the way of life based on breeding and herding of animals that are used as a source of food, shelter, and clothing is called


Answer 1

The way of life based on breeding and herding of animals for food, shelter, and clothing is known as pastoralism.

Pastoralists are people who depend on domesticated animals, such as sheep, goats, camels, or cattle, for their livelihood. They migrate with their herds from one place to another in search of food and water for their animals. Pastoralism is commonly practiced in arid or semi-arid regions where agriculture is difficult or impossible due to the lack of water or fertile soil. Pastoralists rely on their animals not only for food but also for other products such as milk, meat, wool, leather, and transportation. They have developed a close relationship with their animals, and their way of life is often intertwined with the seasonal rhythms of nature.

Pastoralism has been practiced for thousands of years in various parts of the world, and it has contributed to the development of unique cultural traditions, languages, and social structures. However, pastoralism is facing many challenges in the modern world, such as land degradation, climate change, conflict with farmers, and market volatility. As a result, many pastoralists have been forced to abandon their traditional way of life and adopt new livelihood strategies.

Nevertheless, pastoralism remains an important part of human history and an example of how humans have adapted to their environment and created sustainable systems for their survival.

For more such questions on pastoralism


Related Questions

suppose you were walking to class when all of a sudden your friend jumped out and scared you! what would you expect to observe with your nervous system?


Would expect to observe some responses with your nervous system that allow you to be prepared to either fight or flee from the perceived danger of your friend jumping out and scaring you.

Hi! I'm happy to help you understand what would happen with your nervous system in this situation. When your friend jumps out and scares you, your nervous system will go through a series of reactions, primarily involving the activation of your sympathetic nervous system and the release of certain neurotransmitters and hormones.
1. Initial response: When your friend suddenly scares you, your sensory receptors detect the unexpected stimulus and send a signal to your brain through sensory neurons.
2. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system: In response to the signal, your brain activates the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "fight or flight" response. This helps prepare your body to react quickly to potential danger.
3. Release of neurotransmitters: Neurotransmitters like adrenaline (epinephrine) and norepinephrine are released into your bloodstream. These chemicals increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate to provide more oxygen and energy to your muscles.
4. Physical reactions: You might experience increased muscle tension, faster reflexes, and heightened awareness as your body prepares to respond to the threat.
5. Deactivation of the parasympathetic nervous system: The activation of the sympathetic nervous system also suppresses the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis and promoting relaxation. This suppression further enhances your body's ability to react to the perceived threat.
Once you realize that it was just a friend scaring you and not an actual danger, your brain will then initiate the process of calming down, and the parasympathetic nervous system will be reactivated to return your body to its normal state.

For more such questions on nervous system


how are simple multicellular organisms different from complex multicellular organisms?only simple multicellular organisms divide by mitosis.


Simple multicellular organisms are typically made up of a single cell type and are much less complex than complex multicellular organisms.

Generally, simple multicellular organisms do not possess specialized organs or a digestive system. Instead, they rely on diffusion and osmosis to take in nutrients and expel waste. They also lack a nervous system and have no way of communicating with the outside world.

In contrast, complex multicellular organisms have specialized organs and a digestive system. They also have a nervous system that allows them to sense their environment and communicate with other organisms. Complex multicellular organisms can also reproduce sexually, while simple multicellular organisms divide by mitosis. Additionally, these organisms have various types of cells that work together to form tissues and organs. This allows them to carry out more complex functions such as locomotion, communication, and reproduction.

Know more about multicellular organisms.


Pla help help science,third and fourth question


3. all the members of a pop. are genetically cert similar…


In a certain ecosystem, rattlesnakes are predators

of prairie dogs. If the prairie dog population

started to increase, how would the ecosystem most

likely regain stability?

The rattlesnake population would start to



The rattlesnake population would start to


C. The prairie dog population would increase


D. The prairie dog population would begin to

prey on the rattlesnakes.


The ecosystem most likely regain stability the prairie dog population would begin to prey on the rattlesnakes.Hence, the correct option is D.

