Surface water is found in oceans, lakes, reservoirs, streams, rivers,and glaciers. Lakes, rivers, and reservoirs are where humans obtain most of the surface water they use. Aquifers are an underground source of water that humans also use.


Answer 1
Freshwater on the land surface is a vital part of the water cycle for everyday human life. On the landscape, freshwater is stored in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and creeks and streams. Most of the water people use everyday comes from these sources of water on the land surface.

Related Questions

I need help in chemistry!!!!!!!!!!!



ok whats the question dude just ask :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP


wow is mom upide down


This is the answer hope you see it clear :)

348 g of water starting at 4.0°Celsius is heated until his temperature is 37°Celsius. Calculate the amount of heat energy needed to cause this rise in temperature




48.049 kJ or 48049 J


Hello again.

So we know the formula [tex]q = mc\Delta t[/tex]. c is the heat capacity but this time, it is not given. However, water has a very well known heat capacity which is 4.184 J/(g°C). This is in fact the number we refer to a calorie which is the amount of energy you burn that can raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1°C. So, plugging in values, you get the above. But double check if I am wrong.

The amount of heat energy needed to cause this rise in temperature is 48.049 kJ or 48049 J.

What is heat energy?

Heat is the energy that moves from one body to another when temperatures are different. Heat passes from the hotter to the colder body when two bodies with different temperatures are brought together.

A given amount of matter's heat capacity is the amount of energy needed to raise its temperature by one degree Celsius.

The heat energy will be calculated by the formula

Q = m•C•ΔT

Where c is the heat capacity.

The m is the mass

T is the time

Mass is 348 grams

Temperature is 37°C

The change in temperature is 4.0°C to 37°C

The heat capacity of water is 4.184

Q = 348 x 4.184 x -33 = 48049.056.

Therefore, the amount of heat energy needed is 48.049 kJ or 48049 J.

Learn more about heat energy, here:


Which of the following is true about metals?
A. They are usually less reflective in luster than metalloids.
They are usually better conductors than nonmetals.
C. They are usually less malleable than nonmetals.
They are usually more brittle than metalloids.


B. They are usually better conductors than nonmetals

In science class, a student is given a copper cylinder to investigate. The student measures the mass of the cylinder as 53.76 grams. The
student measures the volume of the copper as 6 cm. Which additional property of the copper can the student determine from these



From these two values, i.e. mass and volume, density of the copper cylinder can be calculated.

Formula of density is :

Density = Mass / volume.

Now we have mass: 53.76g and volume 6cm³

Density = 53.76 / 6

Density= 8.96 g/cm³

If an animal is placed into a sealed container for a short time, the oxygen level will
A. decrease and the carbon dioxide level will increase.
B. decrease and the carbon dioxide level will decrease,
C, increase and the carbon dioxide level will increase.
D. decrease and the carbon dioxide level will stay the same.
E increase and the carbon dioxide level will decrease.





Animals take in oxygen and convert it into carbon dioxide therefore the oxygen levels will decrease and the carbon dioxide levels will increase

If an animal is placed into a sealed container for a short time, the oxygen level will:  decrease and the carbon dioxide level will increase.

What happens to oxygen level inside a container:

The oxygen held inside the space is quickly being consumed by the freight or because of rusting inside a space, and that encased spaces must consistently be treated as perilous. And the carbon dioxide levels on the other hand will increase.

It will not take a long time for an animal to survive under these conditions.

Thus. option A is correct.

Find more information about Oxygen here:

how many picoliters are in 3.16 mL



3.16×10⁹ pL


Given data:

Volume in mL = 3.16

Volume in picoliters = ?


Picoliter and milliliters are units of volume. Milliliter is greater unit than picoliter.

1 mL = 10⁹ pL

Now we will convert the 3.16 mL into pL.

3.16 mL × 10⁹ pL/ 1 mL

3.16×10⁹ pL

1 point
Balance the following chemical equation. What are the final coefficients
starting from the left and going to the right? *
_Al(OH)3 +
1, 2, 1, 2
2, 2, 2, 2.



nãosecoi m fazoe isrspoo rqe a perugtunat  iomkplnetacá

Explanationveja  qeuastã onvamoetn e depois recoepe-a qui aipis onãestoácpletoma  :

what is ch2cl2 bond angle?





