suppose the supply of housing has an elasticity equal to 0.6. if the price of housing rises by 20%, then:


Answer 1

If the supply of housing has an elasticity of 0.6 and the price of housing rises by 20%, then quantity supplied of housing will increase by 12%

We can determine the percentage change in quantity supplied using the formula:

% Change in Quantity Supplied = Elasticity of Supply x % Change in Price

Substituting the given values, we get:

% Change in Quantity Supplied = 0.6 x 20% = 12%

This means that the quantity supplied of housing will increase by 12% in response to a 20% increase in price. The smaller the elasticity of supply, the less responsive quantity supplied is to changes in price. In this case, since the elasticity of supply is less than 1, the percentage change in quantity supplied is smaller than the percentage change in price.

You can learn more about price elasticity at


Related Questions

if the marginal product per dollar spent on capital is less than the marginal product per dollar spent on labor, then in order to minimize costs the firm should use:


If the marginal product per dollar spent on capital is less than the marginal product per dollar spent on labor, then in order to minimize costs the firm should use more labor and less capital.

Marginal product per dollar is the additional output produced by spending one more dollar on a particular factor of production. In this scenario, the marginal product per dollar spent on labor is higher than the marginal product per dollar spent on capital.

This implies that the firm can produce more output by spending an additional dollar on labor as compared to spending the same dollar on capital.

To minimize costs and achieve maximum efficiency, the firm should allocate more resources towards the factor with the higher marginal product per dollar, which in this case is labor.

By using more labor and less capital, the firm can increase its output while minimizing costs. This is because the additional labor will lead to a greater increase in output than the additional capital, while also being relatively cheaper to employ.

For more questions like Costs click the link below:


in order to test the weak form of the efficient-market hypothesis, researchers have used the following methods except: multiple choice estimation of the serial correlation (autocorrelation) for securities and markets. measurement of the profitability of trading rules used by technical analysts. measurement of how rapidly security prices adjust to different news items. all of the options are methods used for testing weak-form market efficiency.


The weak form of the efficient-market hypothesis suggests that stock prices reflect all available information and that past price movements do not predict future movements.

Researchers have used a variety of methods to test the weak form of the efficient-market hypothesis. These methods include measuring the serial correlation (autocorrelation) for securities and markets, measuring the profitability of trading rules used by technical analysts, and measuring how rapidly security prices adjust to different news items.

However, multiple choice estimation is not one of the methods used to test the weak form of the efficient-market hypothesis. Multiple choice estimation is a method used to measure the accuracy of a survey or questionnaire.

It does not measure the efficiency of markets or securities. Therefore, multiple choice estimation is not a method used for testing weak-form market efficiency.

Know more about efficient-market hypothesis here


2. An individual with zero initial wealth and the utility function U(Y) = Y.4 is confronted with the gamble Li (16,4;.40). Answer the following: (a) What is the certainty equivalent for the gamble? (b) What is the maximum he would pay for an insurance policy that guarantees the expected payoff of the gamble? (c) What is the probability premium? The probability premium is the increase in the probability of good state that matches the U(E(L1)). (d) Now assume the individual is confronted with the gamble L2 = (36, 16;.50). What is the certainty equivalent, maximum insurance payment, and probability premium for L2?


For the gamble L1 with outcomes (16,4; 0.4), the certainty equivalent is $11.42, the maximum insurance payment is $6.57, and the probability premium is 0.07. For the gamble L2 with outcomes (36, 16; 0.5), the certainty equivalent is $22.68, the maximum insurance payment is $13.32, and the probability premium is 0.05.

(a) To find the certainty equivalent for the gamble L1(16,4;.40), we need to find the amount of certain money that gives the same level of utility as the expected utility of the gamble. The expected utility of the gamble is:

EU(L1) = (.40)×(16)^.4 + (.60)×(4)^.4 = 6.73

To find the certainty equivalent, we set U(CE) = EU(L1) and solve for CE:

CE^.4 = 6.73

CE = (6.73)^2.5 = $27.22

Therefore, the certainty equivalent for the gamble is $27.22.

(b) The maximum amount the individual would pay for an insurance policy that guarantees the expected payoff of the gamble is the expected value of the gamble minus the certainty equivalent:

Max insurance payment = E(L1) - CE = (.40)×16 + (.60)×4 - 27.22 = $2.78

(c) The probability premium is the increase in the probability of the good state that matches the certainty equivalent of the gamble. Since the certainty equivalent is $27.22, we need to find the probability of the good state that gives a utility of $27.22:

(16)^.4 × (p) + (4)^.4 × (1-p) = 27.22

Solving for p, we get:

p = 0.787

Therefore, the probability premium is 0.787 - 0.40 = 0.387 or 38.7%.

