The phrase "pie in the sky" refers to something that is nice to dream about but likely will not come true or happen. If a pastry chef dreams of opening her own bakery, but she describes her dream as "pie in the sky," how is it a play on words?


Answer 1

Pie in the sky is an expression that refers to an unrealistic or implausible idea, plan, as well as an empty hope or promise.

Pie in the sky: how do you use that in a sentence?

It is not impossible, in my opinion. We usually end with wishful thinking about tomorrow but very never with a tax break today. He claimed that was not "pie in the sky," but rather something that will be done. Being practical is far preferable to promising the moon and stars.

Pie in the Sky shut down, why?

Pie in the Sky had to close its original Main Street location in May after 36 years in the same place due to building improvements. The owners were Daniel stated that he was searching for a more upscale tenant, but it didn't go with Pie's ethos.

To know more about Pie in sky visit:


Answer 2

A pie in the sky concept, plan, or empty hope or promise is an idiom that refers to an unrealistic or impossible idea, plan, or hope.

Pie in the sky: how do you use that in a sentence?

It is not impossible, in my opinion. We usually end with wishful thinking about tomorrow but very never with a tax break today. He claimed that was not "pie in the sky," but rather something that will be done. Being practical is far preferable to promising the moon and stars.

Pie in the Sky shut down, why?

Pie in the Sky had to close its original Main Street location in May after 36 years in the same place due to building improvements. The owners were Daniel stated that he was searching for a more upscale tenant, but it didn't go with Pie's ethos.

To know more about Pie in sky visit:


Related Questions

What does this quote mean?

“And we've come here from every crack, crease, and crevice of our country to our Capitol to say that, for all those whose cares have been our concern, we're ready."



This quote suggests that a diverse group of people from different parts of the country have gathered at the Capitol to express their readiness to address the concerns of those who they represent. The phrase "every crack, crease, and crevice" implies that people from every corner and aspect of the country have come together for a common purpose. The quote also indicates that these people are determined to act and make a difference, as they have declared their readiness to take on the responsibilities of addressing the issues faced by their fellow citizens.

Read the sentences from paragraph 4.

Each looked for an easier triumph and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes his aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces; but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered that of neither has been answered fully.

Which words from the context of the sentences BEST help the reader to know the meaning of invokes.

A. a result less fundamental and astounding

B. read the same Bible

C. to ask a just God’s assistance

D. let us judge not, that we be not judged


Option (C), to ask a just God’s assistance from the context of the sentences best help the reader to know the meaning of invokes in the second inaugural address by Abraham Lincoln.

What was the primary message of Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address?

The Second Inaugural Address of President Lincoln was given on March 4, 1865. He urged people to "stitch up the nation's wounds" left by the Civil War and work towards a permanent peace in his speech. Lincoln reflects on the problem that divided the nation four years prior, admits that slavery is the true root of the current conflict, and laments the pain brought on by the conflict.

Neither boasting nor joy were present in the speech. Rather, it contained some of Abraham Lincoln's most insightful observations about the origins and significance of the war. He clarified that it was appropriate to view the "scourge of war" as divine retribution for the sin of slavery, which all Americans, both North and South, shared.

To learn more about Second Inaugural Address, visit:


and leave tomorrow behind what is the meaning behind of it


The meaning behind the phrase "and leave tomorrow behind" is letting go of worries or concerns about the future and focusing on the present moment.

What does the phrase "leave tomorrow behind"  suggest?

The phrase " leave tomorrow behind" suggest that you should not worry about what might happen in the future and instead focus on enjoying the current moment or making the most of the present day. It is a reminder to live in the present and not get caught up in anxiety or stress about what may or may not happen in the future. The phrase can also mean a sense of adventure or taking risks, as it encourages a focus on the present rather than always playing it safe and planning for the future.

Find more exercises on what phrases mean or suggest here;


"Janie pulled back a long time because he did not represent sun-up and pollen and blooming trees, but he spoke for far horizon. He spoke for change and chance. "

^How could this quote symbolize fate


The quote suggests that Janie is someone who looks beyond the present moment and is drawn to the possibilities of the future. The reference to the "far horizon" suggests that she sees her destiny or fate as something beyond her immediate surroundings.

