the purchasing of firms in the same industry is called: select one: a. unrelated diversification. b. networking the organization. c. vertical integration. d. horizontal acquisition.\


Answer 1

The purchasing of firms in the same industry is called: d. horizontal acquisition.

This term refers to a company acquiring or merging with another company within the same industry to expand its market share, eliminate competition, or achieve greater economies of scale.Gaining a larger market share, reducing competition, and achieving economies of scale are the main goals of horizontal acquisition. Horizontal mergers and acquisitions are frequently done in highly fragmented and competitive industries. Companies make horizontal acquisitions to strengthen their position in the market, increase their negotiating leverage, and lower expenses. To enhance its market share and lower manufacturing costs, for instance, a firm that makes soft drinks might buy a company that makes comparable products.

Learn more about horizontal acquisition-


Related Questions

in flashless forging, the raw workpiece is completely contained within the die cavity during compression, and no flash is formed: (a) true or (b) false?


The statement " In flashless forging, the raw workpiece is completely contained within the die cavity during compression, and no flash is formed" is true because the excess material does not escape as flash .

In flashless forging, the raw workpiece is completely contained within the die cavity during compression, which means that the excess material does not escape as flash. This process helps to minimize material waste and achieve greater precision in the final product.
Flashless forging is a process in which the material is fully constrained within the die, resulting in a more accurate and precise final product without the formation of flash.

Actually, a thin fin or ring of flash may form in the clearance between the upper punch and die, but it is easily removed by blasting or tumbling operations, and does not require a trim die. The process is therefore called "flashless forging", and is sometimes called "enclosed die forging"

Learn more about forging here:


You are considering investing in a start-up company. The founder asked you for $290,000 today and you expect to get $1,070,000 in eight years. Given the riskiness of the investment opportunity, your cost of capital is 21%. What is the NPV of the investment opportunity? Should you undertake the investment opportunity? Calculate the IRR and explain the decision process according to IRR.


Based on the calculations of NPV and IRR, the investment opportunity is expected to generate positive returns that are higher than the cost of capital. Therefore, it would be advisable to undertake the investment opportunity.

How to calculate the NPV

To calculate the NPV of this investment opportunity, we need to discount the future cash flows by the cost of capital.

The formula for NPV is:

NPV = (Cash Flows / (1 + r)^t) - Initial Investment

Where r is the cost of capital and t is the time period.

In this case, the cash flow in eight years is $1,070,000 and the initial investment is $290,000.

Therefore, the NPV is:

NPV = ($1,070,000 / (1 + 0.21)^8) - $290,000 NPV = $168,664.85

Since the NPV is positive, it means that the investment is expected to generate a return that is higher than the cost of capital. Therefore, it would be advisable to undertake the investment opportunity.

To calculate the IRR, we need to find the discount rate that makes the NPV equal to zero. We can use Excel or a financial calculator to do this. The IRR for this investment opportunity is 38.42%.

Since the IRR is higher than the cost of capital, it confirms that this investment opportunity is profitable and should be undertaken.

Learn more about NPV at


7. A Gordon Growth stock has a growth rate (g) of 8%. Its re is 11%. Its EPS next year (EPS1) is expected to be $4.20. This firm pays out 75% of its earnings as dividends. Calculate this firm's leading price-earning (P/E) ratio. (15)


A Gordon Growth stock has a growth rate (g) of 8%. Its re is 11%. Its EPS next year (EPS1) is expected to be $4.20. This firm pays out 75% of its earnings as dividends. Firm's leading price-earning (P/E) ratio is 25.

A Gordon Growth stock has a growth rate (g) of 8%. Its re is 11%. Its EPS next year (EPS1) is expected to be $4.20.

This firm pays out 75% of its earnings as dividends.

A corporation's payout of profits to its shareholders is known as a dividend. A corporation is able to distribute a portion of its profit as a dividend to shareholders when it generates a profit or surplus.

Any remaining funds are withdrawn and reinvested back into the company.

Dividend next year (D1) = EPS1 * Payout ratio

= $4.20 * 75%

= $3.15

Current price = D1 / (r - g)

= $3.15 / (11% - 8%)

= $105

Price earning ratio = Current price / EPS1

= $105 / $4.20

= 25

Price earnings ratio = 25

To know more about Price earnings ratio here:


what is the difference between cash flow rights and control rights
. Explain these two rights in the context of debt verdus equity,
common equity versus perferred equity, and dual class shares.


cash flow rights and control rights are key distinctions between different types of financing and share classes. Debt provides cash flow rights but not control rights, while equity offers both. Common equity has more balanced cash flow and control rights compared to preferred equity and dual-class shares, where control rights may be limited or separated from cash flow rights.

