The family will eat together at the table what is the peoper and common noun???​


Answer 1


common noun: table

proper noun: the family

Related Questions

for your own opinion, what is focus group in survey research?


A focus group is a research technique that assembles a small group of individuals to respond to questions in a controlled environment. The questions are intended to provide light on an interesting topic, and the group is selected based on predetermined demographic characteristics.

Focus groups are a type of qualitative research. Future research on consumer decisions, goods and services, or contentious themes might be influenced by observations of the group dynamics, their responses to focus group questions, and even their body language.

To learn more about Focus group

What problems do you come across in your life ?



Financial Problems


Most people always come across financial problems whether it be small or big no one will NOT come across it. Money is everything in our world and with prices rising it will only get harder.

“i couldn’t use this..i could never cut anyone” character trait


The character trait of the speaker as exemplified by the words in the text is this:

He is a pacifist.

Who is a pacifist?

Simply put, a pacifist is a person who does not encourage war through their actions or speech. In this statement, “I couldn’t use this..I could never cut anyone," Ponyboy makes it clear that he was not violent and had no disposition toward violence.

He tries to remove himself from the accusation that he used a weapon to cut someone. In his final words, "I could never cut anyone." So, the above statement is right.

Learn more about a pacifist here:


In Lines 8-11 below from “Hurricane Hunters: Flying Right into the Storm,” the author uses a craft technique.

“A hurricane flight is often more than just a bumpy ride. It can be a spam bang, stomach churning, spine jarring, heaving, yawing, pounding nightmare of a ride with pilots struggling at the controls and meteorologists straining to read their instruments,” said meteorologist Al Peterlin.

Explain the craft technique(s) the author used and why the author may have used this technique(s).
Also, if the author had made different craft choices, how that have affected the text?


The author used vivid imagery to give the reader a better understanding of the experience of flying into a hurricane.

Why may the author have used this technique?

The author used vivid imagery to create a powerful and engaging experience for the reader. By using descriptive language, the author was able to capture the intensity and danger of flying into a hurricane. The vivid imagery helps the reader understand the difficulties and dangers of this kind of flight, as well as the courage and skill of the pilots and meteorologists.

If the author had made different craft choices, how would that have affected the text?

If the author had chosen a different craft technique, such as a more technical, fact-based approach, the text would have lacked the emotional impact that the vivid imagery provided. The reader would have had less of an understanding of the intensity and danger of flying into a hurricane, as well as the courage and skill of the pilots and meteorologists. Thus, the text would have been less engaging and powerful.

To learn more about hurricane, visit:


the —-d fell over because it was so old


the wood fell over because it was so old , that’s the answer
the answer is wood

2. Give at least two examples of how the pigs were treated differently than other animals?
Why are only the young pigs being educated, and why are they discouraged from playing
with other young animals?


The examples of how the pigs were treated differently than other animals are pigs live luxurious lives compared to the other animals and they were given right to make decisions. The young pigs being educated as a result of Napoleon's way of elevating the race of pigs on the farm.

How were the pigs treated compare to other animals?

The context of the story is based on comparison of the pigs to the other farm animals, the pigs lead opulent lives. The other animals have no influence over the pigs' judgments because they are thought of as the brainworkers. The pigs don't do any manual labor.

The pigs are smarter than the other animals, which is the main difference between them at first. It is unclear if this is due to their higher intelligence or simply their willingness to put in more effort in their studies, but they learn to read and write much earlier than the other animals.

Learn more about  pigs at:


Who is the next girl to replace Rita Hayworth


Margarita Carmen Cansino underwent a number of transformations, including a name change and a makeover, to become Rita Hayworth.

Rita Hayworth did she sing all by herself?

The rumor that Rita Hayworth's original singing voice can only be heard in this film is untrue, alas. According to the DVD's bonus features, Rita was an accomplished lip-syncher and reportedly never recorded her true singing voice. In Gilda (1946), almost all of Anita Ellis' vocal performance was overdubbed.

Rita Hayworth was a dancer, right?

With each critically acclaimed performance, Rita's ascent to Hollywood stardom continued. Rita is proficient in ballroom, Spanish, tap, ballet, and other dance styles. She performed a dance duet with Fred Astaire in the 1941 film "You'll Never Get Rich."

To know more about singer visit:


Read part of this sentence from paragraph 7 of the passage.
... a softcover version of On the Road is pliable enough to
carry in a pocket.
Knowing that the French verb plier means "to bend," what does
the word pliable mean as it is used in this sentence?
The book is very thin and can be read easily.
The book is small enough to carry anywhere.
The book is of lesser quality than other books.
The book can be shaped to fit into a small space.


