The Silk Road is believed to have helped in the development and growth of which of the following Civilizations?

1. China, Africa, Paris and Rome
2. China, Russia, Middle East, and Bukhara

3. China, Mesopotamia, India and Rome
4. China, India, Germany and Rome


Answer 1


4: China, India, Germany, and Rome


I looked it up

Related Questions

what do you believe would be the major worry of the people in this area??help ​



floods overall is the most worry if it rains too much the water may go up also depending of the area or weather a tsunami or hurricane damage

Predict whether carbon dioxide or water would have a higher boiling point. explain your predicament in terms of attractions between molecules.



Explain your prediction in terms of the attractions between molecules. I would predict that since ionic bonds, bonds that are charged, have very high boiling points, then the water would have a higher boiling point because it has a slight charge whereas carbon dioxide is stable.


Water will have a higher boiling point than Carbon dioxide. The reason for this can be ascribed to the fact that the molecules in water share dipole-dipole interactions. These are stronger than the Van der Waals forces that hold the elements in carbon dioxide together.

Before compounds can attain their boiling points, the forces that hold them together will have to be overcome. The stronger the forces, the higher the boiling points.

Since water has a polar, covalent, intramolecular bond that is stronger than the weak Van der Waal's forces, more time and force will need to be put in before it attains its boiling point.

So, water will have a higher boiling point compared to carbon dioxide.

Learn more about boiling points here:

Which type of cloud is incorrectly paired with its shape?

A. Cirrus: wispy, feathery
B. Cumulus: narrow, smoky
C. Cumulonimbus: towering with a flat top
D. Stratus: flat layers



B. Cumulus: narrow, smoky


This type of cloud looks like this:

cumulus ( puffy, lumpy-looking clouds)

2. Why did Romans develop a military/navy?


The Roman army organization, and innovation in both weapons and tactics, allowed Rome to build and defend a huge empire for centuries and would dominate the Mediterranean world and beyond some of there famous tactics is the shield dome to defend against arrows because they made it they saved countless roman lives and aided themselves in victory cause they had better trained people and better tactics. So the romans developed it to have an edge in combat

What does the continental drift theory explain?



The continental drift theory explains how continents shift position on earths surface.

A chef decides to quit her job and start her own restaurant.
She borrows money from a bank, buys a building, and hires
employees to work there. Her food is loved all over the city,
so she is able to charge very high prices and becomes
extremely wealthy within a few years.
The situation described in the passage would most likely take place in which
economic system?

A. Market economy
B. Traditional economy
C. Command economy
D. Communist economy


A) Market Economy is the answer based on the story given

For this assignment, you will create your own interest group to address one of the social needs of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Use your knowledge and your 21st-century skills to: choose an issue relevant to the late 1800s or early 1900s to address prepare a one-paragraph summary of the issue choose a name for your group thinking as a person living during this time period, draw up a list of demands (about five or six) and discuss which are the most important and which you are willing to limit through compromise choose meeting times and places appropriate to the people who would be involved create a poster, flyer, or advertisement directed toward your primary audience and designed to build your movement


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Let's see. My own interest group to address one of the social needs of the late 1800s and early 1900s will be an interest group that supports the American farmers.

The relevant issue of the late 1800s or early 1900s would be the injustices and lack of opportunities that limited production to many American farmers of that time. The name of my group would be AFCA (American Farmers; the Cornerstone of America).

My demands would be the following.

-Better seeds to farm the lands.

-Better nutrients to improve the quality of the land and make it more fertile.

-Good legislation and the creation of laws that protect and impulse American farmers.

-Fair transportation prices in railroads.

-Reduction of taxes.

The most important would be the proper legislation to support farming and develop the production of crops, not only for local or internal consumption but to export.

The leaders of the movement would have meetings twice a week, after having spent some time with people to listen to ing to their concerns. The location of the meetings would be the local church.