(d) For the gamble L2 = (36, 16;.50), the expected utility is:

EU(L2) = (.50)×(36)^.4 + (.50)×(16)^.4 = 13.32

To find the certainty equivalent, we solve U(CE) = EU(L2) for CE:

CE^.4 = 13.32

CE = (13.32)^2.5 = $48.72

Therefore, the certainty equivalent for the gamble L2 is $48.72.

The maximum amount the individual would pay for an insurance policy that guarantees the expected payoff of the gamble is:

Max insurance payment = E(L2) - CE = (.50)×36 + (.50)×16 - 48.72 = $1.28

The probability premium is:

(36)^.4 × (p) + (16)^.4 × (1-p) = 48.72

Solving for p, we get:p = 0.943

Therefore, the probability premium is 0.943 - 0.50 = 0.443 or 44.3%.

for more such questions on insurance


the n-r-squared statistic also refers to the: a. f statistic. b. z statistic. c. t statistic. d. lm statistic.


The n-r-squared statistic is related to the F statistic in regression analysis. It is calculated as the difference between the F statistic and its degrees of freedom, and represents.

the proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables. The F statistic tests the overall significance of the regression model, while the t statistic tests the individual significance of each predictor variable. The z statistic is used for testing hypotheses about population parameters, and the lm statistic is not a commonly used statistic in statistical analysis.

In summary, the correct answer is (a) F statistic.

Learn more about statistic here:


The n-r-squared statistic is actually referring to the coefficient of determination, which is represented by the letter “R”.

The coefficient of determination is a measure of how well a linear regression model fits the data. It is calculated by taking the square of the correlation coefficient between the observed values of the dependent variable and the predicted values from the regression model.

The coefficient of determination is a number between 0 and 1. A higher value indicates a better fit, while a lower value indicates a weaker fit.

In simple terms, the coefficient of determination is a measure of how well the linear regression model explains the variation in the data. It is usually reported as a percentage between 0 and 100%.

Know more about n-r-squared statistic here


mckensie, inc., has outstanding 10,000 shares of $25 par value, 6% nonparticipating, cumulative preferred stock and 16,000 shares of $5 par value common stock. the dividend on preferred stock is two years in arrears, and the total cash dividend declared this year is $85,000. the total amounts distributed to preferred and common stockholders, respectively, are:


To calculate the amounts distributed to preferred and common stockholders, we need to follow a specific process. Total amounts distributed to preferred and common stockholders, respectively, are $75,000 and $10,000.

First, we need to determine the total amount of dividends that should be paid to preferred stockholders. Since the preferred stock has a cumulative feature, any unpaid dividends accumulate and must be paid before any dividends can be paid to common stockholders.

In this case, the dividend on preferred stock is two years in arrears, which means that $60,000 ($30,000 x 2 years) of unpaid dividends must be paid before any dividends can be paid to common stockholders.

Next, we need to calculate the total amount of dividends that can be paid to preferred stockholders this year. The preferred stock has a fixed dividend rate of 6% of its $25 par value, which is $1.50 per share. The total number of preferred shares outstanding is 10,000, so the total amount of dividends that should be paid to preferred stockholders is $15,000 ($1.50 x 10,000 shares).

However, since $60,000 of unpaid dividends must be paid this year, the total amount of dividends that should be paid to preferred stockholders this year is $75,000 ($60,000 + $15,000).

Finally, we can calculate the total amount of dividends that can be paid to common stockholders. The total cash dividend declared this year is $85,000, and $75,000 of this amount is allocated to preferred stockholders.

Therefore, the total amount of dividends that can be paid to common stockholders is $10,000 ($85,000 - $75,000).

In summary, the total amounts distributed to preferred and common stockholders, respectively, are $75,000 and $10,000. This is because the preferred stock has a cumulative feature, and any unpaid dividends must be paid before dividends can be paid to common stockholders.

Know more about dividends here:


clear agreements about authority, risks and sharing profits are needed when a business is organized as a(n)


When a business is organized as a partnership, clear agreements about authority, risks and sharing profits are crucial for a smooth operation.

Partnerships rely on trust and cooperation between the parties involved, and having clear agreements in place can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. Authority should be clearly defined to avoid disputes over decision-making and management responsibilities.

Risks should also be identified and agreed upon to ensure each partner understands their liability and responsibilities in case of any losses. Lastly, sharing profits should be agreed upon to ensure each partner receives a fair share of the business's success.

These agreements should be formalized in a partnership agreement, which should be reviewed and updated regularly.

To know more about partnership,refer to the link:


what is the term for a national of one country appointed to a management position in another country?


The term commonly used for a national of one country appointed to a management position in another country is "expatriate."

What is management?

Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources (people, finances, materials, and time) to achieve specific goals and objectives. It involves making decisions and taking actions to efficiently and effectively allocate resources, coordinate activities, and motivate employees to achieve desired outcomes. Good management involves setting clear goals, developing a strategy to achieve them, delegating tasks, monitoring progress, providing feedback, and making adjustments as necessary. It also requires effective communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and leadership qualities. The field of management includes various areas such as human resources, operations, finance, marketing, and more. Effective management is essential for the success of organizations, whether they are businesses, non-profit organizations, or government agencies.

To learn more about management, visit:


while performing a business continuity audit, what would be the most important activity for an auditor to verify? data backups are performed on a timely basis a recovery site is contracted for and available as needed human safety procedures are in place insurance coverage is adequate and premiums are current


During a business continuity audit, the most important activity for an auditor to verify would be whether a business continuity plan is in place and if it is regularly updated to ensure that it meets the current needs of the organization.

The auditor should also verify that the plan includes procedures for data backups to be performed on a timely basis and that a recovery site is contracted for and available as needed. In addition, the auditor should ensure that human safety procedures are in place to protect employees and that insurance coverage is adequate and premiums are current. All of these factors are important for ensuring that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a disruption or disaster.

Read more about insurance here:


face 2 face corporation reports 250 outstanding shares, 1,250 authorized shares, and 125 shares of treasury stock. how many shares are issued?


We must take the number of treasury shares out of the total number of shares outstanding in order to determine the number of issued shares.

Issued shares = Outstanding shares - Treasury shares

We can enter the 250 outstanding shares and 125 shares of treasury stock that the Face 2 Face Corporation reports into the algorithm above to obtain the following result:

Issued shares = 250 - 125 = 125

Therefore, the number of issued shares for Face 2 Face Corporation is 125 shares.

Treasury shares are stock certificates issued by a firm that has since been repurchased by it. Since outside investors are no longer holding them, these shares are not regarded as outstanding shares. Instead, they are kept as an asset in the company's treasury.

To know more about Treasury shares,


Had to split question into two photos for words to remain clear and visible.
78.You are calculating the NPV of one day's sales associated with a given credit policythat does not offer a discount and has an average collection period of 45 days. Youshould discount variable costs _____ days and credit administration and collectionexpenses ______ days.
a.0,0 b.0, 45 *
c.45, 45
d.45, 0


To calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) of one day's sales associated with a credit policy that does not offer a discount and has an average collection period of 45 days.

We need to discount variable costs and credit administration and collection expenses for the appropriate number of days.

Option b. (0, 45) is the correct answer. Variable costs should be discounted for zero days as they are incurred at the time of sale. Credit administration and collection expenses should be discounted for 45 days as they are incurred after the sale and take an average of 45 days to collect.

Discounting the costs for the correct number of days ensures that we are accurately reflecting the time value of money and the cost of financing the credit policy. By calculating the NPV, we can determine whether the credit policy is profitable or not and make informed decisions about whether to continue with it or not.

To know more about Variable costs refer here:


if the price of gasoline is too low and vendors sell out quickly, which of the following will happen? consumers will purchase more gasoline. the price of gasoline will rise to eliminate the shortage. producers will lower the price of gasoline. consumers will purchase less gasoline.


Answer: the price of gasoline will rise to eliminate the shortage.



The price of gasoline will rise to eliminate the shortage.


When the price of gasoline is set too low and vendors are unable to keep up with the demand at that price, a shortage occurs. In this situation, consumers are willing to buy more gasoline than is available in the market at the low price, leading to vendors quickly selling out.

To address the shortage and bring the market back into balance, vendors and producers will likely respond by raising the price of gasoline. By increasing the price, the quantity supplied of gasoline will increase as producers find it more profitable to supply more at the higher price. At the same time, the higher price will discourage some consumers from purchasing as much gasoline, helping to reduce the demand to a level that can be met by the available supply.

Investors can enhance benefits from international
diversification by using:
industry funds.
factor funds.
style funds.
all of the options.


Investors can enhance benefits from international diversification by using 4.) all of the options, including industry funds, factor funds, and style funds.

What are these different funds useful for?

These different types of funds allow investors to diversify their investments across different sectors, investment factors, investment styles, and geographic regions, which can potentially reduce risk and enhance returns.

1.) Industry funds: These funds focus on specific industries or sectors, such as technology, healthcare, finance, or energy. By investing in industry funds, investors can gain exposure to specific sectors that may perform differently under different market conditions, helping to diversify their portfolio and potentially enhance returns.

2.) Factor funds: These funds invest in stocks or other securities based on specific investment factors, such as value, growth, momentum, or quality. Each factor has its own historical performance characteristics, and by diversifying across different factors, investors can potentially reduce risk and enhance returns.

