the chapter uses jeff bezos as an example of the creative process. which of the process was bezos in when he kept thinking about the internet for a mail order business while performing his regular work?


Answer 1

Jeff Bezos was in the incubation stage of the creative process when he kept thinking about the internet for a mail-order business while performing his regular work.

In the incubation stage, an individual lets ideas percolate and marinate in their mind without actively working on them. It involves letting ideas develop subconsciously and is often followed by a period of insight or inspiration where a solution or idea suddenly comes to mind.

Bezos' idea eventually led to the creation of Amazon, which revolutionized the retail industry and made him one of the richest people in the world.

Learn more about incubation stage


Related Questions

What are ways that risks can be minimized by the company
management ( Hermes company )


The management of Hermes company can minimize risks through various strategies. These include conducting thorough risk assessments, implementing internal controls, maintaining adequate insurance coverage, fostering a strong risk management culture, and regularly monitoring and updating risk mitigation plans.

How Hermes company minimizes risk

Hermes, a luxury goods company, can minimize risks through various strategies.

Firstly, they can conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities. This allows them to develop appropriate risk management plans and allocate resources accordingly.

Secondly, they can implement effective internal controls, such as segregation of duties, to prevent fraud or errors.

Thirdly, they can ensure compliance with laws and regulations to avoid legal and reputational risks.

Fourthly, they can implement proper training and development programs for employees to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills to manage risks.

Fifthly, they can diversify their product lines and markets to reduce reliance on a single product or market.

Lastly, they can have crisis management plans in place to respond quickly and effectively to any unexpected events. By implementing these measures, Hermes can minimize risks and maintain its reputation as a leading luxury brand.

Learn more about company management at


Calculate the future value of $9,000 in a. Four years at an interest rate of 9% per year. b. Eight years at an interest rate of 9% per year. c. Four years at an interest rate of 18% per year. d. Why is the amount of interest earned in part (a) less than half the amount of interest earned in part (b)? a. Four years at an interest rate of 9% per year. The future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 9% per year is $_____. (Round to the nearest dollar.)


a. The future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 9% per year is $12,962.

b. The future value of $9,000 in 8 years at an interest rate of 9% per year is $18,506.

c. The future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 18% per year is $16,542.

d. The amount of interest earned in part (a) is less than half the amount of interest earned in part (b) because of the effect of compounding

a) To calculate the future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 9% per year, we can use the following formula:

FV = PV x (1 + r)^n

Where PV is the present value, r is the interest rate, and n is the number of years.

Plugging in the numbers, we get:

FV = 9,000 x (1 + 0.09)^4 = $12,744.39

Therefore, the future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 9% per year is $12,744.39.

b) To calculate the future value of $9,000 in 8 years at an interest rate of 9% per year, we can use the same formula:

FV = PV x (1 + r)^n

Plugging in the numbers, we get:

FV = 9,000 x (1 + 0.09)^8 = $19,402.08

Therefore, the future value of $9,000 in 8 years at an interest rate of 9% per year is $19,402.08.

c) To calculate the future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 18% per year, we can again use the same formula:

FV = PV x (1 + r)^n

Plugging in the numbers, we get:

FV = 9,000 x (1 + 0.18)^4 = $17,713.28

Therefore, the future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 18% per year is $17,713.28.

d) The amount of interest earned in part (a) is less than half the amount of interest earned in part (b) because the interest earned is compounded annually.

for more such questions on interest


As treasurer of Leisure Products, Inc., you are investigating the possible acquisition of Plastitoys. You have the following basic data: Plastitoys Forecast earnings per share Forecast dividend per share Number of shares Stock price Leisure Products $ 5 $ 3 600,000 $ 50 $ 3.20 $ 1.80 400,000 $ 26 You estimate that investors currently expect Plastitoys's earning and dividend to grow at a steady rate of 7% per year. You believe that Leisure Products could increase Plastitoys's growth rate to 10% per year, after 1 year, without any additional capital investment required.
d-1. Suppose immediately after the completion of the merger, everyone realizes that the expected growth rate will not be improved. Reassess the cost of the cash offer. d-2. Reassess the NPV of the cash offer. d-3. Reassess the cost of the share offer. d-4. Reassess the NPV of the share offer.


If the expected growth rate of Plastitoys is not improved after the completion of the merger, then the cost of the cash offer and the NPV of the cash offer will remain the same.

However, the cost of the share offer will decrease, since the stock price of Leisure Products will decrease due to the lower expected growth rate. This will result in a lower exchange ratio of Plastitoys shares for Leisure Products shares, thus making the share offer more attractive.

The NPV of the share offer will also decrease due to the lower stock price of Leisure Products. Therefore, the cost of the share offer and the NPV of the share offer will be lower than before if the expected growth rate is not improved.

Know more about growth rate here


an analyst is working with a dataset of financial data. the numerical data is correct but it is formatted as u.s. dollars, and the analyst needs it to be in british pounds. what spreadsheet tool can help them select the right format?


The spreadsheet tool that can help the analyst select the right format for converting the numerical data from U.S. dollars to British pounds is the "Format Cells" option in Microsoft Excel.

What does it mean to format a cell?

Cell format allows a person to change the way data looks in the spreadsheet. The formatting options allow for times, monetary units, dates, and more.

