the arrangement of ocular dominance columns in the cortex is best described as a. columns for both the left eye and right eye in each hypercolumn. b. columns for the left eye in the left hemisphere and for the right eye in the right hemisphere. c. concentric areas with the center columns for the left eye and the surrounding columns for the right. d. groupings of left eye columns adjacent to groupings of right eye columns.


Answer 1

The course of action of visual predominance segments in the cortex is best portrayed as sections for both the left eye and right eye in each hypercolumn. The correct answer is (A).

The sections structure a mosaic of unpredictable equal stripes around 500 μm to 1000 μm wide (right eye segment in addition to left eye segment estimates 1 to 2 mm), situated at right points to the limit of the essential visual cortex.

Visual predominance sections — districts inside layer 4 of V1 in higher well-evolved creatures that get input solely from one eye or the other by means of the horizontal geniculate core (LGN) of the visual thalamus — are paradigmatic of thalamocortical examples that determine individual cortical regions.

Visual predominance segments substitute methodically between left eye and right eye strength. Direction segments change methodically across directions (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962). At the point when visual predominance sections and direction segments are consolidated, they structure something that Hubel and Wiesel called a hypercolumn.

To learn more about predominance here


Related Questions

s you read your textbook, note the similarities and differences between the different land biomes and aquatic ecosystems. there will be more than 1 biome that fits into each feature, and each biome can be used more than once. record your work in the table.


These are environments found in water, either freshwater or marine. Examples include lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coral reefs.

What kind of environment found in water?

As I cannot view the specific textbook or table you are using, I will provide general information about the similarities and differences between land biomes and aquatic ecosystems. Please refer to your textbook and adjust the information accordingly.

Land biomes: These are large regions defined by their climate, vegetation, and animal life. Some examples include forests, grasslands, and deserts.

Similarities: Land biomes share features such as soil type, precipitation levels, and temperature ranges. They also contain diverse plant and animal life adapted to the specific conditions.
- Differences: Land biomes differ in climate, vegetation, and animal life. For example, forests are characterized by a high density of trees, while grasslands have predominantly grasses and deserts have little vegetation.

Aquatic ecosystems: These are environments found in water, either freshwater or marine. Examples include lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coral reefs.

Similarities: Aquatic ecosystems share features such as water depth, salinity, and temperature. They also contain diverse aquatic plants and animal life adapted to the specific conditions.

Differences: Aquatic ecosystems differ in the type of water (freshwater or marine), water movement, and available sunlight. For example, lakes are still bodies of freshwater, while rivers have flowing freshwater. Estuaries are where freshwater meets marine water, and coral reefs are marine ecosystems with high biodiversity.

To record your work in the table, you can list each biome and aquatic ecosystem, then note their similarities and differences based on the features mentioned above. Please refer to your textbook for specific examples and more detailed information.

Learn more about animal life.


a gardener would like to grow a lemon tree from a lemon. what is the first thing he should do?


If a gardener wants to grow a lemon tree from a lemon, the first thing he should do is to remove the seeds from the lemon to germinate.

A gardener who wants to grow a lemon tree from a lemon should follow a series of steps. These steps are as follows:

Step 1: Remove the seeds from the lemon. The seeds should be washed and cleaned with water. The gardener should be careful not to damage the seeds.

Step 2: Prepare the soil. The soil should be well-draining, rich in nutrients, and have a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. The gardener can mix sand, perlite, and vermiculite to the soil to increase its drainage.

Step 3: Plant the seeds. The gardener should plant the seeds about 1 inch deep into the soil. The soil should be moist but not waterlogged.

Step 4: Cover the pot with a plastic bag or a plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect.

Step 5: Place the pot in a warm and sunny location. The temperature should be around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 6: Water the soil regularly. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged.

Step 7: Wait for the seeds to germinate. It may take a few weeks to a few months for the seeds to germinate.

Step 8: Once the seedlings have grown big enough, they can be transplanted into a bigger pot. The plant should be kept in a warm and sunny location. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged.

Step 9: The lemon tree should be fertilized with a citrus fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season.

Step 10: The lemon tree should be pruned regularly to remove dead, damaged, or diseased branches.

To know more about germination, refer here:


what could you infer if scientists discover that south america split from africa well before the evolution of the common ancestor of all modern primates?


This would mean that the common ancestor of all modern primates did not exist in South America at the time of the split and that the primates in South America evolved from a different lineage.