The French verb plier means "to bend," and the word "pliable" refers to the book's adaptability to small spaces.

What is the equivalent of pliable?

Flexible, adaptable, ductile, malleable, plastic, and pliant are all common synonyms for pliable. Pliable, on the other hand, refers to something that can be easily bent, folded, twisted, or manipulated. All of these words mean "susceptible of being modified in form or nature." elastic rubber tubing

What does it mean to be pliable?

Pliable means that it can be bent but not broken. Good leather is pliable, just like wax. When you say someone is pliable, it usually means that he or she is easy to manipulate, like a nightclub owner who follows the orders of a criminal boss.

To know more about adaptability visit :-



The book can be shaped to fit into a small space.


Got it correct on EdReady, 100% correct.

What is the right answer?


The answer is B) at the ease, since it has a preposition 'at' and gives information about the reason to be surprised.

What is a prepositional phrase?

Prepositions, their objects, and any words used to modify the objects make up a prepositional phrase. They ususaly act as a modifier for a verb or a noun. There are two types of prepositional phrases namely adverbial phrases and adjectival phrases.

What does it mean to modify a word or a phrase?

A word, phrase, or clause that provides information about another part of the same sentence is known as a modifier. A modifier can also modify a phrase or an entire sentence in some cases.

example:  Berry flavored drinks are my favorite. the words berry flavoured acts as the modifier here.

to learn more about modifier visit:


Parallel structure! see picture for question!


We can analyze the parallelism used in each sentence in the attached picture by looking for repeated grammar structures, as further explained below.

Sentence 1 - correct.Sentence 2 - contains faulty parallelism.Sentence 3 - correct.

Definition of parallelism

Parallelism consists of using the same grammar structure when listing items or actions in a sentence. For example, if you mention three actions performed by you, you should try and use the verbs in the same form. Take a look below:

I danced, ate, and talked to my friends. - Parallelism.I danced, was eating, and talked to my friends. - Faulty parallelism.

That is why we can tell there is something wrong with sentence 2. The grammar structure consisting of a number and a noun is suddenly interrupted by a verb. That is faulty parallelism. Sentence 1 is correct, since it uses a verb in the present tense repeatedly. Sentence 3 is also correct, as it does not even try to use parallelism.

Learn more about parallelism here:


3. Describe at least three key events in the book. Are any of these events similar to
ones you have experienced yourself? (Even in fantasy stories, events are often
inspired by the real world.) How did these events make you feel? Did they affect you
in the way the author most likely intended? Explain your answer.


The three events from the book Elements of Fantasy: Writing a More Magical Story that is told there are:

How to make a fiction book contain elements of fantasyThe inclusion of spells, mythical beasts, and potions.How to appeal to readers.

What is Fantasy Writing?

It is impossible for the events depicted in fantasy novels to occur in actual life (as we know it, at least). The action frequently takes place on a different planet or in an as-yet-undiscovered realm of this world and incorporates magic or witchcraft.

With this in mind, elements of fantasy writing do not happen to me frequently because they are usually fictitious or things that are not real.

Read more about Fantasy Writing here:


for this first part of the project you will be creating a faq (frequently asked questions) sheet highlighting utilitarianism and ethical egoism, which are two of the most well-known ethical theories. a faq sheet is a document that compiles a collection of information in the form of questions with their applicable answers. the goal of this sheet will be to provide some foundational information to the participants that they can take with them as they move through the diversity fair. it also works as a good conversational starter as people who visit your booth will be covering various aspects of ethics.


The most well-known instance of consequentialism is probably utilitarianism. This is so true that, in casual settings, the terms consequentialism and utilitarianism are almost interchangeable.

A variant of consequentialism known as utilitarianism holds that the only morally significant effects that should be evaluated are pleasure and suffering. In other words, a course of action is morally correct if it increases joy and reduces suffering. Furthermore, utilitarianism maintains that it is important to consider both the benefits and costs of each action. So even though an action is very joyful for one individual, they shouldn't do it if it causes great suffering for many other people. The greatest pleasure for the greatest number" is one nebulous utilitarian dictum. According to ethical egoism, decisions are appropriate inasmuch as they advance the self-interest of the agent. Because utilitarianism aims to maximise happiness for the largest number of people, it is important to note that this is not the same as it. Ethical egoism, on the other hand, asserts that everyone should only consider their own interests, even if it means putting others' needs last.