The idea of "change and chance" also suggests that Janie believes in the unpredictable nature of life and the role that fate can play in shaping our lives. This implies that Janie may be open to the idea of taking risks and embracing the unknown, which could potentially lead to significant changes in her life.

Overall, the quote suggests that Janie sees her fate as something that is not predetermined by her present circumstances, but rather as something that can be shaped by her own choices and actions.

For more such questions on quotes, click on:


Help english please - Cross out the unnecessary words.

Samuel Pepys (pronounced 'Peeps) (1633-1703) is best famous
because of his diary. He was bom in the London, the son of a tailor. After studying at Magdalene College, Pepys was made a successful career in the Navy office. His ability and hard work helped make a strong British navy. From 1650 to 1669 he kept to a diary of private and public matters. Pepys was a very more gifted writer, He was able to describe a person or an event very well too with only a few words. Pepys also had the talent to choose moments of his life that mace out his readers understand his times. The diary it was written in shorthand and was published in the 19th century. We know a lot of about old London and its people thanks to Samuel Pepys' diary.



Samuel Pepys (pronounced 'Peeps) (1633-1703) is famous for his diary. He was born in London, the son of a tailor. After studying at Magdalene College, Pepys had a successful career in the Navy office. His ability and hard work helped strengthen the British navy. From 1650 to 1669 he kept a diary of private and public matters. Pepys was a gifted writer, able to describe a person or event with just a few words. He also chose moments from his life that helped readers understand his times. The diary was written in shorthand and published in the 19th century. Thanks to Samuel Pepys' diary, we know a lot about old London and its people.


Romeo and Juliet contains many oxymorons, expressions that combine contradictory terms. Choose five instances in the play; then explain how this device deepens the play’s themes.



There are many examples of oxymorons in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." Here are five examples, along with an explanation of how each instance deepens the play's themes:

"O brawling love, O loving hate" (Act 1, Scene 1). This oxymoron captures the contradictory nature of the love between Romeo and Juliet. Their love is both passionate and tumultuous, and the characters themselves struggle to reconcile the intensity of their feelings with the reality of their situation.

"Heavy lightness, serious vanity" (Act 1, Scene 1). This oxymoron reflects the play's themes of youth and recklessness. The characters are caught up in the intensity of their emotions, even as they lack the experience and maturity to understand the consequences of their actions.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow" (Act 2, Scene 2). This oxymoron highlights the bittersweet nature of Romeo and Juliet's love. Even as they are forced to part, they are still drawn to each other, and the beauty of their love is heightened by the knowledge that it may not last.

"Oh, loving hate, youth is full of pain" (Act 1, Scene 1). This oxymoron speaks to the pain and confusion of adolescence. Romeo and Juliet are caught between conflicting emotions and societal expectations, and they struggle to find a place for themselves in the world.

"Cold fire, sick health" (Act 1, Scene 1). This oxymoron captures the dangerous nature of Romeo and Juliet's love. Their passion is both thrilling and destructive, and their willingness to risk everything for each other ultimately leads to their tragic end.

In summary, the use of oxymorons in "Romeo and Juliet" deepens the play's themes by highlighting the contradictions and complexities of the characters' emotions and relationships. The oxymorons help to convey the intensity of the characters' feelings, while also underscoring the tragic nature of their circumstances.

Here are five instances of oxymorons in Romeo and Juliet:

Act 1, Scene 1: Romeo describes love as "O brawling love, O loving hate"Act 1, Scene 1: Romeo refers to his heart as "heavy lightness"Act 1, Scene 1: Romeo says he is "sick and pale with grief"Act 2, Scene 2: Juliet says that parting is "sweet sorrow"Act 3, Scene 2: Juliet describes Romeo as a "beautiful tyrant".
What is oxymoron?

The use of oxymorons in Romeo and Juliet deepens the play's themes by highlighting the paradoxical nature of the central characters' emotions and experiences. Romeo and Juliet are both young and passionate, and their intense feelings are often in conflict with each other.

The oxymorons in the play suggest that love and hate, joy and sorrow, and other opposing emotions are closely linked and can coexist within a single person or situation. Additionally, the use of oxymorons emphasizes the tragic nature of the play, as the lovers' conflicting emotions ultimately lead to their untimely deaths.

