the ________ years are the most important time for humans to develop as moral thinkers. a. elementary school b. middle school c. high school d. college


Answer 1

the c. high school years are the most important time for humans to develop as moral thinkers.

The most important years for humans to develop as moral thinkers are the high school years. During this time, young people are exposed to a variety of moral and ethical issues, and must decide how to respond to them.

During these years, adolescents are exposed to adult moral issues such as drug and alcohol use, sexual behavior, religious beliefs and values, and other societal issues. They must decide how to handle these issues in light of their own developing values and beliefs.

The high school years are also a time for teens to question their own beliefs and values, and decide what kind of person they want to be. They are also exposed to different perspectives, which encourages them to think critically and consider different moral principles. Additionally, during this time, adolescents have more freedom to make their own decisions, which can help them develop moral autonomy and learn to take responsibility for their own actions.

The high school years are important for moral development because adolescents are forming their own identity, learning who they are, and what they believe in. They are also exposed to a variety of moral and ethical issues, which helps them to learn how to think critically, make informed decisions, and develop their own moral principles.

Know more about Adolescents here


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what supreme court decision determined that there was no precedent requiring the use of age in determining whether someone is in police custody?


The United States Supreme Court decision in Howes v. Fields determined that there was no precedent requiring the use of age in determining whether someone is in police custody.

In this case, the defendant was a prisoner who was taken from his cell and questioned by a sheriff's deputy about an unrelated crime. The defendant claimed that he was in custody and should have been given Miranda warnings, but the sheriff's deputy argued that the defendant was not in custody because he was a prisoner and already subject to restrictions on his freedom.

The Supreme Court ultimately ruled in favor of the sheriff's deputy, stating that the defendant was not in custody for Miranda purposes because he was a prisoner and had no expectation of freedom. The Court further held that the defendant's age was not relevant in determining custody status, and that courts should look to the totality of the circumstances in making such determinations.

This decision clarified the standard for determining custody status and reaffirmed the importance of the totality of the circumstances test. It also highlighted the fact that age is not a determinative factor in custody status, and that courts should consider all relevant factors when making this determination.

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