3.) Style funds: These funds focus on specific investment styles, such as large-cap, small-cap, or value-oriented stocks. By investing in different investment styles, investors can diversify their portfolio and potentially benefit from different market conditions or economic cycles.

Using a combination of industry funds, factor funds, style funds, and other types of funds, investors can create a well-diversified international investment portfolio that can potentially enhance benefits from international diversification. However, it's important to carefully evaluate each fund's risks, performance, fees, and other factors before making investment decisions, and consult with a qualified financial professional for personalized investment advice.

To know more about types of funds visit:


Study status:
Financial derivatives are considered among the advanced financial
instruments with multiple uses in the financial markets.
What did you learn in the Markets and Financial Institutions


Financial derivatives are indeed advanced financial instruments that play a significant role in the financial markets.

These instruments derive their value from an underlying asset, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. They serve multiple purposes in the financial markets, including risk management, speculation, and price discovery.

In studying Markets and Financial Institutions, we learn that financial derivatives enable market participants to manage their exposure to various risks, such as interest rate risk, currency risk, and credit risk. For example, a company can use interest rate swaps to hedge against fluctuations in interest rates, thereby stabilizing its financing costs.

Speculation is another use of financial derivatives, allowing investors to profit from their predictions about the future movements of asset prices. Options and futures are common instruments for speculation, providing investors with leverage and potentially high returns.

Furthermore, derivatives contribute to price discovery by facilitating the trading of financial instruments based on their perceived value. This helps in determining the fair value of the underlying assets, as market participants express their expectations through buying and selling derivatives.

Lastly, financial institutions play a crucial role in the derivative market by acting as intermediaries between buyers and sellers. They provide liquidity, facilitate transactions, and ensure the smooth functioning of the market.

In summary, financial derivatives are advanced instruments that serve various purposes in the financial markets, such as risk management, speculation, and price discovery. Financial institutions play a significant role in the functioning of these markets by acting as intermediaries and providing liquidity.

For more about financial instruments:


fixed-price contracts are considered which of the following? very flexible very rigid always cheaper than any other option useless when considering a systems design always the best option for any project


Fixed-price contracts are considered a strangle includes holding both a put and a call on the same underlying asset. The correct answer is a. very flexible very rigid always.

Holding a call and a put on the same underlying asset is a typical option strategy known as a strangle. A strangle protects investors who anticipate a swift move in an asset but are unsure of the direction. A strangle is profitable only when the price of the underlying asset swings sharply.

You take a considerable price risk if you write short strangles on particular stocks. On an index, selling strangles is significantly safer. The worst scenario for traders may be a short strangle on Infosys or Reliance before the quarterly results.It is untrue that it is always preferable to enter into long-term contracts because they are normally less expensive and to avoid using any flexible capacity since it is more expensive because the choice depends on the type of industry and the situation. There are various market segments and industries, and each one has unique traits and elements that influence how decisions are made.

To know more about Strangle visit:


how are microfinance loans intended to contribute to the united nations sustainable development goals


Microfinance loans intend to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing financial services to low-income individuals and communities, who are often excluded from traditional banking systems. By offering access to credit, savings, and insurance, microfinance institutions (MFIs) empower these populations to engage in economic activities, promote self-sufficiency, and improve their overall quality of life.

Primarily, microfinance supports SDG 1 (No Poverty) by giving borrowers the means to invest in income-generating activities, allowing them to create wealth, increase financial stability, and eventually escape poverty. Microloans can also contribute to SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) by facilitating entrepreneurship and small business development, which in turn creates job opportunities and stimulates local economies.

Moreover, microfinance plays a role in achieving SDG 5 (Gender Equality), as many MFIs target female borrowers to foster women's economic independence and promote gender parity. Access to financial resources allows women to contribute to household income, gain control over financial decisions, and challenge traditional gender roles.

In addition, microfinance can impact SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) by addressing economic disparities among different social groups, and SDG 13 (Climate Action) by providing loans for sustainable energy sources or environmentally-friendly practices.

In summary, microfinance loans directly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by promoting financial inclusion, poverty alleviation, gender equality, and sustainable economic growth.

To learn more about microfinance loans refer here:


O out of 0.5 points Question 5 Andreas just started as an analyst for Credit Suisse in Geneva, Switzerland. He receives the following quotes for Swiss francs against the dollar for spot. 1.2573-82 SF/S Calculate the number of points spread between the bid and ask.


The number of points spread between the bid and ask for Swiss francs against the dollar is 9 points.

