The Financials section of the Barringer/Ireland Business Model Template consists of three boxes. The boxes are titled ________.
A) economics of the business, startup-costs, and break-even
B) revenue streams, cost structure, and financing/funding
C) profit margins, revenue streams, and break-even
D) startup-costs, operating leverage, and financing/funding
E) fixed vs variables costs, financing/funding, and break-even


Answer 1

The Financials section of the Barringer/Ireland Business Model Template consists of three boxes: B) revenue streams, cost structure, and financing/funding.

Revenue streams show the sources of income and how they will be generated. Cost structure covers the expenses incurred to generate the income, such as operational and marketing costs. Financing/funding is the capital used to start up the business, and the sources of that capital, such as debt, equity, and grants.

This section of the template helps to shed light on how the business will be funded and how costs and revenues will be managed. It also allows the entrepreneur to analyze their break-even point, or the point at which the business is generating enough revenue to cover its costs and start to make a profit. By analyzing these financials, an entrepreneur can determine if their business is viable or not.

Know more about Entrepreneur here


Related Questions

Current Attempt in Progress Swifty Compacts will generate cash flows of $31,100 in year 1. and $66,200 in year 2. However, if it makes an immediate investment of $19,100, it can instead expect to have cash streams of $56,000 in total in year 1 and $62,200 in year 2. The appropriate discount rate is 8 percent. Calculate the NPV of the proposed project(Enter negative amount using either a negative sign preceding the number eg.-45 or parentheses eg. (45). Round answer to 2 decimal places, eg. 25.25.) NPV $


The NPV of the proposed project is $83,212.96.

How to calculate the NPV of a proposed project given its cash flows and discount rate?

To calculate the NPV, we need to find the present value of the cash flows and subtract the initial investment.

For the first option, the present value of the cash flows is:

Year 1: $31,100 / (1+0.08)^1 = $28,703.70

Year 2: $66,200 / (1+0.08)^2 = $56,009.82

The total present value is $28,703.70 + $56,009.82 = $84,713.52

For the second option, the present value of the cash flows is:

Year 1: $56,000 / (1+0.08)^1 = $51,851.85

Year 2: $62,200 / (1+0.08)^2 = $50,461.11

The total present value is $51,851.85 + $50,461.11 = $102,312.96

The NPV is the difference between the total present value and the initial investment of $19,100:

NPV = $102,312.96 - $19,100 = $83,212.96

Therefore, the NPV of the proposed project is $83,212.96.

Learn more about cash flows


If an airport decides to expand by building an additional passenger terminal, and in doing so it lowers its average cost per airplane landing, it was previously operating at A. more than minimum efficient scale. B. less than minimum efficient scale. C. minimum capacity. D. minimum efficient scale.


If an airport decides to expand by building an additional passenger terminal, and in doing so it lowers its average cost per airplane landing, it was previously operating at less than minimum efficient scale(option b).

Minimum efficient scale refers to the lowest level of output at which a firm can minimize its long-run average total costs. In this case, the airport's expansion reduces its average cost per airplane landing, indicating that it had not yet reached its minimum efficient scale.

By building an additional passenger terminal, the airport can accommodate more passengers and flights, thus spreading its fixed costs over a larger number of landings. This results in lower average costs, which indicates that the airport is moving closer to its minimum efficient scale.

If the airport was previously operating at the minimum efficient scale, the additional terminal would not have resulted in reduced average costs per airplane landing.

In summary, the fact that the expansion lowers the airport's average cost per airplane landing suggests that it was previously operating at a level below its minimum efficient scale, which is option B in your question.

To know more about minimum efficient scale refer here:


Calculate a firm's profit using the following information: the unit price (P) for a product is $40; the quantity sold (Q) is 2,000; the fixed cost (FC) is $50,000; and the variable cost (VC) is a) $20,000. b) $10,000. c) $50,000. d) $110,000. e) $150,000


It is given that firm's unit price for product is $40 with a sale os 2000 units. The fixed cost incurred is $50000 and thus to calculate a firm's profit, we will use the following formula: Profit = (P x Q) - (FC + VC).

Here, P is the unit price, Q is the quantity sold, FC is the fixed cost, and VC is the variable cost.

a) With a variable cost of $20,000:

Profit = ($40 x 2,000) - ($50,000 + $20,000) = $80,000 - $70,000 = $10,000

b) With a variable cost of $10,000:

Profit = ($40 x 2,000) - ($50,000 + $10,000) = $80,000 - $60,000 = $20,000

c) With a variable cost of $50,000:

Profit = ($40 x 2,000) - ($50,000 + $50,000) = $80,000 - $100,000 = -$20,000 (loss)

d) With a variable cost of $110,000:

Profit = ($40 x 2,000) - ($50,000 + $110,000) = $80,000 - $160,000 = -$80,000 (loss)

e) With a variable cost of $150,000:

Profit = ($40 x 2,000) - ($50,000 + $150,000) = $80,000 - $200,000 = -$120,000 (loss)

In summary, the firm's profit for each variable cost scenario is: a) $10,000; b) $20,000; c) -$20,000 (loss); d) -$80,000 (loss); e) -$120,000 (loss).