Evolution explained.

If scientists discover that South America split from Africa well before the evolution of the common ancestor of all modern primates, it would suggest that the primates in South America evolved independently from those in Africa. This would mean that the common ancestor of all modern primates did not exist in South America at the time of the split and that the primates in South America evolved from a different lineage.

This finding could have important implications for our understanding of primate evolution and biogeography. It would suggest that primates have a more complex evolutionary history than previously thought, and that their distribution and diversification may have been influenced by a variety of factors, including continental drift, climate change, and ecological interactions.

Additionally, it could help to explain some of the unique characteristics of the primates in South America, such as the presence of the platyrrhine dental formula (2133) and the absence of a number of primate groups that are found in other parts of the world. It could also shed light on the processes that drove the evolution of primates in both South America and Africa, and how these processes may have influenced the diversification of primates more broadly.

Learn more about evolution below.


describe the zones of the epiphyseal plate and their functions, and the significance of the epiphyseal line.


The epiphyseal plate, also known as the growth plate, is composed of four zones: the resting zone, the proliferative zone, the hypertrophic zone, and the calcified zone. The epiphyseal line, or growth line, is the division between the epiphyseal plate and the diaphysis and is where all growth stops.

The resting zone is the first zone in the epiphyseal plate and is located at the epiphyseal side of the plate. It contains cells that are inactive but can divide to form more chondrocytes, which are essential for the formation of bone and cartilage.

The proliferative zone is the second zone and is the site of cell division and growth.

The hypertrophic zone is the third zone and is the site of most growth. It is also the site of most of the extracellular matrix mineralization, as chondrocytes in this zone produce high levels of collagen and other matrix proteins.

The calcified zone is the fourth and last zone and is composed of cells that are no longer able to divide or grow. It contains mature, mineralized cartilage.

Learn more about epiphyseal plate at


what are the possible blood types of a child whose parents have the following blood types: father, type o; mother, heterozygous for type a.


Possible blood types of a child whose parents have type O and heterozygous for type A are A and O.

The blood type of a person is determined by the type of antigen present on the surface of the red blood cells (RBCs). The ABO blood group system is a widely accepted and common method for categorizing blood types. Blood groups A, B, AB, or O are the four blood types that are commonly found in humans. Therefore, when it comes to determining the potential blood type of a child, we must first examine the parent's blood type.

We now know that the father has type O, while the mother is heterozygous for type A. This means that she has one copy of the A antigen gene and one copy of the O antigen gene. As a result, the possible blood types of a child born to such parents are A and O.

Learn more about blood types at


if pure water and a solution containing a nonpenetrating solute are separated by a membrane that is permeable only to water, what would occur?


Water will diffuse by osmosis toward the side with the solute, until stopped by opposing hydrostatic pressure.

If pure water and a solution containing a nonpenetrating solute are separated by a membrane that is permeable only to water, osmosis will occur.

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a membrane in order to equalize the solute concentration on either side. As the solute molecules are unable to pass through the membrane, only the water molecules are allowed to pass. This results in the transfer of water molecules from the pure water to the solution containing a nonpenetrating solute, thus increasing the solute concentration on the pure water side and decreasing the concentration on the other side. In the end, equilibrium is achieved and the water molecules will stop moving.

For more such questions on Osmosis.


What are the main functions of the ear? Please respond in 1-2 complete sentences
using your best grammar.


Hearing, Balance and equilibrium: The ear is also very important for keeping your balance and equilibrium, which is important for your posture, movement, and sense of where you are in space.

Pressure regulation: The Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the throat, is opened and closed by the ear. This helps keep the pressure in the middle ear at the right level.

Protection: Hair and wax line the ear canal, which helps keep dust, dirt, and other foreign particles from getting into the ear's delicate structures.

Temperature regulation: When the temperature outside changes, the ear responds by widening or narrowing the blood vessels in the ear.

Learn more about ear here:


Pure diamond is made up of carbon atoms arranged in a particular way. How do pure diamonds differ from diamonds that contain other elements?


A pure diamond is made up of only carbon atoms while diamonds that contain other elements are not solely made up of  carbon atoms.

In a pure diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral shape. Due to the tetrahedral shape of the arrangement, a pure diamond is one of the hardest materials known to humankind.

Furthermore, this structure gives diamond its transparent quality as well as its high refractive index. It has been said that diamond is the hardest substance on earth.