By using contradictory terms to express complex emotions, Shakespeare shows that the characters are torn between opposing desires and unable to reconcile their conflicting feelings.

Learn more about oxymoron, here:


Chapter 50:
1. What does Thomas reveal about himself and Teresa? (This response should include all
the information Thomas share about himself and Teresa in this chapter)
2. How does this information validate the things Ben and Gally have said about Thomas?
a. This is a great moment in the novel to question if Thomas is a "good guy" in this
story. Have we been rooting for the wrong person? What do you think?
3. Thomas had a clear expectation of how everyone would respond to what he shared with
them-he was surprised to see that they responded quite differently. How did those
attending the Gathering respond to all said by Thomas?
4. What does Thomas say they must do?

Feel free to answer as many as you can from chapter 50 in the picture


Thomas admits that he and Teresa were both a part of a team of scientists who worked for WICKED in this chapter.

What does Thomas disclose about Teresa and himself? Why does he act this way?

Thomas reveals that Teresa and he are distinct from one another since they participated in the Maze Trials from the very beginning—always against their will. They were in charge of creating the Maze. He acknowledges their telepathy and how important it was in planning the entire experiment.

What kind of connection do Thomas and Teresa have?

After understanding they must have known one another before entering the Maze, Teresa and Thomas bonded and started communicating telepathically. Teresa, Chuck, and Thomas turned away as the Gladers fled the Glade.

To know more about chapter visit:-


London, 1802 William Wordsworth Milton! whar is the structure of the poem ?​


bfhdhzgfbsbs fjzhexhhebdhrbxjehx

Based on the context, what is most likely the meaning of writhes?


turns from side to side due to suffering
turns from side to side due to suffering

changes direction suddenly
changes direction suddenly

struggles to regain footing after falling
struggles to regain footing after falling

watches very closely
watches very closely


Turns from side to side due to suffering is most likely the meaning of writhes. The answer is OPTION A.

We experience suffering because the world is broken in which we live. While some of our suffering results from our sinful and poor decisions, some of it is just the result of the world being fallen. One of the biggest advantages of suffering is that it fosters a profound respect for reality and for the way things are.

While experiencing joy opens us up to a world of limitless possibilities, experiencing pain makes us aware of our limitations. Because of the suffering and difficulties in their lives, many people have given up on finding happiness. However, do not lose hope; it is only in such trying situations that one can experience mature, true happiness.

To learn more about suffering, click here.



The answer is...

Turns from side to side due to suffering.

Match the correct literary device with the correct definition.
A. simile B. metaphor C. onomatopoeia D. personification E. alliteration F. rhyme scheme G. rhyme
30. Whenever the trees are crying aloud.
31. The mouse beneath the stone is still as death.
32. Life is a broken winged bird.
33. Chirp, tweet
34. flickering, flitting, fireflies
35. Light and night
36. I went to the market to buy a pear; I made a mistake and forgot to share.



30. personification - The trees are given the human ability to cry aloud, which creates a vivid image of the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves.

31. simile - The mouse is compared to death using the word "as," which creates a comparison between two unlike things.

32. metaphor - Life is compared to a broken-winged bird, which creates a striking image of something that is struggling and unable to fly.

33. onomatopoeia - "Chirp" and "tweet" are examples of onomatopoeia, which use words that imitate the sound they describe.

34. alliteration - The repeated "f" sound in "flickering, flitting, fireflies" is an example of alliteration, which is the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words.

35. rhyme - "Light" and "night" rhyme with each other, which creates a pleasing sound and helps to emphasize the contrast between the two words.

36. rhyme scheme - The rhyme scheme of the sentence is AABB, meaning that the first and second lines rhyme with each other, as do the third and fourth lines.

"What light through yonder window breaks?
What is the object of this sentence?



A. light


the physical makeup of a person 1 benign 2. sudden and severe 8 oculist 3. to place something on both sides 9 governess 4. mending or repairing spinster 5. kind 5 indolent 6. lazy 6 impudence 7. eye doctor darning 8. disrespectfulness 4 flanked 9. tutor 3 constitution 10. old unmarried woman 2 acute


These words represent a variety of concepts and ideas related to people and their physical, emotional, and social attributes.

