the surface area of a cylinder is 936pi squares meters. the radius is 13m use the formula sa=2b=ph. to find the height of cylinder.


Answer 1

Answer: The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is:

SA = 2πr^2 + 2πrh

where SA is the surface area, r is the radius, and h is the height.

In this case, we know that the surface area is 936π square meters and the radius is 13 meters. So we can plug those values into the formula and solve for h:

936π = 2π(13^2) + 2π(13)(h)


936π = 338π + 26πh

936π - 338π = 26πh

598π = 26πh

h = 598/26 = 23

Therefore, the height of the cylinder is 23 meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

Step-by-step explanation:

you made some mistakes with the formula.

the surface area of a cylinder is

the outside mantle area


the 2 circle areas on top and bottom.

the outside mantle area is


the 2 circle areas are

2 × pi×radius²

in total that is

2×pi×radius×height + 2×pi×radius² =

2×pi×radius×(height + radius) = 936pi

2×pi×13×(height + 13) = 936pi

pi×(height + 13) = 36pi

height + 13 = 36

height = 36 - 13 = 23 m

Related Questions

Ten seventh graders and 15 eighth graders were selected for the elite choir ensemble.
a. Write the ratio of seventh graders to eighth graders who were selected for the
elite choir.
b. Write the ratio of seventh graders to total students who were selected for the
elite choir.
c. Write the ratio of eighth graders to total students who were selected for the elite



Your answer should be A

every morning, laura practices shooting basketball free throws. she doesn't shoot a fixed amount, instead she keeps shooting free throws until she makes 12. suppose laura is an 82% free throw shooter. let x be how many free throws laura will miss tomorrow morning. then x has a negative binomial distribution. what is a trial? [ select ] what is a success? [ select ] how many successes are required? r


The probability of Laura missing 3 free throws before making 12 is approximately 0.0037 or 0.37%.
The basketball free throw.

A success would be considered when Laura makes a free throw.

A failure would be when Laura misses a free throw.
The negative binomial distribution is a probability distribution that calculates the probability of obtaining a certain number of failures before a specified number of successes occur.

The specified number of successes is 12, and the number of failures is represented by the variable x.
To calculate the probability of x failures, we need to know the probability of a single failure.

Since Laura is an 82% free throw shooter, the probability of her missing a free throw is 18%.
We can use the formula for negative binomial distribution to determine how many failures are required before 12 successes are achieved.

The formula is:
[tex]P(X = x) = (r+x-1)C(x) \times p^r \times (1-p)^x[/tex]
P(X = x) is the probability of having x failures before achieving 12 successes
r is the number of successes required (in this case, 12)
p is the probability of a single success (in this case, 0.82)

[tex](r+x-1)C(x)[/tex]is the combination of r+x-1 choose x

For example, if we want to find the probability of Laura missing 3 free throws before making 12, we will plug in x = 3, r = 12, p = 0.82 into the formula:

[tex]P(X = 3) = (12+3-1)C(3) \times 0.82^1^2\times (1-0.82)^3[/tex]
[tex]P(X = 3) = 14C3 \times 0.082^1^2 \times 0.18^3[/tex]
[tex]P(X = 3) = 364 \times 0.000018 \times 0.005832[/tex]
P(X = 3) = 0.000037
Overall, the trial in this scenario is each individual attempt at a free throw, the success is making a free throw, and 12 successes are required before the shooting session is considered complete.

The negative binomial distribution is used to calculate the probability of obtaining a certain number of failures before achieving the specified number of successes.

For similar questions on probability


'x' follows a negative binomial distribution with 'r' being 12 successes.

In this scenario, a trial refers to each individual attempt at shooting a free throw. A success is when Laura successfully makes a free throw. To achieve her goal of making 12 free throws, she needs to have 11 successes (since she will miss on the final attempt). Therefore, r = 11.

In this context, a "trial" refers to each individual attempt Laura makes to shoot a basketball free throw. A "success" is when Laura makes a free throw (hits the basket), while a "failure" (not mentioned in the question) would be when Laura misses a free throw. Since Laura keeps shooting free throws until she makes 12, the number of successes required, denoted as 'r', is 12.