To know more about egoism refer to the link below :


Please help
The question is on the picture


A literary device known as synecdoche is used when a component of something is represented by a whole, such as when "worker" is used in place of "hired hand," or, less frequently, when the whole is used to represent a component.

What is an synecdoche?

Synecdoche is a literary method when a part of anything is substituted for the entire (such as "worker" for "hired hand") or, less frequently, where a whole represents a component (as when society denotes "high society").

A part of anything is typically used to refer to its totality in a figure of speech known as synecdoche. For instance, the phrase "The captain commands one hundred sails" is a synecdoche that refers to ships, since sails are a part of ships.

Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which the whole represents a part, as in the statement "hired hands" for laborers, or, less frequently, the other way around, as in the use of the word "society" to refer to high society.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d) Synecdoche.

To learn more about Synecdoche refer to:



1. Textual Evidence Of Situational Irony


2. Textual Evidence Of Symbolism


3. Characterization (Mr. Summers)

How is Mr. Summers Characterized?

Textual Evidence:


4. Characterization Tessie Hutchinson

How is Tessie Characterized?

Textual Evidence:



1) Situational irony in "The Lottery" is the villagers' belief that the lottery is a good thing, while it is actually a violent act of sacrifice.

Explanation: The villagers see the lottery as a tradition that brings good luck, but it is actually a violent tradition in which one person is chosen to be stoned to death.

2) The black box is a symbol of tradition and the villagers' blind adherence to it.

Explanation: The black box represents the tradition of the lottery and the villagers' willingness to participate in it without questioning its morality.

3) Mr. Summers is characterized as a respected, well-liked leader.

Textual evidence: "Mr. Summers was very good at all sorts of games, he had won the prize for the pie-eating contest two years running." He is the one who conducts the lottery and is respected by the villagers.

Explanation: The text shows that he is respected by the villagers and is good at games, which makes him a well-liked leader.

4) Tessie is characterized as a complainer, who speaks out against the lottery

Textual evidence: "It wasn't fair, it wasn't right" she shouts when her family's name is picked. Explanation: The text shows that Tessie is the only one who speaks out against the lottery and she is characterized as a complainer who goes against the tradition and the villagers acceptance of it.

What is the summary of the text The Lottery by Shirley Jackson?

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a short tale that was originally published in The New Yorker in 1948.

The plot is set in a tiny town where people hold an annual lottery to decide who would be sacrificed for the welfare of the community. The narrative is a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of blindly adhering to tradition, the force of mob mentality, and the dangers of adhering to tradition.

Learn more about Situational Irony:

To find the least number that is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8, which are the only two factors that you need to use? Explain


24 is the smallest number that can be divided by 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. This is due to the fact that 24 is the number with the lowest common multiple (LCM) of all these numbers.

The LCM is the smallest number in the set that can be divided by all of the other numbers.

How can we locate a LCM and what does it mean?

The smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers is called the "Least Common Multiple," or LCM.

You can use the following steps to determine the LCM of two numbers:

- Give a list of each number's prime factors.

- Multiply each factor by the most times it appears in either number.

-To determine the LCM, multiply all of the factors together.

For instance, you would list the prime factors of each number to determine the LCM for 12 and 18:

After that, multiply each factor by the greatest number of times it appears in either number: 12 x 2 x 3 x 18.

Therefore, the LCM of 12 and 18 is 36 because 2  2  3  3.

To determine the LCM, first determine each number's prime factors and then combine them for each factor the greatest number of times. For instance, the prime factors of two are two, the prime factors of three are three, the prime factors of four are two times two, the prime factors of six are two times three, and the prime factors of eight are two times two times two.

The greatest number of instances in which each factor occurs is 24 when multiplied by itself. As a result, the LCM of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 is 24.

Learn more about L.C.M:


A friend living abroad as written, asking about the cost of living in your country. write back to him about the situation including the rise in the price in the prices of commodities, and whatever things that makes living more expensive now at days.​


A sample letter in response is given below:

The Letter

Hey there!

The cost of living in my country has been on the rise lately, particularly when it comes to the prices of basic commodities such as food and housing. Additionally, things like transportation and healthcare have also become more expensive. Despite this, the overall cost of living is still relatively affordable compared to some other developed countries.

There are also other factors that have contributed to the increase in the cost of living in recent years such as inflation, taxes, and currency fluctuations.

