This billboard by a grassroots organization says, "Dear famous people: stop buying dogs. Love, Max the shelter dog” What issue is this billboard promoting?

A. consumer rights
B. animal rights
C. rights of pet owners
D. rights of famous people

This Billboard By A Grassroots Organization Says, "Dear Famous People: Stop Buying Dogs. Love, Max The


Answer 1
Answer: B. animal rights
Explanation: Same person that posted this question, answered on edge

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Board rule 213:16 on practice and procedure requires that.


Board rule 213:16 on Practice and Procedure also  requires that the case should proceed adding the board’s charged be deemed to be true.

Board rule 213.16 (i) According to the statement, if a respondent does not submit a formal response to all of the charges, they are deemed to have acknowledged guilt and the board's recommendation will be followed by default.

Further Explanation

Board rule 213.16 encompasses the laws that are applied to the respondent in a disciplinary case. The section spelled out the guidelines for the respondent's response in any disciplinary action comprehensively. According to the clause, the respondent is required to submit a response to the accusations made against them (Nurse). All of the claims in the charges must be either agreed to or denied in the answer that must be filed.

However, the case will be treated as a default case if the respondent does not adequately address the allegations.

learn more on Board rule 213.16


MLK and his economic dream...
Would an economic bill of rights be a sustainable way to reduce income inequality for Americans and how would this impact individuals personal drive and motivation to work and create? Make sure to explain your reasons.


An economic bill would not be the sustainable way of reduce the income inequality in America because all the people do no have the same capabilities.

Would an economic bill of rights be a sustainable way to reduce income inequality for Americans?

An economic bill of rights, which would guarantee certain economic rights such as the right to a living wage, access to healthcare, and affordable housing, could potentially be a way to reduce income inequality in the United States. Such a bill could ensure that all citizens have a basic standard of living, regardless of their income level, which would help to address the issue of poverty and provide a more level playing field for all Americans.

However, there are some concerns about how an economic bill of rights would impact individuals' personal drive and motivation to work and create. Some argue that such a bill could create a disincentive to work, as individuals would not be as motivated to improve their economic situation if they are guaranteed certain basic rights regardless of their income level. Additionally, there could be an impact on the businesses, as they would have to pay more to the employees and would have to increase the prices of the products or services to cover these costs.

Read more on economic bill here:


So, is involuntary manslaughter punishable by prison time? Because it is involuntary... Right?


Involuntary manslaughter is punishable by prison time because regardless of the involuntary nature, it is still a crime to kill another person .

What is the sentence for involuntary manslaughter ?

An unintentional killing caused by criminal carelessness , recklessness, or the committing of a low-level crime like a misdemeanor is referred to as involuntary manslaughter .

While many states offer a range of punishments depending on the seriousness of the negligence or the underlying crime , involuntary manslaughter charges in federal court can result in a sentence of incarceration for one to six years .

Find out more on manslaughter at


Voluntary manslaughter is intentionally killing another person in the heat of passion and in response to adequate provocation. Involuntary manslaughter is negligently causing the death of another person.

Can someone go to jail for verbal abuse that lead to the victims mental health decreasing.


Answer: Ultimately, if you and your attorney can show the emotional abuse in court, the judge can consider this as part of a child custody agreement. Emotional abuse can lead to one party losing custody or having limited or supervised visitation and affect the court's marital property distribution and spousal support.

Source C 1. How did the courts say the rights of adults and children differ in Tinker v Des Moines?​


According to the court, the First Amendment applied to public schools, and administrators could not suppress student expression unless it interfered with the learning environment.


The court determined that students' right to wear black armbands is protected by the First Amendment because doing so was not disruptive.

In Tinker v. Des Moines, what decision did the court make?

Both students and teachers "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," the majority of the Supreme Court decided in a 7-2 decision.  The Court held that school administrators could not impose restrictions based only on a fear that the speech could interfere with students' ability to learn.

To Know more about Amendment


In the text, the authors discuss how juvenile offenders are more likely to
be sentenced to life in prison if they're black. What do you think can be
done to combat racial biases in the justice system to ensure that juvenile
offenders are tried and sentenced fairly?