Therefore, 'x' follows a negative binomial distribution with 'r' being 12 successes.

Learn more about binomial distribution here:


The function y = f(x) is graphed below.
What is the average rate of change of the
function f(x) on the interval
-1 ≤ x ≤ 0?




Step-by-step explanation:

The explanation is in the picture

When adding or subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators, the numerators ___ , but the denominators ______ .

A. Stay the same

B. change



Yo, when you adding or subtracting mixed numbers with the same denominators, the numerators stay chill, they don't change, bro.

But the denominators, they also stay the same, man. It's like keeping things consistent, ya feel me? So the answer is A, dude. Numerators stay put, denominators stay put. It's all good vibes, bro! ✌️

Select the correct answer. Sides of three square rooms measure 14 feet each, and sides of two square rooms measure 17 feet each. Which expression shows the total area of these five rooms? A. (3 × 14^2) + (2 × 17^2) B. (2 × 14^3) + (2 × 17^2) C. (3 × 17^2) + (2 × 14^2) D. (3 × 14^2) × (2 × 17^2) Reset Next


The correct expression showing the total area of the five rooms is A. (3 x 14²) + (2 x 17²), which simplifies to 1918 square feet.

What is expression?

An expression is a combination of numbers, symbols, and operators (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) that represent a mathematical calculation. An expression can be a single number, a variable, or a combination of both, and can be used to represent mathematical formulas, equations, or relationships.

In the given question,

C. (3 × 17²) + (2 × 14²)

To find the total area of the five rooms, we need to add the area of each room. The area of a square is found by squaring the length of one side.

For the three rooms with sides of 14 feet each, the area of each room is:

14^2 = 196 square feet

So the total area of these three rooms is:

3 × 196 = 588 square feet

For the two rooms with sides of 17 feet each, the area of each room is:

17^2 = 289 square feet

So the total area of these two rooms is:

2 × 289 = 578 square feet

Therefore, the total area of all five rooms is:

588 + 578 = 1166 square feet

Option C, (3 × 17²) + (2 × 14²), gives the correct expression for this calculation.

To know more about expression, visit:


Graph Y = 1/2x - 4 on the coordinate plane


The x-axis and y-axis are two parallel number lines that meet at (0, 0) to form the shape of the letter t.

Describe Coordinate Plane?

Geometric objects and mathematical equations are represented on the coordinate plane, a two-dimensional graph. It is made up of the x-axis and y-axis, two parallel number lines that meet at the starting point (0, 0). The horizontal coordinate is represented by the x-axis, while the vertical coordinate is represented by the y-axis. They combine to create the Cartesian coordinate system.

Positive numbers are labelled to the right of the origin and negative values are labelled to the left of the origin on the x-axis. Positive numbers are written above the origin of the y-axis, and negative numbers are written below it. An ordered pair (x, y), where x denotes the horizontal coordinate and y denotes the vertical coordinate, is used to represent each point on the coordinate plane.

For graphing linear equations, quadratic equations, and other functions, the coordinate plane is a helpful tool. Additionally, it is employed to depict geometric forms like polygons, circles, and lines. The distance between two points, the slope of a line, and other significant features of mathematical objects can be calculated by graphing points on the coordinate plane. With applications in physics, engineering, economics, and computer science, the coordinate plane is a fundamental idea in mathematics.

The graph is shown below when y=1.

To know more about graph visit:


Graph attached below,

The coordinates of the plane is

x       y

1       -3.5

2      -3

4      -2

6      -1.

What is equation?

The definition of an equation in algebra is a mathematical statement that demonstrates the equality of two mathematical expressions. For instance, the equation 3x + 5 = 14 consists of the two equations 3x + 5 and 14, which are separated by the 'equal' sign.

Here the given equation is y = [tex]\frac{1}{2}x-4[/tex].

