The world record for the heaviest train pulled with a human beard is a 2 3/4 metric tons. How much heavier is the train pulled by teeth than the train pulled with a beard


Answer 1


The train pulled by teeth is 1.45 metric tons heavier or 1 9/20 metric tons heavier than the train pulled with a beard.

Step-by-step explanation:

Least Common Denominator (LCD): 20

2 3/4 metric tons = 2 15/20 = 2.75 metric tons

4 1/5 metric tons = 4 4/20 = 4.2 metric tons


4 4/20 = 84/20

2 15/20 = 55/20


4.20-2.75 = 1.45 metric tons

Difference In Weight: (84-55)/20 = 29/20 = 1 9/20 = 1.45 metric tons

4.2/2.75 = 52.727273% heavier


Related Questions

C. The table below shows the ages in years of 42 children at a birthday party. AGE(YEARS) NO OF CHIDREN 7 2x 8 3x 9 4x-1 10 X 11 X-2 (i). Find the value of x. (ii). Calculate, correct to the nearest whole number the mean age. (iii). Find the probability of selecting at random a child whose age is less than 9 years. 12 x-3 CURT​


(1) The value of X is equal to 4  (2) The mean age is 3. (3) The probability of randomly selecting  a child under the age of 9  is approximately 0.83.  

 How to calculate the average?

The formula for calculating the average of given numbers is equal to the sum of all values ​​divided by the total number of values. There are three main types of averages: mean, median, and mode. All of these techniques work slightly differently and often give slightly different typical values.

(i). Given that there are a total of 42 children on the birthday, finding the value of x:

2x + 3x (4x-1) + x + (x-2) + (x-3) = 42

11x - 6 = 42

11x = 48

x = 4

Therefore, the value of x is equal to 4.

(ii). To find the average age, we need to calculate the sum of all the ages and divide by the total number of children:

Average age = (7 x 2 + 8 x 3 + 9 x (4-1) +10 x 4 +11 x (4-2) 12 x (4-3)) / 42

 = (14 + 24 + 27 + 40 + 22 +12) / 42

 = 139/42

 = 3.31

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the average age is 3.  

(iii). The probability of randomly selecting  a child under 9 is obtained by adding  the number of children aged 7, 8 or 9 (because we want children under 9) and  dividing by the total number of children:

Number of children under 9 years  = 2x + 3x + (4x-1)

Number of children under 9 years  = 9x - 1

Number of children under 9  = 9(4)–1

Number of children under 9 years  = 35

Probability of choosing a child under 9  = number of children under 9  / total number of children

Probability of choosing a child under 9 = 35/42

The probability of choosing a child under 9 years old is ≈ 0.83

Thus, the probability of randomly selecting  a child under the age of 9  is approximately 0.83.

Learn more about mean, median, and mode here


A recliner is discounted by $190. If the original price is $800, estimate the sale price by first rounding each number to the nearest hundreds


all u got to do is subtract

complete the vector to describe the transformation


The translation vector for the rectangle is described by T(x, y) = (- 3, - 6).

How to derive the translation vector of an entire figure

In this problem we must derive the translation vector between a rectangle and its image set on Cartesian plane (let assume that the origin is on the lower left corner of the square). The translation formula is:

B(x, y) = A(x, y) + T(x, y)


A(x, y) - Coordinates of the original point.B(x, y) - Coordinates of the image.T(x, y) - Translation vector.

If we know that A(x, y) = (6, 9) and B(x, y) = (3, 3), then the translation vector is:

T(x, y) = B(x, y) - A(x, y)

T(x, y) = (3, 3) - (6, 9)

T(x, y) = (- 3, - 6)

To learn more on translations:


Question 9 (10 points)
A rectangular mattress has a length that is twice it's width. The width is known to be
1 meter across, what is the area of the mattress?
O2 sq. meters
none of these
3 sq. meters
6 sq. meters


1/18  is the area of the mattress. none of these of the option.

What is a quick rectangle answer?

A quadrilateral of the kind represented by a square has equal sides that are equal to one another and four vertices that are equal to 90 degrees. The equiangular quadrilateral is hence another name for it. Since a rectangle's opposite sides are parallel and equal, a parallelogram is another word for a rectangle. With four sides, four corners, and four right angles (90°), a square form is a closed 2-D object. A square's opposing sides are comparable and equal.