Andreas received quotes for Swiss francs against the dollar for spot at 1.2573-82 SF/S. To calculate the number of points spread between the bid and ask, simply subtract the bid rate from the ask rate. In this case, the bid rate is 1.2573 and the ask rate is 1.2582. The difference between these two rates is:

1.2582 - 1.2573 = 0.0009

To express this difference in points, we multiply by 10,000 (as there are 10,000 points in a pip). So, the points spread is:

0.0009 * 10,000 = 9 points

Therefore, the number of points spread between the bid and ask for Swiss francs against the dollar is 9 points.

To know more about bid rate click on below link:


In a one-period binomial model, assume that the current stock price is $100, and that it will rise to $120 or fall to $80 after one month. The gross return for the risk free rate of return for one period is 1.015. Using the One Period Binomial Model to create a replicating portfolio, what is the price of a one-month call option at a strike price of $100?


The price of the call option is $19.70. This is because an investor can replicate the payoff of the call option by investing in the replicating portfolio, which costs $19.70.

To create a replicating portfolio, we need to find the combination of the underlying stock and the risk-free asset that has the same payoff as the call option at the expiration date. In this case, the call option has a payoff of $20 if the stock price is $120 and $0 if the stock price is $80.

Let x be the number of shares of the stock and y be the amount invested in the risk-free asset. We can set up two equations to solve for x and y:

1.015y + 100x = 100   (if the stock price is $120)
1.015y + 100x = 0     (if the stock price is $80)

Solving for y in each equation, we get y = 49.26 and y = -66.31, respectively. Substituting y into one of the equations, we can solve for x to get x = 0.507.

Therefore, the replicating portfolio consists of 0.507 shares of the stock and $49.26 invested in the risk-free asset. The price of the call option is then the present value of the replicating portfolio, which is:

$20/1.015 + $0/1.015 = $19.70

To know more about replicating portfolio refer here:


Use the work you completed for Parts, I, II, and III with your CLC group to inform your analysis for this assignment. Write a 500-750-word analysis of the significance of the three Matrices regarding their relevance for strategic planning. Describe the key information for each of the three matrices and how information from each will influence recommendations for strategic plans to improve the position of the company. Without prematurely determining and formalizing strategic goals and objectives, begin thinking about possible strategies to capitalize and add value to the organization based on the analysis of this information.
Under Armour


The three matrices (SWOT, SPACE, and BCG) play a crucial role in Under Armour's strategic planning, providing key insights to improve the company's position and capitalize on opportunities, while adding value to the organization.

The significance of the three matrices (SWOT, SPACE, and BCG) in Under Armour's strategic planning lies in their ability to provide essential information for decision-making.

The SWOT matrix identifies the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, allowing for a comprehensive internal and external analysis.

The SPACE matrix examines the competitive position and market growth of the company, revealing areas for improvement and potential expansion. Lastly, the BCG matrix categorizes the company's products into different growth categories, highlighting which product lines to invest in or divest from.

By analyzing information from these matrices, Under Armour can develop well-informed recommendations for strategic plans to improve its market position. This process will involve considering various strategies to capitalize on identified opportunities and add value to the organization, all without finalizing specific goals and objectives at this stage.

To know more about SWOT matrix  click on below link:


A French investor buys 240 shares of Teck for $16,800 ($70 per share). Over the course of a year, Teck goes up by $8.65. a. If there is a 10 percent gain in the value of the dollar versus the euro, wh


The French investor gains $2,076 in terms of euros after a 10% gain in the value of the dollar versus the euro.

1. Calculate the initial investment in dollars: 240 shares * $70/share = $16,800

2. Determine the increase in stock value: $8.65 * 240 shares = $2,076

3. Calculate the new total investment value: $16,800 + $2,076 = $18,876

4. Factor in the 10% gain in the value of the dollar versus the euro: $18,876 * 0.9 = €16,988.40

5. Determine the initial investment in euros: $16,800 * 0.9 = €15,120

6. Calculate the gain in terms of euros: €16,988.40 - €15,120 = €1,868.40

The French investor gains €1,868.40 after a 10% gain in the value of the dollar versus the euro.

To know more about investment  click on below link:


in the united states, the cpi basket consists of items that _______. _______ has the greatest weight in the cpi basket.


In the United States, the CPI (Consumer Price Index) basket consists of items that are commonly purchased by urban consumers, including goods and services such as food, housing, clothing, transportation, medical care, and entertainment.

The CPI basket is constructed to reflect the spending habits of the average urban consumer and is based on a survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine the types of goods and services that are typically purchased by consumers.The CPI basket is divided into eight major categories, each of which is given a weight based on its importance to the average consumer's budget. The eight categories are food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services.Of these categories, housing has the greatest weight in the CPI basket, accounting for approximately one-third of the total index. This is because housing costs, including rent and mortgage payments, are typically the largest expense for most consumers. Food and beverages and transportation are also significant components of the CPI basket, each accounting for around 15% of the total index.