Now put x= 1 then y = [tex]\frac{1}{2}\times1-4 =\frac{1-8}{2}=\frac{-7}{2}=-3.5[/tex]

Now put x=2 then [tex]y=\frac{1}{2}\times2-4=1-4=-3[/tex]

Now put x=4 then [tex]y=\frac{1}{2}\times4-4=2-4=-2[/tex]

Now put x=6 then [tex]y=\frac{1}{2}\times6-4=3-4=-1[/tex]

Then coordinates of the plane is

x       y

1       -3.5

2      -3

4      -2

6      -1.

To learn more about equation refer the below link


Which statement about statistical questions is TRUE?

The answer must be a word.
The answer must be a number.
The answers will vary from person to person.
The answers will be the same no matter who you ask.


The answer is: The answers will vary from person to person.

Which statement about statistical questions is TRUE?

The statement that is true about statistical questions is that the answers will vary from person to person. Statistical questions are questions that can be answered using data and statistics. These questions involve gathering information from a population or a sample of that population, analyzing the data, and making conclusions based on the results. Since different people may have different data and different ways of analyzing that data, the answers to statistical questions can vary. This is why it is important to consider the sample size, the sample method, and the statistical methods used to analyze the data when interpreting the results of statistical questions. A well-designed study can help minimize variability and improve the accuracy of the results, but some degree of variability is still expected due to natural differences in the data collected by different individuals or groups

to know more about sample



Elijah bought earrings to give to his mother for her birthday. The earrings are in a case
shaped like a rectangular prism that is 2 inches long, 1½ inches wide, and 1 inches tall. He
doesn't want his mother to guess what the gift is, so he put the case in a larger, cube-shaped
gift box. The gift box is 4 inches along each edge.
What is the volume of the extra space left in the gift?



The answer is 59 ½

Step-by-step explanation:

4×4×4-2×1 ½×1 ½

= 64 - 2× 3/2 × 3/2

= 64 - 9/2

= 128/2 - 9/2

= 119/2

= 59 ½ in3

Hope this helped :)

we have studied srs and stratified sampling, and have also mentioned cluster sampling. there is one more sampling method which arises frequently, called systematic sampling. this is how it works in its simplest form:


Systematic sampling is a type of probability sampling method where every nth item in a population is selected for inclusion in the sample.

For example, if a researcher wanted to select a systematic sample of 100 students from a school population of 1,000 students, they would randomly select one of the first 10 students (1/10th of the population) and then select every 10th student thereafter until they reach 100. Systematic sampling is often used when the population is too large to enumerate and it is more efficient than simple random sampling. However, it is important to ensure that the sampling interval is not biased in any way, otherwise the sample may not be representative of the population.

Learn about more inclusion here:


Systematic sampling is a relatively easy and quick method of sampling, as it requires less effort and time than other methods such as stratified or cluster sampling.

The starting point is truly random, and that the interval selected does not create any bias in the sample.

Systematic sampling is a method of selecting a sample from a population using a system or a pattern.

It involves selecting every nth item or person from the population after a random starting point has been determined.

To perform systematic sampling, the first item or individual in the sample is randomly selected from the population.

Then, the remaining items or individuals are selected at regular intervals, such as every 10th or 20th item or individual.

The interval is calculated by dividing the population size by the desired sample size.

A researcher wants to select a sample of 100 from a population of 1000, the interval would be. [tex]1000/100 = 10.[/tex]

The researcher would randomly select the first item or individual from the population, and then select every 10th item or individual thereafter until the desired sample size is reached.

For similar questions on Systematic sampling


what is the range and domain of y = 3x^2 + 2?


The domain of the function is (-∞, ∞) and the range of the function is [2, ∞).

Define range!

In mathematics, the range of a function refers to the set of all possible output values (dependent variable) that the function can produce for its corresponding input values (independent variable).

According to question:

The given function is y = 3x² + 2.

The domain of a function is the set of all possible values of the independent variable (x) for which the function is defined. Since the given function is a polynomial function, it is defined for all real numbers.

Therefore, the domain of the function y = 3x² + 2 is (-∞, ∞), which means that the function is defined for all real values of x.

