commonly misspelled or used incorrectly. In this case, the writer may be indicating that the word should be double-checked for accuracy or that it needs to be used in the correct context.

The word "again" may be underlined to indicate that it is a word that the writer wants to emphasize or draw attention to. In this case, the underlining may be used for emphasis or to make the word stand out from the surrounding text.

The word "again" may be underlined as part of a proofreading or editing process. In this case, the underlining may be used to indicate that the word needs to be revised or removed from the sentence.

In Chapter 20, Obierika says the white man "has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart" (176). How do Chapters 20 and 21 show that this is true? (Things Fall Apart)



In Chapters 20 and 21 of Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart, the effects of European colonialism on the Igbo people of Nigeria become more apparent. Obierika's statement that "the white man has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart" can be seen as referring to the cultural, social, and political disintegration that occurs as a result of European intervention.

One way this is shown is through the introduction of Christianity and Western education. In Chapter 20, we see how the new religion divides families and communities, as some people convert while others remain loyal to traditional beliefs. For example, Nwoye, Okonkwo's son, converts to Christianity, causing a rift between him and his father. Additionally, we see how the missionaries use education as a tool for cultural assimilation, teaching the Igbo people to reject their own traditions and embrace Western ways.

Another way this is shown is through the imposition of colonial authority. In Chapter 21, we see how the district commissioner enforces his own version of justice, arresting and punishing the leaders of the village for their resistance to colonial rule. The Igbo people are forced to adapt to a new system of government, one that is based on European values and legal codes. This results in the loss of their own system of justice, which was based on tradition and communal consensus.

Overall, Chapters 20 and 21 show how the arrival of the white man disrupts the social and cultural fabric of Igbo society, leading to a loss of traditional values and practices. Obierika's statement becomes increasingly relevant as we see how the Igbo people struggle to adapt to the changes brought about by European colonialism.


Read the paragraph from the Newsela article "Mistaken Text Leads to Fundraiser."
Because Jakeman didn't want to leave her son's side, friends, relatives and neighbors rushed to setup meal plans for Shaun
Jakeman and Noah's siblings at home.
How does the paragraph fit into the overall structure of the text?
OIt uses description to explain how the meal plans work.
OIt uses cause and effect to explain the purpose behind the mistaken text.
OIt explains how Noah's health worsened over time.
O It describes Jakeman's problem providing food for her family.



The correct answer is D. It describes Jakeman's problem providing food for her family. The paragraph explains how Jakeman's friends, relatives, and neighbors came together to set up meal plans for her family while she stayed with her son in the hospital. This paragraph provides context for the fundraising efforts that occurred as a result of a mistaken text message, which is the main focus of the article.


Why Jakeman didn't want to leave her son's side?

Her son, Shaun, was sick and needed her care.

What happened next?

Jakeman's friends, relatives, and neighbors came together to set up meal plans for Shaun and his siblings at home so that Jakeman could focus on taking care of her son.

Summary: A mom named Jakeman accidentally sent a text to a stranger asking for food and it led to her community coming together to fundraise for her son's medical expenses.

Climax: A woman mistakenly sends a text asking for donations for her sick granddaughter to a wrong number, which happens to be a police officer's.

Ending: The police officer and his colleagues decide to help the woman's granddaughter by organizing a fundraiser that raises over $12,000 for the family.

Jakeman, a mom, sent a text message to a wrong number asking for food while she was at the hospital with her son, Noah.

The stranger who received the text replied and offered to help, but Jakeman realized the mistake and apologized.

Despite the mistake, the stranger and Jakeman continued to talk and the stranger learned about Noah's medical condition.

The stranger shared the story with their own community, which led to a fundraiser for Noah's medical expenses.

Jakeman was grateful for the community's support and encouraged people to always check on their neighbors and offer help when they can.

Jakeman's friends and family helped her by making plans to bring food to her house while she was at the hospital with her sick son. This made it easier for her to take care of her family.

Paragraph summary: Jakeman's friends, relatives, and neighbors worked together to make meal plans for her family so she could stay with her sick son. This helped Jakeman provide food for her family while she was at the hospital.

Overall structure: The paragraph fits into the cause and effect structure of the text by providing a solution to the problem presented earlier in the article. It explains how the mistaken text led to a fundraiser, which allowed Jakeman's support system to provide meals for her family while she was at the hospital with her son.

