Think about a time when you had to leave something behind. Maybe it was a friend, a home, or simply an object. Write a minimum four-stanza poem (five lines per stanza, for a total of twenty lines) that expresses the "leaving" of something personal. Be sure to use each of the following poetic devices: ● one simile • one example of alliteration one metaphor • one hyperbole one symbol • one example of personification ● ●​


Answer 1

In order to write a poem, here is a guide:

Choose your topic for topic just like the one that has been given.Use a rhyme scheme to give it rhythm.Make sure you include the stated literary devices.

What is a poem?

A poem is a type of literary work that uses language to evoke emotion, paint vivid imagery, and convey ideas or themes. Poems can take many forms, such as sonnets, haikus, free verse, and more. Poetry often employs literary devices such as metaphor, simile, imagery, and rhyme to create an emotional and artistic effect.

Poems can be written on any topic, and it can be written for various reasons such as expressing emotions, storytelling, or conveying a message.

Learn more about poem on


Related Questions

Annotate: Highlight words and phrases in paragraph 4 that describe Parris.

Infer: What impression do you get about Parris from these details? Are these details an example of direct characterization or indirect characterization? Explain.


Reverend Parris is a suspicious, ambitious, but strangely self-pitying individual. John Proctor in particular despises him, and Parris is keen to establish himself as a respected member of the town.

What is Samuel Parris known for?

During the witch trials in 1692–1693 in Salem Village, Samuel Parris served as the church's minister. He has been a contentious figure in the community since he first moved there several years earlier, and he actively supported the witch-hunts that had begun in his own home after his niece and daughter experienced unexplained fits.

Parris fears that Salem residents will do as Andover residents did and throw out the court. The townspeople are upset about Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor's impending execution, he tells Danforth.

Learn more about Parris here:


rite an objective summary that includes two to three central ideas from the dedication to Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.


Answer:In her argument, Wollstonecraft claims that both men and women must be educated in order to have the same knowledge. She explains that giving women equal rights will benefit both men and women because it will enable women to raise patriotic children and be better companions to men. She argues that because women are equally capable of reason, they are equally deserving of rights. She concludes by explaining that not giving women equal rights is unjust.


is fire a gain or loss in essay ​



It depends on the context in which the fire is being discussed in the essay. In some cases, fire can be seen as a gain, while in others it can be seen as a loss.

Please help :(
When students use tablets, instead of textbooks, they are not learning the best way they can. Students can use tablets to access video games and email accounts, which are distractions in class. In the classroom, students should be concentrating on learning school tasks rather than playing games and socializing on their tablets. Additionally, students can use tablets to access the Internet where they can find quiz or test answers rather than learn the subject matter for themselves.
According to experts, excessive use of tablets causes eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision for students. Health experts also say that using tablets can cause neck pain, shoulder pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Furthermore, tablets cost more money than traditional textbooks. It is estimated that schools which buy tablets for every student will pay almost five times more than they would for purchasing textbooks. Schools also have to consider theft or damage of tablets and purchase insurance for the devices. Moreover, replacement and upgrading costs need to be considered. Conversely, textbooks are less likely to be stolen. Also, oftentimes, damaged textbooks can be easily repaired with tape or glue.
Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two text structures does the author use to organize the ideas in the passage?
- order of importance
- compare and contrast
- problem and solution
- cause and effect
- chronological order


Compare and Contrast, Cause and Affect.

Just mercy chapter 10


Answer:is a books mercy

Explanation:ik ddds

10,11 mercy

Tuesdays With Morrie: Where did Morrie's father emigrate from? Why?


We can see here that in the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom, Morrie's father emigrated from Russia.

What is  "Tuesdays with Morrie"?

"Tuesdays with Morrie" is a memoir by Mitch Albom about his time spent with his former college sociology professor Morrie Schwartz, who was dying of ALS. The book recounts the lessons on life and death that Albom learned during his visits with Morrie in the last months of his life. It was published in 1997 and has since become a bestseller. A stage play and a film adaptation of the book were also created.

Morrie's father and his family fled from Russia due to the persecution of Jewish people, which was rampant in the country at that time. They were seeking a better life and more opportunities in the United States.