In a predator-prey relationship, the populations of predators and prey are interconnected and affect each other's dynamics. If the prairie dog population starts to increase, it would result in an increase in the availability of prey for rattlesnakes, leading to increased predation pressure on rattlesnakes.

As a result, the rattlesnake population may start to decrease, as they are being preyed upon by the increasing prairie dog population. This would help restore the balance in the ecosystem and regain stability by regulating the prairie dog population growth and maintaining a healthy predator-prey relationship.

Hence, the correct option is D.

To know more about ecosystem here


1. List four activities you've done in the last week and what type of ecosystem service you think supported that activity.



Eating fruits and vegetables: The production of fruits and vegetables relies on a number of ecosystem services, including pollination provided by insects such as bees, as well as nutrient cycling and soil formation processes that support plant growth.Going for a hike: Hiking in natural areas such as forests or mountains provides opportunities for recreation and relaxation, as well as aesthetic experiences that enhance mental and emotional well-being. These benefits are supported by a range of ecosystem services, including clean air and water, biodiversity, and natural landscapes.Driving a car: The use of cars for transportation relies on a number of ecosystem services, including the production of fossil fuels such as oil, as well as the regulation of atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide that contribute to climate stability.Using wood products: The use of wood products such as furniture or paper relies on ecosystem services such as timber production, as well as the regulation of carbon storage and nutrient cycling processes in forests.

The suffix that means surgical crushing is ________.A medical term that means pertaining to the seminal vesicles is ________.


Answer: The suffix that means surgical crushing is: otripsy | A medical term that means pertaining to the seminal vesicles is Vesicular.

Final answer:

The suffix indicating surgical crushing is '-tripsy', as in lithotripsy. The term referring to the seminal vesicles is 'seminal'.


The suffix that means surgical crushing is -tripsy. An example of a medical term using this suffix is lithotripsy, which means surgical crushing of stones (usually in the kidney or ureter).

A medical term that means pertaining to the seminal vesicles is seminal. Seminal vesicles are glands that secrete a fluid that forms part of semen, and a condition affecting these would be referenced using the term 'seminal'.

Learn more about Medical terminology here:


how does a blood fluke enter its primary host


A blood fluke enters its primary host by penetrating the host's skin when the host is exposed to contaminated water. The fluke then migrates through the bloodstream to reach its target location, where it feeds and reproduces.

The primary host of a blood fluke is typically a human or other mammal. A blood fluke enters its primary host through the following process:

1. The blood fluke, also known as Schistosoma, starts as a free-swimming larva called a cercaria.
2. The cercaria comes into contact with the primary host's skin when the host is exposed to contaminated water.
3. Upon contact, the cercaria penetrates the host's skin by releasing enzymes that break down the skin's outer layer.
4. Once the cercaria has entered the host's body, it transforms into a different stage called a schistosomule.
5. The schistosomule migrates through the host's bloodstream and matures into an adult blood fluke.
6. The adult blood fluke will eventually reach its target location in the host's blood vessels, where it feeds on blood and reproduces.

Know more about  blood fluke -


While examining some water from a local pond, a student observed a single-celled organism using a light microscope. The organism had no cell wall, chloroplasts, and a nucleus. What kingdom does this organism most likely belong to?

A.) Fungi

B.) Archaebacteria

C.) Protist

D.) Eubacteria


The answer is Fungi a
The correct answer is fungi

Celiac disease is caused by a misdirected immune response to the protein gluten. The villi in the small intestine are damaged by the patient's own immune response. Enzyme supplements designed to digest gluten have proved to be ineffective. Hypothesize why these enzyme supplements would not be active in the stomach


Enzyme supplements designed to digest gluten are not effective in treating celiac disease because the damage caused by the patient's immune response occurs in the small intestine, not in the stomach. Gluten needs to be broken down into smaller components before it reaches the small intestine where it triggers the immune response.

