the information on a compact disk is scanned by a laser initially at a radius of 2.4 cm and then out to a maximum of 6.0 cm. because the dimensions of the pit information remain constant with radius, the disk motor adjusts so that the tangential velocity remains constant. what is the ratio of the inner to outer rotational frequencies?


Answer 1

The ratio of the inner to outer rotational frequencies is 2.5.

The ratio of the inner to outer rotational frequencies in a compact disk can be calculated using the concept of conservation of angular momentum. When the laser initially scans the disk at a radius of 2.4 cm, the angular velocity of the disk is given by ω1. As the laser moves outwards to a maximum radius of 6.0 cm, the angular velocity of the disk decreases to ω2 due to the conservation of angular momentum.  The ratio of the inner to outer rotational frequencies in a compact disk can be found using the concept of conservation of angular momentum and the constant tangential velocity of the disk.

The tangential velocity of the disk, however, remains constant as the dimensions of the pit information on the disk remain constant with radius. This means that the product of the tangential velocity and the radius of the disk is constant, i.e., v1r1 = v2r2.

Using these equations, we can find the ratio of the inner to outer rotational frequencies as

ω1/ω2 = r2/r1 = 6.0 cm/2.4 cm = 2.5.

This means that the inner part of the disk rotates 2.5 times faster than the outer part of the disk. This is because the outer part of the disk has a larger radius and therefore, a larger circumference to cover in the same amount of time as the inner part of the disk.

know more about tangential velocity here:


Related Questions

a wire is formed into a circle having a diameter of 10.9 cm and is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 2.80 mt. the wire carries a current of 5.00 a. find the maximum torque on the wire.


The maximum torque on the wire is 0.1306 Nm.

Find the maximum torque on the wire.

Hi, I'd be happy to help you with your question. To find the maximum torque on a wire formed into a circle with a diameter of 10.9 cm, placed in a uniform magnetic field of 2.80 mT, and carrying a current of 5.00 A, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the radius of the circle:
Radius = Diameter / 2 = 10.9 cm / 2 = 5.45 cm = 0.0545 m (converted to meters)

2. Calculate the area of the circle:
Area = π * Radius^2 = π * (0.0545 m)^2 = 0.00933 m^2

3. Convert the magnetic field from millitesla (mT) to tesla (T):
Magnetic Field = 2.80 mT = 0.00280 T

4. Calculate the maximum torque on the wire:
Torque = (Current * Area * Magnetic Field) * sin(θ)
Since we need to find the maximum torque, we will use sin(θ) = 1:
Torque = (5.00 A * 0.00933 m^2 * 0.00280 T) * 1 = 0.1306 Nm

The maximum torque on the wire is 0.1306 Nm.

Learn more about torque


the period of the object attached to a spring is t. how much time does the object need to move from the equilibrium position to half the amplitude? hint: think about this a bit more before answering. is the object moving at the same speed everywhere during its motion? when is it moving faster? when is it moving slower? does this affect your answer?


The time required for the object attached to a spring to move from the equilibrium position to half the amplitude depends on the specifics of the motion and cannot be determined solely from the period of oscillation.

During its motion, the object attached to a spring oscillates with a sinusoidal motion, which means its speed is not constant. At the maximum displacement, the speed is zero, while it is maximum when the object passes through the equilibrium position. Therefore, the time required for the object to move from the equilibrium position to half the amplitude is not half the period, but rather a smaller fraction of the period.

To determine the time required, one would need to use the equation of motion for a simple harmonic oscillator:

x(t) = A cos(ωt + φ)

where x(t) is the position of the object at time t, A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, and φ is the phase constant. From this equation, we can find the position of the object when it is halfway to the amplitude by setting x(t) equal to A/2 and solving for t:

A/2 = A cos(ωt + φ)

cos(ωt + φ) = 1/2

ωt + φ = ±π/3

t = (±π/3 - φ) / ω

Therefore, the time required for the object to move from the equilibrium position to half the amplitude depends on the phase constant φ and the angular frequency ω. It is important to note that this is a general solution for a simple harmonic oscillator, and specific values for these variables would need to be provided to obtain a numerical answer.

Learn more about harmonic oscillator:


if sandra, who weighs 158 lbs. (71.8 kg), is part of an ens 304 laboratory study examining caloric expenditure and averages an oxygen consumption rate of 38.4 ml/kg/min over her 30-minute work interval, how many calories did she expend?