The judges, prosecutors and other officials should to provided with training and education on implicit bias, cultural competence, and on racism.

What are the 4 factors affecting juvenile delinquency?

1. Family Environment: Studies show that children from homes with high levels of parental involvement and positive family dynamics tend to have fewer behavioral issues and are less likely to become delinquent.

2. Peer Influences: Being around peers who engage in delinquent behavior can make a child more likely to do the same.

3. Substance Abuse: Substance abuse is a major factor in juvenile delinquency.

4. Mental Health Issues: Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD, can lead to delinquent behavior if they are not properly treated.

One step that can be taken to combat racial biases in the justice system is to provide more training and education to judges, prosecutors, and other criminal justice professionals on implicit bias, cultural competence, and the impact of structural racism. Additionally, creating or expanding existing programs that focus on rehabilitation and restorative justice for juvenile offenders can help ensure fair treatment and sentencing. Finally, strengthening oversight and accountability measures, such as instituting an independent review board to assess decisions made by the justice system, can help to ensure that juvenile offenders are being treated fairly and equitably.

Hence, the main officials should to provided with proper training and education.

To learn more about juvenile delinquency from the link


hy is it important to bae teaching practice on knowledge of social- emotional,physical-mental, and art development levels? How should teachers use their knowledge to select materials, supplies, and interests center for young children?


It is important to base teaching practice on knowledge of social-emotional, physical-mental, and art development levels because children's development in these areas greatly impacts their ability to learn and succeed in school.

To use their knowledge to select materials, supplies, and interests centers for young children, teachers should consider the child's developmental stage and interests. It's also important that the teacher continuously observe the children and adapt the materials and centers to their changing developmental needs and interests.

What is teaching practice?

Generally,  By understanding a child's developmental stage, a teacher can design activities and select materials that are appropriate for that child's current level of development. This ensures that the child is challenged, but not overwhelmed, and that the child is able to engage with the material in a meaningful way.

For example, if a child is at a stage where they are developing fine motor skills, the teacher may choose to provide materials such as playdough, crayons, and scissors. Additionally, the teacher should consider the child's interests when selecting materials and centers. If a child is interested in cars, the teacher may choose to create a car center with toy cars, books about cars, and other related materials.

Also, teachers should provide opportunities for children to explore and discover, give them choices and allow them to engage in self-directed activities as much as possible.

Read more about teaching practice


What would happen if people didn’t defending the nation


There would be a high chance of losing imagine if one day the army decides to just go on hiatus and there is an upcoming war during the time of Russia and Ukraine if the Russian army did not defend their country there would have been serious bloodshed it's just like your friend got into a fight you have to defend your friend to stop the matter from escalating

lol. Judges sometimes issue no-knock warrants. These allow law enforcement officers to enter a property without alerting the residents. For example, they might enter a home without knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell. Opponents of this practice say that this violates people’s constitutional rights. Which excerpt from the Bill of Rights would opponents of no-knock warrants most likely use to support their argument? “The right of the people . . . against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” “No person shall be . . . compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” “The accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial.” “Cruel and unusual punishments [shall not be] inflicted.”


Answer: Option A, “The right of the people . . . against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”

Explanation: edge 2023

Make three laws and do a cost-benefit analysis to go with each law. Your purpose is to both provide food and income for 9 billion people while caring for the environment.

Each category of law has a background which you must consider when making your law. For each law, you must provide:

a name for the law
three major goals of the law
a cost-benefit analysis for the law

1 — Forestry Law

Background: In 2050, the earth is only covered in 15% forests, half of the forests of today. Of the forests that were cut, 75% were removed to make room for farmland or for mining. Desertification has occurred in many deforested areas. The other 25% of deforestation occurred to make room for urban sprawl for an expanding population. Temperatures have risen globally and many species of trees can no longer thrive in the hot temperatures.

2 — Agriculture Law

Background: In 2050, the earth mostly grows just three crops: corn, soy, and wheat. There are only three major agriculture companies that supply all the seeds, which are all GMOs. There is a small percentage of organic farmers. Fresh water has become scarce in 2050. Cattle are still raised in feedlots and slaughtered. About 65% of the earth's population are regular meat eaters.