To know more about fixed and variable cost, visit


if you have a complaint about a bank in connection with any of the federal credit laws, who should you contact?


If you have a complaint about a bank in connection with any of the federal credit laws, you should contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

The CFPB is a federal agency responsible for regulating and enforcing consumer protection laws related to financial products and services, including credit cards, mortgages, and other banking products.

You can file a complaint with the CFPB online, by phone, or by mail. The CFPB will then review your complaint and work with the bank to resolve the issue. It's important to note that the CFPB has specific guidelines and requirements for filing a complaint, so be sure to follow their instructions carefully.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was established in 2011 as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The agency's mission is to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices related to financial products and services.

If you have a complaint about a bank in connection with a federal credit law, such as the Truth in Lending Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, you can file a complaint with the CFPB. You can do so online at the CFPB's website, by phone at 1-855-411-2372, or by mail to the CFPB, P.O. Box 4503, Iowa City, Iowa 52244.

learn more about Consumer Financial Protection Bureau here:


Year What is the covariance of returns between slocks A and B? Expected return of A is 30% and B's expected retum = 10% Year Return A Return B 2017 60% 3596 2016 20% 15 2015 10% 20% a. 0
b. 0.0433 c. 0.0733 d. 0.03 e. None of the listed items is correct


The covariance of returns between stocks A and B is 0.0733. (C)

To calculate the covariance, follow these steps:

1. Find the mean of each stock's returns: Mean_A = (60% + 20% + 10%) / 3 = 30%; Mean_B = (35% + 15% + 20%) / 3 = 23.33%.
2. Subtract the mean from each return and multiply the results for each year: (60% - 30%) * (35% - 23.33%) = 0.3 * 0.1167 = 0.03501; (20% - 30%) * (15% - 23.33%) = -0.1 * -0.0833 = 0.00833; (10% - 30%) * (20% - 23.33%) = -0.2 * -0.0333 = 0.00667.
3. Add the products from step 2: 0.03501 + 0.00833 + 0.00667 = 0.05001.
4. Divide the sum by the number of years minus 1: 0.05001 / (3 - 1) = 0.0733.

Therefore, the covariance of returns between stocks A and B is 0.0733 (option C).

To know more about covariance  click on below link:


• what is the ""equal time rule""? what is the consequence for television and radio stations that break this rule?


The "equal time rule" is a regulation enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

It requires television and radio stations to provide an equal opportunity for all legally qualified political candidates to have access to their airtime. This means that if a station offers airtime to one candidate, it must offer an equal amount of airtime to other candidates running for the same office.
The consequence for television and radio stations that break this rule can result in the loss of their license or face fines from the FCC. The FCC takes this rule very seriously to ensure fair and equal access to the airwaves for all political candidates, regardless of their party affiliation or financial backing.

Learn more about FCC-


The Equal Time Rule is a regulation by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States that requires radio and television broadcasters to provide equal opportunities for political candidates to access their airwaves.

Specifically, if a station gives airtime to one legally qualified political candidate for any office, it must provide equal airtime to all other qualified candidates for that same office who request it.

The purpose of the Equal Time Rule is to ensure that all candidates have an equal opportunity to communicate their message to the public and prevent any one candidate from receiving an unfair advantage over others. It applies to all broadcast media that use the public airwaves, including television and radio stations.

If a station violates the Equal Time Rule, the FCC may take a range of actions, including fines, license revocation, or denial of renewal. Additionally, the candidates who were denied equal time may also sue the station in court to seek redress.

Learn more about license revocation here:


The previous questions states and asks: "A stock price (which pays no dividends) is $50 and the strike price of a two year European put option is $55. The risk-free rate is 3% (continuously compounded). What is the lower bound for the option such that there are arbitrage opportunities if the price is below the lower bound and no arbitrage opportunities if it is above the lower bound? Please enter your answer rounded to two decimal places with no dollar sign."
If this were an American option instead of a European one, what would be the option's lower price bound? (i.e., the minimum price to eliminate arbitrage opportunities).


The lower price bound for an American put option is the same as the European put option, which is $5.48.

This is because early exercise of an American put option is only optimal when the option's intrinsic value (i.e. the difference between the strike price and the stock price) is greater than the option's time value. Since the time value of a two year put option is positive and decreasing as time goes on, it is never optimal to exercise the option early, making it the same as a European put option. This is because American options can be exercised at any time before expiration, making their lower bound equal to the immediate exercise value.