Overall, it is still possible to live comfortably in my country, but it does require being mindful of expenses and making smart financial choices.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Read more about letter writing here:


Questionnaires use what two basic types of questions: __and___. group of answer choices


Questionnaires use two basic types of questions close-ended and open-ended questions

What is a Questionnaire?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the survey tool that is made up of a paper or writing resource that contains questions in order to receive feedback about queries.

Hence, it can be seen that respondents' qualitative and quantitative data is gathered through questionnaires. It mixes many questions kinds, such as open-ended and closed-ended inquiries, which enables you to collect substantial amounts of data from respondents even when the researcher is not present to oversee data collection in person.

Read more about questionnaires here:


Scene Time:
Scene Description (plot):
Camera Angles (distance/
Music (dialogue, narration, music, sound effects):
Image (color, setting, Lighting, etc.):
Character (costuming, acting, line delivery):
Scene Time:
Scene Description (plot):
Camera Angles (distance/
Music (dialogue, narration, music, sound effects):
Image (color, setting, Lighting, etc.):
Character (costuming, acting, line delivery): vincent and frankenweenie


Transitions are essentially the method used by film editors to change the scene from one video clip to another.

In editing, what are transitions?From the opening to the very last frame, they structure the movie. There are several popular forms, including the wipe, the dissolve, the split-cut, and many others. Transitions are essentially the method used by film editors to change the scene from one video clip to another.The objective of a dissolve is to show the spectator that two related shots belong together in a sequence and that the narrative is coherent from shot to shot. A straight cut, which leaps directly to the following shot or scene, might be substituted by a dissolve.Transitions are essentially the method used by film editors to change the scene from one video clip to another.                

To learn more about Transitions refer to:


Create a works-cited list entry for the following information. Be careful! Remember, your capitalization, spacing, and punctuation must be exact.

You quoted and paraphrased material from Henry David Thoreau's essay, “Civil Disobedience”, which appears on pages 245-261 in a collection of essays on American government called Classics of Liberty: American History edited by Sarah Wagoner. It was published in 2011 by the Philadelphian Press.

NOTE: If the program will not allow you to use italics or underlining, you may ignore this formatting.


Thoreau, Henry David. “Civil Disobedience.” Classics of Liberty: American History, edited by Sarah Wagoner, Philadelphian Press, 2011, pp. 245-261.

you saw your friend feeling very thirsty and hot. which language function is appropriate to respond to him/her? write a short conversation between you and your friend with 6 exchanges.​


The appropriate language function to respond to your friend in this situation is "offer and suggestion."

How to explain the information

Here's a short conversation between you and your friend:

You: Hey, are you okay? You look hot and thirsty.

Friend: Yeah, I'm feeling really thirsty and hot.

You: Would you like to grab a cold drink?

Friend: That sounds great, thanks!

You: How about an ice-cold lemonade? They make the best ones here.

Friend: That sounds perfect! Let's go get one.

Learn more about languages in:


What is the speaker's point of view in the speech?
OA. The speaker is bothered that she has received backlash for her opposition to slavery.
B. The speaker desires that the North sever ties altogether with states where slavery
C. The speaker is concerned that slavery is becoming the cause of significant national
D. The speaker believes that the North must do more to encourage putting an end to


The speaker's point of view in the speech and speaker believes that the North must do more to encourage putting an end to slavery.

What is speech?
is the process of producing meaningful sounds and words to communicate thoughts and feelings. It is a form of communication that uses spoken words to express ideas, facts, opinions and emotions. Humans are the only species that has the ability to use speech, and it is an essential part of human life. Speech is made up of sounds, syllables and words, and is used to understand what is being said and to respond to it. It involves using the vocal cords to produce sound, as well as facial expressions and hand gestures to add meaning. Speech also involves cognition and understanding, as well as social and cultural rules for communication. Speech plays an important role in our everyday lives, as it helps us to interact with others, express our thoughts, and build relationships.

To learn more about speech


Find a website that is sponsored by an organization (Have Justice Will Travel or Safe Water Network, perhaps), a business (Coca-Cola, Pepsi), or another group (the Democratic or Republican National Committee), and analyze the site for fallacious reasoning. Among other considerations, look at the relationship between text and graphics and between individual pages and the pages that surround or are linked to them to identify logical fallacies.


A fallacy is when poor reasoning, sometimes known as "wrong motions," is used to build an argument that, if the fallacy is not identified, may appear stronger than it actually is. The expression was first used in the Western canon of thought by the Aristotelian philosopher De Sophisticis Elenchis.

