The brisk wind made the branches snap and pop.
A hyperbole
B alliteration
C personification
D idiom
E simile
F metaphor
G onomatopoeia
H sensory
I imagery


Answer 1




Snap and pop are sounds.

Related Questions

Which passage is chronological?

Which passage is compare and contrast?

Which passage is sequence?

Which passage is cause and effect?

Which passage is problem and solution?

Which passage is chronological?

Passage #1 – Chemical and Physical Changes

All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter’s identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between them is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of matter.

Passage #2 – The Best PB & J Ever

When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.

Passage #3 – Bobby Fischer

Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago but unlocked the secrets of chess in a Brooklyn apartment right above a candy store. At the age of six he taught himself to play by following the instruction booklet that came with his chess board. After spending much of his childhood in chess clubs, Fischer said that, “One day, I just got good.” That may be a bit of an understatement. At the age of 13 he won the U.S. Junior Chess Championship, becoming the youngest Junior Champion ever. At the age of 14 he won the U.S. Championship and became the youngest U.S. Champion in history. Fischer would go on to become the World Champion of chess, but he would also grow to become his own worst enemy. Instead of defending the title, he forfeited it to the next challenger without even making a move, and the rise of a chess superstar ended with a fizzle.

Passage #4 – Save the Tigers

Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.

Passage #5 – The Great Recession

Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles in 2008. The crisis was actually the result of a combination of many complex factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people who were high-risk or unworthy of credit to borrow, and even people who had no income were eligible for large loans. Second, banks would bundle these toxic loans and sell them as packages on the financial market. Third, large insurance firms backed these packages, misrepresenting these high-risk loans as safe investments. Fourth, because of the ease of acquiring credit and the rapid growth in the housing market, people were buying two or three houses, intending to sell them for more than they paid. All of these factors created bubbles of speculation. These bubbles burst, sending the whole market into a downward spiral, causing employers to lose capital and lay off employees. Consumer spending then plummeted and most businesses suffered. The economy is like a big boat, and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong direction, it’s hard to turn it around.

Passage #6 – Screen Protector

Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone’s screen with a soft cloth. Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the screen protector. Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone’s screen. Smooth out any air bubble trapped on between the protector and the phone screen. Enjoy the added protection.



Which passage is chronological?  PASSAGE 3.

When a passage is chronological, the events in it are organized by time. In passage 3, the story tells us of Bobby Fischer's development in stages from when he is born to the ages of 6, 13, 14 and older.

Which passage is compare and contrast?  PASSAGE 1.

A compare and contrast passage picks two or more topics and by listing their properties, compares and contrasts them. This is the case in passage 1 where physical and chemical changes are compared and contrasted.

Which passage is sequence?  PASSAGE 2 and 6.

When a passage is in sequence, it means that the events are organized in order of how they happened or should happen. In passage 2 we see the order in which the narrator prepares their sandwich and in passage 6, the order in which a screen protector should be placed is demonstrated.

Which passage is cause and effect?  PASSAGE 5.

In a cause and effect passage as the term suggests, an event or topic is discussed by showing what caused it as well as the effect of this event. In passage 5, we see the cause of the Great Recession of 2008 as well as the effects it brought.

Which passage is problem and solution?  PASSAGE 4

Problem and solution passages tell of a problem and how it should be fixed. In passage 4, Dr Miller tells of a problem which is that tigers are vanishing and then goes on to state the solution to the problem as people needing to donate to the cause and writing to Congress as well.

The passage that's chronological is passage 3.

The passage that's compare and contrast is passage 1.

The passage that's a sequence is passage 2 and 6.

The passage that's a cause and effect is passage 5.

The passage that is problem and solution.

In passage 3, the passage is chronological. Passage 1 is a compare and contrast passage as the properties are compared and contrasted.

Passage 2 and 6 are in sequence as the events are organized based on how they happen. Passage 5 is a cause and effect. Lastly, passage 4 is a problem and solution.

Learn more about passages on:

What does Anne combine with bits of old soap to make hair shampoo for Mrs. Van Daan?



Toilet water






I need help! please?