Enzymes taken orally are not able to survive the acidic environment of the stomach and are therefore unable to reach the small intestine where they are needed to break down gluten. Additionally, gluten is a complex protein that is difficult to break down completely, making it challenging to design an enzyme supplement that can effectively break it down. In addition to this, the immune response in celiac disease is complex and cannot be fully addressed by simply breaking down gluten proteins. Therefore, while enzyme supplements may be helpful in some cases, they cannot be relied upon as the sole treatment for celiac disease. A strict gluten-free diet is currently the only effective treatment for this autoimmune disorder.

For more questions related to celiac disease, refer to:


your patient has advanced stage cancer and her liver is starting to fail. one consequence is markedly reduced plasma proteins. in what way might this affect her endocrine system?


The endocrine system is the system of glands, each of which secretes a type of hormone directly into the bloodstream to regulate the body.

When there is a marked reduction in plasma proteins due to liver failure, this can affect the endocrine system in a number of ways. First, it can lead to an imbalance in hormone production, as diminished protein levels can reduce the production of hormones.

Additionally, the decrease in plasma proteins can impede the effectiveness of hormones, as proteins are necessary for them to be transported throughout the body. Finally, the decrease in plasma proteins can affect the metabolism of hormones, as proteins are necessary for the uptake, storage, and utilization of hormones.

Therefore, liver failure can have a detrimental effect on the endocrine system by disrupting the production, transportation, and metabolism of hormones.

Know more about Utilization of hormones here


any process that uses water and then returns it to earth far from its source is ___


Any process that uses water and then returns it to Earth far from its source is known as long-distance water transfer.

Long-distance water transfer involves the diversion of water from its natural sources, such as a river, lake, or reservoir, and transporting it through a network of pipelines, canals, or tunnels to areas where it is needed for various purposes, such as agriculture, industrial use, or domestic consumption.

The main components of long-distance water transfer include collection, conveyance, distribution, and discharge. The collection involves obtaining water from the source, which may require the construction of dams or other infrastructure.

Conveyance is the process of transporting water through pipelines, canals, or tunnels, while distribution refers to the allocation of water to end users. Finally, discharge is the return of the used water to the environment, typically far from its original source.

Long-distance water transfer can provide numerous benefits, such as alleviating water scarcity, supporting economic development, and improving the quality of life for people in water-stressed regions.

However, it can also have environmental impacts, including disrupting ecosystems, altering natural water flows, and contributing to the loss of biodiversity.

In summary, a process that uses water and returns it to Earth far from its source is known as long-distance water transfer. This process involves the collection, conveyance, distribution, and discharge of water to meet the needs of various users while managing the associated environmental impacts.

To know more about water refer here:


describe the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation on the intrinsic activity of the gut.


The gut is innervated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and each system has opposite effects on gut motility and secretion. Sympathetic stimulation reduces the intrinsic activity of the gut, causing a decrease in gut motility and secretions.

This occurs due to the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve endings that bind to alpha-adrenergic receptors on smooth muscle cells in the gut. This leads to smooth muscle contraction and a decrease in gut motility.

On the other hand, parasympathetic stimulation increases the intrinsic activity of the gut, leading to an increase in gut motility and secretions. This occurs due to the release of acetylcholine from parasympathetic nerve endings that bind to muscarinic receptors on smooth muscle cells in the gut. This leads to smooth muscle relaxation and an increase in gut motility.

know more about nervous systems here


In their adult form, Tunicates have all of the major characteristics of Chordates except:
mouth and anus.
pharyngeal gill slits.
notochord and dorsal nerve cord.


In their adult form, Tunicates lack the following major characteristic of Chordates: option D- Notochord and dorsal nerve cord.

Tunicates, also known as sea squirts, are marine animals that belong to the phylum Chordata. However, while they possess several chordate characteristics during their larval stage, such as a notochord and dorsal nerve cord, they typically lose these characteristics in their adult form.

One characteristic that Tunicates do retain in their adult form is the pharyngeal gill slits, which are a hallmark feature of chordates. These slits are used for filter feeding and gas exchange in Tunicates.

