The acceleration of the spacecraft in which the Apollo astronauts took off from the moon was 3.4 m/s2 m / s 2 . On the moon, g g = 1.6 m/s2 m / s 2 . what's the apparent weight


Answer 1

Complete Question

The acceleration of the spacecraft in which the Apollo astronauts took off from the moon was 3.4 m/s2. On the moon, g = 1.6 m/s2.  What was the apparent weight of a 75 kg astronaut during takeoff?


The value is  [tex]N = 375 \ N[/tex]


From the question we are told that

  The acceleration is  [tex]a = 3.4 \ m/s^2[/tex]

   The acceleration due to gravity in the moon is [tex]g = 1.6 m/s^2[/tex]

   The mass of the astronaut is  [tex]m = 75 \ kg[/tex]


Generally the apparent weight is mathematically represented as

      [tex]W = ma + mg[/tex]

=>    [tex]W = 3.4 * 75 + 1.6 * 75[/tex]

=>    [tex]W = 375 \ N[/tex]

Related Questions

In a mattress test, you drop a 7.0 kg bowling ball from a height of 1.5 m above a mattress, which as a result compresses 15 cm as the ball comes to a stop. (a) What is the kinetic energy of the ball just bef



(a) The kinetic energy of the bowling ball just before it hits the matress is 102.974 joules.

(b) The work done by the gravitational force of Earth on bowling ball during the first part of the fall is 102.974 joules.

(c) Work done by gravitational force on bowling ball when mattress is compressed is 10.298 joules.

(d) The work done by the mattress on the bowling ball is 113.272 joules.


The statement is incomplete. The complete question is:

In a mattress test, you drop a 7.0 kg bowling ball from a height of 1.5 m above a mattress, which as a result compresses 15 cm as the ball comes to a stop.

(a) What is the kinetic energy of the ball just before it hits the mattress?  

(b) How much work does the gravitational force of the earth do on the ball as it falls, for the first part of the fall (from the moment you drop it to just before it hits the mattress)?  

(c) How much work does the gravitational force do on the ball while it is compressing the mattress?

(d) How much work does the mattress do on the ball? (You’ll need to use the results of parts (a) and (c)

(a) Based on the Principle of Energy Conservation, we know that ball-earth system is conservative, so that kinetic energy is increased at the expense of gravitational potential energy as ball falls:

[tex]K_{1}+U_{g,1} = K_{2}+U_{g,2}[/tex] (Eq. 1)


[tex]K_{1}[/tex], [tex]K_{2}[/tex] - Kinetic energies at top and bottom, measured in joules.

[tex]U_{g,1}[/tex], [tex]U_{g,2}[/tex] - Gravitational potential energies at top and bottom, measured in joules.

Now we expand the expression by definition of gravitational potential energy:

[tex]U_{g,1}-U_{g,2} = K_{2}-K_{1}[/tex]

[tex]K_{2}= m\cdot g \cdot (z_{1}-z_{2})+K_{1}[/tex] (Eq. 1b)


[tex]m[/tex] - Mass of the bowling ball, measured in kilograms.

[tex]g[/tex] - Gravitational acceleration, measured in meters per square second.

[tex]z_{1}[/tex], [tex]z_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final heights of the bowling ball, measured in meters.

If we know that [tex]m = 7\,kg[/tex], [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], [tex]z_{1}= 1.5\,m[/tex], [tex]z_{2} = 0\,m[/tex] and [tex]K_{1} = 0\,J[/tex], the kinetic energy of the ball just before it hits the matress:

[tex]K_{2} = (7\,kg)\cdot \left(9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\cdot (1.5\,m-0\,m)+0\,m[/tex]

[tex]K_{2} = 102.974\,J[/tex]

The kinetic energy of the bowling ball just before it hits the matress is 102.974 joules.