Based on the given conditions, formulate = 1/2 * 1/1 + 2 * 1/2 * 2/1+2

                                      = [tex]\frac{2/3}{2 * 3 * 2}[/tex]

                    = [tex]\frac{2}{3} * \frac{2}{2 * 3 * 2}[/tex]

Cross out the common factor = 1/3 * 1/3 * 2

                              = 1/3 * 3 * 2

                             = 1/18

Learn more about rectangle


Use π = \frac{22}{7}: Henry bought exactly the right amount of fencing to put around his circular herb garden, which has a diameter of 14 feet. Then he decides to make the garden larger by doubling the diameter. How much more fencing does Henry need to purchase to enclose the new garden?


The answer of the given question based on the circle is , Henry needs to purchase an additional 44 feet of fencing to enclose the new garden.

What is Circumference?

Circumference is distance around edge of  circular object. It is same as  perimeter of  circle. The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the radius of the circle, which is half the diameter.

The circumference of  circle with diameter d is given :

C = πd

Using the given diameter of 14 feet, the circumference of the original garden is:

C1 = πd1 = (22/7) * 14 = 44 feet

When the diameter is doubled to 28 feet, the circumference of the new garden is:

C2 = πd2 = (22/7) * 28 = 88 feet

To find how much more fencing Henry needs to purchase to enclose the new garden, we need to subtract the original circumference from the new circumference:

C2 - C1 = 88 - 44 = 44 feet

Therefore, Henry needs to purchase an additional 44 feet of fencing to enclose the new garden.

To know more about Distance visit:


- Sarah received a coupon for 15% off the total purchase price at a shoe store. Let p be the
original price of the purchase. Use the expression p-0.15p for the new price of the purchase.
Write an equivalent expression by combining like terms.


The expression p - 0.15p represents the new price of the purchase after the 15% discount has been applied. To simplify this expression by combining like terms, we can factor out p:

p - 0.15p = p(1 - 0.15)

Simplifying the expression in parentheses, we get:


Therefore, an equivalent expression that combines like terms is:


This represents the new price of the purchase after the 15% discount has been applied.

Find the range of the relationship



The range is {-7, -4, -1, 2, 5}.

Explain what the constant of proportionality means in the equation y = 5/2 x



[tex]y = \frac{5}{2} x[/tex]

[tex] \frac{y}{x} = \frac{5}{2} [/tex]

The constant of proportionality is the ratio of y to x. Here, the ratio of y to x is 5 to 2. We see that y is directly proportional to x.

Convert: 83.36m= cm

pls help


Answer: 8,336

Step-by-step explanation:

So 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters. All you have to do is multiply 83.36 by 100.

83.36 * 100 = 8,336

Hope this helps!!! :)

Each tile is 3/4 of inch by 3/4 of an inch what is the area of each tile



9/16 of a square inch

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{3}{4} \times \frac{3}{4} = \frac{9}{16} [/tex]


9 /16 inches^2

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the area of the tile, multiply the length by the width

A = 3/4 * 3/4

A = 9 /16 inches^2

A bus traveled on a level road for 2 hours at an average speed 20 miles per hour faster than it traveled on a winding road. The time spent on the winding road was 3 hours. Find the average speed on the level road if the entire trip was 225 miles.


By answering the presented question, we may conclude that As a result, the average speed on the flat road is 57 miles per hour.

what is expression ?

In mathematics, you can multiply, divide, add, or subtract. An expression is constructed as follows: Number, expression, and mathematical operator A mathematical expression is made up of numbers, variables, and functions (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division etc.) It is possible to contrast expressions and phrases. An expression or algebraic expression is any mathematical statement that has variables, integers, and an arithmetic operation between them. For example, the phrase 4m + 5 has the terms 4m and 5, as well as the provided expression's variable m, all separated by the arithmetic sign +.

