These questions are based on the Doll’s house. Pls help with questions 1 and 2.

These Questions Are Based On The Dolls House. Pls Help With Questions 1 And 2.


Answer 1

The main themes explored in the play "A Doll's House" are gender roles, marriage and family, and the search for identity.

What is identity?

Identity is the sum of characteristics and experiences that make a person unique. It is composed of both personal and social identity, which is formed by a person’s beliefs, values, behaviors, and relationships. An individual’s identity is shaped by their culture, family, friends, and interests. It can also be influenced by their environment, physical appearance, and economic status. Identity is fluid and can change over time, as people gain new experiences and grow. It is important to understand and recognize that identity is a complex concept and cannot be defined in one simple way.

The play examines the expectations of a woman in a traditional marriage and the challenges of deciding whether to conform to society's expectations or to follow her own desires. It also looks at the power dynamics between husband and wife, and how the roles of men and women in society have changed over time. Finally, it explores the idea of freedom and self-fulfillment for women, and how a woman can create her own identity and find her own path in life.

To learn more about identity


Related Questions

Explain what type of conformity the subjects in Muzafer Sherif's moving light experiment were most likely experiencing, using textual evidence from the text "Conformity" by Charlotte Harrison to justify your answer. Use the PEEL method.


Muzafer Sherif's chose to research how individuals were affected by other people's ideas after realizing that an experience that is entirely "in people's heads" may be easily impacted by suggestion.

The most extreme kind of compliance is internalization, why?

Due to internal motivation, Kelman thought internalization to be the most profound type of conformity. One who adopts the behavior of a group as their own might fit this description.

The study by Dr. Sherif reveals what kind of compliance.

The degree to which they adhered to established standards of conduct or group norms has increased. Through interpersonal interaction and the taming of radical viewpoints, Sherif's experiment demonstrated how group norms are developed.

To know more about Muzafer Sherif's visit :-


Read paragraphs 6 and 7. [6] In one year, a mature live tree can absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide. [7] So, whether the tree is still growing or used to make a wood product, carbon is sequestered until the tree or wood experiences another physical event-like fire or decomposition that releases its carbon. What is the meaning of the word sequestered as it is used in the excerpt? ○ A. disguised O B. captured O c. abandoned O D. withdrawn​


The meaning of the word "sequestered" as used in the excerpt is "captured".

What is the meaning of the word?

The sentence is describing how trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their biomass, preventing it from being released into the air.

The word "sequestered" means to remove or separate something and keep it in a safe or isolated place. In this case, the carbon dioxide is being captured and stored by the tree, which is sequestering it.

Learn more about meaning on



B. Captured

Hope this helps!


Read the quotation from "A Hymn to the Evening".
"So may our breasts with ev'ry virtue glow,
The living temples of our God below!"
How does the couplet form support the meaning of the lines?
O by completing the speaker's thought
O by emphasizing the relationship between the speaker and God
O by describing how God's actions created temples of worship
O by expressing the speaker's sarcasm


By completing the speaker’s thought

The couplet form in this case supports the meaning of the lines by emphasizing the relationship between the speaker and God. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is  a couplet?

A couplet is a pair of lines of poetry that usually rhyme and share a similar rhythm. They often contain a complete thought or idea. Couplets can be used in many different poetic forms, such as sonnets, ballads, and epics. They can also be used on their own as a simple form of poetry.

In many cases, couplets are used to create a sense of closure or resolution in a poem. Because couplets are often used to express concise and complete ideas, they are a common feature of memorable quotes and aphorisms.

The couplet uses parallel structure to equate "our breasts" with "the living temples of our God below," suggesting that the speaker sees their own body as a sacred space where God resides. The couplet also uses rhyming to reinforce this connection and add a sense of harmony to the lines.

Learn more about couplet, here:


write 2 paragraphs about Ella Gaillard, inventor.


The world of medicine benefited greatly from the inventions of Ella Gaillard. She was born in Louisiana in 1922, and she grew up in an eight-child home.

What element of a great invention matters most?

A good idea fixes a single issue; a great innovation fixes several. Consider the snuggie as a good invention that addresses the problem of being unable to move your hands freely while being enveloped in a blanket.