Diamonds that contain other elements, on the other hand, are diamonds that are not made up solely of carbon atoms. They may include a variety of other elements, such as nitrogen, boron, and sulfur. The presence of these other elements can affect the diamond's hue and clarity.

For instance, the presence of nitrogen in a diamond can produce a yellow or brown hue in the diamond. Sulfur, on the other hand, can produce a blue or green hue. These diamonds are also not as hard as pure diamond.

For more such questions on diamond, click on:


what was the first disease shown to be bacterial in origin? what was the first disease shown to be bacterial in origin? cholera malaria yellow fever tuberculosis anthrax


The first disease shown to be bacterial in origin was cholera. It is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration

Cholera is an acute gastrointestinal infection caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholera, which is found in contaminated water or food. In 1854, John Snow, an English physician, concluded that cholera was spread through water contaminated with feces, leading to the first scientific demonstration that a disease was caused by bacteria. This realization was an important milestone in the history of medicine, as it showed that diseases were caused by microorganisms and could be prevented and treated by controlling their environment. Cholera remains an important disease, especially in developing countries, where sanitation is often poor and water-borne diseases are common.

Learn more about Cholera:


wo parts to this question: when you hear the terms chief cells, parietal cells and enteroendocrine cells, where are we in the body and what step in the digestive process are we involved with? your answer:


The terms chief cells, parietal cells, and enteroendocrine cells refer to specific cell types found in the stomach. These cells are involved in the digestive process of breaking down food.

Parietal cells are found in the lining of the stomach and are responsible for producing hydrochloric acid, which lowers the pH of the stomach and helps to break down food. Parietal cells also produce intrinsic factor, which is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12.

Chief cells, also found in the stomach lining, produce and secrete pepsinogen, an inactive enzyme that is converted to the active enzyme pepsin in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller peptides, aiding in the digestive process.

Enteroendocrine cells are scattered throughout the lining of the stomach and small intestine and produce various hormones that regulate digestion and appetite.

Chief cells, parietal cells, and enteroendocrine cells are all involved in the digestive process in the stomach. Parietal cells produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factors, chief cells produce pepsinogen, and enteroendocrine cells produce various hormones that regulate digestion and appetite.

To learn more about enteroendocrine cells


what is the main function of the ribosomes in the cell? multiple choice to break down proteins into individual amino acids to provide strength and structural support for the cell membrane to form the nuclear envelope to synthesize proteins to synthesize dna



break down proteins into individual amino acids


what is the specific receptor site on the host cell that the virus needs to attach and infect?


The specific receptor site on the host cell that the virus needs to attach and infect is the cell surface receptor.

A cell surface receptor is a protein that spans the plasma membrane of a cell and acts as a signal transducer that recognizes extracellular molecules and stimulates an intracellular response.

This response could involve changing the membrane potential or an intracellular signaling pathway. The virus's attachment to a host cell is dependent on the presence of specific host cell receptors. The virus uses these receptors to enter host cells and replicate, causing disease.

Many viruses bind to specific proteins on the cell surface of the host, while others bind to glycoproteins or glycolipids. For example, the flu virus binds to sialic acid molecules on the surface of host cells, while the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) binds to the CD4 receptor and the chemokine receptor.

The binding of a virus to a cell surface receptor is often the first step in viral infection. Once the virus binds to the receptor, it triggers a series of events that result in the virus entering the cell and taking over its machinery to replicate itself.

Learn more about cell surface receptor here:


Which idea of evolution is supported by the existence of vestigial structures?


The existence of vestigial structures supports the idea of evolution by natural selection.

Anatomical traits known as vestiges are those that, as a result of evolution, have lost their original purpose over time. These structures are frequently the remains of characteristics that were once beneficial to an organism's progenitors but are no longer required for the organism to survive or reproduce in its current environment.

Vestigial structures are indicators of the evolutionary history of life on Earth and are found in all living things. It implies that organisms have changed over time and that certain once-useful structures have been rendered useless as a result of adaptations to new surroundings and natural selection.

According to the theory of evolution by natural selection, organisms with beneficial qualities have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing, passing those traits on to subsequent generations.

TO know more about natural selection click here


problem 5: in an alaskan village of inuit indians, an inordinate number of cats have 6 toes on each foot. the trait of polydactyly (many digits) is caused by a dominant allele. if 22% of the cats have 6 digits per foot, what is the allele frequency of this dominant allele in this population of cats?