(b) The gravitational work done by the gravitational force of Earth ([tex]\Delta W[/tex]), measured in joules, is obtained by Work-Energy Theorem and definition of gravitational potential energy:

[tex]\Delta W = U_{g,1}-U_{g,2}[/tex]

[tex]\Delta W = m\cdot g\cdot (z_{1}-z_{2})[/tex] (Eq. 2)

If we know that [tex]m = 7\,kg[/tex], [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], [tex]z_{1}= 1.5\,m[/tex] and [tex]z_{2} = 0\,m[/tex], then the gravitational work done is:

[tex]\Delta W = (7\,kg)\cdot \left(9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} \right)\cdot (1.5\,m-0\,m)[/tex]

[tex]\Delta W = 102.974\,J[/tex]

The work done by the gravitational force of Earth on bowling ball during the first part of the fall is 102.974 joules.

(c) The work done by the gravitational force of Earth while the bowling when mattress is compressed is determined by Work-Energy Theorem and definition of gravitational potential energy:

[tex]\Delta W = U_{g,2}-U_{g,3}[/tex]

Where [tex]U_{g,3}[/tex] is the gravitational potential energy of the bowling ball when mattress in compressed, measured in joules.

[tex]\Delta W = m\cdot g \cdot (z_{2}-z_{3})[/tex]

Where [tex]z_{3}[/tex] is the height of the ball when mattress is compressed, measured in meters.

If we know that [tex]m = 7\,kg[/tex], [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], [tex]z_{2}= 0\,m[/tex] and [tex]z_{3} = -0.15\,m[/tex], the work done is:

[tex]\Delta W = (7\,kg)\cdot \left(9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} \right)\cdot [0\,m-(-0.15\,m)][/tex]

[tex]\Delta W = 10.298\,J[/tex]

Work done by gravitational force on bowling ball when mattress is compressed is 10.298 joules.

(d) The work done by the mattress on the ball equals the sum of kinetic energy just before mattress compression and the work done by the gravitational force when mattress is compressed:

[tex]\Delta W' = K_{2}+\Delta W[/tex]

([tex]K_{2} = 102.974\,J[/tex], [tex]\Delta W = 10.298\,W[/tex])

[tex]\Delta W' = 113.272\,J[/tex]

The work done by the mattress on the bowling ball is 113.272 joules.

Luck walked to a store that is 250m away and it took him 50secs while Layne walked to the mall that is 1000m away and took her 200s to do. What do they have in common?

A. Average speed
B. Acceleration
C. Displacement



Average speed




Weight of a person's muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments.
A. flexibility
B. lean mass
C. aerobic


I’m pretty sure it’s lean mass but let another guy answer you before you use mine

A plastic block of dimensions 2.00 cm x 3.00 cm x 4.00 cm has a mass of 30.0 g. What is its density?



1.25 g/cm^3



volume- 4cm×2cm×3cm=24cm^3


*to find density




N₂ + H₂
how do i balance this equation?



N2 + 3H2 ----->  2NH3


Reactants side:

2 Nitrogen

5 Hydrogen

Products Side:

2 Nitrogen

5 Hydrogen

the radius of the earth social


6,371km is the radius of the earth

Pls help pls pls pls pls

Answers down
2.activity log
3.specific warm up
4.activities of daily living
5.planned exercise
6.general warm up

Which fallacy is committed in the following argument?

Tell your representative that you don't want health care reform. If the health care reform is passed, private insurance companies won't be able to compete with the public options. With the private companies out of the picture, individuals will only be able to turn to the public option, and then it will be up to the government to decide whether we should live or die.

begging the question

slippery slope

hasty generalization

false dilemma


I think the answer is c

If Mary runs 5 miles in 50 minutes, what is her speed with the correct


1 mile = 10 mins or 1 mile takes 10 mins to run

What type of force holds atoms together in a crystal?



Covalent Bond


i took the test , mark me brainliest.

Answer: Electrical

Explanation: Atoms are tied together by electrical bonding forces.

At which point on the image to the right would the ball have the greatest velocity if it moved from A to G.

please help me out.










Total energy = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy = Constant

Since the potential energy is lowest at point D the kinetic energy will be greatest at point D and the velocity will be the greatest.

what happens to the temperature of water as time elapses? IF YOU ANSWER IT I WILL MARK YOU A BRAINLEST ANSWER​



I think it will get colder



The water molecules go faster as it gets colder they go slower


trust me thats the answer

What do mammoths and tigers need energy for



How much would a 15.0 kg object weigh on that planet? Round the answer to the nearest whole number.