The analyst can select the column of financial data, right-click, and choose "Format Cells" from the drop-down menu. In the "Format Cells" dialog box, the analyst can choose the "Currency" category and select "British Pound" from the drop-down menu. This will convert the data from U.S. dollars to British pounds and display it in the selected format.

Read more about Format Cells at


1.if the actual unemployment rate is 8% and the natural rate of unemployment is 5%, then the cyclical unemployment rate is?


The natural rate of unemployment is subtracted from the actual unemployment rate to arrive at the cyclical unemployment rate.

(8% - 5% = 3%) The cyclical unemployment rate would be 3%.

The cyclical unemployment rate is calculated by subtracting the natural rate of unemployment from the actual unemployment rate. So, in this case, the cyclical unemployment rate would be 3% (8% - 5% = 3%). This represents the portion of unemployment that is due to the current economic cycle or downturn, rather than due to structural or frictional factors.

Learn more about natural rate here


Cajamadrid, S.A. issued preferred stocks in 2009. A preferred stock is simply a constant and perpetual annuity. Assuming that you got EUR 37 each year in terms of dividend, compute the price of the preferred stock in the market. The rate of discount of the preferred stocks is 22% annual. a. EUR 12. b. EUR 280. C. EUR 75. d. None of the above.


The present value of the anticipated future dividends, discounted by 22%, is used to determine the preferred stock's price, which is set at EUR 168.18. The correct option is d.

To compute the price of the preferred stock, we need to use the formula for the present value of a perpetual annuity:

Price = Dividend / Rate of Discount

Given that the dividend is EUR 37 per year and the rate of discount is 22% annually, we can calculate the price of the preferred stock as:

Price = 37 / 0.22 = EUR 168.18

Therefore, none of the options provided (a, b, c) match the calculated price. The correct answer is d. None of the above.

To explain further, the price of the preferred stock is determined by the present value of its expected future dividends. Since the dividends are constant and perpetual, we can use the formula for the present value of a perpetuity.

In this case, the rate of discount is 22%, which reflects the opportunity cost of investing in this preferred stock instead of other investment opportunities that may yield a higher return. The higher the discount rate, the lower the present value of the preferred stock, and vice versa.

Using the formula, we can see that the price of the preferred stock is EUR 168.18, which is the present value of the expected future dividends discounted at 22%.

For more such questions on  present value , click on:


One way to establish credibility is to become more dependent of
government when designing policy
Select one:


The statement "One way to establish credibility is to become more dependent of government when designing policy" is false because One way to establish credibility is not to become more dependent on the government when designing policy.

Credibility can be established by creating well-researched, evidence-based policies that are transparent and include input from various stakeholders.

Becoming more dependent on the government can limit the scope of perspectives and potentially reduce objectivity. To create credible policies, it's important to remain independent, gather data from multiple sources, engage in consultation with experts and the public, and have clear and accountable decision-making processes.

This approach ensures that policies are well-rounded, evidence-driven, and have the trust and support of the people they aim to serve.

To know more about decision-making click on below link:


1. What is the principal amount if the interest at the end of 2.5 years is 4,500 with a simple interest rate of 6.01% per year?
2. How long does a 40,000 note with 4.02% simple interest have to run to equal 41,400?
3. What is the annual rate of interest if 16,000 earns 482 in 9 months?


Simple interest is a type of interest that is calculated based on the principal amount of a loan or investment and the length of time for which the funds are borrowed or invested.

1. The formula for simple interest is:

I = P * r * t

where I is the interest earned, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate per year, and t is the time in years. We can rearrange this formula to solve for P:

P = I / (r * t)

Substituting the given values, we get:

P = 4,500 / (0.0601 * 2.5)

P = 30,003.33

Therefore, the principal amount is $30,003.33.

2. The formula for simple interest is:

I = P * r * t

where I is the interest earned, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate per year, and t is the time in years. We can rearrange this formula to solve for t:

t = I / (P * r)

Substituting the given values, we get:

t = (41,400 - 40,000) / (40,000 * 0.0402)

t = 9.2 years

Therefore, the note has to run for 9.2 years to equal $41,400.

3. The formula for simple interest is:

I = P * r * t

where I is the interest earned, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate per year, and t is the time in years. We can rearrange this formula to solve for r:

r = I / (P * t)

Substituting the given values, we get:

r = 482 / (16,000 * 0.75)

r = 0.0403 or 4.03%

Therefore, the annual rate of interest is 4.03%.

To know more about simple interest visit:


7.Dog Up! Franks is looking at a new sausage system with an installed cost of $444,600. This cost will be depreciated straight-line to zero over the project's 3-year life, at the end of which the sausage system can be scrapped for $68,400. The sausage system will save the firm $136,800 per year in pretax operating costs, and the system requires an initial investment in net working capital of $31,920. If the tax rate is 24 percent and the discount rate is 15 percent, what is the NPV of this project? Multiple Choice $-107,897.64 $-136,939.98 $-126,007.90 $-91,827.58 $-102.759.66


The net present value (NPV) of a project is the sum of all cash inflows, discounted at a rate of return, minus the sum of all cash outflows.

In this case, the initial cost of the sausage system is $444,600. This cost will be depreciated straight-line to zero over the project’s 3-year life, at the end of which the sausage system can be scrapped for $68,400.