Title: "Mistaken Text Leads to Fundraiser"



what is the main difference in viewport described in the passage about Douglass learning to read


The main difference in viewport described in the passage is that Douglass's viewport changed from the constraints of slavery to the potential of freedom after learning to read.

What is slavery?

Slavery is a system in which people are treated as property and are forced to work against their will. It is an extreme form of oppression and exploitation, in which individuals are denied basic human rights such as freedom of movement, choice, and decision making. Slavery has been in existence for thousands of years and in many different forms throughout history. It was only abolished in the United States in 1865, but unfortunately, it still exists in many parts of the world today. Slavery involves the buying and selling of human beings, often for labor or sexual exploitation. It is a form of human trafficking and has devastating consequences for those subjected to it, including physical and mental harm, loss of dignity, and even death in some cases. Slavery is a violation of human rights, and it is important that we continue to take action to end it in all its forms.

To learn more about slavery


20. Explain the story's mood. How does Irving create humor in a story in which
there are few happy events? On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph
that explains your answer. Support your ideas with details from the



Irving creates humor in the story through irony and satire. For example, he uses the character of Tom's wife, who is even more miserly than Tom, to poke fun at greed and selfishness. He also uses the character of the devil to satirize religious beliefs and superstitions. Additionally, the description of the swamp and its inhabitants adds a comical and exaggerated tone to the story.


Dark humor in storytelling.

Title: "The Devil and Tom Walker"


Tom Walker is a greedy man who lives near a swamp.

He meets the devil, who offers him great wealth in exchange for his soul.

Tom hesitates, but eventually agrees to the deal.

He becomes wealthy, but his life is miserable and he is constantly afraid of the devil.

In the end, the devil comes to claim Tom's soul and he is taken to hell.


The mood of the story is dark and gloomy, with a sense of foreboding and impending doom. There are few happy events in the story, and even when Tom becomes wealthy, it is at the cost of his soul and his happiness. The devil's presence and Tom's fear of him also add to the eerie mood.


Irving creates humor in the story through irony and satire. For example, he uses the character of Tom's wife, who is even more miserly than Tom, to poke fun at greed and selfishness. He also uses the character of the devil to satirize religious beliefs and superstitions. Additionally, the description of the swamp and its inhabitants adds a comical and exaggerated tone to the story.


In "The Devil and Tom Walker," Washington Irving creates a dark and eerie mood through the use of foreboding and impending doom. However, he also injects humor into the story through irony and satire. The character of Tom's wife, who is even more miserly than Tom, is used to poke fun at greed and selfishness. Similarly, the devil is used to satirize religious beliefs and superstitions. Irving also uses comical descriptions of the swamp and its inhabitants to add a humorous and exaggerated tone to the story. Despite the lack of happy events, the humor in the story provides a balance to the gloomy mood and adds to the overall impact of the narrative.


Select all the correct answers read this passage taken from how the Spaniards came to shung-opovi how they built a mission and how the Hopi destroy the mission which two of these elements are found in the Hopi story


The Spaniards visited Shung-opovi various instances earlier than the missions had been established. The people of Mishongovi welcomed them so the priest who was with the white guys built the first Hopi mission at Mishongovi.

How did the Hopi smash the mission?

Standing on the 0.33 mesa and constructed in 1901, it was once destroyed by lights in 1942.

The Spanish raided Indian camps, stole livestock, and took Indian female and kids who were used as servants in their homes.

Historical origins and genetics. The Spanish people's genetic pool largely derives from the pre-Roman inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula: Pre-Indo-European and Indo-European speakme pre-Celtic groups: (Iberians, Vettones, Turdetani, Aquitani).

Learn more about  Shung-opovi here:

Upon arriving at the wrong location what did the pilgrims and crew do before finally deciding to dock where they had originally landed


On December 16, 1620, the Mayflower arrived in Plymouth Harbor, and the colonists started establishing their settlement. The group stayed on the ship and dwellings were constructed while they lived there.

What did the Pilgrims do right away after landing?

The Mayflower arrived at Cape Cod on November 11, 1620, having endured two months of storms in the Atlantic. After failing to locate a suitable place to live, the Pilgrims sailed to Plymouth Bay, where they were carried ashore in small groups and eventually made their home in the ruins of a Native American settlement.