The flyers and pamphlets aimed to gain more supporters would include the following slogan: "The foundation of America starts with farmers. Don't ever make them forget it. Join us. It is you who is going to make us stronger."

My interest group, relevant to social problems in late 1800s or 1900s are women.

Issues faced by women

Women were facing many gender discrimination issues during this period. They were suffering to get universal suffrage, ie right to vote.

They were also facing issues in professional world, like gender based occupational segregation & gender wage gap.

Gender based violence, sexual ill treatment are also forms of exploitation faced by women during that period.

Five demands for their upliftment

Social spread of feminism ideologies

De-rooting imbibed in patriarchal socio economic setups

Policy framework for empowering women

Legal setup protecting women from their right violation

Print media, advertisements etc could be used diligently for spreading these ideologies. Slogans like 'Empowered women means empowered society' could be used.

To learn more, refer

As a participant in a new mentoring program between your university and a local high school, you have volunteered to give a presentation to a class of sophomores on the challenges of achieving creativity in teams. The goal is to motivate them to think creatively as individuals and to help ensure as well that their course teams achieve creativity when assignments call for it. What will you tell them


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

What I would tell them is that never stop imagining new a better ways to do things.

Yes, this is at the very basis of creativity. To always look for different and innovative ways to do anything. It doesn't matter if is homework, a final project, or house activity.

I would also tell them that they never accept a "no" for an answer. There are no fixed rules on how to approach a situation. It all depends on the different perspectives to understand any issue and come up with innovative ways to think and act.  This means to see what not everybody is seeing and saying what everybody is hiding.

A researcher studying violent behavior in elementary school children asks the​ children's parents how much time each child spends playing computer games and has their teachers rate each child on the level of aggressiveness they display while playing with other children. Suppose that the researcher finds a moderately strong positive correlation. Describe three different possible​ cause-and-effect explanations for this relationship.



The answer to this question can be defined as follows:


The reality which is undisclosed appears to increase both violence as well as the time is spent playing computer games.  Middle school students who spend more time playing computer games are much more violent.  Starting to play more video games allows children in primary school violence.

why did the preamble to the constitution begin with the phrase “we the people”



We the people. The first three words of the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States

of America. These words make it clear to all readers that in the United States the people are the

foundation and driving force of the government.

Recommend TWO practical activities that young people could initiate to raise awareness

about heart diseases in their school communities. In your answers, also indicate how EACH

activity may help raise awareness.


Answer and explanation:

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the developed countries and, although it can be treated, it has no cure so it's very important to prevent the development of this life-threatening condition. Both the prevention and the treatment of heart disease include: having a healthy diet, exercising, avoiding smoking, and controlling one's weight.

There are many practical ways in which a group of young people could raise awareness about heart disease, like for example 1) giving a speech in a public space in which they talk about this condition and how to prevent it, or 2) learning CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

The first point is very important to raise awareness. Many people underestimate the damage they do to their bodies when overeating or smoking, for example, so a public speech given by charismatic and well-informed people could be very eye-opening to some. To cause an even bigger impact, the orators could mention cases of heart disease in their relatives or their acquaintances.

The second point can be vital to saving lives. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a skill that everyone should learn, because you never know when you might need it. If a group of young people at school would gather to learn and teach CPR, they would gain knowledge that could potentially save someone's life, and raise awareness as well about the importance of knowing this important technique.

Read the research question Retta wrote for her essay.

"What is the meaning of life?”

Why should Retta change this research question?

It is not open ended enough.
It is not focused on a single topic.
It cannot guide the selection of sources.
It cannot be answered through research.



it cannot be answered throught research


It cannot be answered through research.


A80 ce B 180 ce C 80 bce D) 180 bce? Which one



i think CE C80



CE C80


Pleaseeee hurry! The winner of the most votes in the primary election will represent his or her party in the general election as the __________.





How could one of the major organizations within the federal government most effectively overcome the Supreme Court's ruling to allow the federal government to outlaw flag burning?


