This comes from the "I have a Dream" speech in commonlit:

PART A: Which of the following identifies the central idea of the text?
A. King believes that African Americans should not be denied their civil rights, and
encourages others to be relentless in their non-violent fight for freedom.
B. King's dream is for African Americans to be free, and makes it clear he will do anything to achieve this, no matter the consequences.
C. King does not believe that America is ready to grant African Americans their freedom, but is hopeful for a future in which this is possible.
D. King knows that equality is not something he will see during his lifetime, but is
confident that his children will eventually live in a world of equality.

2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." (Paragraph 3)
B. "In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." (Paragraph 8)
C. "I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and
tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells." (Paragraph 14)
D. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
(Paragraph 20)

3. PART A: What is the meaning of "tribulation" in paragraph 14?
A. adventure
B. uncertainty
C. difficulty
D. desperation

4. PART B: Which clue from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "we will not be satisfied until 'justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.'" (Paragraph 13)
B. "And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left
you battered by the storms of persecution" (Paragraph 14)
C. "go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed." (Paragraph 14)
D. "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends." (Paragraph 15)

5. PART A: How does paragraph 4 contribute to the development of ideas in the text?
A. It emphasizes that African Americans have been cheated the civil rights that the nation owes them.
B. It demands that African American receive financial compensation for the injustices they have suffered.
C. It proves that African Americans are never going to stop fighting for their civil rights
and freedom.
D. It shows how essential African Americans' civil rights are to them by comparing rights to money.

6. PART B: Which quote from paragraph 4 best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check."
B. "When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note"
C. "This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the 'unalienable Rights' of 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'"
D. "Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check"


Answer 1

Answer:           1.  A. King believes that African Americans should not be denied their civil rights, and encourages others to be relentless in their non-violent fight for freedom.

2.   A. "But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." (Paragraph 3)

3.  C. difficulty

4.  B. "And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution" (Paragraph 14)

5.  A. It emphasizes that African Americans have been cheated the civil rights that the nation owes them.

6.  A. "In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check."


Related Questions

when we first meet the knight, he has never been in battle. what is interesting about his armor?


When the knight is first introduced, he has never been in battle. The knight's armor is interesting because, despite never having been in battle, it is well maintained and polished. This implies that he is experienced with armor and has taken great care to keep it in excellent condition.

When the knight is first introduced, he is wearing armor made entirely of cloth. Chaucer describes the Knight's attire in great detail in "The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales," providing readers with a clear sense of his character.The Knight's armor is unique and interesting. Because he is an honorable character, he is wearing armor made entirely of cloth. His armor is made entirely of cotton, which is a non-violent fabric.

He isn't a brutal knight, but rather a knight who is virtuous and chivalrous. He is not interested in battle but rather in religion, hence he is dressed in plain and comfortable clothing. However, since he wears a tunic made of coarse cloth, it gives the impression that he is quite humble.

know more about Prologue here



An author develops their claim through the reasons and examples they provide.
When you identify a claim list 3 tips to help track the development of a claim, make
sure to use complete sentences and include:


Answer: 1. Look for the main idea or thesis statement in the introduction or early in the essay. This will often provide a clear indication of the author's claim and the direction the essay will take.

2. Pay attention to the topic sentences in each paragraph, as they often provide a roadmap for the development of the author's claim. These sentences should connect back to the thesis and provide supporting evidence for the claim.

3. Identify the key pieces of evidence or examples the author uses to support their claim. Look for patterns or themes in these examples, and consider how they connect back to the overall argument. This will help you track the development of the claim and assess the effectiveness of the author's reasoning.


I normally use TEEC, which stands for

T-topic sentence





C-concluding statement

And all of this ends up being a full body paragraph, but if you do not like this tool, you could also use C E R, which stands for Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning.

hoped this helped

: )

The artist preferred to paint in oils he did not like watercolors.
Rewrite the sentence correctly


The artist preferred to paint in oils, he did not like water colors.

pls someone help me my teacher made do it


1. The central ideas of the article are that chatbots are becoming increasingly prevalent in various aspects of society, including education and customer service, and that their capabilities are constantly expanding. The article also discusses the potential benefits and drawbacks of chatbots and their impact on human interactions.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a type of software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to simulate human conversation. Chatbots are often used in customer service and support, as well as in other applications such as virtual assistants, online shopping, and gaming.