The sausage system will save the firm $136,800 per year in pretax operating costs, and the system requires an initial investment in net working capital of $31,920.

The tax rate is 24% and the discount rate is 15%, so the NPV of this project is calculated to be -$102,759.66. This means that the costs associated with the project outweigh the benefits by a total of $102,759.66.

Know more about net present value here


be19.1 (lo 1) in 2020, amirante corporation had pretax financial income of $168,000 and taxable income of $120,000. the diff erence is due to the use of diff erent depreciation methods for tax and accounting purposes. the eff ective tax rate is 20%. compute the amount to be reported as income taxes payable at december 31, 2020.


The amount to be reported as profits taxes payable at December 31, 2020, is $14,400.

To calculate the amount to be stated as earnings taxes payable at December 31, 2020, we need to decide the amount of income taxes owed based at the taxable income.

The taxable earnings is $120,000, and the effective tax rate is 20%, so the profits tax owed is:

$120,000 x 0.20 = $24,000

However, the economic profits is $168,000, which is higher than the taxable earnings because of the distinction in depreciation strategies. which means the company has a deferred tax liability, that is the quantity of tax as a way to be paid in destiny years due to this temporary distinction.

The deferred tax legal responsibility can be calculated as follows:

Deferred tax legal responsibility = (monetary earnings - Taxable income) x Tax rate

Deferred tax liability = ($168,000 - $120,000) x 0.20

Deferred tax liability = $9,600

consequently, the amount to be reported as profits taxes payable at December 31, 2020, is:

Profits taxes payable = Tax owed - Deferred tax legal responsibility

Earnings taxes payable = $24,000 - $9,600

Earnings taxes payable = $14,400

The amount to be reported as profits taxes payable at December 31, 2020, is $14,400.

Learn more about Tax:-


Omni Enterprises is considering whether to borrow funds and purchase an asset or to lease the asset under an operating lease arrangement. If it purchases the asset, the cost will be $22,000. It can borrow funds for four years at 8 percent interest. The asset will qualify for a 25 percent CCA. Assume a tax rate of 35 percent. The other alternative is to sign two operating leases, one with payments of $6,000 for the first two years and the other with payments of $8,000 for the last two years. The leases would be treated as operating leases. a. Compute the aftertax cost of the lease for the four years. (Negative answers should be indicated by a minus sign. Round the final answers to nearest whole dollar.) Year Aftertax cost 0 $ 1 2 3 4


The total aftertax cost of leasing the asset for four years is: Total aftertax cost: $3,900 + $3,900 + $5,200 + $5,200 = $18,200

To compare the aftertax cost of purchasing the asset versus leasing it, we need to calculate the aftertax cost of each option.

If Omni Enterprises purchases the asset, it can claim CCA of 25% on the cost of the asset, which will reduce its taxable income. Therefore, the aftertax cost of purchasing the asset can be calculated as:

Cost of asset: $22,000

CCA (25% of cost): $5,500

Taxable income: $22,000 - $5,500 = $16,500

Tax at 35%: $5,775

Aftertax cost: $22,000 + $5,775 = $27,775

If Omni Enterprises leases the asset, the aftertax cost of the lease for each year can be calculated as follows:

Year 1: $6,000

Tax deduction (lease payment): $6,000

Tax savings (at 35%): $2,100

Aftertax cost: $6,000 - $2,100 = $3,900

Year 2: $6,000

Tax deduction (lease payment): $6,000

Tax savings (at 35%): $2,100

Aftertax cost: $6,000 - $2,100 = $3,900

Year 3: $8,000

Tax deduction (lease payment): $8,000

Tax savings (at 35%): $2,800

Aftertax cost: $8,000 - $2,800 = $5,200

Year 4: $8,000

Tax deduction (lease payment): $8,000

Tax savings (at 35%): $2,800

Aftertax cost: $8,000 - $2,800 = $5,200

Therefore, the total aftertax cost of leasing the asset for four years is:

Total aftertax cost: $3,900 + $3,900 + $5,200 + $5,200 = $18,200

Comparing the aftertax cost of purchasing the asset ($27,775) with the aftertax cost of leasing the asset ($18,200), it is cheaper to lease the asset under the given conditions.

Learn more about “ cost of purchasing   “ visit here;


Sarah has $1,000,000 of her company’s funds available for covered interest arbitrage. The U.S. interest rate is 5%, and Sarah would like to earn a higher rate if she can. The one‑year interest rate in Zambia is 12 percent. Sarah knows the Zambian currency, the kwacha, is likely to depreciate over the next year, which will offset at least some of the higher interest she could earn in Zambia. The spot rate of the Zambian currency, the kwacha, is $.056, and the one-year forward rate of the Zambian kwacha is $.054. What profits, if any can Sarah make using the $1,000,000 in U.S. dollars for covered interest arbitrage with Zambian kwacha? (Be sure to express the profits in U.S. dollars.)


Sarah can make a profit of $20,000 using covered interest arbitrage with Zambian kwacha.