Additionally, Tunicates have a pharynx, which is another characteristic of chordates. However, unlike other chordates, Tunicates lack a fully developed mouth and anus. Instead, they have an oral siphon and atrial siphon, respectively, which are used for feeding and waste expulsion.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. notochord and dorsal nerve cord.

learn more about Tunicates Here:


the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the er is a potentially lethal situation and thus causes the triggering of what process?


'ER stress' can be caused by an accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER, which can compromise ER function. The UPR is one of the unique signalling pathways that the ER activates in response. The IRE1, PERK, and ATF6 proximal sensors work in concert to modulate the UPR.

Misfolded protein buildup and aggregation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) hinder normal cellular function and can be toxic, resulting in cell death. Long-term production of improperly folded proteins causes ER stress, which sets off a series of events known as the unfolded protein response (UPR). A common cellular occurrence is protein misfolding, which can be brought on by a variety of factors including genetic mutations, translational mistakes, aberrant protein modifications, heat or oxidative stress, and incomplete complex forms.

To know more about accumulation, click here:


a new type of neuron is discovered in the brains of squid. this neuron has very long and highly branched dendrites and a very short, unbranched and unmyelinated axon. what can be predicted about the function of this neuron


Th function of a neuron in the brain of squid which has very long and highly branched dendrites and a very short, unbranched and unmyelinated axon is: (D) The neuron receives sensory signals from a large area of the squid’s body.

Neurons are the nerve cells present inside the organism which function to send and receive signals to and from the brain. A neuron usually has a cell body surrounded by dendrites and a log axon emerging out of the cell body with axon terminal.

Dendrites are the long slender projections emerging out through the cell body of the neuron. The role of dendrites is to receive the signals and stimulus. If a cell has large dendrites this means the neurons is mainly involved in receiving of signals and not focused of transmissions, thus the axon is short and unmyelinated.

Therefore the correct answer is option D.

To know more about neuron, here


The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

A new type of neuron is discovered in the brains of squid. This neuron has very long and highly branched dendrites and a very short, unbranched and unmyelinated axon. What can be predicted about the function of this neuron?

A. The neuron uses saltatory conduction to transmit action potentials.

B. The neuron produces many inhibitory postsynaptic potentials throughout the brain.

C. The neuron stimulates many muscles throughout the squid’s body.

D. The neuron receives sensory signals from a large area of the squid’s body.

describe the flow of lymph from its origins in interstitial fluid to its emptying into the venous bloodstream.


Interstitial fluid is collected by lymphatic capillaries and transported through lymphatic vessels to lymph nodes, where it is filtered and processed before being returned to the bloodstream via the thoracic duct or the right lymphatic duct.

Lymph originates as interstitial fluid, which is the fluid that surrounds cells in tissues. This fluid contains waste products, nutrients, and other substances that need to be removed from tissues. The interstitial fluid is collected by lymphatic capillaries, which are thin-walled vessels that are permeable to fluids and small particles.

These capillaries merge to form larger lymphatic vessels, which eventually drain into either the thoracic duct or the right lymphatic duct. The thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic vessel in the body and drains lymph from the left side of the body and the lower body.

To learn more about lymph follow the link:


chromosome walking is used mainly to isolate a gene when the sequence of the gene is known. view available hint(s)for part b chromosome walking is used mainly to isolate a gene when the sequence of the gene is known. true false


Chromosome walking is used mainly to isolate a gene when the sequence of the gene is known. view available hint(s)for part b chromosome walking is used mainly to isolate a gene when the sequence of the gene is known. true

Chromosome walking is often used when researchers want to study a specific gene, but they do not have a physical map or clone of the gene. By identifying the neighboring sequences of the known gene, researchers can use these sequences to design new primers or probes to isolate and clone the target gene.

In summary, chromosome walking is an effective technique for isolating a gene when the sequence of the gene is known. It allows researchers to move along the chromosome to identify and isolate the target gene, even if there is no physical map or clone available.

Learn more about Chromosome


Many people from India come to the U.S. to work. Which of the following is a way in which America's foreign policy affects people in India?


It's important to note that the impact of America's foreign policy on people in India can be complex and multifaceted, with both positive and negative consequences depending on the specific policy decisions and their implementation.