Let's apply the formula:

distance = time speed

The bus went for 2 hours on the level road, hence the distance travelled is:

1 distance = x 2

The bus went for 3 hours on the twisting route, hence the distance travelled is:

3 distance2 = (x - 20)

Because the bus's total distance travelled is 225 miles, we may write:

distance1 plus distance2 equals 225

Substituting distance1 and distance2 expressions yields:

x × 2 + (x - 20) × 3 = 225

When we simplify this equation, we get:

2x + 3x - 60 = 225

5x = 285\sx = 57

As a result, the average speed on the flat road is 57 miles per hour.

To know more about expressions visit :-


Triangle D has been dilated to create triangle D′. Use the image to answer the question.

image of a triangle labeled D with side lengths of 2.7, 4.8, 4.2 and a second triangle labeled D prime with side lengths of x, 1.6, 1.4

Determine the scale factor used.

one third
one half


The scale factor is 1/3.

What is the scale factor?

The difference in scale between an original object's scale and a new object that is its representation but is larger or smaller is known as a scale factor. For instance, we can increase the size of a rectangle with sides of 2 cm and 4 cm by multiplying each side by, let's say, 2.

Here, we have

Given: Triangle D has been dilated to create triangle D′.

To find the scalar value, simply choose one side of D and one did of D’ and divide them to find the scalar. We can verify that we have the correct scalar by performing this division on each related edge. Below I will do D to D’ represented like D/D’:

4.8 / 1.6 = 3

4.2 / 1.4 = 3

2.7 / x = 3

Knowing that the scaling for each edge is 3, we can solve for x.

2.7 / 3 = x

0.9 = x

The edges for D are 4.8, 4.2, and 2.7 respectively to D’ scaled by 1/3. So we can determine that the edges for D’ are 1.6, 1.4, and 0.9 respectively to D scaled by 3.

So if we go D’ to D, we scale by 3. If we go D to D’, we scale by 1/3.

Hence, the scale factor is 1/3.

To learn more about the scale factor from the given link


The Monday relates to the Thursday so than, the Friday relation the ….? A: Tuesday B : Saturday C : Sunday D: Monday E:



The correct answer is B: Saturday.

The relationship between Monday and Thursday is that they are two days apart in a typical Monday-to-Sunday week. Similarly, Friday is also two days apart from Tuesday in a typical week, so the relationship between Friday and Tuesday would be the same as the relationship between Monday and Thursday. Therefore, the correct answer is B: Saturday.

Ejercicio 2.- La temperatura ambiente a las 8 am era de 61 grados Farenheit. Fue aumentando de forma lineal hasta la 1 pm en que el termómetro marcó 81 grados. a) Escriba una ecuación lineal que muestre la temperatura en función de la hora en ese intervalo. b) Calcule con esa ecuación la temperatura a las 11:15 am. Aproxime a la décima de grado Farenheit si fuera necesario. oprondamos a hacer ecuaciones y resolver​


a)Por lo tanto, la ecuación lineal que representa la temperatura en función de la hora es T(h) = 4h + 29

b) Por lo tanto, la temperatura a las 11:15 am aproximadamente es de 75.3 grados Farenheit.

what is  aproximadamente ?

"Aproximadamente" is a Spanish word that means "approximately" or "roughly" in English. It is often used to indicate that a value or measurement is not exact, but rather an estimation or approximation.

In the given question,

a) La ecuación lineal que relaciona la temperatura con la hora en ese intervalo es:

T(h) = m*h + b

donde T es la temperatura en grados Farenheit, h es la hora en formato de 24 horas, m es la pendiente de la recta y b es el término independiente.

Primero encontramos la pendiente m:

m = (81 - 61) / (13 - 8) = 4

Luego, encontramos el término independiente b utilizando uno de los puntos:

61 = 4*8 + b

b = 29

Por lo tanto, la ecuación lineal que representa la temperatura en función de la hora es:

T(h) = 4h + 29

b) Para encontrar la temperatura a las 11:15 am, primero convertimos el tiempo a horas decimales:

11:15 am = 11 + 15/60 = 11.25 horas

Luego, sustituimos este valor en la ecuación lineal:

T(11.25) = 4(11.25) + 29 = 75.25

Por lo tanto, la temperatura a las 11:15 am aproximadamente es de 75.3 grados Farenheit.

