The directing effect of multiple substituents is dominated by the most powerful activator. Which is the most powerful activator for vanillin


Answer 1


- OH group is the most powerful activator


The most powerful activator for Vanillin is the  - OH group and this is due to the effect of the +R  on the  - OH group and also there is more overlapping experienced in -OH groups compared to - OCH3 group

attached below is the reaction scheme

The Directing Effect Of Multiple Substituents Is Dominated By The Most Powerful Activator. Which Is The

Related Questions

Match each terms with their definitions


well we need the picture of each term with the provided definitions
Provide a photo for help

Which letter marks the zone of inhibition?



A. B


"B" as labelled in the above is the zone of inhibition.

The Zone of Inhibition is actually a test which is used to assess antimicrobial activities of a material or solution in relation to an micro-organism as a target. It is also known as Kirby-Bauer Test. It measures the antibiotic resistance and also used to inhibit microbial growth.

At the Point B, microbes can not grow in there; they are inhibited.

In the test, if bacterial strain or any other strain is susceptible to the antimicrobial agent, a zone of inhibition appears. If it shows resistance to that agent, then no zone is evidential.

Circle the word that best completes the statement about cell theory.
6. The cell theory states that:
i. All organisms are made of organelles / cells.
ii. All existing cells are produced by other living dead cells.
111. The atom cell is the most basic unit of life.
7. Cell theory is one of the great unifying theories of biology / chemistry.
MAIN IDEA: Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and most internal structures of
eukaryotic cells.


Question reformatted:

Circle the word that best completes the statement about cell theory.

6. The cell theory states that:

i. All organisms are made of organelles / cells.

ii. All existing cells are produced by other living / dead cells.

iii. The atom / cell is the most basic unit of life.

7. Cell theory is one of the great unifying theories of biology / chemistry


6. The cell theory states that:

i. All organisms are made of cells.

ii. All existing cells are produced by other living cells.

iii. The cell is the most basic unit of life.

7. Cell theory is one of the great unifying theories of biology


Cell theory is one of the central theories of biology and is universally accepted. It states that all organisms are cellular - that is they are made of cells. It also states that all living things come from other living cells (not spontaneously, or from dead cells). The cell is the most basic unit of life, organisms can be unicellular, but no living thing is 'less' than that.

How quickly must non-frozen ready to eat foods be consumed


a day because if they are let out for over a day they will go bad

DNA undergoes the process of replication to produce new strands of identical DNA before cell divisions. Describe the basic dna replication. I will give you brainliest



Please mark as Brainliest


Replication is the process by which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecules. DNA replication is one of the most basic processes that occurs within a cell. Each time a cell divides, the two resulting daughter cells must contain exactly the same genetic information, or DNA, as the parent cell. To accomplish this, each strand of existing DNA acts as a template for replication

Step 1 Replication Fork Formation. Before DNA can be replicated, the double stranded molecule must be unzipped into two single strands

Step 2 Primer Binding. The leading strand is the simplest to replicate

Step 3 Elongation

Step 4 Termination

4. Which of the following statements BEST explains why you can hear noises
long distances at night?
A. There are fewer other noises at night.
B. Water conducts sound better at night.
C. Sound bounces off water better at night.
D. Sound waves are bent towards the cool air.


A: There are fewer other noises at night.
Please give brainliest :) Hope this helps

i guess its answer is option D

In which phases is chromatin condensed?



In stage 2


During interphase (1), chromatin is in its least condensed state and appears loosely distributed throughout the nucleus. Chromatin condensation begins during prophase (2) and chromosomes become visible. Chromosomes remain condensed throughout the various stages of mitosis (2-5).

Giving brainliest:)


the answer is A
hope this helped :)

How does a cell deal with the buildup of hydrogen peroxide?



They actually have a protein that breaks it down into harmless components: water and oxygen. Enzymes are proteins that speed up the rate of reactions, and there is a particular enzyme that can help break down hydrogen peroxide.

What is the structure shown in the figure?


Nucleic acids





2nd to last one



It is a protein.


It is an amino acid structure, which make up proteins.

I NEED HELP ASAP Sensors on a spider's legs feel the vibrations of a trapped insect and relay the information to the spider's brain through nerve electrical signals. For nerve cells to maintain these electrical potentials, sodium must be removed from the cell and potassium must be moved into the cell. Describe why this process is a form of active transport and what is required for active transport to occur?



Please find the explanation below

- Energy (ATP) is needed for active transport to occur


According to this question, sensor's on a spider's legs relay information via nerve electrical signals to the brain when the vibrations of a trapped insect is felt. However, for nerve cells to maintain this electric potential, ACTIVE TRANSPORT must be carried out by removing sodium from the cell and potassium must be moved into the cell.

This is a form of ACTIVE TRANSPORT because pottasium ions are moved into the cell against concentration gradient i.e. from a region where it is in low concentration to where it is in high concentration. This active transport process is usually accompanied by the use of energy in form of ATP.