3 — Mining Law

In 2050, almost all rare metals have disappeared. Scientists are working on making alternatives. In the meantime, there is much conflict in the areas that have remaining metals. Also, almost all rainforests have been destroyed in the Congo and Brazil, in search of mining the last of the resources.


The practice of applying fundamental legal principles to problems emerging in agriculture is known as agricultural law.

What is agriculture?

The practice of raising cattle and plants is known as agriculture. The invention of agriculture, which allowed people to raise domesticated animals to produce surpluses of food that allowed people to live in cities, was crucial in the growth of sedentary human civilization.

Agriculture has a long history dating back thousands of years. Beginning at least 105,000 years ago, people began harvesting wild grains, and around 11,500 years ago, they started planting them. Over 10,000 years ago, people began domesticating sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle.

In at least 11 different parts of the world, plants have been grown independently. Even though 2 billion people still relied on subsistence agriculture in the twentieth century, industrial agriculture based on extensive monoculture grew to dominate agricultural output.

Learn more about agriculture, here


When punitive damages are assessed, it is the responsibility of the. to pay the plaintiff.
Select one:
O a. officer's employer
O b. individual officer
Oc. employer's insurance provider
O d. bank


When punitive damages are assessed, it is the responsibility of the  individual officer to pay the plaintiff.

What are Punitive Damages?

Punitive damages are a special kind of damages that are only permitted under a few limited conditions. Punitive damages have two crucial purposes:

Punish bad conduct. Punitive damages are intended to hold the defendant accountable for especially severe acts. For further information on the types of conduct that are acceptable, see "When are punitive damages available."

Be a role model. Punitive damages are also known as "exemplary" damages since they also serve as a deterrent to the defendant's future behavior and other people from engaging in similar behavior.

inattentive driving is an example of this. In both situations, the defendant would have taken a deliberate choice to act in a way that could cause significant harm to another person.

To learn more on Punitive Damages from  the link:


Select ALL the correct answers.
What are two ways media can affect an election?

Candidates plan election rallies knowing social media will not cover them.

Television election ads influence public opinion about candidates.

Televised debates generate greater public interest in elections,

Political parties discourage voters from getting information from media.



Television election ads influence public opinion about candidates.

Televised debates generate greater public interest in elections,

What happens when the defendant is guilty?



Simply put he goes to jail


But to explain it, after the defendant is pleaded guilty,the judge further passes judgement on him and indicates the amount of years he's going to spend in jail and all that but eventually he still goes to jail!

What types of communication equipment do law enforcement officers use? Explain
the purpose of at least two pieces of equipment, as well as the protocols required for
their use.


The police operate three radio communication systems: mobile, police station-level, and portable, in addition to cutting-edge structures of police info-communications system.

A protocol's necessity in computer networks

In essence, it makes it possible for linked devices to communicate with one another despite differences in their internal workings, hierarchical structures, or visual appeal. The ability to connect with people anywhere in the world is made possible through network protocols, which are crucial for modern digital communications.

Police-station-Level Communications System

Radio communications are used to communicate between police officers and police stations as well as within police stations. This is known as the police-station level communications system. Each police station that falls under the PPHs in Japan is covered by this system.

Mobile Communications System

The mobile communications network, a radio communications system, enables the communications command center to issue orders to police patrol cars, motorcycles, helicopters, boats, or police stations. In essence, this system is under the jurisdiction of each PPH. The coverage can, however, be expanded to include the entire nation if necessary. The gadget also enables voice and data conversations to be carried out simultaneously by a radio set on a police car. By temporarily using the radio set as a relay station, radio communications can be carried out in hilly areas where radio waves are not generally effective.

Learn more about radio communications system:


This house would set up homeless shelters in wealthy neighborhoods. This is for debate so i need a full debate speech





his approach, building on efforts Finland has adopted since the 1980s, uses “housing as a starting point rather than an end goal“. In other words: providing housing is the absolute first step, and then other support and services can be in addition to that.

