the space created by romanesque churches’ barrel vaults had the effect of


Answer 1

The space created by Romanesque churches' barrel vaults had the effect of providing a solid, robust structure with a sense of grandeur and continuity throughout the interior of the church.

The space created by Romanesque churches' barrel vaults had the effect of providing a sense of grandeur and awe-inspiring height. This was achieved through the use of rounded arches and thick walls, which allowed for the construction of large, open spaces without the need for additional support. The barrel vaults also served a practical purpose in helping to distribute weight evenly across the building, allowing for the creation of larger, more complex structures. Overall, the use of barrel vaults in Romanesque architecture helped to define the style and create some of the most impressive and enduring religious buildings of the period.

Learn more about Romanesque churches'  here:


Related Questions

Which ethnic population was brutally killed because of the nationalism and prejudice of the Young Turks?


The Armenian population was the ethnic group that was subjected to brutal killings and persecution by the Young Turks during World War I.

The Armenian genocide -

The Young Turks were a nationalist political party that ruled the Ottoman Empire during the war, and they viewed the Armenian population as a threat to their goals of creating a homogeneous Turkish state. Starting in 1915, the Young Turks began a campaign of deportation and mass killing of Armenians, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.5 million people. This event is widely considered as the Armenian Genocide.

Between 1915 and 1917, 1.5 million Armenians were murdered by the Ottoman Empire. Due to the relative strength of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish state after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the genocide was never fully recognized. 

To know more about Armenian genocide -


What was the Dao De Jing?

A) It was a collection of the sayings of Confucius, which influenced the social structure of China
B) It was the first collection of written rules and laws to govern the Chinese people.
C) It was a philosophical text by Laozi to help people live in balance and simplicity.
D) It was a book by Shi Huangdi that explained the concepts of Legalism.


C) It was a philosophical text by Laozi to help people live in balance and simplicity.

The Dao De Jing, also known as the Tao Te Ching, is a classic Chinese text that is attributed to the philosopher Laozi. It is considered one of the most important texts in Chinese philosophy and is often associated with the philosophical and religious tradition of Daoism (Taoism). The text contains 81 short chapters or poems that offer insights and advice on a range of topics, such as the nature of the universe, the importance of balance and harmony, and the role of the individual in society. The text emphasizes the concept of the Dao, which can be translated as "the Way," and suggests that the key to a fulfilling life is to live in accordance with the natural order of things.

one specific example of a trait that totalitarian dictators have in common. How and why is this an important characteristic for dictators?


Totalitarian dictators often share the trait of narcissism, which is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a constant need for admiration and attention.

Narcissism is an essential characteristic for dictators because it enables them to consolidate power and maintain control over their followers. By presenting themselves as superior beings, dictators are able to inspire loyalty and devotion from their followers, who see them as charismatic and infallible leaders. The dictator's lack of empathy also makes it easier for them to justify acts of cruelty or violence towards others, as they are often viewed as necessary means to an end in the pursuit of their goals.

Furthermore, the dictator's constant need for admiration and attention makes them highly sensitive to criticism or dissent, which can be seen as a threat to their power. This can lead to the suppression of free speech, the persecution of political opponents, and the use of propaganda and censorship to control the flow of information.

Overall, the trait of narcissism is an important characteristic for dictators because it allows them to manipulate and control their followers, suppress dissent, and maintain power and control over their society. However, this trait can also lead to disastrous consequences for the society and the people under the dictator's rule.

give two examples of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900.


Two examples of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900:The New Deal in the United States (1930s), and Austerity measures in Greece during the European Debt Crisis (2010s):

The Great Depression, which began in 1929, was a severe economic crisis that affected the United States and many other countries. In response to the economic collapse, the U.S. government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal, a series of programs and policies aimed at providing relief, recovery, and reform. The New Deal included measures such as the creation of public works programs to provide jobs, the establishment of social welfare programs, regulations to stabilize the financial system, and the implementation of labor reforms.

The European Debt Crisis, which began in 2009, was a financial crisis that affected several countries in the eurozone, including Greece. In response to the crisis, the Greek government implemented austerity measures, which involved cutting government spending and increasing taxes to reduce the budget deficit and stabilize the economy. These measures included reductions in public sector wages and pensions, increased taxes, and structural reforms aimed at increasing competitiveness.