I hope this is good enough:

Scientists have found that spending too much time on the Internet can cause_____.
A. addict
B. addicting
C. addiction
D. addictive​


Hey :)

The answer is C. Addiction

Hope this helps!

Write a summary of “The Seventh Man” that includes key events and details but not personal opinions or judgments.


Answer: The story "The Seventh Man" from Haruki Murakami begins with a meeting where there are seven people, and each of them is to speek. The main character of the story is the last person to talk: the Seventh Man.

The man tells how, when he was ten years old, a typhoon and a tsunami struck his hometown. After the typhoon ended, he and his best friend, who he simply calls "K", went out to assess the damages it caused. However, when they were outside, a gigantic tsunami started to form. The man realized this, and wanted to warn K, but instinctively ran away in fear. The tsunami caught both of the boys, but only the narrator survived.

The man carried the guilt of having abandoned his friend with him throughout all his life. He developed a terrible fear of water and for the next forty years he had no happiness.

After the man's parents died, he came back to his hometown where, after finding some old drawing K had done, he went to the shore and understood that he had been foolish to not face his fears.

At the end of the story, the setting returned to the meeting where the Seventh Man was proclaiming that the worst thing a man can do is live in fear and let that steal something precious away for him.

The correct response is - Seven persons are present at the meeting that kicks off Haruki Murakami's story "The Seventh Man," and each of them is expected to speak. The Seventh Man, who spoke last in the narrative, is the primary character.

What is a Judgement?

There are two types of judgments: discriminatory judgments and evaluative judgments. Discriminatory judgments—such as, "I prefer X over Y"—reflect individual preferences and arbitrary viewpoints.

Your ability to make wise decisions under stressful circumstances or quandaries depends on your judgment skills and mental tools. These abilities can be put to use in making decisions, ranking factors, arriving at conclusions, and establishing personal judgments.

The man describes how a tsunami and a typhoon struck his hometown when he was ten years old. He and his best friend, whom he refers to only as "K," went outside after the typhoon passed to evaluate the damage it had inflicted. But as soon as they were outside, a massive wave began to form. Upon realizing this, the man attempted to alert K but instantly fled out of panic. Only the narrator survived the tsunami that took both of the boy's hostages.

To read more about Judgement, refer to -


"Make the first paragraph right aligned. Take a screenshot of the output and paste it in the space below." I'm not sure what it means by this because it didn't tell me what to write or where to write it. It gave me a bit to read at the beginning in the directions but idk if that's wut it was.


Answer:Do you see the tool bar up top? Near the right there should be a 'Left align' 'Center align' and 'Right align'. You click on 'right align' and under the question would where you state your answer using 'right align'


What was Faulkner's attitude toward the dog's death in "His Name Was Pete"? Support your response with evidence from the selection.​


(sorry, my handwriting's a little off.)

Read the blog entry below and answer the question that follows:

At first I dreaded going to sixth grade camp. I was sure the food would be poisonous, I would freeze to death in my sleeping bag, and the other kids in my cabin would never talk to me. But was I wrong! In fact, it was the best week ever! I went horseback riding and participated in a ropes activity with a zip line course. After the course, I climbed to the top of a pole using only ropes and carabiner clips, and then I rappelled off the top. I even made a new best friend. Oh, by the way, the food was delicious. It tasted better than my mom's! (But don't tell her.)

Review the following sentence.

And the food was delicious.

If the author wanted to convey a connotation that has a more positive shade of meaning, which of the following words could replace delicious?

A. Repulsive
B. Unappealing
C. Delectable
D. Bland


Answer: C, Delectable.

Explanation: To convey a more positive connotation, one would use a positive word. Out of the words provided, delectable is the only positive word. Thus, the answer is delectable.

Compare the bold sections of both sentences and then answer the question that follows: Original: My father disliked sleet, but my father disliked hail more. Revised: My father disliked sleet, but he hated hail more. What was done to the bolded section to improve the sentence?



Repetitive words were replaced with synonyms and pronouns.


In the original sentence, there is a repetition of the phrase "my father disliked" which makes it a case of repetition. The revised version replaces the repetition with a pronoun "he" and also replaced the verb "disliked" with a synonym "hated".