The range of a function is the set of all possible values of the dependent variable (y) that the function can take. In this case, the function is a quadratic function with a leading coefficient of 3, which means that the parabola opens upwards and its vertex is at the point (0,2).

Since the minimum value of the function is 2, the range of the function is [2, ∞).

Therefore, the domain of the function is (-∞, ∞) and the range of the function is [2, ∞).

To know more about range visit:


Using the graph, determine the equation of the axis of symmetry.


Step-by-step explanation:

x = -4     ( the value of the x-coordinate of the vertex is the axis of symmetry for normal up or down opening parabolas)

Maggie spent $18. 00 Of $30. 00 In her wallet which decimal represents the fraction of the $30. 00 Maggie spent


The decimal that represents the fraction of the $30.00 Maggie spent is 0.6.

Now, let's talk about decimals. Decimals are a way of expressing parts of a whole number in a fraction of 10. For example, 0.5 is the same as 1/2. In your situation, Maggie spent $18.00 out of $30.00. To figure out what decimal represents the fraction of the $30.00 Maggie spent, we need to divide the amount she spent by the total amount she had.

So, we can write this as a fraction:

$18.00 / $30.00

To turn this fraction into a decimal, we divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) using long division or a calculator.

$18.00 / $30.00 = 0.6

Another way to say this is that Maggie spent 60% of the money she had in her wallet.

To know more about decimal here


Solve for X. I don’t know how to solve


The value of x is approximately 10.57 and the value of y is approximately 15.25.

Describe Chords?

In mathematics, a chord is a straight line segment that connects two points on a curve. More specifically, a chord is a line segment that has its endpoints on the curve.

The term "chord" is most commonly used in the context of circle geometry, where a chord is a line segment that connects two points on the circumference of a circle. In this context, the length of a chord can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, given the lengths of the radii of the circle and the distance between the endpoints of the chord.

In a circle, if four chords are connected to form a quadrilateral, then opposite angles of the quadrilateral are supplementary. Using this property, we can set up the following equation:

105 + (7y + 1) + (7x + 1) + (4y + 14) = 180

Simplifying and solving for x and y, we get:

7x + 4y + 122 = 180

7x + 4y = 58 ......(1)

Also, we know that the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary. Therefore, we can set up the following equations:

105 + (4y + 14) = 180 ......(2)

(7y + 1) + (7x + 1) = 180 ......(3)

Simplifying and solving for y in equation (2), we get:

4y + 119 = 180

4y = 61

y = 15.25

Substituting this value of y in equation (3) and solving for x, we get:

(7x + 1) + (7*15.25 + 1) = 180

7x + 106 = 180

7x = 74

x = 10.57

Therefore, the value of x is approximately 10.57 and the value of y is approximately 15.25.

To know more about equation visit:


Chase is moving and must rent a truck. There is an initial charge of $35 for the rental plus a fee of $2.50 per mile driven. Make a table of values and then write an equation for C,C, in terms of m,m, representing the total cost of renting the truck if Chase were to drive m miles.


The required equation in the given situation is C = 35 + 2.50m where C is the total cost and m is the number of miles driven.

What is the equation?

Equation: A declaration that two expressions with variables or integers are equal.

In essence, equations are questions and attempts to systematically identify the solutions to these questions have been the driving forces behind the creation of mathematics.

A mathematical statement known as an equation is made up of two expressions joined together by the equal sign.

A formula would be 3x - 5 = 16, for instance.

The equation would be:

C is the total cost and m is the miles driven.

We know that:
Charge of the truck: $35

Charge per mile: $2.50

Then, form the equation as follows:

C = 35 + 2.50m

Therefore, the required equation in the given situation is C = 35 + 2.50m where C is the total cost and m is the number of miles driven.

Know more about equations here:


answer the following ​



6 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

HLEP me please with math


For the given diagram, the square ABCD is transformed into square A'B'C'D' by the dilation using the scale factor of 5.

Explain about the scale factor:

On a map, scales are frequently present. The scale factor in geography usually applies to how accurately the scale depicted on the map reflects actual distance. Find the corresponding sides upon that two figures before obtaining the scale factor.