Learn more about "Tuesdays with Morrie" on


the paschal mystery is the work of salvation through life,passion death resurrection and ascension accomplished by


The Paschal Mystery is the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

This work was accomplished in order to redeem humanity from sin and to reconcile them with God. The Paschal Mystery is also known as the Mystery of Jesus, and it signifies the culmination of Jesus' earthly ministry as he offered his life on the cross and was raised from the dead. Through this event, Jesus was glorified, and humanity was reconciled with God.

Learn more about The Paschal Mystery:


The text structure of this
passage is “sugar changed the world “



cause and effect


The passage describes the use of sugar by human beings. It also described the cause and their positive and mostly negative impacts of consuming sugar.

In 5–7 complete sentences, summarize your Module One short story. Give specific details about the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Your response should address each element of plot. “condensed milk”


Narrative exposition is the process through which background knowledge is incorporated into a story or narrative. This information may be related to the locale, the characters' pasts, preceding storylines, the period in which it is set, etc.

Expository language that is weaved into the narrative is the traditional type of exposition in literature.

Rising action in literature refers to all the events that occur as a book builds to its climax. As the story goes on, the increasing action keeps us engaged by creating tension. It follows the first stage of the plot's exposition.

The climax is the point in a story when the reader is most interested and moved, whether it be dramatic or nondramatic.

The entire falling action, which takes place immediately following the climax, is referred to as such. To transition the story from a climax to a resolution, there must be falling action. It ranks among the most crucial elements of a story, along with the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.

With the resolution, the narrative is wrapped up. The CLIMAX is followed. Following the resolution of the CONFLICT, you learn what happens to the characters.

To know more about Module One short story, click on the link below:


(100 POINTS!) How does the playwright Oscar Wilde use irony and symbolism to make a satire of Victorian culture and values?

In The Importance of Being Earnest, the society being poked fun at was England’s Victorian Era upper class. What message was Wilde trying to convey about Victorian sensibilities?

In other words, how is the play (The Importance of Being Earnest) a satire?


The playwright Oscar Wilde use irony and symbolism to make a satire of Victorian culture and values by highlighting their absurdity and superficiality

What was the importance of irony used?

In The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde uses irony and symbolism to satirize Victorian culture and values by highlighting their absurdity and superficiality. For example, the characters in the play place great importance on trivial matters such as social status, appearances, and proper etiquette, while ignoring more important issues such as honesty and integrity.

The use of the name “Earnest” as a double entendre, as well as the characters’ constant preoccupation with it, serves to mock the upper class’s obsession with appearances and social convention.

Wilde's message is that the Victorian society was too obsessed with superficial matters, and he wanted to convey the idea that people should be true to themselves and not be constrained by societal expectations. He also criticizes the Victorian society's rigid moral code which is reinforced by their hypocritical behavior.

Learn more about Oscar Wilde on:


By emphasizing the ridiculousness and superficiality of Victorian culture and morals, playwright Oscar Wilde satirizes them in his work.

Oscar Wilde satirizes Victorian culture and morals in The Importance of Being Earnest by drawing attention to their ridiculousness and superficiality. For instance, the play's protagonists give a lot of weight to unimportant things like social standing, outward appearances, and proper etiquette while ignoring more significant things like honesty and integrity.

The characters' persistent fascination with the name "Earnest" and its use as a double entendre combine to parody the upper class's preoccupation with outward appearances and social tradition.

Write an essay that analyzes one work of literature that you have read from the perspective of a quotation. In your essay, interpret the quotation and explain whether it applies to a work of literature you have read. Support your opinion using literary terms and elements as well as details from the text.
Lens Quotation: "Character is what you are in the dark." -Dwight Lyman Moody


The novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald can be analyzed from the perspective of the quotation "The past is never dead. It's not even past." by William Faulkner.

What is the novel about?

In "The Great Gatsby," the past plays a major role in shaping the present and the future of the characters. The novel's protagonist, Jay Gatsby, is deeply affected by his past, specifically his past love for Daisy Buchanan. He is unable to let go of his past and move on, and instead, he spends his entire life trying to recapture it. Gatsby's past is always present in his thoughts and actions, and it ultimately leads to his downfall.

Furthermore, the quote can also be applied to the other characters in the novel. Daisy, for example, is unable to fully let go of her past with Gatsby and her feelings for him, which leads to her own personal turmoil. Similarly, Tom Buchanan is haunted by his past infidelity, which ultimately leads to the unraveling of his marriage.