This correction makes the sentence better and the improvement gave the sentence a much clearer picture.

Thus, the correct answer is the last/ fourth option.

Which is an informal way to ask for something? *

Could you...?
Would you...?
Can you...?


I’d believe the informal would be “Can you...?”

what does 'no taxation without representation' mean?


Answer: The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government's policies


The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government's policies. The term has its origin in a slogan of the American colonials against their British rulers: "Taxation without representation is tyranny."1

Do you think it will affect how future elections will be held?








Thanks for the points

Write at least two feelings using keywords​



love , hatred


love is a feeling and hatred is also a feeling




ANSWER A i think i'm sorry if it's wrong.


What is your interpretation of the picture? What does the target board mean relative to research?

Please help me...


In my opinion I think the target board could mean someone aiming their shot at their individual goal. He might miss sometimes but eventually he’s going to hit his goal .

Which sentence from part 1 of The Call of the Wild best supports the theme “It is important to pick your battles”?

Thirty or forty huskies ran to the spot and surrounded the combatants in an intent and silent circle.
Though his dignity was sorely hurt by thus being made a draught animal, he was too wise to rebel.
Francois was stern, demanding instant obedience, and by virtue of his whip receiving instant obedience. . . .
Dave, who was an experienced wheeler, nipped Buck's hind quarters whenever he was in error.



Sentence 2



I believe it is the second sentence.


Although he is hurt, he does not rebel because it would not be the best idea.

Can other forms of parental figures (i.e., uncles, aunts, mentors, teachers, grandparents, etc.) impact and assist a child’s upbringing and identity formation? Why or why not?


Answer:How do very young children develop a sense of identity and belonging culturally, and how can this sense be supported by early care and education teachers and programs? This article examines literature associated with identity and belonging in early childhood and how those who work closely with children and families can incorporate best practices into daily routines and procedures. The authors share several practices from the A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning at The Ohio State University, a high-quality program serving children and families who are economically and culturally diverse.

Elizabeth is a 19-month-old toddler who attends our early care and education program full-day, full-year while her parents work. Her family, including siblings, primarily speak Spanish at home, as do several other of the schools’ students. As such, the school has made a concentrated effort to employ teachers who are native Spanish speakers or otherwise fluent in Spanish. When Elizabeth arrives for the day, she is greeted enthusiastically with phrases in Spanish and English from her peers and teachers. Spanish phrases and words make up the environmental print throughout the room. Laminated notecards are displayed prominently for all children and teachers to access; the cards contain phrases supplied by Elizabeth’s parents for commonly used routines and classroom rituals such as “Do you want to use the bathroom now or in 5 minutes? ¿Quieres usar el baño ahora o en cinco minutos?” and “We wash our hands before we eat. Nos lavamos las manos antes de comer.” Children frequently carry these card packs around the room to “read,” and teachers read them in English and Spanish and point to the words when providing one of the directives. Photos of all the children’s families, and of the teachers and their families, are displayed on the walls and in small frames throughout the classroom. Similarly, each child has a small photo album with photos supplied by families and/or taken by teachers at school of children’s families, friends, and pets. Children carry and use the photo albums throughout the day, often taking them from their display in a basket in the reading area to their cubbies and other personal spaces to review.

The Importance of Relationships

Erikson was among the first to examine how children’s sense of identity and character developed, and he proposed a stage theory to explain how young children and later adolescents and adults progress in life span development (McLeod, 2008). For children less than 36 months old, there are two stages identified by Erikson: Trust vs. Mistrust, which encompasses the first 18 months of life, followed by Autonomy vs. Doubt, which includes ages 18 to 36 months. Both stages are influenced heavily by the types of environments and support a very young child receives. During the Trust vs. Mistrust stage, infants learn whether they can trust that their needs will be met by caring and competent adults and caregivers; those whose needs are not consistently or adequately met will be insecurely attached and suffer later in developing secure and stable relationships. Similarly, in the Autonomy vs. Doubt stage, children begin to test their abilities and competencies; those who are supported and provided an opportunity to explore will grow to be industrious and independent. Children with overly controlling or anxious caregivers will not develop the fortitude to persevere and learn autonomously.