Sandra expended 1376.256 kcal of caloric expenditure averaging an oxygen consumption rate of 38.4 ml/kg/min over her 30-minute work interval.

Weight = 71.8 kg

oxygen consumption rate = 38.4 ml/kg/min

Time = 30-minute

To calculate caloric expenditure of Sandra, the formula required is as:

Caloric expenditure = oxygen consumption rate x weight (kg) x time x 5

Caloric expenditure = oxygen consumption rate x weight x time x 5

Caloric expenditure = 38.4 ml/kg/min x 71.8 kg x 30 min x 5

Caloric expenditure = 275.2512 L

Assume that 1 L of oxygen consumed corresponds to 5 kcal of energy expended,

Caloric expenditure = 275.2512 L x 5 kcal/L

Caloric expenditure = 1376.256 kcal

Therefore, we can conclude that Sandra expended 1376.256 kcal during her 30-minute work interval.

To learn more about caloric expenditure


imagine two bodies, one twice as large as the other, orbiting the sun at the same distance. which of the bodies, if either, would move faster than the other?


This is due to the fact that the gravitational pull of the sun is proportionate to the mass of each body, with the larger body being subjected to a stronger gravitational pull than the smaller body.

Why does a planet move more quickly as it approaches the Sun?

Depending on how far away from the Sun a planet is, it orbits the Sun at a different speed. When a planet is closer to the Sun, it moves more quickly due to the Sun's stronger gravitational pull.

Why do planets seem to move more slowly the more they are from the Sun?

A planet's angular momentum does not change as it gets further from the Sun, thus it moves more slowly at that distance. The angular momentum of a planet in a circular orbit is determined by its mass (m), its distance from the Sun (d), and its velocity (v).

To know more about momentum visit:-


6. Why would the electrons spend most of their time close to the nucleus?


Electrons spend most of their time close to the nucleus because they are attracted to the positively charged protons in the nucleus by the electromagnetic force.

This force causes the electrons to move in an orbit around the nucleus, much like planets orbiting around the sun.

The closer an electron is to the nucleus, the stronger the attractive force between them. This results in the electrons being tightly bound to the nucleus, and they tend to spend most of their time in the lowest energy level, known as the ground state. In this state, the electrons are as close to the nucleus as possible, which is why they spend most of their time in that region.

To know more about electromagnetic force, here


chapter 06 standard hw problem 6.20 7 of 15 review zach, whose mass is 85 kg , is in an elevator descending at 11 m/s . the elevator takes 2.5 s to brake to a stop at the first floor. part a part complete what is zach's weight before the elevator starts braking? express your answer with the appropriate units. w


Zach's weight before the elevator starts braking is 833 Newton.

Identifying Zach's weight is necessary to prevent the braking of the lift in which he is now riding. Zach is 85 kg in weight and the lift is dropping at 11 m/s.

The first floor is reached after 2.5 seconds of braking by the elevator. We employ the weight formula—which is the sum of mass and gravity—to solve the issue.

Zach's weight can be determined by dividing his mass of 85 kg by the gravitational acceleration, which equals about 9.8 m/s2. This results in an 833 Newton weight before the lift begins to brake.

Learn more about weight:


how does the charge moving through a magnetic field change if the field strenght doubles but the magnetic force is kept constant


When the charge moves through a magnetic field, the magnetic force acting on the charge can be represented by the formula F = qvBsinθ, where F is the magnetic force, q is the charge, v is the velocity of the charge, B is the magnetic field strength, and θ is the angle between the velocity and the magnetic field.

If the magnetic field strength doubles (B becomes 2B) but the magnetic force is kept constant, we need to adjust another variable in the equation to maintain the balance. In this case, either the velocity of the charge (v) or the angle (θ) should change to compensate for the increased magnetic field strength. Specifically, if the angle remains constant, the velocity (v) would need to be halved (v/2) to keep the magnetic force constant.

To know more about Magnetic force and field, please click:


an aumotive air conditioner produces an 1 kw cooling effect while consuming 0.75 kw of power. what is the rate at which heat is rejected from the air


The rate at which heat is being rejected from the air is 1.75 kW

In this scenario, the automotive air conditioner is producing a cooling effect of 1 kW while consuming 0.75 kW of power. This means that the air conditioner is removing 1 kW of heat from the air inside the car, and expelling it outside.