It's a tetrahedreal with four bonds



After getting their results in, a group of scientists went back and looked at their study. As planned, their experiment consisted of three groups. The first group received a new medicine at a normal dose, the second group received the medicine at half the dose, and the third group received the medicine at twice the dose.

Which of the following best describes what went wrong with the scientists’ study?


- an improper experimental procedure

- the lack of a control group

- selection bias

- human error



The lack of a control group

The answer would be “the lack of a control group.” To make the results more accurate, the scientists should have used a placebo group to use as a comparison.




This shoes the soda lime defusing to limewater turning into germinating seeding which defuses back to limewater


what does CER mean for science?



Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) model, an explanation consists of: A claim that answers the question. Evidence from students' data. Reasoning that involves a rule or scientific principle that describes why the evidence supports the claim.

Which phrase is most similar in meaning to “scientific theory”?
A. a best guess explanation
B. a rigorously tested explanation
C. an opinion of what should happen
D. a mathematical relationship






A. a best guess explanation


A scientific theory explains why something behaves the way it does and is usually backed up by different sources. They are not speculations and can be proven. Those which are speculations and are not proven are called hypothesis. A scientific theory can also be replaced, if it is found that it does not produce valid results, or if a better theory is proposed which is made of one or more old theories.

Which RNA strand would match with this DNA strand?


What is the DNA strand? You have not named it.

How many protons, electrons and neutrons do A nitrogen atom with atomic number 7 and mass number 14



p =7

e = 7

n = 7


proton = atom number

electron = atom number - muatan

neutron = mass nimber - atomic number

How many electrons are there in the only energy level of helium, a noble gas? * Two Three Six Eight​




Noble gases are the least reactive of all known elements. That's because with eight valence electrons, their outer energy levels are full. The only exception is helium, which has just two electrons.

The diagram shows a model of an animal cell. Explain how you'd modify the model to show the structures in a plant cell.


Answer:to show the structures of a plant cell,add a cell wall around the membrane and increase the size of the vaculoe insidethe cell, draw green ovals to represent chloroplasts.


What is the name of this ionic compound (Fr2SO4)



3.5: Ionic Compounds- Formulas and Names

Last updatedAug 25, 2020

3.4: An Atomic-Level Perspective of Elements and Compounds


3.6: Molecular Compounds- Formulas and Names




6.9: Binary Ionic Compounds and Their Properties

6.18: Ionic Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions

Learning Objectives

Derive names for common types of inorganic compounds using a systematic approach

Nomenclature, a collection of rules for naming things, is important in science and in many other situations. This module describes an approach that is used to name simple ionic and molecular compounds, such as NaCl, CaCO3, and N2O4. The simplest of these are binary compounds, those containing only two elements, but we will also consider how to name ionic compounds containing polyatomic ions, and one specific, very important class of compounds known as acids (subsequent chapters in this text will focus on these compounds in great detail). We will limit our attention here to inorganic compounds, compounds that are composed principally of elements other than carbon, and will follow the nomenclature guidelines proposed by IUPAC. The rules for organic compounds, in which carbon is the principle element, will be treated in a later chapter on organic chemistry.

Ionic Compounds

To name an inorganic compound, we need to consider the answers to several questions. First, is the compound ionic or molecular? If the compound is ionic, does the metal form ions of only one type (fixed charge) or more than one type (variable charge)? Are the ions monatomic or polyatomic? If the compound is molecular, does it contain hydrogen? If so, does it also contain oxygen? From the answers we derive, we place the compound in an appropriate category and then name it accordingly.

Compounds Containing Only Monatomic Ions

The name of a binary compound containing monatomic ions consists of the name of the cation (the name of the metal) followed by the name of the anion (the name of the nonmetallic element with its ending replaced by the suffix –ide). Some examples are given in Table  3.5.2 .

Table  3.5.1 : Names of Some Ionic Compounds

NaCl, sodium chloride Na2O, sodium oxide

KBr, potassium bromide CdS, cadmium sulfide

CaI2, calcium iodide Mg3N2, magnesium nitride

CsF, cesium fluoride Ca3P2, calcium phosphide

LiCl, lithium chloride Al4C3, aluminum carbide

Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions

Compounds containing polyatomic ions are named similarly to those containing only monatomic ions, except there is no need to change to an –ide ending, since the suffix is already present in the name of the anion. Examples are shown in Table  3.5.2 .