To learn more about European Debt Crisis, learn here


Two examples of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900 include the US government's response to the Great Depression and the European Union's response to the 2008 financial crisis.

1. Great Depression (the 1930s): The US government, led by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, implemented the New Deal, which consisted of various economic programs and reforms to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American economy. This included public works projects, financial regulations, and social safety nets.
2. 2008 Financial Crisis: The European Union and its member countries responded with various stimulus packages, bank bailouts, and austerity measures. These actions aimed to stabilize financial markets, restore economic growth, and address fiscal imbalances.

One example of how different governments responded to economic crises after 1900 can be seen in the contrast between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Great Depression. The US government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal, a series of economic programs aimed at boosting employment and stimulating the economy through government intervention. In contrast, the Soviet Union under Stalin implemented a policy of forced industrialization, which prioritized heavy industry and collectivization of agriculture over addressing the economic struggles of the general population.

Another example can be seen in how different European countries responded to the 2008 financial crisis. While countries like Greece and Ireland implemented austerity measures, cutting spending and increasing taxes to try to reduce their debt, Germany pursued a policy of investment and stimulus. This approach was intended to boost the economy and promote growth, rather than simply reducing deficits.

Learn more about European countries here:


which statements regarding urban slavery in the south are true? multiple select question. enslaved people in cities were prohibited from having contact with free black people. the line between slavery and freedom in cities was less distinct. enslaved people in urban areas were less supervised than those enslaved in rural areas.


The statements that are true regarding urban slavery in the South are:
The line between slavery and freedom in cities was less distinct.
Enslaved people in urban areas were less supervised than those enslaved in rural areas.

Urban slavery in the South was different from rural slavery in many ways. Cities offered enslaved people more opportunities to interact with free blacks and to move around more freely, which made the line between slavery and freedom less distinct. Enslaved people in cities were also sometimes able to earn money for their labor and could sometimes purchase their freedom or negotiate with their owners for better treatment. However, this relative freedom also made it harder for owners to control their enslaved labor force and meant that enslaved people in cities were often subjected to harsher punishments and had fewer rights than those in rural areas. While contact between enslaved people and free blacks was often prohibited by law, it was still more likely to occur in cities than in rural areas. Overall, the experience of urban slavery was complex and varied depending on factors such as location, occupation, and the attitudes of individual slave owners.

Learn more about urban slavery here:


in 1850, california applied to join the union as a free state. this resulted in a crisis that led to the compromise of 1850. true or false


The statement " In 1850, California applied to join the Union as a free state. This resulted in a crisis that led to the Compromise of 1850." is true.

In the year 1850, California applied to join the union as a free state which was followed by a crisis in the United States over the issue of slavery, finally, leading to the Compromise of 1850. A series of legislative measures were passed by the United States Congress in order to maintain the balance between the free and the slave states as well as to address the crisis. A number of provisions were included in the compromise, such as,

admitting California as a free state, solidifying the Fugitive Slave Act,organizing the territories of New Mexico and Utah without any particular regard to slavery.

To know more about, Compromise of 1850, visit :

in order to accept hayes as president, southern democrats required all the following concessions except ______.


In order to accept Hayes as president, southern Democrats required all of the following concessions except the withdrawal of federal troops from the South.

The Democratic Party is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United States. Founded in 1828, it was predominantly built by Martin Van Buren, who assembled politicians in every state behind war hero Andrew Jackson, making it the world's oldest active political party. The party is a big tent of competing and often opposing viewpoints, but modern American liberalism, a variant of social liberalism, is the party's majority ideology. The party also has notable centrist, social democratic, and libertarian factions. Its main political rival has been the Republican Party since the 1850s.The historical predecessor of the Democratic Party is considered to be the Democratic-Republican Party. Before 1860, the Democratic Party supported expansive presidential power, the interests of slave states, agrarianism, and expansionism,[24] while opposing a national bank and high tariffs.

Learn more about Democrats here:


In order to accept Hayes as president, Southern Democrats required several concessions from the Republicans.

These concessions included the removal of federal troops from the South, the appointment of a Southerner to Hayes' cabinet, and increased funding for Southern infrastructure. However, one concession that was not required by Southern Democrats was the end of segregation and discrimination against African Americans.

This was likely due to the fact that Southern Democrats were committed to upholding white supremacy and believed in the concept of "separate but equal." They saw segregation as a way to maintain the social and political hierarchy of the South, and were not interested in advancing the rights of African Americans. Therefore, while they were willing to negotiate on other issues, ending segregation was not on the table.