What argument does Alexander Hamilton make in his letter to John Jay?



To John Jay

[Middlebrook, New Jersey, March 14, 1779]

Dear Sir,

Col Laurens, who will have the honor of delivering you this letter, is on his way to South Carolina, on a project, which I think, in the present situation of affairs there, is a very good one and deserves every kind of support and encouragement. This is to raise two three or four batalions of negroes; with the assistance of the government of that state, by contributions from the owners in proportion to the number they possess. If you should think proper to enter upon the subject with him, he will give you a detail of his plan. He wishes to have it recommended by Congress to the state; and, as an inducement, that they would engage to take those batalions into Continental pay.

It appears to me, that an expedient of this kind, in the present state of Southern affairs, is the most rational, that can be adopted, and promises very important advantages. Indeed, I hardly see how a sufficient force can be collected in that quarter without it; and the enemy's operations there are growing infinitely serious and formidable. I have not the least doubt, that the negroes will make very excellent soldiers, with proper management; and I will venture to pronounce, that they cannot be put in better hands than those of Mr. Laurens. He has all the zeal, intelligence, enterprise, and every other qualification requisite to succeed in such an undertaking. It is a maxim with some great military judges, that with sensible officers soldiers can hardly be too stupid; and on this principle it is thought that the Russians would make the best troops in the world, if they were under other officers than their own. The King of Prussia is among the number who maintain this doctrine and has a very emphatical saying on the occasion, which I do not exactly recollect. I mention this, because I frequently hear it objected to the scheme of embodying negroes that they are too stupid to make soldiers. This is so far from appearing to me a valid objection that I think their want of cultivation (for their natural faculties are probably as good as ours) joined to that habit of subordination which they acquire from a life of servitude, will make them sooner became soldiers than our White inhabitants. Let officers be men of sense and sentiment, and the nearer the soldiers approach to machines perhaps the better.

I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self-interest. The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the blacks, makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience; and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability or pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a sacrifice. But it should be considered, that if we do not make use of them in this way, the enemy probably will; and that the best way to counteract the temptations they will hold out will be to offer them ourselves. An essential part of the plan is to give them their freedom with their muskets. This will secure their fidelity, animate their courage, and I believe will have a good influence upon those who remain, by opening a door to their emancipation. This circumstance, I confess, has no small weight in inducing me to wish the success of the project; for the dictates of humanity and true policy equally interest me in favour of this unfortunate class of men.

When I am on the subject of Southern affairs, you will excuse the liberty I take, in saying, that I do not think measures sufficiently vigorous are persuing for our defence in that quarter. Except the few regular troops of South Carolina, we seem to be relying wholly on the militia of that and the two neighbouring states. These will soon grow impatient of service and leave our affairs in a very miserable situation. No considerable force can be uniformly kept up by militia—to say nothing of many obvious and well known inconveniences, that attend this kind of troops. I would beg leave to suggest, Sir, that no time ought to be lost in making a draft of militia to serve a twelve month from the States of North and South Carolina and Virginia. But South Carolina being very weak in her population of whites may be excused from the draft on condition of furnishing the black batalions. The two others may furnish about 3,500 men and be exempted on that account from sending any succours to this army. The states to the Northward of Virginia will be fully able to give competent supplies to the army here; and it will require all the force and exertions of the three states I have mentioned to withstand the storm which has arisen and is increasing in the South.

The troops drafted must be thrown into batalions and officered in the best manner we can. The supernumerary officers may be made use of as far as they will go.

The Nose
How would you describe Ivan's wife, Prasskovna, and her feelings for Ivan?



Nature vs. Mankind


The original, since and were the first to be produced, which means that it is most probably to be attempted the toughest. This means that the actors have done their best to make things right, but human behavior and its humanity are going to make choices.

Help I will give brainliest





A Product of a System

A Natural System

I hope this helps


1. system 2. constraints 3. a product of a system  4. natural system


Read the excerpt from Chapter 2 of Wheels of Change .