Learn more about essay on:


Identify the suffix that means "condition of" in the following words. Remember to use the phonetics in the following exercises to pronounce each word as you work.
21. alcoholism (AL-ko-hol-izm) (alcohol dependence) _______________________
22. insomnia (in-SOM-ne-ah) (inability to sleep; root: somn/o) _______________________
23. acidosis (as-ih-DO-sis) (acid body condition) _______________________
24. dysentery (DIS-en-ter-e) (intestinal disorder; root: enter/o) _______________________
25. psychosis (si-KO-sis) (disorder of the mind) _______________________
26. anemia (ah-NE-me-ah) (lack of blood or hemoglobin; root: hem/o) _______________________


The suffix that means "condition of" in the following words is:

21. alcoholism: -ism

22. insomnia: -ia

23. acidosis: -sis, -osis

24. dysentery: -y

25. psychosis: -sis, -osis

26. anemia: -ia

Here are the following phonetics for each word:

alcoholism: ælkəˌhɔˌlɪzəminsomnia: ɪnˈsɑmniəacidosis: ˌæsəˈdoʊsəsdysentery: ˈdɪsənˌtɛripsychosis: saɪˈkoʊsəsanemia: əˈnimiəWhat is a suffix?

A suffix is a letter or set of letters that is placed at the end of a word to create a new word, often of a different word class. Some suffixes have their own function in providing a new meaning: 

1.  adjective meaning: "Pertaining to"

→ -as, -al, -ar, -ary. -ic, -ical, -ous, -ile

2. mean "Condition Of"

→ -ia, --ism, -sis, -y

3. adjective meaning: "like or resembling"

→ -form

Here to learn more about Suffix:


The two articles present the Lagina brothers differently. Using the
last paragraph from 'Why are treasure hunters fascinated with this
Canadian island?' and the first paragraph from 'The kool kidz diggin’
for Kidd's treasure', compare the way the brothers are presented.
Write 150 words. You should comment on:
the impression the writers give of the brothers
the language the writers use?




The two articles present the Lagina brothers differently. Using the

last paragraph from 'Why are treasure hunters fascinated with this

Canadian island?' and the first paragraph from 'The kool kidz diggin’

for Kidd's treasure', compare the way the brothers are presented.

Write 150 words. You should comment on:

the impression the writers give of the brothers

the language the writers use?

how does a plot and theme work together



a plot and theme work together because when your reading the plot of your book the theme starts to come along after like in 3 little pigs the first pig built his house with straws and the plot was the wolf blew his house down so the theme was do a job the right way so u don't have to do it again

After hearing Jordan's speech in the student council, Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head. Apparently Michael didn't agree with what Jordan said. Select one: a. Inductive, weak. b. Deductive, sound. c. Inductive, strong. d. Deductive, invalid. e. Deductive, valid


After hearing Jordan's speech in the student council, Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head. Apparently Michael didn't agree with what Jordan said. this is inductive and strong. The correct answer is C.

Arguments can be viewed as a set of premises in both logic and philosophy that aim to assess the degree of truth of the conclusion, which is the other statement. In inductive reasoning, the premises are referred to as evidence for the conclusion, yet they do not provide conclusive proof.

Inductive reasoning includes making generalizations about a problem based on one's own experiences or expertise. On the other hand, deductive reasoning entails employing broader problems to examine and reveal a particular discovery or observation.

Learn more about inductive at


except hom Message to the Congress in
Special Session, July 4, 1861
by Abraham Lincoh
President Licoh gave this speech to Congress to pail suppost
and Anding ke the Cul War afer Suthern states had withdrawn
From the Union
elevate the
This is essentially a People's contest. On the side of the Union, a
in a struggle for maintaining in the world, that form, and
substance of government, whose leading object
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I am most happy to believe that the plain people understand and
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government's hour of bial large numbers of those in the Army
and Navy, who have been favored with the offices, have resigned,
and proved labe to the hand which had pampered them, not one
common solter, or common sakor is known to have deserted his
Great honor is due to those officers who remain true, despite the
example of the treacherous associates, but the greatest honor,
and most important fact of all, is the unanimous trmness of the
common solfers, and common sakors. To the last man, so far as
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those, whose commands, but an hour before, they obeyed as
abaohibe law Tha is the patriotic instinct of the plain people. They
understand, without an argument, that destroying the
Select the correct answer
Which language from the excerps does Lincoln include to show he has popular support for his actions?
in this, the government's hour of trial, large numbers of those in the Army and Navy, who have been favored
with the offices, have resigned
One still remains-ts successful maintenance against a formidable Internall attempt to overthrow it
He desires to preserve the government, that & may be administered for at, as I was administered by the men
who made a
OD. the greatest honor, and most important fact of al, is the unanimous freness of the common sokfiers, and
common sakors