Overall, the concessions that Southern Democrats required in order to accept Hayes as president were primarily focused on maintaining their political power and economic interests in the region. The rights and needs of African Americans were not a priority for them.

For more about Republicans:


in what case did the supreme court rule that native american tribes did not have to give up their land involuntarily?


in the case of johnson vs mcintosh

The Kent State massacre took place during a protest against the U.S. invasion of ____________________.

Select one:

North Vietnam


North Korea

South Vietnam


Answer: B Cambodia


Hay y’all! Please Help!!





answer; A
Explanation; just simply, the natives did not sell out their own

In November of 1920 the New York Times noted that this depression was odd in that:
a. prices had not yet fallen in any significant way.
b. a bank panic had not occurred.
c. stock prices had continued to rise throughout the year.


In November of 1920, the New York Times noted that this depression was odd in that stock prices had continued to rise throughout the year (option c). This was unusual because typically during a depression, stock prices would fall significantly.

In November of 1920, the New York Times noted that the depression at that time was unusual because even though the economy was struggling, prices had not yet fallen significantly, there had not been a bank panic, and stock prices had continued to rise throughout the year. This was unexpected given that in most economic downturns, these factors would typically be the first indicators of an impending recession. However, the 1920 depression was unique in that it was primarily caused by a post-war recession, as well as a decrease in government spending and an increase in interest rates. Ultimately, the economy recovered fairly quickly and the 1920s went on to be a period of economic prosperity in the United States.

To learn more about government visit;


02.07: EAST ASIA
You just flew through a whirlwind of Japanese history, from its earliest written records in the 700s through the Tokugawa Shogunate taking over in the 1600s—about a thousand years of Japan! How will you remember all that? Well, that's your assignment! You need to make a mnemonic that will help you remember one significant piece of Japanese history for each of the five periods covered in the lesson.
Review the lesson and note what strikes you as the most significant or distinct aspects of Japanese history, at least one piece of information for each of the five periods.
Now, make your personal mnemonic! A mnemonic is simply a tool to help you remember something. It can be a haiku poem or just a rhyming song, a drawing with key words, or a short fantastical story—anything you can think of making that will help you remember the important parts of Japan's major historical eras. Don't overthink it!
Select here if you would like two example mnemonics
These two different mnemonics are for the history in the same time period (500-1500) for Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.
Example 1 - Short poem
While the Western Romans went feudal and then national for a thousand years, the Eastern Roman Byzantines held on until the Ottoman Turks realized their worst fears.
Example 2 - Acrostic
Innovative in Golden Age (750-1250)
Shapes the Middle East and North Africa today
Lost the First Crusade and dominated nearly all the others
Arabian Peninsula where it began
Most followers in world except for Christianity
Now, for your teacher to be able to grade it, you will need to explain your mnemonic. This is more important if you do something really creative, but your teacher must be able to see in your work at least one piece of important historical information for each period and how your creation will help you remember it.

Period Pronunciation Name Meaning
Heian (794-1184) "Hey-on"
Japanese word for "peace"
Kamakura (1185-1333) "Comma-cur-uh"
Capital moved to city of Kamakura
Ashikaga (1336-1573) "Aw-she-kaw-guh"
Dynastic family name of shoguns
Azuchi-Momoyama (1573-1603) "Ah-zoo-key-moe-moe-yaw-muh"
The names of the primary fortified castles of the two major sides in the civil war
Tokugawa (1603-1868) "Toe-koo-gaw-ah"
Dynastic family who controlled the shogunate


Pacific War starts. 1945 Japanese history surrenders after atomic bombs are dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1946 The new constitution is promulgated. 1952 The Allied Occupation of Japan ends.

What is the oldest history of Japan?

It has been determined that the Japanese archipelago's first residents arrived there in prehistoric times approximately 30,000 BC. In the first millennium BC, the Yayoi period, which saw the introduction of new Asian innovations, succeeded the Jmon period, which was so named because of the pottery's cord markings.

Who discovered Japan first?

On Tanegashima, a tiny island close to Kyushu, three Portuguese tourists who were travelling on a Chinese ship fell ashore in 1543. The first Europeans to travel to Japan were they. According to historians, in its early years, the Japanese dubbed their nation Yamato.