Logical fallacies are arguments that are flawed, dishonest, or inaccurate and can be disproven by reason. Formal fallacies, which are arguments with flimsy premises and conclusions, are one of the two main categories of fallacies. Informal fallacies are errors in the argument's logical flow, content, or context.

Insufficient data, the wrong number of possibilities, or a mismatch between the data and the conclusion Look for flimsy evidence, the improper number of possibilities, or a contradiction between the evidence and the conclusion to spot logical fallacies.

Formal fallacies, fallacies of unacceptable premises, and fallacies of relevance are three categories into which it is important to divide common fallacies. Many of these fallacies have Latin names because informal logic attracted the attention of medieval thinkers.

To know more about fallacious reasoning, click on the link below:


What might be evidence-based strategies for expanding Winston’s interests?

What does it mean I don’t understand


In the end, Winston's struggle for freedom and independence serves to expose the Party's terrifying power.

What precisely are strategies based on evidence?

Evaluation studies have shown that plans, initiatives, and programs are effective when supported by evidence. Some of these activities help individuals develop the objectives and skills required to act in a healthy manner. Others focus on creating comforting learning environments.

People in charge of implementing prevention programs today have a range of strategies and techniques to choose from, all of which have solid scientific evidence proving their success, after 20 years of preventative programming and evaluation.

This includes high standards of research evidence in the decision-making process in addition to taking into account the contextual and sensory factors that affect judgments.

Learn more about evidence-based strategies with the help of the given link:


The admendments in the bill of rights are organized by


The amendment in the bill of rights are organized by the Congress

What is the bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights is divided into ten amendments, each numbered one through ten. A Preamble that outlines the goal and philosophical underpinnings of the Bill of Rights is included at the beginning of the document. Ten amendments make up the Bill of Rights, which restricts the federal government's authority by explicitly guaranteeing certain rights and protections to US citizens.

Either the Congress, through a joint resolution approved by a two-thirds vote, or a convention called by the Congress in response to requests from two-thirds of the state legislatures may propose amendments.

Learn more about bill of rights on:


They perfectly understood the meaning of the language they used, and how it would be understood by others; and they knew that it would not in any part of the civilized world be supposed to embrace the negro race, which, by common consent, had been excluded from civilized Governments and the family of nations, and doomed to slavery.

–Dred Scott v. Sandford,
Supreme Court of the United States

Which statement best explains the fallacy in the argument?

1. Taney is quick to assume that the writers of the US Constitution excluded African Americans born in the country from citizenship.
2. Taney unfairly appeals to human emotion by creating a sense of hopelessness for enslaved persons during the time of the case.
3. Because the Constitution does not explicitly exclude African Americans from citizenship, Taney is begging the claim.
4. The men who wrote the Constitution made a mistake in not writing about the position of enslaved people within the nation.


The statement that best explains the fallacy in the argument is:

3. Because the Constitution does not explicitly exclude African Americans from citizenship, Taney is begging the claim.

Taney is assuming that the Constitution excludes African Americans from citizenship without providing any evidence to support this claim. He is basing his argument on the assumptions and beliefs of the time, rather than on the actual text of the Constitution. This type of argument, in which the conclusion is assumed to be true without any evidence to support it, is known as begging the claim.

amlet speaks an aside. What conclusion can be drawn about Hamlet based on his words and his way of speaking?

He has thoughts and feelings that he wishes to keep from Claudius.
He feels shy and nervous around Claudius.
He loves Claudius and wants Claudius to think of him as a son.


The conclusion that can be drawn is best expressed by option A, "He has thoughts and feelings that he wishes to keep from Claudius."

Hamlet vs. Claudius

As is revealed in the passage from "Hamlet," the main character Hamlet does not wish his uncle Claudius to know what he feels and thinks. That should not be surprising, since Hamlet believes Claudius has killed his father to usurp the throne - which he indeed has. Not only that, but Claudius also married Hamlet's mother.

When Hamlet says the line in the passage, he means that Claudius is his family twice, since he is his uncle and, now, stepfather. However, he also notices that there is bad blood between them.

With that in mind, we correctly chose option A.

This is the missing excerpt from "Hamlet":

Claudius: But now my cousin Hamlet, and my son.

Hamlet (aside): A little more than kin, and less than kind.

Claudius: How is it that the clouds still hang on you.

Learn more about "Hamlet" here:


Is the argument sound of Declaration of Independence


The Declaration of Independence is arguably the best-written official document in Western civilisation. No evaluation of it can be complete without considering its outstanding virtues as a work of political prose style, as Moses Coit Tyler observed almost a century ago.