The allele frequency of the polydactyly (many digits) trait in the population of cats in the Alaskan village of Inuit Indians is 0.22 (22%).

Polydactyly is caused by a dominant allele, meaning that the allele is expressed in the organism even when the organism only has one copy of it.
This means that in the population of cats, 22% of them are expressing the trait, indicating that 22% of the cats have one or two copies of the dominant allele for polydactyly.

In order for the cats to have this trait, at least one of their parents must have the same dominant allele, meaning that the parents of the cats expressing the trait must have a combined allele frequency of 0.22 (22%) or more.
The allele frequency of 0.22 (22%) is then passed on to the offspring of the cats expressing the trait, meaning that the cats expressing the trait must have a combined allele frequency of 0.22 (22%) or more.

This means that 22% of the cats in the population have either one or two copies of the dominant allele for polydactyly.

To learn more about allele, click here:


which of the following is not part of bergmann's rule? group of answer choices longer limb lengths are predicted in hot climates larger body is predicted in cold climates smaller body mass is predicted in hot climates b and c only none of the above


Bergmann's rule is a biogeographic rule that states that warm-blooded animals living in colder climates will typically be larger in size than those living in warmer climates. The correct answer is option C, which is smaller body mass is predicted in hot climates.

According to Bergmann's rule, a larger body size is predicted in colder climates. This is because larger animals have a smaller surface area to volume ratio, which helps them retain heat more effectively in cold environments. Smaller animals have a larger surface area to volume ratio, which makes it harder for them to retain heat in cold environments. However, Bergmann's rule does not predict smaller body size in hot climates. Instead, it predicts longer limb lengths in hot climates. This is because longer limbs have a larger surface area to volume ratio, which helps animals dissipate heat more effectively in hot environments. Therefore, option C is the correct answer. Bergmann's rule is one of several biogeographic rules that describe patterns in the distribution and evolution of animals around the world. These rules can be useful in understanding how animals adapt to their environment and how they may respond to climate change.

To learn more about Climates :


meiosis divides one cell into four cells, but the resulting cells have half the amount of dna as compared to the original cell. how do you think this is possible?


During meiosis, one cell is divided into four cells, but the resulting cells have half the amount of DNA as compared to the original cell. This is because of the two cell divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II, that occur during meiosis.

During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes separate, resulting in two cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.

During meiosis II, sister chromatids separate, resulting in four cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.

In other words, the resulting cells have half the amount of DNA because meiosis results in four cells, each containing half the number of chromosomes and, therefore, half the amount of DNA as the original cell.

Here you can learn more about meiosis


groups of organisms that may have been separated for millions of years may be brought together in new combinations primarily by


The statement that best describes the groups of organisms that may have been separated for millions of years that may be brought together in new combinations primarily by: Hybridization and genetic recombination.

Groups of organisms that have been separated for millions of years may be brought together in new combinations primarily by hybridization and genetic recombination. Hybridization refers to the creation of a new species by crossing two different species. Genetic recombination refers to the reshuffling of genes in the offspring of two parents, resulting in new genetic combinations.

In hybridization, two species from the same genus or from different genera are cross-bred to produce a hybrid. Hybridization is a powerful evolutionary mechanism that can lead to the creation of new species or the modification of existing ones. In genetic recombination, the offspring of two parents inherit a mixture of genetic traits from each parent. This can result in new combinations of genes that may lead to new traits or characteristics in the offspring. Genetic recombination is a natural process that occurs during sexual reproduction and is responsible for the creation of genetic diversity in a population.

Read more about the species :


following ingestion of mushrooms found growing in his garden, a man develops symptoms of oliguria, lethargy, and edema. many renal tubular epithelial (rte) cells are observed in his urinalysis. this is a case of:


Ingestion of mushrooms found growing in his garden, a man develops symptoms of oliguria, lethargy, and edema. many renal tubular epithelial (rte) cells are observed in his urinalysis. This is a case of: Mycetism.

Mycetism is the poisoning that occurs when toxic substances from certain mushrooms are ingested. Symptoms of mycetism may include oliguria (decreased urination), lethargy (extreme tiredness), and edema (swelling due to fluid buildup).

Urinalysis may reveal an increased number of renal tubular epithelial (RTE) cells, which are cells that line the inside of the kidney tubules. Treatment may involve supportive care, gastric lavage (stomach pumping), and/or antifungal drugs. It is important to recognize and avoid toxic mushrooms in the future to avoid this type of poisoning.