From the benign and kind to the acute and severe, these terms help us describe and understand the qualities and characteristics of individuals. The presence of flanked suggests symmetry and balance, while spinster implies an unmarried woman, and oculist indicates a profession related to eye health. Darning is a specific task of mending and repairing clothes, while governess denotes a tutor or teacher for children. Constitution refers to a person's physical makeup and overall health, and indolent describes someone who is lazy. Lastly, impudence indicates a lack of respect or disregard for social norms. Together, these words paint a diverse picture of human traits and qualities.

for more information on social attributes. see:


Which idea represents a common theme in contemporary informational text, regardless of the subject matter?


The Answer is A. Progress

Pls HEEEELLLLPPPPPP!!!!! What is life-threatening ailment is Marley afflicted by in chapter 25? What's one of the two ways the doctors think this was caused?



In chapter 25 of the novel "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson, Robert Neville discovers that the dog he has been trying to capture and cure of its illness has been killed by a spear, which he suspects was thrown by a member of the new society of vampires that has emerged in the post-apocalyptic world.

Later in the chapter, Neville himself becomes ill with a high fever and intense pain in his throat. He realizes that he has contracted the same illness as the dog, which he refers to as "vampiris". The illness is characterized by a rapid onset, high fever, intense thirst, and degeneration of the body's tissues.

The doctors that Neville consults with speculate that the illness may have been caused by a virus or bacteria that has mutated in response to the nuclear radiation that was released during the war. They also suggest that the illness may have been spread through the bites of infected animals or insects. However, they are ultimately unable to determine the exact cause of the illness, as they are unable to study it in depth due to the danger posed by the infected individuals.


I like to swim in the waves. Identify the non finite and tell whether if it is a gerund participle or infintive



The non-finite clause in the sentence is "to swim in the waves." It is an infinitive phrase because it starts with the infinitive marker "to." The infinitive phrase functions as the direct object of the verb "like" and describes what the subject enjoys doing.

I need help on the ones that have the orange "x" on the number!


The sentences are completed with correct adjectives:

Very little rain last year means that fires will be a danger.

I have little money, but I have less expense than most people.

What does an adjective mean?

Any word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun is considered an adjective. When describing someone or something on their own or in comparison to another, adjectives can be used to define their characteristics. The noun's information is modified by it in terms of semantics.

Although historically nouns and adjectives were grouped together. Moreover, adjectives were once thought to be one of the main parts of speech in the English language. Adjectives typically describe nouns or pronouns by stating which, how many, or what kind they are. An adjective's primary function is to further define and characterize a noun or pronoun.

To learn more about adjectives, visit:


Quotation #1: "Safe driving practices may be compromised due to the presence of technology in cars
that is not directed to vehicle operation. Such devices include cell phones, music players and GPS
(Swales & Feak, 2012, p. 205)
Suggested Paraphrase:


The Suggested Paraphrase of the following sentence is "The use of devices not related to operating a car, such as cell phones, music players, and GPS, may lead to unsafe driving habits and practices."

A suggested paraphrase is a rewritten version of an original text that maintains the same meaning but is written in different words. To write a suggested paraphrase, first read the original text carefully and make sure you understand its meaning.

Then, think about what words and phrases you could use to express the same idea in a different way. For example, if the original text contains a lot of technical terms, you could look for synonyms that are easier to understand. Once you’ve identified the words and phrases you want to use, craft your suggested paraphrase sentence by sentence.

Make sure you’ve kept the original meaning intact and that you haven’t inadvertently changed the context or the tone of the text. Finally, review your suggested paraphrase for accuracy and readability.

To learn more about Paraphrasing link is here


3 sentences about how the word Simile in packed the story "All Summer in a Day"

by Ray Bradbury




The word "simile" does not appear in "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury, which is a science fiction short story about a group of schoolchildren living on Venus where it rains continuously, except for one day every seven years when the sun comes out. However, the story does contain descriptive language and figurative language, such as metaphors, that create vivid imagery and convey the emotions of the characters. For example, Bradbury describes the sun as "a penny," "a fire in the stove," and "a flower."