Smith blamed the bicycle for the downfall of women's health, morals, and religious devotion. Her accusations brought a swift and impassioned response. The Reverend Dr. A. Stewart Walsh, a respected clergyman in New York City and a cyclist himself, wrote a letter to the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle declaring, "I have associated with thousands of riders . . . and I have not seen among them . . . anything that could begin to approach the outrageous and scandalous indecency of the resolutions of the alleged rescue league."

The underlined portion of the excerpt is best characterized as a

short-term effect of Smith’s activism to promote regulations on women riding bicycles.
short-term effect of Smith’s attempts to limit women’s use of the bicycle.
long-term effect of Smith’s advocacy for more conservative cycling clothes for women.
long-term effect of Smith’s anti-bicycle activism aimed at women.



its a




the answer is B. Short-term effect of Smith’s attempts to limit women’s use of the bicycle.


A is incorrect, it's B on edge

Guaranteed 100%

PLZ HELP the question is: Write an informative essay on the topic of immigration. Your essay will use research to describe the changes and challenges that today's immigrant children experience. You're not allowed to say your experiences or opinion



Immigration enforcement—and the threat of such actions—can negatively impact a child's long-term health and development. A child's risk of having mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and severe psychological distress increases following the detention and/or deportation of a parent.


Many children of immigrants, including Latinos, live in families exposed to multiple risk factors such as poverty, poor schools, neighborhood violence, discrimination, and disparities in access to health care, education and jobs 2,71,73.Educational access affects the future life choices available to a child and the extent to which that individual can contribute civically and economically to his or her community. As such, access to education is important for all children, including immigrant children and citizen children of immigrant parents.

Writing a screenplay a monster give Steve Hartman a more accurate view of his situation because it



Writing a screenplay a monster give Steve Hartman a more accurate view of his situation because it


Writing a screenplay a monster give Steve Hartman a more accurate view of his situation because it

Read this excerpt from The Way to Rainy Mountain.
Great green and yellow grasshoppers are everywhere in the tall grass, popping up like corn to sting the flesh, and tortoises crawl
about on the red earth, going nowhere in the plenty of time.
Why does the author use the simile "popping up like corn to sting the flesh' in this excerpt?
O to show the extent to which nature can harm people
O to convey the role that animals played on the Kiowa journey
O to reveal in images what the passage of time meant to the Kiowa
O to depict the grasshoppers' vastness and activity



The answer is to depict the grasshoppers' vastness and activity


The subtle
of the new
assignment was that I would be
working all weekend.



complication working all weekend

The author most likely includes the memory in paragraph 4 to develop the theme of -- a. mental illness b. nagging guilt c. self-indulgence d. self-sabotage Use complete sentences in your response.




The passage is an example of which rhetorical strategy? Why would this strategy be effective for this audience?
There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise friends to fight our battles for us
(Speech to the Virginia Convention)





Which two groups are most likely the author's intended audience in “Heads Up, Humans”?
A Students
B Teachers
C Young adults
D Older adults
E Technology professionals



Young adults


The two groups are most likely the author's intended audience in “Heads Up, Humans” is young adults. Hence option C is correct.

What is author?

Author is defined as one who is the originator of some kind of artistic or intellectual effort. The primary motivation for an author's writing is that author's purpose. The three main goals are to entertain, convince, and inform.  It powers communication, and communication provides society with a framework.

Young adult is defined as a distinct developmental stage that takes place between the ages of 18 and 25 years, during which the young adult can engage in self-exploration and identity building through the completion of important developmental activities.

Thus, the two groups are most likely the author's intended audience in “Heads Up, Humans” is young adults. Hence option C is correct.

To learn more about author, refer to the link below:


How were Native Americans impacted by the Revolutionary War?

They lost a lot of land.

They gained lands taken by the French.

They avoided the war.

They were forced onto reservations by British soldiers.

plzzzzzzzzzz i will give you Brainliest



They lost alot of land.

In the story in the maze of doom was the daughter of king Minos a hero why or why not



She fell in love with the Athenian hero Theseus and, with a thread or glittering jewels, helped Ariadne, in Greek mythology, daughter of Pasiphae and the Cretan king Minos. Ariadne's story was later taken up by European artists, writers, and  in the Mycenaean period, although it is not known where his cult originated.


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