In order to calculate the rate at which heat is being rejected from the air, we can use the formula:

Heat rejected = Cooling effect + Power consumed

Heat rejected = 1 kW + 0.75 kW

Heat rejected = 1.75 kW

. This means that for every hour of operation, the air conditioner is removing 1 kW of heat from the air inside the car and expelling 1.75 kW of heat outside.

It is important to note that this calculation assumes ideal operating conditions and does not account for any losses or inefficiencies in the system.

To learn more about : air


electricity and magnesium are related because they influence each other. true or false?


Electricity and magnetism are essentially two aspects of the same thing, because a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric field.Therefore, it is true.

the leaning tower of pisa is 55 m tall and about 7.0 m in diameter. the top is 4.5 m off center. how much farther can it lean before it becomes unstable?


The tower of Pisa can lean up to an additional 3.5 m off center before becoming unstable.

To determine how much farther the tower can lean before it becomes unstable, we need to calculate the current location of the center of mass and the maximum distance it can move before leaving the base.

Assuming the tower is a uniform cylinder, we can calculate the location of its center of mass using the formula:

x_cm = L/2 + h/4

where L is the length of the cylinder (equal to the diameter, or 7.0 m), and h is the height of the cylinder (equal to 55 m).

Substituting the given values, we get:

x_cm = 7.0/2 + 55/4

x_cm = 5.25 + 13.75

x_cm = 19.0 m

This means that the center of mass of the tower is currently located 19.0 m from the center of the base.

To determine how much farther the tower can lean before becoming unstable, we need to calculate the maximum distance the center of mass can move before leaving the base. This distance is equal to half the diameter of the base, or:

d_max = 7.0/2

d_max = 3.5 m

To know more about Leaning Tower of Pisa:


how does the resistance of r1 and r2 in parallel compare to the resistance of r1 and r2 in series?


The resistance of R1 and R2 in parallel is lower than their resistance in series.

When two resistors, R1 and R2, are in parallel, the equivalent resistance is calculated as

R = (R1 * R2) / (R1 + R2).

The resulting resistance is always lower than either of the individual resistors. In contrast, when R1 and R2 are in series, the equivalent resistance is calculated as R = R1 + R2. The resulting resistance is always higher than either of the individual resistors.

1. Resistance in Series: In a series circuit, the total resistance R(total) is the sum of the individual resistances (R1 and R2). Mathematically, it is given by:
R (total)= R1 + R2
2. Resistance in Parallel: In a parallel circuit, the total resistance R(total) is found using the reciprocal formula. Mathematically, it is given by:
1/R(total) = 1/R1 + 1/R2
Now, let's compare the two cases:
In a series circuit, the total resistance is simply the sum of the individual resistances, whereas in a parallel circuit, the total resistance is determined by the reciprocal formula. Generally, the total resistance in a parallel circuit is lower than that in a series circuit, due to the reciprocal relationship. This means that when R1 and R2 are connected in parallel, their combined resistance will be less than when they are connected in series.

For more such questions on resistance , Visit:


krypton is named after the greek word that means secret which explains why krypton was most likely given this name


While the element Krypton was indeed named after the Greek word "kryptos," meaning "hidden" or "secret," the reason for its name is not related to its properties as a secret element.

Why this element was named as Krypton?

Krypton was discovered in 1898 by British chemists Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers. They had been studying the gas that was produced when they evaporated liquid air, and they found that this gas contained a previously unknown element. Ramsay named the element Krypton because of its ability to hide within the other gases in the air, making it difficult to detect.

So, while the name Krypton does have a connection to the idea of secrecy, it is not because the element itself has any particular properties that relate to secrecy. Rather, it was named for its elusive nature and the difficulty in detecting it.

Learn more about Krypton here:


a standing em wave in a certain material has frequency 2.20 *10^10 hz. the nodal planes of the magnetic field are 4.65 mm apart. find


The speed of light is 2.046 * 10^8 m/s, speed of a standing em wave in a certain material that has frequency 2.20 *10^10 Hz and the nodal planes of the magnetic field are 4.65 mm apart.

To find the speed of light in the material, we can use the given frequency and the distance between the nodal planes.