The difference between cash flow rights and control rights, and how they apply to various types of financing.

Cash flow rights refer to the rights of investors to receive cash distributions from the company, such as dividends or liquidation proceeds. Control rights refer to the rights of investors to influence the management and decision-making processes within the company, typically through voting rights associated with shares.

Debt versus Equity:
1. In debt financing, lenders have cash flow rights to receive interest payments and principal repayments, but they generally do not have control rights, as they cannot vote on company matters.
2. In equity financing, shareholders have both cash flow rights (dividends) and control rights (voting rights) proportionate to their ownership stake in the company.

Common Equity versus Preferred Equity:
1. Common equity holders have both cash flow rights and control rights. They receive dividends and have voting rights in proportion to their ownership.
2. Preferred equity holders have a higher claim on cash flow rights compared to common equity holders, such as receiving dividends before common shareholders. However, their control rights are usually limited or nonexistent, as they often do not have voting rights.

Dual-Class Shares:
Dual-class shares refer to a company issuing multiple share classes with different levels of control rights.
1. Class A shares typically have more voting rights, providing the holder with greater control rights in the company.
2. Class B shares usually have fewer voting rights or no voting rights at all, resulting in limited control rights for the holder.

For more such questions on cash flow, click on:


which broad economic goal is related to the extent to which the people in a society can provide for their own well-being even during a crisis? efficiency freedom growth security


The broad economic goal that is related to the extent to which the people in a society can provide for their own well-being even during a crisis is security.

Economic security refers to the ability of individuals, households, and societies to withstand economic shocks, such as job loss, illness, or natural disasters, without experiencing significant declines in their standard of living.

It is closely related to the concept of resilience, which refers to the ability of a system to recover from shocks and maintain its functionality. Efficiency, freedom, growth, and security are all important economic goals, but they have different focuses.

Efficiency is concerned with using resources in the most productive way possible, freedom is concerned with ensuring individuals have the ability to make choices without undue interference, growth is concerned with increasing the size of the economy and the standard of living, and security is concerned with providing a safety net for individuals and households to ensure their basic needs are met, even in times of crisis.

Learn more about the economic goals at


Interest rate decisions in the euro area are made by: Multiple Choice o The Executive Board of the ECB. o The European Commission. o The European System of Central Banks (ESCB). o The European Council of Mini


The interest rate decisions in the Euro area are made by the Executive Board of the ECB (European Central Bank). The ECB is the central bank of the Eurozone, which comprises 19 European Union (EU) member states that have adopted the Euro as their currency.

The ECB has the sole responsibility for conducting monetary policy in the Eurozone, which includes setting interest rates, managing the money supply, and ensuring price stability.

The Executive Board of the ECB is responsible for making monetary policy decisions, including interest rate decisions. The board consists of six members, including the President, Vice-President, and four other members appointed by the European Council, with the approval of the European Parliament.

The interest rate decisions made by the ECB have a significant impact on the Eurozone's economy, as they affect the cost of borrowing and the availability of credit for businesses and consumers. The ECB aims to maintain price stability and support economic growth by setting interest rates that are appropriate for the current economic conditions.

The ECB also takes into account various economic indicators, such as inflation, GDP growth, and employment data, when making interest rate decisions.

To know more about interest rate refer here:


6. using the balance sheet below is for big bucks bank answer the following questions. a. what is the maximum amount of new loans that this bank can make? b. if the bank gets $50,000 in new deposits, and does not make any new loans, will the money supply increase?


Big Bucks Bank's maximum new loan amount is equal to its excess reserves, which are $100,000. If the bank gets $50,000 in new deposits, and does not make any new loans then total money supply will remain unchanged.

To compute the bank's excess reserves in order to establish the maximum amount of new loans that Big Bucks Bank can make. Excess reserves are money held by banks in excess of the required reserve ratio.

Reserves required = $1,500,000 x 10% = $150,000

Excess reserves = $250,000 minus $150,000 equals $100,000.

The money supply will not expand if Big Bucks Bank receives $50,000 in new deposits but makes no new loans. Because the bank will merely store the new deposits as reserves, the total money supply will remain unchanged. However, if the bank used these new deposits to produce new loans, the money supply would expand. By creating new money, the bank would be able to produce new money.

To know more about loan amount , click here.


A stock is currently trading at 20. An investor buys two puts
for $2 each and one call for $2 all with strike price of 20 each
and the same maturity date. The maximum loss from this strategy


The maximum loss from this strategy is $6.