Learn more about consumers here:


In the United States, the CPI (Consumer Price Index) basket consists of items that represent the typical goods and services purchased by households for consumption. These items are organized into various categories, and their prices are monitored regularly to determine the overall cost of living. Housing has the greatest weight in the CPI basket, as it generally constitutes the largest expense for most households.

The CPI basket is determined by surveying thousands of households across the country to determine what they spend their money on. This information is used to create a weighted average of prices for each item in the basket. The weight of each item in the basket is determined by its relative importance in the average household's spending.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, housing has the greatest weight in the CPI basket, followed by transportation and food. Other items in the basket include apparel, education and communication, medical care, and recreation.
Overall, the CPI basket provides a valuable tool for understanding changes in the cost of living over time and is used by policymakers, businesses, and individuals to make informed decisions about spending and saving.

To know more about CPI, visit


Question 3 (0.1 points) How many firms develop offerings to satisfy needs of all customers? Less than 1% 1-3% 04-7% More than 7%


Less than 1% of firms develop offerings to satisfy the needs of all customers.

The development of offerings to satisfy the needs of all customers is not a common strategy among firms as it can be difficult, if not impossible, to create a product or service that meets the needs and preferences of all customers. This is especially true in today's market where customers have diverse preferences and tastes.

Instead, many firms adopt a more targeted approach to product development, focusing on specific customer segments or niches that they can serve effectively. By tailoring their offerings to the needs of a particular group of customers, firms can differentiate themselves from competitors, build strong customer relationships, and achieve higher profit margins.

Overall, the trend in modern marketing is towards segmentation and targeting, with firms seeking to develop offerings that meet the needs of specific customer groups rather than trying to appeal to everyone. This approach is more likely to be successful in today's market, where customers are increasingly demanding and have high expectations of the products and services they buy.

Learn more about marketing and market segmentation:


Nana Ekua opened a savings account this morning. Her money will earn 5 percent interest, compounded annually. After five years, her savings account will be worth GHS5,600. Assume she will not make any withdrawals. Given this, which one of the following statements is true? A. Nana Ekua deposited more than GHS5,600 this morning. B. The present value of Nana Ekua's account is GHS5,600. C. Nana Ekua could have deposited less money and still had GHS5,600 in five years if she could have earned 5.5 percent interest. D. Nana Ekua would have had to deposit more money to have GHS5,600 in five years if she could have earned 6 percent interest. E. Nana Ekua will earn an equal amount of interest every year for the next five years.


Nana Ekua opened a savings account to earn 5% interest rate. The statement is true: Nana Ekua could have deposited less money and still had GHS5,600 in five years if she could have earned 5.5% interest.

To explain this, we can use the formula for compound interest: [tex]A = P / (1 + r/n)^{nt}[/tex], where A is the final amount, P is the initial principal, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of times interest is compounded per year, and t is the number of years.

In this case, A = GHS5,600, r = 0.05, n = 1 (since it's compounded annually), and t = 5 years. We can rearrange the formula to solve for P, the initial deposit:

[tex]P = A / (1 + r/n)^{nt}[/tex]

[tex]= GHS\;5,600 / (1 + 0.05/1)^{1\times5} \approx GHS\;4,364.63[/tex]

Now, if Nana Ekua could have earned 5.5 percent interest instead:
[tex]P = GHS\;5,600 / (1 + 0.055/1)^{1\times5} \approx GHS\; 4,291.42[/tex]

Since GHS4,291.42 is less than the initial deposit of GHS4,364.63, statement C is true. If Nana Ekua could have earned 5.5% interest rate, she could have deposited less money and still had GHS5,600 in five years.

To know more about interest rates refer here:


government policy that attempts to manage the economy by controlling the money supply and thus interest rates. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).


The government policy you are referring to is called monetary policy. It is implemented by the central bank of a country to regulate the economy by controlling the money supply and interest rates. By adjusting the interest rates, the central bank can influence borrowing and lending, which affects economic growth, inflation, and unemployment rates.

NAFTA is a trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico that went into effect in 1994. The agreement aimed to promote free trade between the three countries by eliminating tariffs on goods and services and reducing other trade barriers. NAFTA has had a significant impact on the economies of these countries, leading to increased trade, investment, and job opportunities. However, it has also been criticized for leading to job losses in certain industries and worsening income inequality. NAFTA aimed to boost economic growth, generate employment, and expand trade and investment among the three nations. Even though it did have some positive effects, such as increased trade, investment, and job creation, it also drew criticism for contributing to wage stagnation and job losses in some sectors, notably in the US.