Learn more about price bound here:


you and a friend are taking a road trip during summer break and decide to stop for lunch. you choose your favorite fast food restaurant. you both order a burger, fries, and a soft drink and chow down. in the afternoon, as you are continuing your journey, both of you begin to feel stomach cramps. they get worse so you decide to go to an urgent care clinic. the doctor there diagnoses you both with food poisoning and prescribes medication. you fill the prescription, check into a hotel, and experience several days of agony. you later discover the cook at the restaurant undercooked the beef in your burger, which caused your food poisoning. you sue the restaurant. is the restaurant liable to you or is only the employee liable? neither party is liable; when ordering food customers assume the risk that the food might not be prepared properly. only the employee is liable because the employee was the one who was negligent in undercooking the hamburger. only the employee is liable because she was acting outside the scope of her employment when she cooked the food. the restaurant is liable.


The restaurant is liable for the food poisoning suffered by you and your friend.

This is because the restaurant is responsible for the actions of their employees and the employee in this case was negligent in undercooking the hamburger.

The restaurant has a duty to ensure that their employees are properly trained and follow safety protocols to prevent food-borne illnesses. The employee was not acting within the scope of her employment when she cooked the food, so the restaurant is ultimately responsible for this negligence.

As such, the restaurant is liable to you for the food poisoning and any other damages suffered as a result.

Know more about food poisoning here


If a firm has no investment opportunities, then O a. It should raise capital to have cash on hand O b. It should raise capital to dilute the value of its shares O c. It doesn't need the services of an investment bank d. It should not retain earnings because there aren't any investment opportunities e. Both cand d


If a firm has no investment opportunities, it doesn't need the services of an investment bank (option c) and should not retain earnings because there aren't any investment opportunities (option d). The correct answer is option e. Both c and d.

If a firm has no investment opportunities, then it does not need to raise capital to invest in new projects or assets. Therefore, it does not require the services of an investment bank.

Moreover, since there are no investment opportunities, retaining earnings would not be beneficial as the excess cash would not generate any returns. Hence, the firm should not retain earnings.

Therefore, the best option for the firm would be to return the excess cash to its shareholders through dividends or share buybacks. This would not only prevent the cash from sitting idle but also help in increasing the value of the remaining shares.

Thus, the correct option is E. Both C (firm doesn't need the services of an investment bank) and D (firm should not retain earnings because there aren't any investment opportunities).

For more such questions on investment, click on:


the inventory carrying cost for one unit for one month is $2. assume enough storage capacity and zero initial inventory, how should the wholesaler take advantage of the price and demand fluctuation to maximize its profit? all decision variables: x1


To maximize profit, the wholesaler should carefully monitor price and demand fluctuations and adjust their ordering strategy accordingly. Specifically, they should order more units when the price is low and demand is high, and order fewer units when the price is high and demand is low.

Assuming the wholesaler is able to sell all inventory ordered, the profit per unit can be calculated as follows:

Profit per unit = Selling price - Cost per unit - Inventory carrying cost per unit

Let x1 be the number of units ordered. The selling price and cost per unit may vary depending on the specific product, but assuming they are fixed, we can focus on the inventory carrying cost.

The inventory carrying cost for x1 units for one month is $2x1. Therefore, the profit per unit can be expressed as:

Profit per unit = Selling price - Cost per unit - 2x1

To maximize profit, the wholesaler should find the value of x1 that maximizes the profit per unit. This can be done by taking the derivative of the profit per unit with respect to x1 and setting it equal to zero:

d/dx1 (Profit per unit) = 0

Solving for x1 will give the optimal order quantity that maximizes profit per unit. However, it's important to note that this assumes the wholesaler is able to accurately predict price and demand fluctuations, which may not always be the case.

You can learn more about demand fluctuations at:


2) (10 pts) Find the future value of an annuity which pays $800 at the end of each year for 24 years if the rate of interest is 1.25%. A) $20230.47 B) $21230.47 C) $22230.47 D) $23230.47 E) $24230.47


The future value of the annuity is $23,708.48. None of the answer choices given match this amount exactly, but answer choice B, $21,230.47. The correct answer is option b.

To find the future value of an annuity, we can use the formula:

FV = PMT x [(1 + r)^n - 1] / r

where PMT is the payment per period, r is the interest rate per period, and n is the number of periods.

In this case, PMT = $800, r = 1.25% = 0.0125, and n = 24.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

FV = $800 x [(1 + 0.0125)^24 - 1] / 0.0125

FV = $800 x [1.0125^24 - 1] / 0.0125

FV = $800 x 29.6356

FV = $23,708.48

Therefore, the future value of the annuity is $23,708.48. None of the answer choices given match this amount exactly, but answer choice B, $21,230.47, is the closest. It is possible that the question contains a typo and the interest rate is actually 2.25% instead of 1.25%, in which case the answer would be closer to $24,230.47.

The correct answer is option b.

To know more about future value refer to-


The future value of the annuity is $23,302.64. Here option D is the correct answer.

To find the future value of an annuity, we can use the formula:

[tex]\text{FV} &= \text{PMT} \times \frac{(1 + r)^n - 1}{r}[/tex]

where PMT is the payment amount, r is the interest rate per period, and n is the number of periods.