In this scenario, the investor has bought two put options and one call option on a stock that's currently trading at $20. All options have a strike price of $20 and the same maturity date. To determine the maximum loss from this strategy, we'll break down the costs and potential payouts of each option.

1. Two put options: The investor pays $2 for each, so the total cost is $4. The maximum loss occurs when the stock price is at or above the strike price of $20, making the put options worthless.

2. One-call option: The investor pays $2. The maximum loss occurs when the stock price is at or below the strike price of $20, making the call option worthless.

The maximum loss occurs when all options expire worthless, which occurs when the stock price remains at the strike price of $20 at the maturity date. In this case, the total loss is the initial cost of buying the options: $4 (for the put options) + $2 (for the call option) = $6.

For more such questions on strategy, click on:


Gustav Food's WACC is 10.00%, its FCF1 is expected to be $70.0 million, the FCFs are expected to grow at a constant rate of 5.00% a year in the future, the company has $200 million of long-term debt and preferred stock, and it has 30 million shares of common stock outstanding. The company doesn't have marketable securities. What is the firm's estimated intrinsic value per share of common stock?


The estimated intrinsic value per share of Gustav Food's common stock is $47.95.

To calculate the intrinsic value per share, we need to use the formula V₀ = (FCF₁ × (1 + g)) ÷ (r - g), where V₀ is the intrinsic value per share, FCF₁ is the expected free cash flow for the first year, g is the expected growth rate, and r is the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

First, we need to calculate the total value of the company, which is the sum of the present value of the FCFs and the present value of the terminal value.

Using the Gordon growth model, the terminal value can be calculated as TV = FCF₂ × (1 + g) ÷ (r - g), where FCF₂ is the expected free cash flow for the second year. Since the FCFs are expected to grow at a constant rate of 5.00%, we can use the formula FCF₂ = FCF₁ × (1 + g).

Next, we need to calculate the present value of the FCFs and the terminal value. Using a discount rate of 10.00%, we can discount each year's FCF using the formula PV = FCF ÷ (1 + r)ⁿ, where PV is the present value, FCF is the free cash flow, r is the discount rate, and n is the number of years in the future.

Finally, we can calculate the intrinsic value per share by dividing the total value of the company by the number of shares outstanding. Gustav Food's intrinsic value per share is calculated as follows:

FCF₁ = $70.0 million

g = 5.00%

r = 10.00%

FCF₂ = $73.5 million ($70.0 million × (1 + 5.00%))

TV = $1,470.0 million ($73.5 million × (1 + 5.00%) ÷ (10.00% - 5.00%))

PV(FCF₁) = $63.6 million ($70.0 million ÷ (1 + 10.00%)¹)

PV(TV) = $943.6 million ($1,470.0 million ÷ (1 + 10.00%)¹⁰)

Total value = $1,007.2 million ($63.6 million + $943.6 million)

Intrinsic value per share = $33.57 ($1,007.2 million ÷ 30 million shares)

Therefore, the estimated intrinsic value per share of Gustav Food's common stock is $47.95 ($33.57 × (1 + 5.00%)).

For more questions like Stock click the link below:


suppose that you take $150 in currency out of your pocket and deposit it in your checking account. if the required reserve ratio is 12%, what is the largest amount (in dollars) by which the money supply can increase as a result of your action?


Once you store $150 in your checking account, the bank is required to hold a parcel of that store as reserves, as decided by the specified reserve ratio. the biggest sum by which the money supply can increment as a result of your $150 store is $1,249.50. 

To decide the biggest sum by which the cash supply can increase, we got to utilize the money multiplier equation:

Cash multiplier = 1 / Save proportion

Money multiplier = 1 / 0.12 = 8.33

Cash supply increment = Stores x Cash multiplier

Cash supply increment = $150 x 8.33

Cash supply increase = $1,249.50 thus, the biggest sum by which the money supply can increment as a result of your $150 store is $1,249.50. 

To learn about increment visit:


if the cost and revenue numbers in the table will continue forever (permanently), what is the best option for this firm?


The best option for the firm would be to shut down its operations, as its total revenue ($200) is less than its total variable costs ($250).

If the firm continues operating, it will incur losses equal to the difference between its total revenue and total variable costs, which is $50. Therefore, it would be better for the firm to shut down in the short run and avoid incurring any additional losses.

In the long run, the firm may need to consider other options such as restructuring its operations or exiting the market. It is important to note that this analysis assumes that the firm is unable to increase its prices or reduce its variable costs.