To know more about aproximadamente , visit:


please help


AA Similarity Theorem is required to prove that both triangles are similar

What is AA Similarity Theorem

AA (Angle-Angle) Similarity Theorem states that if two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar.

In other words, if two angles of one triangle are equal to two angles of another triangle, then the third angles must also be equal, and the two triangles are said to be similar.

One of the equal angle is marked while the other is equal using the concept of vertical angle theorem. Angles formed where the line intersect are the ones equal by vertical angle theorem

Learn more about AA Similarity Theorem at


Find the probability of drawing a green, then yellow, with replacement.
A bag has 4 green blocks, 6 red blocks, 7 blue and 3 yellow.


P (green, then yellow) = P(green) * P(yellow) = (4/20) * (3/20) = 0.03 or 3%.

What is Probability?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents an impossible event and 1 represents a certain event. The probability of an event can be calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. Probability is used in many areas of science, such as statistics, physics, and engineering, as well as in everyday life to make informed decisions based on the likelihood of various outcomes.

The probability of drawing a green block on the first draw is 4/20 (since there are 4 green blocks out of a total of 20 blocks in the bag).

Since the block is being replaced back into the bag after each draw, the probability of drawing a yellow block on the second draw is still 3/20.

Therefore, the probability of drawing a green block followed by a yellow block is:

P (green, then yellow) = P(green) * P(yellow) = (4/20) * (3/20) = 0.03 or 3%

To know more about probability visit:


radical form of a^2/5
help please



The answer is ⁵√a²

Step-by-step explanation:


For #1 - 6, use the information given to write the equation of the line in slope intercept form.
1. Line where slope is -32 and y-intercept is 7
1. Line where slope is 5 and x -intercept is 2
1. Line going through the points (-1, -5) and (4, -2)
1. Line going through the points (0, 1) and (2, -2)
1. Line where m = 4 and and b = -76
1. Line that passes through the points (1, 3) and (4, 12) with a y-intercept of 0


An equation of a line where slope is -32 and y-intercept is 7 is y = -32x + 7.

An equation of a line where slope is 5 and x-intercept is 2 is y = 5x - 10.

An equation of a line that is going through the points (-1, -5) and (4, -2) is y = 3x/5 - 22/5

An equation of a line that is going through the points (0, 1) and (2, -2) is y = -x/2 + 1

An equation of a line where m = 4 and and b = -76 is y = 4x - 76.

An equation of a line that passes through the points (1, 3) and (4, 12) with a y-intercept of 0 is y = 3x + 0.

What is the slope-intercept form?

In Mathematics and Geometry, the slope-intercept form of the equation of a straight line is given by this mathematical expression;

y = mx + c


m represents the slope or rate of change.x and y are the points.c represents the y-intercept or initial value.

First of all, we would determine the slope of this line;

Slope (m) = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

Slope (m) = (-2 + 5)/(4 + 1)

Slope (m) = 3/5

At data point (-1, -5) and a slope of 3/5, a linear equation for this line can be calculated by using the point-slope form as follows:

y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)

y + 5 = 3/5(x + 1)  

y = 3x/5 + 3/5 - 5

y = 3x/5 - 22/5

Read more on slope here:


Using the table given in the photo, please help me understand and answer these questions. any help would be very appreciated!!! ​


The average rate is given as 0.2895 gallons per hour

What is gallons per hour?

Gallons per hour (GPH) is a unit of measurement used to express the rate of flow of a liquid, typically fuel.

It represents the number of gallons of fuel that can flow through a particular system or device in one hour.

For example, the GPH of a car's fuel pump indicates how many gallons of fuel it can deliver to the engine in one hour. This unit is commonly used in the context of measuring the fuel efficiency of vehicles or other machinery.

Read more about Gallons per hour here:


The number is less than 9,000.

The number is even.

50% of the digits are even.

The digits in the thousand's place and the hundred's place are odd.

The digit in the thousand's place is the number of nickels in a quarter.

The difference between the digit in the thousand's

place and the hundred's place is four.

The digit in the hundred's place is the identity element for multiplication.