2. Some people are concerned that chatbots will replace human jobs and lead to a loss of personal interaction. The article addresses these concerns by noting that chatbots can actually free up humans to focus on more complex tasks and that they are capable of improving customer experiences.

3. The literal meaning of gold rush is a period of time when large numbers of people move to a place to find gold. In the section heading "An A.I. Gold Rush," the term is used metaphorically to indicate that there is currently a high demand for chatbots and that many companies are investing in their development. The section is likely to discuss the increasing popularity of chatbots and the competition among companies to create the best ones.

4. The author's main purpose in including the sidebar "Can a Chatbot Write a Sonnet?" is to demonstrate the current capabilities of A.I. and chatbots. The expert's opinion of the sonnet is that it is impressive and shows that chatbots can be creative. Most people may not recognize the value of the sonnet in terms of demonstrating A.I.'s capabilities, as they may not be familiar with the intricacies of natural language processing.

5. Based on the article, A.I. like ChatGPT may lead to changes in how schools assign homework and control other aspects of education. For example, teachers may be able to use chatbots to provide personalized feedback to students. However, there is a risk that A.I. could lead to cheating and lost learning opportunities if students rely too heavily on chatbots. At the same time, A.I. could create new avenues for learning, such as through personalized tutoring or interactive simulations

Learn more about chatbot on


quotes are taken from the source's mouth, word for word, and placed into your writing. a. direct quotes b. indirect quotes c. partial quotes d. psychographics


Answer: Indirect quote


Indirect quotes are taken from the source's mouth, word for word, and placed into your writing.

A Lady's Tale by Anton Chekho summary


Answer: Synopsis. Natalya was once a happy and radiant young woman. Now an older woman, she reflects about her youth. In particular, she thinks about the heavy emphasis she put on her wealth and the relationships and experiences that it cost her.


Can anyone pls help me this is due today


Having responsibility for a dog inspired kids to stay away from the drugs and gangs, and now they play with their dogs and study.

What is the whoonga drug ?

Whoonga is a form of black tar heroin, sometimes mixed with other substances, that came into widespread use in South Africa in 2009. Its use is concentrated in the impoverished townships of Durban, although it is supposedly appearing in other places in South Africa as well.

What was the cure of drug ?

By giving dogs to the children was the decision of the community.

"The children have forgotten about whoonga," said Winnie Sangcosi who works with the community to cordinate the project. Whoonga is a powerful local street drug that kids were involving with, having responsibility for a dog inspired kids to stay away from the drugs and gangs, and now they play with their dogs and study.

To know more about responsibility visit :-


which word pair represents the closest cohort competitors of the word sandwich? group of answer choices sumo, sushi song, seal sandy, sandal


The word pair that represents the closest cohort competitors of the word sandwich is "sandy, sandal".

A sandwich is a dish that typically includes two slices of bread or a split roll, and one or more fillings like meat, vegetables, cheese, jam, or peanut butter, that are placed between them. It is generally eaten as a lunch food, and it is often accompanied by various side dishes. The sandwich is a quick and easy-to-make dish that can be enjoyed at any time of day.

Therefore, the word pair that represents the closest cohort competitors of the word sandwich is "sandy, sandal."

You can learn more about word pair at:


How and why does Elie Wiesel lose his faith over the course of the novel? (5 paragraph essay)


Previous to being transferred to Auschwitz, Elie Wiesel believed that as long as his family stuck together, everything would work out to be well. Throughout all his time in the concentration camp, he started to lose his faith after discovering the horrid ways of the camp.

Why did Elie Wiesel start to doubt God?

Elie Weisel's religious beliefs started to shift as a result of the agony and dehumanization he endured in concentration camps throughout the Holocaust; many other Jews abandoned their faith as a result of what they went through.

Before being sent to Auschwitz, he thought that everything would be okay as long as his family stayed together. After learning about the horrifying practices of the camp, he gradually lost faith throughout his entire stay in the concentration camp.