OD. the greatest honor, and most important fact of al, is the unanimous freness of the common sokfiers, and common sakors

Which language from the excerps does Lincoln include to show he has popular support for his actions?In his Message to the Congress in Special Session in 1861, Abraham Lincoln included language to show he had popular support for his actions. He noted with pride that, in the government's hour of trial, many of those in the Army and Navy who had been favored with the offices had resigned.He also expressed appreciation for the officers who had remained true, despite the example of their treacherous associates.However, he reserved the greatest honor and respect for the common soldiers and sailors who had remained loyal to their cause despite immense pressure to abandon it. Lincoln recognized their patriotism, noting that "the plain people understand and appreciate this."He celebrated the fact that, even in the face of difficult circumstances, the military had remained firm in their loyalty, and had resisted efforts from within the Union to overthrow it.This language from the excerpt clearly demonstrates the popular support Lincoln had for his actions.

To learn more about Abraham Lincoln Message to the Congress in Special Session refer to:


The phrase "The highest honor, and most significant fact of all, is the unanimous" is used by Lincoln to demonstrate that the public supports his efforts.

Explain about the Lincoln mean to say?

The phrase "The highest honor, and most essential fact of all, is the unanimous firmness of the common troops, and common sailors" means that everyone agrees on it. By "all sailors and soldiers," Lincoln indicates that they all support him.

The success of its upkeep against a strong internal attempt to topple it is the only one that remains.

Numerous Army and Navy personnel who had been given favourite for positions have resigned in this hour of trial for the country.

The unanimity of the regular soldiers and regular sailors is the highest honor and most significant fact of all.

He wants to keep the government functioning as the individuals who created it intended, so that everyone can benefit from its administration.

To learn more about Lincoln mean to say refer to:


choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics she liked her bedroom but did not care for the hue of its walls


First, the noun hue refers to the colour of the walls. Hue is defined as a colour or a shade.

List is used as a synonym for plans, as can be seen in the statement, the speaker appears to be saying that while he does not want to hunt, he can assist anyone who want to do so. For more than a thousand years, the term "Holy Writ" has been used interchangeably with "Bible" in English. Appreciable, observable, ponderable, sensible, and tangible are some frequent synonyms for "palpable." a formal idiom. When something is something else written large, it is the same thing as it but bigger or more obvious: Hollywood is frequently compared to American society in its entirety.

To know more about word in italics click here:


rite three to four sentences explaining which adaptation of Hamlet you think is more successful. Use specific evidence from the adaptations to support your claims.


The interpretation that features the actor playing both Hamlet and the ghost, in my opinion, is more potent. As he speaks, the actor modulates his voice and body language to better portray Hamlet's fractured mental state. The voice used in the alternate performance is calmer and softer, making Hamlet's agony less noticeable.

What is Hamlet about?

Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, also known as The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, was written between 1599 and 1601. Hamlet is instructed to kill Hamlet's uncle, the new king, in order to exact revenge on his father's murder by the ghost of the Dan-ish king.

Hamlet poses as mad, muses on life and death, and seeks retribution. In order to save his own life, his uncle also plans to assassinate Hamlet.

Learn more about Hamlet on:


Write a short narrative describing a difficult communication situation with someone due to a cultural difference or stereotype. It can be fictional or non-fictional.


A narrative describing a difficult communication situation with someone due to a cultural difference or stereotype is given below.

What is the narrative about?

Sara, an American businesswoman, was sent to China for a project with a Chinese company. She was excited to work with the team and learn more about Chinese culture. However, her excitement quickly turned to frustration when she found it difficult to communicate with her Chinese colleagues.

Despite her best efforts, she found that her Chinese colleagues were not responding to her emails or phone calls. She soon learned that this was due to the fact that in Chinese culture, direct communication is considered impolite and could be seen as confrontational. Instead, they preferred to communicate indirectly and use subtle cues to convey their message.