1. First, let's recall that the wavelength (λ) of an electromagnetic wave is twice the distance between the nodal planes (since a full wavelength includes a crest and a trough). In this case, the distance between nodal planes is 4.65 mm, so the wavelength is:

  λ = 2 * 4.65 mm = 9.3 mm

2. Convert the wavelength to meters:

  λ = 9.3 mm * (1 m / 1000 mm) = 0.0093 m

3. We are given the frequency (f) of the wave:

  f = 2.20 * 10^10 Hz

4. Next, we can use the wave equation to find the speed of light (c) in the material:

  c = λ * f

5. Plug in the values for λ and f:

  c = 0.0093 m * (2.20 * 10^10 Hz) = 2.046 * 10^8 m/s

So, the speed of light in the material is 2.046 * 10^8 m/s.

More on wave and speed:


The Code generally requires receptacles installed in an unfinished basement to be GFCI protected. The exception(s) to the general rule includes a single receptacle installed to serve a permanently installed alarm system (true or false)


The given statement, The Code generally requires receptacles installed in an unfinished basement to be GFCI protected. The exception(s) to the general rule includes a single receptacle installed to serve a permanently installed alarm system, is true because unfinished basements are considered to be damp and potentially hazardous environments.

The National Electrical Code (NEC) generally requires that all receptacles installed in unfinished basements be protected by ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) to prevent electrical shock hazards. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

One of the exceptions is for a single receptacle that is installed to serve a permanently installed alarm system in the unfinished basement. Such a receptacle does not need to be GFCI protected, as long as it is designated as a dedicated branch circuit for the alarm system and meets other applicable code requirements.

It's worth noting that local electrical codes may have additional requirements or exceptions, so it's always a good idea to consult with a licensed electrician or local code authority for specific information related to your installation.

To know more about receptacles, here


A person weighs 540 N on Earth. What is the person's mass?


Weight = mass x gravity

where weight is measured in Newtons (N), mass is measured in kilograms (kg), and gravity is the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.81 m/s^2 on Earth.

So, we can rearrange the formula to solve for mass:

mass = weight / gravity

Plugging in the given values, we have:

mass = 540 N / 9.81 m/s^2 ≈ 55.0 kg

Therefore, the person's mass is approximately 55.0 kg.

Formula for work in physical science


It is calculated as the product of the force applied and the distance moved in the direction of the force. The formula for work is Work = Force × Distance.

What is force ?

Force is a fundamental concept of physics that describes the interaction between two or more objects. It can be defined as a push or pull that acts upon an object. Force can be exerted through physical contact or even at a distance, such as the force of gravity. Forces can cause an object to accelerate, decelerate, or stay in motion. Force is measured in a unit called newtons and is represented by the symbol F. Forces can be categorized into two types: contact forces and non-contact forces. Examples of contact forces include friction, tension, and normal force.

To learn more about force


which has the same meaning for everyone? a. hot b. warm c. elevated temperature d. temperature of 990f


The term that has the same meaning for everyone is c. elevated temperature.

The term "elevated temperature" refers to a temperature that is higher than normal, regardless of what the normal temperature is. For example, what is considered a normal temperature in one region may be different from what is considered normal in another region, but an elevated temperature will always be higher than the normal temperature in that particular region.

On the other hand, the terms "hot," "warm," and "temperature of 990f" are all relative and can have different meanings for different people based on their individual experiences and perspectives. Therefore, "elevated temperature" is the only term that can be universally understood as referring to a temperature that is higher than what is considered normal or average.

Learn more about temperature at:


For every word define it, write a sentence about how you see it in everyday life, use word in sentence.

Words: Mechanical Wave, Transverse Wave, Longitudinal Wave, Wave Speed Wavelength, Frequency Crest, Trough Amplitude, Compression Rarefaction


A mechanical wave is a wave that requires a medium to travel through, such as sound waves or water waves. In everyday life, we experience mechanical waves when we hear sounds or see water waves in a pond.

What are Transverse Wave, Longitudinal Wave, wavelength, speed, frequency and amplitude?

Transverse Wave: A transverse wave is a wave that vibrates perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, such as light waves or radio waves.

We use transverse waves every day when we use our phones to receive radio waves.

Longitudinal Wave: A longitudinal wave is a wave that vibrates parallel to the direction of wave propagation, such as sound waves or seismic waves.

We hear sound through longitudinal waves, and we feel earthquakes through seismic waves.