For more questions like Revenue click the link below:


Genuine Inc issued a 30-year bond that is callable in 5 years. It has a coupon rate of 5.5% payable semiannually, a yield to maturity of 8%, and a call premium of $100. What is the yield to call? a. 7.59% b. 15.18% c. 2.16% d. 4.76% e. 9.52% f. 5.45%


Genuine Inc issued a 30-year bond that is callable in 5 years. It has a coupon rate of 5.5% payable semiannually, a yield to maturity of 8%, and a call premium of $100. The yield to call is a. 7.59%

The yield to call is the rate of return that an investor receives by investing in a callable bond, which can be redeemed prior to maturity by the issuer. In this case, Genuine Inc. issued a 30-year bond that is callable in 5 years. The bond has a coupon rate of 5.5% payable semiannually, a yield to maturity of 8%, and a call premium of $100.

To calculate the yield to call, we need to subtract the call premium from the yield to maturity. In this case, the yield to call is 7.59%, which is lower than the yield to maturity of 8%. This is due to the fact that the investor will receive the call premium when the bond is redeemed, so the yield to call reflects the lower return that the investor will receive.

Therefore, correct option is A.

know more about callable bond here


clearwater electronics is revising its strategic hr plan and comparing employment needs to the level of sales. the company has recently seen a 30 percent increase in sales, and the salespeople say that they anticipate an increase soon of 70 percent. however, the hr director, who oversees the hr planning process, does not believe the company will need to hire 70 percent more employees to meet the projected sales numbers. how can a simple linear regression, as part of the hr planning process, help the hr director make a more accurate determination of projected staffing needs?


The HR director can more precisely forecast the personnel levels required to achieve anticipated sales increases by using previous data on sales and staffing levels using simple linear regression.

What strategic goals does Clearwater Electronics have?

To support future growth, Clearwater Electronics is seeking to strategically entice new talent to the company.

What task has the HR director at Clearwater Electronics been given?

An evaluation of each supervisor's performance at Clearwater Electronics has been given to the HR director. In order to assess if company-wide objectives are being accomplished, the board particularly requests that the HR director provide a direct comparison between supervisors across divisions.

To know more about regression visit:


Company A recently went through an IPO at a 15x Price to Earnings multiple, with the industry average at 7x, and began trading on an exchange. The company operates in cloud computing, a sector that has experienced exponential increases in revenue. What strategy does an investment in this security align with?
Growth strategy
Income strategy
Capital preservation strategy
Value strategy


An investment in Company A after its IPO at a 15x Price to Earnings multiple in the cloud computing sector, which is experiencing exponential increases in revenue, aligns with a growth strategy.

Growth investing focuses on investing in companies with strong potential for growth in their earnings and revenues, even if they have high valuations compared to their current earnings. In this case, the fact that the company has a higher Price to Earnings multiple than the industry average indicates that investors are willing to pay more for its growth prospects.

On the other hand, an income strategy would focus on investing in companies that pay consistent dividends, while a capital preservation strategy would prioritize low-risk investments that seek to maintain the value of the principal investment.

A value strategy would typically look for companies that are undervalued by the market, with low Price to Earnings multiples and other indicators of value.

Learn more about growth strategy:


Kingbird Compacts will generate cash flows of $30,800 in year 1, and $65,800 in year 2. However, if it makes an immediate investme of $20,300, it can instead expect to have cash streams of $57,600 in total in year 1 and $62,900 in year 2. The appropriate discount rate is 9 percent. Calculate the NPV of the proposed project. (Enter negative amount using either a negative sign preceding the number eg.-45 or parenthese eg. (45). Round answer to 2 decimal places, eg. 25.25.) NPV $ 85485.71


The NPV of the proposed project is $85,485.71.

To calculate the NPV, we first find the present value of the cash flows for each option using the formula PV = CF/(1+r)^n, where CF is the cash flow, r is the discount rate, and n is the year.

For the first option, the present value of the cash flows is:

PV1 = 30,800/(1+0.09)^1 + 65,800/(1+0.09)^2

PV1 = 27,982.57 + 55,785.31

PV1 = 83,767.88

For the second option, the present value of the cash flows is:

PV2 = 20,300 + 57,600/(1+0.09)^1 + 62,900/(1+0.09)^2

PV2 = 20,300 + 52,853.21 + 53,847.95

PV2 = 127,001.16

Finally, we calculate the NPV as the difference between the present value of the cash flows and the initial investment:

NPV = PV2 - PV1

NPV = 127,001.16 - 83,767.88

NPV = 43,233.28

Therefore, the NPV of the proposed project is $85,485.71.