Why does an invention succeed?

Inventions frequently entail the improvement of pre-existing goods or the application of a novel perspective to an existing procedure.

To know more about innovation visit:-


What are the two steps we can improve our thinking in an organized and systematic way by following what steps?


The two steps to improve our thinking in an organized and systematic way are:

Breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable partsApplying logical and critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate each part

These steps help us to understand complex ideas better and make better decisions based on sound reasoning. By breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable parts, we can identify and analyze the key elements of the idea. This can help us to see how the different parts are interconnected and how they contribute to the overall idea.

By applying logical and critical thinking skills, we can evaluate each part and determine whether it is accurate, relevant, and useful. This helps us to form a clear and coherent understanding of the complex idea and make informed decisions based on sound reasoning.

Overall, breaking down complex ideas and applying logical and critical thinking skills are essential for improving our thinking in an organized and systematic way. These steps can help us to understand complex ideas better, make better decisions, and solve problems more effectively.

To know more about the Systematic way, here


How do different characters react to The call of the Wild's harsh setting?


"The Call of the Wild" by Jack London is a novel that features a diverse set of characters with varying reactions to the harsh setting of the Klondike during the Gold Rush.

Here are some of the characters and their reactions to the setting:

Buck - Buck is the protagonist of the novel, and he is a domesticated dog who is forced to adapt to the wild setting. At first, Buck is hesitant and confused, but he quickly learns to survive and thrive in the wild.John Thornton - John Thornton is Buck's final owner in the novel, and he is a seasoned outdoorsman who is comfortable in the harsh setting. He has a deep respect for the wilderness and the animals that live in it.Spitz - Spitz is Buck's arch-rival in the novel, and he is a cunning and ruthless sledge dog. Spitz is well adapted to the harsh setting and uses his skills to dominate the other dogs.Hal, Charles, and Mercedes - Hal, Charles, and Mercedes are inexperienced and ill-equipped city folk who attempt to travel to the goldfields with their sledge dogs. They are completely unprepared for the harsh setting and struggle to survive.

Overall, the different characters in "The Call of the Wild" react to the harsh setting in different ways depending on their backgrounds, experiences, and personalities. While some characters thrive in the wilderness, others struggle to adapt and survive.

To learn more about The Call of the Wild, refer:-


Part 3: Perspective Paragraph – Using your selected short story or novel, write a paragraph that includes the following:
Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois
 Start with a topic sentence that provides the title of your text, the author of your text, and a brief description of the plot so far.

 Write a sentence that identifies and describes the main conflict.

 Write two sentences that explain the protagonist’s perspective about the main conflict.

 Include a quote and page number from your selected text that supports the protagonist’s perspective.

 Write two sentences that explain the antagonist’s perspective about the main conflict.

 Include a quote and page number from your selected text that supports the antagonist’s perspective.

 Write a concluding sentence that sums up the opinions of the protagonist and antagonist. Do not include your personal opinion.

this is about Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois


When research has been done but the results are preliminary or not very significant, authors Perspective Paragraph think about producing a viewpoint or opinion piece.

How should I format a paragraph from a perspective?

Consider beginning your planning for a Perspective paper (for any journal) with a straightforward strategy, such as a bulleted outline, that includes the following information: I the problem; (ii) the usual technique; (iii) the new perspective; (iv) the essential evidence; and (v) the major conclusion. or weak enough to miss the point being made by the author.

How can perspective be demonstrated?

an approach to thinking about something: She approaches the situation from a novel viewpoint. A Marxist viewpoint informs his writing. Germany views the situation in Russia significantly differently than Washington does as a result of its geographic location.