Where did the Pilgrims go before deciding to settle in America?

In contrast, the Mayflower pilgrims had already eluded English law before 1620 by emigrating to the Netherlands and were willing to face the hazards of North America because they believed God had called them to the promised land.

To Know more about settlement.


Which sentence below shows the correct punctuation of an introductory transitional phrase? A. Overall schools prefer their students to read Shakespeare instead of Edgar Allen Poe. B. Overall, schools prefer their students to read Shakespeare instead of Edgar Allen Poe. C. Overall, schools prefer their students to read Shakespeare, instead of Edgar Allen Poe. D. Overall a lot of schools prefer their students, to read Shakespeare instead of Edgar Allen Poe.​


The final answer is A

In History of wakandans why did the wakandans choose to hide from the world rather than conquer it


Wakandans chose to hide from the world rather than conquer it because they wanted to protect their advanced technology and resources from outsiders who might seek to exploit or misuse them.

Wakanda is portrayed as a highly advanced and prosperous African nation, thanks to the presence of Vibranium, a rare and powerful metal that is unique to the Wakandan region. The Wakandans are able to use Vibranium to create highly advanced technology, such as advanced weapons and medical devices, that far surpasses anything else in the world.

However, the Wakandans recognize that their wealth and power would make them a target for outside forces, who might seek to invade or exploit their resources. They also recognize that their society is unique and precious, and they do not want it to be contaminated or corrupted by outside influences.

Therefore, the Wakandans choose to remain hidden from the world, and to carefully control the access that outsiders have to their resources and technology. They use advanced cloaking technology to conceal their country from outsiders, and they carefully monitor all interactions with the outside world to prevent any breaches of their security.

While some Wakandans, such as T'Challa (the Black Panther), eventually come to recognize the importance of engaging with the outside world and sharing their resources with others, the initial decision to hide was made in order to protect their people and their way of life from outside threats.

What is the speaker implying in the quote from “Are You the New Person Drawn Toward Me”? Use text evidence.


Hi Andrea here’s your answer

The speaker in the quote from “Are You the New Person Drawn Toward Me” implies that they are seeking a connection with someone new. This is evidenced by the line “Are you the new person drawn toward me?” which suggests that the speaker is looking for a relationship with someone they have not yet met. Furthermore, the line “For I see you, you surround me” implies that the speaker is feeling a strong connection with this new person, even though they have not yet met. The speaker is implying that they are seeking a connection with someone new and that they feel a strong connection with this person, even though they have not yet met.

How does paragraph 2 and its three key points relate to the introduction?


They describe the structure of colonial government under England's rule.
They describe the structure of colonial government under England's rule.

They state ideas that support the colonists' desire to break away from England.
They state ideas that support the colonists' desire to break away from England.

They itemize a series of requests that the colonists wish to make of England.
They itemize a series of requests that the colonists wish to make of England.

They list the specific grievances that the colonists hold against their English rulers.


They outlined the ideas supporting the American colonies' uprising against England. Royal, Charter, and Proprietary were the three types or systems of government employed within Colonial government.

What is the colonial government's organisational structure?

A governor served as the head of the executive branch, and the legislature was made up of two houses: the governor's council and the representative assembly. The British government appointed the governor and the council in royal colonies.

What does the introduction's third paragraph say?

A strong research paper opening might be composed of only three paragraphs. In order to do this, you must first persuade readers that your topic is essential (paragraph 1), then you must explain any knowledge gaps that still exist (paragraph 2), and finally you must show that your article will at least partially fill one or more of those gaps (paragraph 3).

To know more about structure visit:-


What cultural experiments are reflected in the expert from "Living or Dead?"? How does the culture and the history of that time period affect the passage? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least one paragraph.



The dead carry living and spirit not physically so therefore we are all alive and the dead have strong power than the living

Make a connection to Romeo and Juliet. Select one character from the play that shares traits with Anna in The Leap. Explain the traits the two characters share, and provide textual evidence to support your answer.



Anna, the protagonist of "The Leap" by Louise Erdrich, is a courageous and independent character who overcomes physical challenges and societal expectations. A character in Romeo and Juliet who shares some of these traits is Juliet herself.