Then, divide the new figure's measurement by the old figure's measurement. Your scale factor, i.e., how many times bigger or less than your new image is in comparison to the old, is the consequence.

From the diagram:

coordinate of A = (1,1)

coordinate of A' = (5,5)

Thus, the coordinates of A is multiplied by 5 to get the coordinates of A'

Same applies with the coordinates of B, C and D.

Thus, for the given diagram, the square ABCD is transformed into square A'B'C'D' by the dilation using the scale factor of 5.

Know more about the scale factor:


Determine two coterminal angles (one positive and one negative) for each angle. Give your answers in radians. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)


The two coterminal angles for 3/4 radians are (3π + 4)/4 and (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

What is coterminal angles ?

Coterminal angles are two or more angles that have the same initial and terminal sides, but differ by a multiple of 360 degrees or 2π radians. In other words, coterminal angles are angles that overlap each other when drawn in standard position (with their initial side on the positive x-axis).

To find two coterminal angles with 3/4 radians, we can add or subtract multiples of 2π radians (which is equivalent to a full circle).

One positive coterminal angle is obtained by adding 2π radians to 3/4 radians:

3/4 + 2π = 3/4 + 8π/4 = 3/4 + 2π

Simplifying, we get:

3/4 + 2π = (3π + 4)/4

Therefore, one positive coterminal angle is (3π + 4)/4 radians.

One negative coterminal angle is obtained by subtracting 2π radians from 3/4 radians:

3/4 - 2π = 3/4 - 8π/4 = 3/4 - 2π

Simplifying, we get:

3/4 - 2π = (-5π + 4)/4

Therefore, one negative coterminal angle is (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

Hence, the two coterminal angles for 3/4 radians are (3π + 4)/4 and (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

To know more about coterminal angles  visit:


The equation ( x + 6)^2 + ( y + 4) ^2 = 36 models the position and range of the source of a radio signal.

1. Where is the signal located?

2. What is the range of the signal? Only enter numerical values. ​


1) The equation (x + 6)² + (y + 4)² = 36 represents a circle centered at the point (-6, -4) with a radius of 6. Therefore, the signal is located at the point (-6, -4).

What is the range of the signal?

2) The range of the signal refers to the maximum distance that the signal can travel before it becomes too weak to be detected. In this case, the range of the signal is equal to the radius of the circle, which is 6. This means that any point on the circle (x + 6)² + (y + 4)² = 36 is 6 units away from the signal located at (-6, -4).

To visualize this, imagine the signal as a point source located at (-6, -4), and the range of the signal as a circle centered at the signal with a radius of 6. Any point on this circle represents the farthest distance that the signal can reach and still be detected.

In summary, the signal is located at (-6, -4) and its range is 6 units, as represented by the circle (x + 6)² + (y + 4)² = 36.

to know more about signal


laptop: $199.99, 13% markup what is the markup



≈ $26

Step-by-step explanation:

13% = 0.13

199.99 x 0.13 = $25.9987

So, 13% markup is ≈ $26

Markup = $25.9987
First you find the percent of the money given.
13/100 = 0.13
Do 0.13 (199.99) and you will get your markup answer,

If you are in the need of selling price too, please reply to the comment for that and I will try my best to give you the right answer. Hope this helps you :)

If a stock has a beta measure of 2.5, discuss what this means(be specific).


The means of a stock that has a beta measure of 2.5 is 2.5%.

A beta measure of 2.5 indicates that the stock is 2.5 times as volatile as the market.

This means that if the market goes up by 1%, the stock is expected to go up by 2.5%.

The beta measure is a measure of the volatility of a stock relative to the market.

If the market goes down by 1%, the stock is expected to go down by 2.5%.


The stock is considered to be more risky than the average stock in the market.

A beta measure of 2.5 indicates that the stock is 2.5 times as volatile as the market.

This means that if the market goes up by 1%, the stock is expected to go up by 2.5%.

Conversely, if the market goes down by 1%, the stock is expected to go down by 2.5%.

For similar question on beta measures:


Alfred buys a car for £13960 which depreciates in value at a rate of 0.75% per year.