The digit in the ten's place is the number of sides on a quadrilateral.

The digital root of the number is seven.





There are 5 nickels in a quarter,

5 - 1 = 4,

There are 4 sides in a quadrilateral,

and 6 would make the digital root 7.

5146 -> 5 + 1 + 4 + 6 = 16

16 -> 1 + 6 = 7

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Solve the system of equations algebraically. Show all of your steps.



There are two solutions for given system of equations: (5, 35) and (-4, 8).

What does "system of equations" and its solution means ?

A system of equations is a grouping of two or more equations with numerous variables that are treated as a whole. The solution to a system of equations is the set of variable values that satisfies all of the equations in the system at the same time.

Typical approaches for resolving equation systems include:

Substitution MethodElimination MethodMatrix MethodGraphical Method

Given system of equations is,



Solving equations algebraically,

Equating the formulas for 'y' in both equations:

[tex]x^2 + 2x = 3x + 20[/tex]

Rearranging the equation :

[tex]x^2 - x - 20 = 0[/tex]

Here, we got a quadratic equation,Solving for values of x,

[tex](x - 5)(x + 4) = 0[/tex]

[tex]x - 5 = 0 \\x=5\\or\\x + 4 = 0\\x=(-4)[/tex]

For values of 'y', putting values of x in equation (1),

for x = 5,

[tex]y = 5^2 + 2(5)=25 + 10 = 35[/tex]

Thus, (5, 35) is one of the solution.

for x= -4,

[tex]y = (-4)^2 + 2(-4)=16 - 8 = 8[/tex]

Thus, (-4, 8) is other solution.

Learn more about system of equations here:


Which is the best estimate of the difference between 67/8 and 1/82




Step-by-step explanation:

67 - 1

8. 82

= 2747 - 4




= 8.36

Miranda is standing at the corner of a 7 m by 11 m field. She needs to go to the corner diagonally opposite from where she is standing. How much shorter is it if she cuts across the diagonal instead of walking around the perimeter of the field? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a meter.


Therefore, Miranda saves approximately 22.96 meters by cutting across the diagonal instead of walking around the perimeter of the field.

What is perimeter?

Perimeter is the total length of the boundary or outer edge of a two-dimensional shape, such as a square, rectangle, triangle, or circle. It is the distance around the shape, and is measured in units such as centimeters, meters, feet, or inches. To find the perimeter of a shape, you simply add up the lengths of all its sides. For example, the perimeter of a square with sides of length 5 cm would be 4 × 5 cm = 20 cm. The perimeter of a rectangle with length 6 cm and width 4 cm would be 2 × (6 cm + 4 cm) = 20 cm.

If Miranda walks around the perimeter of the field, she will travel a distance equal to the perimeter of a rectangle, which can be calculated as follows:

[tex]Perimeter = 2(Length + Width) = 2(7m + 11m) = 2(18m) = 36m[/tex]

To cut across the diagonal of the field, Miranda will travel a distance equal to the length of the diagonal of the rectangle. This can be found using the Pythagorean theorem:

[tex]Diagonal = \sqrt(Length^2 + Width^2) = \sqrt(7m^2 + 11m^2) = \sqrt(170m^2) \approx 13.04m[/tex]

So, the distance Miranda saves by cutting across the diagonal is:

[tex]36m - 13.04m \approx 22.96m[/tex]

Rounding to the nearest hundredth of a meter gives:

≈ 22.96m to 2 decimal places

Therefore, Miranda saves approximately 22.96 meters by cutting across the diagonal instead of walking around the perimeter of the field.

To know more about diagonal visit:


someone help me plss


The fraction of the panel, that is left after cutting out the hole is [tex]\frac{11}{12}[/tex]

What are the areas of some common plane figures

The area of a rectangle equals the product of its 2 sides. The area of a triangle is equal to half of the product of the base and height.. If we choose one of the sides as the base, then for area calculation,  for height we have to use the height of the opposite vertex from this base. To find it, we have to drop a perpendicular from the opposite vertex onto the base. The area of a parallelogram is the product of the length of the base and the perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides of the parallelogram. Area of a trapezium = half of the product of the distance between the parallel sides and the sum of the length of the parallel sides. Area of a circle is [tex]\pi r^2[/tex], in which r is the radius of the given circle. Sometimes the plane figure maynot be a standard shape. In that case we have to divide the figure into suitably many parts such that, each part is a standard figure whose area we can calculate. Also sometimes we can represent an area as the difference of the area of two standard figures. In that case to find the area we have to take the difference of the areas of the two standard figures.