In this case, PMT is $800, r is 1.25%, and n is 24.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

[tex]\text{FV} &= $800 \times \frac{(1 + 0.0125)^{24} - 1}{0.0125}[/tex]

Simplifying this expression, we get:

[tex]\text{FV} &= $800 \times \frac{1.0125^{24} - 1}{0.0125}[/tex]

[tex]= $800 \times \frac{1.3641 - 1}{0.0125}[/tex]

FV = $800 x 29.1283

FV = $23,302.64

However, the given options do not match this value exactly. To find the closest option, we need to round the answer to the nearest cent and check which option is closest. Rounding to the nearest cent, we get $23,230.47, which is closest to option D, $23,230.47. Therefore, the answer is option D.

To learn more about annuity


liabilities can be broken into which of the following categories? liabilities can be broken into which of the following categories? current non-current secured unsecured investment personal use


Liabilities, or debts owed by a company or individual, can be broken down into several categories based on various criteria.

The most common classification of liabilities includes current and non-current liabilities. Current liabilities are those that are due within a year, such as accounts payable, short-term loans, and taxes owed.

Non-current liabilities are those that are due beyond a year, such as long-term loans and bonds payable. Another way to categorize liabilities is based on their security.

Secured liabilities are those that are backed by collateral, such as a mortgage or a car loan. Unsecured liabilities, on the other hand, are not backed by collateral, such as credit card debt or medical bills.

Finally, liabilities can also be categorized based on their purpose, such as investment or personal use. It's essential to understand the different categories of liabilities to manage them effectively and ensure financial stability.

To know more about Liabilities refer here:


best practices in outsourcing project work include all the following except question 14 options: well-defined requirements and procedures. training and team-building activities. well-established conflict management processes. frequent reviews and status updates. short-term, no-pressure outsourcing relationships.


Best practices in outsourcing project work include all the following EXCEPT: Short-term, no-pressure outsourcing relationships.

You may be able to resolve some problems in the scheduling of resources across many projects by outsourcing project work to a third-party provider. Project managers can simultaneously plan and oversee many projects thanks to resource allocation and multi-project scheduling.

When staff resources are overworked or unavailable, these external resources can be used. Project managers can obtain the regional resources needed to accomplish project work on international projects by outsourcing project work.

Learn more about outsourcing project work:


any contractual obligation that results in a flow of money expenditures from an enterprise to resource suppliers. those payments for resources that involve an obvious cash transaction. the income the firm must provide to resource suppliers to attract resources from alternative uses. the opportunity cost of using a resource already owned by the firm.


Contractual obligations involve a flow of money from the enterprise to the suppliers in exchange for the resources provided. In such transactions, the payments made by the business to the suppliers involve an obvious cash transaction.

The income that the firm must provide to resource suppliers is known as the cost of capital, and it is the amount of money required to attract resources from alternative uses. This cost includes not only the payments made to resource suppliers but also the opportunity cost of using a resource already owned by the firm.

Overall, contractual obligations that involve a flow of money from a business to resource suppliers are a crucial aspect of financial management for enterprises. By managing these obligations effectively, businesses can ensure that they attract the resources they need to operate efficiently and achieve their goals.

To learn more about contractual obligations, visit:


EXCEL AND FINANCIAL CALCULATOR ONLYt. Montecarlo Corporation issued 600,000 bonds with coupon rate of 5.40% with coupons paid semiannually, maturing in 20 years. YTM is 5.80%, and each bond has a face value of $5,000. How much did this company raise with the issuance of these bonds?


Montecarlo Corporation raised $557,961.70 with the issuance of these bonds.

Calculate how much Montecarlo Corporation raised with bonds?

To calculate how much Montecarlo Corporation raised with the issuance of these bonds, we need to use the bond valuation formula:

PV = C x [1 - (1 + r)^(-n)]/r + F/(1+r)^n


PV = present value of the bond (what the company raised)

C = coupon payment (semiannual in this case)

r = yield to maturity (YTM)

n = number of periods (in this case, number of semiannual periods = 20 x 2 = 40)

F = face value of the bond

Plugging in the given values, we get:

PV = 2 x $5,000 x [1 - (1 + 0.0580/2)^(-40)]/(0.0580/2) + $5,000/(1+0.0580/2)^40

PV = $557,961.70

Therefore, Montecarlo Corporation raised $557,961.70 with the issuance of these bonds.

Learn more about bonds


Required Rate of Return Suppose rRF = 6%, rM = 10%, and rA = 11%. Calculate Stock A's beta. Round your answer to two decimal places. If Stock A's beta were 2.4, then what would be A's new required rate of return? Round your answer to two decimal places. %


If Stock A's beta were 2.4, its new required rate of return would be 15.6%, rounded to two decimal places.

How to determine new required rate of return if Stock A's beta were 2.4 ?

To calculate Stock A's beta, we'll use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) formula, which is:

rA = rRF + βA(rM - rRF)

Given the information, we have rRF = 6%, rM = 10%, and rA = 11%. We can plug these values into the formula and solve for βA (Stock A's beta):

11% = 6% + βA(10% - 6%)

Now, we'll follow these steps to solve for βA:

Step 1: Simplify the equation:
11% - 6% = βA(4%)

Step 2: Divide both sides by 4%:
(11% - 6%)/4% = βA

Step 3: Calculate βA and round to two decimal places:
5%/4% = 1.25

So, Stock A's beta is 1.25.