Work out how much Alfred's car will be worth in 12 years.




Step-by-step explanation:

The value of Alfred’s car after 12 years can be calculated using the formula for exponential decay: Final Value = Initial Value * (1 - rate of depreciation)^(number of years). Plugging in the values we get: Final Value = 13960 * (1 - 0.0075)^12. Therefore, after 12 years, Alfred’s car will be worth approximately £12063.57.

what minus 1 1/2 equals 3 3/4



5 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Need help ASAP

there are 600 poetry books at the library.Of the poetry books,8 1/2% are for children.How many poetry books at the library are for children


The answer is 24. To calculate this, 8 1/2% needs to be converted to a decimal by dividing it by 100.

What is number?

Numbers are often used to measure and compare objects, and they can be used to solve problems and make predictions.

8 1/2% is equal to 0.04.

To calculate the number of poetry books for children, multiply 0.04 by 600.

0.04 x 600 = 24

To find the number of poetry books for children, the decimal equivalent of 8 1/2% needs to be multiplied by the total number of poetry books.

In conclusion, 8 1/2% of 600 poetry books is equal to 24 books.

To calculate this, 8 1/2% needs to be converted to a decimal by dividing it by 100.

Then, the decimal needs to be multiplied by the total number of poetry books. This will give the answer, which can be rounded down if necessary.

For more questions related to decimal


The angle of elevation from point A to the top of a hill is 49°. If point A is 400 feet from the base of the hill, how high is the hill? Round to the nearest tenth.

1. 460.1 ft
2. 301.9 ft
3. 262.4 ft
4. 459.3 ft


To solve this problem, we can use trigonometry. The tangent of the angle of elevation is equal to the height of the hill divided by the distance from point A to the base of the hill. So:

tan(49°) = height/400

height = 400 * tan(49°) = 459.3 ft (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the answer is option 4) 459.3 ft

April is considering a 7/23 balloon mortgage with an interest rate of 4.15% to
purchase a house for $197,000. What will be her balloon payment at the end
of 7 years?
OA. $173,819.97
OB. $170,118.49
OC. $225,368.29
OD. $170,245.98


The balloon payment at the end of 7 years would be $173,819.97, which is option A.

How to find the balloon payment at the end of 7 years

A 7/23 balloon mortgage means that April will make payments on the loan as if it were a 23-year mortgage, but the remaining balance of the loan will be due in full after 7 years.

To find the balloon payment at the end of 7 years, we can first calculate the monthly payment using the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term:

n = 23 * 12 = 276 (total number of payments)

r = 4.15% / 12 = 0.003458 (monthly interest rate)

P = (r * PV) / (1 - (1 + r)^(-n))


PV is the present value of the loan (the loan amount)n is the total number of paymentsr is the monthly interest rate

PV = $197,000

P = (0.003458 * $197,000) / (1 - (1 + 0.003458)^(-276)) = $1,007.14 (monthly payment)

Now we can calculate the remaining balance on the loan after 7 years. Since April is making payments as if it were a 23-year mortgage, she will have made 7 * 12 = 84 payments by the end of the 7th year.

Using the formula for the remaining balance of a loan after t payments:

B = PV * (1 + r)^t - (P / r) * ((1 + r)^t - 1)


B is the remaining balancePV is the initial loan amount r is the monthly interest rateP is the monthly payment t is the number of payments made

t = 84 (number of payments made)

B = $197,000 * (1 + 0.003458)^84 - ($1,007.14 / 0.003458) * ((1 + 0.003458)^84 - 1)

B = $173,819.97

Therefore, the balloon payment at the end of 7 years would be $173,819.97, which is option A.

Learn more about monthly payment here :


The radius of a circle is 3 centimeters. What is the length of a 45° arc?



2.36 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

radius, r = 3 miles∅ = 45°Length of an arc = ∅/360 * 2πr= 45/360 * 2 * 3.14 * 3= 2.36 miles

Solve Triangle

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x = 4√5 ≈ 8.94 (2 d.p.)

y = 8√5 ≈ 17.89 (2 d.p.)