Answer: a 15 kg object would weigh the most on Neptune

168 N

3. A wye-connected load has a voltage of 480 V applied to it. What is the voltage dropped across each phase?



[tex]E_s = 277.13V[/tex]



[tex]Load\ Voltage = 480V[/tex]


Determine the voltage dropped in each stage.

The relation between the load voltage and the voltage dropped in each stage is

[tex]E_l = E_s * \sqrt3[/tex]


[tex]E_l = 480[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]480 = E_s * \sqrt3[/tex]

Solve for [tex]E_s[/tex]

[tex]E_s = \frac{480}{\sqrt3}[/tex]

[tex]E_s = \frac{480}{1.73205080757}[/tex]

[tex]E_s = 277.128129211[/tex]

[tex]E_s = 277.13V[/tex]


The voltage dropped at each phase is approximately 277.13V

2. For a rotating rigid body, which of the following statements is NOT correct?
a. All points along a rotating rigid body move with constant linear speed.
b. Points along a rotating body have same angular velocities.
c. Points along a rotating body move through the same angle in equal time intervals.
d. All points have the same angular acceleration.​





A vector of components (−23, −22) is multiplied by the scalar value of −6. What is the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector?






magnitude: 21.6; direction: 33.7°


g (a) Calculate the block's final speed when it reaches the bottom of the frictionless inline. Keep 2 decimal places.




The question is incomplete. Here is the complete question with attachment below.

In the above figure on the LEFT side, a block (mass = 2.8 kg) starts from rest at the top of a frictionless inline and slides to the bottom. The height of the incline is h=6.5 m, angle

Two charged objects are separated by distance, d. The first charge has a larger magnitude (size) than the second charge. Which one exerts the most force?



The two charged objects will exert equal and opposite forces on each other.


Coulomb's law states that the electrical force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of charges on the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects.

This force of attraction or repulsion between the two charged objects is always equal and opposite.

Therefore, the two charged objects will exert equal and opposite forces on each other.

Work Done by a Varying Force 06 Work and Energy
w of Energy
2.) The force required to stretch a spring by 1 m from its unstretched length is
150 N. What is the force required to stretch the spring by 3 m?

A. 600 N

B. 450 N

C. 300 N

D. 200 N



B. 450 N


Use Hooke's law:

F = kx

150 N = k (1 m)

k = 150 N/m

F = kx

F = (150 N/m) (3 m)

F = 450 N

A ball is thrown at 20 m/s from the ground upwards at an angle of elevation of 30°. How far away does it land? 35.35 m



35.35 m


The following data were obtained from the question:

Initial velocity (u) = 20 m/s

Angle of projection (θ) = 30°

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s²

Range (R) =.?

The range (i.e how far away) of the ball can be obtained as follow:

R = u² Sine 2θ /g

R = 20² Sine (2×30) / 9.8

R = 400 Sine 60 / 9.8

R = (400 × 0866) / 9.8

R = 346.4 / 9.8

R = 35.35 m

Therefore, the range (i.e how far away) of the ball is 35.35 m

One student runs with a velocity of +10 m/s while a second student runs with a velocity of –10 m/s. Which student has the faster velocity? Why?



The one with the faster velocity is the one with a velocity of -10m/s

2. Which blood cells help in clotting of the blood​





Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding. If one of your blood vessels gets damaged, it sends out signals to the platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage and form a clot to stop the bleeding.


[tex]\boxed {\tt Platelets}[/tex]


There are three main types of blood cells:

Red blood cells: transports oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide to lungsWhite blood cells: protects the body against disease Platelets: help clot blood and stop bleeding

We are looking for which blood cell helps clot the blood. From the list above, we can see the best answer is platelets.

A pendulum can be formed by tying a small object, like a tennis ball, to a string, and then connecting the other end of the string to the ceiling. Suppose the pendulum is pulled to one side and released at t1. At t^2, the pendulum has swung halfway back to a vertical position. At t^3, the pendulum has swung all the way back to a vertical position. Rank the three instants in time by the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration, from greatest to least. Most of the homework activities will be Context-rich Problems.