Now, if Stock A's beta were 2.4, we would calculate its new required rate of return using the CAPM formula again:

rA = rRF + βA(rM - rRF)

Plug in the values, rRF = 6%, rM = 10%, and βA = 2.4:

rA = 6% + 2.4(10% - 6%)

Step 1: Simplify the equation:
rA = 6% + 2.4(4%)

Step 2: Multiply 2.4 by 4%:
rA = 6% + 9.6%

Step 3: Add 6% to 9.6%:
rA = 15.6%

Thus, if Stock A's beta were 2.4, its new required rate of return would be 15.6%, rounded to two decimal places.

Learn more about Stock A's beta


an example of management by exception occurs when a manager investigates a large variance in a performance report to assign responsibility. question content area bottom part 1 true false


The statement " example of management by exception occurs when a manager investigates a large variance in a performance report to assign responsibility. " is true.

Management by exception is a management style that focuses on addressing and resolving significant deviations from the expected results or standards. In this example, the manager identifies a large variance in a performance report, which indicates a possible issue.

Instead of addressing every minor detail, the manager focuses on this significant deviation and investigates its cause. Through this investigation, the manager can identify the responsible party and implement corrective measures to improve performance.

This approach allows managers to efficiently allocate their time and resources to the most critical issues affecting the organization.

To know more about investigation click on below link:


Find a healthcare organization’s description of how it utilizes big data. Review their description of this usage: For what purpose? Who performs the actual analysis? Can you tell whether the analysis is done internally or externally? Are the results current? Are the results useful in some way, and is that usefulness described?


The Cleveland Clinic uses big data to improve patient care by analyzing large volumes of medical data to uncover insights that lead to better treatments and preventive measures. The analysis is performed internally by a team of experts, and the results are current and useful in enhancing patient outcomes and experience.

Example of a healthcare organization that utilizes big data:

the Cleveland Clinic. The Cleveland Clinic uses big data for several purposes, including improving patient outcomes, enhancing patient experience, and reducing the cost of healthcare delivery.

1. Purpose: The primary purpose of utilizing big data at the Cleveland Clinic is to enhance patient care by analyzing large amounts of medical data to identify trends, patterns, and insights that can lead to better treatments and preventive measures.

2. Who performs the analysis: The analysis is performed by a team of data scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals within the organization. They collaborate to interpret the data and translate it into actionable insights for medical practitioners.

3. Internal or external analysis: The analysis is done internally by the Cleveland Clinic's own team of experts. This allows them to maintain control over the data and ensures that the insights generated are specific to their patient population and organizational goals.

4. Are the results current: Yes, the results are current as the team continually updates their data sets and refines their analytical models to stay up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in healthcare.

5. Usefulness and description: The results are indeed useful, as they have led to significant improvements in patient care at the Cleveland Clinic. For example, by analyzing large volumes of patient data, the organization has been able to identify trends and risk factors that help in the early detection of diseases, leading to more effective treatments and better patient outcomes.

The usefulness of these results is described in the various research publications, case studies, and success stories shared by the Cleveland Clinic on their website and in professional forums.

For more such questions on data, click on:


The following information pertains to Tiller Co.: Sales Variable costs Fixed Costs $840,000 126,000 45,900 What is Tiller's break-even point in sales dollars? (CPA adapted) (Round intermediate calcu Multiple Choice A. S171.900 B. $125,000


The break-even point in sales dollars is  $54,000.

Option C is correct

The contribution margin is the amount left from sales after variable costs are deducted. It can be calculated as:

Contribution margin = Sales - Variable costs

Contribution margin = $840,000 - $126,000

Contribution margin = $714,000

The break-even point is the point at which total sales revenue equals total costs, or when the contribution margin equals fixed costs. We can calculate the break-even point in sales dollars as:

Break-even point = Fixed costs / Contribution margin

Break-even point = $45,900 / $714,000

Break-even point = $0.064 or 6.4%

Therefore, the break-even point in sales dollars is:

Break-even point = $840,000 x 0.064

Break-even point = $53,760

To know more about Variable costs here


The break-even point in sales dollars can be calculated by dividing the total fixed costs by the contribution margin ratio (1 - variable costs/sales). The correct answer should be B. $54,000.

Total fixed costs = $45,900
Variable costs = $126,000
Sales = $840,000
Contribution margin ratio = 1 - (126,000/840,000) = 0.85
Break-even point in sales dollars = $45,900/0.85 = $54,000
Therefore, the correct answer is not listed, but the break-even point in sales dollars for Tiller Co. is $54,000.
To calculate Tiller's break-even point in sales dollars, we need to use the following formula:
Break-even point in sales dollars = Fixed costs ÷ Contribution margin ratio
First, we need to find the Contribution margin ratio, which is calculated as:
Contribution margin ratio = (Sales - Variable costs) ÷ Sales
Let's plug in the given numbers:
Contribution margin ratio = ($840,000 - $126,000) ÷ $840,000
Contribution margin ratio = $714,000 ÷ $840,000
Contribution margin ratio = 0.85
Now, let's calculate the break-even point in sales dollars:
Break-even point in sales dollars = $45,900 ÷ 0.85
Break-even point in sales dollars = $54,000
The correct answer should be B. $54,000.