To know more about Japanese history visit :-


explain the logic behid john foster dulles cocncoeept of binkness


John Foster Dulles, who was the U.S. Secretary of State during the Eisenhower administration, was a proponent of the concept of "brinkmanship."

This was the idea that, in international relations, a nation could gain an advantage over its adversaries by pushing the situation to the brink of war, or even to the point of actual conflict, without actually crossing the threshold into armed conflict. Dulles believed that this approach would make the United States appear stronger and more willing to take risks than its enemies, and that this would deter them from challenging American interests.

Dulles also believed in the importance of "balance of power" in international relations. He believed that the United States needed to maintain a strong military and economic position in order to counter the power of its adversaries, particularly the Soviet Union. He believed that if the U.S. allowed the Soviet Union to become too powerful, it would threaten the security and interests of the United States and its allies.

In terms of Dulles' concept of "brinkmanship," the logic behind it was that by showing a willingness to take risks and push the situation to the brink of conflict, the U.S. could gain the upper hand in international relations. By maintaining a strong military and economic position, the U.S. could also maintain a balance of power that would prevent its adversaries from becoming too powerful. Overall, Dulles' approach to international relations was focused on maintaining American dominance and preventing the spread of communism.

To learn more about brinkmanship visit;


John Foster Dulles was an American lawyer and diplomat who served as the United States Secretary of State under President Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1959. Dulles' concept of "business diplomacy" was based on the belief that business and economic interests could serve as a means of promoting political stability and advancing US foreign policy objectives.

Dulles argued that economic prosperity was a key driver of political stability and that the US could use its economic power to shape the behavior of other nations. He believed that by promoting free trade and investment, the US could encourage other countries to adopt democratic principles and market-based economies, which would ultimately benefit both the US and the global community.

Dulles also believed that the private sector had an important role to play in advancing US foreign policy goals. He encouraged American businesses to invest overseas, believing that this would help to spread American values and influence and promote economic growth and development in other countries.

In summary, Dulles' concept of "business diplomacy" was based on the idea that economic interests and private enterprise could serve as powerful tools of US foreign policy, promoting political stability, democratic values, and economic growth both at home and abroad.

For more question on foreign policy


Why did Indigenous people react with what is known as the Big Bottom Massacre of 1791?
White settlers were invading their land.
• The Battle of Fallen Timbers took place.
O Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance.
O More settlers moved into Ohio Territory.


The Indigenous people reacted with what is known as the Big Bottom Massacre of 1791 because of the invasion of their land by white settlers.

What was Big Bottom Massacre?

The Big Bottom Massacre was a violent attack that took place on January 2, 1791, in the Ohio Country. A group of Native American warriors attacked a settlement of American pioneers, killing 13 men, women, and children. The pioneers had settled on land that was disputed by the native tribes, and tensions had been rising between the two groups. The attack was a retaliation for the killing of several Native Americans by the pioneers. The massacre was a significant event in the ongoing conflict between the United States and Native American tribes over land and resources. It was also a catalyst for increased military action by the US government against the tribes in the region.

To learn more about Big Bottom Massacre, visit:


which statements about middle-class farmers in the antebellum south are correct? multiple select question. they had fewer social and educational opportunities than the middle-class professionals. they were just as exploitive as plantation owners in trying to amass fortunes in the slave economy. they owned massive plots of land and used a lot of enslaved labor to maintain it.


The correct statement middle-class farmers in the antebellum south they owned massive plots of land enslaved labor to maintain, other two statements are incorrect as middle-class farmers had more social and educational opportunities than lower-class farmers, some may have participated slave economy they not exploitive as plantation owners.

The best response from the list would be "Slave economy helped the  labour  grow because it was taxed," but that answer focused more on free labour than taxation.

On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation into law. In eleven Confederate states that were in uprising against the Union, the executive order declared freedom for slaves.  Additionally, it permitted emancipated slaves to fight for the causes of national unification and the abolition of slavery by enlisting in the Union Army.  According to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, "The Proclamation broadened the goals of the Union war effort; it made the eradication of slavery into an explicit Union goal, in addition to the reuniting of the country."

Learn more about Slave economy here


T/F by 1940 the american ambassador to great britain, joseph kennedy, thought that the british cause was hopeless


True. By 1940, the American ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph Kennedy, did indeed believe that the British cause was hopeless.