Learn more about Elie Wiesel at:

Elie Wiesel


What is a central idea of the excerpt?

Different religions can have many similarities. People can only follow the beliefs of one religion. People can appreciate for the beliefs of multiple religions. Each religion is completely different


The excerpt's key message is that "Different religions can have many similarities."

Thus, According to the excerpt, there are frequently similar characteristics or commonalities between various religions, despite the diversity of religious beliefs and practices.

It highlights the idea that even while different religious traditions may have different rituals, teachings, or cultural expressions, similarities can nevertheless exist between them.

This basic concept inspires awareness for the commonalities seen in various belief systems and fosters an understanding of religious diversity.

Thus, The excerpt's key message is that "Different religions can have many similarities."

Learn more about Belief system, refer to the link:


"Blind Justice
"because where I come from
jail or death
were the two options she handed to us
because where he came from
the American Dream
was the one option she handed to them
So here we are, blind Lady Justice
I see you, too"
- Ibi Zoboi, Punching the Air/ Pg-44


Hey! What’s your question? This seems to just be a quote or some sort, please state your question in the comment section down below
I hope you have a great day/night/afternoon :)

to whom do you think charlie is writing? are there certain age groups/people who listen better than others?


Answer: Charlie is writing to an unidentified person. However, the person can be a psychiatrist or a close friend of Charlie.

There are no specific age groups or people who can listen better than others. Listening is a fundamental communication skill that can be developed through practice and effort. However, active listening is a more profound type of listening that requires the listener to focus fully on what the speaker is saying without interrupting or making judgments.

In summary, Charlie is writing to an unidentified person who can provide him with an outlet to share his experiences and feelings openly. There are no age groups or people who can listen better than others. However, active listening is a fundamental communication skill that requires practice and effort.

Learn more about  writing here:


the blank of a routine request should be clear and specific. multiple choice question. subheadings. addenda. appendices. subject lines.


The subject line of a routine request should be clear and specific. A routine request is a request made in the course of your work that is usual, standard, and consistent. Routine requests include those requests for equipment, supplies, or information that are a normal part of your job or that you have made previously. The correct answer is option d.

A routine request is also a request that you make as a matter of routine, and which does not require a special justification or explanation. Routine requests are often made by email or letter.The subject line of a routine request should be clear and specific.

It is the first thing the recipient will see when they receive your message. The subject line should provide enough information to enable the recipient to decide whether to read your message or not. The subject line should be concise and to the point. It should summarize the contents of your message in a few words. It should also be relevant to the message you are sending.

The subject line of a routine request should contain the following information: The name of the person or department you are sending the message to. The nature of the request. The date by which the request needs to be fulfilled. Any other information that will help the recipient to understand the nature of your request.

For example, if you are requesting equipment, you might use a subject line such as "Request for Equipment for ABC Project." If you are requesting information, you might use a subject line such as "Request for Information on XYZ Topic."

To know more about subject line refer to-


Complete question

content loaded

The blank of a routine request should be clear and specific. multiple choice question.

a. subheadings.

b. addenda.

c. appendices.

d. subject lines.

Which statement best summarizes the central idea of this paragraph from the hot zone


Summarizing the main idea: Even if viruses are dead, the possibility that they could "come alive" is terrifying.

What is the main point of a chapter in The Hot Zone?

The concept of nature's power permeates every chapter of The Hot Zone. No matter how much human technology advances or how hard people try to protect themselves, Ebola constantly manages to infect new people. Ebola is a prime example of this power at its most destructive and pure form.

What is the The Hot Zone book summary?

The suburbs of Washington, D.C. are suddenly invaded by a deadly, extremely contagious virus from the central African rain forest. No remedy exists. 90% of its victims are going to die within a few days. Unknown military SWAT A group of scientists and troops is assembled to halt the spread of this unusual "hot" virus.

To know more about Summarizing visit:


Do you think people should try to rise above the limits of rationality and logic in order to
find spiritual truths and understanding of the world?


It is important to note that whether or not people should attempt to transcend the bounds of reason and logic in search of spiritual truths and knowledge of the world depends on their particular perspectives and beliefs.

What do spiritual truths entail?