To know more about poisoning refer here:


most plant diseases caused by soilborne pathogens have disease cycles that are ... group of answer choices monocyclic polycyclic endoparasitic sedentary


Most plant diseases caused by soilborne pathogens have disease cycles that are monocyclic. The correct option is d.

What are monocyclic disease cycles?

Monocyclic disease cycles occur when a pathogen infects a plant once and only once in a growing season, resulting in a single cycle of disease. A monocyclic disease cycle involves the following steps:

1. A pathogen enters a host plant and develops, resulting in an infection.

2. The disease progresses to the point where the pathogen generates new inoculum.

3. The pathogen's inoculum is released and spreads to new host plants.

4. The disease-causing pathogen perishes when the growing season ends.

Monocyclic disease cycles are simple, with just one pathogen cycle occurring in a growing season. Polycyclic disease cycles, on the other hand, are much more complex, with several pathogen cycles occurring in a single growing season.

Here you can learn more about monocyclic disease cycles


if both parents are heterozygous for both rh and normal insulin production, what phenotypes would they produce in their offspring? what are the probabilities of producing each phenotype?


Both parents, who are heterozygous for both Rh and normal insulin production, would produce offspring with three possible phenotypes: Rh+ normal insulin, Rh- normal insulin, and Rh- deficient insulin.

The probability of producing each phenotype is 1/4 for Rh+ normal insulin, 1/2 for Rh- normal insulin, and 1/4 for Rh- deficient insulin.

Explanation: Rh and normal insulin production are two distinct traits that are inherited independently. Rh is determined by a single gene with two alleles (positive or negative) while insulin production is determined by two genes (insulin-A and insulin-B) with three alleles (normal, A-deficient, and B-deficient).

When both parents are heterozygous for both Rh and insulin, their offspring can have one of three possible phenotypes.

Rh+ normal insulin (1/4 probability), Rh- normal insulin (1/2 probability), and Rh- deficient insulin (1/4 probability). This is because the parent's alleles are randomly combined and then the probability of each allele combination occurring is calculated.

To know more about heterozygous click on below link:




Which type of cloud is very close to the earth's surface?


The altostartus clouds are found in the upper troposphere

The cirrus clouds are found in the troposphere

The cumulonimbus clouds are found in the lower troposphere...

In the same mouse species, a third unlinked gene (gene C/c) also has an epistatic effect on fur color. The presence of the dominant allele C (for color), allows the A/a and B/b genes to be expressed normally. The presence of two recessive alleles (cc), on the other hand, prevents any pigment from being formed, resulting in an albino (white) mouse.Matchthe phenotypes on the labels at left to the genotypes listed below. Labels can be used once, more than once, or not at all.agoutisolid colorsolid coloragouti blackalbinoAaBbccAaBBCCAabbccAAbbCcaaBbCcAABBcc


The phenotype "agouti" would be matched with the genotype AaBb, "solid color" with the genotype AaBB or Aabb, "black" with the genotype AABB or AABb, and "albino" with the genotype cc. This is because the presence of the gene C/c (epistasis) determines the fur color of the mouse, and the genotypes above show the different combinations of alleles. If two recessive alleles (cc) are present, it will result in an albino (white) mouse.

Physical characteristics like the fur color of a mouse are determined by the combination of genes in the organism's DNA. Epistasis is a phenomenon in which the expression of one gene affects the expression of another gene. When an organism reproduces, genes are inherited by offspring from their parents. In the context of this problem, the genes involved in determining fur color are A/a, B/b, and C/c. C is the gene that has an epistatic effect on fur color.

Here, are the matched genotypes with phenotypes: AaBbcc - agouti solid colorAaBBCC - solid colorAgouti black - AAbbCc, AaBbCcAlbino - aabbcc, aabbCc, aabbCC, aaBbcc, aaBbCc, aaBBcc.The label agouti solid color matches with the genotype AaBbcc. The solid color matches the genotype AaBBCC. The label agouti black matches with the genotypes AAbbCc and AaBbCc. The label albino matches with the genotypes aabbcc, aabbCc, aabbCC, aaBbcc, aaBbCc, and aaBBcc.