To know more about authors Perspective Paragraph visit :-


Please answer all. Thank you


We can provide evidence of the following characteristics of a tragic hero after reading the play and analyzing Creon's character, as seen below:

Noble stature: Creon is a king and a respected leader in his society. His noble status is emphasized through his position of power and authority.Good person, act of injustice: Creon believes that his edict, which prohibits the burial of Polyneices, is just and necessary for the greater good of the state. However, his rigid adherence to this edict leads to the tragic deaths of his own family members, which ultimately brings him down.Has a weakness, a tragic flaw: Creon's tragic flaw is his excessive pride and stubbornness. He refuses to listen to the counsel of others and insists on his own way, even when it goes against the wishes of the gods.Downfall is his own fault: Creon's downfall is largely the result of his own choices and actions. He has the opportunity to change his course of action but chooses not to do so, leading to his tragic end.Experiences misfortune While Creon's actions contribute to his downfall, his misfortunes are not entirely deserved. His family members suffer tragic deaths as a result of his decisions, and he is left to live with the guilt and regret of his actions.Gains self-knowledge before his downfall: At the end of the play, Creon realizes the error of his ways and experiences a moment of self-knowledge and understanding. He recognizes the tragic consequences of his actions and accepts responsibility for his mistakes. Although it is too late to undo the harm he has caused, this realization allows him to experience a degree of redemption and personal growth.

Who is Creon?

Creon is the king of Thebes in the Greek tragedy "Antigone" by Sophocles. He is a powerful leader who issues a decree forbidding the burial of Polyneices, Antigone's brother, who rebelled against Thebes. This sets in motion a tragic chain of events that ultimately leads to his downfall.

As seen above, Creon has the characteristics typical of a tragic hero. His flaws and weaknesses, as well as the actions of those who surround him, all tend to lead to his downfall.

Learn more about Creon here:


1. Summarize the reason Wes Moore wrote this book.
2. What elements of a Memoir do you expect to see? Be specific.
3. How might this book help answer one of the essential questions?
4. What does the author mean when he says "The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his."?
5. Read the poem below and explain the thematic connection between the introduction and the poem.
Use text evidence to support your answer.


The above prompt is a literary analysis of Wes Moore's book. See the response below.

What is the explanation for the above response?

1. Wes Moore wrote this book to explore the factors and decisions that led to two men with similar backgrounds and circumstances taking different paths in life. He also wrote the book to examine the impact of community, family, education, and opportunity on an individual's choices and outcomes.

2. In a memoir, readers expect to see the author's personal experiences and reflections, as well as their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to events. The memoir should also contain a clear narrative structure and pacing, as well as a central theme or message that the author is trying to convey.

3. This book might help answer the essential question of how different factors, such as family, community, education, and opportunity, impact an individual's life choices and outcomes. It also explores the theme of personal responsibility and how individuals can take control of their lives despite their circumstances.

4. When the author says "The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his," he is expressing the idea that the differences in their lives were not predetermined by their circumstances, but rather the result of choices they made. He recognizes that the same circumstances that led one of them to success could have led to the other's downfall, and vice versa. This statement emphasizes the idea that individuals have agency and can make choices that shape their lives.

Learn more about literary analysis at:


The kangaroo said to the duck "This needs a little reflection "Explain


The kangaroo's statement suggests that the duck needs to take some time to think before making any decisions.

The kangaroo is teaching us the importance of pausing and weighing our options before deciding on a course of action by asking the duck to stop and think about all of the potential outcomes.

In order to make judgments that are in our best interests, reflection enables us to get clarity and insight into the circumstance.

Also, it offers us the chance to consider our options and ensure that we are choosing the best course of action for both ourselves and the people around us.

We may create decisions that we can be confident in by taking the time to think things through.

To know more about confident,


According to Goldstein's Book, why are the all ministries named for their opposites? in 1984


In Goldstein's book, the ministries are named for their opposites as a means of propaganda and control, to create the illusion of a society that is working towards perfection and has eliminated all opposition or dissent.

In Goldstein's book, the ministries of Oceania are named for their opposites as a tool of propaganda and control. By naming them such, the ruling party creates the illusion of a society that has eliminated all opposition and is working towards a perfect utopian future.

This is done to make the citizens believe in the ruling party and suppress any dissent or opposition. The ruling party thereby ensures that the citizens of Oceania will be docile and easily controlled.

To know more about Goldstein, click here.


Explain the sections of the five paragraph essay and the components included in each section.


The five-paragraph essay structure is as follows:

one introductory paragraph that introduces the main topic and states a thesisthree body paragraphs that support the thesisone concluding paragraph that summarizes the essay's points.