Write a coherent paragraph about this argument or statement: "Rich people are always happy".


You can write a coherent paragraph defending the idea that the statement "Rich people are always happy" is incorrect, and then supporting your argument.

The statement "rich people are always happy" is a common misconception that overlooks the complexity of happiness and its relationship to wealth. While having financial security and access to resources can contribute to a sense of well-being, happiness is a subjective experience that depends on a wide range of factors. Wealth alone does not guarantee happiness and can even create new problems or sources of stress. Many wealthy individuals struggle with mental health issues, family conflicts, or a lack of purpose and fulfillment. Ultimately, happiness is a multifaceted concept that cannot be reduced to a simple equation of wealth and satisfaction.

How to write a coherent paragraph

To write a coherent paragraph, you should begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. The following sentences should provide relevant and specific details, evidence, or examples to support the topic sentence and develop the main idea further.

Each sentence should logically follow the previous one, using transition words or phrases to connect ideas and ensure a smooth flow of information. Finally, the paragraph should end with a concluding sentence that summarizes the main points and ties them back to the topic sentence, creating a sense of closure and cohesion.

Learn more about coherent paragraphs here:


Compose an outline for a critical review of In His Steps

Review characters, plot, and setting in In His Steps. Make notes.
Write your review of characters, plot, and setting in the form of notes. Think about the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Search the novel for strengths in technique. Again make notes. Pay attention to strong or weak character development, strong or weak plot, how setting helps character development and action or overpowers them.
As a Christian, make notes on whether you can find a strong Christian interpretation. What is good and/or what is lacking?
Write your outline.


A character profile review  is a thorough biography of a fictional character, including information about the character's age, looks, and relationships.

What is a template for a character profile?

A fantastic technique to plot out the life of a fictional character is to create a character profile. Your character's backstory, physical characteristics, personality quirks, plot objectives, and weaknesses must all be defined here in order to successfully integrate them into your novel.

What are some illustrations of character growth?

Each character overcomes their problem in their own unique way, whether it is through grief, hope, sacrifice, change, or a dedication to their own ideals. Each character overcomes their problem in their own unique way, whether it is through grief, hope, sacrifice, change, or a dedication to their own ideals.

To know more about review visit:-


Read the excerpt from "A Century Ride. "

"And Carr?" Oh, his leg knitted finely, and the Doctor said that Maude was a born surgeon, and only her entreaties compelled him to meddle with her bandaging.

The excerpt suggests that the Doctor

the changing roles of women in the 1800s.

approves of

disagrees with

is amused by

is offended by


Based on the given excerpt i.e. A Century Ride, there is no clear indication that the Doctor approves or disagrees with the changing roles of women in the 1800s.

The excerpt suggests that the Doctor commends Maude's surgical skills and acknowledges her ability to bandage Carr's leg effectively. Therefore, the answer is "neither approves nor disagrees with the changing roles of women in the 1800s."

The excerpt from "A Century Ride" does not provide any information or context regarding the Doctor's stance on the changing roles of women in the 1800s. The statement only pertains to Maude's surgical abilities and role in bandaging Carr's leg.

Therefore, any assumptions about the Doctor's opinion on women's roles in society would be purely speculative based on this excerpt alone.

To learn more about A Century Ride, visit here



A i think


What literary device is used in the following piece of textual evidence from Beowulf?

“The sure-footed fighter felt daunted.”






Answer: D. Alliteration

Explanation: Alliteration was the literary device used in Beowulf's Last Battle in the sentence. Alliteration can be described as words with the same sounding letter, so that's why "The sure-footed fighter felt daunted" is Alliteration.


Alliteration (maybe)



Allusion: an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.

Assonance: in poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel in nonrhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible

Consonance: the recurrence of similar sounds, especially consonants, in close proximity.

Alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

“The sure-footed fighter felt daunted.”

Theme of Midas developed through literary devices


The main themes are: greed, the results of our actions, and isolation and loneliness. The message of King Midas and the Golden Touch is to "enjoy what you have in life without being ungrateful." We chose this theme.