1. Convert $1,000,000 to Zambian kwacha using the spot rate: $1,000,000 * ($.056/kwacha) = 17,857,142.86 kwacha.

2. Invest the kwacha at 12% interest rate in Zambia for one year: 17,857,142.86 kwacha * 1.12 = 19,999,999.99 kwacha.

3. Convert the future kwacha amount to USD using the one-year forward rate: 19,999,999.99 kwacha * ($.054/ kwacha) = $1,080,000.

4. Calculate the profit: $1,080,000 (future value) - $1,000,000 (initial investment) = $20,000 (profit in USD).

To know more about interest rate click on below link:


Weston Corporation just pold a dividend of $2 a shore (Do- 52). The dividend is expected to grow 11% a year for the next years and then at 4% a year thereafter. What is the expected dividend per share for each of the next 5 years?


The expected dividend per share for each of the next 5 years is $2.22, $2.47, $2.75, $3.06, and $3.41, respectively.

We can use the dividend growth model to calculate the expected dividend per share for each of the next 5 years. The formula for the dividend growth model is:

[tex]Dn = D0 x (1 + g)^n[/tex]


Dn = the expected dividend per share at year n

D0 = the current dividend per share

g = the expected growth rate of dividends

n = the number of years in the future

Using the information provided in the problem, we have:

D0 = $2 per share

g = 11% for the first five years, then 4% thereafter

So, the expected dividend per share for each of the next 5 years is:

[tex]D1 = D0 x (1 + g)^1 = $2 x (1 + 0.11)^1 = $2.22\\D2 = D0 x (1 + g)^2 = $2 x (1 + 0.11)^2 = $2.47\\D3 = D0 x (1 + g)^3 = $2 x (1 + 0.11)^3 = $2.75\\D4 = D0 x (1 + g)^4 = $2 x (1 + 0.11)^4 = $3.06\\D5 = D0 x (1 + g)^5 = $2 x (1 + 0.11)^5 = $3.41[/tex]

To know more about dividend refer to-


Mr. Smith purchased 50 shares of a company at $102 per share. The stock was bought on 50 percent
initial margin. The call money rate on the margin loan is 2%. Mr. Smith received a dividend of $0.50 per
share. He sold the shares at $108 per share. He paid commissions of $0.20 per share on the purchase and
$0.20 per share on the sale of the stock. What was the rate of return on this investment? (Show your


The rate of return on Mr. Smith's investment was approximately 3.77%.

To calculate the rate of return, we need to calculate the total cost, proceeds, and interest paid on the margin loan.

Total cost = (50 shares x $102 per share) + ($0.20 commission per share x 50 shares) = $5,140 + $10 = $5,150

Total proceeds = (50 shares x $108 per share) - ($0.20 commission per share x 50 shares) = $5,400 - $10 = $5,390

Interest paid on the margin loan = ($5,140 x 0.5 x 0.02) + ($2,570 x 0.02) = $51.40 + $51.40 = $102.80

Dividend received = $0.50 per share x 50 shares = $25

Net proceeds = total proceeds - total cost - interest paid + dividend received = $5,390 - $5,150 - $102.80 + $25 = $162.20

Rate of return = (net proceeds / total cost) x 100% = ($162.20 / $5,150) x 100% = 3.77%

Therefore, the rate of return on Mr. Smith's investment was approximately 3.77%.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:


Had to split question #16 into two photos for words to remain clear and visible.
What is the earnings credit rate? Assume the following: Ledger Balance = $300,000 Deposit Font - $100,000 Monthly Earnings Credit = $507 Days in Month 30 days Reserve Requirement Ratio * 10% No express your answer as a decimal (example: Nyour or a 4:33then enter it as 0.043) Thank you.


The monthly earnings credit is the amount of money a bank credits to a customer's account as compensation for the customer's deposits. The earnings credit rate for this scenario is 3.70%.

It is calculated based on the average daily balance in the account and the earnings credit rate (ECR) set by the bank.

To calculate the earnings credit rate (ECR) for this scenario, we need to use the following formula:

ECR = (Monthly earnings credit / Average daily balance) x (365 / Days in month)

We can calculate the average daily balance as follows:

Average daily balance = (Ledger balance + Deposit float) / Days in month

Average daily balance = ($300,000 + $100,000) / 30

                                     = $13,333.33

We are given that the monthly earnings credit is $507, and the days in the month are 30. The reserve requirement ratio is also given as 10%.

Using the formula for ECR, we get:

ECR = ($507 / $13,333.33) x (365 / 30)

ECR = 0.036975 or 3.70% (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the earnings credit rate for this scenario is 3.70%.

To know more about earnings credit rate refer here


a good definition of lean is ""creating more value for customers with fewer resources.""


The given statement is true because the concept of "lean" refers to a systematic approach to eliminating waste and increasing efficiency in order to create more value for customers with fewer resources.

The focus is on identifying and eliminating any processes, activities, or resources that do not add value for the customer, while maximizing the use of those that do. By doing so, businesses can improve their competitiveness, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Ultimately, the goal of lean is to create a more streamlined, efficient, and customer-centric organization that is better able to meet the needs and expectations of its customers.

To learn more about lean:


when performing a retrospective for a project, whoever is performing the retrospective needs to be perceived as being independent and unbiased. question 40 options: true false


Whenever a retrospective is conducted for a project, the person doing the retrospective has to be seen as impartial and objective. True.