Like Anna, Juliet defies societal expectations and risks everything for love. Juliet defies her family's wishes and falls in love with Romeo, a member of a rival family. This love puts both her and Romeo's lives in danger, but Juliet is willing to risk everything for their relationship. Similarly, Anna defies her father's wishes and becomes a trapeze artist, despite the risks involved.

Moreover, both Anna and Juliet display a certain bravery and determination in the face of adversity. Juliet refuses to marry Paris and decides to take the potion that Friar Lawrence gives her to fake her own death. This shows her determination to be with Romeo, no matter what the cost. Anna, on the other hand, overcomes her fear of heights to become a successful trapeze artist.

In terms of textual evidence, Juliet's soliloquy in Act 2, Scene 2 is a clear example of her willingness to risk everything for love: "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, / My love as deep; the more I give to thee, / The more I have, for both are infinite" (2.2.140-142). Similarly, Anna's decision to become a trapeze artist despite her fear is exemplified in her description of her first experience on the trapeze: "I could feel the air on my skin, the way it pushed and lifted me. I had no weight. I was flying" (Erdrich 220).

Overall, Juliet and Anna share traits of bravery, determination, and a willingness to defy societal expectations for the sake of love or personal fulfillment. Both characters demonstrate that it takes courage to follow one's heart, and that the rewards can be worth the risks.

In The Scarlet Letter, the lightning bolt symbolizes
Question 8 options:

A. The little bit of light found in a Dimmesdale’s situation

B. Dimmesdale’s and Hester’s sin

C. Hester’s anger toward Chillingsworth

D. Pearl’s demeanor



A. The little bit of light found in Dimmesdale's situation.

In The Scarlet Letter, the lightning bolt is a symbol of hope and revelation for Dimmesdale. It illuminates the sky directly after his confession on the scaffold, revealing the letter "A" that is imprinted on his chest due to his shared sin with Hester. The lightning bolt is seen as a sign of God's mercy and forgiveness, which Dimmesdale had been seeking throughout the novel. The symbol of the lightning bolt represents the hope of redemption and the possibility of overcoming sin, even in the most difficult circumstances.


Which of the following statements about Emma's mother is most likely true?
A. She is unsure how best to help her daughter.
B. She and Emma have a volatile relationship.
C. She blames herself for Emma's condition.
D. She is not Emma's biological mother.
from the story “Blind”


She is unclear about the best way to support her daughter. If Emma has a condition that impairs her vision, her mother might not know how to support her daughter the best and might turn to others for help or advice.

How would you characterise Emma in the passage from abandoning Emma?

Emma is revealed to be a helpful and compassionate person in "Excerpt from Leaving Emma," which is written for young readers. She demonstrates this throughout the narrative by her actions. Emma helps her mom well when her dad is away, which makes me believe she is a helpful person.

What connection can you make between the concept of this chapter and Miss Taylor's approach to her job as Emma's governess?

Emma is ill-equipped to endure Miss Taylor's departure due to her permissive personality. Emma's developing maturity is reflected in Miss Taylor and Emma's evolving relationship.

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The Van Daan's move into the Annex earlier than expected because people are
receiving call-up notices left and right from the SS.
True or False


The Van Daan's move into the Annex earlier than expected because people are receiving call-up notices left and right from the SS. This is false.

How to convey the information

The Van Daans did move into the annex earlier than expected, but it was not because of call-up notices from the SS.

In "The Diary of Anne Frank," the reason for the early move was due to a letter from Margot Frank stating that she was to be summoned by the Nazis to a labor camp. This prompted the Franks to immediately go into hiding, and they invited the Van Daans to join them.

Learn more about Van Daan on


Can anyone please help



I think that it is C

Explanation: (My thought process)

After reading the excerpt,  I know that t is definitely not answer B, because the excerpt does not say anything related to time. That leaves answer A and answer C. The answers are the same except for the 5th word.

So what is the difference between comparing and contrasting?

Comparing involves identifying similarities and/or differences (e.g., apples and oranges are both fruit) whereas contrasting involves comparing two or more objects or events in order to show their differences (e.g., an apple has a thin skin that we can eat; an orange has a thick skin that we cannot eat).

So, that means that the answer is C, because the excerpt only talks about differences between men and women, not their similarities.

Hope this helps! :)

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