Kennedy was deeply skeptical of Britain's ability to resist the German military onslaught and was convinced that the country would soon fall to Nazi Germany. He expressed these views in numerous letters and conversations, and they caused significant concern among British officials who worried that Kennedy's.

Learn more about Nazi here:


it is True that by 1940 the american ambassador to great britain, joseph kennedy, thought that the british cause was hopeless.

By 1940, Joseph Kennedy, who was the American Ambassador to Great Britain at the time, had expressed his belief that the British cause was hopeless. He believed that the Germans were too strong and that the British would not be able to hold out against them. This view was not shared by the American government or the majority of the American people, and Kennedy's statements caused controversy and criticism. In December 1941, Kennedy was replaced as Ambassador by John Gilbert Winant, who was seen as a more sympathetic and supportive representative of the United States.

learn more about Ambassador here:


Which technological development made it possible to build skyscrapers?
B.electric street cars
C.steel production
D.electric lighting



The technological development that made it possible to build skyscrapers is C. steel production. The invention of the Bessemer process in the mid-19th century made it possible to mass-produce high-quality steel at a lower cost, which enabled architects and engineers to design and construct taller buildings. Prior to the widespread availability of steel, buildings were typically constructed with masonry or cast iron, which had limitations in terms of height and weight-bearing capacity. Steel was able to provide the necessary strength and durability to support the weight of tall buildings, and allowed for the development of the skyscraper as a new architectural form.

what has happened since actions were taken to end the tensions over slavery in house divided speech?


The concept of "two Americas," or "red" and "blue" states, has now taken over popular discourse.

According to the Pew Research Center, "Political polarization is a distinguishing element of American politics today. "But, the notion that America is politically polarized is not new. As Abraham Lincoln accepted the Illinois Republican nomination for Senate in 1858, he made one of the most important speeches in American history, "House Divided."

The speech marked his entry into national politics at a time when the country was deeply divided over slavery. Lincoln's speech is still relevant today in terms of the price of deep-seated political divisiveness.

Learn more about Abraham Lincoln:

which of the following characterizes the response to the stamp act by the sons of liberty? a letter-writing campaign to promote colonists' constitutional rights a boycott of british goods like tea and linen riots and effigies against stamp distributors a propaganda campaign condemning the stamp act


The Boycott of British goods like tea and linen against stamp distributors represents the response to the stamp act by the Sons of Liberty. Thus, option b is correct.

The Sons of Liberty was a private community of American colonists created in reaction to the Stamp Act of 1765, which directed colonists to buy and use specially forged paper for published materials such as newspapers, lawful documents, and playing cards.

The Sons of Liberty replied to the Stamp Act with a string of rallies and protests. They arranged a boycott of British goods like tea and linen, provoking colonists to accept only American-made yields. They also utilized fierce plans, such as riots and puppets of stamp distributors.

To learn more about Sons of Liberty


The complete question is:

which of the following characterizes the response to the stamp act by the Sons of Liberty?

a.  a letter-writing campaign to promote colonists' constitutional rights

b. boycott of British goods like tea and linen riots and effigies against stamp distributors

c.  propaganda campaign condemning the stamp act

how did the new deal change from its first phase (1933 to 1934) to its second phase that began in 1935?


Answer: it changed from good to bad

Explanation: study island

What event in the years after World War I proved that Africans would resist
indirect rule?
• A. The signing of the Atlantic Charter
• B. The Igbo Women's War
• C. The Algerian War of Independence
• D. The Mau Mau Uprising


Option (b), The Igbo Women's War demonstrated that Africans may fight indirect authority in the years following World War I.

What function does the Igbo women's war serve?

This change had been sparked by the Women's War as well as countless other significant protests that had taken place afterwards, such as the Tax protests of 1938, the Oil Mill Protests of the 1940s, and the Tax Revolt of 1956. Igbo men and women gained confidence that they could protect their people's rights as a result of the Women's War.

What resulted from the Igbo women's war of 1929?

The rebellion was the country of West Africa's first large female insurrection. In 1930, colonial officials abolished the warrant chieftain system, and women were appointed to the Native Court system. These changes, which are seen as a forerunner to the development of broad African nationalism, were developed by African women.

Learn more about The Igbo Women's War:


What was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee SNCC )? US history definition?


The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was a civil rights organization in US history, established in 1960, that played a key role in promoting racial equality through nonviolent means.