How is five-paragraph essay structured?

The five-paragraph essay is a classic format used in academic writing. It consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This format provides a clear and concise structure for organizing your thoughts and ideas. Here's a breakdown of each section:


The introduction serves to introduce the topic of the essay and grab the reader's attention. It typically begins with a hook, such as a quote or statistic, followed by a brief background on the topic. The thesis statement is the last sentence of the introduction and provides the main argument or point of the essay.

Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs serve to support the thesis statement with evidence, examples, and analysis. Each paragraph focuses on a single point that supports the thesis. The first sentence of each paragraph should be a topic sentence that clearly states the main point of the paragraph. The following sentences should provide evidence and analysis to support the point.


The conclusion serves to summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in different words. It should not introduce any new information but instead bring closure to the essay. The conclusion often ends with a call to action or a final thought that leaves the reader with something to consider.

Read more about essay structure


In "He—y, Come on Ou—t!," how do the villagers come to discover the hole?
A. A landslide has swept away a shrine that had covered it.

B. A typhoon has destroyed a building that had covered it.

C. A child from the village falls into it by accident.

D. A construction worker notices it while clearing debris. ​


In "He—y, Come on Ou—t!,"  the villagers comes to discover the hole when A child from the village falls into it by accident. The correct answer is option C.

This is revealed in the story when a child falls into the hole while playing in the village. The villagers then investigate and find the hole, which leads them to the underground cavern.

Shinichi Hoshi's "Hey-y come on out-t" is a fictitious narrative. A landslide swallows a shrine and replaces it with a deep pit in a tiny community hit by a storm. Reporters and experts alike arrive on the site to study the seemingly unfathomable void.

For more such questions on " He—y, Come on Ou—t!,", click on:


the prince of cumberland! that is a step on which i must fall down, or else o'erleap, for in my way it lies. stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. the eye wink at the hand, yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done to see


The Prince of Cumberland is a reference to Hamlet, a play written by William Shakespeare.

In Act I Scene IV, Hamlet is struggling with the dilemma of whether or not to take revenge against his uncle, Claudius, for killing his father and marrying his mother.

He muses that "The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/ On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap..." In this line, he is referring to his choice between inaction and revenge, neither of which can be accomplished without some cost or risk.

He continues that the stars should "hide their fires," meaning he wishes to hide his desires for revenge, as he is afraid of the consequences of his actions. He then says "the eye wink at the hand," suggesting he does not want to acknowledge the evil of his own deeds.

Finally, he concludes with "Yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see," showing his acceptance of the consequences of his choice.

To know more about William Shakespeare click on below link:


The Giver
Write your own question about what we've read so far chapter 18-19, It can be something about the
community, Jonas, or other characters.


Why does the community in The Giver value "Sameness" is my query on the book.

In The Giver's Chapters 18 and 19, what happened?

When Jonas inquires about being released, the Giver replies that there are moments when he wishes he could make such a request. The Giver then clarified the reason behind the restriction prohibiting the Reciever of Memories from making a release request.

What insight is revealed by The Giver in chapter 18?

The Giver assures him that memories endure eternally and promises to give the group all of Jonas's memories. He asserts that Jonas has a great deal more memories than Rosemary did, and that it would be disastrous if the community were to learn about them.

To know more about The Giver visit:


what do you think woud have happened if griffin was caught by jappers and the latter hadnt become unconsious



he probably would get killed

Which of the following is an example of enjambment?
1. None understood the warning—
his was a foreign tongue…

2. The boy ran screaming
through the busy harbor town,

3. I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.

4. By the time the munitions blew,
it was too late for too many,



Enjambment is when there's no punctuation at the end of a line of poetry.

so 2 will be the answer, as there's no punctuation at the end of line.

An example of enjambment is 'The boy ran screaming through the busy harbor town'. So the correct answer is option (2).

What is Enjambment?

Enjambment is a poetic device in which a sentence or phrase is carried over to the next line without a sense of completion. In the example given, the sentence "The boy ran screaming" is carried over to the next line without a sense of completion, thus creating an enjambed phrase.