Table  3.5.2 : Names of Some Polyatomic Ionic Compounds

KC2H3O2, potassium acetate (NH4)Cl, ammonium chloride

NaHCO3, sodium bicarbonate CaSO4, calcium sulfate

Al2(CO3)3, aluminum carbonate Mg3(PO4)2, magnesium phosphate

Ionic Compounds in Your Cabinets

Ionic Compound Use

NaCl, sodium chloride ordinary table salt

KI, potassium iodide added to “iodized” salt for thyroid health

NaF, sodium fluoride ingredient in toothpaste

NaHCO3, sodium bicarbonate baking soda; used in cooking (and as antacid)

Na2CO3, sodium carbonate washing soda; used in cleaning agents

NaOCl, sodium hypochlorite active ingredient in household bleach

CaCO3 calcium carbonate ingredient in antacids

Mg(OH)2, magnesium hydroxide ingredient in antacids

Al(OH)3, aluminum hydroxide ingredient in antacids

NaOH, sodium hydroxide lye; used as drain cleaner

K3PO4, potassium phosphate food additive (many purposes)

MgSO4, magnesium sulfate added to purified water

Na2HPO4, sodium hydrogen phosphate anti-caking agent; used in powdered products

Na2SO3, sodium sulfite preservative

Table  3.5.3 : Names of Some Transition Metal Ionic Compounds

Transition Metal Ionic Compound Name

FeCl3 iron(III) chloride

Hg2O mercury(I) oxide

HgO mercury(II) oxide

Cu3(PO4)2 copper(II) phosphate

Naming Ionic Compounds

Name the following ionic compounds, which contain a metal that can have more than one ionic charge:







The anions in these compounds have a fixed negative charge (S2−, Se2− , N3−, Cl−, and  SO2−4 ), and the compounds must be neutral. Because the total number of positive charges in each compound must equal the total number of negative charges, the positive ions must be Fe3+, Cu2+, Ga3+, Cr4+, and Ti3+. These charges are used in the names of the metal ions:

iron(III) sulfide

copper(II) selenide

gallium(III) nitride

chromium(III) chloride

titanium(III) sulfate

Exercise  3.5.1  

Write the formulas of the following ionic compounds:

(a) chromium(III) phosphide

(b) mercury(II) sulfide

(c) manganese(II) phosphate

(d) copper(I) oxide

(e) chromium(VI) fluoride


(a) CrP; (b) HgS; (c) Mn3(PO4)2; (d) Cu2O; (e) CrF6


The given compound is francium sulfate.


While naming ionic compounds :

First, write the name of cation Then after that name of the anion.


The molecule formula of a compound[tex]Fr_2SO_4[/tex]:

To find:

The name of the given compound formula


Cation in formula = [tex]Fr^+[/tex] = Francium cation

Anion in the formula= [tex]SO_4^{-2}[/tex] = Sulfate anion

So, the name of the given compound is francium sulfate.

Learn more about the naming of compounds here:

What is Chlorofluorocarbons?



Chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons are fully or partly halogenated paraffin hydrocarbons that contain only carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as volatile derivative of methane, ethane, and propane. They are also commonly known by the DuPont brand name Freon.



Explanation: Chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons are fully or partly halogenated paraffin hydrocarbons that contain only carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as volatile derivative of methane, ethane, and propane. They are also commonly known by the DuPont brand name Freon

hope that helps.↑

A student lives in an apartment complex next to a park and train tracks. The student observes that they can hear the train coming sooner and from farther away when they are in front of their apartment and can only barely hear the train when they are in the park despite both being the same distance from the railroad tracks.

The student developed the model above. Using the model, identify two potential wave phenomena that occur and are the reason behind why the student can only hear the train in front of the apartment complex.

The train can be heard more easily in front of the apartment complex because of reflection and interference. As the sound comes from the train, the sound waves reflect off of the complex and interfere with each other increasing the amplitude of the wave to make it easier to hear.

The train can not be heard as easily in the park because of reflection and diffraction. The sound reflects off of the trees in the park and diffract between the trees, this causes the waves to bend too much to be heard.

The train can be heard more easily in front of the apartment complex because of diffraction and refraction. The sound waves diffract between the other buildings aiming them towards the apartment complex and then the sound refracts through the apartment complex which makes it more difficult to hear in the park.

The train can not be heard as easily in the park because of interference and reflection. The other buildings in front of the park cause interference of the sound waves from the train and the trees in the park cause reflection making it too hard to hear the train.