Wave Speed: Wave speed is the speed with which a wave propagates via a particular medium.

When we watch a wave on the beach, we can estimate the wave speed by observing how fast it moves across the sand.

Wavelength: Wavelength is the distance between two corresponding points on a wave, such as the distance between two crests.

We can measure the wavelength of light using a spectroscope.

Frequency: Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in a given amount of time, such as the number of waves passing a fixed point in one second.

We use frequency to measure the pitch of sound or the radio frequency of a station.

Amplitude: Amplitude is the maximum displacement of a wave from its resting position, such as the height of a wave from its crest to its trough.

The amplitude of a sound wave determines how loud the sound is.

Learn more about waves here:


how wide is the central diffraction peak on a screen 2.50 m behind a 0.0328- mm -wide slit illuminated by 588- nm light?


The width of the central diffraction peak is 0.045 meters or 4.5 centimeters.

The width of the central diffraction peak on a screen 2.50 m behind a 0.0328-mm-wide slit illuminated by 588-nm light can be calculated using the formula:

w = (λL) ÷ a

where w denotes the width of the central diffraction peak, λ denotes the light's wavelength, L denotes the separation between the slit and the screen, and a denotes the slit's width.

When we enter the specified values into the formula, we obtain:

w = (588 nm x 2.50 m) ÷ 0.0328 mm

Converting the units to meters:

w = (588 x 10⁻⁹ m x 2.50 m) ÷ (0.0328 x 10⁻³ m)


w = 0.045 m

To learn more about diffraction follow the link:


in a certain particle accelerator, a proton has a kinetic energy that is equal to its rest energy. what is the speed of the proton relative to the accelerator?


The speed of the proton relative to the accelerator is approximately 0.82 times the speed of light.

In the special theory of relativity, the total energy of a particle can be expressed as the sum of its rest energy and its kinetic energy. If a proton in a certain particle accelerator has a kinetic energy that is equal to its rest energy, then its total energy is twice its rest energy, i.e.,

[tex]E_total^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2[/tex]

where m is the rest mass of the proton and c is the speed of light.

According to the relativistic energy-momentum relation, the total energy of a particle is related to its momentum and rest mass by the equation:

[tex]E_total^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2[/tex]

where p is the momentum of the particle.

Substituting the expression for the total energy of the proton in terms of its rest mass and the speed of light, we get:

[tex](2mc^2)^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2[/tex]

Simplifying, we get:

[tex]4m^2c^4 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4[/tex]

Rearranging and simplifying further, we get:

p = mc * sqrt(3)

Therefore, the momentum of the proton is mc times the square root of 3. Since the speed of the proton is related to its momentum by the equation:

[tex]p = mv / sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)[/tex]

where v is the speed of the proton relative to the accelerator, we can solve for v to get:

[tex]v = c * sqrt(1 - 1/3) = c * sqrt(2/3)[/tex]

Therefore, the speed of the proton relative to the accelerator is approximately 0.82 times the speed of light.

Learn more about The speed


The speed of the proton relative to the accelerator is 2.19 x 10⁸ m/s. in a certain particle accelerator, a proton has a kinetic energy that is equal to its rest energy.

Based on the given information, we can use the formula for kinetic energy:
KE = (1/2)mv²
where KE is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of the proton, and v is its velocity.
Since the proton's kinetic energy is equal to its rest energy (mc²), we can set the two equations equal to each other:
mc² = (1/2)mv²
Simplifying this equation, we can cancel out the mass on both sides:
c² = (1/2)v²
Solving for v, we can take the square root of both sides:
v = √(2c²)
Plugging in the value for the speed of light (c = 3.00 x 10⁸ m/s), we get:
v = √(2 x (3.00 x 10⁸)²)
v = 2.19 x 10⁸ m/s

To learn more about Proton Here:


a car is traveling at a constant speed on the highway. its tires have a diameter of 62.0 cm and are rolling without sliding or slipping. if the angular speed of the tires is 47.0 rad/s , what is the speed of the car? express your answer with the appropriate units.


The speed of the car is 14.57 m/s. This is because the distance traveled by one revolution of the tire is equal to its circumference (2πr), which is proportional to the speed of the car.