Answer: The correct answer is letter C. Hope this helped



Congress could propose a constitutional amendment that would outlaw flag burning.



What led to the Golden Age of Rome? How does it continue to impact the world? PLEASE HELP!!



The Golden Age of Rome is also considered the Pax Romana, or Roman Peace

During this era, the economy, arts, architecture and even commerce, flourished. The empire grew in size and power, becoming one of the largest empires at the time. The Roman legal system expanded, creating a uniform system of law. ... This overall improved the prosperity and stability of the empire.

The Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, is another name for the Golden Age of Rome. The economy, the arts, the architecture, and even commerce all grew throughout this time.

What do you mean by Golden Age?

The Works and Days of Hesiod, in particular, use the phrase "Golden Age" to describe the temporal decline of peoples through five ages, the first of which was the Golden Age, when the Golden Race of humanity dwelt.

The Silver era followed the end of the first age, followed by the Bronze age, the Heroic period, and the fifth and current age, which is Iron.

Therefore, the term "Golden Age" refers to an era of supreme tranquility, harmony, security, and wealth. Peace and tranquility ruled throughout this time period since people didn't need to work to eat because the planet gave food in large quantities.

The dominant Titan Cronus presided over the Golden Age in classical Greek mythology. Astraea was also the monarch in other mythologies. Up until the end of the Silver Age, she coexisted with men.

She, however, retreated to the sky during the Bronze Age when people grew aggressive and rapacious, where she can be seen as the constellation Virgo holding the scales of Justice, or Libra.

Learn more about Golden Age, here


If one US dollar equals 5 British
Pounds, you would receive_British
Pounds if you exchanged $15.
O 15


The answer is "75 British pounds"


We are given that

1 British dollar = 15 British pounds

There are two ways to do it

Method One

Let, x= British dollar

y= British pound

So, it will become

x = 5 y

15 = 5 (15)

15 British dollar = 75 British pounds

Method two

Since, we know that British Dollar is a bigger unit than British pound. Simply Multiply the value in pounds with the value in Dollars


15*5 = 75

Answer: 75 pounds


Simply by multyplying 15 times 5. One dollar equals 5 british punds so if you have 15 dollars, you multiply 15 * 5. :))

I will ask this question twice. Once for each drop down. (This question is drop down 2)

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentence.

In the government of the European Union, the [drop down 1] is elected by people in the EU and passes laws, while the [drop down 2] is appointed by governments of member countries and proposes legislation.

Drop down 2:

A. European Council
B. European Parliament
C. European Commission
D. Court of Justice



Drop Down 1- European Parliament

Drop Down 2-European Commission

1.1. Democracy as a concept is believed to be a profitable phenomenon for everyone in society. However, there seem to be an apparent increasing decline of trust in democracy from some sectors of society. Write an argumentative essay in which you argue whether democracy is profitable to everyone in society or not. Use the following pointers to construct your argument:
• Inequality
• Poverty
• Quality education
• Social justice
• Economy


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Argumentative essay.

Democracy: between benefits and doubts.

When Cleisthenes developed the concept of democracy in ancient Athens(Greece), the idea was to allow Greek men to elect their rulers.

Today, democracy still gives this chance to citizens, however, the results have changed due to many factors that have become problems in modern-day societies.

Democratic governments have failed. Inequality is constant in modern societies. And it is not a problem in socialists countries, but in democracies. Poverty rates are increasing, even in the United States. Rich people are getting richer, the few. Poor people are getting poorer, the many.

The economy is a big issue because people still work hard but have less money to buy things. Inflation is higher and the creation of jobs does not grow at the same rate.

Social justice is a big question mark in modern democracies. We just have to see the racial problems in the United States and the lack of deep solutions that make Americans taking the streets to protest.

Young people are dropping school because they have to get jobs to help their families. Young people are not as interested in school as in the past. The quality of education is not the same. Teachers are not as well prepared as they used to be, and that is reflected in the number of desertions.