Because King Midas in the myth was ungrateful and constantly lusted after more gold, but didn't value Marigold, his daughter, or anything else he already had. Duffy personified the steam on the windows in his description. Duffy recounts Mrs. Midas' first observation of her husband touching something that turns to gold. Duffy poses a rhetorical question to illustrate the uncertainty Mrs. Midas is currently experiencing.

To learn more about Midas, click here.


write 2 paragraphs about chika kuroda, inventor.



Chika Kuroda was a Japanese chemist whose research focused on natural pigments. She was the first woman in Japan to receive a Bachelor of Science.

Kuroda, Japan's first woman bachelor of science, left a record of achievements in the field of chemistry. Kur o da was born in Saga Prefecture in 1884. Born to a progressive father, she graduated from the Women's Department of Saga Normal School and worked as a teacher there for the mandatory one year.


Born on March 24th, 1884, in Saga, Japan

Passed on November 8th, 1968, in Fu-kuoka, Japan

Chika Kuroda was born in Saga, Kyushu, on 24 March 1884, the third daughter of her father Kuroda Heihachi (1843-1924) and her mother Toku.  


what kind of special knowledge does a study of world literature provide?

It represents what each culture has decided it wants the world to know about its people.

It reveals a more complete (and complex) picture of how it is to live within different cultures.

It offers more factual detail than is available in most historical documents and records.

It suggests that authors around world are all just telling the same story with different characters



What kind of special knowledge does a study of world literature provide? The creative use of language in literature allows a literary author to reflect culture in a more precise and personal way than other types of non-literary writing.


As a study of world literature, it provides insight into different cultures and their people, revealing a more comprehensive and complex understanding of what it is like to live within different societies. Therefore, the correct option is - It reveals a more complete (and complex) picture of how it is to live within different cultures.

World literature offers readers a window into the lives and experiences of individuals from diverse cultures and societies. The literary works represent the unique viewpoints and values of the writers from their cultural background.

Readers can learn about different lifestyles, experiences, and ways of thinking from a different perspective by studying literature from other cultures. It broadens the reader's understanding of the world and human nature as a whole.

To learn more on world literature, here:


Which of the following best describes the main theme or lesson of the story?

A. Don't be scared to accept new challenges.

B. Actions are more valuable than talk.


Answer: I believe it is B


Think about discussions you've had where someone disagreed with you. What is the difference between a conversation where everyone agrees, and where people disagree? Why might it be important to meet different voices, other attitudes and experiences than one's own?

Write a reflective text in which you discuss these issues.

450+ words


Conversations where people disagree challenge our beliefs and broaden our perspective, allowing us to learn from others and gain a better understanding of the world. It helps us to become more empathetic and contribute to a more inclusive society.

What exactly is empathy?

Empathy is the capacity to comprehend and share another ’s opinion. It entails placing ourselves in the shoes of another person and imagining what they could be feeling or experiencing. Empathy is a valuable talent because it enables us to connect with people on a deeper level and form meaningful connections. It enables us to communicate successfully, manage disagreements, and provide assistance to those in need.

Empathy involves both cognitive and emotional elements. The cognitive aspect involves understanding the perspective of the other person, while the emotional aspect involves experiencing some degree of the emotion that the other person is feeling. This emotional response can be a reflection of our own past experiences or an imaginative projection of how we might feel in a similar situation.

To learn more about emotion, click


The jet is organizing its 10th anniversary celebration.As part of the activities for the celebration you have been asked as the current president of the club to give a talk on science and technology in a national development. Write your speech​



Ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to address you today on the role of science and technology in national development. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we can look back with pride on our achievements and the contributions that our club has made to the development of our community. But as we look to the future, we must recognize that science and technology will play an increasingly important role in shaping our society and driving progress.

Science and technology have always been key drivers of progress in human history, from the invention of the wheel and the printing press to the development of electricity and the internet. In the modern era, we have seen how advances in science and technology have transformed our lives in countless ways, from improving our health and increasing our lifespan to enabling us to communicate and travel faster and more efficiently than ever before.

But the impact of science and technology goes beyond individual benefits. It also has the potential to drive national development, by providing solutions to pressing challenges such as poverty, hunger, and environmental degradation. By harnessing the power of science and technology, we can develop new technologies and processes that can increase productivity, create new jobs, and drive economic growth.