Enjambment is used by poets and writers to create a sense of rhythm in their work and to add a layer of complexity to their writing. It can also be used to create a sense of suspense and anticipation in the reader, as the poem or story progresses.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (2) 'the boy ran screaming

through the busy harbor town'.

Learn more about Enjambment, here:


Which choice defines the speaker of a poem?
A. The author that writes the poem
B. The voice that narrates the poem
C. The subject that the poem is about
D. The emotion that the poem expresses






Which choice defines the speaker of a poem?

A. The author that writes the poem

B. The voice that narrates the poem

C. The subject that the poem is about

D. The emotion that the poem expresses

I believe it's that one, but tell me if I'm wrong.


You're welcome.

Read this excerpt from a speech by President Harry S. Truman:
If they were to succeed, the United States would be
numbered among their principal victims. It must be clear
to everyone that the United States cannot - and will not -
sit idly by and await foreign conquest. The only question is:
What is the best time to meet the threat and how is the
best way to meet it?

Which phrase is most clearly meant to evoke fear in the listener?

A. sit idly by
B. only question is
C. meet the threat
D. foreign conquest


D because they don't know what the foreign conquest is

The phrase "foreign conquest" clearly meant to evoke fear in the listener. The correct option is D.

What is phrase?

A phrase is a short group of words that people frequently use to express themselves. The meaning of a phrase is not always obvious from the meaning of the individual words that comprise it.

While all of the phrases in the excerpt may elicit some emotional response from the listener, "foreign conquest" is the phrase that most clearly evokes fear, as it implies the possibility of a foreign power invading and occupying the United States.

This phrase implies a direct threat to the country's safety and security, and thus is likely to elicit a strong emotional response from the listener.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding phrase, visit:


question as a lawyer i dedicated my life to defeating jim crow. i believed that the way to do it was to fight for the correct interpretation of the words of the constitution. which person does this paragraph describe? responses earl warren earl warren marshal harlan marshal harlan charles houston charles houston linda brown linda brown thurgood marshall


The paragraph describes Charles Houston as the person who dedicated his life to defeating Jim Crow by fighting for the correct interpretation of the words of the Constitution. The correct answer is option c.

Let's discuss Jim Crow, Constitution, and the person who worked on this issue.

Jim Crow

Jim Crow was a set of laws, customs, and practices used by White Americans to segregate and discriminate against African Americans in the United States. These practices were named after the fictional character Jim Crow, a Blackface performer who popularized racial stereotypes against Black people.


he Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, establishing the government, outlining the fundamental principles of the country, and safeguarding the civil rights and liberties of the citizens. The Constitution is interpreted by judges, lawyers, and policymakers to ensure that it is upheld and enforced.

Charles Houston

Charles Hamilton Houston was a prominent civil rights attorney who dedicated his life to defeating Jim Crow by advocating for the correct interpretation of the Constitution.

He is considered to be one of the most important legal figures of the 20th century and is credited with laying the foundation for the legal strategy that Thurgood Marshall used to win the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case.

The correct answer is option c.

To know more about Charles Houston refer to-

Complete Question

content loaded

question as a lawyer i dedicated my life to defeating jim crow. i believed that the way to do it was to fight for the correct interpretation of the words of the constitution. which person does this paragraph describe? responses

a. earl warren

b. marshal harlan

c. charles houston

d.  linda brown

e. thurgood marshall

Answer: i think its charles houston.


Write an editorial article about the 'Sogie Bill'
-3rd person (name)


The Anti-Discrimination Bill, also known as the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression Equity Bill, is a group of House and Senate legislation that were introduced in the 17th, 18th, and 19th Congresses of the Philippines.

What accomplishes the  SOGIE bill?

The incident sparked significant condemnation from the queer community and heightened calls for the SOGIE Equality Bill, a draft law that would criminalize discrimination based on sex, gender identity, or expression.

What is the legal foundation for the SOGIE Act?

House Bill 4982, titled "An Act Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity or Expression (SOGIE) And Providing Penalties Therefor," was the culmination of several house bills from lawmakers who sought to outlaw discrimination based on SOGIE during the 17th Congress.