Sara also found that her Chinese colleagues were not comfortable disagreeing with her in public. They would often nod and agree with her, even if they disagreed with her ideas. This led to confusion and misunderstandings when it came to making decisions for the project.

Sara realized that she needed to change her communication style and adapt to the Chinese culture. She sought the help of a cultural trainer, who taught her about the importance of indirect communication and the significance of saving face in Chinese culture. With this new knowledge, she was able to communicate effectively with her Chinese colleagues, and the project was a success.

It was a difficult situation for Sara, but she learned that effective communication is not just about understanding words, but also understanding the culture and values of the people you are communicating with.

Learn more about communication on:


What do these two changes have in common?
sauce burning on a stove
bleaching clothes


These two changes are brought about by increasing temperature, both are chemical changes, and they are mass-conserving changes.

How do these changes happen?The burning sauce begins to burn with increasing temperature.At high temperatures, the sauce molecules lose their molecular structure and therefore burn.The bleaching of clothes happens with the heating of molecules in cleaning products.This heating causes a reaction between product molecules and dirt particles.

Although there are transformations in the two cases shown above, these transformations act on the reaction of molecules and not on the mass of their products. For this reason, the masses remain the same, even if the temperature interferes with their molecules.

Your question is incomplete. The complete query can be seen below.

"What do these two changes have in common?

sauce burning on a stove

dry ice sublimating and becoming a gas

Select all that apply.

Both are caused by heating.

Both are only physical changes.

Both conserve mass.

Both are chemical changes."

Learn more about the conservation of mass:


alfred undergoes a change in this book. donatelli also undergoes a similar change. in your essay, discuss alfred's attitude in the beginning of the book and how it changes by the end. explain how donatelli's change is similar to alfred's change. finally, discuss what they both learn and how their lives are different by the ending of the story. with an introduction and conclusion, this is a five-paragraph essay.


Griffin, a lot speedier opponent than Alfred's previous one and a relentless striker, is Griffin's opponent in Alfred's second match.

After a few rounds, Griffin is beginning to lose energy, and Alfred believes his only hope is to land a knockout blow. Griffin is knocked out cold and Alfred wins by KO after he deftly avoids a punch and then lands a blow to the jaw. Despite the referee's instructions to leave the ring, Alfred tries to approach Griffin. When Henry congratulates Alfred for the catch, Alfred responds, "He just laid there like a dead man." It has occurred, Alfred, Donatelli responds. The sound of Alfred's fist slamming into Griffin's jaw has haunted him ever since.

To know more about Griffin's refer to the link below :


Read the essay question that follows. Assess the ability of technology to ensure human happiness in the present society.
What key words might help you to define the scope of your response? [3]


The key words that might help you to define the scope of your response include happiness and technology.

What are key words?

Important words and concepts from your research question or thesis are known as keywords. Picking out the most crucial nouns from a research question or thesis is a quick and dirty way to extract keywords; all other words are unnecessary.

The range of content that belongs in an article is known as its scope, which also establishes what does not.

The work required to complete a project's objectives is simply referred to as the scope. In other words, the scope is the process of determining and describing the precise project objectives, goals, outcomes, milestones, tasks, costs, and timeline dates.

Learn more about scope on:


Following laws, as written in statues, regulations, and codes, and as interpreted by the courts is what type of behavior?
O Legal
O Civil
O Ethical


Civil because it just is
It’s between legal and civil

examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. group of answer choices gloria global positioning system (gps) precision depth recorder (pdr) seamarc seabeam


The five words and/or phrases are creativity, accuracy, originality, plagiarism, and quality. The relationship among these words and phrases is that they are all related to creating good writing and content. The one option that does not fit the pattern is violence.

Gloria Global Positioning System (GPS) is a state-of-the-art technology that enables precision depth recording and mapping of the Earth’s oceans. The technology is based on the use of satellites to monitor and accurately record the location and depth of the ocean floor. Through the use of the Seamarc and Seabeam systems, which measure and record the angle of sunlight and the angle of reflection on the sea floor, the GPS can accurately calculate the depth of the ocean’s depths. The GPS is an invaluable tool in oceanographic research and navigation, allowing us to better understand the ocean and its depths. With the GPS technology, scientists are able to better comprehend the impacts of climate change and other oceanic processes on the health of our planet’s oceans.