Housing First contrasts with the traditional ‘Staircase Model’, which requires homeless people to abstain from drugs and alcohol and get their lives back on track before they are eligible for housing. Housing First is structured to encourage a permanent exit from homelessness and, according to the data, the objective seems to be being achieved, with research showing that it generally ends homelessness for at least 8/10 people.

Providing a house immediately for homeless people becomes a great incentive for social integration, allows a safe environment that increases the effectiveness of treatment, and, most importantly, returns autonomy to the individual.

similarities with community board and the borough president


Board members are selected by the Borough President. At least half of the appointments are made by members of the City Council (split based on the percentage of the district's population each Council member represents).

What is meant by Community board?Community boards evaluate the needs of their local communities, meet with city agencies, and offer suggestions for addressing those needs as part of the city's budgeting process.Up to 50 representative Board Members make up the Community Boards, which are municipal organisations. Board members are chosen by the borough president under their jurisdiction. On the advice of the member of the local city council, half of them are appointed. They do voluntary duties for staggered terms of two years.Community Boards evaluate the needs of their local communities, meet with municipal agencies, and offer suggestions for addressing those needs as part of the city's budgeting process.

Learn more about Community board refer to :


List three research questions related to interagency cooperation and the
communication tools and codes used by law enforcement. What professional organization or group could you e-mail for assistance in answering these questions? What steps can you take to make sure your e-mail is professional sounding?


Three research questions related to interagency cooperation and the communication tools and codes used by law enforcement are:

What are the most effective communication tools and codes currently being used by law enforcement agencies to facilitate interagency cooperation?How have advances in technology impacted interagency communication and cooperation among law enforcement agencies?To what extent do standardization and training on communication protocols and codes improve interagency cooperation among law enforcement agencies?

The IACP would be mailed for assistance

Use a professional and sound words in order to make sure that the email sounds professional.

What steps can you take to make sure your e-mail is professional sounding?Use a clear and professional subject lineAddress the recipient by name and titleUse a formal and polite tone throughout the e-mailClearly state the purpose of the e-mail in the opening sentenceProvide all necessary information and contextUse proper grammar, spelling, and punctuationInclude a closing sentence thanking the recipient for their time and considerationInclude contact information such as phone number and email addressInclude a signature at the end of the email.

Read more on emails here:


what can the judcial branch do in foreign affairs


The judicial Power must encompass all cases in law and equity arising under this Constitution, United States Laws, and Treaties made or to be concluded under their Authority; cases involving ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls; cases involving admiralty and marine jurisdiction.

Which branch plays a role in foreign affairs?

According to the Constitution, both the Executive Branch and Congress are in charge of determining American foreign policy. The Department of State is the major U.S. foreign affairs agency within the Executive Branch, and the Secretary of State serves as the President's top foreign policy advisor.

In terms of American foreign policy, the Senate has a special function. The Constitution gives the president the power to negotiate treaties, but the Senate must first give its two-thirds approval before the president may sign them. This procedure heavily relies on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Thus, The judicial Power must encompass all cases in law and equity arising under this Constitution.

For more information about plays a role in foreign affairs, click here:


Consult the teachers in the two rooms in which you observed to learn how information obtained through observing children’s dramatic play is used in building children or in making future plans give examples in your reply


Observing children's dramatic play can provide teachers with a wealth of information about children's interests, strengths, social and emotional development, and cognitive skills.

How information obtained through observing children’s dramatic play is used in building children or in making future plans

Information obtained through observing children's dramatic play can be used by teachers in various ways to build children and make future plans.

One way that information obtained through observing children's dramatic play can be used is to inform curriculum planning and development. For example, teachers may observe that children are interested in exploring the theme of animals and nature, so they can plan activities and lessons that focus on this theme.

Another way that information obtained through observing children's dramatic play can be used is to identify individual children's strengths and areas of interest. For example, if a teacher observes that a child is particularly interested in pretending to be a doctor, they can build on that interest by providing opportunities for the child to explore this role further.

Additionally, observing children's dramatic play can also inform teachers about children's social and emotional development. For example, teachers may observe children working together to solve problems, or they may observe children managing conflicts in different ways, which can inform teachers about children's social skills and emotional regulation.