Comprised of young activists, SNCC focused on voter registration drives and organizing peaceful protests, such as sit-ins and freedom rides, to challenge segregation and discrimination against African Americans. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was a civil rights organization in the United States during the 1960s. It was made up of college students who were dedicated to nonviolent direct action to end racial segregation and discrimination. SNCC played a major role in organizing and leading protests, sit-ins, and voter registration drives in the South. Its members were key players in the Civil Rights Movement, and their work helped to bring about significant changes in US history.

Learn more about History here:


The principle religion of indian with roots tracing back to prehistoric times



Also known as, the Hindu Dharma, Hinduism is one of the oldest organized religions in the world, tracing its roots back to 5000 BC.



all countries making up middle and south america are udner socialist politcal system. True or False


Not all countries in Middle and South America are under a socialist political system. The political systems in these regions vary widely, and while some countries may have governments with socialist elements.

The correct answer is statement is False. Middle and South America comprise a diverse range of countries with different political systems, including democratic republics, constitutional monarchies, presidential systems, and other forms of governance. Some countries in the region have governments that identify as socialist or have socialist parties in power, while others may have conservative, liberal, or centrist governments. The political landscape in Middle and South America is complex and dynamic, with various ideologies and political systems represented.

It is important to note that political systems can change over time, and the political landscape in any given country can evolve through elections, political movements, and other factors. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that all countries in Middle and South America are under a socialist political system, as political ideologies and systems can differ significantly from country to country.

To learn more about Middle and South America, visit here


The given statement is " all countries making up middle and south america are udner socialist politcal system" is False (because while some countries in Middle and South America have socialist political systems, not all of them do. Many countries have a mix of socialist and capitalist policies or lean towards one or the other. It is important to research and understand the specific political systems and policies of each individual country).

Not all countries making up Middle and South America are under a socialist political system. While some countries in the region have socialist or left-leaning governments, such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, many others have center-right or conservative governments, such as Brazil, Colombia, and Chile.

Additionally, there are countries in the region that have a mix of different political ideologies or have gone through changes in their political systems over time. It is important to note that the political systems and ideologies of countries in the region are complex and diverse, and cannot be accurately generalized as being uniformly socialist or any other political ideology.

For more question on capitalist


the stalemate of 1916 resulted in massive offenses by each side,True or False?



True. The stalemate of 1916 during World War I resulted in massive offensives by each side as they sought to break through the enemy lines and gain an advantage. The most famous of these offensives was the Battle of the Somme, launched by the Allied forces on July 1, 1916, which resulted in over one million casualties on both sides. The stalemate continued for much of the war, with both sides launching large-scale offensives that often resulted in heavy losses but little territorial gain. It was not until the entry of the United States into the war in 1917, combined with the exhaustion of the German forces, that the stalemate began to break and the war moved towards a conclusion.

the basic language used by earlier species of homo is called


The basic language used by earlier species of homo is called proto-language. Proto-language is a reconstructed or hypothetical language that is believed to have been spoken in the past but has no surviving written records. It is the theoretical ancestor of a group of related languages.

Proto-language refers to a hypothetical or reconstructed language that is believed to have been the common ancestor of a group of related languages. Proto-languages are reconstructed by linguists using methods such as comparative linguistics, which involves comparing the vocabulary, grammar, and sound changes of related languages to identify similarities and differences.

By tracing these similarities and differences back in time, linguists can make educated guesses about what the original language may have sounded like and how it was structured. Proto-languages are important because they help linguists understand the history and evolution of languages and how they are related to one another. They can also provide insights into the cultures and societies of the people who spoke these languages in the past.

For more question on proto-language


h. In 1918 the Bolsheviks killed the czar in the Bolshevik-controlled city of
i. The
Army won the civil war.
j. The new name for Russia under the communists was the


Answer: A.

Explanation: Because Bolshevik controlled the city where the army won the civil war.

why do colonies become victims of coloniziton

why were the european countries interest in discovering new routes going to east?



What were the reasons for colonial violence?

One reason had to do with superiority. It was believed that it was okay for a “superior” race to punish “inferior” people. A second reason revolved around being “civilized.” Many people argued violence was necessary to either force locals to work or to “civilize” them.