In our question. Initial area of the panel is (3)(2) = 6 square ft.

Area of the cutout = (1)([tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]) = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] square ft.

Using the formula, fraction left = [tex]\frac{6 - \frac{1}{2}}{6} = 1 - \frac{1}{12} = \frac{11}{12}[/tex]

To know more about area questions, visit:


Required fraction left is 11/12 square feet.

What is area of rectangle?

A rectangle is a geometric shape that has four sides and four right angles. It is a type of quadrilateral and is characterized by its two pairs of parallel sides. The opposite sides of a rectangle are congruent, which means they have the same length, and the adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other.

The area of a rectangle is the total amount of space inside the rectangle and is calculated by multiplying the length of the rectangle by its width. The formula for the area of a rectangle is Area = length x width

For example, if a rectangle has a length of 6 units and a width of 4 units, the area can be calculated as:

Area = 6 units x 4 units = 24 square units

The area of the panel is 3 feet x 2 feet = 6 square feet

The area of the hole is 1 foot x 1/2 foot = 1/2 square feet

Therefore, the area left is 6 square feet - 1/2 square feet = 11/2 square feet

The fraction left is (11/2 square feet) / (6 square feet) = 11/12

Therefore, the required correct option is C.

Learn more about area of rectangle here,


change 52 out of 97 to a percentage? give your answer to one decimal place


To convert 52 out of 97 to a percentage, we need to divide 52 by 97 and then multiply by 100:

52/97 x 100 = 53.6%

Therefore, 52 out of 97 is equivalent to 53.6% when rounded to one decimal place.

In 2014, Michelle's annual base salary was $87,000. She also earned 3% commission of her annual sales of $500,000. What was Michelle's income during 2014?​


Answer: Michelle's income during 2014 was her base salary plus her commission.

Her commission was 3% of $500,000, which is 0.03 x $500,000 = $15,000.

So her total income for 2014 was $87,000 + $15,000 = $102,000.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which equation best represents the relationship between X and Y in the graph?
A- y = 3x + 3
B- y = 3x - 1
C- y = 1/3x + 3
D- y = 1/3x - 1


b because its going thru 3 and -1

Find the value of x please.

choices are..



We have supplementary angles.

123 + 3x = 180

3x = 57

x = 19


x = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

Angle on a straight line add up to 180

123 + 3x = 180

3x = 180 - 123

3x = 57

3x/3 = 57/3

x = 19

Determine the domain of the graph above


The domain of the graph in this problem is given as follows:

C) -3 ≤ x ≤ 4.

How to obtain the domain of the graph?

To determine the domain of a graph, you need to identify the set of all possible input values (also known as the independent variable) that produce a valid output (also known as the dependent variable) on the graph.

On a graph, the input values are represented by the values of x of the graph.

On the graph in this problem, we have that it assumes values of x between -3 and 4, with closed intervals, hence the domain is given as follows:

-3 ≤ x ≤ 4.

More can be learned about the domain of a function at


Expand the expressions and simplify 5(x + 4) + 3(x + 2) =
8x + 4
6x + 18
8x+ 26
7x - 18​




Step-by-step explanation:

distribute the 5 into the numbers in the parentheses. you get (5x+20) then do the same with 3(x+2) which wll be (3x+6) now add like terms, which are 5x+3x=8x and 20+6=26. boom 8x+26.

8x + 26

multiply the outside number by the inside numbers and add them. remember, if the variable is singular example x, then it equals 1 :) I hope this helps you understand, I'm currently doing algebraic expressions.