1- t^3

2- t^2

3- t1


The acceleration produced in a body, while travelling in a circular motion, due to change in direction of motion is called centripetal acceleration. The formula of the centripetal acceleration is as follows:

ac = v²/r


ac = centripetal acceleration

v = speed

r = radius

for a constant radius the centripetal acceleration will be directly proportional to the speed of object. The speed of pendulum will be lowest at t1 due to zero speed initially. Then the speed will increase gradually having greater speed at t^2 and the highest speed and centripetal acceleration at t^3. Therefore, the three instants in tie can be written in following order from greatest centripetal acceleration to lowest:

1- t^3

2- t^2

3- t1

In which medium does the light move faster, water or diamond?


Answer:Light moves faster in after than that of diamonds

What type of research based on approach that used to describe variables rather than to test a predicted relationship between variables?



Correlational research can be used to see if two variables are related and to make predictions based on this relationship.

Which object will require the greatest amount of force to change its motion?
A. A 148 kg object moving 131 m/s
B. A 153 kg object moving 127 m/s
C. A 160 kg object moving 126 m/s
O D. A 162 kg object moving 124 m/s


Answer: D 160kg object moving 126 m/s


An object having a mass of 162 kg and moving with a velocity of 124 m/sec will require the greatest amount of force to change its motion. The correct option is D.

What is force?

Force is defined as the push or pull applied to the body. Sometimes it is used to change the shape, size, and direction of the body.

If the object has to stop, the final velocity must be zero. If the time is constant, the amount of force only depends on the mass and the velocity at which the body is moving.

The amount of force on the object depends on the momentum of the body.

The momentum of the body is;

P = mv

Object D will require the greatest amount of force to change its motion. Because the momentum of the body for option D is the greatest.

Hence, the correct option is D.

Learn more about the Force, here;


A stereo speaker is rated at P1000 = 52 W of output at 1000 Hz. At 20 Hz, the sound intensity level LaTeX: \betaβ decreases by 1.3 dB. What is the power output P



The  value of the power is   [tex]P_c  =  38.55 \  W [/tex]


From the question we are told that

   The  power  rating [tex]P_{1000} =P_b=  52 \  W[/tex]

    The frequency is  [tex]f = 1000 \  Hz[/tex]

    The  frequency at which the sound intensity decreases  [tex]f_k  =  20 \  Hz[/tex]

     The decrease in intensity is by [tex]\beta  =  1.3 dB[/tex]

Generally the  initial intensity of the speaker  is mathematically represented as

     [tex]\beta_1 =  10 log_{10} [\frac{P_b}{P_a} ][/tex]

Generally the intensity of the speaker after it has been decreased is

       [tex]\beta_2 =  10 log_{10} [\frac{P_c}{P_a} ][/tex]


[tex]\beta_1-\beta_2 =  10 log_{10} [\frac{P_c}{P_a} ]- 10 log_{10} [\frac{P_b}{P_a} ][/tex]

=>  [tex]\beta =  10 log_{10} [\frac{P_c}{P_a} ]- 10 log_{10} [\frac{P_b}{P_a} ]= 1.3[/tex]

=>  [tex]\beta =10log_{10} [\frac{\frac{P_b}{P_a}}{\frac{P_c}{P_a}} ] = 1.3[/tex]

=>  [tex]\beta =10log_{10} [\frac{P_b}{P_c} ] = 1.3[/tex]

=> [tex]10log_{10} [\frac{P_b}{P_c} ] = 1.3[/tex]

=> [tex]log_{10} [\frac{P_b}{P_c} ] = 0.13[/tex]

taking atilog of both sides

[tex][\frac{P_b}{P_c} ] = 10^{0.13}[/tex]      

=>[tex][\frac{52}{P_c} ] = 10^{0.13}[/tex]      

=>  [tex]P_c  =  \frac{52}{1.34896}[/tex]

=>   [tex]P_c  =  38.55 \  W [/tex]


Which statement accurately describes impulse?
State corrrect ans


where are the statements at ?


2nd option on edge2021


Define reflection of sound?​


Sound travels in waves different waves are different sounds


When sound travels in a given "medium", it would touch the surface of another "medium" and will bounce back in some other direction, this occurrence is called the reflection of sound.

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