The speed of the car can be calculated using formula: speed = (angular speed of the tire) x (radius of the tire). Since the diameter of the tire is given, we can calculate the radius by dividing it by 2. Thus, the radius is 31.0 cm or 0.31 m. Substituting the given values, we get:

[tex]speed = (47.0 rad/s) * (0.31 m) = 14.57 m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the speed of the car is 14.57 m/s. Since the tire is rolling without slipping or sliding, its angular speed is directly proportional to the speed of the car.

To know more about distance, here


The weight of the water displaced by a person floating the water is 686 N. What is the person's mass?


The weight of the water displaced by a person floating the water is 686 N. What is the person's mass?l

1. what is the role of the baffles in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger? how does the presence of baffles affect the heat transfer and the pumping power requirements?


Baffles are flat plates or bars that are placed inside a shell-and-tube heat exchanger to promote turbulence and enhance heat transfer. The baffles create a series of parallel flow paths, forcing the fluid to change direction several times as it flows through the heat exchanger.

This results in an increase in the heat transfer coefficient by promoting better mixing and reducing the thickness of the thermal boundary layer.

The presence of baffles increases the pressure drop across the heat exchanger, which in turn increases the pumping power requirements. However, the increase in heat transfer coefficient outweighs the increase in pressure drop, resulting in an overall improvement in the heat transfer efficiency of the heat exchanger. The baffles also serve to support the tubes and prevent damage from tube vibration, which can occur in the absence of baffles.

The selection and design of baffles are critical to the performance of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The spacing, angle, and number of baffles must be carefully considered to optimize the heat transfer rate and minimize the pumping power requirements.

To learn more about baffles


aristotle thought that a thrown object was pushed by the air circulating back to fill the void left by the object and this was the force to keep the object in motion. in a moving car the air is still, but if the driver steps on the brakes loose objects like groceries and books will start to move towards the front of the car. which answer explains why.multiple choice question.the force of the car seats pushes the objects forward.applying the brakes cause a change in the air pressure in the car.the objects were already in motion with the moving car.


The correct answer is "applying the brakes cause a change in the air pressure in the car."

The definition of momentum is "mass in motion." Since every item has mass, if it is moving, it must have momentum because its mass is in motion. The amount of motion and the speed of the motion are the two factors that determine how much momentum an item possesses.

When the brakes are applied, the car's momentum is slowed down, causing the air inside the car to move forward. This change in air pressure pushes loose objects, such as groceries and books, towards the front of the car. The force of the car seats pushing the objects forward and the objects already being in motion with the moving car are not the main reasons for this phenomenon.

More on brakes:


a 5-kg block is attached to a pulley by a light rope. the rope is wound around the pulley, and when the block is released, the rope unspools without slipping. the pulley is a solid disk of radius 0.2 m and mass 2 kg. what is the approximate angular speed of the pulley when the block has fallen 1 meter?


The gravitational potential energy of the block is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. This kinetic energy is transferred to the pulley, causing it to rotate.

The torque generated by falling block causes an angular acceleration in the pulley, which leads to an increase in its angular speed. To obtain solution, we can use the formula for conservation of energy, which is given by mgh = (1/2)(m+I/R^2)v^2, where m is mass of the block, g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the height from which the block falls, I is the moment of inertia of the pulley, R is the radius of the pulley, and v is the final velocity of the block and pulley system.

To know more about acceleration, here


A loaded gun is dropped on a frozen lake. The gun fires, with the bullet going horizontally in one direction and the gun sliding on the ice in the other direction. The bullet's mass is 0. 04 kg, and its speed is 325 m/s. If the gun's mass is 1. 7 kg, what is its speed (in m/s)?


Using the principle of conservation of momentum, we can determine that the gun moves in the opposite direction with a speed of 9.41 m/s after the bullet is fired. This calculation assumes no external forces acting on the system.

This scenario can be analyzed using the principle of conservation of momentum. According to this principle, the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces act on it. In this case, the system consists of the gun and the bullet, which are initially at rest on the ice. When the gun is dropped, it gains some horizontal velocity, while the bullet is propelled forward due to the explosion inside the gun.