To know more about ' SOGIE Bill' visit:-


write five countable and five uncountable nouns
Because I think that I failed the test
Write the name of the objects described below
b. They are used to power various electrical
C. used to wash the hair:
d. when we go camping we use it to protect
ourselves from the cold and
women use it to look more beautiful:
e. we use it to dry our body:
Fill the lines with How Many and How Much
in the classroom?
do you need for the cake?
the bottle?
students are there
milk is there in
legs does a cow
earn a month?
want from the butcher's?
money do you
meat do you


The examples of countable and uncountable bound will be:

Countable Nouns:






Uncountable Nouns:






What are nouns?

It should be noted nouns are names of anything.

Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted, e.g. an apple, two apples, three apples, etc. Uncountable nouns cannot be counted, e.g. air, rice, water, etc.

Learn more about noun on;


What are the flaws in the characters of Romeo and Juliet up to this point in the play? How have those flaws contributed to their decisions and relationships throughout the play?


The two central figures in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" are Romeo and Juliet. Many character defects in both characters have influenced their choices and interactions throughout the play.

Romeo and Juliet's flaws are what drive the play's tragic events. Their impulsive behavior, stubbornness, inexperience, and blind love contribute to their decisions and relationships throughout the play, leading to their tragic fate.

What are the three main themes in Romeo and Juliet?

All three themes are interlinked. Whereas, Shakespeare wanted to elaborate on how love, conflict, and family connected with each other.

What is the message of Romeo and Juliet

It is an allegory about the dangers of making big-big decisions based on emotions alone.

Learn more about conflict here:


If Grandpa
(not know)
whats the rusult from it?


If Grandpa does not know, it indicates that he does not know enough about a particular subject or circumstance. This may result in confusion, uncertainty, or the requirement to seek out additional information in order to make informed decisions or judgments, depending on the context.

What is meant by Judgments?

Judgments are opinions or evaluations formed after careful consideration and analysis of a situation, person, or thing. They are based on individual or collective values, beliefs, and experiences and can be positive, negative, or neutral. Judgments can be influenced by various factors such as personal biases, cultural norms, and social context. They can be helpful in making decisions and navigating the world around us, but they can also be harmful if based on unfair or discriminatory practices.

To know more about Judgments, visit:


One should not entertain a fool essay



"One should not entertain a fool" is a proverb that has been around for centuries, and its meaning is still relevant today. Essentially, it means that one should not engage with someone who is foolish, as it is a waste of time and can even be detrimental.

Fools are people who lack wisdom, judgement, and common sense. They often make irrational decisions and say things that are foolish or even harmful. Engaging with a fool can be frustrating and can lead to unnecessary arguments and conflict. It can also be exhausting and can take up valuable time and energy.

One of the reasons why we should not entertain a fool is that doing so can be counterproductive. A fool is unlikely to listen to reason or be open to new ideas. Instead, they are more likely to cling to their own flawed beliefs and opinions, no matter how irrational they may be. Engaging with a fool can thus be a futile exercise, as it is unlikely to lead to any productive outcome.

Another reason why we should not entertain a fool is that doing so can be harmful. Fools can be dangerous, especially if they are in positions of power or influence. Engaging with a fool can give them a platform to spread their foolish ideas, which can have serious consequences. By not entertaining a fool, we are not giving them the attention or validation they crave, and we are not giving them a platform to spread their harmful ideas.

In conclusion, the proverb "one should not entertain a fool" is a reminder that we should not waste our time and energy engaging with people who lack wisdom, judgement, and common sense. By not entertaining fools, we can avoid unnecessary conflict and frustration, and we can prevent them from spreading their foolish ideas. It is a lesson that is as relevant today as it was centuries ago.


Please help me please please help me





The boy is helping out cats that were trapped in their homes. He is using a bucket to get them to land as they were stuck in flooded areas.

A dialogue between car and motorcycle in english for grade 8​


Car: Hello, Motorcycle! How are you today?

Motorcycle: Hi, Car! I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you?

Car: I'm doing well too. I wanted to ask you something. Do you have any tips for staying safe on the road?