The existence of a higher power, the nature of the soul or consciousness, the reason for humanity's existence, and the moral and ethical standards are only a few examples of the beliefs or ideas that are considered to be spiritual truths.

They may be founded on individual experiences, intuition, or faith and are frequently derived from religious or philosophical traditions. Spiritual realities are extremely individualized and liable to change depending on one's religious convictions and cultural upbringing. These might not be as testable or quantifiable by science as empirical truths like the rules of physics or mathematics.

Learn more about spiritual truths with the help of the given link:


3/ Describe the function of the washing machine? Write its types and explaio them. A​



it agitates your clothes in a soapy suds and water to remove any dirt and stains before spinning to drain the water after the cycle

The washing machine significantly streamlines the laundry process by providing efficient cleaning, saving time and effort, and providing a choice of settings and options to suit individual preferences.

A washing machine's primary purpose is to clean clothes using a combination of water, detergent, and mechanical force. Users may load their garments, add detergent, choose the preferred settings, and start the washing cycle to make washing clothes easier. Washing machine with a top load: The top of the washing machine is used to load and unload the laundry. It has a rotating impeller or agitator at the bottom that stirs the water and agitates the clothing.

To know more about washing machine, here:


Helppp please
Which topic would a sociologist of sports study?

the attachments that fans form to certain players

whether the price a new owner pays for a team is reasonable

the impact that revenue for concessions has on stadium costs

whether older players are less prone to injuries than younger one


We can see here that a sociologist of sports would most likely study the topic:  A - the attachments that fans form to certain players

Who is a sociologist?

A sociologist is a social scientist who studies human society, social behavior, and social structures. Sociologists seek to understand how social structures, institutions, and culture shape human behavior, and how social phenomena like inequality, power, and social change operate in society.

Sociologists of sports are interested in how sports intersect with social structures, culture, and politics. They may study topics such as the role of sports in society, the impact of sports on communities and individuals, the relationship between sports and social inequality, and the cultural meanings and symbols associated with sports.

Learn more about sociologist on


Helpp please
Newspapers are one of the oldest forms of mass media. What does this suggest about the original purpose of mass media?

It was only for the elite in society.

Distribution of information was its primary purpose.

It was designed to reach those who could read.

Entertainment has always been very important.



I think the answer would be Option D.


The word medium is pluralized as media. A medium is a communication tool. Mass media are communication tools that may simultaneously reach a large number of people. There are five different categories of mass media in America that are significant in politics. These are the Internet, magazines, radio, newspapers, and television.

In addition to providing entertainment, the media informs the public about politics. News can be broadcast live as it happens or can be found in newspapers, blogs, radio shows, and television shows. These methods are frequently used to cover public issues. People typically get their information from the media.

what is gregor's reaction to the commotion in the living room? why is it ironic? how is this a symobolic gesture of change?


Gregor's reaction to the commotion in the living room was that he wanted to learn what was going on. This is ironic because he is the one causing the disturbance in the house, and his family is unaware of what is going on. Gregor's reaction is a symbolic gesture of change because it reflects how he is trying to understand the situation and the changes that are happening to him, despite the fact that he is now different from his former self.

In a sense, he is trying to break free from his past life and embrace the changes that have come his way, even if they are difficult and painful to endure.

You can learn more about gestures at:


1. What does the use of the pronouns they and we in paragraph 2 suggest about the narrator's
point of view? How does this point of view reflect the theme of the excerpt?


The use of pronouns shows that C. The narrator is inclusive and values the contributions of all team members equally.

How are the pronouns used?

The use of the pronouns "they" and "we" suggests that the narrator is part of a team and values the collective effort of the group.

The use of "they" to refer to themselves implies a sense of humility and the belief that individual success is linked to the success of the team.

The narrator also notes that their perspective is valued and that the team works together to overcome challenges, which reflects an inclusive approach to teamwork.

Overall, the narrator's point of view reflects the theme of the importance of collaboration and mutual support in achieving success. Thus, the correct answer is C.

Read more about pronouns here:


As a member of the team, they were proud of the work we accomplished together. We faced numerous challenges, but we overcame them through our collective efforts. Their perspective was always valued, and they felt included in the decision-making process. As a result, we achieved great success and grew as individuals and as a group.