Learn more about NAFTA here:


When interest rates fall, the present value of fixed future cash flows: a. Increases. b. First falls, then rises. c. Remains the same. d. Decreases. If an investor combines two securities with a correlation of minus 1: a. The risk of the resulting portfolio will always be greater than the risk of either of the component securities. b. It is possible to end up with zero risk. c. The risk of the resulting portfolio will be the average of the risks of the component securities. d. The risk of the resulting portfolio will be equal to the risks of the component securities. Corporation had sales this year of $1,635 million, and sales are expected to grow by 20 percent next year. Next year the company expects cost of goods sold to be 60 percent of sales, selling expenses to be $20 million per month, depreciation to be $5 million per month, and interest expense to be $12 million per month. Taxes are computed at 21 percent. What is Finlay's expected net income next year? a. $590.8 million. b. $269.2 million. c. $165.9 million. d. $487.4 million.


When interest rates fall, the present value of fixed future cash flows increases. The answer is option a.

If an investor combines two securities with a correlation of minus 1, it is possible to end up with zero risk.

To calculate Finlay's expected net income next year, we can use the following formula: Net Income = (Sales - Cost of Goods Sold - Selling Expenses - Depreciation - Interest Expense) x (1 - Tax Rate),Net Income = ($1,635 million x 1.20 - $1,635 million x 0.60 - $20 million x 12 - $5 million x 12 - $12 million x 12) x (1 - 0.21), Net Income = $590.8 million

Therefore, the expected net income for Finlay next year is $590.8 million.

To know more about cash flows,refer to the link:


The value of a fund grows according to the accumulation function a(t)=1+0.012. A deposit of Pis made into the fund at time t = 0. The value of the fund at time t = 8 is 2650. Find P. a.1615.85 b. 1556.07 c. 1436.49
d.1496.28 e.1376.71


The deposit P needed to achieve a fund value of 2650 at time t = 8 is approximately $1496.28.

We can use the formula for the accumulation function a(t) = 1 + r to solve for the deposit P.

If a deposit P is made at time t = 0, the value of the fund at time t = 8 will be:

[tex]V = P × a(8) = P × (1 + 0.012)^8[/tex]

We are given that the value of the fund at time t = 8 is 2650. Therefore, we can solve for P:

[tex]P = V / a(8) = 2650 / (1 + 0.012)^8[/tex]

P ≈ 1496.28

Therefore, the deposit P needed to achieve a fund value of 2650 at time t = 8 is approximately $1496.28.

To know more about fund value refer to-


The initial deposit made into the fund was approximately $2416.49.

The accumulation function a(t) describes how the value of the fund changes over time. It's given as a continuous function a(t) = 1 + 0.012t, where t is measured in years.

Suppose a deposit of P is made into the fund at time t = 0. Then the value of the fund at time t is given by:

V(t) = P*a(t)

We are given that the value of the fund at time t = 8 is 2650. Therefore, we have:

V(8) = P*a(8) = 2650

Substituting the expression for a(t), we get:

P*(1 + 0.012*8) = 2650

Simplifying this equation, we get:

P*1.096 = 2650

Dividing both sides by 1.096, we get:

P = 2650/1.096

Solving for P, we get:

P ≈ 2416.49

None of the given answer options match this result exactly. However, answer option c. 1436.49 is off by a factor of 10, and answer option e. 1376.71 is off by a factor of 100. Answer option a. 1615.85 is closest, but still significantly off from the actual answer. Therefore, the correct answer is not among the given options.

To learn more about initial deposit


44.19 and 4.20 is the wronganswerBefore and after-tax cost of debt For the following $1,000-par-value bond paying semi-annual interest payments, calculate the before and after-tax cost of debt. Use the 21% corporate tax rate. Issuer Name Walt Disney Co. Coupon Rate 5.30% Years to Maturity 30 Price $989.67 .. The before-tax cost of debt for Walt Disney Co. is 5.37 %. (Round to two decimal places.) The after-tax cost of debt for Walt Disney Co. is 4.19 %. (Round to two decimal places.)


The before-tax cost of debt for Walt Disney Co. is 5.37%, and the after-tax cost of debt is 4.19%.

Before-tax cost of debt = Annual coupon payment / Bond price

The annual coupon payment can be calculated as:

Annual coupon payment = Coupon rate x Par value = 5.30% x $1,000 = $53

The bond price given is $989.67.

Plugging in these values, we get:

Before-tax cost of debt = $53 / $989.67 = 0.0537 or 5.37%

To calculate the after-tax cost of debt, we need to first calculate the tax shield:

Tax shield = Tax rate x Annual coupon payment = 0.21 x $53 = $11.13

The after-tax cost of debt can be calculated as:

After-tax cost of debt = Before-tax cost of debt x (1 - Tax rate)

Plugging in the values, we get:

After-tax cost of debt = 0.0537 x (1 - 0.21) = 0.0419 or 4.19%

Therefore, the before-tax cost of debt for Walt Disney Co. is 5.37%, and the after-tax cost of debt is 4.19%.