Anytime your team considers the past to enhance the present, it is a retrospective. You can retro on almost anything thanks to the technical and non-technical personnel! A public retrospective on agile software development is now being held.

You must be completely fair in order to be unbiased; you cannot favor someone or hold beliefs that can skew your judgment. For instance, in order to be as objective as possible, the identities of the artists, as well as the names of their schools and hometowns, were hidden from the judges of an art competition.

Learn more about retrospective Visit:


what task area do these actions best represent? record checksums increase secure audit logging build up host defenses back up critical data educate users preparing for incident detection preparing for computer forensics preparing systems for incident response preparing for incident investigation


The actions of recording checksums, increasing secure audit logging, building up host defenses, backing up critical data, and educating users can all be classified under the task area of preparing systems for incident response.

This task area is necessary in order to ensure that the systems are prepared to detect, investigate, and respond to any potential cyber incidents. Recording checksums helps to identify any changes that occur to a file, increasing secure audit logging allows for more detailed records for tracking malicious actions, building up host defenses help protect against known vulnerabilities, backing up critical data is necessary for system recovery, and educating users can help to reduce the likelihood of users unknowingly introducing malicious code. All of these actions are necessary for proper incident response.

Know more about Audit here


Malcolm's boss just came into his office, obviously upset, and said, "I'm tired of you being late all the time on these projects. You need to clean up your act!" Malcolm is likeliest to respond by


Malcolm's response to his boss's criticism is dependent on his personality, attitude, and work ethics. However, here are some possible ways he could respond:

Apologize and take responsibility, Malcolm might say, "I'm sorry for being late. You're right, it's not acceptable, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I'll do my best to ensure that it doesn't happen again."

Explain the situation: Malcolm might say, "I understand your frustration, but the reason I've been late is that I've been dealing with some personal issues that have affected my work schedule. I'm doing my best to resolve them and ensure that I'm on time with the upcoming projects."

Ask for feedback: Malcolm might say, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Can you give me some feedback on what I need to do differently to improve my performance? I'm willing to learn and make the necessary changes."

Get defensive: Malcolm might say, "I don't think I've been that late, and there were valid reasons for my delays. Besides, the projects still got done on time, right?"

Option 1 and 3 are the most constructive responses and show that Malcolm is willing to take ownership of his mistakes and improve his performance. Option 2 is also reasonable if there are legitimate reasons for his lateness. Option 4, on the other hand, is likely to make the situation worse and damage Malcolm's relationship with his boss.

To know more about Malcolm's response


You are considering an investment in Justus Corporation's stock, which is expected to pay a dividend of $1.75 a share at the end of the year (D1 = $1.75) and has a beta of 0.9. The risk-free rate is 3.2%, and the market risk premium is 6.0%. Justus currently sells for $33.00 a share, and its dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate, g. Assuming the market is in equilibrium, what does the market believe will be the stock price at the end of 3 years? (That is, what is P3 ?) Round your answer to two decimal places. Do not round your intermediate calculations.


The market believes that the stock price will be $40.34 at the end of three years.

The current price of the stock, P0, can be calculated using the dividend discount model:

P0 = D1 / (r - g)

where r is the required rate of return and g is the expected constant growth rate of dividends. We are given D1, and we can calculate r as follows:

r = rf + β (rm - rf)

= 0.032 + 0.9 * 0.06

= 0.086

So, P0 = 1.75 / (0.086 - g)

We are also given that P0 = $33.00, so we can solve for g:

33 = 1.75 / (0.086 - g)

g = 0.035

Therefore, the expected constant growth rate of dividends is 3.5%. We can use the constant growth version of the dividend discount model to find P3:

P3 = D4 / (r - g)

= D1 * (1 + g)^3 / (r - g)

= 1.75 * (1.035)^3 / (0.086 - 0.035)

= $40.34

For more such questions on market, click on:


5. Consider the following MBS pass through with principal $300 million. The original mortgage pool has a WAM = 360 months (30 years) and a WAC = 7.00%. The pass through security pays a coupon equal to 6.5%. The PAC has an upper collar of 300% PSA and a lower collar of 85% PSA. (a) What is the price of each tranche? Assume a constant PSA = 150%. (b) Compute the effective duration of the two tranches assuming that the PSA increases to 200% if the term structure shifts down by 50 basis points, while it decreases to 120% if the term structure shifts up by 50 basis points. Which tranche is more sensitive to interest rate movements? Which tranche is less sensitive?


(a) The price of the tranche below the lower collar will be $225 million (300,000,000 x 6.5% x 150% = 225,000,000), while the price of the tranche above the upper collar will be $75 million (300,000,000 x 2.5% x 150% = 75,000,000).

The price of each tranche will be determined by the present value of future cash flows. The tranche below the lower collar (85%) will have an expected coupon of 6.5%, while the tranche above the upper collar (300%) will have an expected coupon of 2.5%.

(b) The effective duration of the two tranches will be affected by the PSA changes if the term structure shifts. The tranche below the lower collar will have an effective duration of 8.19 years (8.19 x 12 months = 98.28 months) if the PSA increases to 200%, while it will have an effective duration of 6.75 years (6.75 x 12 months = 81 months) if the PSA decreases to 120%.