To know more about the Epistatic effect, visit:


a parasite that hangs out in warm fresh water and enters through sinuses to cause encephalitis, with almost 100% death rate, is:


The parasite that hangs out in warm, fresh water and enters through sinuses to cause encephalitis with almost 100% death rate is Naegleria fowleri, also known as the "brain-eating amoeba".

Naegleria fowleri is a single-celled organism found in warm, fresh water, like lakes and rivers. The parasite enters the body through the nose, where it travels to the brain, causing an infection called primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). The infection destroys brain tissue and causes swelling of the brain, leading to death in almost all cases.

Naegleria fowleri is the most deadly form of encephalitis and is usually fatal within a few days or weeks of infection. Symptoms of infection include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and seizures. The parasite is very difficult to detect and diagnose due to the short window of time between initial infection and death.

The best way to avoid infection is to avoid swimming in warm, fresh water, or to use a face mask or nose plug when swimming. Boiling water before swimming may also reduce the risk of infection. Treatment of infection is also difficult, as antibiotics are not effective against the parasite, and most cases are fatal.

To know more about parasite refer to-


type iii hypersensitivity is caused by soluble antigen-antibody complexes that avoid being phagocytized by macrophages. true false g


Type III hypersensitivity is caused by soluble antigen-antibody complexes that avoid being phagocytized by macrophages. This statement is true.

What is type III hypersensitivity?

Type III hypersensitivity occurs when a large amount of antigen enters the body and combines with an antibody, forming an insoluble complex. These are difficult to eliminate, and they begin to settle in the tissues, particularly those with a low blood supply and a high concentration of protein. They elicit an inflammatory response and, as a result, the release of proteases, hydrolases, and complement factors is increased.These immune complexes can become stuck in blood vessels or other organs, resulting in symptoms such as joint pain, fever, and rash. These symptoms usually manifest in the tissues where the complexes are deposited.

What are the causes of type III hypersensitivity?

The causative agents of Type III hypersensitivity are usually proteins, such as serum proteins or microbial proteins, that combine with specific antibodies to form circulating immune complexes. If the immune complexes become deposited in the blood vessels, they can result in vasculitis, inflammation, and subsequent tissue damage. Type III hypersensitivity is responsible for diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and serum sickness.

Here you can learn more about Type III hypersensitivity


What normally binds to an open A-site on the ribosome?
A) The 3' UTR (untranslated region) of the mRNA
B) A tRNA that carries the next amino acid to be added to the polypeptide chain
C) The initiator tRNA that carries the first amino acid in the polypeptide chain
D) An empty tRNA after its amino acid has been added to the polypeptide chain


The correct option is B) A tRNA that carries the next amino acid to be added to the polypeptide chain.  

Here, correct option is B.

The A-site (acceptor site) is a region on the ribosome to which the tRNA carrying the next amino acid to be added to the growing polypeptide chain binds. The ribosome is a complex molecular machine that translates the genetic code on messenger RNA (mRNA) into proteins. The ribosome has three active sites for the tRNA during translation: The A (aminoacyl), P (peptidyl), and E (exit) sites.

The incoming aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) enters the ribosome's A-site, where it binds to a complementary codon on the mRNA. The ribosome then catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond between the carboxyl group of the amino acid at the end of the polypeptide chain and the amino group of the incoming amino acid on the aa-tRNA.

Therefore, correct option is B.

Know more about amino acid here


An advantage of human testes being positioned in an external sac rather than in the abdominal cavity is that. A) the distance that that semen must travel ...


The primary advantage of the testes being positioned in an external sac rather than in the abdominal cavity is to maintain an ideal temperature for sperm production and function.

An advantage of human testes being positioned in an external sac rather than in the abdominal cavity is that

A) the distance that semen must travel.

The advantage of human testes being positioned in an external sac, called the scrotum, rather than in the abdominal cavity is primarily related to temperature regulation.

This external position allows the testes to maintain a lower temperature than the rest of the body, which is essential for optimal sperm production and function.

1. Spermatogenesis, the process of sperm production, is sensitive to temperature and occurs best at a slightly lower temperature than the body's core temperature (approximately 2-4 degrees Celsius lower).
2. The testes are located in the scrotum, an external sac that hangs outside the body, allowing them to be exposed to a lower temperature.
3. The scrotum has a temperature regulation system that involves the cremaster muscle and the dartos muscle.