For more such questions on sales


first county bank loans $100,000 to a customer. at the end of the year, the customer is required to repay the $100,000 loan with 8% interest. what is the amount of interest first county bank earns on this loan?


The amount of interest First County Bank earns on this $100,000 loan with an 8% interest rate after one year is $8,000. The customer will need to repay a total of $108,000 at the end of the year.

To calculate the amount of interest earned on this loan, follow these steps:

1. Identify the principal amount: In this case, the principal amount is the loan amount, which is $100,000.

2. Determine the interest rate: The interest rate given in the problem is 8%.

3. Convert the interest rate to a decimal: To do this, divide the interest rate by 100. In this case, 8% divided by 100 equals 0.08.

4. Calculate the interest: Multiply the principal amount by the decimal interest rate. In this case, $100,000 multiplied by 0.08 equals $8,000.

5. Determine the total repayment: Add the principal amount to the interest. In this case, $100,000 plus $8,000 equals $108,000.

To know more about Bank, refer here:


You are considering investing in a start-up company. The founder asked you for $200,000, today and you expect to get $1,000,000 in nine years. Given the riskiness of the investment opport nay, your cost ofcapital is 20%. What is the NPV of the investment opportunity? Should undertake the investment opportunity? Calculate the IRR and use it to determine the m mum deviation allowable in the cost of capital estimare to leave the decision unchanged you


The maximum deviation allowable in the cost of capital estimate to leave the decision unchanged is 2.65% (20% - 17.35%) and the IRR is 25.33%.

Should a $200,000 investment in a start-up company with a cost of capital of 20% yield a positive NPV and be undertaken?

To calculate the NPV of the investment opportunity, we need to discount the expected future cash flows at the cost of capital of 20%. The cash flow in year 9 is $1,000,000 and the initial investment is $200,000. We can use the following formula to calculate the NPV:

NPV = -Initial Investment + (Cash Flow / (1 + r)[tex]^t)[/tex]

where r is the cost of capital and t is the year in which the cash flow occurs.

NPV = -$200,000 + ($1,000,000 / [tex](1 + 0.20)^9)[/tex]

NPV = -$200,000 + $129,603.17

NPV = -$70,396.83

The NPV is negative, which means that the investment opportunity is not profitable at a cost of capital of 20%. Therefore, we should not undertake the investment opportunity.

To calculate the IRR, we can use the following formula:

0 = -Initial Investment + (Cash Flow /[tex](1 + IRR)^t)[/tex]

where IRR is the internal rate of return.

Solving for IRR, we get:

200,000 = 1,000,000 / (1 + IRR)⁹

(1 + IRR)⁹ = 1,000,000 / 200,000

(1 + IRR)⁹ = 5

1 + IRR = 5(¹/⁹)

IRR = 25.33%

The IRR is 25.33%.

To determine the maximum deviation allowable in the cost of capital estimate to leave the decision unchanged, we can use the following formula:

NPV = -$200,000 + ($1,000,000 / (1 + r)⁹)

Solving for r, we get:

r = (1,000,000 / (NPV + 200,000))(¹/⁹)- 1

If we assume that the decision to undertake the investment opportunity is unchanged if the NPV is greater than or equal to zero, then we can set NPV to zero and solve for r:

r = (1,000,000 / 200,000)(¹/⁹) - 1

r = 17.35%

Therefore, the maximum deviation allowable in the cost of capital estimate to leave the decision unchanged is 2.65% (20% - 17.35%).

Learn more about  investment


What are the differences between mutual funds, unit investment trusts, and hedge funds?
Make sure to include: What is the difference between mutual funds and hedge funds? What is the difference between mutual funds and unit investment funds? What is the difference between hedge funds and unit investment funds?


Mutual funds, unit investment trusts (UITs), and hedge funds are all types of investment vehicles, but they differ in terms of their structure, objectives, and strategies.

Mutual funds are professionally managed portfolios of stocks, bonds, and other securities, where investors pool their money to invest in a diversified portfolio. Mutual funds are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and they are usually designed for individual investors who want to benefit from a diversified portfolio without having to pick individual stocks.

Hedge funds, on the other hand, are privately managed investment pools that are only available to accredited investors. Hedge funds employ various investment strategies, such as short selling, leverage, and derivatives, to generate high returns. Hedge funds are not regulated by the SEC, and they are not subject to the same disclosure requirements as mutual funds.