However, for science and technology to play this role, it must be accessible and inclusive. We must ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the advances that science and technology bring, regardless of their social or economic status. We must also ensure that our scientific and technological progress is aligned with our values and priorities as a society, and that it is used for the benefit of all.

As members of this club, we have a responsibility to promote the role of science and technology in national development. We must support initiatives that promote innovation and creativity, and we must advocate for policies that encourage investment in science and technology education, research, and development. We must also collaborate with other organizations and individuals to develop solutions to the challenges that our community faces.

In conclusion, I believe that science and technology will continue to play a crucial role in driving national development in the years ahead. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, let us commit ourselves to harnessing the power of science and technology to create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come. Thank you.


Answer: Good afternoon everyone,

It is an honor for me to be speaking to you today, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of The Jet Club. As the current president of the club, I have been asked to speak on a topic that is of great importance to our nation's development, and that is science and technology.

Science and technology are integral to the development of any nation, and they have been responsible for some of the most significant advancements in human history. From the discovery of electricity and the invention of the light bulb, to the development of the internet and the smartphone, science and technology have changed the way we live and work, and have transformed our world in countless ways.

In the 21st century, science and technology have become even more critical to national development. We are living in an era of rapid technological change, where new innovations are emerging all the time, and the pace of progress is accelerating.

For our country to achieve sustained economic growth and development, it is essential that we invest in science and technology. This means creating an environment that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, and providing the resources and support necessary to turn new ideas into reality.

We must also prioritize education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to ensure that our future generations have the skills and knowledge required to drive progress and development in the years to come.

Furthermore, it is crucial that we recognize the role of science and technology in addressing some of the most significant challenges facing our society, such as climate change, energy security, and public health. By leveraging the power of science and technology, we can develop innovative solutions to these complex problems and create a better world for future generations.

In conclusion, science and technology are essential to our nation's development, and we must continue to invest in these fields to ensure that we remain at the forefront of innovation and progress. As we celebrate The Jet Club's 10th anniversary, let us remember the importance of science and technology in shaping our world, and let us commit ourselves to creating a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

Thank you.

brainliest maybe (;

50 points for just one question on english (essay type) Read the following excerpt from the poem entitled “The Social Concert” by Joseph Addison.

Your drums are the blusterers in conversation, that with a loud laugh, unnatural mirth, and a torrent for noise, domineer in public assemblies, overbear men of sense, stun their companions, and fill the place they are in with a rattling sound, that hath seldom any wit, humour, or good breeding in it. The drum, notwithstanding, by this boisterous vivacity is very proper to impose upon the ignorant; and in conversation with ladies, who are not of the finest taste, often passes for a man of mirth and wit, and for wonderful pleasant company. I need not observe, that the emptiness of the drum very much contributes to its noise.

Which of the following statements can you conclude from the excerpt?

A drum-like speaker is a loud, yet sociable presence in much demand.
The drum-like speaker often speaks with nothing to say and is influential upon those who lack information.
The drum-like speaker is often well-educated, engaging, and loud.
A drum-like speaker is very experienced in conversing with educated and sophisticated crowds, and often entertains the listener with wit.


Answer:The drum-like speaker often speaks with nothing to say and is influential upon those who lack information.


Choose the correct options from the brackets to complete the text below. In our house there was only one television set. Dad bought it with the money he had saved while he was doing ......(1)...... (the, a, an) job in Kathmandu. The television set is... (2)........ ( at, on, in) our living room. It's been a source of argument in our family. My brother and I always argue about what to watch. My brother doesn't like being disturbed while he is watching cartoon shows. I like watching sports. If we argue about what programmes to have on, mother makes us......(3)..... (to go, will go, go) upstairs. When mother is not at home, father says, "Mum would be angry if she .........(4)...... (will know, knew, knows)".......(5)......... (As, When, Before) the time comes to watch Hindi family serials, a real argument takes place between mum and dad. Mum likes these serials but dad can't stand them. He always complains about it. Nobody... (6)......... (is /am /are) not allowed to watch TV after 9:30 PM. Choose the correct options from the broalrats to​










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