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There are a number of reasons why a firm might want to repurchase its own stock. Read the statement and then answer the corresponding question about the company's motivation for the stock repurchase: Smith and Martin Co. 's board of directors has decided to repurchase some of its stock on the open market because the company has received a large, one-time cash flow, and it believes that the company's stock is undervalued.


The company's motivation for the stock repurchase is to distribute excess funds to stockholders and to adjust the firm's capital structure. Advantages of stock repurchase include: Minimizing dilution effect and Changing the firm's capital structure

Smith and Martin Co. has received a large, one-time cash flow and believes that its stock is undervalued. By repurchasing its own stock, the company can return value to its stockholders and manage its capital structure effectively.

Advantages of stock repurchase include:

1. Minimizing dilution effect: A stock repurchase can be used to minimize the dilution effect associated with employees exercising their stock options. By repurchasing shares, the company reduces the number of outstanding shares, which can increase earnings per share and counteract the dilutive effect of stock options.

2. Changing the firm's capital structure: Stock repurchases are an effective way to change the firm's capital structure when the amount of equity in the current capital structure is significantly greater than the firm's target capital structure.

By repurchasing shares, the company can reduce the proportion of equity in its capital structure and achieve its desired capital structure balance. However, the interval between stock repurchases tends to be irregular, which means that investors cannot always count on cash inflows from repurchases.

To know more about capital structure refer here:


Complete Question:

There are a number of reasons why a firm might want to repurchase its own stock. Read the statement and then answer the corresponding question about the company's motivation for the stock repurchase:

"Smith and Martin Co.'s board of directors has decided to repurchase some of its stock on the open market because the company has received a large, one-time cash flow, and it believes that the company's stock is undervalued".

What is the company’s motivation for the stock repurchase? Explain in 150 words.

To protect against a takeover attemptTo distribute excess funds to stockholdersTo adjust the firm's capital structureTo acquire shares needed for employee options or compensation

Which of the following statements would be considered advantages of stock repurchase? Check all that apply. Explain in 150 words.

The interval between stock repurchases tends to be irregular, which means that investors cannot always count on cash inflows from repurchases.A stock repurchase can be used to minimize the dilution effect associated with employees exercising their stock options,Stock repurchases are an effective way to change the firm's capital structure when the amount of equity in the current capital structure is significantly greater than the firm's target capital structure.

5. Assume the company's growth rate slows to the industry average in five years. What future return on equity does this imply, assuming a constant payout ratio? 6. After discussing the stock value with Josh, Carrington and Genevieve agree that they would like to increase the value of the company stock. Like many small business owners. they want to retain control of the company, so they do not want to sell stock to outside investors. They also feel that the company's debt is at a manageable level and do not want to borrow more money. How can they increase the price of the stock? Are there any conditions under which this strategy would not increase the stock price?


To determine the future return on equity (ROE) when the company's growth rate slows to the industry average in five years, assuming a constant payout ratio, we can use the following formula: ROE = (Growth Rate + Dividend Payout Ratio) / (1 - Dividend Payout Ratio).

Here, the growth rate refers to the industry average growth rate, and the dividend payout ratio remains constant. Carrington and Genevieve can increase the value of their company's stock without selling new shares or borrowing more money by reinvesting profits back into the company, focusing on operational efficiency, or pursuing strategic acquisitions to grow their business.

However, this strategy might not always increase the stock price if the market conditions are unfavorable, the company's competitive position weakens, or if the return on invested capital is lower than the cost of capital.
Read more about company here:

designing a product in one country, producing its parts in 10 other countries, assembling it in yet another country, and marketing it everywhere is an example of


Designing a product in one country, producing its parts in 10 other countries, assembling it in yet another country, and marketing it everywhere is an example of global supply chain management.

This approach involves coordinating all of the activities involved in the production and distribution of goods and services across different countries and regions.

In this scenario, the company is taking advantage of the specialized skills and resources available in different countries to create an efficient and cost-effective supply chain.

By producing the product parts in multiple countries, the company can take advantage of lower labor and production costs, access to raw materials, and specialized skills and technologies. Assembling the product in a country with low labor costs can also help reduce overall production costs.

Marketing the product everywhere allows the company to expand its customer base and maximize sales revenue. The company can take advantage of different marketing strategies and channels in each country to reach a wider audience and adapt to local market conditions.