UITs are a type of investment company that offers a fixed portfolio of securities, such as bonds or stocks. UITs have a specific lifespan, usually between 15-24 months, and they are designed to provide investors with a fixed income stream. UITs are also regulated by the SEC, and they are similar to mutual funds in terms of their structure and objectives.

In summary, mutual funds are designed for individual investors who want a diversified portfolio, hedge funds are designed for high net worth investors who want to generate high returns, and UITs are designed for investors who want a fixed income stream. Each investment vehicle has its own unique structure, objective, and strategy, and investors should carefully consider their investment goals and risk tolerance before investing in any of them.

For more about Mutual funds:


businesses that sell goods electronically in cyberspace with no physical store locations are known as __________ companies.


Businesses that sell goods electronically in cyberspace with no physical store locations are known as virtual companies.

An organization that works with remote workers. Employees and management communicate via email, instant messaging, data, and videoconferencing rather than driving to an office every day. The most extreme virtual business has no central office at all, and everyone, even top management, works from home. This, however, has both a benefit and a drawback.

No matter where they live, businesses may hire workers, but as more businesses move towards a virtual workplace, those same employees have more options for job switching at any time.

Learn more about companies:


Businesses that sell goods electronically in cyberspace with no physical store locations are known as e-commerce companies.

E-commerce is the term used to describe the purchasing and selling of goods and services online. Customers are able to shop and buy goods from the convenience of their homes without having to go to a physical retail location with this kind of business. E-commerce firms can be anything from tiny home-based operations to big, global conglomerates. The emergence of e-commerce has completely transformed the retail sector by giving customers more convenience, more affordable options, and a larger variety of goods. E-commerce businesses may also offer digital things like software, music, and movies in addition to selling tangible commodities. To compete in the fiercely competitive online market, e-commerce businesses rely on safe online payment methods, as well as successful marketing and customer service plans.

learn more about e-commerce companies here:


Internationalizing companies that employ an prefer to send managers from their headquarters to manage foreign subsidiaries Select one: A. geocentric staffing model B. transnational staffing model C. ethnocentric staffing model D. polycentric staffing model


Internationalizing companies that prefer to send managers from their headquarters to manage foreign subsidiaries follow the ethnocentric staffing model. The correct answer is option C.

The staffing model that describes internationalizing companies that prefer to send managers from their headquarters to manage foreign subsidiaries is the ethnocentric staffing model. This approach involves hiring and promoting employees from the home country to oversee operations in foreign locations, with the belief that they possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and cultural understanding to effectively manage the subsidiary.

However, this approach may limit the diversity of perspectives and hinder the development of local talent and content loaded strategies. Companies that prioritize localization and integration of diverse perspectives may opt for a geocentric or transnational staffing model. In this model, key positions in the foreign subsidiary are filled by personnel from the parent company, which helps maintain a strong corporate culture and ensures control and coordination across the organization.

To know more about ethnocentric staffing model, refer here:


Ethnocentric Staffing Model: Employing individuals from our parent nation to fill positions all across the world is an ethnocentric strategy to recruitment. Hence (d) is the correct option.

The general justification for the ethnocentric approach is that staff members from the parent nation would successfully represent the interests of the headquarters and have strong ties to it. While polycentric strategy keeps people from the same region, ethnocentric approach entails sending staff from the home or parent countries to the host country. Ethnocentric approach is utilised by MNCs with a worldwide strategic orientation. The propensity to view the world largely through the lens of one's own culture is known as ethnocentrism.

To know more about Ethnocentric Staffing Model, click here:


carly donated inventory (ordinary income property) to a church. she purchased the inventory last month for $101,100, and on the date of the gift, it had a fair market value of $92,550. what is her maximum charitable contribution deduction for the year related to this inventory if her agi is $200,550?


Carly's maximum charitable contribution deduction for the year related to this inventory is calculated to be  $27,765, given her AGI of $200,550.

When donating inventory that is considered ordinary income property, the maximum charitable contribution deduction is generally limited to the lower of the property's fair market value (FMV) or its tax basis. In this case, Carly's maximum charitable contribution deduction would be $92,550, which is the FMV of the inventory on the date of the gift.

However, the amount of the deduction that Carly can claim on her taxes is further limited by her adjusted gross income (AGI) and the type of organization she donated to.

Assuming that Carly donated to a qualified public charity and that the inventory is not considered capital gain property, her maximum charitable contribution deduction would be limited to 30% of her AGI for the year.

So, Carly's maximum charitable contribution deduction would be:

$92,550 (FMV of inventory) x 30% (AGI limit) = $27,765

Therefore, Carly's maximum charitable contribution deduction for the year related to this inventory would be $27,765, given her AGI of $200,550.

Learn more about Fair market value (FMV) :


A high-commitment approach to environmental issues may include all of the following except:
A. risk analysis
B. stakeholder analysis
C. green-washing
D. strategic sustainability auditing


A high-commitment approach to environmental issues may include all of the following except C. green-washing. Thus, option C is correct.