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the values of x and y, use the Geometric Mean Theorem (Leg Rule).

Geometric Mean Theorem (Leg Rule)

The altitude drawn from the vertex of the right angle perpendicular to the hypotenuse separates the hypotenuse into two segments. The ratio of the hypotenuse to one leg is equal to the ratio of the same leg and the segment directly opposite the leg.

[tex]\boxed{\sf \dfrac{Hypotenuse}{Leg\:1}=\dfrac{Leg\:1}{Segment\;1}}\quad \sf and \quad \boxed{\sf \dfrac{Hypotenuse}{Leg\:2}=\dfrac{Leg\:2}{Segment\;2}}[/tex]

From inspection of the given right triangle RST:

Altitude = SVHypotenuse = RT = 20Leg 1 = RS = ySegment 1 = RV = 16Leg 2 = ST = xSegment 2 = VT = 4

Substitute the values into the formulas:

[tex]\boxed{\dfrac{20}{y}=\dfrac{y}{16}}\quad \sf and \quad \boxed{\dfrac{20}{x}=\dfrac{x}{4}}[/tex]

Solve the equation for x:

[tex]\implies \dfrac{20}{x}=\dfrac{x}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\implies 4x \cdot \dfrac{20}{x}=4x \cdot \dfrac{x}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\implies 80=x^2[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sqrt{x^2}=\sqrt{80}[/tex]

[tex]\implies x=\sqrt{80}[/tex]

[tex]\implies x=\sqrt{4^2\cdot 5}[/tex]

[tex]\implies x=\sqrt{4^2}\sqrt{5}[/tex]

[tex]\implies x=4\sqrt{5}[/tex]

Solve the equation for y:

[tex]\implies \dfrac{20}{y}=\dfrac{y}{16}[/tex]

[tex]\implies 16y \cdot \dfrac{20}{y}=16y \cdot \dfrac{y}{16}[/tex]

[tex]\implies 320=y^2[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sqrt{y^2}=\sqrt{320}[/tex]

[tex]\implies y=\sqrt{320}[/tex]

[tex]\implies y=\sqrt{8^2\cdot 5}[/tex]

[tex]\implies y=\sqrt{8^2}\sqrt{5}[/tex]

[tex]\implies y=8\sqrt{5}[/tex]

a scientist claims that the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks. if a hypothesis test is performed that rejects the null hypothesis, how would this decision be interpreted? g


The rejection of the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test that claims the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks implies there is sufficient evidence to support the claim, indicating a statistically significant difference between the observed sample mean and the hypothesized mean.

If a hypothesis test is performed that rejects the null hypothesis that the mean gestation period for a fox is 48.9 weeks or less, it means that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks.

The rejection of the null hypothesis implies that the observed sample mean is significantly different from the hypothesized mean, and this difference is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone. The statistical test used to evaluate the hypothesis would have produced a p-value less than the significance level, indicating that the evidence against the null hypothesis is strong.

Therefore, the scientist can conclude that there is evidence to support their claim that the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks, and this finding could have important implications for understanding fox reproductive biology and management.

Learn more about hypothesis test here


x 3 + 3 x 2 − x + 2 x 2 + 6 x − 2


Answer: If you want me to evaluate its 18x - 2

Hope it helped :D

Find the measures of angle a and B. Round to the
nearest degree.


The measure of angle A and B is 29° and 61° respectively

What is trigonometric ratio?

Trigonometric Ratios are defined as the values of all the trigonometric functions based on the value of the ratio of sides in a right-angled triangle.

sin(tetha) = opp/hyp

tan(tetha) = opp/adj

cos(tetha) = adj/hyp

The opposite is 6 and the adjascent = 11

Therefore tan (tetha) = 11/6 = 1.833

tetha = tan^-1( 1.833)

= 61°( nearest degree)

The sum of angle in a triangle is 180°


angle A = 180-( 61+90)

= 180-151

= 29°

therefore the measure of angle A and B is 29° and 61° respectively.

learn more about trigonometric ratio from


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