What is Work?

Work, in the context of physics and mechanics, is defined as the transfer of energy that occurs when an object is moved against a force over a distance. It is the application of force to move an object over a certain distance in the direction of the applied force.

There are several ways in which America's foreign policy can affect people in India, including:

Economic and trade policies: America's foreign policy decisions on economic and trade matters, such as tariffs, sanctions, and trade agreements, can have direct or indirect impacts on India's economy.

Immigration policies: U.S. immigration policies, including visa regulations and quotas, can affect the movement of people between India and the U.S.

Learn more about Work from the given link


the defenses of the human body to the entry and establishment of a pathogen (disease-causing organism) can be divided into nonspecific responses and specific responses. a. discuss how the immune system responds to an initial pathogenic exposure b. discuss how this initial exposure can lead to a quicker response following a second exposure to the same pathogen.


The human body's immune system is composed of both nonspecific and specific responses to pathogens.

Nonspecific responses are the body's first line of defense, which involve physical barriers such as skin and mucous membranes, as well as chemical barriers such as enzymes, antibacterial proteins, and cytokines. These create an environment hostile to potential pathogens. Specific responses are the body's second line of defense and involve the immune system recognizing and targeting specific pathogens. This involves lymphocytes, which recognize foreign molecules and then produce antibodies specific to those molecules.

When a pathogen is initially encountered, the body's nonspecific defenses are activated, and the specific response of the immune system is primed. This initial exposure allows the body to prepare for a quicker response should the same pathogen re-enter the body. This is known as immunological memory and is the basis of vaccines. When the same pathogen is encountered a second time, the immune system can recognize it more quickly, and the body can produce more antibodies and other immune molecules, resulting in a quicker response.

Know more abut Antibacterial proteins here.


which of the following statements is not true? critical periods refer to: times when the embryo or fetus is susceptible to irreversible harm if the mother is malnourished or exposed to toxins. times when major organs and vital systems are forming and developing rapidly. periods of intense or accelerated embryonic or fetal development. times when nutritional deficiencies have little effect on the developing fetus.


The statement that is not true regarding critical periods is: d) Critical periods refer to times when nutritional deficiencies have little effect on the developing fetus.

This statement is false because critical periods are times during development when the developing fetus is particularly sensitive and vulnerable to the effects of environmental factors, including nutritional deficiencies.

During critical periods, the developing fetus may be at risk of developing structural or functional abnormalities or long-term health problems. Therefore, it is essential for pregnant women to ensure they receive adequate nutrition and avoid exposure to harmful substances during critical periods of fetal development.

Learn more about nutritional deficiencies


Full Question: Which of the following statements is not true regarding critical periods?

a) Critical periods refer to times when the embryo or fetus is susceptible to irreversible harm if the mother is malnourished or exposed to toxins.

b) Critical periods refer to times when major organs and vital systems are forming and developing rapidly.

c) Critical periods refer to periods of intense or accelerated embryonic or fetal development.

d) Critical periods refer to times when nutritional deficiencies have little effect on the developing fetus.

dynamic instability in microtubules stems from the intrinsic capacity of tubulin molecules to hydrolyze what? choose one: gtp atp water peptide bonds tubulin dimers


Dynamic instability is a phenomenon observed in microtubules, which refers to their ability to switch between phases of growth and shrinkage.

This behavior is crucial for many cellular processes, including cell division and intracellular transport. Dynamic instability in microtubules stems from the intrinsic capacity of tubulin molecules to hydrolyze GTP (guanosine triphosphate) bound to them. During microtubule assembly, GTP is bound to tubulin subunits, which helps to stabilize the microtubule lattice.

However, as GTP hydrolyzes to GDP (guanosine diphosphate) after assembly, the microtubule destabilizes, resulting in shrinkage or depolymerization. The process of GTP hydrolysis in tubulin allows for rapid and reversible changes in microtubule structure and function, contributing to their dynamic behavior.