I will mark brainlisest just please HELPPPPPPP


The answer is C. Photosynthesis is the process of using sunlight+carbon dioxide+water to make food for the plant.

1. What groups listed below have true cell walls?
A. algae
B. mycoplasmas
C. Gram-positive bacteria
D. fungi
E. protozoans



D. Fungi


The fungal cell walls are made of complex & flexible structure that is made of glycoproteins, pigments chitin and α- and β- linked glucans

D.Fungi (this is the right answer i just don’t know how to explain)

4. The top part A of the flask-shaped reproductive organ X in the flower of a plant secretes a surgery substance
into its lower part B which goes towards the bottom part of the flask-shaped organ. When a tiny grain D
coming from the top part E of another reproductive organ Y in the flower falls on part A, it grows a long
tube F through the organ X in response to the sugary substance and reaches the bottom part C of flask-
shaped organ to carry out fertilisation.
(a) What is (i) organ X, and (ii) organ Y, inside the flower ?
(b) Name parts (1) A (ii) B, and (iii) C, of flask-shaped organ.
(c) Name (i) grain D, and (ii) part E of organ Y.
(d) Name the tube F.
(e) What is the phenomenon of growing a long tube in response to a sugary substance in the process of
fertilisation in a flower known as ?​



X- pistil

Y- stamen




D- pollen grain

E- anther

F- pollen tube

Which answer best explains how most scientists think that planets form? A. Large chunks of matter break off a star that collides with another star; these chunks then become planets orbiting the star. B. Large chunks of matter break off a planet that collides with a smaller body; these chunks gradually clump together to become a new planet. C. A rotating cloud of space dust and gases begins to flatten and condense, forming a new star; the remaining matter forms an accretionary disc around the star, gradually coalescing to form planets. D. A rotating cloud of space dust and gases begins to condense, forming a protoplanet; if the protoplanet is massive enough, its gravity will attract nearby matter until the protoplanet becomes large and round enough to be considered a planet.


Answer: B


Thats what the teacher told me

The scientists believe that planets form when a rotating cloud of space dust and gases flattens and condenses, forming a new star; the remaining matter forms an accretionary disc around the star, gradually coalescing to form planets, as described in Option C, also known as the "nebular hypothesis."

What is the nebular hypothesis?

The nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted scientific theory for the planetary systems, such that the solar system and, as per this theory, a cloud of gas and dust, called a nebula, collapse due to gravitational forces; the nebula contracts, and it rotates faster, flattening into a disk, which eventually cools and condenses, forming a protoplanetary disk.

Hence, the scientists believe that planets form when a rotating cloud of space dust and gases flattens and condenses, forming a new star; the remaining matter forms an accretionary disc around the star, gradually coalescing to form planets, as described in Option C, also known as the "nebular hypothesis."

Learn more about the nebular hypothesis here.


The part of the cell that is like your brain and gives instructions to the cell is
D.fat cells
Help please


I think is nucleus

I hope it helps

If the pride is taken over by a new individual what happens to the females? Males? Cubs?


Answer:  When a new male coalition first takes over a pride, the cubs represent a major impediment to their reproduction. Mothers of surviving cubs will not mate again until their offspring are at least 18 months of age but will mate within days if their cubs are lost.


what are catabolic reactions



which complex molecules are broken down to simpler components, are classified as catabolic reactions. Taken as a group of reactions within a cell or even an organism, they can be referred to as the cell's or organism's anabolism or catabolism.


Catabolic reactions are a type of metabolic reaction that take place within a cell. Larger molecules are separated to form smaller molecules, as in the case of respiration where glucose is broken down to form carbon dioxide and water. Often they are hydrolysis reactions in which water molecules are used to break bonds.

Identify the types of genetic recombination.
occurs in metaphase I.
occurs during sexual reproduction.
Mis random chromosome alignment resulting in variation.
occurs in prophase I.
fuses gametes to form offspring with genes from each pare
exchanges genetic information between non-sister chromat



independent assortment


independent assortment

crossing over


crossing over



1. The increase in the reproductive success of a species will have the greatest impact on



The increase in the reproductive success of a species will have the greatest impact on the prey of the animal.


The prey's population will decrease because there are more animals needing it to survive.

A student is testing a silver colored rock sample with the lab equipment shown in the
diagram above. The silver colored rock completes the circuit and lights the bulb.
The student concludes the sample could be which of the following?
I. metal
II. metalloid
III. nonmetal


there’s no diagram :/
We need a diagram... can you find it online so we can search it up?

A man has blood group A and his wife has blood group B. Their first child has
blood group AB and the second child has blood group O. What can one conclude
about the blood groups of their future children?



Their future children can have blood group AB, O, A or B


since the husband had blood group= Heterogeneous A means AO


the wife's blood group= Heterogeneous B or BO

so by crossing between them, we get this result.

what satellites are used to study expanses of the oceans surface



The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16) is the first of NOAA's next generation of geostationary weather satellites. Among the many missions of this satellite, it will collect ocean and climate data.