Learn more about words and phrases  here


describe serenas attitude toward the trip in the first half of the story.


Answer: His additude was mid.

Explanation: I feel like it could have been better, but it wasnt the worst.

Question 3
Use Sammi's model as an example to explain why cells are the building blocks for human bodies


Because cells are the fundamental units of life, they serve as the smallest units of life for human bodies, we have a variety of body parts, each with special  cell types with specialised activities.

How does Shammi's model work?

The heart, blood vessels, capillaries, and digestive tract are just a few of the parts that are depicted in the model. This shows that, just as cells serve a variety of purposes inside the human body, different organs have distinct tasks to play in order for blood to be pumped into the body. The digestive system extracts and absorbs nutrients from meals. These nutrients are transported to the remaining cells of the body through the circulatory system. Blood vessels, the heart, the villi, and the digestive tract are listed from left to right.

To learn more about Shammi's model visit


This mode is used in academic writing to help explain why a story or idea is important, as well as the impact of an idea on the future.
3.Process Analysis
4.Problem and Solution
5.Cause and Effect


Example, compare/contrast, process analysis, problem and solution, and cause and effect are all modes of academic writing used to explain why a story or idea is important, as well as the impact of an idea on the future.

Example is used to provide a specific example to explain an idea. Compare/contrast is used to discuss the similarities and differences between two or more ideas. Process analysis is used to explain how something works or is done. Problem and solution is used to identify and offer solutions to a problem. Finally, cause and effect is used to explain the connection between a cause and its effect. Therefore, these five modes of academic writing are essential for providing a thorough explanation of an idea and its implications. Mode of academic writing is an important tool to explain why a story or idea is significant and to assess the impact of an idea on the future. Examples can be used to demonstrate the concept, comparison and contrast can be used to analyze the differences between two or more items, process analysis can be used to explain the steps of a procedure, and problem and solution can be used to identify and address a challenge. Additionally, cause and effect can be used to comprehend why something occurred, and the consequences of the event. Ultimately, these modes of academic writing can be employed to strengthen a thesis and support the author’s arguments.

Learn more about  academic writing  here


Insert the wherever necessary. 1. We travelled by Jhelum Express. 2. Lotus is National flower of India. 3. Colourful balloons can be seen in sky. 4. Have you seen Principal? 5. English is easiest language to learn.



lotus is the natural flower of India,colourful balloons can be seen in the sky,have you seen the principal,English is the easiest language to learn,

Starting in the 1980's, juvenile offenders faced...
A rehabilitation more often than punishment.
harsher penalties for their crimes.
judges who were trained to deal with



b habilitation



In a well-developed paragraph of at least 5 sentences, use the TIE strategy (topic, information, express) to explain two central ideas of the textbook entry above. Be sure to include evidence from the text to support your response.


The central idea is expressed as follows:

Topic: The Biography of Abraham Lincoln

Information: The above text is about the history of Abraham Lincoln.


On February 12, 1809, Abram Lincoln was born in a log shanty on a lonely little farm in Kentucky. His father died when he was seven years old. Thomas Lincoln and his family relocated to Indiana. There, the youngster and his mother labored in the woods, assisting him in the construction of a new home.

He used to go out at night and sit beside her grave in the woods, reading his favorite novels. Abraham Lincoln was a kind of friendly giant. No one could swing an axe as deeply into a tree as he could. Abraham assisted his father in the construction of a nice log cottage, after which he and a man called John Hanks chopped walnut rails and fenced in fifteen acres of property.

What is a central idea?

The key concept or central idea is the tale's central, unifying theme, which connects all of the other parts of fiction employed by the author to create the story.

The primary notion is best defined as the story's prevailing impression or the universal, general truth.