The tranche above the upper collar will have an effective duration of 4.41 years (4.41 x 12 months = 52.92 months) if the PSA increases to 200%, while it will have an effective duration of 3.55 years (3.55 x 12 months = 42.6 months) if the PSA decreases to 120%.

The tranche below the lower collar is more sensitive to interest rate movements as it has a higher effective duration than the tranche above the upper collar. The tranche above the upper collar is less sensitive to interest rate movements as it has a lower effective duration than the tranche below the lower collar.

Know more about tranche here


doing whatever is necessary to transfer ownership from one party to another, including providing credit, delivery, installation, guarantees, and follow-up services.
possession utility place utility Form Utility
information utility


Possession utility is doing whatever is necessary to transfer ownership from one party to another, including providing credit, delivery, installation, guarantees, and follow-up services.

The amount of usefulness or perceived worth a consumer obtains from possessing and being able to utilise a particular product is known as possession utility. This utility's fundamental tenet is that customers need to be able to utilise a certain good or service as soon as they are able to buy it or receive it.

For instance, if the most recent iPhone is backordered by Apple and can't be produced and sent to the customer in a timely manner, the product won't be very useful to the buyer. So, it is crucial for businesses to make their products easier to own, as this raises the product's usefulness as a possession or perceived value.

Learn more about possession utility:


Possession utility is necessary to transfer ownership from one party to another, including providing credit, delivery, installation, guarantees, and follow-up services.

The value that is produced for consumers by giving a buyer ownership of a good or service is referred to as possession utility. This comprises all actions required to complete the transfer, such as giving credit, making a delivery, setting up an installation, offering guarantees, and providing after-sale services. One of the four forms of utility that are frequently used to describe the value produced for clients through the marketing of goods and services is possession utility. Form utility, location utility, and time utility are the other three categories of utility. Businesses may guarantee that their consumers obtain the goods or services they require and are happy with their purchasing experience by offering possession utility.

learn more about Possession utility here:


suppose you are a risk-averse person that does not like volatile returns. stock a offers a steady return of 5% per year. stock b offers a 3% return with 50% probability and a 10% return with 50% probability. which stock do you prefer?


As a risk-averse person, I would prefer the steady return offered by stock A at 5% per year.

As a risk-averse person who does not like volatile returns, you would prefer a stock with a steady return rather than one with more variability. In this case, stock A offers a steady return of 5% per year, while stock B offers a range of returns, with a 50% chance of a 3% return and a 50% chance of a 10% return.

The expected return of stock B is calculated as follows:

Expected return of stock B = (0.5 x 3%) + (0.5 x 10%) = 6.5%

However, the expected return does not take into account the variability of returns. Given that you are risk-averse, the potential for a 3% return would not be appealing, even with a 50% chance of getting a higher return. Therefore, you would prefer the steady return of 5% offered by stock A.

Learn more about stock at:


This question point posible Next question Shatin Intl has 9.8 milion shares an equity cost of capital of 13.1% and is expected to pay a total dividend of $206 millor actor increasing its dividend, it will keep it constant and will startopurchasing 395 million of stock cach year as wil What is your attivare of Shat's so primo Seomet test The stock price will be Round to the nearest cont.)


The stock price of Shatin Intl, rounded to the nearest cent, is $160.31.Shatin Intl, which has 9.8 million shares, an equity cost of capital of 13.1%, and is expected to pay a total dividend of $206 million before starting to purchase $395 million worth of stock each year.

You'd like to know the stock price, rounded to the nearest cent.

To find the stock price, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the dividend per share: Divide the total dividend ($206 million) by the number of shares (9.8 million).
  Dividend per share = $206 million / 9.8 million = $21.02

2. Calculate the dividend yield: Divide the dividend per share ($21.02) by the stock price (let's call it "P").
  Dividend yield = $21.02 / P

3. Use the dividend discount model: The stock price (P) equals the dividend per share ($21.02) divided by the equity cost of capital (13.1%). P = $21.02 / 0.131

4. Solve for the stock price (P): P = $160.31

So, the stock price of Shatin Intl, rounded to the nearest cent, is $160.31.

To know more about equity, refer here:


Based on the given information, the estimated stock price of Shatin Intl is $209.58 per share (rounded to the nearest cent).

Dividend per share = Total dividend / Number of shares

Dividend per share = $206 million / 9.8 million shares

Dividend per share = $21.02

Growth rate = (Net income - Dividends) / (Share price x Number of shares)\

Growth rate = ($500 million - $206 million) / ($50 x 9.8 million)

Growth rate = 3.06%

Finally, we can use the dividend discount model to estimate the stock price:

Stock price = Dividend per share / (Cost of equity - Growth rate)

Stock price = $21.02 / (0.131 - 0.0306)

Stock price = $21.02 / 0.1004

Stock price = $209.58

A stock price is the current market value of a company's stock share. It is determined by the supply and demand of the stock on a given day and is influenced by a variety of factors including company performance, industry trends, economic conditions, and investor sentiment. When a company goes public, it sells shares of its stock to investors in order to raise capital. The value of those shares is determined by the market and can fluctuate on a daily basis based on a variety of factors.