- Europeans wanted the power and resulting wealth that would come from controlling trade. Finding all- water routes to Asia and its riches would allow European merchants to cut out Middle Eastern middlemen and reap all the profits of eastern trade.

which early american leader was a chief anti-federalist? group of answer choices james madison john adams george washington patrick henry


.........................................NOT SURE SORRY



The impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on Jewish nation by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 was devastating.

What is a Jewish nation?

The Jewish nation refers to a group of people who share a common cultural, religious, and historical heritage tracing back to the ancient Israelites. They have a distinct identity and sense of community based on their shared values, traditions, and language, primarily Hebrew. The Jewish nation has faced numerous challenges throughout history, including persecution, displacement, and genocide, and has developed a resilient and adaptive culture that has spread throughout the world. Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people, and its teachings and practices are central to their cultural identity. Today, the Jewish nation is spread across the globe, with large populations in Israel, the United States, and Europe, among other regions.

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Please help me answer this question Univariate projections and extrapolationsdo not estimate cause-and-effect relationships between tax revenue and economic factors that might affect revenue.provide for multivariate modeling of the relationship between revenue and economic and policy factors.are methods of deterministic modeling.are expensive to employ because they require data for multiple explanatory variables.All of the above.None of the above what are some examples of the questions that will help you determine the health of the patient and the safety of the scene in your initial scene size-up A savings account starts with $312.50. After 9 years of continuous compounding at an interest rate, r, the account has $1250.What is the interest rate percentage?Round the answer to the nearest hundredth.someone said it was 10.98% but i submitted that and it said it was wrong so i do not know I need this by today at 11:59 PM please help. The nurse provides care for a client who is diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and prescribed enteralnutrition via a nasogastric tube. Which action by the nurse decreases the client's risk for aspiration?Select all that apply.Weighing the client each day, as prescribedMeasuring the pH of aspirated gastric contents:Reviewing the client's chest x-ray after initial tube insertionVerifying tube markings to ensure no tube migration has occurredDocumenting the volume administered in the client's medical record g aqueous hydrobromic acid will react with solid sodium hydroxide to produce aqueous sodium bromide and liquid water . supposed 4.05 g of hydrobromic acid is mixed with 3.7 g of sodium hydroxide. calculate the maximum mass of sodium bromide that could be produced by the chemical reaction. be sure your answer has the correct number of significant digits. in terms of the actual division process, mitosis is most similar to meiosis: If x = 2i is one of the root, find all possible roots of the polynomial f(x) = 2x4-4x3+7x2-4x-4. for the 2017-2018 school year, at a 7% inflation rate, the average costs for one year of education at a two-year college are projected to be: Look at picture thanks! Growth Option: Decision-Tree Analysis Fethe's Funny Hats is considering selling trademarked, orange-haired curly wigs for University of Tennessee football games. The purchase cost for a 2-year franchise to sell the wigs is $20,000. If demand is good (40% probability), then the net cash flows will be $25,000 per year for 2 years. If demand is bad (60% probability), then the net cash flows will be $5,000 per year for 2 years. Fethe's cost of capital is 10%. a. What is the expected NPV of the project? Answer _______ b. If Fethe makes the investment today, then it will have the option to renew the franchise fee for 2 more years at the end of Year 2 for an additional payment of $20,000. In this case, the cash flows that occurred in Years 1 and 2 will be repeated (so if demand was good in Years 1 and 2, it will continue to be good in Years 3 and 4). Write out the decision tree and use decision-tree analysis to calculate the expected NPV of this project, including the option to continue for an additional 2 years. (Note: The franchise fee payment at the end of Year 2 is known, so it should be discounted at the risk-free rate, which is 6%.) Answer ______ What is the economic system in the United States?Communist economyCapitalist economySocialist economyMilitary economy Podcasting allows subscribers to listen to live, streaming radio and other audio content. - True - False what is the Tone and Diction of the short story Totem by Thomas King.=below is the short story. the strong, affectional tie that humans feel toward specific people in their lives is known as . at which level of the respiratory tree is there no cartilage, where smooth muscle takes on an important role in regulating the amount of airflow through the tubule Q1how had freshippo developed its integrated online and offlinebusiness models when you care for a patient with a terminal illness, a question that you can ask the patient's family to elicit information about family strengths is: sales forecasts are the first step in the budgeting process of a merchandising firm because: a. revenue data is easiest to gather b. sales information is precise in amount c. sales personnel have the quickest access to data d. almost all activities of a firm emanate from sales efforts