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Suppose that Firefox Corp. has announced it is going to repurchase stock instead of paying out dividends. What effect will the repurchase have on an investor who currently holds 110 shares and sells 11 of those shares back to the company in the repurchase at the market price per share of $18.6 (1.0., Wh are the values of the investor's shares and cash)? Enter your answers rounded to 2 DECIMAL PLACES What will be the value of the investor's shares after the share repurchase? 1841.4 Correct response: 1,841.410.01What will be the value of the investor's cash after the share repurchase? 204.6 correct response: 204.60.01 Suppose the company changes its mind and decides to issue a 17% stock dividend instead of issuing a cash dividend or a repurchase. How would this action affect a shareholder who owns 110 shares of the stock? Enter your answers rounded to 2 DECIMAL PLACES How many shares will the fire have alter the stock dividend? Number What will be the price per share after the stock dividend? NumberWhat will be the value of the investor's shares after the stock dividend? Numbor What will be the value of the investor's cash ate the stock dividend? Number Calculate the future value of $9,000 in a. Four years at an interest rate of 9% per year. b. Eight years at an interest rate of 9% per year. c. Four years at an interest rate of 18% per year. d. Why is the amount of interest earned in part (a) less than half the amount of interest earned in part (b)? a. Four years at an interest rate of 9% per year. The future value of $9,000 in 4 years at an interest rate of 9% per year is $_____. (Round to the nearest dollar.) Write an absolute value equation that has the following solution set.-8 and -2Thank you! 20. On January 1, an insurance company has 105,000 which is due to Linden as a life insurance death benefit. He chooses to receive the benefit annually over a period of 16 years, with the first payment immediately. The benefit he receives is based on an effective interest rate of 5.5% per annum. The insurance company earns interest at an effective rate of 6% per annum. Every July 1, the company pays 180 in expenses and taxes to maintain the policy. At the end of 7 years, the company has X remaining. Calculate X. Explain what values must be known to write the explicit formula for both an arithmetic and geometric sequence?PLEATHE!! who is the hub of the team management wheel and often acts in the main role of team leader, although all team members need to contribute to the activity? I need help with a project can anyone help me a sky diver whose mass is 104 kg is falling at a terminal speed of 63 m/s. what is the magnitude of the force of the air on the sky diver? With a(n) ___________, the caller had a transaction with the receiver within the last 18 months; or the customer has made an inquiry with the callers firm in the last 3 months. mountain officials want to build a new ski lift from to , as shown in the figure below. the distance from to is feet. they measure angle to be and angle to be . what is the distance from to ? round your answer to the nearest tenth of a foot. if log75 = 0.83 then log57 = Q1- In this fixed price incentive fee contract, the target cost is estimated at $150,000, and the target fee and price is $30,000 and $180,000. The contract has is a ceiling price of $200,000. The project is over, and the buyer has agreed that the actual costs were, $210,000. The buyer seller ratio is 60/40 (that is 60 percent to the buyer and 40 percent to the seller). Find the final fee, the final price, and the point of total assumption Most personality and social psychologists agree that actual behavior is based on A. constant interaction between the individual's personality and the situation. B. the consistent behavior across a multitude of situations. C. extremely strong situations that constantly change behavior. D. the need to disagree. which of these features sets academic discourse apart from other kinds of written texts? a. Use of domain-specific vocabularyb. Emotionally charged languagec. Simple sentence structuresd. First person point of view the cessation of physical growth in childhood due to low caloric intake or nutritional variety is known as which do you think would be more harmful to the economy? multiple choice an inflation rate that averages 5 percent a year and has a high standard deviation. an inflation rate of 7 percent that has a standard deviation close to zero. Ryan wants to find the favorite video game of the fifth grade boys at his school. Which group would be best for Ryan to survey? discuss the effect Citizens United v. F.E.C. has had on elections in the United States. You should explain whether you think it has had a positive or negative effect. suppose t is a binary tree with 14 nodes. what is the minimum possible height of t? 1.what is the surface area of a cone with a radius of 5m and a slant height of 8m?2.a box has a side of 9cm what is its surface area?3.compute for the surface area of a cube with a side of 8cm aquarium has a length of 6m width of 10m and a height of 7m what is its surface area?5.find the surface area of a rectangular prism with a length of 5cm width of 8cm and a height of 6cm6.what is the surface area of a square pyramid with a side of 9cm and a height of 7cm.