Moreover, observing children's dramatic play can also inform teachers about children's problem-solving, critical thinking and language skills, which can help teachers to plan and design activities that target these skills.

In summary, observing children's dramatic play can provide teachers with a wealth of information about children's interests, strengths, social and emotional development, and cognitive skills that can inform curriculum planning, individualized instruction and assessment.

See here on an example how obesrving  children’s dramatic play can provide information to building them:


In the text, the author discusses how people of color were treated more violently by police officers. In what ways is this a result of prejudice? How might these prejudices influence other experiences within the justice system?


The fact that people of color are treated more violently by police officers is the result of prejudice that is structured in society. These biases can influence other experiences within the justice system towards biasing decisions based on an individual's color.

What is structural racism?

It corresponds to a system of prejudice internalized in society due to its historical bases of discrimination and violence against blacks, in a perpetuation of white domination over blacks as occurred during the period of slavery.

Therefore, any form of racism and prejudice must be eliminated from society, through equal institutional treatment, punishment for racist acts, information and an equal justice system for all citizens.

Find out more about racism on:


Create a scenario that shows someone that would qualify to be emancipated. Make sure to explain what emancipation means.


In general, minors who are married, on active duty status in the military, or living separately from their parents or legal guardians and independently managing their own financial affairs are considered emancipated.

Examine the following situations and decide the best method for
solving each problem. Consider informal discussion, negotiation,
arbitration, mediation, going to court (including small claims court),
seeking help from a government agency, and other methods. Explain
your answers.
a. Two sisters share a room. However, they disagree over how the
room should be arranged and decorated.
b. A new plasma television breaks after two weeks, and the sales-
person refuses to fix it.
c. A landlord will not make needed repairs because he believes
the tenant caused the damage.
d. A fast food restaurant and an employee disagree over the
wages and conditions of employment.
e. The Internal Revenue Service sends you a letter claiming that
you owe another $2,000 in taxes. You disagree.


Options a, When it comes to how the room should be set up and furnished, two sisters who live together dispute.

What exactly is unofficial arbitration?Without resorting to litigation, arbitration is a non-binding process that is used to quickly resolve a warranty issue. Only the manufacturer is subject to its legal obligations. You and the manufacturer give testimony about the vehicle's condition and maintenance history during an arbitration hearing in front of an impartial arbiter.Aside from going to court, parties can settle disputes through two quite different procedures, mediation and arbitration. While arbitration uses a third party to make decisions, mediation uses a mediator to facilitate the bargaining process.Options a, When it comes to how the room should be set up and furnished, two sisters who live together dispute.              

To learn more about unofficial arbitration refer to:


The following roles overlap between the different levels of government: (multiple answers are possible)
[mark all correct answers]
a. Creating and maintaining millions of acres of parks and forests.
b. Providing correctional facilitities (prisons).
c. Protecting endangered species.
Od. Education (teachers, building schools, transporting students).


Keeping in view the decline in the profitability of agriculture, and increasing farmers' distress and indebtedness, the government may consider providing .

what is the  roles overlap between the different levels of government?

In India, the government works at three levels i.e, at national level there is central government formulating policies and laws for the nation as a whole , then at state level, there are state governments that look after the governance of their respective states and the relation between center and that state and with .

All levels of government must obey the U.S. and State Constitutions. The U.S. Constitution gives the federal government certain powers and assigns all other powers to the state governments. State governments establish the local governments within their territories and delegate certain powers to them.

National government is divided into 3 branches, the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary.

Executive (President and Cabinet): Governs the country.

Judiciary (Courts): Upholds the laws.

Provincial Government:

To learn more about  government refers to:


Answer :

creating and maintaining millions of acres of parks and forests,

providing correctional facilities (prisons),

education (teachers, building schools, transporting students)


Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the county sheriff in most jurisdictions?
A: writing parking tickets in the downtown business district of the municipality that serves as the county seat. B: providing security in the county.
C: operating the jail
D: serving eviction notices and other court documents


Answer: I believe it may be D

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