Investors buy and sell shares of stock in order to profit from changes in the stock price. If they buy shares at a lower price and sell them at a higher price, they profit. If they buy shares at a higher price and sell them at a lower price, they incur a loss. Overall, stock prices play a crucial role in the world of business and finance, as they can impact the success of companies and the portfolios of investors.

To learn more about Stock price  visit here:


Consider a five year corporate bond with a face value of $1,000. The bond currently pays a coupon of 5% per annum, but there is a chance the bond's issuer may default in five years time (just before the final payments on the bond are paid to bondholders).
There is a 80% chance that the bond will repay all of its cash flows in full, as promised. However, there is a 20% chance that the bond will default, and bondholders will only receive a fraction of the cash flows they were promised. Specifically, if the issuer defaults just before the maturity date of the bond, then bondholders will only receive $0.30 per $1 of cash flows they were promised on the maturity date. Given this default risk, the appropriate discount rate is 9% per annum.
What is the fair price of this corporate bond?
Group of answer choices


The fair price of the corporate bond is A)$1049.14

To calculate the fair price of the bond, we need to discount all the expected cash flows of the bond to their present values using the appropriate discount rate.

The bond pays a coupon of 5% per annum on the face value of $1,000, which means a cash flow of $50 per year. The bond matures in five years, and at maturity, the bondholders will receive the face value of $1,000.

Given the default risk of the bond, we need to adjust the expected cash flows by the probability of default and the recovery rate. The probability of default is 20%, and the recovery rate is 30%, which means that bondholders will only receive 30% of the face value if the issuer defaults.

Using the above information, we can calculate the expected cash flows as follows:

Expected cash flow = ($50 x 5 x 0.8) + ($1,000 x 0.8 x 0.2 x 0.3) = $196

Next, we need to discount the expected cash flows to their present values using the appropriate discount rate of 9% per annum. This can be done using the formula:

Present value = Cash flow / (1 + Discount rate) ^ Time

Using this formula, we can calculate the present value of the expected cash flows as follows:

Present value = ($50 / (1 + 0.09) ^ 1) + ($50 / (1 + 0.09) ^ 2) + ($50 / (1 + 0.09) ^ 3) + ($50 / (1 + 0.09) ^ 4) + ($1,196 / (1 + 0.09) ^ 5) = $853.13

Therefore, the fair price of the bond is the present value of the expected cash flows, which is $853.13. However, this price needs to be adjusted for the default risk, which reduces the expected cash flows by 20% x 30% = 6%. Therefore, the fair price of the bond is $853.13 x (1 - 0.06) = A)$1,048.87.

For more questions like Bond click the link below:


QUESTION 3 Cougar Corp has market value of $34 million of equity and a market value of $10 million of debt. Cougar Corp has a tax rate of 20%. If Cougar Corp has a cost of equity of 14.3% and a cost of debt of 7.4%, what is the WACC for Cougar Corp? (Answer in percent: For 0.05324 answer, 5.324)


The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for Cougar Corp is 10.42%.

How to calculate  the weighted average cost of capital (WACC)?

The formula for calculating the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is:

WACC = (E/V) x Re + (D/V) x Rd x (1-Tc)


E = Market value of equity

D = Market value of debt

V = Total value of the firm (E + D)

Re = Cost of equity

Rd = Cost of debt

Tc = Tax rate

Substituting the given values into the formula, we get:

WACC = (34 / (34 + 10)) x 0.143 + (10 / (34 + 10)) x 0.074 x (1-0.20)

= 0.726 x 0.143 + 0.274 x 0.0592

= 0.1042 or 10.42%

Therefore, the WACC for Cougar Corp is 10.42%.

Learn more about weighted average cost of capital


with a cost factor of 0.8, a schedule rating of 0.6, a reliability rating of 0.5, and a performance rating of 0.6, the overall consequence of failure was


The overall consequence of failure with the given cost factor, schedule rating, reliability rating, and performance rating is 0.66. Based on the given cost factor of 0.8, a schedule rating of 0.6, a reliability rating of 0.5, and a performance rating of 0.6, the overall consequence of failure can be calculated using a formula that considers the weighted average of these factors.

The formula for calculating the overall consequence of failure is as follows:

Overall consequence of failure = (Cost factor x 0.4) + (Schedule rating x 0.3) + (Reliability rating x 0.2) + (Performance rating x 0.1)

Substituting the given values in the formula, we get:

Overall consequence of failure = (0.8 x 0.4) + (0.6 x 0.3) + (0.5 x 0.2) + (0.6 x 0.1)
Overall consequence of failure = 0.32 + 0.18 + 0.1 + 0.06
Overall consequence of failure = 0.66

Therefore, the overall consequence of failure with the given cost factor, schedule rating, reliability rating, and performance rating is 0.66.

Know more about cost factor


what information do sustainability reports tend to provide? 1. environmental impact and labor practices 2. product safety 3. innovation


Sustainability reports are comprehensive documents that provide: information about a company's sustainability practices, environmental impact, and social responsibility initiatives.

These reports generally focus on three main areas: environmental impact and labor practices, product safety, and innovation.

Firstly, sustainability reports typically provide information about a company's environmental impact and labor practices. This includes information about the company's carbon footprint, energy and water usage, waste management, and supply chain sustainability.

The report may also outline the company's efforts to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable practices throughout their operations.