Answer choices:

A. The narrator has a strong sense of individualism and values their own contribution to the team's success.

B. The narrator feels disconnected from the team and uses "they" to distance themselves from the group.

C. The narrator is inclusive and values the contributions of all team members equally.

D. The narrator is critical of the team's approach and suggests that they could have achieved more individually.

Can someone pls write me a compare and contrast essay about e books and textbooks. Not too long max 300 words


Answer: In today's world, textbooks and e-books are two of the most common reading materials used by students. While they both serve the same purpose of conveying information, they do have their differences.

To begin with, textbooks are physical books that are printed and bound with a cover. They are designed to be used and handled in a classroom setting, and they often contain exercises, illustrations, and other activities that can help students better understand the material. Furthermore, textbooks are often revised and updated regularly, making them a reliable source of information. In contrast, e-books are digital versions of physical books that are formatted for electronic devices. They are not as detailed as textbooks and can typically be downloaded and accessed with the click of a button. Additionally, e-books are not as readily available as textbooks, as they are often not available in physical bookstores.

In terms of cost, textbooks are typically more expensive than e-books. Textbooks are typically printed with high-quality materials, which can be costly for the publisher, thus resulting in a higher price for the consumer. E-books, on the other hand, are typically much cheaper than textbooks as they do not require any physical materials or labor to be printed. Furthermore, they can be accessed on any electronic device and are often much more affordable than physical copies.

In conclusion, textbooks and e-books are both useful reading materials that are used by students. While they both have their advantages and disadvantages, textbooks are typically more expensive and have a greater environmental impact, while e-books are generally cheaper and more eco-friendly. Ultimately, it is up to the reader to decide which one is better suited for their needs.

what present does mary warren give to elizabeth? what does her making it and giving it to elizabeth foreshadow?


In the play "The Crucible by Arthur Miller", Mary Warren gifts a small poppet to Elizabeth. The act of making the poppet foreshadows Mary warren's involvement in the witchcraft accusation.

Mary Warren had made the doll during the court proceedings, which represents her intention of seeking Elizabeth's forgiveness, and the hope that she would believe her innocence.  

Mary Warren, an intimidated and obedient character, ultimately becomes a vital witness in the witch hunt initiated by Abigail Williams.

She accuses Elizabeth Proctor of being a witch and gives a doll as evidence to the court. Mary Warren presents Elizabeth with the poppet as a sign of goodwill and to gain her trust.

Learn more about Elizabeth at


3 ways in which the Soweto protists harmed their community?


Soweto protesters were on the street of Soweto due to the government introducing the Afrikaans language to be used as a medium of instruction in local schools.

What was the impact of the Soweto protest?

In South Africa in 1976, schoolchildren spearheaded the Soweto movement. Over 20000 students had congregated on the street in Soweto city to demonstrate against the government's decree.

due to the fact that college students thought they deserved to be treated and educated like white South Africans. Few people used Afrikaans as their primary language in the past. Via the police, it resulted in 451 arrests and 575 fatalities.

As a result, the Soweto demonstrators hurt their neighbourhood.

Learn more about The Soweto protest here:


Which of the following lines of poetry most clearly reflects a tone of mystery?

"But when the trees bow down their heads, the wind is passing by."
"He who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise."
"The wind steals in and twirls the candle, the branches heave and brush the wall."
"We wrote for the milk and the honey of kindness, and not for a name."


The atmosphere that unites a story is called the tone of mystery, and it permeates both the dialogue and the narrative's dark, gothic tone.

What is the mystery's central theme?

A puzzling crime, circumstance, or situation that needs to be resolved is the central theme of stories in the mystery (pronounce: mis-tuh-ree) literary subgenre.

What is the mystery literary theme?

In mystery fiction, a crime (such as a murder or a disappearance) is followed from the moment it is committed until it is solved.

To know more about tone of mystery visit:



in need help


I’m dum

How dose the caption support information in the passage


They might support the notion. Or just provide a visual depiction of what is written in the section. A caption is comparable to a header or subheading in this regard. It provides a general notion of the topic of the text.

What should the title of a passage be?