Democracy is facing tough times in many countries. People are not trusting their representatives and politicians. Many corrupt acts have been discovered and in simple terms, officials are not showing the skills and commitment to lead the country.

Democracy has to change. Yes, but what is our next option?

Sociology teaches us to better understand the world around us so we are empowered to improve it. Why is this important, and why do you think social research is an important part of social activism? WILL GIVE BRAINLEST !!!


The study of sociology helps the individual to understand human society and how social system work. The study of human society’s helps us understand the different people in different societies. Also how we all live in different societies but find different solutions to different problems.

PLEASE HELP!!! answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.
Describe how the Soviet Union became an oligarchy. Use details to support your answer


During the 1990s, once Boris Yeltsin became President of Russia in July 1991, the oligarchs emerged as well-connected entrepreneurs who started from nearly nothing and became rich through participation in the market via connections to the corrupt, but elected, government of Russia during the state's transition

What should we vote on prop 14 YES/NO Why?





It will help with Stem Cell Research and Prop 14 is good for California and all of United States.

Unmanaged development is destruction clarify it with examples



Unmanaged development like that traditionally used in the mining industries in developing countries are an example of the destruction that this development can cause. If not regulated, this industry can damage the local environment.


Unmanaged development can lead to a lot of unsustainable practices that do little to benefit the local population where the development project is transpiring for example. An example would be mining companies that enter a country that is mineral rich like Peru and that pay the national government for the right to mine minerals and precious and semi-precious metals from the subsoil. However, if unmanaged, the mining company will make use of local water supplies that can affect surrounding communities. They also tend to pay local workers less and they do not offer them benefits for the long term health effects that can come from working in the mining industry. There are fewer protections for workers and local populations in countries where there is less regulation. This can have a negative impact on the local population and the local environment by contaminating land and water, for example.

what is the nucleosynthesis? in your own words​


Answer:  Nucleosynthesis is the process of creating new atomic nuclei from preexisting nucleons .

Explanation: Hopefully this helps!


Nucleosynthesis is the process of manufacturing new atomic nuclei from preexisting nucleons (protons and neutrons).

The convert Saul would eventually exchange his Jewish name for the Greco-Roman name ___________, as he expanded his ministry to the Gentiles





Saul of Tarsus was first seen in biblical accounts as he witnessed to the execution of Stephen, who was the first recorded martyr to the cause of Jesus Christ himself.  

Upon conversion to Christianity, he was given the name paul, which means small or humble. He remained a significant leader in the activities of the early Christian church.  

During World War II, many pilots were trained for aerial combat. Fighter pilots learned to fight battles with other pilots in the sky. Bomber pilots dropped bombs on tanks and military vehicles or even cities. Transport pilots moved people and supplies from place to place more quickly than it could be done on land.

Which answer best explains the meaning of aerial as it is used in the paragraph?





Aerial will sometimes mean air.




1=F 2=A 3=C 5=B 6=D


What is the third step taken when checking a student's reading rate?
marking a starting point and setting a timer
reading out loud with a timer set
counting the number of words read
practicing elements of fluency



practicing elements of fluency


Practicing elements of fluency is the third step taken when checking a student's reading rate. Hence, option D is correct.

What is checking a student's reading rate?

Your reading speed is typically measured in words per minute (WPM). It is estimated by keeping track of how many minutes you spend reading a text and dividing that number by the number of words in the text. You can use a timer to measure that value yourself, but using our free tool we created for you is simpler.

The total number of words read in a minute is divided by the number of errors to determine reading fluency. Per word, just one error is counted. This provides the words that are right per minute (wpm). Students' degrees of fluency are indicated by words correctly said per minute.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about checking a student's reading rate, click here


need help asap please help!!!! and hurry up please





About how many miles did Zheng He travel???? I will give u a lot of points if u help



He travled 70,000 miles


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