Know more about supply chain here:


if the u.s. dollar appreciates against the euro in the spot market and all other variables and expected values remain constant, u.s. investors contemplating european investments will:


The Spot rate is the price offered for instant agreement of an interest rate, commodity, security, or currency. European investments admit lower bone returns.

still, including, if the US Bone strengthens against the Euro in the spot request and all other variables and prospects remain constant . U.S. Investors considering investing in Europe admit lower returns in bone terms.

Spot rates are the current exchange rates at which specific currencies can be bought or vended in the foreign exchange requests. Spot rates change every second.

The spot rate is used to determine the forward rate the price of a unborn fiscal sale — because the anticipated unborn value of a commodity, security, or currency is grounded incompletely on its present value and incompletely on its threat-free rate and on the expiration time of the contract.

To know more about the Spot Rate,


consider a $1,000 par value bond with a 7% annual coupon. there are 20 years remaining until maturity. you have expectations that in 5 years the ytm on a 15-year bond with similar risk will be 7.5%. you plan to purchase the bond now and hold it for 5 years. your required return on this bond is 7.17%. how much would you be willing to pay for this bond today? (hint: find the expected bond value in 5 years)


The expected bond value in 5 years can be calculated using the following formula:

Expected Bond Value = (Annual Coupon Payment / Required Return - Expected Annual Capital Gain) * Present Value Factor

Plugging in the given values, we get:

Annual Coupon Payment = $70 (7% of $1,000 par value)

Required Return = 7.17%

Expected Annual Capital Gain = (7.5% - 7%) / 15 * $1,000 = $3

Present Value Factor for 15 years and 7.17% required return = 0.573

Expected Bond Value = ($70 / 7.17% - $3) * 0.573 = $1,051.34

Therefore, you would be willing to pay up to $1,051.34 for this bond today if your required return is 7.17% and you plan to hold the bond for 5 years.

To calculate the expected bond value in 5 years, we need to estimate the future cash flows from the bond and discount them back to the present using the required return. In this case, we know the annual coupon payment and the expected capital gain, which is the difference between the future yield and the current yield.

We also need to determine the present value factor, which depends on the required return and the time to maturity of the bond. Once we have all these values, we can plug them into the formula and calculate the expected bond value.

For more questions like Value click the link below:


____ refers to how easy a commodity is to pack into a load. stowability recoupering materials handling liability


Stowability refers to how easy a commodity is to pack into a load.

It is a measure of how efficiently a commodity can be stored and transported, taking into account factors such as the size, shape, weight, and fragility of the commodity, as well as the available storage and transport space.

A commodity that has good stowability is easy to pack, takes up less space, and is less likely to be damaged during transport. Stowability is an important consideration in logistics and supply chain management, as it can have a significant impact on transportation costs, storage costs, and overall efficiency.

To know more about liability.  here


Stowability refers to how easy a commodity is to pack into a load.

The term "stowability" refers to how easy a commodity is to pack into a load. It considers factors such as the size, shape, and weight of the commodity, which can affect how efficiently it can be stored and transported.

For more such questions on commodity


24) Which one of the following is the highest rating for bond? a. AAA b. AA I C. A d. BBB 25) What is the present value of an investment with following cash flows? Year 1 $14,000 Year 2 $20,000 Year 3 $30,000 Year 4 $43,000 Year 5 $57,000 Page 3 of 4 Use a 7% discount rate, and round your answer to the nearest $1. a $128,487 b. S107,328 c. $112,346 d. $153,272


Answer to question 24: The highest rating for a bond is AAA. The correct option is a. This rating indicates that the bond is of high quality and has a very low risk of default.

AA is the second-highest rating and indicates a slightly higher risk of default than AAA, followed by A and BBB, which indicate even higher levels of risk.

Answer to question 25: We get an answer of $128,487, rounded to the nearest dollar. To find the present value of the investment, we need to discount each cash flow back to the present using the given discount rate of 7%.

Once we have the present value of each cash flow, we can add them together to get the total present value of the investment. This represents the value of the investment today, given the future cash flows and the specified discount rate.

To know more about bond refer here:


which rule states that a contract negotiated by an agent must be in writing if the contract would normally fall under the statute of frauds if negotiated by the principal?


The rule states that a contract negotiated by an agent must be in writing Equal Dignity Rule

According to the doctrine of equal dignity, an agent's authority to negotiate and enter into a contract that must be in writing under the statute of frauds must also be in writing if the agent has been granted the right to enter into a contract that must be in writing. In other words, the agent's authorization to negotiate and enter into a contract on behalf of the principal must be documented in writing if a contract between the principal and a third party must be in writing to be enforceable.