Learn more about Dynamic instability


if a patient undergoes the current gene-modifying treatment for sickle cell disease (as described in lecture 25), which one statement is true about their future offspring? g


If a patient undergoes the current gene-modifying treatment for sickle cell disease, it is likely that their future offspring will not inherit the disease-causing mutation.

This is because gene editing tries to fix the exact  inheritable  disfigurement that causes sickle cell  complaint in the case's DNA, including  origin cells that  produce eggs or sperm. As a consequence, their  kiddies will inherit the repaired gene, lowering or  barring the liability of inheriting the  complaint- causing mutation.

It's  pivotal to emphasize,  still, that gene- editing technology is still in its early phases, and there may be  unanticipated issues or restrictions in its use. The current gene- editing  remedy for sickle cell  complaint entails utilising CRISPR- Cas9 to alter the case's own hematopoietic stem cells( HSCs) to make sickle-free red bloodcells.

Learn more about gene-modifying at


The group of Anolis sagrei on the experimental island had shorter legs on average than the A. sagrei on Iron Cay. What is a likely explanation for this finding?
Open the reference graph in a new window


A likely explanation for the finding that the group of Anolis sagrei on the experimental island had shorter legs on average than the A. sagrei on Iron Cay could be natural selection.

The environment on the experimental island may have favored individuals with shorter legs, such as a different type of vegetation or different prey availability, leading to those with shorter legs having a higher survival and reproductive success. Over time, this could lead to a shift in the average leg length of the population.

Alternatively, the population on the experimental island could have been founded by individuals with shorter legs, leading to a genetic difference between the two populations.

To know more about genetic difference click on below link:


If a donor cat was black and the surrogate mother was white, then the cloned cat would likely be


I would say mixed with black and white or the cat would just be black because of the donor

The color coat of the cat would be black as the donor cat because the color coat does not depend on the coat color of the surrogate mother.

What is surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a process in which a woman carries a pregnancy and gives birth to a child on behalf of another person or couple. This can be done using the intended mother's or a donor's eggs, fertilized with the intended father's sperm, or using a donated embryo.

Surrogacy may be used in cases where the intended mother is unable to carry a pregnancy due to medical reasons. It is also used when a same-sex male couple or a single man wishes to have a biological child.

It may also be used in cases where the intended parents have experienced multiple failed attempts at assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Learn more about surrogacy, here:


(QId 254234): The first through fourth lumbar zygapophyseal articulations are how many degrees to the MSP?
a. 25
b. 345
c. 45
d. 545


The lumbar zygapophyseal articulations refer to the joints formed between the superior and inferior articular processes of adjacent lumbar vertebrae. These joints are oriented at an angle of 45 degrees to the MSP. Option (C)

The MSP (Mid-Sagittal Plane) is the vertical plane that divides the body into left and right halves. The lumbar zygapophyseal articulations refer to the joints formed between the superior and inferior articular processes of adjacent lumbar vertebrae. These joints are oriented at an angle of 45 degrees to the MSP. This means that they are oriented diagonally rather than vertically, allowing for movement in multiple directions. Understanding the orientation of these joints is important for assessing spinal alignment and diagnosing spinal conditions such as degenerative disc disease and facet joint syndrome.

Learn more about lumbar zygapophyseal


in functional genomics, biologists use sequence information to identify the functions of various regions of genomes. which kinds of information could not be obtained from a genome sequence? rrna genes metabolite levels in cells genes encoding for transcription factors noncoding repetitive repeats amino acid sequences of proteins


Metabolite levels in cells. Genome sequencing involves determining the order of nucleotides in a genome. So, the correct answer is option B.

This sequence can reveal details about non-coding areas that might be involved in controlling gene expression, as well as information on the position and structure of genes.

In particular, the sequence can be used to recognise non-coding genes like rRNA and others, as well as genes that code for proteins.

Identifying non-coding repetitive sequences, including transposable elements, which are known to play a role in gene regulation, is also possible using it.

The sequence can reveal details about the makeup and operation of genes, but it is unable to reveal details about the concentrations of metabolites in cells, which can only be determined experimentally.