The answer is A


Aquanauts explore the area called?



Inner space


I hope this helps

Oxygen atoms have six outer electrons

Write the symbol for an oxide ion.



[tex]O^{2-}[/tex] is the symbol for an oxide ion

Which statement desrcribes an intensive property of matter? -it is the same for every sample of a single substance -it depends on how a substance was formed -it is the same for every sample of every substances -it depends on the amount of substances present



The statement which describes an intensive property of matter is - :

it is the same for every sample of a single substance.


It is the same for every sample of a single substance. -:  Since a substance 's intense property does not depend on either mass or volume, it is the same for each sample of a single substance. Hence , this statement is correct .It depends on how a substance was formed -: Intensive property do not depend upon the amount of the substance or the formation of the sample . Therefore this statement ifs wrong about intensive property .It is the same for every sample of every substances -: This is not possible to be  for every sample of the substance , a every substance have different qualities. Hence this statement is also depends on the amount of substances present -:  This  is the characteristic of a extensive property of matter that relies on the amount  of the material/substance. This assertion is, therefore, not valid.

Hence , the correct option is A (it is the same for every sample of a single substance).

How many carbon atoms are there in 2.23 grams of propane (C3H8)?​



3.05x10²³ (3 sig. fig.)


Propane (C₃H₈) is a colorless alkane gas with three carbons and eight hydrogen atoms. In 2.23 grams of propane, there are 3.05 x 10²³ carbon atoms present.

What is the number of particles/atoms?

The number of atoms or the particles being the smallest units is estimated by the product of the number of moles and Avogadro's number.

The Avogadro's number (Na) is used to determine the number of particles that have been present in a mole of a substance. A mole of a substance is said to have 6.022 × 10²³ ions, atoms, electrons, molecules, etc.

Moles of propane are calculated as,

Moles = mass ÷ molar mass

= 2.23 ÷ 440.094

= 0.05057

Now, the number of particles is calculated as,

Number = moles × Avogadro's number

= 0.05057 × 6.022 × 10²³

= 3.05 x 10²³

Therefore, 3.05 x 10²³ carbon atoms are present in 2.23 grams of propane.

Learn more about the number of particles/atoms here:


force acting on an object is the combination of
all of the individual forces acting on it.
Check it
~ Improve this questio



Yes as you can improve The invisible to human eye force or physical force if any being applied to a object of any mass and with all individual forces as they are acting on this object


explanation of atomic radius​


Ah yes.

The atomic radius is basically the distance between the nucleus of the atom and the outermost electron in the farthest orbital of the atom. The more bigger the atomic radius , the less powerful is the force that holds together the nucleus and its electrons.

6. Now, revise your definition for waves to include energy and matter.

A wave is a phenomenon that...



A wave is phenomenon that transfers energy from one point to another through a disturbance without affecting the matter.


A wave is phenomenon that transfers energy from one point to another through a disturbance without affecting the matter.

There are two main types of waves Longitudinal waves travels parallel to their source. For example, sound waves. Through a series of rarefactions and compressions, longitudinal waves are propagated. Transverse waves travel perpendicular to their source.

The first chemists, philosophers like, Aristotle were from which country?





aristole was particularly from stagria, greece. but most early philosophers are from greece

When we mixed milk and vinegar in the lab demonstration, a/an __.
was created.





Found on google

Two compounds of phosphorus and fluorine have the following
mass ratios.
Compound 1: 10.14 g fluorine for every 3.38 g phosphorus
Compound 2: 8.42 g fluorine for every 4.21 g phosphorus
Find the whole number ratio of masses of fluorine in compound
1 to compound 2.

Help me please


Answer: 3:2

Explanation: (10.14÷3.38)÷(8.42÷4.21)=1.5=3/2

Scientists have changed the model of the atom as they have gathered new evidence. One of the atomic models is shown below. A purple center outlined in black with two concentric black circles around the center, the inner circle having 2 small green balls on it and the outer circle having 8 small green balls on it. What experimental evidence led scientists to change from the previous model to this one? A few of the positive particles aimed at a gold foil seemed to bounce back. The colors of light emitted from heated atoms had very specific energies. Experiments with water vapor showed that elements combine in specific proportions. Cathode rays were bent in the same way whenever a magnet was brought near them.



B: The colors of light emitted from heated atoms had very specific energies.


dont know if its the same question i had on edg but i think its B. Sorry if i didnt understand the question :)




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