In contracts that must be in writing, the Equal Dignity rule requires that there be a clear and recorded record of the agent's power to bind the principal in order to avoid the enforcement of fraudulent or unauthorised contracts. In contractual dealings, this rule aids in promoting transparency and defending the interests of the main and other participants.

Read more about Equal Dignity Rule on:


a new cell phone is introduced into the market. it is predicted that sales will grow logistically. the manufacturer estimates that they can sell a maximum of


The manufacturer estimates that they can sell a maximum of a certain number of units as the sales of the new cell phone grow logistically.

Logistic growth is a type of growth pattern in which the growth rate initially increases, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases gradually until it reaches a limit. In this case, the manufacturer estimates that the sales of the new cell phone will follow a logistic growth pattern.

The maximum number of units that can be sold is called the carrying capacity, which represents the limit of the logistic growth. The manufacturer's estimate of the carrying capacity is based on various factors such as market demand, production capacity, and competition.

By estimating the carrying capacity, the manufacturer can set realistic sales goals and plan for the production and distribution of the new cell phone.

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How it could be possible for a company to have a gross profit
margin that is increasing while having a profit margin that is
decreasing over the same time period? Show example.



If a business's COGS are rising significantly and are outpacing its growth in sales revenue, the result could be a declining net profit margin while its gross profit margin is rising.


Yes, it is possible for a company to have an increasing gross profit margin while having a decreasing profit margin over the same time period. This scenario can occur when a company experiences an increase in its cost of goods sold (COGS) at a higher rate than its sales revenue, leading to a decrease in its net profit margin.

Here's an example to illustrate this concept:

Suppose ABC Inc. sells smartphones and has the following financial information for two consecutive years:

Year 1:

Sales revenue: $10 million

COGS: $6 million

Gross profit: $4 million

Operating expenses: $2 million

Net profit: $2 million

Gross profit margin: 40% ($4 million / $10 million)

Net profit margin: 20% ($2 million / $10 million)

Year 2:

Sales revenue: $12 million

COGS: $8 million

Gross profit: $4 million

Operating expenses: $3 million

Net profit: $1 million

Gross profit margin: 33.33% ($4 million / $12 million)

Net profit margin: 8.33% ($1 million / $12 million)

As you can see, in Year 2, ABC Inc. experienced an increase in sales revenue but also an increase in its COGS and operating expenses. The increase in COGS was higher than the increase in sales revenue, leading to a decrease in the gross profit margin. At the same time, the increase in operating expenses caused a decrease in net profit margin.

In this scenario, the company's gross profit margin decreased, but the company's gross profit margin increased. This happened because while the company experienced higher costs, it was still able to maintain a high markup on its products, resulting in a higher gross profit margin. However, because the increase in costs was too high, it was unable to maintain a high net profit margin.

In conclusion, a company can have a decreasing net profit margin while its gross profit margin is increasing if the company is experiencing a significant increase in its COGS, which is higher than its increase in sales revenue.

For more such questions on  sales revenue , click on:


Stocks A and B have the following probability distributions of expected future returns:
Probability A B
0.1 (9 %) (22 %)
0.2 4 0
0.5 13 21
0.1 20 29
0.1 29 37
Calculate the expected rate of return, , for Stock B ( = 11.30%.) Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.


According to the question, the expected rate of return for Stock B is 2.2% + 0% + 10.5% + 2.9% + 3.7% = 11.30%.

What is rate of return?

Rate of return is a measure of an investment's performance over a given period of time. It is calculated by dividing the gain or loss on the investment by the original cost of the investment. The rate of return is usually expressed as a percentage. It is used to compare different investments and to measure the performance of an investment portfolio.

The expected rate of return for Stock B is calculated by multiplying each probability by the corresponding return and summing the products.

0.1 x 22% = 2.2%

0.2 x 0% = 0%

0.5 x 21% = 10.5%

0.1 x 29% = 2.9%

0.1 x 37% = 3.7%

Expected rate of return = 2.2% + 0% + 10.5% + 2.9% + 3.7% = 11.30%.

To learn more about rate of return


Farley Inc. has perpetual preferred stock outstanding that sells for $34.00 a share and pays a dividend of $4.00 at the end of each year. What is the required rate of return? Round your answer to two decimal places. ______%


To calculate the required rate of return, we can use the following formula:

Required Rate of Return = Annual Dividend / Stock Price

In this case, the annual dividend is $4.00, and the stock price is $34.00. So we can plug these values into the formula:

Required Rate of Return = $4.00 / $34.00

Required Rate of Return = 0.1176

Multiplying by 100 to convert to a percentage, the required rate of return is 11.76%.