Therefore, the answer that cannot be determined from a genome sequence is B. Metabolite levels in cells.

Complete Question:

In functional  genomics, biologists use sequence information to identify the functions of various regions of genomes. Which of the following CANNOT be obtained from a genome sequence?

A. rRNA genes

B. Metabolite levels in cells

C. Genes encoding for transcription factors

D. Noncoding repetitive repeats

E. Amino acid sequences of proteins

To learn more about nucleotides visit:


you inoculated a thioglycollate broth with an unknown bacterium and after overnight incubation you observe that growth is restricted to the are at the very top of the tube .your bacterium is exhibiting a growth pattern characteristic of a


In the given case, the bacterium is exhibiting a growth pattern characteristic of a facultative anaerobic bacterium.

The growth pattern in the given case is of facultative anaerobiosis, which is a feature of some types of bacteria that may develop in the presence or lack of oxygen. When oxygen is present, facultatively anaerobic bacteria can employ aerobic respiration using oxygen as the ultimate electron acceptor and when oxygen is missing or present in low concentrations, they can convert to anaerobic respiration using a different final electron acceptor.

Thioglycollate broth, a growth medium that allows both aerobic and anaerobic development, shows that an unidentified bacteria is able to respire aerobically because it is only growing at the top of the tube. Thus, bacteria is therefore displaying a growth pattern that is typical of facultative anaerobic bacterium.

Read more about anaerobic bacteria on:


Hard wheat has a higher _____ than soft wheat.
a. carbohydrate content
b. lipid content
c. fiber content
d. protein content
e. mineral content


Hard wheat has a higher (d) protein content than soft wheat. The correct option is option d).

Hard wheat is characterized by its high protein content, specifically gluten, which is essential for providing structure and elasticity in baked goods like bread. This high protein content allows the dough to rise well and maintain its shape. On the other hand, soft wheat has a lower protein content, making it more suitable for delicate pastries and cakes, where a lighter texture is desired.

In summary, the main difference between hard and soft wheat lies in their protein content, with hard wheat having a higher protein content than soft wheat. This distinction makes each type suitable for different culinary applications, with hard wheat being ideal for bread-making, and soft wheat being better for pastries and cakes.

Know more about Hard wheat here:


which pair of terms correctly matches a cell or group of cells with its ability to differentiate into different specialized cells?


The pair of terms that correctly matches a cell or group of cells with its ability to differentiate into different specialized cells is "stem cell" and "pluripotency" or "multipotency."

Stem cells have the unique ability to differentiate into various specialized cell types in the body, and pluripotent stem cells can give rise to almost all cell types, while multipotent stem cells can differentiate into a limited number of cell types within a specific lineage.

Embryonic stem cells are a type of stem cell that are derived from the inner cell mass of a developing embryo and have the ability to differentiate into any cell type in the body. The term "pluripotent" is used to describe this ability to differentiate into all three germ layers of the developing embryo, which in turn give rise to all the different cell types in the body.

Other types of stem cells, such as adult stem cells, have a more limited ability to differentiate into different cell types, and are referred to as "multipotent" or "unipotent" depending on the extent of their differentiation potential.

To know more about pluripotent ,


a carpel is composed of _____. a carpel is composed of _____. stigma, style, and ovary ovule, megasporocyte, and anther petal, sepal, and stamen ovary, ovule, and anther


A carpel which is a female reproductive structure found in flowers is composed of a stigma, style, and ovary. Option A is the correct answer.

A carpel is composed of three main parts: the stigma, style, and ovary. The stigma is the top part of the carpel and it is sticky, designed to capture and hold pollen grains.

The style is a long, slender tube-like structure that connects the stigma to the ovary. Its main function is to provide a pathway for the pollen to reach the ovary.

The ovary is the basal part of the carpel and it contains one or more ovules. The ovules are where the female gametophyte develops and where fertilization takes place.

Together, these three parts of the carpel play a crucial role in the reproduction of flowering plants.