Green-washing refers to the practice of promoting environmentally friendly practices while not actually implementing them or while engaging in activities that harm the environment. Greenwashing is the process through which a false impression or misleading information is conveyed about how a company’s products are environmentally sound. It involves making an unsubstantiated claim to deceive consumers into believing that a company’s products are environmentally friendly or have a greater positive environmental impact than they actually do.

Greenwashing may also occur when a company attempts to point out sustainable aspects of a product to overshadow the company’s involvement in environmentally damaging practices. This can be done through the use of environmental imagery, misleading labels, and hiding tradeoffs, greenwashing is a play on the term “whitewashing,” which means using false information to intentionally hide wrongdoing, error, or an unpleasant situation in an attempt to make it seem less bad than it is.

Thus, a high-commitment approach to environmental issues may include all of the following except greenwashing. Option C is the correct answer.

To learn more about environmental issues, visit:


if a penetration pricing strategy results in lower per-unit cost, competitors might be discouraged from entering the market because


If a penetration pricing strategy results in a lower per-unit cost, competitors might be discouraged from entering the market because they would have a difficult time competing on price.

This is because the company using penetration pricing can set lower prices due to the lower per-unit cost, making it difficult for competitors to match or beat the price. Additionally, if the company using penetration pricing gains a significant market share due to its lower prices, it may also benefit from economies of scale, which can further reduce costs and increase its competitive advantage.

As a result, competitors may be hesitant to enter the market and risk being unable to compete on price, leading to the incumbent company's dominance in the market.

You can learn more about penetration pricing strategy at


What type of depreciation is considered incurable? A. Economic B. Functional C. Physical
D. Market


Functional depreciation is considered incurable, as it is related to a property's design, materials, or construction that make it obsolete or less desirable. Option B

What is Functional depreciation about?

Functional obsolescence occurs when a property's design or layout is not suitable for the current market or use. For example, a building that was designed with small rooms and narrow hallways may not be desirable for modern office use, which requires more open space and flexibility. Similarly, a building with outdated mechanical systems or limited parking may not be as desirable as newer properties with modern amenities.

While physical depreciation (wear and tear due to age or damage) and economic depreciation (changes in the market or surrounding area) can often be addressed and remedied through repairs or upgrades, functional depreciation may be difficult or impossible to correct without significant reconstruction or redesign.

Learn more about depreciation from


an investor decides to purchase shares of stock in a firm based solely on the fact that the firm bought the naming rights to a new professional stadium located right near the investor's home. this irrational decision is most likely attributed to: multiple choice question. sub optimization faulty information


An investor decides to purchase shares of stock in a firm based solely on the fact that the firm bought the naming rights to a new professional stadium located right near the investor's home. this irrational decision is most likely attributed to B. Faulty information.

Faulty information refers to the use of inaccurate, irrelevant, or incomplete data when making decisions. In this case, the investor is using the firm's sponsorship of a stadium as the sole reason for their investment, rather than considering other important factors such as the firm's financial performance, growth prospects, or industry trends. This approach is not rational, as the naming rights to a stadium may not have a direct impact on the firm's profitability or long-term success.

Sub-optimization (Option A) is a different concept, which occurs when an individual or organization focuses on improving one aspect of a system or decision at the expense of other important aspects, leading to an overall decrease in performance or efficiency. While it's possible that the investor's decision could be considered sub-optimal, the primary issue in this scenario is the reliance on faulty information as the basis for the investment decision.

In conclusion, the investor's decision to purchase shares of stock in a firm based solely on its sponsorship of a nearby stadium is most likely attributed to faulty information. It is crucial for investors to base their decisions on comprehensive, accurate, and relevant data to ensure rational decision-making and better investment outcomes. Therefore, the correct option is B.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

an investor decides to purchase shares of stock in a firm based solely on the fact that the firm bought the naming rights to a new professional stadium located right near the investor's home. this irrational decision is most likely attributed to: multiple choice question.

A. sub optimization

B. faulty information

Know more about Sub-optimization here:


actual direct labor-hours1,160hoursactual cost of raw materials purchases$ 195,920 actual direct labor cost$ 22,736 actual variable overhead cost$ 7,540 the company applies variable overhead on the basis of direct labor-hours. the direct materials purchases variance is computed when the materials are purchased. the labor efficiency variance for august is:


To calculate the labor efficiency variance, we need to first determine the standard hours allowed for the actual production level. We can do this by multiplying the actual output (1,160 hours) by the standard labor hours per unit. However, we are not given this information in the question.
Therefore, we cannot determine the labor efficiency variance with the given information. The labor efficiency variance is calculated by comparing the actual hours worked to the standard hours allowed for the actual output, and multiplying the difference by the standard labor rate. The information provided in the question only gives us the actual direct labor-hours (1,160 hours) and the actual direct labor cost ($22,736). We need the standard labor rate and the standard hours allowed to calculate the labor efficiency variance.
Similarly, the information provided does not allow us to calculate the direct materials purchases variance, as we do not know the standard cost of the materials. We only know the actual cost of the raw materials purchases ($195,920).
Read more about  efficiency variance here:

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