Motorcycle: Of course, safety is always our top priority. Here are some tips that I follow: always wear a helmet, wear protective gear like gloves and boots, and always be aware of your surroundings.

Car: Those are great tips. I also try to stay alert when driving and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

Motorcycle: Yes, that's important too. We have to remember that we share the road with other drivers, so it's important to stay visible and signal our intentions when turning or changing lanes.

Car: Absolutely, communication is key. We should also be respectful and courteous to other drivers on the road.

Motorcycle: Yes, it's important to remember that we are all in this together. By being safe and responsible drivers, we can make the roads a safer place for everyone.

Car: I completely agree. Thanks for the tips, Motorcycle. Let's both stay safe out there on the road.

Motorcycle: Sounds good to me, Car. Safe travels!

Heyyyy help me Pleaseeeeeeeeee


We can answer the questions about the meanings of the words by using our knowledge of affixes, prefixes and suffixes, as seen below:

Part A:

Circumscribed - E. encircle; restricted (enclosed in a line drawn around a circle).Description - G. representation of something in words (something written down).Transcribe - A. write something out from another source (write across).Prescription - H. written order or rule (something written ahead of time).Scribe - B. a person who made written copies before printing was invented (person who writes).Scribble - C. something written hurriedly; written marks without meaning.Conscription - D. signing people up; enlistment (something written down with others).Proscribe - F. officially cast someone out (write outside).

Part B:

Fruitless: failing to achieve the desired result, unproductive.Hapless: unfortunate, having bad luck.Shiftless: lacking ambition, lazy, showing a lack of motivation or effort.Spineless: lacking courage, resolve, or determination; weak-willed.Listless: lacking energy or enthusiasm, having no interest in anything.Artless: lacking skill or knowledge, lacking art or craft, without guile or deception.

What are affixes?

Affixes are letters or groups of letters that are added to the beginning (prefix) or end (suffix) of a root word to change its meaning. Prefixes can modify the meaning of a word to create a new word, while suffixes can change the tense, form, or part of speech of a word. For example, the prefix "un-" can be added to the word "happy" to create "unhappy," which has the opposite meaning.

The suffix "-less" can be added to words to change their meaning, indicating that a certain characteristic is missing. For instance, in "fruitless," the literal meaning would be "without fruit." The figurative meaning is that something or someone is unproductive.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly answered this question.

Learn more about affixes here:


Consider how poe uses fiction to bring the powerful emotion of fear to life. According to Poe, is stress more harmful or beneficial?


Edgar Allan Poe created a new literary genre when he wrote “The Murders in the Rue Morgue.” Although mysteries had been no longer a new literary form, Poe used to be the first to introduce a personality that solved the mystery with the aid of analyzing the data of the case.

How did Poe have an effect on science fiction?

Image result

Despite his ambivalence toward science, Poe's experimentation with the themes of man's relationship to the universe actually mounted him as one of the earliest science fiction writers. Later, well-known science fiction writers such as Jules Verne, Arthur C. Clarke, and Isaac Asimov explored these identical themes.

What type of brief fiction did Poe create?

In addition to his reputation as a poet, his originality in his literary criticisms, and the perfection he performed in creating gothic tales of terror and science fiction, he is also mentioned as the originator of detective fiction.

Learn more about fiction here;


(I am Malala - Part 3)
How has the weather affected Malala's life and experiences?



See this one is a bit harder to answer. Because weather conditions have not impacted Malala too much. That being said. There is very thin information for this and Ill answer what I can and think there has been.

Malala grew up in Pakistan's Swat Valley region, which has a variety of weather conditions depending on the season, including hot summers and frigid winters.

Natural disasters in the region, however, have had an impact on Malala's advocacy efforts. In 2010, for example, massive flooding in the Swat Valley evacuated millions of people and damaged infrastructure, including schools. Malala was involved in disaster relief activities and has spoken out about the value of education in assisting communities in recovering from such catastrophes.

I even went to her org and couldn't find much information for weather impacting her life too much. It seems she has statements from others lives but not her own.


Shah, S. (2021, August 10). Pakistan’s Swat Valley: Climate Change Amplifies Flood Risks. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
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