Learn more about the carpel at


The question is -

A carpel is composed of _____.

a. stigma, style, and ovary

b. petal, sepal, and stamen

c. zygote, anther, and endosperm

d. ovule, megasporocyte, and anther

e. ovary, ovule, and anther

A carpel is composed of the stigma, style, and ovary. The stigma is the part of the carpel that receives pollen, the style is the stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary, and the ovary contains the ovules which will eventually become seeds. So, a carpel is essentially the female reproductive organ of a flower.

One or more carpels are thought to make up a flower's pistils. The female reproductive organ of a flower is called a carpel, which is typically made up of the stigma, style, and sometimes an individual ovary. Ovules, which eventually give rise to egg cells, are thought to be modified leaves that are found in carpels. The entire structure, known as a pistil, can be made up of numerous carpels linked together to create a single ovary, or it can be made up of one carpel (complete with its ovary, style, and stigma). A single multi-carpellate pistil or one or more uni-carpellate pistils may represent the gynoecium. (Terms like tricarpellate (three carpels), which designate the number of carpels, are used.)

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what effect did the demonstrations and marches in selma in march of 1965 have on the civil rights movement?responseswithin two years, desegregation had ended in the south and racial equality had been achieved.within two years, desegregation had ended in the south and racial equality had been achieved.they had little, if any effect, on the civil rights movement.they had little, if any effect, on the civil rights movement.civil rights activists realized that nonviolent civil disobedience would not work and became more militant.civil rights activists realized that nonviolent civil disobedience would not work and became more militant.five months later, johnson signed the voting rights act and the number of black voters in the south rose. Write a summary about the arguments for AND against including video gaming in theOlympic Games.Your summary should be about 100 words long (and no more than 120 words long). You should use your own words as far as possible.You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your summary, and up to 8 marks for the style and accuracy of your language. What was the Gulf of Tonkin incident?A. The declaration of war by South Vietnam on the USB. The attacking of a US ship in a Vietnamese harborC. The bombing of a South Vietnamese townD. The first US attack on Vietnamese soil Deposits of 100 are placed into a fund at the end of each year for 20 years with the first deposit occurring at t = 5. The effective annual interest rate is 6%. Calculate the present value of the series of payments. How does the author's style contribute to the tone of the passage?a. The author's use of daunting language creates a frightening toneb. The author's use of imagery creates a captivated tonec. The author's use of negative language creates angry toned. The author's use of objective language creates an impartial tone on september 1, sky mountain company borrowed $66,000 on a 6%, 9-month note payable to coast national bank. sky mountain's adjusting entry four months later at december 31 would include a: angles are important when looking at which physical properties of minerals? group of answer choices cleavages color streaks bands of different luster conchoidal fractures I need help please help me with these two questions (the second picture is in the comments) which vaule of y makes the equation true 13 - y = 17 true? pls help While examining some water from a local pond, a student observed a single-celled organism using a light microscope. The organism had no cell wall, chloroplasts, and a nucleus. What kingdom does this organism most likely belong to? A.) FungiB.) ArchaebacteriaC.) ProtistD.) Eubacteria What does it mean to trace a themes development in a text? Discuss any benefits you can think of for a company to (a) cross-list its equity shares on more than one national exchange, and (b) to source new equity capital from foreign investors as well as domestic investors. Nkombe and smet classification of African philosophy strengths and weaknesses monique and her team have identified a problem, defined it, and developed a variety of options. the next step is to each option for its practicality since some options will be discarded because of a lack of resources, legal restrictions, ethical considerations, or other constraints. need help? review these concept resources. which control tube is used to compare to test broths 1, 2, and 3 in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the germicide? Find the value of x from the given figure. An excise or "sin" tax is levied on the sale, manufacture, or use of all of the following except:snackscigarettesliquorgasoline describe the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation on the intrinsic activity of the gut. what is considered both an input and output device? an ethical persuasive argument a. requires admitting up front that you stand to gain from audience compliance. b. is a contradiction in terms. c. focuses on being both truthful and nondeceptive. d. includes all evidence, whether or not it's relevant. e. focuses on how the audience's actions will benefit the sender.