Tips for writers

Be succinct and informative. The proper use of titles varies widely between fields.

Write with your reader in mind.

tempt the reader.

Include critical keyword phrases.

sentence case when writing.

Why does every written passage begin with a title?

It is not intended to suggest a course of action or draw conclusions; rather, the title seems intended effectively encapsulate the concepts and arguments made in the paragraph. One crucial piece of advice is to sum up each paragraph.

To know more about title click here


do you think prufrock is on a journey to propose marriage, to have a sexual rendezvous, or to do something else?


Based on the analysis of the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot, it can be concluded that Prufrock is not on a journey to propose marriage or to have a sexual rendezvous. Instead, he is on a journey of self-discovery and self-reflection.

The poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot is a monologue in which the speaker, J. Alfred Prufrock, reflects on his life and the meaning of existence. The speaker is concerned with his mortality and is frustrated by his inability to communicate with others.

Prufrock is not on a journey to propose marriage because he is insecure about his appearance and believes that women will not find him attractive. He is not on a journey to have a sexual rendezvous because he is too self-conscious to approach women and worried about being rejected by them. Instead, he is on a journey to understand his emotions and come to terms with his mortality.

Learn more about marriage at


What is the most likely reason the film adaptation changes this scene so that General Zaroff shoots arrows at Rainsford and his companion?


The struggle of the writer to produce work with integrity and originality in a society where corporate demands for sameness and success are paramount is the primary subject of Spike Jonze's movie Adaptation.

What distinguishes this tale from that of The Most Dangerous Game?

The hunt is altered in the film, and Rainsford only needs to stay alive with Eve for one night rather than three. Zaroff's fate is kept a secret by the novel's author, but it is made abundantly obvious in the movie that he passed away.

Why are movie adaptations becoming more commonplace these days?

The reason why adapted films are more popular and successful than original screenplays is because the book's or author's fan base is similar to that of the original film.

To know more about Rainsford visit:-


The complete question is:

What is the most likely reason the film adaptation changes this scene so that General Zaroff shoots arrows at Rainsford and his companion?

A to increase the number of props

B to create an opportunity for added dialogue

C to add a visual that creates suspense

D to make the setting seem more realistic

mistakes or verbal stumbles during a speech:group of answer choicesare the most memorable part of the speechpletely distract the audience from the main message.distract the audience from receiving the not undermine the entire speech.expose the speaker as ignorant or unprepared.


No, mistakes or verbal stumbles during a speech do not undermine the entire speech and do not necessarily expose the speaker as ignorant or unprepared.

When your audience doesn't comprehend what you're talking about, it can be one of the biggest distractions during a speech. Writing and organizing your presentation with your audience in mind will make it simpler for them to understand. Additionally, when a speaker tries to convey too much information, listening becomes challenging. Effective speakers can help overcome the frequent barrier of information overload by including repetition in their presentations and giving specific instances of new knowledge to aid audience members in interpreting and comprehending the main points. For two key reasons, it's crucial to think about our voice when speaking.

To know more about speaker refer :


What happened in chapter 16, 17,18 of what a strange paradise


The chapter 16 starts with the unnamed protagonist returning to the refugee camp, where he finds Bassam's mother, Mira, looking for her son. He tells her that Bassam is safe and that he will return soon.

What is the story of a strange paradise?

"What a Strange Paradise" is a novel written by Omar El Akkad, and the events of Chapters 16-18 are as follows:

Chapter 16:

The protagonist then goes to visit Amir, who is recovering from his injuries in the hospital. The two talk about their experiences and the protagonist reveals that he used to be a journalist before the war. He then goes to visit a woman named Zeinab, who tells him about the death of her daughter, Hanadi, and how she wants revenge on the people who killed her.

Chapter 17:

The chapter opens with Bassam and the protagonist arriving at the hotel where the people smugglers are hiding. They wait for nightfall before attempting to sneak in. The protagonist becomes nervous, but Bassam reassures him that everything will be fine. They manage to get inside the hotel, but their plan goes awry when they are caught by one of the smugglers. The chapter ends with the smuggler pointing a gun at the protagonist's head.