These muscles contract and relax to move the testes closer to or further away from the body, depending on the need to maintain the ideal temperature for sperm production.
4. When the temperature is too high, the muscles relax, moving the testes further from the body to cool them. Conversely, when the temperature is too low, the muscles contract, pulling the testes closer to the body to warm them up.
In conclusion, the primary advantage of the testes being positioned in an external sac rather than in the abdominal cavity is to maintain an ideal temperature for sperm production and function.

This design ensures that sperm quality remains optimal, which is crucial for successful reproduction.

For similar question on abdominal.


Neural signals from olfactory cilia are transmitted to the
areas of the brain.
A. thalamus . . . olfactory cortex
B. olfactory bulb . . . olfactory cortex
C. olfactory cortex . . . olfactory bulb
D. olfactory bulb. . . thalamus
and then transmitted to the
and other



C.      Olfactory cortex


Olfaction first occurs in the sensory cilia of olfactory neurons, and the generated olfactory signals are transmitted to the olfactory cortex and to other area of the brain through synaptic connections of olfactory neurons with downstream neurons, such as mitral or tufted cells, in the main olfactory bulb.

you move e.coli that were grown in 15n to 14n media. if dna replication is conservative, what would you predict to see after 20 minutes (1 generation time)?


You would predict to see a mixture of 15n and 14n DNA after 20 minutes in this conservative DNA replication.

This is because conservative DNA replication means that parental strands are kept intact, with only newly synthesized strands containing the new nucleotide. Therefore, after 20 minutes, the 15n and 14n will be present in equal proportions, as both strands of the parent DNA strands were replicated in the new media.

In conservative DNA replication, the parent strands of the DNA remain intact as the newly synthesized strands contain the new nucleotide. This means that after 20 minutes, the parental strands are still present and now the newly synthesized strands are present with the new nucleotide. Therefore, the original 15n and the new 14n will both be present in equal proportions. The new strands are synthesized in a semiconservative fashion, meaning the parental strands are conserved and the newly synthesized strands contain the new nucleotide. Therefore, after 20 minutes, the mixture of 15n and 14n will be present in equal proportions.

To know more about DNA  click on below link:


on the cellular level, how is gastrulation accomplished in echinoderms, amphibians, and birds? in general terms what does gastrulation accomplish?


Gastrulation in echinoderms, amphibians, and birds is accomplished through the invagination of different cells.

In general, gastrulation is the process that reorganizes cells to form the three germ layers, which are necessary for the further development of an organism.

Gastrulation is the process in which cells rearrange to form the three germ layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

In echinoderms, gastrulation is accomplished through the process of archenteron formation, which is when the mesoderm forms from the invagination of cells from the surface of the embryo.

In amphibians, gastrulation is accomplished through blastopore closure, which is when the opening at the blastula stage of the embryo closes.

In birds, gastrulation is accomplished through the formation of the primitive streak, which is when the ectoderm folds and inwards to form a groove-like structure.

In summary, gastrulation is the first step of morphogenesis, the development of form and structure, which will determine the shape of the organism. The three germ layers will further differentiate and develop into the organs, tissues, and cells that make up the organism.

To know more about gastrulation, refer here:


The image below compares a normal DNA
sequence and one mutated to produce sickle
cell. Describe how the DNA strand has
been mutated and examine the amino
acid sequence. Is this a frameshift
mutation? How do you know?
Hemoglobin DNA strand
amino acid sequence (val his leu thr pro glu glu
Sickle cell hemoglobin DNA strand
amino acid sequence val his leu thr pro val glu


The image is unattached. A DNA strand can be mutated through various mechanisms, such as exposure to ultraviolet light, radiation, and certain chemicals, or spontaneous errors during DNA replication.

How is the DNA strand mutated?

These mutations can take the form of base substitutions, insertions, or deletions, and may affect a single nucleotide or a larger segment of DNA.

Amino acid sequences are determined by the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA strand. In the process of transcription, DNA is copied into RNA, and during translation, the RNA is read by ribosomes and translated into a sequence of amino acids, forming a protein. Each set of three nucleotides, called a codon, corresponds to a specific amino acid. If a mutation occurs in a DNA strand, it may alter the sequence of codons, which in turn could lead to a change in the amino acid sequence of the resulting protein.

To examine the amino acid sequence, the mutated DNA sequence must first be transcribed into RNA, and then translated into a protein. The resulting amino acid sequence can be analyzed and compared to the original, non-mutated sequence to determine the effects of the mutation.

Read more on DNA strand here:


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