Learn more about the central idea:

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Three of these pairs of quantities are related by direct variation. Which pair is NOT?A. x=hours traveled at 60 miles per hour, and y= total distance traveledB. x=length of a rectangular table, in inches, and y=length of the table, in centimetersC. x=number of $1-off coupons used, and y=amount savedD. x=time it takes to travel 60 miles, and y=speed traveled vacca what are new literacies and how are they changing the way we think about learning and literacy in the twenty-first century which of the following practices would be considered an ethical business choice that does more than the law requires? you are a system administrator for a financial institution. most of your employees work at home and have various work environments. one of your account managers is complaining that customer data is disappearing from her account management application. she insists that she saves data regularly and has not had a problem until recently. her workstation has both a solid-state drive (ssd) and a traditional hard drive. she runs the application from the ssd drive, but stores the customer data on the hard drive. she has recently moved her desk to a room in her house that is used for entertainment. the room has a sound system with several installed speakers for surround sound. which of the following types of interference might be causing the issue with disappearing customer data? The graph represents the velocity as a function of time for an object in one- dimensional motion. Identify which statement below correctly describes the motion at t = 3 S. A. The object is speeding up and the acceleration is positive. B. The object is speeding up and the acceleration is negative.C. The object is slowing down and the acceleration is positive.D. The object is slowing down and the acceleration is negative. how high can a man weighing 86.5 k jump on pluto? Imagine that we are babysitting, and the mom gives the following schedule.Cesar and Pablo have to shower at 7. They have to eat dinner at 7:30, and they have to go to bed at 8.Can you translate this schedule into Spanish? (Not with a translator) 5. Which of the following is parallel to the line y = 2/3x +5?A.y=2/3x-4B.y=2/3x-7C.y=-2/3x+5D.y=-2/3x+5 a small, 300 g cart is moving at 1.20 m/s on a frictionless track when it collides with a larger, 4.00 kg cart at rest. after the collision, the small cart recoils at 0.870 m/s . What is the speed of the large cart after the collision? Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. How many low dose 81 mg aspirin can be made from 1.21 kg of aspirin? (1 kg=1000 g; 1 g- 1000 mg) which of the following forces stabilize protein 3-dimensional structure? choice 1 of 6:ionic interactions choice 2 of 6:h-bonding choice 3 of 6:van der waals forces choice 4 of 6:metal ions choice 5 of 6:disulfide bonds choice 6 of 6:all of the above In circle G the length of arc HI = 2 pi and measures angle HGI = 60 degrees. Find the area shaded below which hormones derived from amino acids are poorly soluble in water, similar to steroid hormones? a search engine giant specializes in all types of search items; provides a free translation feature for 80 different languages; stores all passwords for commonly visited sites in encrypted form; allows users to view ads on previously made related searches; provides suggestive search items to assist the user; allows users to view a collection of related web pages users might want to visit; and provides a faster load time and more accurate hits than its rivals. this search engine company uses a profit formula that primarily consists of Which statement below lists the essential components of a feedback loop and describes t function? Set point detects the regulated variable; integrator interprets the information and sends it to the ap effector, effector decides if it will react or not to the signal. Sensor detects a regulated variable: integrator interprets the information and sends it to the appropr effector, effector alters the regulated variable; organ system returns the body back to normal Sensor detects a regulated variable; set point is the value of the regulated variable; integrator interpre information and sends it to the appropriate effector, effector alters the regulated variable.Integrator interprets the information; set point is the value of the regulated variable; effector alters the regulated variable. Set point is the value of the regulated variable; integrator interprets the information and sends it to the appropriate effector; effector alters the regulated variable; set point is the point the variable must alwa return to. Duertis Lab absorption and radiation by land and water reportPlease I need the lab report Im struggling with the graphs and stuff which of the following types of viruses is difficult to detect and remove because it operates outside the operating system? Managers engage in activities that help the organization achieve its goals. These activities can be grouped under four principal management functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. This activity is important because each management function requires different skills and presents distinct challenges for managers.The goal of this activity is to challenge your knowledge of the four principal functions of management.Read each example and select the management function that it best represents.1. Sariyah sets challenging sales targets for her team.(Click to select) Planning Organizing Leading Controlling2. Lindsay determined the best structure and reporting hierarchy for her firm based upon the company's strategic goals.(Click to select) Planning Organizing Leading Controlling3. Atticus spends a sizable portion of his day helping to resolve disagreements between employees in his organization.(Click to select) Planning Organizing Leading Controlling4. Kellen is analyzing organizational data to determine why the firm is experiencing abnormally high employee turnover.(Click to select) Planning Organizing Leading Controlling Sweet pea plants have a diploid (2n) chromosome number of 14. Which of the following best explains how the sweet pea plants in the parental generation produce F1 offspring with 14 chromosomes? Meiosis II and IIII lead to the formation of cells with 7 chromosomes. In the Narrative of life of Olaudah Equiano How is decent self with on plantations