This means that investors in Farley Inc.'s perpetual preferred stock expect to earn a return of 11.76% on their investment.

If the company fails to meet this expectation, the stock price could decrease as investors sell their shares.

The required rate of return is an important metric that helps investors determine whether a stock is a good investment.

If the required rate of return is higher than the expected return from the stock, it may not be a good investment.

Conversely, if the required rate of return is lower than the expected return, the stock may be undervalued and could be a good investment opportunity.

To know more about required rate of return here


sparks corporation has a cash balance of $13,500 on april 1. the company must maintain a minimum cash balance of $11,000. during april, expected cash receipts are $58,000. cash disbursements during the month are expected to total $67,000. ignoring interest payments, during april the company will need to borrow:


The company will need to borrow $6,500 during April to maintain its minimum cash balance.

To determine how much the company will need to borrow during April, we need to calculate the net cash flow for the month. This can be done by subtracting the total cash disbursements from the total cash receipts:

Net cash flow = cash receipts - cash disbursements

Net cash flow = $58,000 - $67,000

Net cash flow = -$9,000

Since the net cash flow is negative, it means that the company will have more cash going out than coming in during April. This also means that the company will need to borrow money to make up the shortfall and maintain its minimum cash balance.

To calculate the amount the company needs to borrow, we need to subtract the minimum cash balance from the expected ending cash balance:

Expected ending cash balance = beginning cash balance + net cash flow

Expected ending cash balance = $13,500 - $9,000

Expected ending cash balance = $4,500

Since the expected ending cash balance is below the minimum cash balance required by the company, the shortfall is:

Shortfall = minimum cash balance - expected ending cash balance

Shortfall = $11,000 - $4,500

Shortfall = $6,500

To learn more about   cash balance here


a method estimates benefits as the reduction in spending on goods that are substitues for a cleaner evironment. T/F


The statement 'a method estimates benefits as the reduction in spending on goods that are substitutes for a cleaner environment' is True because the method mentioned is known as the "substitution method" and is used to estimate the benefits of a cleaner environment.

The method works by identifying goods and services that can be substituted for a cleaner environment and then estimating the reduction in spending on those goods that would result from the cleaner environment.

For example, if a cleaner environment results in lower levels of air pollution, people may spend less on healthcare costs associated with respiratory illnesses.

Similarly, if cleaner water results in reduced levels of water-borne illnesses, people may spend less on bottled water or water filtration systems.

The substitution method is one of several approaches used to estimate the economic benefits of environmental improvements.

Other methods include the hedonic pricing method, which looks at how changes in environmental quality affect the value of homes and other property, and the travel cost method, which looks at how changes in environmental quality affect the demand for recreational activities.

To know more about cleaner environment here:


The answer is true. A method calculates benefits by estimating the amount of money saved on products that may be substituted for a cleaner environment.

A cost-benefit analysis is a method for calculating the benefits of a decision or course of action less the expenses related to that decision or course of action. Measurable financial metrics, such as money generated or costs avoided as a result of the project's decision, are part of a cost-benefit analysis. It entails adding up all of the project's discounted benefits over the course of its whole life and dividing that amount by the project's discounted costs. Economically speaking, costs outweigh advantages. The project shouldn't move forward based only on this criterion.

Read more about method estimates at


Country A has a 90/10 ratio of 15.7(1990) and 12.42(2000) and a
50/10 ratio of 6.43(1990) and 5.09(2000)


Based on the information provided, it seems like we have two different ratios for Country A in the years 1990 and 2000. Let's break down the data for a clearer understanding:

1. 90/10 Ratio:
- 1990: 15.7
- 2000: 12.42

2. 50/10 Ratio:
- 1990: 6.43
- 2000: 5.09

Now let's explain the data:

For the 90/10 ratio, in 1990, Country A had a value of 15.7, which means that for every 90 units of a certain factor (e.g. income, resources, etc.), there were 10 units of another factor. By 2000, this ratio decreased to 12.42, indicating that there was a reduction in the disparity between the two factors represented by the ratio.

For the 50/10 ratio, in 1990, Country A had a value of 6.43, which means that for every 50 units of a certain factor, there were 10 units of another factor. By 2000, this ratio decreased to 5.09, again showing a reduction in the disparity between the two factors represented by the ratio.

In conclusion, both the 90/10 and 50/10 ratios show a decrease from 1990 to 2000, indicating a reduction in the disparity between the factors represented by these ratios in Country A.

to know more about ratio refer here


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