"That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States," is the assertion that is both most significant and dramatic, and it occurs near the end. Declaring a total rupture with Britain and its King, it asserts its independence and asserts its right to self-government.

The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson is the most convincing document in American history. Any leader who wishes to sell ideas more persuasively can learn from its construction. According to law professor Arthur L., "Jefferson's zeal for the cause was the key to his capacity to persuade."

To know more about Declaration of Independence, click on the link below:


Miguel used the graph below to convert temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C).

A graph of a line with a positive slope.

The graph shows that as F increases, C ________.



is constant

increases then decreases



answer will be...


Read the following passage and answer the following question:
"Research and therapy have traditionally focused on understanding and compensating for cognitive problems in people with autism and related disorders-the strategy that Jennifer adopted on her own,
starting at age 6. But this emphasis on what's wrong with the autistic brain has obscured something just as important: what's right with it."
Excerpted from
Grandin, Temple and Richard Panek "What's Right with the Autistic Mind." Time, vol. 182, no. 15, 07 Oct 2013, p. 56 EBSCOhost,
I write in my paper
There has long been a tradition of focusing on understanding and compensating for cognitive problems in autistic people.
This is not plagiarism
O True
5 points Save Answer


True, this is plagiarism. You have used the authors' exact words without proper citation or quotation marks. You also haven't provided the full citation and only gave the title of the source. In addition, you are using the same source multiple times and you should provide the source in each use. To avoid plagiarism, you need to properly cite the source and use quotation marks when using the authors' exact words, or rephrase the ideas in your own words and cite the source.

hich statement best describes why Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a complex character?

His behavior represents the emotion of grief.
He expresses a singular desire for revenge.
He imparts to the audience a moral lesson about forgiveness.
His actions and emotions are varied and unpredictable.


Hamlet is considered a complex character because his actions and emotions are varied and unpredictable, as stated in option D, making him realistic.

What is a complex character?

Unlike flat characters, complex characters are more realistic. They present several well-developed personality traits rather than just one or two. Like real people, their actions and emotions vary greatly depending on their past and on what is taking place at the moment.

That is why Hamlet is a complex character. As we read the play, we observe how varied his actions are, how different characters have different opinions of him, and how he struggles with his own feelings and ideas. For that reason, option D is the right answer.

Learn more about complex characters here:


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Participant Independent Trialb. Correlational Designc. Medical Standard Designd. Randomized Control Trial A constant net force, F net is applied to a cart with mass,m, causing an acceleration,a. If the mass of the cart is doubled, but the net force remains the same, what will the acceleration of the car be? The number of cattle slaughtered every year for meat far exceeds the number of elephants slaughtered every year for their ivory. Despite this, cows can be found everywhere while elephants are on the verge of extinction in some countries. Which of the following best explains this difference?a. People tend to protest more every year to prevent cow extinction than they do for elephant extinction.b. The demand for ivory far exceeds the demand for beef.c. Animals slaughtered for their meat are generally better conserved by humans than animals slaughtered for non-food uses.d. Cows can be privately owned while in many countries elephants can not. based on the analysis of historical loss information and relevant data at the end of year 2, ward co. estimates that 95% of accounts receivable will be collectible. the year-end balance in accounts receivable was $640,000. during year 2, ward wrote off $35,000 of uncollectible accounts. the allowance for credit losses had a $28,000 balance on january 1, year 2. in its income statement on december 31, year 2, what amount should ward report for credit loss expense? Review the list of presidential roles you created in item 1. Provide at least one example in which one or more of these roles could be at odds with one or more of his or her other roles. What are the implications of this? here is the list of roles : 1) Chief Executive 2) Commander in Chief 3) Chief Diplomat 4) Legislative Leader 5) Head of State 6) Party Leader 7) Judicial participant Problem 3: A city ballot includes a local initiative that would legalize gambling. The issue is hotly contested, and two groups decide to conduct polls to predict the outcome. The local newspaper finds that 53% of 1200 randomly selected voters plan to vote "yes," while a college Statistics class finds 54% of 450 randomly selected voters in support. Both groups will create 95% confidence intervals.a) Without finding the confidence intervals, explain which one will have the larger margin of error.b) Find both confidence intervals.c) Which group concludes that the outcome is "too close to call"? Explain. Compare and contrast the symbolism of the lifting of Jesus on the Cross and the lifting of Jesus in the Ascension. what is the area of a rectangle with a length of 13.8 feet and width of 28.4 feet find the concentration of barium hydroxide using titration data trial