Let's assume that the gun moves with a speed v after the bullet is fired. The momentum of the system before the gun is dropped is zero since both the gun and the bullet are at rest. After the bullet is fired, the momentum of the system is given by:

p = mv + Mu

where m is the mass of the bullet, u is its initial velocity (325 m/s in this case), M is the mass of the gun, and v is the velocity of the gun after the bullet is fired. Since momentum is conserved, we can equate the initial and final momenta:

0 = mv + Mu

=> v = -(m/M)u

Substituting the given values, we get:

v = -(0.04 / 1.7) * 325

= -9.41 m/s

To learn more about conservation of momentum


you are using a rope to lift a 14.5 kg crate of fruit. initially you are lifting the crate at 0.500 m/s . you then increase the tension in the rope to 160 n and lift the crate an additional 1.35 m . during this d motion, how much work is done on the crate by the tension force?


Work  done on the crate by the tension force is -1.8125 J

The work that the tension force during the motion did on the container can be calculated using the work-energy theorem. According to the work-energy theorem, an object's change in kinetic energy equals the net work that is performed on it.

The crate has initial kinetic energy of: because it is initially moving at a speed of 0.500 m/s,

K1 = (1/2)mv1² = (1/2)14.5 kg*0.500 m/s*² = 1.8125 J

The crate encounters an additional upward force of when the rope's tension is increased to 160 N.

[tex]F=mg+T=14.5 kg* 9.81 m/s 2 +160 N=301.245 N[/tex]

The final height of the crate above the ground after an additional 1.35 m of lifting is:

h2 = 1.35 m

The crate has stopped moving at this stage, leaving it with zero final kinetic energy.

As a result, the change in the crate's kinetic energy equals the work done on it by the tension force:

W = K2 - K1 = 0 - 1.8125 J \s= -1.8125 J

Due to the fact that the tension force's work is negative, the crate is being pulled downward by the gravitational force, which is equivalent to the tension force's negative work. This makes sense given that the tension force is working against gravity when the cargo is being hoisted.

Learn more about kinetic energy:

a 125 kg football player is running toward another player at 13 m/s. how much average force (in n) needs to be applied over 2.0 seconds to bring him to a stop?


An average force of 812.5 N needs to be applied over 2.0 seconds to bring the football player to a stop.

We can use the formula:

F = (m * Δv) / Δt


m = 125 kg (mass of the football player)

Δv = -13 m/s (change in velocity, as he needs to be brought to a stop)

Δt = 2.0 s (time over which the force needs to be applied)

Substituting the given values, we get:

F = (125 kg * (-13 m/s)) / (2.0 s)

F = -812.5 N

The negative sign indicates that the force needs to be applied in the opposite direction of the football player's motion, to bring him to a stop. Therefore, an average force of 812.5 N needs to be applied over 2.0 seconds to bring the football player to a stop.

Learn more about velocity


10. a 50.0-g ball moves at 30.0 m/s. if its speed is measured to an accuracy of 0.10%, what is the minimum uncertainty in its position?


The minimum uncertainty in the ball's position is 3.5 x 10^-32 meters.

To calculate the uncertainty, multiply the speed (30.0 m/s) by the accuracy (0.001). This results in an uncertainty in speed of 0.03 m/s.

Now, apply Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle to find the minimum uncertainty in position. The formula is:

Δx * Δp ≥ ħ/2

where Δx is the uncertainty in position, Δp is the uncertainty in momentum, and ħ is the reduced Planck constant (approximately 1.05 x 10^-34 Js).

First, find Δp by multiplying the mass of the ball (50.0 g or 0.05 kg) by the uncertainty in speed (0.03 m/s). This gives a Δp of 0.0015 kg m/s.

Now, solve for Δx:

Δx ≥ ħ / (2 * Δp)

Δx ≥ (1.05 x 10^-34 Js) / (2 * 0.0015 kg m/s)

Δx ≥ 3.5 x 10^-32 m

To learn more about : meters


If compressing a spring 0.500m causes a force of 1.50N, what is the spring constant of the spring?






If compressing a spring 0.500m causes a force of 1.50N, what is the spring constant of the spring?





2.00N/m is your answer

The spring constant of the spring is 3.00N/m. Therefore option 3 is correct.

To find the spring constant, we can use Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position.

The formula for Hooke's Law is F = kx, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement.

In this case, we are given that compressing the spring by 0.500m causes a force of 1.50N. Using the formula F = kx, we can substitute the values:

1.50N = k * 0.500m

To find the value of k, we can rearrange the equation:

k = F / x

k = 1.50N / 0.500m

k = 3.00N/m

Therefore, the spring constant of the spring is 3.00N/m, which corresponds to option 3.

Know more about Hooke's Law:


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