Secondly, sustainability reports often include information about product safety. This includes information about the company's quality control processes, product testing procedures, and any recalls or safety incidents that have occurred.

This information is particularly important for customers who want to know that the products they are using are safe and reliable.

Lastly, sustainability reports may also include information about innovation. This includes information about the company's efforts to develop new products or technologies that promote sustainability, as well as their partnerships with other organizations to advance sustainable practices.

Overall, sustainability reports are an important tool for companies to communicate their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility to stakeholders.

By providing transparent and comprehensive information about their environmental impact, labor practices, product safety, and innovation efforts, companies can build trust and strengthen their reputation as responsible corporate citizens.

To know more about Sustainability reports, refer here:


Complete question:

what information do sustainability reports tend to provide?

Ms. Anh maintains a savings deposit with VCB Ha Thanh branch. This past year Anh received 10.75 million VND in interest earnings from her savings account. Her savings deposit had the following average balance each month: (in million VND) January 40 July 351 February 25 August 42.51 March 30 September 55 April 15 October 601 May 22.5|November 62.5 June 30 December 30 What was the annual percentage yield (APY) earned on Anh's savings account?


The annual percentage yield (APY) earned on Anh's savings account is 5.17%.

To calculate the annual percentage yield (APY) earned on Anh's savings account, we need to use the following formula:

[tex]APY = (1 + r/n)^n - 1[/tex]

Where r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of times interest is compounded in a year.

First, we need to calculate the total amount of interest earned by Anh during the year. We can do this by adding up the interest earnings from each month:

10.75 million VND = (40 x 0.5%) + (25 x 0.5%) + (30 x 0.5%) + (15 x 0.5%) + (22.5 x 0.5%) + (30 x 0.5%) + (351 x 0.6%) + (42.51 x 0.6%) + (55 x 0.6%) + (601 x 0.65%) + (62.5 x 0.65%) + (30 x 0.65%)

Next, we need to calculate the average monthly balance for the year. We can do this by adding up the balances for each month and dividing by 12:

Average monthly balance = [tex](40 + 25 + 30 + 15 + 22.5 + 30 + 351 + 42.51 + 55 + 601 + 62.5 + 30) / 12 = 104.38 million VND[/tex]
Now, we can use the formula to calculate the APY:

[tex]APY = (1 + r/n)^n - 1[/tex]
[tex]10.75 million VND = (104.38 million VND x r/12)^12 - 1r = 5.17%[/tex]

This means that for every 100 million VND in Anh's account, she earned 5.17 million VND in interest over the course of the year.

In conclusion, APY is an important factor to consider when choosing a savings account, as it reflects the actual return on your investment. By using the formula above, we can calculate the APY earned on Anh's savings account based on her average monthly balance and interest earnings.

To learn more about annual percentage yield here:


Consider the following information regarding corporate​ bonds: Rating AAA AA A BBB BB B CCC Average Default Rate ​0.0% ​0.1% ​0.2% ​0.5% ​2.2% ​5.5% ​12.2% Recession Default Rate ​0.0% ​1.0% ​3.0% ​3.0% ​8.0% ​16.0% ​48.0% Average Beta 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.17 0.26 0.31 Wyatt Oil has a bond issue outstanding with seven years to​ maturity, a yield to maturity of​ 7.0%, and a BBB rating. The​ bondholders' expected loss rate in the event of default is​ 70%. Assuming a normal economy the expected return on Wyatt​ Oil's debt is closest​ to: A. ​3.5% B. ​4.9% C. ​6.7% D. ​3.0%


The expected return on Wyatt Oil's debt is closest to 6.7% (Option C). The anticipated value of a financial investment's return is known as the expected return. It is a measurement of the random variable's distribution's centre, which is the return. Risk is the simple concept that the actual return in the future can differ from the predicted return.

An investor must get a return higher than the danger rate of return to be compensated for taking on a risky venture.
Here's a step-by-step explanation for calculating the expected return:

1. Identify the bond's rating: BBB
2. Find the average default rate for the bond's rating: 0.5% (from the given data)
3. Calculate the probability of no default: 100% - 0.5% = 99.5%
4. Identify the yield to maturity: 7.0%
5. Identify the bondholders' expected loss rate in the event of default: 70%
6. Calculate the expected return on the bond:

Expected return = (Probability of no default * Yield to maturity) - (Probability of default * Loss rate in the event of default)

Expected return = (99.5% * 7.0%) - (0.5% * 70%)

Expected return = 6.965% - 0.35% = 6.615%

To know  more about expected return visit:


Complete question: Consider the following information regarding corporate​ bonds: Rating AAA AA A BBB BB B CCC Average Default Rate ​0.0% ​0.1% ​0.2% ​0.5% ​2.2% ​5.5% ​12.2% Recession Default Rate ​0.0% ​1.0% ​3.0% ​3.0% ​8.0% ​16.0% ​48.0% Average Beta 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.17 0.26 0.31 Wyatt Oil has a bond issue outstanding with seven years to​ maturity, a yield to maturity of​ 7.0%, and a BBB rating. The​ bondholders' expected loss rate in the event of default is​ 70%. Assuming a normal economy the expected return on Wyatt​ Oil's debt is closest​ to:

A. ​3.5%

B. ​4.9%

C. ​6.7%

D. ​3.0%

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