Using satellites, NOAA researchers closely study the ocean. Information gathered by satellites can tell us about ocean bathymetry, sea surface temperature, ocean color, coral reefs, and sea and lake ice. Scientists also use data collection systems on satellites to relay signals from transmitters on the ground to researchers in the field—used in applications such as measuring tidal heights and the migration of whales. Transmitters on satellites also relay position information from emergency beacons to help save lives when people are in distress on boats, airplanes, or in remote areas.


A b c d?


Consider the three different types of stem cells. Each one's ability to differentiate into new cells is slightly different. One type can differentiate into any cell, while another can only become specific cells. Select the answer that places the three types in the correct order, from widest range of differentiation to least able to differentiate (specific). (1 point)

A. totipotent, multipotent, pluripotent
B. pluripotent, totipotent, multipotent
C. totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent
D. pluripotent, multipotent, totipotent ​





Totipotent can differentiate into any cell type-Pluripotent into less, and Multipotent being the most specialized.

The types of stems cells in the correct order, from widest range of differentiation to least able to differentiate will be C. totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent.

Totipotent simply means a single, immature cell that can give rise to a new organism. Pluripotent simply means substances that can be able to develop into different stem cells.

Lastly, the multipotent stem cells are the stem cells that can self-renew as they divide and then develop into multiple specialized cell types.

Therefore, the correct option is totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent.

Read related link on:

amino acid structure: the only part of the amino acid structure that varies between the amino acids and makes each type unique is



The side groups are what make each amino acid different from the others. Of the 20 side groups used to make proteins, there are two main groups: polar and non-polar. These names refer to the way the side groups, sometimes called "R" groups, interact with the environment.


There are many reasons why all humans do not perceive sounds similarly in our environment, including adaptation, hearing loss and/or deafness.
For 2A-2D, first determine whether the scenario is an example of sensory adaptation, conduction deafness, sensorineural deafness, and/or central deafness.
Second, for the scenarios that are examples of deafness, explain briefly how the scenario leads to deafness (i.e., how does the scenario alter normal auditory processing). If you have selected sensory adaptation as an answer, explain briefly why the scenario does not fall under the categorization of deafness. Use your own words to briefly explain - simply listing definitions is not sufficient. (2.5 points each for matching, 5 points each for correct justification)
2A. Listening to excessive loud noises everyday over years that causes loss of stereocilia
2B. Hearing construction outside when it first begins, but no longer noticing the sound minutes later
2C. Difficulty understanding speech, but no damage to ears or ability to understand nonverbal sounds
2D. A hole in the tympanic membrane caused by an ear infection


Answer: 2A Sensorineural deafness

              2B Sensory adaptation

              2C Central deafness

              2D Conductive deafness

Explanation: The human ear is divided into 3 parts:

Outer Ear: auricle, ear canal and tympanic membrane;Middle Ear: eardrum, tympanic cavity and ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes);Inner Ear: oval window, semicircular ducts (attached to cochlea and nerves), cochlea and auditory tube;

The Sensorineural deafness is a type of deafness caused by a damage in the inner ear, either the cochlea or the auditory nerve. It can happen because of medicine toxicity, exposure to noise along the years etc.

So, from the scenarios above, 2A is consistent with sensorineural deafness  since stereocilia are hair cells of inner ear.

Sensory adaptation is a phenomenom that happens when an individual's sensory receptors is exposed to a stimuli for a prolonged period of time. For example, the situation described in 2B. It is not considered deafness because it is not caused by a damage in any part of the ear.

Central deafness is a very rare case of deafness. The damage in this type of deafness is in the brain and not in any of the 3 parts of the ear. That's why the scenario in 2C is the example of this.

Conductive deafness is the second most common type of ear problem and it occurs in the outer ear. One of the causes is blockage in the ear canal by the ear wax, external bodies, osteomas (bone growth) or otitis (oute ear infection). An example of this type of deafness is scenario 2D.

Justify your answer.Your cousin tells you that trees have leaves to protect the tree from sun damage, just like a natural umbrella. Do you agree? Justify your answer.





trees need sunlight to grow the leaves that is on the tree

Identify your favorite meal and explain where each of the four molecules of life can be found.



Spaghetti.  Wheat is in the noodles and is found it a field. Tomatoes is the sauce and is grown at a farm. Cows or chicken is used for the meatballs and the are on a farm. And these all have mass, atoms, and nutrients to help your body grow and be strong.


Why are stem cells important to multicellular organisms?


Answer:The fabulous ability of an embryo to diversify and of certain adult tissues to regenerate throughout life is a direct result of stem cells, nature's gift to multicellular organisms.


When atoms combine, they may gain, lose, or share:
O electrons.
O neutrons.
O nuclei.





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