Lastly, Chapter 18:

The chapter opens with the protagonist and Bassam being taken to a room where they are interrogated by the smugglers. The protagonist tells them that they are looking for work, but the smugglers don't believe him. The protagonist tries to convince them that he is a journalist, but they are not interested in hearing his story.  The chapter ends with the protagonist and Bassam attempting to escape.

Learn more about  paradise from


Write a story which ends with we were lucky that night


It was a dark and stormy night, the kind that gives you goosebumps. Our family was huddled together in the living room, watching the lightning bolts light up the sky, and listening to the rain beat against the windows. It was a night to be indoors, but we had a problem.

Our neighbor's house had caught fire, and we were the only ones who could help them. We had to go out in the storm to help them, and it was scary. We had to be brave and work together to help put out the fire. We didn't know if we could do it, but we had to try.As we stepped out into the storm, the wind was howling, and the rain was falling so hard that it felt like needles piercing our skin. We could barely see a few feet in front of us. We stumbled through the dark, calling out to our neighbor, hoping to hear a response. It was difficult to hear anything over the storm. It felt like we were searching for a needle in a haystack.Suddenly, we heard a faint voice calling out to us. It was our neighbor, and she was trapped in her bedroom. We quickly went to work, getting her out of the burning house. It was a close call, but we managed to get her to safety. We were lucky that night, and we knew it. If we hadn't gone out in the storm, our neighbor could have lost her life. It was a scary experience, but it taught us the importance of being brave and helping others in need.

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the nurse is preparing the client to make the necessary dietary changes from pregnancy to lactation. what statement should the nurse include in client teaching? the electrolyte in automobile lead storage batteries is a 3.75 m sulfuric acid solution that has a density of 1.230 g/ml. calculate the mass percent, molality, and normality of the sulfuric acid. 7. in model 1, if the length of the arrow represents time, then for those cancerous cells, what hap pens to the time that is necessary for the cell cycle? what implication might this have for doctors who are treating cancer patients? in hopes of identifying an ancient caldera, what are three specific features that you might look for? A standard die is rolled. Find the probability that the number rolled is greater than 3. Express your answer as a fraction in lowest terms or a decimal rounded to the nearest millionth. according to a cnn article discussed in class, ireland is one country in the european union that has a 0% luxury tax. group of answer choices true false suppose that 95% of adults with allergies report symptomatic relief with a specific medication. suppose the medication is given to 22 randomly selected new patients with allergies. round to the fourth for all answers. Oliver spots an airplane on radar that is currently approaching in a straight line, andthat will fly directly overhead. The plane maintains a constant altitude of 6900 feet.Oliver initially measures an angle of elevation of 16 to the plane at point A. At somelater time, he measures an angle of elevation of 27 to the plane at point B. Find thedistance the plane traveled from point A to point B. Round your answer to thenearest tenth of a foot if necessary. For the following, use the information given by the inequality to describe the relative position of the numbers on a horizontal number line. 1. a certain tennis racquet at bobs tennis racquet emporium costs $180.00 with a sales tax of 7%. what is the total cost of the racquet?2. tennis pro, a store across the street, offers a before-tax price of 10% less than bobs store for a similar racquet. what will the price tag be on the similar racquet at tennis pro? which expression is equivalent to the following 3( 8x - 2y + 7 ) What do you think lead to the evolutionary differences between Owls and Falcons? Answer in at least four sentences. ethics refers to a firm's belief that an ongoing relationship with another firm is so important that it warrants maximum efforts at maintaining it indefinitely. true false Does the Panopticon meet all the goals of punishment? the value of the slope of a society's production possibility frontier is called its a. unemployment rate. b. marginal rate of transformation. c. marginal rate of substitution. d. inflation rate. What was an immediate result of Abraham Lincoln's election as president in November 1860?Question 5 options:several states seceded from the Union.A constitutional amendment to end slavery was adopted.Kansas and Nebraska joined the Union as free states.Missouri was admitted to the Union as a slave state. Fill in the following diagram. for biology. could someone help me? Please. HURRY I NEED THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!! Describe a food chain in detail. Use the teacher notes to help you. Must be 2-4 sentences with a complete description of a food chain and the types of organisms in that food chain. Please check spelling and grammar before submission.