For more such questions on debt visit:


A company has the following capital structure: $5 million from bonds, $25 million from preferred stock, and $100 million from common stock. The cost of each source of funding is as follows: Bonds = 7.00%; Common = 9.75%; Preferred = 6.50%. Compute the company's WACC.


The company's WACC is 7.73%. To compute the company's weighted average cost of capital (WACC), we need to first calculate the proportion of each source of funding in the capital structure.

The total capital structure is $5 million + $25 million + $100 million = $130 million.

Proportion of bonds = $5 million / $130 million = 0.0385
Proportion of preferred stock = $25 million / $130 million = 0.1923
Proportion of common stock = $100 million / $130 million = 0.7692

Next, we need to calculate the cost of each source of funding adjusted for its proportion in the capital structure.

Cost of bonds = 7.00%
Cost of preferred stock = 6.50%
Cost of common stock = 9.75%

WACC = (0.0385 x 0.07) + (0.1923 x 0.065) + (0.7692 x 0.0975) = 0.0773 or 7.73%

Therefore, the company's WACC is 7.73%.

To know more about WACC, refer here:


abc company has a cash balance of $39,000 on august 1 and requires a minimum ending cash balance of $25,056. cash receipts from sales budgeted for august are $245,056. cash disbursements budgeted for august include inventory purchases, $31,000; other manufacturing expenses, $93,000; operating expenses, $42,000; bond retirements, $64,000; and dividend payments, $29,000. required: prepare a cash budget for abc company for august.


The minimum ending cash balance requirement is met, and the company has a positive net cash flow of $25,056 for the month of August.

Here's the cash budget for ABC Company for August:

Beginning Cash Balance: $39,000

Add: Cash Receipts from Sales: $245,056

Total Cash Available: $284,056

Less: Cash Disbursements:

Inventory Purchases: $31,000

Other Manufacturing Expenses: $93,000

Operating Expenses: $42,000

Bond Retirements: $64,000

Dividend Payments: $29,000

Total Cash Disbursements: $259,000

Net Cash Flow: $25,056

Ending Cash Balance: $25,056

Note: The ending cash balance is the same as the minimum ending cash balance required by ABC Company. This means that the company has just enough cash to cover its expenses and meet its minimum cash balance requirement.

Click the below link, to learn more about Cash Budget:


Alpine Auto Repair keeps a record of customer oil changes and sends a reminder postcard to its customers when it's time for the next oil change. This is an example of a ______ system.
A) customer relationship management
B) qualifying dimensions
C) a positioning matrix
D) geographic targeting
E) clustering


The system described in the question is an example of a customer relationship management (CRM) system.

This type of system is designed to manage interactions with customers and potential customers in order to improve business relationships and ultimately drive sales growth.

The system at Alpine Auto Repair keeps a record of customer oil changes and sends reminder postcards to its customers when it's time for the next oil change, which helps to maintain a positive relationship with customers by providing a convenient and timely service.

CRM systems can be beneficial for businesses in a variety of ways.

By keeping track of customer interactions and preferences, businesses can tailor their marketing and sales efforts to individual customers, improving the effectiveness of their campaigns.

CRM systems can also help businesses identify opportunities for growth and expansion by analyzing customer data and identifying trends and patterns.

Overall, the use of a CRM system can help businesses to build stronger relationships with their customers, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive sales growth.

The system at Alpine Auto Repair is a good example of how this technology can be applied in a practical and effective way to improve business performance.

To know more about customer relationship management (CRM) here


you buy an seven-year bond that has a 5.00% current yield and a 5.00% coupon (paid annually). in one year, promised yields to maturity have risen to 6.00%. what is your holding-period return?


Your holding-period return would be 8.33%

How to calculate the holding-period return

The holding-period return of your seven-year bond would be calculated as follows:

- First, calculate the purchase price of the bond. Assuming a face value of $1,000, the bond's price would have been $1,000 * 5.00% = $50 (the annual coupon payment) / 5.00% (the current yield) = $1,000.

- After one year, the promised yield to maturity has risen to 6.00%. This means that if you were to sell the bond at that point, its price would have decreased.

Using the bond pricing formula, we can estimate that the new price of the bond would be $50 / 6.00% + $1,000 = $1,083.33.

- Therefore, your holding-period return would be ($1,083.33 - $1,000) / $1,000 = 8.33%, or the percentage increase in the bond's price over the one-year period.

However, it's important to note that this calculation doesn't take into account any reinvestment of the coupon payments or the effect of taxes or fees bond's.

Learn more about Bond's return at


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